A Place to Belong
From the Church’s earliest beginnings, Christians have built tight-knit communities. In the early Church, koinonia, or community, was a word with enormous significance. It evoked strong feelings of hospitality and belonging between those who had committed themselves to live as disciples of Christ. The early Church consisted of these groups of people who lived together, ate together and were willing to die for each other. This is the foundation upon which our Christian sense of community is built.
Here at the St. Peter Church, we want to help every individual to know that they are welcome and wanted as a part of our Catholic family. The presence of hospitality can make a newcomer or a returning member of the church feel at home. Friends are welcomed with open arms and warm smiles. Visitors feel the genuine love present in a hearty “Welcome!” Family members do not visit; they belong.

In terms of stewardship, hospitality is an immensely important concept. The truth is, if someone doesn’t feel like they are wanted and appreciated, how will they receive the love of God through us? Hospitality opens the door to a person’s heart and allows him or her to receive joy, grace and love. For St. Peter to continue to grow as a stewardship community, we must help everyone who walks through our doors feel like they truly have come home. We must make hospitality a cornerstone.
“So then you are no longer strangers and sojourners, but you are fellow citizens with the holy ones and members of the household of God, built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.” — Eph 2:19-20
Stewardship of TIME
While many of us understand that prayer is an important element of the Christian life, most of us admit that it’s difficult to find a quiet moment to spend with God.
As Christians, we must remember that we cannot give what we do not have. In order for us to welcome others into the life of the Church, we need to make sure that our spiritual lives are properly in order. To become a more prayerful person, take inventory of how you spend the 168 hours in the week. Are you taking time to talk to God in prayer, to speak with Him as you would a friend? Are you seeking His truth through reading the Scriptures? Will you make Him first on your priority list so that you are able to give to others from the graces He has given you?
• Pope Francis encourages all Catholics to spend time in daily prayer, thanking God for His blessings, asking for His help in difficult circumstances and reading Scripture.
• Receive spiritual nourishment in the Eucharist at least every Sunday.

• Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on a regular basis and asking God for the grace to live a life of holiness.
• Catholic phone or tablet apps: iBreviary, Magnificat, Divine Office or the Hallow App
• Websites: usccb.org/bible/readings (daily readings of the Catholic Church), Vatican.va (The Vatican and Holy See), www.cospq.org
Stewardship of TALENT

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). Each of us has received gifts from God that we are to use in humble service. While many of us may not recognize the skills or abilities we have as gifts, they are a means by which we can give glory to God through serving each other. At St. Peter, our ministries provide opportunities for us to serve God and others. From a warm smile to giving someone a warm meal, we are able to welcome others into the family of God by being Christ to them. Reaching out in love, while sometimes difficult, can be quite spiritually enriching! Will you take the time to ask God how you can best serve Him through the service of His children?
• Pray about how your gifts can best be used to help others feel welcome.
• Sign up for a parish ministry that stretches you to put others’ needs before your own.
• Greet our fellow parishioners before or after Mass, introducing yourself to unfamiliar faces.
“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit; there are different forms of service, but the same Lord… To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” — 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
Stewardship of TREASURE
Throughout Scripture, we are taught to give to God our “first fruits” or the “choicest portion.” In modern speech, we might say that the first “line item” in the family budget should be returning a portion of our income to God. Both symbolically and in actuality, this is a powerful expression of God’s place in your life. “Where your treasure is, there also lies your heart” (Matthew 6:21). Will you take some time to reassess how you prioritize God in your finances?
Why give a percentage of income?
We give the tithe (which means 10% of one’s harvest or income) because it is a scriptural benchmark that has been honored since the early Church (see Malachi 3:10).
Working Toward Giving the Tithe

5% to the parish offertory
1% to the diocese
4% to other charities
If you have difficulty reaching your goal of the tithe, try increasing your giving incrementally, by one or two percent of income each year. Over time, you will find that the tithe is a reasonable goal that can be reached. Most importantly, you will know that you have been faithful in placing God first in everything, even in your finances.
Ministry CATALOG
The Adoration Chapel is a private chapel where Jesus is exposed in the Eucharist in a monstrance on the altar. In the chapel, one can pray and be with Christ reverently and respectfully. Our Adoration Chapel has been located at St. Peter’s Church since Oct. 25, 1987. Our adorers can spend quiet time in prayer or just listen to God. We welcome and are open to all to sign up for an hour either weekly, semi-monthly or monthly, or to be placed on our substitute list to fill in as needed. We would love you to join us in this ministry.
Contact: Mary Voorhis, (217) 653-3127; Gina Wolf, (217) 257-9966, g.wolf@cospq.org
Altar Servers assist the priest during Mass. Students are eligible to serve after they begin fourth grade and are recruited through St. Peter School and the PSR program. Students receive training before they are assigned. Parents are welcome to be trained and to serve with their child. Other adults also are welcome to serve. Servers can sign up online to serve the Mass time of their preference.
Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
Volunteers from the parish help organize and conduct an annual sock and underwear drive, along with collecting slightly used clothing and shoes. Sorting of these items takes place prior to the fair. Volunteers are also needed the Saturday of the fair, which is held in August. The Back to School Fair provides services, supplies and clothing to several hundred area students each year.
Contact: Mary Christensen, (217) 257-1403, christma2@att.net
This group of young adults seeks to find their home in Christ, the Catholic Church, and the sacraments. They welcome anyone interested in learning more about the Catholic faith and growing in community. They are here to support each other and grow closer to God. This group meets on Tuesday evenings.

