The Eucharist

Lord, You alone are the source of every good gift, of the vast array of our universe, and the mystery of each human life. We praise You and we thank You for Your great power and Your tender, faithful LOVE.
Everything we are and everything we have is Your gift, and after having created us, You have given us into the keeping of Your son, JESUS CHRIST.
Fill our minds with His truth and our hearts with His love, that in His spirit we may be bonded together into a community of faithful, caring people.
In the Name of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to be good servants of the gifts entrusted to us, to share our time, our talent, and our material gifts as an outward sign of the Treasure we hold as intentional disciples of Jesus. Amen
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that “the Eucharist is the source and summit of the Christian life. The other sacraments, and indeed all… ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented towards it (paragraph 1324).”
While many of us were already familiar with this description of the Eucharist as the “source and summit” of our Catholic faith, we have now experienced this truth for ourselves — on a deep and personal level. Because we have all gone through a season away from Mass due to the coronavirus, we have all felt the profound deprivation of life without the privilege of sacramental Communion. Perhaps we can now see that in this deprivation our all-loving God was offering us a precious, though painful gift, one that we are only beginning to unwrap — the profound realization that the Eucharist truly is the source and summit of our life.
Yes, absence truly does make the heart grow fonder. Don’t our hearts now burn with new love and longing for this Sacrament of Love? Don’t we realize now, as never before, what a treasure we have in all the sacraments of the Church, in the fellowship of our parish family, in the simple acts of service we can offer to each other? We know now because we have experienced it for ourselves, that The Eucharist truly is Our Love and Our Life.
At St. Michael, we have embraced stewardship spirituality as a way of life for our parish ’ohana. Because the Eucharist is at the center of our faith, it is also at the center of our stewardship way of life. As we enter into this time of Renewal in the wake of such a challenging time, we can never be quite the same. We were all affected in some form or fashion by the pandemic. Let us put the hard-fought lessons we have learned to great use. And let us focus with new intensity on the Eucharist as our love and our life, offering our gratitude to the Giver of this priceless Gift with concrete commitments of Time, Talent, and Treasure.
“For my flesh is true food, and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me and I in him. Just as the living Father sent me and I have life because of the Father, so also the one who feeds on me will have life because of me (John 6: 55-57).
Just as our bodies need healthy physical nourishment to survive and thrive, so, too do our spiritual lives require nourishment. We are called to use the gift of time above all to nourish our souls. So, we must take an honest look at ourselves. Do we put our spiritual life first or do we focus more on the cares of the world or escape from those cares? Do we use our time to obtain the lasting “food” of good spiritual nourishment that Christ and the Church offer to us? When we commit time each day to seeking spiritual food, our loving and generous Father will transform our lives. How will you commit to using your time in the year ahead so that God can truly feed you?
Consider attending one extra Mass each week or making a mid-week visit to Jesus in the Tabernacle.
Prepare yourself for Sunday Mass by reflecting ahead of time as a family on the lectionary readings that will be proclaimed. Even five or ten minutes will change you!
Commit to saying grace before meals and have every family member mention one way they were “fed” by God that day.
Every night before bed, pray slowly and lovingly the prayer that Jesus himself taught us, the “Our Father.”
“The Mass is ended, go in peace to love and serve the Lord.”
We have heard these words of dismissal at the end of Mass so many times, but have we truly taken them to heart? If the Eucharist is indeed our Love and our Life, then it must touch everything that we do when we leave the Church at the end of Mass. We have been filled up by Love itself, now, in gratitude, we must pour out our lives for others. We must serve Him who has loved us so well by serving others with the talents He has given us.
Get involved in a service ministry at our parish that stretches you to be more selfless.
Pray for our ministries, our parish leaders and all parishioners, asking the Holy Spirit to guide our parish community.
Commit to a daily extra act of service toward a family member as a concrete way to serve the Lord.
If you remain homebound, we value and need your talents! Consider ways you can serve right from home — helping with phone calls or emails for a ministry or offering skills like sewing or baking for parish events. There are countless ways to serve God’s kingdom.
“From the very beginning Christians have brought, along with the bread and wine for the Eucharist, gifts to share with those in need. The custom of the collection, ever appropriate, is inspired by the example of Christ who became poor to make us rich” (CCC paragraph 1351).
