Encountering Christ Through Stewardship

Jesus, teach us to pray. Help us to manage our time so that we can spend it with You. Holy Spirit, fill us with Your gifts. May we offer ourselves in sacrifice for all in need. Father, give us generous hearts. Help us to manage our finances and to give You priority.
As our faithful disciples, we ask this for ourselves and people everywhere, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Christ’s ministry began with an invitation and His first disciples’ response. It continues today with that same call to you and I. Jesus says to each of us, “come follow me.” It’s an invitation to a better way through this life — a way that brings joy and fulfillment in who we are and what we do. Our entire lives, Jesus has been calling us to this better way and offers us Himself as the Way, the Truth and the Life. He invites us and awaits our response.
Practicing stewardship is living according to Christ’s way and enables us to grow more fully as His disciples. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, put more faith in Him, put more trust in Him, and put more reliance on Him to take care of all your needs. When you do, you will encounter Christ, and He will show you His plan for your life.
Prayer is the lifeblood of a true disciple of Christ. Without a healthy relationship with Christ, we can not hope to know His perfect will or the depths of His love. As you discern how God is calling you to give of your time this year, ask Him to transform your heart to His will. How is God calling you to encounter Him in prayer?
Prepare yourself for Sunday Mass by reflecting ahead of time as a family on the lectionary readings that will be proclaimed. Even five or 10 minutes will change you!
Encounter Christ in His true presence in the Eucharist at Mass during the week whenever possible.
Set aside time each week to go before the Lord in Eucharistic Adoration, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Every night before bed, pray slowly and lovingly the prayer that Jesus Himself taught us, the “Our Father.”
Talents are the gifts from God that enable us to serve Him. All talents or skills that we have can be used to give God glory and are equally important in His eyes. During this year’s Stewardship Renewal, consider your own talents and ask God how you can best use them to serve Him through His people.
Pray for the grace to see Christ in those you serve.
Get involved in a service ministry that stretches you to be more selfless.
No matter what ministry or group you are involved with, always begin and end your meetings or activities by praying together and inviting Christ into your meeting.
In just the same way that we have received the gifts of time and talent from God, so have we received our treasure. While many of us have worked hard to earn the money in our pockets, His gifts to us are what have enabled us to do so. In grateful appreciation for His gifts to us, we are called to give our best, our “first fruits,” back to Him. By placing Him first in our finances, we show Him that He is more important than material goods and give Him power over all in our lives.
At Saint Michael Parish we honor the scriptural tithe. We invite parishioners to give 6% of their gross income to God through the offertory, 1% to the archdiocese and 3% to other charities.
Take a look at your current budget and spending habits and assess what expenses are preventing you from giving more selflessly.
Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory and be faithful to your tithing commitment, even when you attend Mass elsewhere.
Meet Jesus face-to-face in the Holy Eucharist. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is an expression of our love and a profession of our faith in Christ’s presence now on earth. This is our opportunity to come before Jesus and thank Him for His ultimate sacrifice for our salvation, to share with Him our trials and sufferings, and to ask for His help and grace in our lives. He waits patiently and lovingly for each of us to come to Him. Give yourself the gift of spending time with our Lord; remember the question Jesus asked His apostles, “Could you not spend one hour with me (in prayer)?” Adoration takes place 24 hours a day, seven days a week in the Saint Joseph Chapel. Volunteers can commit to adoration at a specific time for one hour per week, or for one or more hours per month as a substitute. Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
This ministry provides one-on-one prayer for parishioners in need after Sunday Masses in the Pier Giorgio Room. Commitment is about 15 minutes on the scheduled Sunday. Contact: Alyssa Powers at apowers@saintmichaelparish.org
Every Christmas season, Saint Michael Parish partners with Catholic Community Services, Drexel House, and the School Districts to provide gift cards for families in need. The donated gifts are delivered to the partner organizations who will then distribute them.
Contact: Steward for Community Outreach at kpatton@saintmichaelparish.org
Bring the Word of God and the message of God’s love and forgiveness to incarcerated men and women. Work in teams, share your faith, lead, or assist with activities and bring Holy Communion to Catholics
behind bars. Others may assist with parish activities in support of this ministry. Comply with institutionspecific prerequisites.
