As Scripture tells us in the Gospel of Matthew, when we help or serve others who are less fortunate than us, we are loving Christ Himself. When we take an extra moment to smile at someone, or bring them dinner during a rough time, we are telling that person that they are “good,” and that we love and appreciate them as fellow children of God. This year, during our Stewardship Renewal, take a minute to reexamine yourself. Do you spend time in daily prayer? Can you make a concrete effort to help another person — be it a longtime friend or a new parishioner — feel wanted and appreciated? Will you give of your finances, one of your most valuable commodities, so that God can bless you and others?
Welcoming Others with the Love of Christ
Hospitality — being friendly and welcoming — is one of the hallmarks of a stewardship parish. One of the simplest ways that we can show others the love of God is by helping them feel wanted, valuable and welcome. At St. Patrick’s Parish, we want our members to feel like they belong to a friendly community, so that they can become engaged in the life of the Church. In keeping with this goal, our theme for this year’s Stewardship Renewal is “Welcoming Christ.”

A daily heart-to-heart conversation with Christ is the key to personal spiritual growth. Be intentional about setting aside time each day for prayerful reflection. In addition, resources for prayer can be found at readings or on Catholic phone and tablet apps, such as iBreviary, Magnificat or Divine Office.
We, as a community of faith, must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we first need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?
The Mass is the highest prayer of the Church, and should also be the high point of our week. Consider making it your top priority to never miss a Sunday liturgy.
“The family that prays together stays together.” Choose times each day to pray with your spouse and children: bedtime prayers, a Scripture verse at mealtimes, or a decade of the Rosary on the way to school or work.

Our parish has dozens of ministries and means by which you can serve others, from ushering to cooking to community outreach. What means of service inspire you the most? Where is your conscience stirring, inviting you to get involved in our parish ministries to serve God and His people?
Let’s work together to build a welcoming community as we serve God and one another.
Our children learn about God and prepare for the sacraments, thanks to the hard work of our Religious Education catechists. Will you use your gifts to help our young people grow in their relationship with Christ?
Following the example Christ set for us, we strive to offer ourselves in service to others. Every day, we have the choice to serve or to sit back; to get involved or be self-involved. This year, is God calling you to do more for others through service? As the pages of this book attest, there are dozens of opportunities throughout the year to serve others, educate our children, reach out to the needy, and much more. Your participation is welcome.

Are you grateful to God that you are employed? Do you recognize the blessings the Lord has bestowed on you financially? How will you commit to giving back to the Lord a portion of your income? As you discern the amount of your gift, remember that God calls us to give from our “first fruits,” not from our leftovers. Ask for the grace to put God first in your finances.
At St. Patrick’s Parish, we give to God according to the scriptural “tithe”, which literally means 10% of one’s harvest or income. Each family is encouraged to break up the tithe as follows: 5% to God through the parish offertory 1% to the diocese 4% to other charitable causes
Consider signing up for electronic giving by visiting our parish website, This is a quick and easy way to make sure that you stay on top of your planned giving.
If you know you should increase your level of giving, but find it difficult to do so, challenge yourself: “How much do I spend every month on entertainment and eating out? Does my spending reflect the priority of God in my life?”
If you’re unable to give the full biblical tithe right now, assess what percentage you can give, and then move up by 1% or 2% increments each year until you can reach the full 10%.
Christian discipleship requires that we put Christ first in every aspect of our lives, including our finances.

Contact: Kathie Valentine, 530-432-9259, 6
Contact: Carlie Foote (Co-Chair), 530-305-3150,; Bonnie Burke (Co-Chair), 530-272-4113
A parish group that seeks to provide opportunities for all members of the parish to build a community of faith outside of the liturgy. This will include organizing and facilitating events of food, fellowship, and fun! Some examples are helping with Donut Sunday, the Parish Picnic, and other family-centered events.
Contact: Tommy Jacobs, 706-289-6027,
Senior outreach volunteers provide companionship for homebound elderly parishioners who have minimum contact with others. We can arrange for weekly visits and phone calls.
Donut Sunday is held on the 4th Sunday of each month after the morning Masses. Parishioners are invited to gather in the Parish hall to socialize with their fellow parishioners and enjoy a donut, coffee, tea, or juice. Join us for a wonderful opportunity to meet fellow parishioners and share our Catholic Faith.
