1 minute read
Stewardship of Time
Helpful Prayer Resources
• Catholic phone or tablet apps: iBreviary,
Magnificat, Divine Office, or Hallow • Websites: usccb.org/bible/readings (daily readings of the Catholic Church), Vatican.va (The Vatican and Holy See)
In order to share God’s love with our brothers and sisters in Christ, we must personally know Him and His infinite love for us. It is by spending time with God that we will better know Him and understand His love. He will fill our hearts so that they overflow with joy — a joy that we cannot help but share!
We cannot give what we do not possess. In order to better serve God and our neighbor, consider how you spend your time. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you making time for the Sacraments? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you? Will you commit to praying not just for your own needs, but for those of your brothers and sisters in the wider community and world who are suffering?
Maintaining A Healthy Prayer Life:
• Pope Francis encourages all Catholics to spend time in daily prayer. Thank God for
His blessings, ask for His help in difficult circumstances and read Scripture. • Receive spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist at least every Sunday. • Spend uninterrupted time with Jesus Himself in Eucharistic Adoration (Friday, 9:00 AM to
Noon; First Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM; and
Thursday, after the evening Spanish Mass). • Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis and ask God for the grace to live a life of holiness. Reconciliation is available
Thursday, 5:30 PM to 6:30 PM; Saturday, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (changes will be announced in the bulletin) or you can call the office to make an appointment with a priest for your confession.