DO THIS IN MEMORY OF ME 2022 Stewardship Renewal St. Donatus, St. Alexius, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter and Paul, Our Lady of the Angels and St. Paul’s

All families are asked to use their Commitment Card to make commitments of time, talent, and treasure, then bring the completed card to Mass on September 24/25.
The Eucharistic Cycle of Stewardship
As Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us, we are called to give of ourselves. With grateful hearts, we receive God’s gifts, prayerfully nurture them, and share them with others.
At the last supper, Jesus gave us His Body and Blood, telling us, “Love one another as I have loved you.” Then just a few hours later, He made the ultimate sacrifice of love on the cross. The invitation is clear: Jesus laid down His life for us, and we are called to give our lives to others. At Parishes on the Prairie, we call this lifestyle stewardship. This year, during our annual Stewardship Renewal, it is an opportunity to reflect deeply on the source and summit of the life and mission of the Church. We at Parishes on the Prairie are truly striving to become a Eucharistic People, which is reflected in our new stewardship theme: Do This in Memory of Me. As Christ gave Himself to us, so we give ourselves to others.

in personal prayer Make an extra
STEWARDSHIP OF TIME Catholics, the center of our prayer lives is the Eucharist. While we are all called to pray daily — on the way to work, with our family, before bedtime — the heart of our spirituality is receiving Jesus in Communion on the Lord’s Day. This year we are placing special emphasis on attending Mass each Sunday, which is not only an obligation, but also a great privilege. On your Commitment Card are listed several other ways to put Jesus at the center of our lives through regular prayer. day effort pray before the Blessed Sacrament
ACTION STEPS FOR SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Make Mass your top priority on Sunday Spend time each

4 STEWARDSHIP OF TALENT BEING CHRIST TO OTHERS Every week, Parishes on the Prairie are buzzing with activity. There are groups that pray together, groups that minister to other parishioners, and groups that reach out to the community. Part of being an active member of our parishes is to find your niche — the ministry where your personal talents can best be used. This is what St. Peter meant when he wrote, “As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). ACTION STEPS TO INCREASE YOUR INVOLVEMENT: Re-commit yourself to your current parish ministries Choose one new ministry to join Plan to attend parish-wide events

When Jesus observed a poor widow giving a small contribution to the temple, He remarked to His apostles, “This poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others.” In this touching scene, we learn that our gifts should be proportionate : if your income is low, your gift will be small; for those who have more, more is expected. Moreover, we learn from this parable that Christ honors our sacrifice ; He cherishes the sacrifice we make when we give from our substance rather than from our surplus.
While the Church doesn’t have any hard-andfast rules for financial support, in Scripture we find that the Israelites were asked to give God 10 percent of their harvest. Thus, the tithe has become a standard for most Christian communities, including Parishes on the Prairie. We ask that each family apportion their tithe as follows: 5% to your parish 1% to the diocese 4% to other charities
ACTION STEPS FOR FINANCIAL GENEROSITY: Strive to give 5% to your parish Commit to a specific gift each week or month Use your offertory envelopes or direct deposit

Contact — St. Alexius: Darla Marthaler, 612-770-1013 Our Lady of the Angels: JoLynn Welle, 320-429-4245 St. Paul’s: Deacon Tom McFadden, 320-493-5049
Contact — St. Donatus: Debbie Olson, 320-346-2612; Lolly Rooney, 320-346-2774 St. Alexius: Karen Deters, 320-352-6346; Deb Frie, 320-304-5085
Contact — Our Lady of the Angels: Jim Bosl, 320-290-9438 St. Paul’s Church: Richard Orth, 352-3088
GreetersGREETERScreate a welcoming environment by greeting parishioners and visitors as they enter the church for Masses.
St. Francis de Sales: Rose Tschida, 320-254-3172 Sts. Peter & Paul: Kathy Haider, 320-290-6761 Our Lady of the Angels: Alice Peters, 320-352-3768 St. Paul’s: Ruth Pohlmann, 320-352-6386
ThisMINISTRYministry offers comfort to mourners by assisting the family in planning the meal and providing the funeral meal if desired. Teams are led by coordinators and volunteers are called to help set up, make, serve and clean up after funeral lunches.
Contact — St. Alexius: Marlys Marthaler, 320-260-7840
Ushers serve our parishioners at funeral Masses throughout the week, greeting those who mourn, directing mourners to their seats and providing needed information pertaining to the funeral service.
to help with hospitality for the All Saints Day Mass in the cemetery. Mass begins after dark. We show hospitality by providing multiple campfires, light and sound, and a few snacks to follow.

Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
St. Donatus Turkey Dinner: Gerald and Sue Schmitz, 320-250-5818
Our Lady of the Angels Chow Mein Dinner: Dave and Lisa Beilke, 320-491-7865
Our Lady of the Angels: Rob Gruber, 320-352-3247
St. Francis de Sales: Joyce Schwinghamer,
St. Alexius Sausage Supper: Carol Miller, 320-859-2585
As support to the pastor and the deacons, ministers bring the Holy Eucharist to patients in the hospital and to shut-ins at home.
Contact — St. Donatus: Tony Rooney, 320-424-0508
Sts. Peter & Paul Parish Breakfast: Harry Zenzen, 320-250-5749
Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Marjorie Roering, 320-352-6044
MORNING COFFEE AND FamiliesROLLS or individuals provide coffee, rolls and juice, and serve it for the whole parish once a month after 8:30 a.m. Mass. Contact — St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563
The Christian Seder (Sā der) Meal is an interactive, symbolic meal held on Wednesday of Holy Week. Volunteers are needed to decorate the day prior and for light cleanup after the meal. Youth volunteers are needed to serve.
Contact — Katie Loxtercamp, 320-260-8478
UshersUSHERSgreet parishioners at weekend Masses, take up the collection, distribute bulletins, and perform other
These are committees that plan, coordinate, prepare and serve at their church community events.
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
St. Francis de Sales Sausage Supper: Aaron Liebl, 320-577-3542
St. Alexius: Kelly and Marlys Marthaler, 320-260-7840
St. Paul’s: Harold Lahr, 320-352-6771
St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563
Contact — ACC Summer Event: Janet Zenzen, 320-290-0772
7 duties as needed to ensure the Mass progresses smoothly.