Contact: Steward for Community Outreach at kpatton@saintmichaelparish.org
We do our best to care for our homebound brothers and sisters and ensure anyone in need of anointing can receive it. Eucharistic Visitors are available to bring Communion to homebound parishioners as well as those who have transitioned to assisted living or hospice care in the Olympia area.
Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
Provide family and friends of the deceased an opportunity to come together in love, to support one another during a difficult time. Volunteers may opt to prepare food, host, set up/clean up, or come and help with the entire reception. We hope you'll consider joining this growing ministry. Contact: Steward for Community Outreach at kpatton@saintmichaelparish.org
Provide a “helping hand” to people 18 and older who need temporary assistance by providing meals on different occasions, short-term respite for caregivers, visiting or calling on the homebound, plus assisting with healthcare appointments, grocery shopping, or other errands and needs. Valid driver’s license and auto insurance required.
Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
Interfaith Works and Plum Village Chefs
Interfaith Works is opening a larger overnight shelter facility this winter and will need additional support providing meals to their shelter guests.
Contact: Steward for Community Outreach at kpatton@saintmichaelparish.org
Provides personal, practical and emotional support on a one-on-one basis. Maternity and baby items available, as well as clothing for children up to age 5. All services are free of charge. Contact: Roseanne Hoza at 360-956-7413
St. Paul Street Evangelization
Focus is on evangelization and outreach by sharing the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ in the streets of Thurston County. It follows the guidance of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops found in the elements of the New Evangelization. Contact: office@saintmichaelparish.org
The Clothing Bank distributes free clothing to those in need. Volunteers are needed to receive and sort donations.
Contact: Mike Revoir at mikejrevoir@yahoo.com
St. Vincent de Paul Home Visits
Provides emergency financial assistance to those in need, including rent and utility assistance. Trained volunteers visit the homes of those asking for assistance to determine the nature of help required and provide an opportunity to get to know our neighbor and pray together. Contact: stmichaelsvdpoly@gmail.com
Altar servers serve at the Lord’s table for Sundays, Holy Days, funerals, wedding liturgies, and Masses with Saint Michael Parish School. This is a great way to be involved and to learn more about the Mass. The ministry is open to adults who are active parishioners and to youth in at least the fourth grade who have received First Communion. Training is provided and a dress code is followed. Contact: Tom Targus at tomtargus@comcast.net
The Altar Society supports altar needs such as cleaning, new altar cloths, laundry, and the parish Nativity set. They also support seminarians and the Funeral Luncheon Ministry. Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
This hard-working group supports the liturgy and welcomes anyone with “arts and crafts” skills to help us decorate and create the atmosphere for fulfilling worship. Members help plan and implement the enhancement of our liturgical and worship spaces. Time commitment varies by project.
Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at Mass
Extraordinary Ministers assist, with reverence and dignity, in the distribution of the Eucharist at Mass. This ministry is available to active, confirmed parishioners. Training session required.
Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
Greeter at Funerals
Join the Funeral Ministry as a greeter and provide a warm and welcoming presence to attendees. Funeral Masses are typically at noon on weekdays, with greeters arriving approximately 30 minutes before the start and remaining until guests have departed. Contact: Steward for Community Outreach at kpatton@saintmichaelparish.org
Lector — Reader at Mass Lectors proclaim God’s living Word on Sundays and at special liturgies, approximately once a month or at daily Mass once a week. Lectors also lead the Prayers of the Faithful when a deacon is not present. This ministry is available to active and confirmed parishioners. Tryouts and training are required.
Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
Sacristans ensure all preparations for Mass are complete and that albs, linens, candlesticks, etc. are clean and ready. A sacristan has a love of the liturgy, an eye for detail, and good people skills. About two hours are needed for preparation before and cleanup after Mass. Volunteers must have previously served as Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. There is also an interview process.
Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
Ushers assist in helping parishioners find seats and in taking up the Sunday offering. They also coordinate the direction and manage the Communion line.
Contact: Steward for Liturgy at nnussel@saintmichaelparish.org
Vietnamese Mass occurs every second Sunday of the month. Support for Mass includes lectors, sacristans, altar servers, greeters, ushers, hospitality and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Contact: Parochial Vicar at office@saintmichaelparish.org
Wedding Liturgy Coordinator
Coordinators assist engaged couples to plan their liturgy, direct the rehearsal, and are present on the wedding day.
