2 minute read
Amazing Parish: Direction and Clarity in Our Faith Community
Why does the Church exist? Take a minute to reflect on that question, “Why does the Church exist?”
Many might say, “to know, love, and serve the Lord.” As true as that is, my answer goes more like this — “to do the work of Jesus Christ by healing the broken hearted, blessing the poor in spirit, and leading all God’s children into the Father’s presence, heaven.”
This past week, I grew in my own desire to lead our parishes. It is not an option to stand by as the pressures of our society whittle away at our faith and values by diluting all that Catholics believe in.
Amazing Parish is a movement of priests and involved church members seeking to rethink parish leadership. Without better leadership, better direction, and better clarity, our parishes will not be able to withstand the “humdrum” the world imposes upon us.
As the old Aaron Tippin song goes, “You’ve got to stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.” What are you standing for?
In our Father’s hands,
:) Fr. Greg Paffel
Lord Jesus, we pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the people of St. Donatus, St. Alexius, St. Francis de Sales, Sts. Peter & Paul, Our Lady of the Angels, St. Paul’s, Holy Family School, and the Centre for Christ. Prepare us to one day be in the fullness of our Father’s presence. Amen.