For the true steward, money has a spiritual component. When used according to God’s will, our income becomes a sort of prayer — which demonstrates our love and gratitude to God, and our real trust in His plan for our lives. Our spending habits are also a reflection of who and what we truly love. God asks us to love Him above all else. Do we?
Take a look at your current spending habits, and assess what expenses are preventing you from offering your treasure more selflessly.
Ask yourself if your family budget reflects what you most love in this life so that your spending is a reflection of that love.
Commit to giving a percentage of your income to God through the parish offertory as an expression of your love for the God Who withholds nothing of Himself from us.
Please keep until Fall 2023
Coffee and donuts are available at St. Michael after the morning Masses on Sunday to encourage fellowship among parishioners and to welcome visitors. This ministry also assists with other parish events. Volunteers can help in a variety of ways.
Contact: Willie Naone
Volunteers serve by helping with logistics for special occasions that occur several times throughout the year at St. Michael. This ministry involves both planning and helping on the day of the event and assisting staff members assigned to organize each event. Examples of such events are St. Michael the Archangel Feast Day, Chrism Mass, Parish Missions and Retreats, and large workshops.
Contact: Sissie Pittullo and Luella Branco
“For I was… a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). This ministry consists of parishioners dedicated to ensuring a warm welcome, full of aloha, to new members of our parish ’ohana. They assist with registration and orientation, including hosting a lunch at St. Michael several times a year.
Contact: Brenda Nelson
All are welcome to spend time in the presence of Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. Spending time in meditation, prayer, and adoration before the Blessed Sacrament is an excellent opportunity to experience grace in our lives. Commit to one hour a week or drop in as available to spend quiet time with Jesus. Contact the coordinator or check the bulletin or website for times.
Contact: TJ Moses
This ministry is dedicated to the Holy Spirit and organized around prayer, song, and evangelization. The group meets once weekly for two hours and sponsors a bi-monthly Healing Mass. Our primary goal is to offer support and encouragement to one
another through the workings of the Holy Spirit. New members are always welcome.
Contact: Mary Warren or Monica Choe
The Children’s Rosary is a prayer group movement that was begun out of love for Our Lady and Her Son. This movement is an effort to begin prayer groups composed of and led by children. We welcome families with children to participate for an hour each month.
Contact: Keolani Keawe
This is a monthly prayer group honoring God Our Father. We pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet followed by the Consecration Prayer to God Our Father. The consecration prayer helps us to acknowledge God as our Eternal Father, to honor Him, and to give Him our commitment to follow His commandments.
Contact: Romana Villasenor
This ministry is inspired by Bishop Robert Barron’s writings and is dedicated to praying for disengaged Catholics to return to the sacraments and the practice of the faith and to support their return and welcome.
Contact: Shirley David or Deacon Sándor Hernández Morales
The Rosary is prayed after each weekday Mass at St. Michael. Volunteers are needed to help lead the Rosary. We pray for the needs of the parish and special intentions.
Contact: TJ Moses
This prayer group formed out of love for the Church and a desire to act in her hour of need, becoming the first in Hawai ‘ i to join the Seven Sisters Apostolate. The mission of this international group is to strengthen the Church by ensuring that a Holy Hour is prayed each day of the week for the sole intention of a specific priest or bishop, for his deeper conformity to Christ. For full information in English or Spanish, visit
Contact: Sharmayne Naone
We pray for the intentions of our St. Michael Parish ’ohana. With the statue of the Blessed Mother in the home, a family/individual prays the Rosary every day for a week. The statue then travels to the next home.
Contact: Beth Smith
Each Wednesday at noon, a group prays the Via Crucis (Stations or Way of the Cross) in the church for the safety of all those who are held captive by traffickers for either sex or agricultural work and usually have no way of escaping the status of slavery. The prayers were developed by Bishop Silva and require about 20 minutes of your time. Please join whenever you can.
Contact: Karen Unger
Dedicated to the re-evangelization of Catholics and evangelization of non-Catholics, this ministry prepares those involved to answer the pressing questions and issues of our time through formation, instruction, and mentorship. We start with a booth at the monthly “Kōkua Kailua Village Stroll” and staff evangelists at St. Peter’s mission in Kahalu’u. We also host public discussions in churches and elsewhere throughout the island. We welcome all to join, encouraging high school and young adults. As we all learn the Truth together, we can be witnesses for a full joyful Catholic life and positively impact the lives of all our neighbors and ’ohana. Plans are underway to restore and beautify St. Peter’s by the Sea Mission to welcome malihini and share the unique history of that mission and our Catholic Faith.
