area catholic community

Jesus, teach us to pray. Help us to manage our time so that we can spend it with You.
Holy Spirit, fill us with Your gifts. May we offer ourselves in sacrifice for our parish and for all in need.
Father, give us generous hearts. Help us to manage our finances and to offer first fruits to You.
As your faithful disciples, we ask this for ourselves and for Catholics everywhere, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
In common language, “stewardship” simply means taking good care of one’s belongings. But at Mary, Mother of the Church, when we talk about stewardship, we mean something more than that. As Christians, we believe that we don’t really own anything, per se. God has created all things — everything we “own” is really “on loan” from God. From this perspective, then, stewardship means taking care of God’s gifts — and using them for His purposes.
Stewardship is using our time, talent, and treasure to build God’s Kingdom.
Stewardship isn’t a “program”. It’s not a one-year experiment. It’s a commitment to a lifestyle of Christian discipleship. The Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us that discipleship is, “the common vocation of all Christ’s disciples, a vocation to holiness and to the mission of evangelizing the world” (CCC, 1533). When we commit to lives of stewardship, we are saying that we are going to take the gifts that God has given us in our lives, our time, our talents and our treasure, and use them to grow in holiness and to share the love of God with everyone we meet. God asks us to be His hands and feet to those we encounter. Will you follow where He leads?
Many of us know that it is important to pray, but what is prayer and how do we do it? According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, prayer is “the raising of one’s mind and heart to God or the requesting of good things from God.” As Christians, each of us is encouraged to make time for doing just this every day. It is through prayer that we receive the peace that can only be found in doing God’s will. There are many ways to practice prayer, and each one connects us to God in a unique way.
Pope Francis encourages all to start spending 15 minutes every morning in quiet prayer by reading and reflecting on Sacred Scripture. A helpful place to start is the readings for each day, found at or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office or Hallow.
Thank God for the good things He has given you that you might take for granted throughout the day.
Examine your conscience before going to sleep and say an act of contrition like we do at Mass.
Pray with your children each night before bed, giving each family member an opportunity to pray for something and concluding with an Our Father, HailMary and the GloryBe.
Every week, our area catholic community is buzzing with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to other parishioners, and groups that reach out to the community. Christ Himself taught us that “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me” (Matthew 25:40). When we lay down our wants and desires to serve each other, God blesses our efforts! Will you consider where God is calling you to serve Him?
Pray about how the gifts God has given you can best be used to serve others.
Use your Commitment Card to find a ministry that will help you grow personally in living out your faith.
Commit to being faithful to God through those you serve in word and deed.
“Jesus said to them, ‘Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.’ Then they abandoned their nets and followed him.” — MARK 1:17-18
Our deepest reason for giving is not because our parish has needs, but because we have a spiritual need to give. We are called to give to God from our first fruits, and to recognize that everything comes from Him. Our gifts to God should be out of faith and gratitude for what God has done for us. Just like the apostles who laid down their nets the moment that Jesus called them, we too should lay down everything, even something as important to us as our finances, to follow Christ. God’s promise to us is a promise of life and security when we place all of our trust in Him. “The Lord will be with you and will never fail you or forsake you. So do not fear or be dismayed” (Deuteronomy 31:8).
At Mary, Mother of the Church we honor the scriptural tithe. We invite parishioners to give 5% of their gross income to God through the offertory, 1% to the diocese and 4% to other charities.
Pray about the best use of your financial resources and ask God to show you where you need to give Him priority in them.
Evaluate your regular offertory gift and increase it based on what you think God is calling you to give until you reach the full scriptural tithe.
Make a commitment to give regularly to God through the parish offertory, and be faithful to your tithing commitment, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St. Fredrick’s is an opportunity to spend time praying, reading Scripture, or meditating on spiritual needs. By committing to one hour, once a week, at St. Frederick’s Church, the ACC can maintain Perpetual Adoration before the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Times offered are Monday-Thursday, 4 a.m.-11 p.m. and Friday, 4 a.m.-3 p.m.
ACC: Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313,
The Catholic Order and Society of Foresters are a century-old Catholic fraternal benefit life insurance society for men and women, respectively, dedicated to providing members with financial security and opportunities for spiritual, social and charitable growth. The society offers scholarships for further education and matching grants for benevolent church and community projects.