This ministry is for men willing to assist our altar servers. The emcee helps the liturgy flow smoothly and guides servers as needed.
St. Francis de Sales, First Fridays: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563
Our Lady of the Angels: Michael Doubek, 320-761-8255 St. Paul’s: Parish Office, 320-352-2196 8
Our parishes offer Eucharistic Adoration at various times. All are invited to come for a short visit or an extended period of adoration. We are always in need of Committed Adorers, Prayer Partners and Prayer Subs.
Contact — Our Lady of the Angels: Michael Doubek, 320-761-8255 St. Paul’s: Mark Haskamp, 320-492-8282
OF HOLY priestsspecialCommunionCOMMUNIONMinistershavetheresponsibilityofhelpinganddeaconstodistribute the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass.
Sts. Peter & Paul, Thursdays during Advent and Lent: Linda Kasper, 763-286-7023
GIFT Families,BEARERScouplesand individuals who would like to present the bread and wine at the preparation of the gifts on Sunday may sign up to reserve a specific day.
(Due to the nature of this ministry, there are special requirements)
Contact — St. Donatus, Wednesday and First Saturday: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4879
Youth can assist the priest at all liturgical services that require servers, such as daily and weekend Masses, funerals and weddings. Altar servers must be in the 5th grade or older and have received their First Communion.
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
Sts. Peter & Paul: Jeanne Illies, 320-250-0628
St. Faustina Chapel, 1 p.m. Sunday to 10 a.m. Saturday: Linda Frericks, 320-352-0105
Our Lady of the Angels: Lola Welle, 320-352-6014 St. Paul’s: Monica Blaske, 320-266-2894
Our Lady of the Angels: Claire Rieland, 320-260-9769 St. Paul’s: Karen VonWahlde, 320-980-2159
Contact — St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563
Contact — St. Donatus: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4879
St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563 St. Francis de Sales: Joyce Schwinghammer, 320-894-9590
SacristansSACRISTANSareresponsible for the care of the precious objects used during liturgies, such as the linens, altar supplies and vestments. They also keep the sacristy clean and in order. The duties of the sacristans are under the direction of the pastor.
Sts. Peter & Paul: Sheila Jaeger, 320-493-7883
St. Francis de Sales: Joyce Schwinghammer, 320-894-9590
Our Lady of the Angels: Audrey Roering, 320-266-6441
Contact — St. Donatus: Carol Sanders, 320-291-6478
A strong voice is helpful in this ministry.
St. Paul’s: Kate Uphus, 320-352-0141
We are so happy to pray for people’s intentions. We pray for emergencies, family troubles, illness, and much more. Join us in lifting up others in prayer!
Our Lady of the Angels: Claudette Jennissen, 320-352-3192 St. Paul’s: Katie Loxtercamp, 320-260-8478
Contact — St. Donatus: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4879 St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563 St. Francis de Sales: Rick Tschida, 320-254-3172 Sts. Peter & Paul: Cheryl Weller, 320-346-2710
the Word of God at Mass in an inspiring and meaningful way. They carefully review the Scripture passages and practice reading them aloud before coming to Mass.
Contact — St. Donatus: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4880 St. Alexius: Emily Backowski, 320-266-1909 St. Francis de Sales: Kathy Zenner, 320-249-3838 Sts. Peter & Paul: Marcia Bayer, 320-697-5537
People are needed to lead a Rosary before Masses on the weekend.
St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563
Our Lady of the Angels: Melinda Doubek, 320-761-8233 St. Paul’s: Carla Moritz, 320-248-3455
Contact — St. Donatus: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4880 St. Alexius: Parish Office, 320-352-2563 St Francis de Sales: Christina Rooney, 320-254-8920 Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
Our Lady of the Angels: Michael Doubek, 320-761-8255 St. Paul’s: Marlene Groetsch, 320-352-6419

