The Philipian, A Publication of St. Philip Neri Catholic Church — February 2022

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The Ushers Minist

Welcoming Othe

Coordinating with office desk volunteers


hanks to our parish ushers, when you walk into our church building, you feel like you are coming into the loving arms of Christ. “I really enjoy taking care of the people who come to our parish, and making them feel very welcome,” says Joyce Crabtree, who serves as the leader of the Usher Ministry. “I love developing a rapport with people I normally see and getting to know them better, especially since we have such a large parish. I feel responsible for them. I also appreciate the opportunity to meet new people and look out for guests. I like to treat them well, so that they may consider joining our parish at some point.” The Ushers Ministry is a “front-line” hospitality ministry that is open to any interested adult or teen parishioner. Ushers assist the congregation during the celebration of Holy Mass; seat and/ or physically assist attendees as necessary; assist with offertory collections; count attendance, and direct traffic flow as guests proceed to Holy Communion. The ushers consist of a dedicated team which is coordinated by Jenny Funk. Each usher has his or her story as to why they

Ushers preparing to gather collections

felt drawn to give their time and talent to this ministry. Joyce and her husband, Rick, who have been ushers for about 10 years, believe that they were inspired to start doing so by their parents. “My parents were both ushers, and they really enjoyed doing it,” Joyce says. “They set an example for me, so I felt I should try being one too. I think Rick’s dad was an usher as well. And I have to say I love this ministry — it is great!” Over the years, Rick and Joyce have discovered that doing this ministry together has helped them grow closer to Christ as well as to one another. “It is something we can share together as a couple,” Joyce says. “It has helped us learn to work together. If a problem comes up, we talk about it and give each other ideas. We can solve problems that way. If I forget to do something, he will probably do it for me and vice versa.” Importantly, this ministry is a powerful reflection of the stewardship vision because it embodies the Stewardship Pillar of Hospitality. By being a parish that embraces hospitality, we not only reflect the infinite love of Christ, but also the beauty of stewardship.

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