Greeters welcome and assist parishioners attending all Masses. If you like to share your smile and warm greetings, making our parish community feel welcomed and included, then this ministry is for you!
This ministry helps Father and supports social events of the parish, such as receptions for funerals and confirmation, deanery dinners, priests’ suppers, as well as other social events where Father may need assistance.
Contact: Ginny Owen, 530-432-1175; Dolores Jones, escott_place@sbcglobal.net530-263-6537,
Contact: Mark and Karen Frederick, 530-432-1739,
If you are a single adult who finds yourself alone and who doesn’t want to go solo to dine, see movies or plays, travel, etc. then you are welcome to join our Circle of Friends. We are a ministry banded together to enjoy each other in Christian fellowship. We meet once a month on the last Wednesday in the small hall at 6 p.m. for a potluck dinner to enjoy each other’s company and plan future activities
Contact: Parish Office, 530 -273-2347
A parish welcoming group for newcomers and all parishioners. There will be events and gettogethers to acquaint you with each other, the parish activities, and its ministries. This is a new and evolving ministry. Questions, suggestions, comments, and volunteers are welcome.
Contact: Peggy Griffin, 530-432-1111,
All widows are invited to join us and share the experience and wisdom that we, as widows, have been given through our loss and our new calling, to garner strength and wisdom. We meet on the second and fourth Friday in St. Patrick’s small hall after morning Mass.
Contact: Liz Cruz, lizzy.guerra@gmail.com530-798-1531,
7 the Liturgical Calendar and special Masses; change and order candles.
The Culture of Life Ministry’s mission is to foster dignity of all human life from conception through natural death by promoting respect of life with love, compassion, and hope through prayer, education, and community involvement.
Contact: Larry McGrath, 530-263-5291,
Contact: Barbara Burns, laburns10793@gmail.com530-432-2119,
Contact: Janice O’Brien, 530-444-0204,
All are invited to come to praise Jesus and draw closer to God in this very intimate form of Praise and Prayer and explore the exercising of the Charisms, all led by the Holy Spirit. We are an ecumenical group, and all ages are welcome who wish to Praise God in prayer and song and engage in intercessory prayer. We meet every Friday in the Angels Nest from 5:307:00 p.m.
USHERS Ushers assist the parishioners at the weekend Masses and any church function that requires their assistance.
ALTAR SERVERS By invitation of the pastor, youth (fourth grade and up), young adults, and adults serve Mass as needed.
Contact: Marilyn Peters, marilyn@petersdrilling.com530-913-6583,
Volunteers manage linens for the altar, credence, and ambo tables; provide fresh flowers; set up, create, and change banners and frontals to reflect
Contact: Gabriella Stockdale, gabriellastockdale@gmail.com530-206-6665,
Contact: Mary Anne Ettlin, 530-559-7488,
All who are interested in singing are welcome — join us for a rehearsal to try it out! Being able to read music is not required. Adult choirs sing at the 7:30, 9 and 11 a.m. Masses on Sunday and at other liturgical celebrations as needed. A children’s choir and a teen/ young adult choir will be singing once
MINISTRY OF PRAISE Daily prayer for the sick and dying. Parish members are encouraged to call in their prayer requests.
Contact: Pat Rutter,,
Parishioners are invited to spend time with Christ and pray before the Blessed Sacrament during set times of Adoration. We appreciate the commitment of parish members to be scheduled for one hour.
The most important purpose of this ministry is to fulfill the Spiritual Work of Mercy to pray for the living and the dead, and to fulfill the Corporal Work of Mercy to bury the dead. We are also here to assist Father and the family in preparing for a funeral and to be flexible to their needs.
Follows the vision of Sr. Catherine McAuley to serve Jesus through works of mercy toward the poor, the sick, and the uneducated. Meets quarterly.
Contact: Margaret Brown, 530, ; Janice O’Brien, 530-444-0204
These prayers are special and given for the times of spiritual battle facing the Church today. Emphasis is on the Rosary and Eucharistic Presence.
LECTORS Lectors proclaim the first and second Scriptural texts for each Sunday and Holy Day and lead the congregation in the prayers of the faithful.