Contact: Dr. R. Scott French
Bible Study sessions will resume after the completion of the Grace Parish Center. Check the parish weekly bulletin or the parish website at for updated information.
Contact: Hin and Sally Cheung
Volunteers in the K-5 catechetical ministry plan and carry out the catechetical mission: Christ’s call to proclaim the Good News and to hand His message on to our keiki. Catechists, substitutes, and volunteers for special events are always needed. We especially
need bilingual (Spanish and English) speakers to occasionally help our catechists communicate with our Spanish-speaking families.
Contact: Margaret Essex
COMPREHENSIVE YOUTH MINISTRY Activities, service opportunities, and faith formation in a safe, loving, and accepting environment for middle school and high school youth. Youth Ministry provides a balance of integrated concepts of the USCCB’s document, Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry. We are always looking for volunteers to be catechists, small-group facilitators, food coordinators, food preparers, photographers, outreach service activity coordinators, social event coordinators, and setup/ breakdown support. If you are interested, we are waiting to hear from you!
Contact: Edwina Fujimoto,
Journey together into a profound understanding of what it means to be an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ in the here and now and how to live this discipleship. This ministry allows converts and Catholics who are returning to the sacramental life of the Church to delve deeper into the Catholic faith and grow in knowledge, conviction, spirituality, and practice of being followers of The Way of Jesus the Christ.
Contact: Parish Office
This ministry works to promote, sustain, and enrich Christian marriage and the family. Also assists in preparing engaged couples for marriage.
Contact: Karen Unger
A forum for men to share their faith with other men of the parish in a small group setting. Men helping one another to become better men, fathers, husbands, and spiritual heads of their family; to encourage men to grow in knowledge and practice of their Catholic faith; to help men seek Christ through the Mass, prayer, scripture reading, and the sacraments; and to enable them to know, love, and serve God, wife, family, and neighbor.
Contact: Deacon Craig Camello
Come and serve as a catechist, sponsor, or general member of the OCIA team. The OCIA team meets with adults (ages 18+) who are curious about the history, rites, and spirituality of Christianity and want to learn more about the Catholic faith, and/or are thinking of becoming Catholic to delve deeper into relationship with God as an intentional disciple of Jesus Christ. Conversations may lead toward the adult receiving the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion). For all candidates (especially those who have been baptized in another faith where the Catholic Church recognizes the Baptism) preparation will be arranged according to the needs of the individual.
Contact: Deacon Sándor Hernández Morales, or Judy Glickstein
Integrated into our Faith Formation Program, the Order of Christian Initiation is the process through which children ages 7-17 are prepared to receive the Sacraments of Initiation — Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion. Keiki are catechized to understand the role of Jesus in their lives. There are several ways you can volunteer in this ministry, including becoming a child/family sponsor, catechist, or assisting at the Sacraments of Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
Contact: Parish Office
Discussion of the Sunday readings and faith formation topics. The conversation connects the Scriptures with feast days, culture, history, arts and humanities, current events, and everything else in the context of the Sacred Liturgy and the Church’s liturgical calendar.
Contact: Deacon Sándor Hernández Morales,
Children and adults are trained to serve at the altar by seamlessly assisting priests and deacons in the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy of the Church. Altar servers are scheduled to serve for Sunday and daily Mass and other parish liturgical celebrations.
Contact: Ivan Toguchi
Volunteers are always needed to use their time and talent to keep the Lord’s House clean and beautiful. A complete cleaning is done each week at St. Michael’s on Saturday morning from 7:30 to 9 a.m. and Monday at 6 p.m.
Contact: TJ Moses or Renee-Mae Ota
Decorations are added to the church to make special times like Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe into vibrant celebrations to give glory to the Lord.
Contact: TJ Moses , Rene Lemus, or Beth Bartell
Volunteers maintain plants and flowers in the church building and on the lānai. This includes potting, moving plants, watering, etc. to create a sense of place that enhances the prayer experience and gives glory to God.
Contact: Beth Bartell
Volunteers are always needed to help maintain the parish grounds — mostly at St. Michael, Immaculate Conception, and Holy Rosary. Care is given to trees, shrubs, flowers, and the lawn while keeping the environment very neat and clean to show our love and respect for God.
