3 minute read
MEET PARISHIONERS JUDY AND RICHARD DETLOFF: Embracing Family, Parish Life, and Community
When Judy Detloff was at Mass with her young children many years ago, one of the priests at the time invited them to come to the front pews so the kids could see what was going on.
“We have been sitting in the third pew from the front ever since,” she says.
Judy has been a parishioner of St. Donatus for 52 years — since she married her husband, Richard, in June of 1970. The Detloffs have eight children and 17 grandchildren. While being in a small parish might be difficult for some, Judy loves how close-knit the parish community is at St. Donatus.
“I love the size of St. Donatus because with being small everyone knows everyone,” she says. “So if someone comes to church that you don’t know, you reach out to them and welcome them. Also if someone from the parish is struggling or needs help, we know about it and can help them.”
Judy and Richard have been very involved in our parish for many years. Having had a life-changing experience at the apparition site of Medjugorje in April 2000, Judy came home and began serving with a holy hour on Wednesday nights for adults while children attended religious education. To this day, she and Richard close the night off together. But Judy’s involvement extends further beyond this weekly commitment. continued on back cover
“I have served on the parish council, Christian Mothers, and taught religion,” she says. “I now serve on our Area Catholic Community team, the Stewardship Committee — I serve as sacristan, lector, Extraordinary Minister, and Rosary leader. I am also the Anchoress of our Seven Sisters Apostolate.”
Being a mother to many and a grandmother to even more, Judy says her favorite saint is St. Monica, mother of St. Augustine and patron of all mothers.
“I also pray for my children and grandchildren to get to heaven, like she did for her son, St. Augustine,” Judy says.
Along with praying for her family, Judy regularly prays for the needs of our priests in front of the tabernacle each Sunday.
Serving in the parish is very important to Judy, who noticed the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic presented to our parish community, particularly its impact on parishioner attendance.
“I attend any faith formation events I can,” Judy says. “This parish has made me see how important each and every one of us are in keeping our parish alive. It takes all of us to keep it going.”

Judy and Richard Detloff were married in June 1970 and are longtime parishioners of St. Donatus. They have eight children and 17 grandchildren. The couple has served our parish community in many ways over the years.