Contact: Gere Welden, gerewelden@comcast.net530-264-7638, ; Susie Fatheree (Scheduler), grandmotheree@yahoo.com530-477-1705, 8
FLAME OF LOVE Flame of Love Prayer Cenacle meets weekly on Thursdays at 9:10 a.m. in front of the Blessed Sacrament, to pray for the various needs of the Church and the world using prayers from the Flame of Love Movement.
Contact: Sharon Gerhart, 530-273-2373,
Contact: Paul Sartori, p24sartori@comcast.net530-559-0485,

PRAYER WARRIORS Prayer Warriors is a group of dedicated members who pray for the
The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed before morning Mass, MondaySaturday, beginning at 7:50 a.m. Please join us. Leaders are welcome!
a month at the 9 and 11 a.m. Masses. Rehearsals for the adults are in the church on Wednesdays at 4:30 p.m. for the 7:30, 9 and 11 a.m. Masses. Children’s choir rehearsal is Wednesdays from 3:00-4:10 p.m. in the music room at Mt. St. Mary’s school. The children’s choir is open to all children who can read. Teen choir meets an hour before the 11 a.m. Mass on the day they sing. Additional practices are scheduled as needed.
needs of people who request prayers. These requests can be, but are not limited to, prayers for healing from injuries (physical or emotional), anxiety over upcoming surgeries, those sick and dying, grown children returning to the Church, or whatever help is needed. Please email requests for prayers to: If you do not have a computer, please contact St. Patrick’s Parish office at 530-273-2347. Contact: Marguerite Smith,
The purpose is to spread the message of Fatima. The statue is brought into the home, where it is left for several days during which time a Rosary is prayed daily. The statue represents Mary bringing Jesus into the home. Mary leads us in closer union with her Son, Jesus. She prepares the family or individual for the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is made on the day the statue is picked up. The Enthronement restores a renewed devotion to the Heart of Jesus and proclaims Jesus as the King of their family.
Contact: Stanley Ross, 530-271-0413
Contact: Colleen Deneen (Director), 530-559-5507,
Contact: Helen Albano, grandmasroom@gmail.com530-432-3226, ; Pat Kahl, 530-470-8814
This canonically established fraternity within the Franciscan order prays together and studies Scripture and the works of St. Francis. Meets the second Tuesday at 7 p.m. Contact: Kathleen Molaro, 530-798-1023,

Contact: Deacon Rick Soria, 530-272-2336 ext. faithformation@stpatrickgrassvalley.org3201, CORNERSTONE
Contact: Deacon Rick Soria, 530-272-2336 ext. faithformation@stpatrickgrassvalley.org3201,
Contact: Gere Welden, gerewelden@comcast.net530-264-7638,
Contact: Mike Moreland, mcmoreland17@gmail.com530-615-4128, 10
Meets every two months on a Monday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. in the Angel’s Nest. Call or see the bulletin for the next meeting.
An adult Bible study that meets weekly to study the books of the Old or New Testament. Sessions are held in the morning and evenings, September to May. All parishioners and their friends are welcome. There are many ways to use your gifts including teaching, help with phone calls, refreshments, set-up, and clean-up.
Cornerstone Ministry allows the men of our parish an opportunity to come together to reflect and share their faith. The heart of Cornerstone is a 26-hour weekend retreat that is led by the men of our parish. The purpose of this retreat is to provide a safe and sacred place to be able to explore and deepen our faith. Through the use of videos, music and stories shared by other men, participants can grow in their understanding of what it means to be a Catholic Man in our world
Opportunities to deepen your relationship with Jesus and learn more about our Catholic faith are offered throughout the year. Day and evening sessions are offered on a variety of topics including Catholic spirituality, prayer, and Bible study. Group leaders, hospitality and phone calling are just a few of the many ways to get involved. Friends, neighbors, and non-Catholics are always welcome!
We offer a family-oriented process for forming our children in the faith. Ministry opportunities include catechists (teachers) and teacher aides, sharing your gifts of hospitality, phone calling, preparation of materials, and classroom set-up and clean-up.

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is the largest pro-marriage organization in the world and promotes weekend experiences for couples who want to make their good marriage even better.
Contact: Barbara Burns, laburns10793@gmail.com530-432-2119,
We will be hosting Monthly Sunday Night Potlucks and Family Outings. Blessed be the day!
