Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church Newsletter — July 2022

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JULY 2022

Our Lady of Lourdes CATHOLIC CHURCH


The Results of Our Recent

Dear Parishioners,


Parish Survey

s part of our ongoing commitment to developing stewardship as a way of life here at Our Lady of Lourdes, we recently conducted a comprehensive survey of our parish. The survey allowed all our parishioners to express their views regarding worship, parish life, religious education, outreach, and stewardship. Thanks to your response, our survey was a success! The survey had a response rate of 21 percent, which is over twice the national average of 10 percent. I thank you for your honesty, as well as the time and commitment you made to complete the survey and help our parish become better and spiritually stronger.

The results of the survey are included in this newsletter, and I hope these results will give you a clearer vision of how our parish responded to each specific question. We also asked you to respond to a few open-ended questions. Because of space constraints, we could not include each response in this newsletter, but they have been read, reviewed, and grouped based on likeness so that we could determine the top responses for each open-ended question. As your pastor, I am confident that the information we have gathered through the survey will help guide the leadership of our parish as we continue to develop stewardship at Our Lady of continued on back cover

2022 Parish Survey Results Unless otherwise indicated, only one response per question was accepted.

Liturgy Which Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes do you most frequently attend? (237 Answered; 51 Skipped) 23% Saturday, 5:00 p.m. 44% Sunday, 9:00 a.m. 19% Sunday, 11:00 a.m. 8% Sunday, 1:30 p.m. (Spanish) 6% Sunday, 5:00 p.m. How often do you attend Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes? (250 Answered; 38 Skipped) 54% Every weekend 27% Every weekend and some weekdays 2% Every weekend and every weekday 13% Occasional weekends (once or twice a month) 1% Seasonally (Christmas, Easter, etc.) 3% I no longer attend Mass I consider myself a member of... (260 Answered; 28 Skipped) 95% Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church 0% St. Joseph Catholic Church 1% Saint Raphael the Archangel Catholic Church 0% Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral 0% Sacred Heart Church 3% Another church Please indicate how well the following liturgical ministers enhance your prayer and worship. (259 Answered; 29 Skipped) Needs Excellent Good Fair Improvement Pastor 70% 21% 5% 3% Deacon 54% 37% 8% 2% Greeters 39% 38% 13% 10% Ushers 44% 40% 10% 6% Altar Servers 47% 43% 7% 3% Lectors 49% 42% 7% 2% Cantors 51% 40% 5% 4% Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 54% 39% 4% 3% 02

Do you feel welcome when you attend liturgy at Our Lady of Lourdes? (249 Answered; 39 Skipped) 97% Yes 3% No The music at the Mass I attend enhances my prayer and worship. (255 Answered; 33 Skipped) 42% Strongly agree 5% Disagree 33% Agree 4% Strongly Disagree 16% Neutral Do you have any suggestions to help enhance our Sunday liturgies? (130 Answered; 158 Skipped) Top Three Comments • Adjust Music (56 Comments) • Mass/Liturgy Improvements (22 Comments) • Less/No Latin (21 Comments)

Adult Faith Formation Have you attended an Adult Faith Formation program at Our Lady of Lourdes in the last three years? (253 Answered; 35 Skipped) 26% Yes 74% No If you have attended an Adult Faith Formation program at Our Lady of Lourdes in the last three years, was it a good experience? (88 Answered; 200 Skipped) 70% Yes 30% No If you haven’t attended an Adult Faith Formation program at Our Lady of Lourdes in the last three years, would you consider attending one in the future? (183 Answered; 105 Skipped) 68% Yes 32% No If you would like to attend an Adult Faith Formation program, in which areas would you be most likely to participate? (Check all that apply) (183 Answered; 105 Skipped) 50% Church Teachings 64% Scriptures/Bible Study 35% Ethics and Morality 33% Marriage 32% Small Faith Sharing Groups 46% Practical Ways of Growing in Faith and Prayer 33% Retreats 10% Other

Children’s Faith Formation (Pre-K - 5th grade)

The questions in the shaded area were only answered by those who have a child/children currently enrolled in our Children’s Faith Formation program.

How would you rate the quality of instruction that our students receive in our Children’s Faith Formation program? (40 Answered; 248 Skipped) 45% Excellent 43% Good 13% Adequate 0% Poor

OLL YOUTH Do you have children in 6th through 12th grade living in your home? (208 Answered; 80 Skipped) 25% Yes 75% No If you have children in 6th through 12th grade living in your home, do they attend youth ministry activities/ programs at Our Lady of Lourdes? (56 Answered; 232 Skipped) 9% Regularly 23% Occasionally 68% Never The questions in the shaded area were only answered by those who have a child/children that regularly participate in our youth ministry program.