Catholic Order of Foresters: Bob Keppers, 218-631-3331
National Catholic Society of Foresters: Virginia Zeta, 218-639-9763
CUF is a fraternal life insurance company with a special purpose — to provide our members with excellent insurance and financial products while returning their profits to Catholic communities in the forms of grants, scholarships and assistance. Their financial products provide members with the life insurance and retirement savings options they need while allowing them the opportunity
to impact their Catholic parishes, schools and community. Our local organization hosts many annual events such as Turkey Bingo and a Pancake Breakfast. All fundraising gets redirected back into the community.
ACC — St. Joseph Chapter: Jean Kemper, 218-631-2520 or 218-640-1740, St. John the Baptist — Holy Name Society: Bob and Mary Roggenkamp, 218-631-3681
The Cemetery Board is responsible for selling available plots, keeping records of sold plots, and maintaining the cemetery grounds. Our goal is to ensure that the souls of the faithful, buried in our cemeteries, are properly honored with beautiful grounds by planting trees, laying mulch, arranging flowers, etc.
St. Ann: Calvary Cemetery/Mike Pete, 218-639-2925
St. John the Baptist: LeRoy Haman, 218-385-2372
St. Joseph: Marie Uberto, 218-924-2638, St. Frederick: Dan Schmitz, 218-639-1818 St. Hubert: Bryan Wegscheid, 218-639-3618 Assumption of Our Lady: Deacon Randy Altstadt, 218-632-7315
A fellowship opportunity for Catholic women in our area to grow in faith together through networking, mutual support, affirmation, learning, and prayer. This faith-sharing group is an excellent opportunity for personal and spiritual growth and includes a multi-week series of meetings where a book is purchased and used for discussion purposes.
St. Ann: Mary Drkula, 218-631-3157
St. John the Baptist: Cheryl Kerzman, 218-639-6305, St. Joseph: Maria Miner, 218-639-7325
St. Frederick: Tina Moenkedick, 218-639-6058
St. Hubert: Rosie Middendorf, 218-445-7004 Assumption of Our Lady: Sarah Bobst, 320-232-9828
Days For Girls is a local chapter of an international organization that works to provide underserved communities locally, nationally, and internationally with sustainable, hygienic, reusable and cost-effective menstruation pads.
St. Ann: Carol Osborn, 218-371-1807
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound are commissioned Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who, on a weekly basis, bring the Eucharist to parishioners that are homebound, hospitalized, or in nursing homes.
St. Ann: Phil Thoennes, 218-631-2589
St. Joseph: Butch Rice, 218-924-2423,
St. Hubert: Lela Platt, 218-234-8966
St. Michael: Cindy Sauber, 320-232-3610
Sacred Heart: Jan Tyrrell, 218-894-1821; Mary Kobliska, 218-894-5095
St. John the Baptist: Patty Kicker, 218-631-4111
This ministry offers comfort to people who have experienced the death of a loved one by assisting and coordinating a funeral meal in the parish hall/ community center following the funeral Mass and burial. Members of this ministry may be called upon to request or provide food donations, serve food during the meal, or clean up afterwards.
St. John the Baptist: Cheryl Kerzman, 218-639-6305
St. Joseph: Dee Hendershot, 218-640-7453
St. Frederick: Tina Moenkedick, 218-639-6058
St. Hubert: Vera Malone, 218-837-1836
St. Michael: Gloria Stone, 218-575-2806
Sacred Heart: Sheila Becker, 218-894-3730
The Good Samaritan/Ministerial Fund assists those of need in the community. Some of the money given each year is designated for the aid of parishioners and others in the community who come to us with requests for assistance. The remainder is available to local charitable organizations that have an active connection to our parish.
St. Ann: Bruce Uselman, 218-639-0610
The Grief Support Group is a resource for those who are experiencing grief due to the loss of a loved one by providing emotional support, resources, and camaraderie. All ages are welcome to any of the weekly meetings that include prayer, weekly lessons, and discussion on topics such as “What is Grief,” “The Difference Between Short and Long-Term Grief,” “Miscarriage and Grief,” “Grieving the Loss of a Pet” and other griefrelated topics.