Do you have a yearning for Christian fellowship where your children can play and meet other children. So do we! Family Fellowship Ministry is a budding group of families looking to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through fellowship with other families, young adults, and teens.
“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” Psalm 133:1
Small faith-sharing groups to build community and individual faith through prayer, Scripture, reflection and sharing. We have groups of six to 12 people who meet at various times, days, and locations.
Contact: Deacon Rick Soria,
Contact: Deacon Rick Soria (Director), 530-273-2336 ext. faithformation@stpatrickgrassvalley.org201,
Contact: Thomas and Danielle DiSanto, 530-559-9159, today. The retreat gives insight into how to live out our Christian values faithfully as a husband, father, son, or friend. The power of the retreat continues throughout the year in our monthly meetings. At these meetings, members gather for food, fellowship, prayer, reflection on the Sunday Gospel, meaningful conversation and support in our journey of faith. A recent retreatant shared, “I have been to many retreats and have heard many gifted speakers share about the beauty of our faith and those retreats helped me. But the four men who shared their story were just ordinary men I knew from our parish. Hearing their stories was like hearing a gospel story except they are happening today. Their stories gave me hope for my own life. I walked away with hope.”
In consultation with the pastor, the faith formation team provides the foundation for adults, teens, and children to deepen their relationship with Jesus Christ in the sacramental life of the Church and through providing various opportunities for parishioners to continue in a lifelong process of growing in knowledge of their Catholic faith. Meets monthly.
Contact: Paula Aycock, 530-268-1286; Gabriella Stockdale, 530-206-6665
Contact: Helen Albano, grandmasroom@gmail.com530-432-3226, ; Pat Kahl, 530-470-8814
RCIA offers an opportunity to continue your faith journey and learn more about our faith in group sessions that prepare individuals to celebrate the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation, and Eucharist. There are separate sessions for children and youth. You are invited to join our sessions with your insights, in a warm, accepting, comfortable setting. RCIA is open all year long, so there is never a bad time to reach out!
Mt. St. Mary Academy was established by the Sisters of Mercy in 1859 and continues its mission to serve families primarily of the Catholic communities of Nevada County. MSM collaborates with families to educate students to achieve their potential in the areas of faith development, academic excellence, social awareness, and emotional growth. If you are interested in helping further the mission of MSM and enjoy working with students to motivate and inspire them to reach their full potential, we want to hear from you. Some of the areas where we might put your talents to use include tutoring, library aide, yard duty or working in our thrift store.
Contact: Traci Jagger, 530-575-0176 or 530- 272-2336 ext. rcia@stpatrickgrassvalley.org3204, VOCATIONS MINISTRY
This is a newly formed ministry focusing on four areas: Prayer, Education, Youth and Affirmation with the purpose of raising awareness and knowledge surrounding vocations in both cradle Catholics and converts. Our goal is to plant the seeds allowing God to bring the harvest.
Contact: Robin Guerra, robin.guerra661@gmail.com530-708-1533,
A faith formation ministry for teens and adults with special needs and developmental disabilities. We focus on the love of God shown to us through stories from the Bible, the lives of the saints, the Sacraments, and the Mass, and prepare participants to receive the Sacraments. Our doors are always opened to both Catholics and non-Catholics. Meets on Sundays, 10-11 a.m., September through May.

COMMUNITY MEAL Provides a free meal and companionship for people of all faiths in our community. Second and Fourth Monday of each month, in the small hall.
Contact: Barbara Cross, bacrosstalk@sbcglobal.net530-432-1205, ; Marilyn Sakowicz, chasematsandpats@gmail.com530-272-5507, ; Nancy Turner, njtrwt@gmail.com530-477-8335,
YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Youth ministry at St. Patrick’s is open to all young people who have received the Sacrament of Confirmation through High School. Our program seeks to foster fellowship and growth in discipleship by a dual approach of small groups with adult mentors and large group gatherings and activities. Young Adults (post High School) are welcome to participate in this ministry as youth mentors.
Contact: Sue Petersen, 530-906-4707,
Contact Bobbie Cane, 360-929-6370,
Contact: Greg Peters, greg@petersdrilling.com503-273-1550, ; Doug Epperson,
Provides charity and assistance to those in need, supports charitable organizations, and assists the bishop and clergy in their work.
