All Are Welcome

As we wrap up 2022 and look to a new year, we are concentrating on the virtue of hospitality. Our goal is to emphasize the importance of being a welcoming community that extends a friendly invitation to each member to become active in building the Body of Christ. In our parish, “All Are Welcome.”
“We are one body, one body in Christ, and we do not stand alone.” These words have been sung by millions at the World Youth Day. It is truly a Catholic anthem, one which emphasizes that we are a universal Church with room for every person.
Just as Jesus welcomes every person with open arms, we at Our Lady of Lourdes welcome the presence and involvement of all our members –whether they are longtime members, new families, or just recently returning to the Church.
Part of being a welcoming community is being open to the gifts and talents of each member. This is why each year we invite all parishioners to make commitments of time, talent, and treasure. Your gifts are what make Our Lady of Lourdes a vibrant parish community.
TimeHave you ever noticed that couples who have recently fallen in love spend every possible minute together? Among the simplest ways to show love is to simply be with a person; to spend time with him or her.
Being a steward of time means making time for the things we love most. “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself” (Lk 10:27). If we truly love the Lord, we will make time to be with Him in prayer. If we love our neighbor, we will find ways to help our community. If we love our parish, we will seek out opportunities to spend time with other parishioners.
During this year’s Renewal, under the category “Stewardship of Time,” we are primarily focusing on how we spend time in personal prayer and family prayer. Think about what you love most. If God and family are near the top of the list, resolve to make prayer — the lifeblood of Christian life — a part of your own daily life and the life of your family.
Our model for prayer is Jesus, who prayed with His disciples and often went aside to pray by Himself. Listed on your Commitment Card are some suggestions for spending time with God in prayer.
“Anyone among you who aspires to greatness must serve the rest; whoever wants to rank first among you must serve the needs of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for the many.”
Mark 10-43:45
Most Catholics who attend Mass regularly also want to be involved in their parish during the week. Of course, not all of us can spend a whole weekday morning volunteering. But intuitively, we know that the Gospel preached on Sunday needs to be put into action Monday through Saturday.
We all have different schedules, different abilities, different interests – but we all share a common obligation to be active members of the Body of Christ. A good steward is one who takes this obligation seriously and finds ways to put his or her talent to work.
In the following pages you’ll discover dozens of ministries – from Bible studies to community outreach programs. You don’t need to be an artist or musician to have “talent.” You don’t even need a special hobby or skill. All you need is the conviction that you do in fact, have a role to play, and the willingness to seek it out.
At Our Lady of Lourdes, we are encouraging each other to be better stewards of our money, setting aside a generous offering to the parish each week. This is an important part of our Stewardship Renewal.
Talking about money in a church setting is distasteful to some people, but it shouldn’t be. Jesus Himself spoke about money quite frequently, for the very simple reason that money plays a very large role in our lives. Precisely because of this, our use of money needs to be aligned with our most deeply held beliefs.
After all, Jesus asks us to give Him our hearts; why should it be harder to give Him our dollars? “Where your treasure is, there also lies your heart” (Mt 6:21).
Why should we determine the amount of our gift based on a percentage of income? First, because the tithe (10%) is a scriptural benchmark which the Church has honored for centuries. (See Malachi 3:10.) Secondly, we give a percentage of income because it is a commonsense standard by which everyone can equitably support the parish, each according to his or her ability.
As a parish, Our Lady of Lourdes breaks down the tithe as follows:
5% to the parish
1% to the diocese and 4% to other charities
Contact: Eileen Macko, 919-851-0229,
Eucharistic Ministers visit and bring the Eucharist to Catholic patients in Rex Hospital on two Saturdays and every Sunday and Monday each month.
Contact: Dorothea Bitler, 919-621-6841,
Members of the ministry welcome newcomers and visitors. They meet in the vestibule of the church to provide information about the parish and school before and after weekend Masses. Also, they reach out to newly registered members of the parish. The goal of the ministry is to make newcomers and visitors feel welcome and to help them engage in parish life.
Contact: Bob Bowerman, 919-847-4808,
This ministry strengthens the parish community by providing information about newsworthy events and invitations via weekly emails to the parish. It also provides photographic support for the various ministries and parish staff.
