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Stewardship of Treasure
Our time and our talents are gifts from God, and so is our treasure. The way we spend our time and use our talents helps us serve others, and so, too does the way we spend our treasure. We give not because our parish has needs, but because we have a spiritual need to give. As Christian stewards, giving a portion of our treasure to God teaches us to depend on Him and share what He has bestowed upon us. Such goodness can be achieved when we allow God to be a part of our giving. Try it out, trust in the Lord by taking a leap of faith! It will not only effect your life, but also the lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
• At St. Michael, we honor every contribution you make to our parish and our diocese. We invite parishioners to consider increasing your gift to strengthen our ministries, which in turn will assist in involving more parishioners in all of our activities. • Pray about the best use of your financial resources and ask God to show you where you need to give Him priority in them. • Make a commitment to give regularly to God through the parish offertory, and be faithful to your commitment, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
If you have difficulty reaching your goal of the tithe, try increasing your giving incrementally one or two percent each year. Over time, you will reach your goal. Most importantly, you will know that you have been faithful in inviting God into every aspect of your life, even your finances.
Call to Action
Our Stewardship Renewal at St. Michael is an opportunity to grow in hospitality by inviting our family, fellow parishioners, newcomers, visitors and strangers into our parish family. By filling out a Commitment Card, we are able to make a tangible commitment to this growth through a life of stewardship. We invite you to join us on this journey!