Contact: Kellen Lake, 530-913-3138
The Creation Care Team is a new ministry, answering the call of Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ to “care for our common home”. Our current goals include helping our parish to learn about the mission of Laudato Si’, assisting with a project to install solar panels at St. Patrick’s, and road adoption for litter pickup. For more information, see the weekly bulletin and parish website. Please join us.
CLRS meets the first Thursday of each month, September through June, in St. Patrick’s small hall after morning Mass.
Bereavement Ministry support group works to provide a safe journey through the grieving process, reassuring the griever that caring people are listening and recognizing their grief.
BILL’S WHEELS Bill’s Wheels is operated by members of the Knights of Columbus and is available for those in need of power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, walkers, crutches, etc. Please call for an appointment. Located at 425 Dalton St. in Grass Valley.
Contact: Mark Frederick, 530-432-1739,
This K of C Council is part of an international fraternal organization of Catholic men dedicated to supporting our members, St. Patrick’s and St. Canice Parishes, through participating in various ministries, supporting MSM school and local community organizations through fundraisers. We support one another in strengthening our faith, dedication to the Rosary and commitment to the Pro-Life movement. We meet on
Extraordinary ministers are trained to handle with reverence the consecrated body and precious blood for distribution to those in nursing homes, confined at home and at Mass (pending return to both Species, i.e., Precious Blood).
The members of the Gabriel Project Ministry offer immediate and practical help to any pregnant mother experiencing difficulties. Our church communities see in the conception of each child a fresh expression of God’s unfailing love.
Contact: Dennis Babson, 530-273-2025,
Coordinates food supplements each week to needy families in western Nevada County along with other community churches. No meetings.
Contact: Lynn McDaniel, cmcdaniel4344@gmail.com530-798-9994,
Contact: Marilyn Peters, marilyn@petersdrilling.com530-432-1223,
Contact: Linda Grube, 530-477-5098,
Nevada County Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit organization that helps families build places to call home. There are many ways to use your skills to support our mission, including 14
Contact: Frank Sobrero, 530-272-3726
working at the build site, assisting customers at the Habitat ReStore, providing lunch at the construction site, or being a general office volunteer. Come and be a part of providing affordable housing and helping us to build strong and stable communities.
EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION TO THE HOSPITAL Extraordinary Ministers take Holy Communion to and visit with Catholic patients in Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital. (Special requirements may exist for Hospital visits.)

As a jail minister, we assist those that are incarcerated. We help them by fostering a spiritual relationship with God through Scripture, prayer and group discussion using the teachings and morals of Jesus Christ. “When I was in prison you visited me” (Matthew 25:36).
Contact: Bill Mahar, wsmahar@comcast.net530-274-9990,
Under the direction of our pastor, the committee provides opportunities for hospitality and service for our community. In sharing generously of our time, talent, and treasure we grow in the stewardship way of life, the discipleship way of life. Meets monthly.
Contact: Mike Moreland (Chairperson), 530-615-4128,
Advises the pastor on fiscal matters and ensures that church ministries are funded to meet the spiritual needs of the parish. Meets monthly.
A consultative body which advises the pastor on the life and mission of the parish. Meets monthly. Contact: Abbee Fischer (Chairperson), 530-613-9967,
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: FOURTH DEGREE Color Guard members escort the bishop when he presides at church functions and at ceremonial council and Fourth Degree funerals. Meets on the third Tuesday in the small hall.
Contact: Mark Frederick, 530-432-1739,
Contact: Tommy Jacobs (Chairperson) 706-289-6027,, Tom and Joan Jacobs (Emeritus) 916-870-8269, the first Tuesday of the month in the small hall.