Contact: Deacon Byron Champagne, 919-861-4614,; Curt Williams, 919-815-3494,
The work of the Stewardship Committee is to continue to strengthen the community by encouraging members to develop a closer relationship with God, each having been given different gifts and charisms for the common good. The committee helps accomplish this by improving communications within the parish, making it easy to find service opportunities to match strengths and interests, and supporting parish and ministry leadership, which builds a sense of community within the parish.
Contact: Candace Sperati, 919-861-4634,
The OLL Wedding Committee provides a complimentary service to each couple preparing to be married at our parish and reviews with the couple the parish policies for the use of the church for weddings. Two coordinators are assigned for each wedding, attending both the rehearsal and wedding ceremony to ensure it runs smoothly. The ministry is designed to take as much worry out of the day as possible for the couple by making sure the flowers have arrived, pinning on the boutonnieres, distributing programs, gathering the bridal party in place, and instructing them. The rehearsals normally take place on Friday evenings to prepare for the celebration of the Sacrament of Marriage on Saturday.
Contact: Lizzie Gildner and Christopher Fedkiw,
The OLL Young Adult Group welcomes young adults ages 21-35, single or married. The group creates social networks, works to deepen spiritual life, and encourages active participation in community service. There is a weekly Tuesday evening gathering where they discuss the readings for the week. This is a great opportunity to meet other young Catholics, socialize, and discuss the Bible and its impact. They meet and gather on Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. Every second Friday in the church is Adoration, benediction, and confession from 7-8 p.m.
PrayerContact: Candace Sperati, 919-861-4634,
The Adoration Chapel is located next to the Parish Office. Open 365 days of the year, Eucharistic Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available 24 hours a day. Spend some time in the presence of the Lord by reading the Bible, praying the Rosary, or just sitting and enjoying the sweet peace that comes from being in the presence of God. There is a current listing in the Sunday bulletin that shows the hours when a second person is needed or when we have a critical need. We need 336 adorers each week. Could you spend one hour with Jesus once a week? Participants can sign up for a weekly one-hour time slot or stop in any time for prayer and reflection.
Contact: Steve Simmons, 919-861-4613,
Altar servers assist the priest during our parish liturgies, funerals, and other liturgical celebrations. Boys and girls in fifth grade and up can participate. Servers arrive at least 10 minutes before Mass, sign in, and participate in prayer with the other ministers of that day’s liturgy. There is an altar server camp held each summer.
Contact: Ellen Crowley, 314-803-5536,
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist priests in administering the Body and Blood of Christ at weekend liturgies, on Holy Days, and during special liturgies. Ministers also participate in both the Hospital Ministry and the Nursing Home/Assisted Living/Shut-in Ministry.
Contact: Parish Office, 919-861-4600
The Ministry of Lector matters because the careful and reverent proclamation of the Word of God is the foundation of our liturgical celebration. It takes time to prepare each reading, and a variety of voices, timbres, and styles keeps the reading of the word dynamic and engaging. The liturgical celebration is “founded primarily on the word of God and sustained by it, [and] becomes a new event and enriches the word itself with new meaning and power” (General Instruction of the Lectionary). The reading of the Word of God leads to the celebration of the Eucharist; the celebration of the Eucharist enriches the reading of the Word of God. Members of this ministry deepen their own participation in and appreciation of the liturgy and the Word of God and pass that love on to others. Training is done on a one-on-one basis following any of the weekend Masses.
Contact: Our Lady of Victory, evening praesidia - Barbara Redzich, 919-749-4777,; Contact: Our Lady of Lourdes, morning praesidia - Linda Champagne, 919-771-5272,; Contact: Junior Legion of MaryHrideep Antony, 919-627-4003,
The Legion meets on Monday mornings 9:30-11 a.m. and Tuesday evenings, 7-8:30 p.m., at the Fallon Center Lounge. The Junior Legion meets on Sundays at 3 p.m. at the Fallon Center. The Legion of Mary is a group of laypeople who provide prayers and volunteer service to the parish at the request of the pastor. Duties by all members include the daily recitation of a particular prayer (Catena Legionis). Auxiliary members pray the Rosary and all the prayers in the Tessera daily. Active members (1) pray the Catena daily, (2) attend the weekly praesidium meeting, and (3) perform a service to the parish encompassing at least two hours each week. Such parish service activities include (but are not limited to) the following activities: (i) a weekly attendance at the praesidium of the Legion of Mary (ii) visits to nursing/assisted living and shut-in homes as assigned weekly (iii) door-to-door visitations (iv) during the COVID pandemic, writing letters to shut-ins and sharing religious literature with them (v) home visits with the Pilgrim Virgin (vi) encourage deeper spiritual devotion by young men (ages approx. 9-18 years) through participation in a Junior Legion of Mary (Mystical
Rose praesidium). Common services provided by Junior Legionnaires include altar serving and leading family prayers. (vii) promoting St. Louis de Montfort’s true devotion to Jesus through Mary and acceptance of assignments with the purpose of serving Jesus in Mary (viii) supporting various parish needs as designated by the pastor.