Do you feel that the instruction provided by our Children’s Faith Formation program is in line with the teaching of the Catholic Church? (40 Answered; 248 Skipped) 85% Yes 3% No 13% Unsure

How would you rate the quality of the youth ministry program at Our Lady of Lourdes? (30 Answered; 258 Skipped) 30% Excellent 33% Good 20% Adequate 17% Poor

What do you like most about our Children’s Faith Formation program? (Check all that apply) (38 Answered; 250 Skipped) 47% Director, staff and catechists 34% The families involved 58% The children/families learn about their faith 26% Meeting times 13% Other

What do you like most about the youth ministry program? (Check all that apply) (29 Answered; 259 Skipped) 52% The commitment and dedication of the staff 24% The variety of activities offered 48% It involves the youth more in parish life 41% The Christian atmosphere in which they socialize 10% Other

How do you think we can improve our Children’s Faith Formation program? (Check all that apply) (34 Answered; 254 Skipped) 50% Get the parents more involved 12% Change the time 41% More training and support for the teachers 12% Improve the curriculum 26% Other

How do you think we can most improve the youth ministry program? (Check all that apply) (38 Answered; 250 Skipped) 61% Involve the youth in the parish more 58% Inform the parishioners more about the program 50% Get more youth involved 42% Offer more activities 34% Improve the current activities 50% Increase the service opportunities 18% Other


Our Lady of Lourdes School (K - 8) Having a Catholic school is a vital part of Our Lady of Lourdes’s mission as a parish. (215 Answered; 73 Skipped) 80% Strongly agree 13% Agree 6% Neutral 1% Disagree 0% Strongly disagree Do you have children in Kindergarten through 8th grade living in your home? (215 Answered; 73 Skipped) 30% Yes 70% No If you have children in Kindergarten through 8th grade living in your home, where do they attend school? (68 Answered; 220 Skipped) 78% Our Lady of Lourdes School 1% Other Private School 15% Public School 6% Home School If you currently have children in Kindergarten through 8th grade in your household and they do not attend Our Lady of Lourdes School, what is the reason that they don't attend? (Check all that apply) (17 Answered; 271 Skipped) 12% Transportation is a problem 6% More academic options at other school 6% Catholic education is not a family priority 0% Cost (I would rather put my money to use in other ways) 47% Cost (I cannot afford to send my child[ren] to Catholic schools) 47% Other Are you aware that Our Lady of Lourdes School has a tuition assistance program for those in need? (144 Answered; 144 Skipped) 77% Yes 23% No


The questions in the shaded area were only answered by those who have children currently enrolled at Our Lady of Lourdes School.

How would you rate the quality of EDUCATION that our students currently receive at Our Lady of Lourdes School? (61 Answered; 227 Skipped) 51% Excellent 36% Good 13% Adequate 0% Fair 0% Poor How receptive is the FACULTY to meeting your needs? (59 Answered; 229 Skipped) 64% Very receptive 24% Somewhat receptive 7% Neutral/no experience 5% Unreceptive 0% Very unreceptive Do you feel that the children who attend our Catholic school are receiving good Catholic moral development? (64 Answered; 224 Skipped) 70% Yes 2% No 22% Somewhat 6% Unsure What do you like most about our Catholic school? (Check all that apply) (59 Answered; 229 Skipped) 80% Great teachers 68% The daily emphasis on Christian life 73% Catholic education 68% Builds community 12% Other How do you think we can improve our Catholic school? (Check all that apply) (54 Answered; 234 Skipped) 39% Increase the communication with the parents 46% Improve the curriculum 43% More training for teachers 39% Increase the emphasis on Catholic Faith 44% Other

