2 minute read
A Letter from Father Balaji
A Letter from Father Balaji..................2 Parish History........................................3 Parish Map..............................................4 Stewardship of Time .............................6 Stewardship of Talent............................7 Stewardship of Treasure........................8 Safe Environment Policy ......................9
Ministry Descriptions
Hospitality & Community Life..........10 Faith Formation...................................12 Liturgy & Music...................................15 Pastoral Care & Social Outreach.......17 Auxiliary...............................................19
2022 Liturgical Schedule on back cover
A Letter from Our Pastor
Dear Parish Family,
“For I was a stranger and you invited me in.” — Mt. 25:35
Greetings and prayerful blessings to you! At St. Michael, we want everyone we encounter to say, You Invited Me In. It is in the moments when we welcome others that we are welcoming Christ Himself. And just as Christ has invited each of us into His life, we are called to do the same to others by inviting them into our parish family.
As a stewardship parish it is important that we continue to find ways to become hospitable. Each and every person that walks through our doors is loved and valued in the eyes of God. We are called to convey this love by inviting them into our church, ministries, and community. This is why we are emphasizing hospitality during our annual Stewardship Renewal this year as a pillar of our parish life.
Over the next year, I challenge you to grow in hospitality towards those within our parish and the community at large. Take a moment to reflect on how others have helped you feel welcome and at home here and make that same gesture of love to someone else!
God has blessed each of us, and when we recognize all that we have as the gifts that they are, we can use them responsibly and selflessly. This is why we choose to embrace Stewardship as a way of life, and to make St. Michael a place where we invite the “stranger” in as family. • This year, will you choose to make God a priority in your life by taking time to spend with Him daily in prayer or in Adoration?
• Will you actively participate in one of our parish ministries in hospitality to those around you?
• Will you choose to give a percentage of your income regularly to God through the parish offertory?
I am incredibly happy and grateful to be your pastor, and I thank you for your commitment to making St. Michael a place where everyone feels invited in as family. You and your families are in my prayers.
God Bless You,
Fr. Balalji Boyalla Pastor
Please bring your completed Commitment Card with you to Mass on October 22/23, mail it to the parish office using the enclosed envelope or fill it out online at www.smcchurch.org. Thanks, and God bless you!