Contact: Parish Office, 919-861-4600
This choir practices Thursday afternoon from 2:50-3:50 p.m. and Friday morning 7-8:30 a.m. in the Church Sanctuary. The Lyric Children’s and Youth Choir is a school and parish choir that sings for school Masses at Our Lady of Lourdes School and for weekend Masses twice a month. Students in grades four and higher are eligible to sing in Lyric. This ministry matters because it introduces children to the joy of singing sacred music and leads them to give their talents back to the ministry of the church. Making music for Holy Mass is a great honor and serves a higher purpose: the glory of God and inspiring the prayers of the faithful. This ministry is a dynamic, fun-filled choir that learns the basics of good vocal technique that will last for a lifetime of healthy, beautiful singing.
Contact: Domenic Colleti, 919-389-9913,
TMIY meets Friday mornings (weekly) 6-7:30 a.m. at the Fallon Center. TMIY offers time for fellowship among Catholic men, a video lesson, and small-group discussion. TMIY honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive. The program runs 26 weeks each year, 13 weeks in the fall and 13 weeks in the spring. During the summer, TMIY continues to meet weekly but follows its own study program. During the year, about 40 men attend each week.
Contact: Parish Office, 919-861-4600
Adult Choir: The adult choir, "St. Cecilia's Choir" sings each weekend for Mass and the major liturgies of the church year such as Holy Week. Rehearsals are Tuesday evenings from 7-8:30 p.m.
Cantors: Support the singing of the congregation at all weekend Masses and Solemnities. Must have a pleasant and clear singing voice.
Organists/Pianists: Accompany the congregation at Mass. Must have intermediate piano ability at minimum.
Contact: Adriana Adler, 914-943-4213,
Classes for this ministry will be taught every Tuesday, 10-11:30 a.m. in the Fallon Center, Room 201. The Rosary Makers is a ministry of affection and devotion to the Blessed Mother. The mission is to make rosaries donate to the missionaries in many parts of the world and for our men and women of the Armed Forces. Handmade rosaries also will be given to Our Lady of Lourdes parishioners, specifically those in nursing homes, hospitals, and the homebound.
Contact: Judy Cabaniss, 919-848-1898,
Gathering in the Fallon Center classroom, this ministry sews blankets that are blessed by a priest and distributed to those who are sick or suffering. (Some of our members will sew at home on their own time.)
The coordinator purchases fabric and makes kits for the people who sew the blankets. Also included are instructions to sew the blankets and a prayer that can be said while sewing. Other letters are included with the blessed blanket when it is ready for distribution. This ministry benefits the sick and suffering of the parish, and anyone we love who needs prayer, so they know that they are covered in love and prayers.
Contact: Deacon Byron Champagne, 919-861-4614,
Please see parish website for updated classes, events, times, and locations. Catholic faith formation nurtures conversion that is directed not only toward service of the believing community but also to society at large. Jesus called his disciples to go out to all the world to spread the good news of salvation. Catholics do this when they use their gifts and talents in the service of others. Invite and enable ongoing conversion to Jesus in the holiness of life. In response to God’s call to holiness, our faith and lives as adult disciples are grounded in developing a personal relationship with Jesus, “the Holy One of God” (Jn 6:69, Mk 1:24). To promote and support active membership in the Catholic Christian community. Accordingly, faith formation helps adults make “a conscious and firm decision to live the gift and choice of faith through membership in the parish community,” accepting “coresponsibility for the community’s mission and internal life.”