Contact — St. Alexius: Maria Minette, 320-267-3230 Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Amy Trisko, 320-351-5580
Cantors lead the congregation in song during Mass. Training is provided as needed and 10
scheduling is flexible. An audition is required.
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Judy Detloff, 320-429-4879 St. Alexius, Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Deb Tholl, 320-423-6263
Contact — St. Donatus: Bonita Rademacher, 320-290-6995 St. Alexius: Julie Bottelberghe, 320-491-6016 St. Francis de Sales: Kathy Zenner, 320-249-3838
Contact — Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Nancy Schleicher, 320-491-8670
Contact — St. Alexius: Jennifer Klaphake, 320-290-8532 Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Melanie Borgerding, 320-266-6002
Contact — St. Alexius: Julie Bottelberghe, 320-491-6016 Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Nancy Schleicher, 320-491-8670 Youth Choir All youth are invited to join the youth choir open to youth in grades K-12.
SEVEN TheAPOSTOLATESISTERSSevenSisterApostolate is a call to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed by a woman from our parishes each day of the week for the sole intention of our priests for their deeper conformity to Christ.
Sts. Peter & Paul: Pat Loxtercamp, 320-987-3254; Joan Eibensteiner, 320-987-3253 Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Nancy Schleicher, 320-491-8670 Instrumentalists Musicians in our parish can accompany our choirs with piano, organ, flute, stringed instruments or percussion. An audition is required.
Choir Men, women and youth alike who enjoy praising God with song are invited to join a choir.
TEEN prayerinPrayerPRAYERINTERCESSORY(TIP)Partnersprayforouryouthsixththrough12thgrades.Eachpartnerismailedthenameof a youth and calendars twice a year with a simple daily prayer to help guide each day. Each prayer partner commits to pray for one year, but it is our hope that you continue praying until the student’s senior year, when they will find out who you are.
Contact Whitney—Rutten, 320-352-2196
Elementary Meal Ministry Help serve meals and clean up for special occasions for the elementary program. This is only a few times during the school year on Wednesday nights.
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Colleen Borgerding, 320-290-6996
Contact — St. Alexius: Christina Rousslang, 320-980-0475
Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Katherine Mackedanz, 612-418-9692
Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Amy Trisko, 320-351-5580
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Colleen Borgerding, 320-254-8218
Marriage Sponsor Couples
Catechists are needed to teach a small group of students by grade level. Materials and training are provided by each parish coordinator along with a schedule for the year. This program runs September to April.
St. Alexius: Christina Rousslang, 320-980-0475
CHILDREN Children’s Liturgy of the Word
Vacation Bible School (VBS) VBS is held in June. These days include music, Bible reading/lessons, prayer and crafts. Volunteers are needed from the kitchen to the classroom. Contact — St. Alexius: Christina Rousslang, 320-980-0475
Young children are invited to the Church basement at the start of the Liturgy of the Word to hear the Gospel proclaimed and explained at their level.
FORMATION ADULT Alpha Alpha is a place where anyone can come learn the basics of Christianity. Alpha can help you establish or reignite your personal relationship with Jesus. Alpha has a strong focus on hospitality and starts with a meal. After the meal, there is a short video followed by small-group discussion. It runs for 11 consecutive weeks and is free. Everyone is welcome! It is a great way to invite a neighbor or friend who is searching.
In this ministry, a married couple meets with an engaged couple to mentor them in preparation for marriage. The married couples are trained by the diocese, collaborate with the priests, and usually work with two couples each year.
Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Amy Trisko, 320-351-5580
Elementary Faith Formation Program
Contact — Mike Karasch 651-224-1436
Contact — St. Alexius: Christina Rousslang, 320-980-0475
helping youth grow in faith through regular gatherings, service opportunities, diocesan events and conferences.
Our Lady of the Angels and St. Paul’s ninth-12th grade: Shari Saltmarsh, 320-351-5580 Confirmation Retreat We need men and women to chaperone a one night/two day retreat. Chaperones lead small groups, sleep in dorms and participate in the whole retreat.
Contact — St. Alexius, Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Fr. Theis, 320-429-0116 St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Collen Borgerding, 320-290-6996 Youth Group Adults are needed who want to invest time and energy into
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Sheila Jaeger, 320-493-7883, St. Alexius: Christina Rousslang, 320-980-0475 Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Kathy Knoblach, 320-351-5580 Totus Tuus Totus Tuus is a Catholic summer youth program dedicated to sharing the Gospel and promoting the Catholic Faith through catechesis, evangelization, Christian witness and Eucharistic worship. The goal of Totus Tuus is to help young people grow in the understanding of, and strengthen their faith in Jesus Christ.
Our Lady of the Angels and St. Paul’s sixth-eighth grade: Kathy Knoblach, 320-351-5580
YOUTH Jr & Sr. High Faith Formation Volunteer Catechists teach grade levels from 7th to 11th grade. Materials and training are provided by each parish coordinator along with a schedule for the year. These programs run September to April.
Contact — Kathy Knoblach, 320-293-6980

