The Philipian, A Publication of St. Philip Neri Catholic Church — May 2022

Page 4


Rebuild to Serve Capita

Bill and Debbie Wolfe


ill and Debbie Wolfe were one of the original founding charter members that made St. Philip Neri Catholic Church become a reality. They have been here from the beginning, from when St. Philip Neri Catholic Church was just an idea, then a mission church, and now, its own parish. The Wolfes are excited about the chance to expand the existing St. Philip Neri campus and grow our ministerial footprint through the $6 million capital campaign — Rebuild to Serve. The campaign funds will help build a new Fr. John Giuliani Parish Center on the existing location, and a new two-story building that will house the Child Development Center on the first floor and a Future Activity Center for parish use on the second floor.

Bill hopes parishioners will be generous toward the campaign and consider the bible verse from 1 Peter 4:10, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” “Since this parish was established, we’ve been outgrowing our campus,” Bill says. “I hope that our parish family will continue living our mission of caring and giving and take the steps needed to enable our parish community to continue to evolve and grow.” Bill serves on the Property and Facility Committee and has managed our parish technology. He remembers when the parish was worshiping in other churches and parishioners

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