1 minute read
Stewardship of Talent
God has given each of us many gifts and talents. As good stewards of these gifts, we are called to share them in service of others. When we use our gifts and talents for the glory of God, we become instruments of God’s love and grace in the world. We can touch lives in ways we never thought possible! At St. Michael, our ministries provide opportunities for us to serve God and others. Whether it is giving someone a warm meal or simply a warm smile, we can welcome others into the family of God by being Christ to them. Inviting the stranger, while sometimes challenging, is also deeply rewarding! Ask God how you can best serve Him through serving your brothers and sisters in Christ:
Ways to Welcome and Serve Others:
• Pray about how your gifts can best be used to help others feel welcome. • Sign up for a parish ministry that stretches you to put others’ needs before your own. • Greet your fellow parishioners before or after
Mass, introducing yourself to unfamiliar faces.