Options fo
Offering Essential Support to Tho
hen it comes to unplanned pregnancy, support can take many forms — and that support should go further than helping the parents choose life. The parents will need support after the birth of the baby and through the years to follow. Options for Women in Sauk Centre serves as that essential support net for parents. The center offers free pregnancy and STI testing, ultrasounds, and life coaching. The center also offers classes and a baby boutique full of all the things new parents need. Most of all, Options for Women is a safe place for moms and dads. Staff is there to offer a listening ear, advice, and support to those facing an unplanned pregnancy. “I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else,” says Kate Kerin, who has been with Options for Women since the beginning. She serves as a life coach and client mentor. An affiliate of TLC Pregnancy Resource Center, Options for Women has been in Sauk Centre for 17 years. They’ve provided many important services to expectant mothers and fathers over the years. Their
(From left) Colleen Cianflone, Director; Mary Ann Kuharski, Speaker; Kate Kerin, Outreach; Tami Rieland and Tom McFadden, both nurses at Evening for Life
work is supported by our parishes, Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life (MCCL), and private donations, among others. The Knights of Columbus helped Options for Women purchase an ultrasound. This past October, Options for Women hosted a fundraiser called Evening for Life
with speaker Mary Ann Kuharski, who helped found Prolife Across America. The event was a great revenue generator for the center. Another important service the center offers is education on everything from labor and delivery to handling finances and discipline.
“There is often a misconception about what we do. We absolutely want babies to be born, but we also stay with families as a source of support. We help them through what they are going through, and they often end up leading great lives.” — Kate Kerin