DivorceCareDIVORCECAREisa13-week support group that helps you heal from the pain of separation or divorce, offering support, answers and practical tools to help you manage the many stresses of
St. Francis de Sales: Cindy Weller, 320-262-9036, Sts. Peter & Paul: Lois Wesbur, 320-894-5837
13 separation and divorce, and find healing. The experience involves components designed to help in that healing, videos, group discussions, and articles for recovery and personal growth.
Help keep our worship space and church looking great! If you would like to help clean, we have opportunities — dusting, cleaning windows, sweeping, or vacuuming floors, etc. This can be done at a time that is convenient for you.
Our Lady of the Angels: Amy Klaphake, 320-291-0451
Contact — St. Donatus: Terry Weller, 320-291-6924
People who love being outdoors and gardening are needed to help take care of the garden areas.
Contact — Our Lady of the Angels: John Lahr, 352-352-3189
Help decorate the church for Christmas, Easter and each season of the church year. If you are gifted in this area or enjoy working with flowers, we need you, along with some strong backs, to help move, lift and climb to put up our decorations.
GriefShareGRIEFSHAREisasupport group that meets weekly for 13 sessions. You’ll find support and encouragement after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend. Come join the warm, caring environment to help you on your journey through grief.
Contact — St. Alexius: Carol Miller, 320-859-2585
Contact — Deb Himsl, 320-429-0913
Our Lady of the Angels: Amy Klaphake, 320-291-0451
St. Alexius: Carol Miller, 320-859-2585
St. Paul’s: Mary Peterson, 320-248-3055
Contact — Deb Himsl, 320-429-0913

Prayer blankets with prayers are provided for community members to give to their adult and youth loved ones who are suffering from an illness, a hurtful marriage, or need surgery. Volunteers use the blanket stitch sewing with yarn and are provided fleece material to make these prayer blankets. The blankets are made in a spirit of prayer for the person who will receive it. They are blessed by a priest or deacon. This is a very peaceful and healing ministry.
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
St. Paul’s: Kathy McFadden, 320-352-6306
PeopleCLEANINGcleanthe St. Faustina chapel area and bathroom in St. Paul’s church in pairs or as a family each Saturday. Contact — Linda Frericks, 320-352-0105
PeoplePHOTOGRAPHYareneededto take pictures of parish life at different events and celebrations we have throughout the year. You need your own camera that can take high-quality, highresolution photos.
Contact — Allison Norgren, 320-333-8252
Contact — St. Alexius: Laura Primus, 320-352-3187
Collection is counted on a weekly basis by parishioners.
St. Alexius: Karen Deters, 320-352-6346
Our Lady of the Angels & St. Paul’s: Parish Office, 320-352-2196
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Parish Office, 320-254-8218
There are many ways you can give of your time, talents and treasures at HFS. Volunteers help in the school cafeteria, with indoor and outdoor supervision, in the classrooms, with fundraisers and special events, and much more. Consider being a volunteer at HFS. (School families are asked to also complete yearly the volunteer sign-up form at school.)
Contact — Carla Moritz, 320-352-6535
Martha’s Meals is a ministry for families welcoming a new baby by birth, adoption or fostering. Families receive five meals shortly after the baby or child comes home. Volunteers commit to bringing a meal and a friendly face to families, when they are available. We welcome volunteers or families with a baby — you can email or call/text, in advance, if you are expecting a child or if you want to be on the list to bring a meal!
St. Alexius: Cathy Winters, 320-293-2366,
Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Gina Quinn, 320-429-5223
We are a collection of several ministries that function behind the scenes and under the guidance of the head sacristan to enhance the worship experience. Some ministries operate daily, some weekly, seasonally or for special events. Most do not require a large time commitment and no meetings. We are always open to new members, and can find a spot for anyone interested in joining us! Church Cleaning: We are always looking for parishioners to join us to help dust the church worship space as individuals or as a team. We dust every 10 days at this time and typically takes 1.5 hours if you do it alone. We only dust within arm’s reach and no climbing on ladders. Substitutes are also needed.
Votive Candle Ministry: A tradition in prayer is to light a candle in honor of a personal intention. Our ministry is a group of volunteers who maintain the candles stands daily with replacing the candles as well collecting the donations. There is also seasonal votive candle cleaning. Volunteer 1 or 2 days a week to check the candles. Contact: Christine Kampsen at 320-309-2898 or
Church Decorating: We are in need of additional people to help our ministry plan, arrange/order plants and decorate the church during Ordinary time and the Easter and Christmas seasons under the direction of the head sacristan.
Pew Cleaning: Sign up to be on a list to be called when we do pew cleaning 2-3 times a year. We wipe down pews and this typically takes an under an hour.
Holy Water Fonts: Volunteer 15 minutes 1-2 days a week to check the holy water fonts are filled, cleaned and occasionally refill main holy water font.
15 schedule and makes sure plants are taken care and displayed according to church guidelines.
Linens Ministry: With deep love and reverence for the Holy Eucharist, the Altar Linen Care Ministry cares for the sacred linens on a rotating schedule. Training is provided on how to care for these special linens that contain the Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. This ministry is made up of team members who, behind the scenes in their own homes, reverently launder and care for the purificators and corporals used on the altar at Mass.
Indoor Plant Care: Volunteer to be on watering
This is a ministry of volunteers who assist the priest and provide hospitality to the wedding party at the rehearsal and the day of the ceremony. Training includes learning sacristan skills and being commissioned as a Eucharistic Minister. The coordinator is assigned two to three weddings per year. Contact — Whitney Rutten, 320-352-2196
St. Francis de Sales: Parish Office, 320-254-8218 Sts. Peter & Paul: Toni Borgerding, 320-290-3677
Knights Of Columbus
Our Lady of the Angels: Alice Peters, 320-352-3768
The Knights of Columbus is a fraternal service organization of men, founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. This organization provides men with a vehicle for building up the parish community and family life with an emphasis
VolunteersMINISTRYtake turns tidying up the church and gathering space after the last Mass of the weekend. Contact — St. Paul’s: Donna Primus, 320-352-6156
GROUPS Christian Mothers Christian Mothers membership is open to all adult female members
Contact — St. Alexius: Laura Primus, 320-352-3187
of the Church. Our purpose is to encourage each other in our faith through fellowship and informative Catholic teaching; to pray together for our children, deceased members of Christian Mothers, our parish and our world.