Contact: Steward for Faith Formation at jshirley@saintmichaelparish.org
Be part of a team that supports special parish events that gather existing parishioners and welcome new ones.
Contact: Steward for Engagement and Social Media at rex@saintmichaelparish.org
Be a part of what enhances the Sunday experience by welcoming everyone that walks through our doors. Respond to emergencies, open or close windows and doors, and hand out bulletins after Mass. Commitment is approximately 90 minutes per Sunday scheduled. A great opportunity for families and those trying ministry for the first time. Training is provided.
Contact: Steward for Hospitality at apowers@saintmichaelparish.org
Be part of a hospitality team that provides coffee, donuts, and snacks for parishioners after Sunday Masses as they enjoy fellowship with one another.
Contact: Steward for Hospitality at apowers@saintmichaelparish.org
Make a joyful noise! The choirs at all Masses are in need of soprano and alto voices. Rehearsals occur either on a weeknight or before Masses, depending on the ensemble. Choirs also support funerals, weddings, and Solemnities.
Contact: Steward for Music, Andrew Goldstein, agoldstein@saintmichaelparish.org
The Life Teen Band is rebuilding and is in need of a regular drummer, bass player, and electric guitar player.
Contact: Contemporary Sacred Music Coordinator, Jaysen Geissler, jgeissler@saintmichaelparish.org
Baptism Facilitator
Assists in welcoming parents and expanding their understanding of the baptismal commitment. The primary activity is greeting families and guiding them in the Sacrament of Baptism during a Sunday Mass.
Contact: Steward for Children’s Ministries at hhach@saintmichaelparish.org
Book/Bible Study Facilitator
Scripture study includes daily personal Bible reading and study, small-group faith sharing, video and lecture presentations, and prayer. Book studies focus on a particular book, which helps the participants grow in the practice and understanding of their faith. Facilitators guide the discussion, establish an open and accepting environment, lead group prayer, and support and encourage participants. Training is provided. Volunteers should be faithful to the time commitment, be willing to lead prayer and discussion, and have a welcoming spirit.
Contact: Steward for Evangelical Catholic, Small Groups and Bible Studies at mmoreau@saintmichaelparish.org
In CGS, children explore their relationship with God through prayer, Scripture, liturgy, and the liturgical year in a prepared environment called the Atrium. The Atrium and all the beautiful handson materials are based on a Montessori approach to faith formation. Sessions are offered for Level 1 (age 3-6), Level 2 (age 7-9), and Level 3 (age 10-12). Volunteer openings are for catechists, assistants, and facilitators for parent small groups. Training is provided. Background check and Safe Environment training are required.
Contact: Steward for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Sacramental Preparation at elyons@saintmichaelparish.org
Many hands make light work. If you have talents in sewing, woodworking, cutting, art, or cleaning, please consider serving our children in the Atrium. We are looking for a team to work on projects from home, as well as a monthly cleaning crew to dust in the Atrium. Contact: Steward for Catechesis of the Good Shepherd and Sacramental Preparation at elyons@saintmichaelparish.org
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Life Teen)
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) is a proclamation of the Word of God adapted for children. It is celebrated at the 9:30 a.m. and Life Teen Mass downtown. Prayer Leaders and Assistants offer the opportunity for children to share how Scripture speaks to them and how they experience Jesus each day. A background check and Safe Environment Training are required.
Contact: Steward for Children’s Ministry at hhach@saintmichaelparish.org
Join a team of adults that provides our high school teens with a comprehensive youth ministry experience. This ministry meets weekly during the school year and provides retreat experience throughout the year.
Contact: Steward for Youth Ministry at bjones@saintmichaelparish.org
Join a team that helps plan and lead nights for married couples.
Contact: Steward for Faith Formation at jshirley@saintmichaelparish.org
This group provides an opportunity for men to grow in their faith as they strive to become the men God calls them to be. Led by our Pastor, the group meets each Wednesday morning from 6:30-7:30 a.m. and uses a process of prayer, song, study, and discussion. Topics include Sacred Scripture, teachings of the Catholic Church, and the issues and challenges that confront men in today’s world as they strive to follow Christ’s example at home, work, and in their community. This is an ongoing gathering and one can join in at any time.