Contact: Scott Unger
A team of volunteers comes together periodically to make wall hangings, altar cloths, corporals, purificators, etc. for use at Holy Mass.
Contact: Bonnie Miki
Extraordinary Ministers (ages 16 and over) are approved and commissioned by the pastor before beginning to serve and are specially trained to assist in the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass with reverence and respect. Those serving must be fully initiated Latin Rite Catholics (Roman Church) who are living in compliance with the standards of the Catholic Church.
Contact: Debbie Gallo
Extraordinary Ministers are approved and commissioned by the pastor and receive the same training as those who serve at Mass. They are also trained to minister to the sick in places beyond the church. The Church has the responsibility of ensuring proper care of the Eucharist. Only trained and commissioned individuals are authorized to take Holy Communion to relatives, friends, and others, with the express permission of the pastor. Consideration is always given to bringing Holy Communion to the place the Minister is most comfortable. Examples include a private home, the Life Care Center, the Regency at Hualālai, and independent care homes. We need dedicated, compassionate volunteers.
Contact: Sue Costa, Deacon Craig Camello, or Jim Dunn
Members of the Funeral Ministry establish the initial connection of the family with the parish. They assist the family in making decisions about the funeral service and they attend the funeral to provide support in meeting the family members’ immediate needs.
Contact: Caroline Smith or Luella Branco
Ministers stand at the entrances of the church before Mass and special events to welcome parishioners and visitors. Greeters present new visitors with a lei.
Contact: Jo Anne Fay
The practice of prayer and worship through the sacred gestures of hula is presented at special liturgical celebrations as an expression of Native Hawaiian Catholic spirituality and culture, as sanctioned by Vatican endorsement since 1998 during the pontificate of Pope St. John Paul II. We invite youth (middle/high school age-plus) and adults to join. Church hula is prayer, and thus different from secular hula (that is why we never applaud afterward and instead respond “Amene”).
Contact: Anita Okimoto
Lectors bring the Living Word of God to the liturgical assembly. Through them, God speaks to the gathered faithful. A person with strong faith, along with knowledge and command of communication skills, can be trained to proclaim the Word of God at Holy Mass with great dignity
and reverence. Lectors must be approved and commissioned by the pastor.
Contact: Judy Chaput
Through liturgical music, music ministers lead the assembly into full and active participation at Holy Mass and other liturgical celebrations.
Contact: Walter Bacxa,
Ushers are welcoming ministers who make every parishioner and visitor feel comfortable at the church. They make the environment as free from interruptions as possible. Ushers coordinate the offertory and second collections and expedite the queues for the distribution of Holy Communion.
Contact: Chris Guillen
After the initial phase of marriage preparation, this team helps the bride and groom with the remaining details of the wedding planning process. They assist with the selection of readings, arranging the liturgical music, and other norms required for a Catholic wedding so the bride and groom may focus on growing closer to God and one another during this special time.
Contact: Paulette Adams
The volunteers in this ministry possess a variety of technical skills: electrical, plumbing, carpentry, etc. They offer these gifts to do minor repairs in the parish buildings and advise the pastor about ongoing maintenance needs and issues.
Contact: Stan Haʻanio
Volunteers in this ministry contribute to the aloha of our parish creating a welcoming environment as they assist the Gift Shop manager with operations. Volunteer at least once a month around the Sunday Mass you attend or during the weekday while the Gift Shop is open.
Contact: Carolyn Livingston
Volunteers manage the parish website and provide content, photos, and videos published on various
online and social media platforms in response to the call for the New Evangelization.
Contact: Walter Bacxa,
Volunteers are always needed to kōkua in the parish office with tasks such as filing, answering phones, taking messages, preparing mailings, folding bulletins, and greeting visitors with aloha.
Contact: Janice Lacro or Parish Office, 808-326-7771,
By giving alms to the poor, we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. Team members recruit volunteers for this ministry who sponsor and/or participate as walkers in the annual Charity Walk on behalf of Catholic Charities Hawai ’i.
Contact: Karen Unger
“… (I was) naked and you clothed me…” (Matthew 25:36). Diapers and supplies are provided to mothers through the agencies that act as resources to families with difficulties. Volunteers pack the diapers and supplies for distribution at St. Michael Food Pantry and the agencies.