A group of women who want to answer the call of the Church to be mission-minded by praying for missionaries, and making quilts
This is a men’s group that helps with keeping the church clean and fixed up, prays the Rosary for its deceased members, provides coffee and rolls twice a year, and has an annual meeting in December. When a member passes, five Masses are offered up on his behalf. Consider this opportunity for spiritual growth and support!
Contact — St. Alexius: Tom Miller, 320-859-2585 on family, youth, church, council, and community activities.
Contact — Kathy Knoblach, 320-351-5580
Contact — St. Francis de Sales: Irma Borgerding, 320-248-0870
St. Alexius, Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s: Dan Krousey, 320-429-4628
Mission Groups
Our Lady of the Angels: Marlene Jennissen, 320-352-3321 St. Paul’s: Kathy Imdieke, 320-293-9802
This group sponsors a bus and attends the Pro-Life rally on Jan. 22 each year at the capital. We also support a local garage sale to raise money for pro-life causes, work with Options for Women and 40 Days for Life.
St. Joseph Society
Contact — St. Donatus, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul: Roy Lensing, 320-248-4580
Merciful Jesus Committee
Pro-Life Group
17 and other items to give to people who are in need.
Sts. Peter & Paul: Carol Deters, 320-266-7450
Contact — Mary Reuter, 320-352-2671
The purpose of the committee is to promote and spread devotion to Merciful Jesus. It is our mission to make the Divine Mercy Shrine a place of pilgrimage, to promote Divine Mercy Sunday celebrations and to foster praying of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Meetings are held on the third Wednesdays of each month, after the 7 a.m. Mass and Chaplet. Contact — Mark Haskamp, 320-492-8282 Migori Partnership Team This group works with delegations and the orphan project we have with St. Joseph’s in Migori, Kenya. We are striving to learn more about what mission means and how we can expand how we live out mission in our parishes and world.

