Catholic Community of Bartlesville Newsletter — May 2022

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The Spiritual Rea

A Valuable Opportunity to Learn a


here is no better place to grow in your faith have someone else to bounce ideas off.” through fellowship, study, and some downThe Spiritual Reading Book Club reads to-earth discussion than the Spiritual Reading two books each year and the topics offer great Book Club. Meeting once a month, the club variety. Sometimes they read biographies of allows its participants to read at an unhurried saints or those on the way to becoming saints, pace, reflect, and gather to share insights about including Mother Teresa, Dorothy Day, and what they have read. Since its founding almost our own Blessed Stanley Rother. Other books 10 years ago, the Spiritual Reading Book Club have delved deep into an aspect of our faith, has been a joint effort of both St. James and St. such as the Eucharist. Other books address John. Rita Leland, a parishioner at St. James, practical ways to live our faith, like Thrift Store has been part of the Spiritual Reading Book Saints by Jane Knuth. Christian classics such Club since the very beginning. as Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis are included “The book club has made me think more and contemporary works like Learning to Pray deeply about many subjects, like the Eucharist,” by Fr. James Martin round out the list. St. James parishioner Rita Leland Rita says. “At the same time, I’m learning from Rita values the discussion that happens the examples of different Catholics and saints. I can read around each book. There is a lot to digest over the course something that’s a little different and deeper, and I have people of a reading. to talk to about it. I like the depth of scholarship and that I “You want to talk to someone about it and toss ideas back

Some of the books that the Spiritual Reading Book Club has read


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