Contact: Candace Sperati, 919-861-4634,
Occurring every Sunday from 10:1511:15 a.m. in the OLLS Elementary Building, Children’s Faith Formation classes are open to children ages 3 years through fifth grade. The Sunday morning program focuses on the teachings of the Catholic faith and our traditions. We strive to develop
in each child a greater love of our Savior and Teacher, Jesus Christ, and an understanding of our baptismal call to discipleship. Volunteers are needed as catechists (teachers and/ or co-teachers), substitute catechists, volunteers to assist with special projects and activities, and clerical assistance. Catechist training is provided.
Contact: Candace Sperati, 919-861-4634,
Children ages 3-7 are called forward at the beginning of the 9 a.m. Sunday Mass and then proceed to the Fallon Center Hall for their own special, ageappropriate liturgy. The structure of the Mass is explained, and the Gospel is discussed to enrich each child’s faith. It is led by parent volunteers who plan and present the weekly teachings.
Contact: Mike and Lulu Miranda, 919-341-7848,,
A private international association of the faithful of pontifical right, Couples for Christ is a Catholic movement intended for the renewal and strengthening of Christian family life. CFC members are committed to the Lord and to one another so that they may grow in maturity as men and women of God and fulfill their primary vocation of raising families grounded in Christian values, in the service and love of God.
Contact: Janet Dennis, 919-861-4610,
Parishioners are invited to help in our school, and all (including our valuable senior citizens) are encouraged to be a part of this important mission of our parish. The mission of the parish school is as follows: Our Lady of Lourdes Parish School partners with parents to provide a quality Catholic education that focuses on the spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and social growth of its students. This education is based on the Eucharist, prayer, stewardship, and Catholic traditions as reflected in the Gospel teachings of Jesus.
Contact: Debbie Locke, 919-615-3484,
The parish library provides a variety of spiritual books to parishioners. The library is located on the upper level of the church next to the rooms of reconciliation. Donations of books or funds to the library are always welcome. All parishioners are invited to borrow reading materials and return them when finished. Any monetary funds donated will be used to purchase new books to add to the library.
Contact: Deacon Byron Champagne, 919-861-4614,
Meeting Tuesday Evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Bernadette Center Classroom, the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process of Faith Formation and initiation into the Catholic Community of Faith. This is for persons who are un-baptized seeking Baptism in the Catholic Church or full communion with the Catholic tradition through the Profession of Faith, reception of Eucharist, and Confirmation. It is also a process that enables those who have been baptized to enrich the study of the Gospels, Catholic teaching, Christian values, and the development and deepening of a life of prayer and action with the support and accompaniment of the introduction to the parish community.
Contact: Candace Sperati, 919-861-4634,
A half-day program for children ages 3 through fifth grade, VBS is an annual event planned for one week in June. Parent volunteers are needed to plan and participate in the fun-filled, high-energy event. Committee chairs are needed each year for planning, crafts, snacks, Bible adventures, music, and more. Junior volunteers, grades 6-12, are also needed to assist and can earn service hours for the week.
Contact: Janine Sedore,
The Women’s Ministry of OLL offers a variety of programs and smallgroup opportunities throughout the year. Meetings are held at the Fallon Center. The purpose of the women’s ministry is to provide Adult Faith Formation opportunities in smallgroup settings for the women of the parish to strengthen their spiritual lives and form lasting friendships with other Catholic women.
Contact: Austin Faur, 919-861-4601,
This ministry serves youth in 6th through 12th grade. Through prayer, Scripture, and the teachings of the Church, we hope to assist young people to live as disciples of Jesus Christ in our world, to participate in the mission of the Catholic Church, and to foster their own spiritual growth. Rising ninth graders can begin Confirmation Preparation which is designed to prepare students "to assume the role of disciple and witness to Christ" (CCC 1319). This is a two-year program that incorporates families, sponsors, and catechists into the faith formation process. Our faith formation classes meet Sunday mornings from 10:15-11:15 in the Middle School building from September-April.