Lela Platt, 218-631-7177 Caren Winkels, 218-837-6043
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men, founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. It provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis on family, youth, church, council, and community activities. The ministry provides spiritual growth for its members and opportunities for service to the parish and to the larger community through such events as pancake breakfasts in support of seminarians and pro-life dinners. Membership in the Knights of Columbus is open to all Catholic men over the age of 18.
ACC West: Billy Schwartz, 218-385-2148
ACC East: Matt Hanson, 218-296-1283
The Men’s Group promotes fellowship among the men of the parish through regular meetings, opportunities for service, and social events. Men’s Group meets monthly on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. Meetings begin with prayer
and reflection, followed by discussion of upcoming service and social events. All men over the age of 21 are welcome.
St. Hubert: Larry Malone, 218-639-5988
St. Michael: Steve Lorber, 218-352-6327; Matt Olander, 218-296-2213
A mission-minded service group dedicated to supporting the local and world missions of those in need by answering the call of the Church to pray for missionaries and by making quilts and other items that are donated to the less fortunate.
St. Ann: Saint Mother Teresa — Barb Thoennes, 218-631-2589
St. John the Baptist: St Mary — Karen Haman, 218-385-2372
Sacred Heart: Saint Mother Teresa — Jan Tyrrell, 218-894-1821
The Parish Life Committee helps the parish to be invitational and operational in the mission of Jesus Christ and our Area Catholic Community, provides a sense of welcome and belonging to all parishioners, and coordinates social events that span the interests of all parishioners. The committee meets as needed to carry out the parish goals, objectives and action items according to the policies and programs given to them by the pastor, staff and councils.
St. Ann: Erica Keppers, 218-631-3331,
St. John the Baptist: Laurie Laughlin, 218-385-3523,
St. Joseph: Ruth Freyholtz, 320-766-9965
St. Frederick: Tim and Shari Dalen, 218-445-5645
St. Hubert: Gene Kern, 218-837-1823
Assumption of Our Lady: Sarah Bobst, 320-232-9828
St. Michael: Matt Olander, 218-296-2213
Sacred Heart: Jackie Goff, 218-851-5676
Volunteers take pictures and/or video at ACC events. Other volunteers create and manage a repository of these pictures and videos to document the history of our parish photographically. Jessy Waldock, 218-632-7324
A network of parishioners praying for intentions requested by fellow parishioners. Each prayer request is passed to fellow prayer warriors via email who then actively pray for these intentions. New intercessors are always welcomed. All prayer requests are kept confidential.
St. Ann: Rose Johnson, 218-631-3142
St. John the Baptist: Margaret VanErp, 218-862-8400
St. Joseph: Ginger Gilbert, 218-296-1531; Kathy Harren, 218-738-3558
St. Frederick: Bonnie Richter, 218-640-2408 St. Hubert: Shirley Malone, 218-640-6113 Assumption of Our Lady: Sarah Bobst, 320-232-9828
St. Michael: Connie Becker, 218-894-1176 Sacred Heart: Arlene Skov, 218-894-3922; Rose Deering, 218-894-2267
Quilters of all ages and skills come together to share their talents “one stitch at a time.” Quilts are presented at raffles throughout the year or donated to hospice, Indian reservations, Eagles’ Nest and other needs within our ACC community. Group quilting takes place quarterly and usually meets in the parish hall at St. Ann’s.
ACC: Dee Hendershot, 218-640-7453,; Barb Thoennes, 218-631-2589
Volunteers from the parish come together to assist with various activities held throughout the year at the parish and may also be asked to help serve at funeral luncheons.
St. Ann: Mary Jorgenson, 218-631-4759 St. Hubert: Shirley Malone, 218-640-6113
Sacred Heart: Mary Murray (Circle 15), 320-282-1482; Sara Hoemberg (Circle 6), 218-894-1207
Mary, Mother of the Church Area Catholic Community works to encourage and promote awareness, friendship and support with our twin sister parish, Saints Peter and Paul of Ntimaru, Kenya. We offer prayers, supplies, monetary support and personal efforts to build a stronger community while demonstrating the true meaning of stewardship in our faith communities through growing in mutual love and charity.
