2 minute read
MEET ST. PAUL’S USHER JERRY KULZER: Stepping Forward to Foster Parish Hospitality
When we see ushers at any of our parishes, it seems like a fairly easy ministry, and it is. Ushers welcome people, seat them, place the bulletins and facilitate the collection.
None of these tasks require a skill besides one — a willingness to help. And that’s how Jerry Kulzer, St. Paul’s usher, found his place to serve. He simply loves to help.
“I give up my seat at church if needed,” Jerry says. “I just really like to be helpful. I feel that’s a gift that God gave me.”
Jerry was raised Catholic and has been a member at St. Paul’s his whole life. About 15 years ago, Wayne Bromenshenkel asked Jerry if he wanted to get involved in his usher group. The groups are assigned two months per year. With a shortage of ushers due to the pandemic, Jerry agreed to take two more months in 2022.
“If I walk into church, I just plan to usher,” he says. “I don’t mind it at all.”
Besides the obvious tasks, ushers also take an attendance count and handle any medical issues with parishioners. Jerry has had a few cases where he has had to call an ambulance for someone.
Ushers are also there to make visitors feel welcome and answer questions. If a person walks in late, Jerry may even help show them where the rest of their family is seated.
When it comes to special Masses or events at St. Paul’s, Jerry is happy to step forward to do what needs to be done. For example, this spring, he ushered at the First Communion Mass for his grandson.
“I am there anyway,” Jerry says. “If I’m there, I might as well help.”
Jerry feels that being an usher makes him listen and be more engaged with the Mass. He would encourage others to get involved in a ministry that fits their skillset.
“God gave me the gift of being helpful, so why not use it?” he says. “I believe being part of this ministry has treated me well over the years.”
If you would like to get involved as an usher at our parishes, please call theNorth ACC office for Sauk Centre at 320-352-2196; the South ACC office for Belgrade,Brooten, or Elrosa at 320-254-8218; or the West ACC office for St. Alexius at 320-352-2563.

St. Paul’s parishioner Jerry Kulzer has been part of the Ushers Ministry for the past 15 years.