Contact: Austin Faur, 919-861-4600 ext. 4601,
The Youth Ministry is designed to foster a community for middle and high school students at Lourdes that nourishes their spiritual life and incorporates them into the life of the Church by providing opportunities for prayer, service, and community activities. This ministry generally meets Saturday mornings, but times will vary based on the activity. The best way to stay updated is by checking the parish website at youthministry
Contact: Lisa Dunham, 919-630-6320,
Meetings at 11:15 a.m. in the Fallon Center, lower level, on the second Thursday of the month from September-November and JanuaryApril, the Altar Guild meetings consist of a luncheon, time to socialize and a short business meeting followed by a program or guest speaker with a religious topic. The Guild has five committees —
COMMITTEE: in charge of washing, ironing, and mending altar linens; cleaning pew pockets; removing wax from the carpet and candle holders; washing vessels used during Mass;
• FLOWER COMMITTEE: order and prepare flower arrangements for the altar and decorate the sanctuary for Easter and Christmas and other religious feast days;
• SANCTUARY COMMITTEE: set up the altar with the proper linens based on the religious holiday or season and maintain altar candles;
• PRAYER CARDS COMMITTEE: send sympathy, get-well or spiritual bouquet cards;
• TELEPHONE COMMITTEE: Call members without online access and inform them of upcoming meetings or special events.
Contact: Jeanne Thelen, 919-781-5433,
Located at 2304 Wesvill Ct., #340, this clinic provides the free services of pregnancy testing, ultrasound, information, and support for those experiencing an unplanned pregnancy. Volunteer medical professionals train to perform pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Other volunteers provide compassionate consultation with clients, answer phones, and other light clerical tasks.
Contact: Rick Aycock, 919-779-2620,
Gathering every Monday night from 6-7:15 p.m. in the OLL school cafeteria, the scouts have full weekend activities every six weeks. This program is for boys from the age of 10 1/2 to 18 years old. The purpose of the partnership between Our Lady of Lourdes and Scouts of America is to provide an effective program designed to: 1. Instill within youth desirable qualities of character. 2. Train youth in the responsibilities of participating in citizenship in community 3. Help develop youth that are physically, mentally, emotionally, and morally fit. 4. Give youth a high degree of self-reliance as evidenced in such qualities as initiative, courage, and resourcefulness. 5. Instill in youth personal and stable values firmly based on religious concepts. 6. Train youth with life skills and the desire to help others. 7. Have youth with a keen respect for the basic rights of all people. This is a ministry that prepares youth for the varied responsibilities of life — participation, giving of service, and leadership. Scouts are expected to give to the church and other forums of the world. The program includes life lessons, career lessons, leadership, obtaining goals, service projects, camping, high adventure, and religious training. Youth are trained in Scouting Leadership Skills, Rank Advancement, Merit Badges, First Aid and CPR, and other life skills.
Contact: Debbie Locke, 919-615-3484,
This group meets Monday at 7 p.m. in the Fallon Center Lounge Room. Using The Catholic’s Divorce Survival Guide, the 12-week program features a 30-minute DVD each week with discussions to follow. Whether you are separated or divorced 10 days ago or 10 years ago, the program offers valuable insight for everyone. It is confidential and excellent support during a painful time. This Catholic program is based on the teachings of the Catholic Church and is open to anyone who needs comfort, counsel, and clarity before or after divorce.
Contact: Mary Gorczynski, Ken Kurkowski, Rick Bourbina, Rick Poplin, 919-676-7672,
Currently, CPO is open to serve the community 8:30-11:30 a.m. on MWF and is located at 2013 Raleigh Blvd. in Raleigh. As an expression of Catholic social teachings through the corporal works of mercy, the purpose of the Catholic Parish Outreach Food Pantry is to serve those in need in our community by feeding the hungry and clothing the naked. We do this while treating all clients with the dignity and respect that each person deserves. At OLL, two food drives a year are carried out. In addition, people can volunteer to interview clients (Spanish speaking is a plus), stock shelves, and put together boxes for clients. You can learn more at
Contact: Kathleen DeRubio, 919-656-1512,
Children from rural and jungle villages in Guatemala have had few opportunities for even the most basic education. The Children of God Ministry was established by late OLL parishioner Allan Rubio and continues in his honor. The ministry has supported the education and housing of girls from rural villages near Chichicastenango, Guatemala since the year 2000. Six Dominican Sisters live with the girls at the Internado (residence), across the street from the School of the Annunciata, where they attend school with other children from Chichi. Supporters make it possible for the girls to receive an education and live safely under the care of the Sisters in this thirdworld country, where getting an education is otherwise impossible for the poor, especially poor girls. The ministry has been very successful in providing an education for the girls and enabling them to return to their villages as teachers of the very young. The impact has been profound and is making great progress toward changing the status and prospects of the poor. For 21 years, Children of God has been attempting to serve people in their home countries. OLL provides financial support for girls in Guatemala to be educated, fed, and sheltered, at a school run by the Dominican Order of the Annunciata. Donations from OLL are sent every other month.