Contact: James Mabry, humjack7001@yahoo.com707-845-8239,

TIME COMMITTO Address • City, ST Zip 000-000-0000 • website RETURNING YOUR COMMITMENT CARD All members of our parish are asked to complete a stewardship Commitment Card. If you’re already praying, involved in parish ministries and tithing, we still invite you to participate in our Stewardship Renewal through filling out a Commitment Card. Make the choice today to be faithful to your word and to what God is calling you to this year. Please bring your completed commitment card to Mass on Oct.1/2 , or mail it to your parish in the envelope provided. Spending Time with God in Prayer Using My Talents in Parish Ministrie s Attend Mass every Sunday and Holy Day Attend weekday Mass at least once a week Go to confession every month Spend 15 minutes a day in personal prayer Increase time spent in Eucharistic Adoration by one hour a month Pray together with my loved ones Have an extra meal a week with my family Read the Bible for one hour a week Pray an extra Rosary a week Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet daily Schedule time for a spiritual retreat Perform a weekly act of kindness Pray for my country daily Pray for an increase in vocations Pray for our priests Work to overcome 1 sinful habit Pray for life from conception to natural death Pray for those serving in the military Pray for Fallen-Away Catholics Read a Spiritual book for 30 minutes a week Prayer is the beginning of stewardship. Only when we spend time with God in prayer are we spiritually prepared to offer ourselves in service to others. You can read about each of the ministries listed below in the Ministry Catalog. When you sign up, the ministry leader will call to explain how to get involved. HOSPITALITY Circle of Friends Donut Sunday Fellowship Ministry Greeters Helping Hands Senior Outreach Ministry Ushers Welcoming Committee Widows Wisdom Circle PRAYER Altar Ministry Altar Servers Charismatic Prayer Group Culture of Life Eucharistic Adoration Flame of Love Lectors Mercy Associates Ministry of Consolation Please clearly write the first name(s) of interested family member(s) on the line. continued on back panels Percentage of household income: Weekly giving based on proportion of income Weekly Giving Chart 10% 5% 4% 1% Amount of Weekly Gift $58 $29 $23 $6 $96 $48 $38 $10 $134 $67 $54 $14 $192 $96 $76 $19 $384 $192 $153 $38 % of Hshld Income: Household Income$200,000$100,000$70,000$50,000$30,000In thanksgiving for God’s gifts, each household at St. Patrick’s Parish is asked to give a specific percentage of income based on the biblical tithe: 5% to the Offertory at St. Patrick's Parish My Offertory pledge to St. Patrick's Parish: Please complete either a weekly or monthly offertory gift: TIME TALENT TREASURE = Currently Involved = Interested in Joining Please check the circles below to mark your prayer commitments: $$ $$Weekly gift x52 = annually Monthly gift x12 = annually or 2022 Commitment Card TALENT(continued) = Currently Involved = Interested in JoiningClearly write the first name of family member on the line. Please bring this card to Mass or mail using theenvelope provided. Thank you and God bless you! 235 Chapel St. • Grass Valley, CA 95945(530) 273-2347 • PRAYER (continued) ___________ Ministry of Praise___________ Music Ministry___________ Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima HomeVisitation with Enthronementof the Sacred Heart___________ Prayer Warriors___________ Rosary and Divine Mercy___________ Secular FranciscansFORMATION ___________ Adult Faith Formation___________ Bible Study___________ Book Club Gathering___________ Children’s Faith Formation___________ Cornerstone ___________ Faith Formation Committee___________ Faith-Sharing Groups___________ Family Fellowship Ministry___________ Marriage Encounter___________ Mt. St. Mary AcademyVolunteer ___________ Opening Doors for PersonsWho Have DevelopmentalDisabilities or Special Needs___________ RCIA — Rite of ChristianInitiation of Adults___________ Vocations Ministry___________ Youth and Young AdultMinistry SERVICE ___________ Bereavement Ministry___________ Bill’s Wheels ___________ Catholic Ladies Relief Society___________ Community Meal___________ Creation Care Team___________ Extraordinary Ministers ofHoly Communion___________ Extraordinary Ministers of HolyCommunion to the Hospital___________ Gabriel Project___________ Habitat for Humanity___________ Interfaith Food Ministry___________ Knights of Columbus___________ Knights of Columbus: 4thDegree ___________ Prison MinistryADVISORY COUNCILS ___________ Finance Council ___________ Pastoral Council ___________ Stewardship Council continued on next panel TALENT(continued) CityAddress State ZIP First & Last Name Spouse:EmailPhoneFirst & Last Name Spouse: Phone Spouse: Email ST. PATRICK'S PARISH = Currently Involved = Interested in JoiningClearly write the first name of family member on the line. WELCOMING CHRIST ST. PATRICK'S PARISH 235 Chapel St. • Grass Valley, CA 95945 (530) 273-2347 • ST. PATRICK'S PARISH Please Keep Until Fall 2023