Parish Life What is your perception of your role as a member of Our Lady of Lourdes? (Check all that apply) (260 Answered; 28 Skipped) 95% To attend Mass 78% Participate/volunteer in ministries and social activities 88% Support the parish financially 63% Share my faith with others 7% Other In your experience, how responsive is our PASTOR to your needs and requests? (239 Answered; 49 Skipped) 59% Very responsive 18% Somewhat responsive 21% Neutral 1% Unresponsive 0% Very unresponsive In your experience, how responsive is the PARISH OFFICE STAFF to your needs and requests? (248 Answered; 40 Skipped) 79% Very responsive 12% Somewhat responsive 6% Neutral 0% Unresponsive 2% Very unresponsive What methods of communication work best for you and your family to receive parish information? (259 Answered; 29 Skipped) (Check all that apply) 76% Bulletin 42% Website 11% Facebook 1% Twitter 66% Email 54% Parish Newsletter/Mailings 63% Announcements at Mass Did you enjoy receiving our parish’s new monthly newsletters? (243 Answered; 45 Skipped) 93% Yes 7% No In what medium would you prefer to receive the parish’s monthly newsletter: (244 Answered; 44 Skipped) 46% Print (current medium used to deliver newsletter) 54% Online (via email or some other form of electronic delivery)

What information do you want included in our monthly newsletter? (Check all that apply) (238 Answered; 50 Skipped) 86% Articles about parish groups and activities 81% Comments from our pastor 40% Highlights on various parishioners 51% Information on the finances of the parish 59% Diocesan-wide news 62% Articles of general Catholic interest 63% Explanations of specific Catholic teachings 8% Other Do you use our parish’s website? (248 Answered; 40 Skipped) 75% Yes 25% No If not, why not? Top Four Comments (7 each) • Not updated/Pertinent • Use Other Sources • No Need • Do Not Have Access

Outreach Do you feel that Our Lady of Lourdes does a good job reaching out to the following groups: (243 Answered; 45 Skipped) Yes No Unsure Active Parishioners 80% 8% 13% Inactive Parishioners 10% 14% 75% New Parishioners 29% 16% 55% Shut-in Parishioners 22% 7% 72% Non-Catholic Spouses 8% 20% 72% The Local Community 29% 10% 61% The Poor 53% 4% 44% Other Christian Churches 9% 7% 85% Other Religions 6% 8% 86% What more can we do as a parish to reach out to those in need? (Check all that apply) (205 Answered; 83 Skipped) 61% Increase communications about parish ministries 63% Encourage more parishioner participation 39% Be more welcoming 46% Get more involved in the community 16% Other 05

Stewardship What is your perception of Stewardship (Time, Talent, and Treasure) when it is discussed? (228 Answered; 60 Skipped) 67% Accept it as a core Gospel value and carry it out in my life 3% Don’t really understand what it means 24% Think it’s important, but find it hard to implement 2% Feel it’s not applicable in my life 4% Feel that it’s just another way to discuss fundraising

Stewardship of Time How often does your family share a meal? (245 Answered; 43 Skipped) 76% Daily 19% Several days a week 4% Once a week 1% Less than once a week (14% “N/A”. The above percentages were recalculated without those included in the total response pool that totals 100%.) Do you say grace before meals? (246 Answered; 42 Skipped) 81% Yes 19% No If you have children at home, do you pray with them on a daily basis (in addition to grace before meals)? (213 Answered; 75 Skipped) 68% Yes 32% No (53% “N/A”. The above percentages were recalculated without those included in the total response pool that totals 100%.) If you are married, do you pray with your spouse on a daily basis (in addition to grace before meals)? (237 Answered; 51 Skipped) 36% Yes 64% No (19% “N/A”. The above percentages were recalculated without those included in the total response pool that totals 100%.) In addition to Sunday Mass and grace before meals, how often do you set aside time for personal prayer? (247 Answered; 41 Skipped) 79% Daily 2% Monthly 15% Weekly 4% Never 06

If you have children, do you discuss vocations (Religious Life, Single Life, Married Life) within your family? (225 Answered; 63 Skipped) 76% Yes 24% No (48% “N/A”. The above percentages were recalculated without those included in the total response pool that totals 100%.)

Stewardship of Talent In how many parish ministries, committees, programs or events are you actively involved? (244 Answered; 44 Skipped) 25% 0 12% 3 24% 1 10% 4 or more 29% 2 Beyond participating in weekly Masses, how do you rate your involvement in Our Lady of Lourdes? (251 Answered; 37 Skipped) 17% Very involved 49% Moderately involved 26% Rarely involved 8% Never involved What single reason (if any) has most prevented you from more participation in parish ministries? (173 Answered; 115 Skipped) 5% Not interested in what the parish offers 14% Health issues 14% Usually unaware of opportunities within the parish 50% Not enough time due to family and work responsibilities 3% Transportation 11% Haven’t yet made the effort to get involved 2% Lack of babysitting services Are you satisfied with your PERSONAL level of involvement in parish ministries? (243 Answered; 45 Skipped) 60% Satisfied with my current level of involvement 40% Would like to become more involved Are you satisfied with your FAMILY’S level of involvement in parish ministries? (240 Answered; 48 Skipped) 55% Satisfied with current level of involvement 45% Would like to become more involved (34% “N/A”. The above percentages were recalculated without those included in the total response pool that totals 100%.)