Contact: Brian Ziegler at brianandjuliez@comcast.net
RCIA is seeking Dismissal Volunteer leaders to help unpack the Sunday readings during Mass with those who wish to be baptized, the Catechumens. Training is provided!
Contact: Steward for RCIA at mtefft@saintmichaelparish.org
Small Faith-Sharing Communities meet in homes, at the parish, or other locations with eight to 12 parishioners in a more intimate environment to pray and share, making a large parish feel more like a family. Small groups meet to deepen your understanding of Sunday Scripture; gain wisdom; share prayer petitions, insights, and “God sightings” in a confidential setting; meet other parishioners and share life and faith experiences; deepen your own faith/life connection in a supportive environment. Contact: Steward for Evangelical Catholic, Small Groups and Bible Studies at mmoreau@saintmichaelparish.org
Are you interested in helping others journey into the Catholic faith? RCIA is seeking sponsors, age 16 years or older, who are active members of the parish community. Sponsors help both catechumens and candidates on their journey into the Catholic Church.
Contact: Steward for RCIA at mtefft@saintmichaelparish.org
Specific to the Vietnamese community, TNTT aims to teach youth ages 7-17 to be virtuous people and good Christians. The objectives are to promote prayers for the Holy Father, devotion to the Eucharist, honor Mary as a model for discipleship, and support the missionary efforts of the Church through prayer, sacraments, service, and sacrifice. Parents and other adults assist youth leaders as assistants and supporters to set up facilities, prepare
snacks, sing songs, provide transportation for special events, and general chaperoning. Open to adults ages 25 and up. Youth leaders learn, share, teach, and guide other youth on living a “Eucharistic Day,” playing games, camping, skits, assisting in retreats, and prayer. Commitment is three to four hours per week. Training is provided for both adult and youth volunteers, and a background check and Safe Environment training are required.
Contact: Thuy Nguyen at TNTT_Lead@saintmichaelparish.org
There are so many ways to serve in VBS. This ministry provides a weeklong Bible-based experience for young children to grow closer to Jesus Christ. Serve as a group leader or on one of our teams (music, crafts, snacks, and more). Those in seventh grade to adults can serve in this ministry. Contact: Steward for Children’s Ministry at hhach@saintmichaelparish.org
This group provides an opportunity for women to grow in their faith while growing in friendship with their sisters in Christ. The group has several monthly events including Blessed is She brunches and Women at the Well nights, which include talks, prayer, and discussion. The women’s ministry also promotes Magnify 90 and a yearly retreat for the women of our parish. Contact: Steward for Faith Formation at jshirley@saintmichaelparish.org
Young adults ages 18 to 35, whether you are single, or married are invited to attend Saint Michael Parish Young Adult Ministry events. Join us for opportunities for fellowship, to hear great talks, dive into the Word of God, and participate in discussion with other young adults. Contact: Steward for Faith Formation at jshirley@saintmichaelparish.org
The cancer support group provides faith-based support and reaches out to those who are diagnosed with cancer, their family, and friends. Groups meet on Zoom and are free. Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
Volunteers count the Sunday collection in teams. Teams are scheduled on a rotating basis. Collection counting takes place on Monday morning, with the exception of holidays.
Contact: Bookkeeper at loelschlager@saintmichaelparish.org
The grief support group provides faith-based support and reaches out to those in our community who carry a heavy heart, struggling with the loss of a loved one, illness in the family, and other life issues. One-to-one and group support are offered free.
Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
The Knights of Columbus is a service organization for Catholic men, age 18 and older. The Knights are active in charity and service throughout the parish and the greater community, and support vocations to religious life. Involvement in the Knights presents opportunities for personal growth, responsibility, and leadership. Pillars of the order are charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
This ministry helps maintain our beautiful grounds by organizing works parties to trim trees, pull weeds, lay bark and much more. We usually schedule two to three work parties a year on a Saturday morning. Contact: Nancy Goerig at ncjg726@hotmail.com
The Parish Health Ministry provides educational opportunities for parishioners to better understand the connection between body, mind, and soul. Those with experience in the health field are encouraged to participate and share their experience with other parishioners, preventing disease, responding to crisis and emphasizing the importance of good health habits.
Contact: Steward for Pastoral Care at breece@saintmichaelparish.org
difficult to give God any percentage
time, talent, or treasure
do not first give Him
a time for growing