AsCOMMITTEEMAINTENANCEtheneedarises,this group keeps the church and its grounds looking good. Contact — St. Donatus: Audrey Rademacher, 320-291-2320 St. Alexius: Alex Miller, 320-491-5197
The Cemetery Committee is responsible for pricing available plots, keeping records of sold plots, and providing perpetual care for the cemetery grounds. This committee ensures that the cemetery always honors the souls of the faithful buried in our parish cemetery.
Contact — St. Donatus: Tony Rooney, 320-424-0509 St. Alexius: Mark Klaphake, 320-352-0062 St. Francis de Sales: Paul Gregory, 320-290-6858 Sts. Peter & Paul: Randy Hellerman, 320-290-1728 Our Lady of the Angels: Audrey Roering, 320-266-6441 St. Paul’s: Kris Hokanson, 320-491-8064
Contact — St. Donatus: Ken and Bonita Rademacher, 320-290-6995
St. Alexius: Barb Bentfield, 320-352-2563 St. Francis de Sales: Mike Mastey, 320-333-9250 Sts. Peter & Paul: Tom Weber, 320-237-3018 St. Paul’s: John Lahr, 320-352-3189 Our Lady of the Angels: Jason Kerfeld, 320-429-0794
The Finance Council assists with the responsible oversight of the parish’s resources. They review and approve the annual parish budget, monitor the budget throughout the fiscal year, advise the pastor in financial matters, and ensure that the parish remains current with its obligations to the parish employees, parish vendors, and diocesan organizations, including the payment of assessments, insurance premiums, retirement premiums and payroll taxes. This is an appointed position.

TrusteesTRUSTEESsiton the corporate board of their parish along with the pastor, the vicar general of the diocese, and the bishop. Together they are entrusted with the responsible stewardship of
19 temporal goods for their parish. They also act as advisers to the pastor. This position is appointed by the Bishop.
Sts. Peter & Paul: Jackie Weller, 320-429-5110 Our Lady of the Angels: Audrey Roering, 320-266-6441; Joyce Frericks, 320-250-0862
Contact — Cindy Karasch, 320-492-5854
St. Alexius: Mark Klaphake, 320-248-3196; Tom Miller, 320-491-4494
Contact — St. Donatus: Tony Rooney, 320-424-0509; Greg Rademacher, 320-346-2708
St. Francis de Sales: Paul Gregory, 320-290-6858; Paul Rooney, 320-254-8920
St. Paul’s: Kris Hokanson, 320-491-8064; Jamie Hooper, 320-493-6032
We work together with our priests on the development and formation of stewardship within our parishes. We do the behind-thescenes work of the Annual Parish Retreat, Stewardship Renewal, development of the newsletter, and the Thank You Banquet for our ministry leaders.

TIME COMMITTO Address • City, ST Zip 000-000-0000 • website YOUR STEWARDSHIP COMMITMENT TO JESUS CHRIST In the end, stewardship is about following Jesus, not just with our hearts and minds, but with concrete actions. Yet, it’s difficult to give God any percentage of our time, talent, or treasure if we do not first give Him 100 percent of our hearts. For this reason, our Stewardship Renewal is a time for conversion above all else. It is a time to make God our top priority, and then express this conversion through written commitments. Please bring your Commitment Card to Mass on September 24/25 or mail it using the envelope provided. Completing your card is an important part of being an active member of Parishes on the Prairie. Please Keep Until Fall 2023 St. Donatus, St. Alexius, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter and Paul, Our Lady of the Angels and St. Paul’s 304 Sinclair Lewis Ave. • Sauk Centre, MN 56378 • (320) 352-2196 •