At what times would you most likely be able to attend parish functions? (Check all that apply) (219 Answered; 69 Skipped) 24% Saturday mornings 14% Saturday evenings 49% After the Sunday Mass I attend 16% Sunday evenings 21% Weekday mornings 36% Weekday evenings 18% Weekday afternoons If weekday choice, write in best day: Wednesday most common choice (12)

Stewardship of Treasure Each parishioner is responsible for supporting our parish financially. (250 Answered; 38 Skipped) 64% Strongly agree 32% Agree 3% Neutral 0% Disagree 0% Strongly disagree How often do you make financial contributions to Our Lady of Lourdes? (244 Answered; 44 Skipped) 46% Every week 4% Every other week 16% Once a month 18% Monthly (for all the weeks in the month) 2% Never 14% Other My household’s gross annual financial contribution to the parish offertory represents: (190 Answered; 98 Skipped) 2% 0% of my annual income 30% 1% - 2% of my annual income 23% 3% - 4% of my annual income 22% 5% - 6% of my annual income 6% 7% - 8% of my annual income 13% 9% - 10% of my annual income 4% 11% or more of my annual income

How do you determine the amount you contribute in the offertory collection? (238 Answered; 50 Skipped) 24% I give a certain dollar amount based on a percentage of my income. 52% I have chosen a certain dollar amount in some other way. 0% I base the amount on what I think the parish needs. 13% I give whatever I can afford that week. 8% I don’t have a system that determines how much I give. 2% I don’t financially support the parish. What is your perception of our parish’s current financial position? (231 Answered; 57 Skipped) 14% We are easily able to pay our operating bills and put aside money in savings. 42% We are easily able to pay our operating bills. 13% We barely generate enough revenue to pay our operating bills. 2% We are not generating enough revenue to pay our operating bills. 29% I am unaware of the state of our parish finances.

Demographics Gender (250 Answered; 38 Skipped) 22% Male 41% Female 37% Husband and Wife Completed Together Marital Status (Check one) (251 Answered; 34 Skipped) 11% Single 3% Divorced 75% Married 0% Separated 11% Widowed What is your annual household income? (204 Answered; 84 Skipped) 2% $0 - $9,999 14% $75,000 - $99,999 7% $10,000 - $29,999 27% $100,000 - $199,999 15% $30,000 - $49,999 21% $200,000 and above 13% $50,000 - $74,999 Age (You may check more than one box if husband and wife completed the survey together) (249 Answered; 39 Skipped) 4% 18-29 14% 30-39 18% 40-49 17% 50-59 20% 60-69 31% 70+


2718 Overbrook Drive | Raleigh, North Carolina 27608 919-861-4600 | ourladyoflourdescc.org

The Results of Our Recent Parish


continued from front cover Lourdes. In the coming year, I hope we all can work together to meet the needs of our faith community and make life in our parish more rewarding for us all. In Christ,

Fr. Patrick Keane Pastor

How long have you been a registered parishioner at Our Lady of Lourdes? (251 Answered; 37 Skipped) 12% 0-1 year 12% 6-10 years 14% 2-3 years 51% More than 10 years 11% 4-5 years

General Information The things I like best about Our Lady of Lourdes are... (180 Answered; 108 Skipped) Top Three Comments • People/Community (54 Comments) • Mass Liturgy (43 Comments) • Clergy (43 Comments) I wish Our Lady of Lourdes would… (150 Answered; 138 Skipped) Top Three Comments • Adjust Music (24 Comments) • Improve/Adjust Ministries (19 Comments) • Improve Buildings & Facilities (18 Comments)

Mass Times

SATURDAY VIGIL, 5:00 PM | SUNDAY, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM, 1:30 PM Spanish, 5:00 PM MONDAY, 8:00 AM | TUE — FRI, 8:30 AM | THURSDAY, 6:30 PM Spanish Confession Times: WEDNESDAY, 12:00 PM | SATURDAY, 3:00 PM

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