Contact: Thelma Bacxa
Feeding the hungry we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. This ministry distributes food at the Immaculate Conception parking lot from 9-9:45 a.m. on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month. Fresh produce from our Sharing Garden and non-perishables are offered to all who come/ ask. In addition to the twice-a-month set-up and distributions, volunteers rotate stock, sort, and prepackage, on Thursday morning before each event. Two to five hours of service per month are requested of volunteers.
Contact: Bill Culhane
By giving alms to the poor, we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. This ministry maintains longstanding relationships and sponsors projects in the developing world. Projects are selected based on need and may change over time depending on the circumstances. Members of the Filipino community closely oversee
the sites in the Philippines and visit periodically. Local bishops provide support and close oversight for future projects being considered in Cuba (as permissible). Projects throughout the developing world are considered an expression of Catholic solidarity and social justice, with careful and thorough oversight.
Contact: Deacon Sándor Hernández Morales or Sharmayne Naone
Giving shelter to those facing homelessness we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. Ministry members advocate for and encourage those who are awaiting the housing opportunity. Members participate in drives to assist families that are newly housed through sources like The Homes at Ulu Wini and other family-strengthening non-profits that support families transitioning out of homelessness. We share our knowledge learned from Community Alliance Partners and the Vibrant Hawai ’i Housing Coalition. We advocate for legislation to improve housing opportunities for those in need. We participate in activities sponsored by the West Hawai ’i Faith-Based Hui to End Family Homelessness.
Contact: Shirley David
Catholic Social Teaching establishes that everyone has the right to human dignity. Ministry members learn how to identify human trafficking and domestic violence and learn what they can do to support survivors. Members share their knowledge, participate in community human trafficking and domestic violence coalitions and community awareness events, and they also advocate for legislators to pass laws that support survivors and help prevent human trafficking and domestic violence. Contact: Shirley David
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink…” (Matthew 25:35). This ministry (to supply supplemental healthy meals to school children) is done in collaboration with Hōlualoa Elementary School for children acknowledged by the school as food insecure because of financial need. Volunteers shop for and pack the food that is distributed at the school every other week. This enables children to have food for weekends when free school lunches are unavailable to them.
Contact: Jo Ann Dunn
“For I was …ill and you cared for me...” (Matthew 25:36)
Volunteers prepare and deliver a meal to those who need a little extra help during times of illness, during chemotherapy, after surgery, or after the birth of a new baby, etcetera.
Contact: Cheryl Roderer
Helping parishioners recognize the issues and realize the importance of meeting the needs of the most vulnerable from conception to natural death. This ministry especially supports pregnant mothers and their unborn children; the seriously ill or dying; and their families. We also coordinate and promote parish participation in the annual Respect Life Program from the USCCB, as well as specific intentions through education, pastoral care, public policy, prayer, and worship.
Contact: Ed Smialek
Feeding the hungry we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. Volunteers tend to a large garden of fresh vegetables and fruit. We plant, remove weeds, water, and harvest. The harvests are distributed at the St. Michael Food Pantry, Mālama Nā Keiki, and The Homes at Ulu Wini.
Contact: Beth Bartell
“Whoever has two tunics should share with the person who has none. And whoever has food should do likewise” (Luke 3:11). For families with children and teens, this ministry provides opportunities for community outreach. Arrangements are made with parents who are willing to have their children involved.
Contact: Thelma Bacxa
Feeding the hungry we realize Corporal Works of Mercy. Volunteers sign up to prepare a hot meal once a month (on a Tuesday) for people facing homelessness at The Friendly Place.
Contact: Claire Inman
This is a weekly gathering of interested kupuna to share friendship and prayer. There is a Gospel reading with lively discussion and reflection, a potluck lunch, and Bingo with prizes for all. All seniors are welcome!
Contact: Parish Office
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) is part of the international Scout Movement and is one the largest youth organizations in the U.S. The BSA’s goals include training youth in responsible citizenship, character development, and selfreliance through participation in a wide range of outdoor activities and educational programs.
Contact: Paul Abaire
The Knights of Columbus are a fraternal organization of Catholic men, founded under the principles of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. This organization provides fellowship for men while building up the parish and community with an emphasis on family, faith, life, and community activities.
Contact: David Aragon