St. Ann: Lorie Baron, 218-631-3500
The Wellness Committee/Parish Nurse Ministry is dedicated to the physical, mental, and spiritual wellness of each of our parishioners. With a strong health promotion and illness prevention emphasis, this ministry finds ways to bridge gaps in care through education, advocacy, and services such as blood pressure monitoring, exercise classes for seniors, and quarterly blood drives in conjunction with the Red Cross. St. Ann: Joyce Uselman, 218-631-1231 or 639-6361,
Our ACC strives to provide ongoing spiritual formation for adults, primarily through periodic lecture series. Our aim is to proclaim the message of Jesus, build community, lead adults to worship and prayer, and motivate them to serve others.
Molly Laxen, 218-632-7319 or
Altar Servers ministry offers boys and girls (in third grade and above, who have received First Communion), the chance to serve at the altar and assist the Priest and the Deacon by carrying the cross, candles, thurible, bread, wine and water. Training will equip you to preform this special function. Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313 or
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist the Priests and Deacons with the distribution of Holy Communion in order to accommodate the faithful. The ministry demands the utmost respect and reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament and rubrics of the Mass. All Extraordinary Ministers should be able-bodied, with no physical debility or impediment (such as arthritis, epilepsy, shaking, etc.) that could cause them to drop or spill the Eucharistic species. Training is provided.
Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313 or
Greeters cheerfully extend hospitality to people as they enter the Church for Mass. They create a welcoming environment by greeting parishioners and visitors.
Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313 or
Lectors proclaim the Word of God at Mass in a clear and dignified manner. Training is provided. Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313 or
Musicians fulfill an important role to enhance the sacred liturgy. By joining the choir or playing an instrument, you can be a part of this important ministry.
St. Ann: Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313
St. John the Baptist: Linda Imdieke, 218-385-2232
Assumption of Our Lady: Tim Ellingson, 218-564-4646
St. Hubert: Mary Beth Brockpahler, 218-837-5976
Sacred Heart: Mike Blessing, 218-894-2337
St. Joseph: Dee Hendershot, 218-640-7453
St. Michael: Mike Blessing, 218-894-2337
St. Frederick: Mike Blessing, 218-894-2337
The role of the usher is to be a minister of hospitality, which includes greeting and seating parishioners, helping to collect gifts of time, talent, and treasure during the preparation,
guiding people to receive Holy Communion, and passing out bulletins after Mass. Andrew Mahon, 218-632-7313 or
Our Youth Discipleship Program offers Faith Formation on Wednesday Evenings for students in Kindergarten through 12th grade. Volunteers would help to provide quality faith formation which enables students to grow in their faith and develop a better understanding of the message of Christ.
Molly Laxen, 218-632-7319 or
Our ACC youth group seeks to bring teenagers into a living relationship with God and each other through Jesus Christ. With a love for the Gospel and a belief in the vitality of our faith, the youth group participants help shape our parish and prepare themselves to spread the Gospel.
Molly Laxen, 218-632-7319 or
The season of Lent is a time of year where Christians especially focus on their relationship
with God through extra prayer, self-discipline, and good deeds. As part of the Catholic tradition, Sacred Heart Area School is hosting Community Fish Fry Dinners every Friday during Lent from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. Jessica Alexander, 218-894-2077
Home and School supports the Sacred Heart Area School by providing logistical assistance with some of the many events that our school offers. Made up of parent volunteers, the H & S organizes the school dances, provides food at the Back-to-School Night, and serves coffee and treats after the school’s seasonal performances; Home and School members help to make our school great through their volunteerism!
Jessica Alexander, 218-894-2077
The Spring Blast Committee helps to raise support for Sacred Heart School by working with parents, volunteers and alumni to decorate and prepare the school for an evening that includes a dinner, live and silent auction, and games of chance. Jessica Alexander, 218-894-2077
We have several events in need of volunteers. Add your name to our list of contacts and we will reach out in our time of need!
Jessica Alexander, 218-894-2077
Catholic Order of Foresters
National Catholic Society of Foresters
Catholic United Financial (CUF)
Holy Name Society
Catholic United Financial (CUF) — St. Joseph
Cemetery Board
Christian Women/Mothers
Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound
Funeral Lunch (St. Frederick)
Funeral Lunch (St. Hubert)
Funeral Lunch (St. Michael)
Funeral Lunch (Sacred Heart)
Good Samaritan/Ministerial Fund