S T. A L E X I U S - O U R L A D Y O F T H E A N G E L S - S T. PA U L ’S
ooking for a little spiritual ing, spiritual, and a valuable opporrenewal? We have an outstanding tunity for fellowship. one-day retreat coming up on Feb. For Cele, having the chance to 26. It is open to all parishioners and grow in faith, understanding, stewardguests of St. Donatus, St. Alexius, ship, and community is a true blessing. St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter and “I love that interaction with other Paul, Our Lady of the Angels, and people,” Cele says. “Sometimes, it’s St. Paul’s. Since Ash Wednesday people who grew up with my kids is the following week, our annual who I haven’t seen in years, and we retreat will be a wonderful way to kind of reinforce each other’s faith. springboard into Lent. We pray with and for each other. Lisa McArdle, a friend of Fr. “Now we have an ACC of six Greg’s and member of Catholic parishes and it puts us in contact Stewardship Consultants, will be the Lisa McArdle of Catholic Stewardship with other people in our parish comConsultants will be the featured featured speaker. Her theme for the munities,” she continues. “It also puts speaker on Feb. 26, with the theme day is “Stewardship Starts at Home!” you in contact with people who have a “Stewardship Starts at Home.” Lisa will present spiritual thoughts different perspective. And sometimes and practical tips on four topics: “Stewardship: a your fellow parishioners have an answer to a question Family Call,” “Living as a Stewardship Family,” you didn’t have an answer to. “Bring it to the Lord,” and “The Four Family Pillars.” “A retreat offers such a wonderful spiritual reAlong with time for quiet reflection and opportunity source, whether it’s praying for priests or learning for small-group discussion, it promises to be a day of about a certain saint,” she adds. growing in faith. Cele recognizes that, outside of Mass, the busyness Speaking of growing, parishioner Cele Gamradt of our modern-day lives can get in the way of making has increased in faith at several previous annual re- a spiritual pilgrimage or engaging on a deeper level treats. She found each retreat experience to be enrich- with our faith.
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