Saint Michael Parish Newsletter — May 2022

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Celebrating the May Crowning

What’s Inside: 2

The Bible The Textbook of Stewardship


May: Celebrating the Month of Mary


Lovingly Serving as God’s Hands on Earth The Shelter Meal Delivery Ministry


Thieu Nhi Thanh The: The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement


The Rosary: Our Lady’s Lasso

MAY 2021

Mary, Queen of Heaven, Pray for Us!


n the beautiful wisdom and special history at of our Catholic our parish school. Tradition, the month Eighth-grade religion of May is devoted to teacher Kathi Rafferty Mary, Queen of Heaven. helps put together this This month includes celebration each year. several Marian feast “Our second-graders days, including Our Lady have just made their of Fatima on May 13, First Communion so Mary Help of Christians they wear their dresses on May 24, and the and formal wear,” she Visitation on May 31. says. “The boys process We are encouraged to in and form a sort of honor Mary during this honor guard as the girls month. Several ways process in and place This year’s May Queen, that we can do that their bouquets at the feet Thien-Ai Nguyen include praying the of Mary.” Rosary more frequently, teaching our Historians are unclear exactly children and friends about our loving where the custom of the May Crowning mother, and honoring Mary with a May originated from but the celebration Crowning. of crowning Mary with flowers is a For the second and eighth-grade beautiful tradition. students, the May Crowning has a long Each of the second and eighthcontinued on page 5

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