Contact: Lisa Dunham, 919-630-6320,
This group counts the offertory each Monday morning from 8:30-10:30 a.m. in the Parish Office Conference Room. Different teams of collection counters meet in groups of four once a month, to count and record offertory and other special collections received the previous weekend.
Contact: Miriam Naqui, 919-861-4603,
The Columbarium provides a prayerful, private, and beautiful site on the parish grounds as a permanent place of rest and remembrance for our departed loved ones. The Columbarium Ministry provides perpetual care of the grounds of the Columbarium and its surrounding memorial gardens. It also administers the purchase of Columbarium niches and memorial engravings and assists the pastor during funeral services at the Columbarium. The ministry’s mission is to provide service, compassion, and prayer for our fellow parishioners during their time of grief. You can learn more at
Contact: Jeff Yardley,
The Finance Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. during the school year. The purpose of the Finance Council is to provide the pastor with a group of parishioners who will assist him in the administration of parish goods and assets and to review and manage all the assets/liabilities of all parish and school. While distinct from the Pastoral Council, the Finance Council provides for the goals and objectives set forth by the Pastoral Council. The Finance Council consists of a minimum of three parishioners and up to seven members. All members are appointed by the pastor.
Contact: Ann Mitchell, 919-787-7463,
A ministry that coordinates with other Christian communities in Raleigh, it meets at the Raleigh Moravian Church on Blue Ridge Road Raleigh at 10 a.m. on Tuesdays. The Flower Shuttle recycles flowers to people living with sickness, terminal illness, poverty, and disability who don’t normally get flowers. The Flower Shuttle project has been a blessing to all involved, from those donating the flowers to those rearranging, and most importantly to the recipients. The power that flowers can have when given as an expression of love and care are incredible.
Contact: Deacon Hector Velazco, 919-841-2811,
The Hispanic Ministry of Our Lady of Lourdes hopes to serve all those whose first language is Spanish. The primary focus of Hispanic Ministry is liturgical celebrations, sacramental preparation, and evangelization, as well as responding to different social needs of the Hispanic community in the area. The Hispanic Ministry also collaborates with all the organizations, groups, or individuals of the parish that wish to aid Hispanic families in need. When necessary, members of the ministry step in to obtain social services in the Raleigh area.
The Hispanic Ministry offers:
• Organization of Masses in Spanish which are on Thursdays 6:30 p.m. and Sundays 1:30 p.m.
• Programs and services to better serve Hispanic immigrants within our parish community
• Comprehensive development of Hispanic leadership, through the formation of lay leaders
• Pre-Baptismal preparation classes in Spanish
• Adult Formation Classes with the RCIA process (RICA in Spanish)
• Pre-marriage Formation in Spanish
• Hispanic Prayer Group every Sunday after Sunday Mass, 1:30 p.m.
• Hispanic Group for Young Adults (18-35) Sundays, 10 a.m.
• Hispanic Youth Group of Adolescents (13-17) Friday, 6:30 p.m.
• Hispanic Women’s Group, Saturday, 6 p.m.
• Social services
• Collaborative efforts with the parish community in general
Contact: Pablo Ribadeneira,
The K of C meets on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. In the Bernadette Center. The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men, founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This organization provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis on family, youth, church, council, and community activities.
Contact: Tom Mitchell, 919-787-7463 or 919-673-9087,
Members of this ministry deliver hot, nutritious noon-time meals to the elderly, sick, disabled, homebound, and those unable to prepare meals for themselves. This is done on the fifth Thursday and Friday of each month on four routes. Volunteer teams of two from Our Lady of Lourdes deliver meals six to eight times per year.
Contact: Tammy West, 919-815-3994,
The quality of clothing and shoes of underprivileged children has a profound impact on school attendance and performance. The Note-in-thePocket ministry addresses those needs by collecting and distributing new and good-quality used clothing for the many poor and homeless children in Wake County. Clothes for all seasons and for kindergarten through high school are needed. Clothing not used is shared with other Our Lady of Lourdes ministries. There are many different volunteer opportunities.
Contact: Jennifer Williams, Meeting monthly, and additionally as necessary, in the Parish Office Conference Room, they advise the pastor regarding all matters relating to the mission and life of the parish.
Contact: Kathy and Bob Klein, 919-815-3227,
The Pro-Life Ministry promotes the Church’s teaching regarding the dignity of life from conception to natural death. Some of the activities include the following: pro-life corners in the weekly bulletin, coordinate pro-life Rosary before Masses, do the Holy Hour on the third Sunday of each month, organize an Adopted Day for our parish during the 40 Days for Life Campaign, help with yearly Life Chain, help with Run for Life, organize Birthchoice Baby Shower, do monthly Spiritual Adoption Announcements, Bumper Sticker Sunday, pro-life display in October, Novena of Divine Mercy at Drake Circle, attend Raleigh and D.C. March for Life, and send bulletin announcements on pro-life events taking place around the diocese.
Contact: Jackie Bonk, 919-621-0916,
Project Rachel extends the healing grace of God to women and men wounded by participation in abortion. In a caring and hopeful context, individuals can move towards reconciliation with their aborted children, their families, the Church, and God.
Contact: Jerome Harrison, 919-414-0554,
Members of this ministry get together on Monday evenings or Sundays at 10:30 a.m. in the Fallon Center or a Web meeting. This ministry assists refugees who have been persecuted for their ethnicity or their religious or political beliefs in their country of origin. The vetting process they undergo is the most thorough in the world and they often can spend up to 10 years (or more) in refugee camps before they are approved for refugee status. Families are sponsored by the United States Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) and Lutheran Family Services, and we coordinate our ministry activities with them. The members of our ministry nurture newly arrived families by furnishing their apartments and assisting with food, employment, transportation, tutoring, budgeting, institutional and legal issues, and home purchases. Donations needed for a newly arriving family are requested at that time in the parish bulletin. We have a special agreement with Green Chair for the purchase of secondhand furniture at a very low price so donations can be brought there in the name of our OLL Ministry when they are not immediately needed. The greatest need is for drivers who can provide transportation during the weekdays and on weekends to Mass, as well as providing trucks to help transport furniture when needed. This ministry grows close and satisfying friendships between the volunteers and the refugees that last many years. In turn, you will see many of our refugee families attending Mass and serving in various parish ministries.
Contact: Julie Thomas, 919-274-8849,
This group gathers bi-weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the Fallon Center, Room 202. They serve families in the surrounding community who have short-term financial stresses that may cause them to lose their homes. One way this ministry is different than the other area organizations is that we visit the families in their homes and bring prayer and service.
Contact: Douglas Crouch, 919-277-0477,
Serving the Raleigh community, this ministry works alongside CASA, DOR, and other Ministries to support families coming out of homelessness. Catholic Charities has partnered with the Raleigh/Wake County 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness Coalition to engage members of local faith communities to help break the cycle of poverty by assisting families in becoming self-sufficient. The objectives of Support Circles are:
• To assist families in achieving economic independence
• To empower participants to develop long-term, realistic personal objectives in terms of career decisions, housing, financial management, and citizenship
• To offer support services and resources related to educational placement, job training, and employment
• To assist families in evaluating and improving their quality of life
• To invite families to participate in the community, in a church and/ or civic organization, etc.
Contact: Deacon Byron Champagne:; for details on the latest build.
Participants join the Catholic Coalition of Habitat volunteers in working with Wake County Habitat to build homes for deserving first-time home buyers. Volunteers have a variety of opportunities ranging from on-site construction (framing, siding, painting) to logistical support (lunches for the crews). House builds usually run from early fall into the spring with each parish providing volunteers for two or three sessions (usually on a Saturday). This ministry offers a great opportunity to help those who are willing to help themselves and put God’s love into action.