Contact: Emily Kite, (217) 779-5009, kiteem@quincy.edu
Talented vocalists with a strong sense of liturgy and interest in leading the congregation in song are welcome to become cantors. Cantors also proclaim the Psalm from the ambo during Mass. New cantors receive in-depth training before serving during a liturgy.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
The Chaddock Outreach Ministry serves as a liaison between St. Peter Parish and Chaddock. The members work in a variety of ways to show support to our neighbors at Chaddock. Some opportunities may include holiday snacks/meals, donations/ collections, service, and resident/ student interactions.
Contact: Elizabeth and Ryan Brown, 217-257-9085, ElizabethBrown12@gmail.com
Chorale is open to any adult or high school vocalist who wishes to share his or her gift of music and benefit from the camaraderie of other musicians. The group rehearses from 6:30-7:45 p.m. on Wednesday nights from September through May. Chorale sings at the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass several times each month from September through May, as well as at special liturgies and major holy days and feasts.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
This committee plans and decorates the church throughout the year, and maintains the décor and plants in the church and the narthex.
Contact: Ronda Wand, (217) 653-7756, rwandint@comcast.net
Parish volunteers host coffee and donuts after 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m. Masses the first Sunday each month from September through May.

Contact: Rod and Cathy Becks, (217) 257-9443, rod.becks@comcast.net
Cub Scouts is a program within the Boy Scouts of America that serves youth from Kindergarten to fifth grade. The Cub program aims to prepare youth to grow in self-confidence, goal achievements, and preparedness. Kids participate in a variety of activities throughout the school year such as: overnight camping, hikes, Pinewood Derby races, skits, pocket knife safety, campfire building, and service work. Pack 5 is always looking for adults to help lead and serve our youth in a variety of roles. St. Peter’s boys interested in joining should also sign up.
Contact: Mandar Dighe, mdighe@knapheide.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are mandated by the diocese to help distribute the Eucharist at Mass. They may also assist with blessing of throats and distribution of ashes and, with special training, may take Communion to hospital patients or parishioners who are homebound or in nursing homes. They may specify months and Mass times when they are available to serve.
Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
FOUND (a backwards acronym for Discovering New Understandings Of Faith) gives our youth the opportunity to participate in fellowship, prayer and service. Volunteers (parishioners ages 16 and older) lead upbeat activities that are tied into forming and discovering faith. FOUND usually meets from 6:30-8 p.m. on Sunday nights twice a month during the school year. Volunteers are always needed to help organize events, chaperone and drive.

Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
St. Peter Parish offers funeral dinners to families of parishioners whose funerals are celebrated here. The family provides an estimate of how many people may attend and we call committee members for side dishes (hot vegetables, salads, or desserts) to complete the meal. Our members are usually called a few times each year. Volunteers also help serve the meal.
Contact: Sue Kuhl, (217) 224-0412, bigfootjojo@gmail.com; Sharon Lauer, (217) 223-5266, lauer.sharon@yahoo.com
Adults serve during funeral Masses throughout the year on an “as-needed” basis.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
Volunteers plant and maintain the gardens and flowers on our parish campus.
Contact: Maureen Schuering, (217) 224-4377, maureenschuering@gmail.com
Girl Scouts unleashes the G.I.R.L.™ (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader) in every girl, preparing her for a lifetime of leadership. Girl Scouts is a place to practice different skills, explore potential, and take on leadership positions. The group at St. Peter’s would like to welcome any volunteers who would like to share their time or talents. Volunteers can help with a single event or with more regular involvement. If you have a talent you would like to share with the Girl Scouts or just want to get involved, you are welcome!
Contact: Jessica Foster, (217) 430-0531, fosterfamily704@yahoo.com
All guardians with children at St. Peter School are part of the Grade School Association (GSA). The GSA plays a key role in supporting our school in one main way: manpower through volunteers. As an active member in the GSA, you can provide support directly to the school in many ways such as lunch duty, school events and dances, book fair, teacher luncheons, and much more.
Meetings take place once per month and are open to all St. Peter guardians.
Contact: Jenny Willingham, (217) 242-4175, jenny.willingham@gmail.com
Greeters arrive at the church at least 20 minutes before Mass starts and welcome people who are attending Mass. Greeters can sign up for a Mass time that suites their schedule. Families as well as individuals may serve and are asked to serve at least three times a year. This is an ideal ministry for families with children. Greeters may also be asked to take up the gifts at Mass.
Contact: Natalie Genenbacher, (217) 430-3577, ngenenbacher@gmail.com
This ministry serves as a liaison between St. Peter Parish and Our Lady of the Assumption Parish and its two mission churches. The committee will meet three to four times a year. It supports the goals of the Sister Parish relationship which have included a yearly shipment of needed items to Haiti, an education sponsorship program, and a “Feed a Family” program.
Contact: Marilena Frier, (217) 430-8768, friermarilena@gmail.com; Derek Fimmen, (217) 316-4700, dlfimmen@gmail.com
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take the Eucharist to parishioners who are homebound or in nursing homes. The calls are usually made on Sunday, but can be made on any day that works out best for our parishioner and the Eucharistic Minister.
Contact: Rebecca Knuffman, (217) 919-7690, parishnurse@cospq.org
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take the Eucharist to Catholic patients in Blessing Hospital. Holy Communion is distributed every day. You work with the hospital chaplaincy office to arrange your schedule.
Contact: Rebecca Knuffman, (217) 919-7690, parishnurse@cospq.org
Musicians skilled in woodwind, brass, percussion and stringed instruments are invited to play at some weekend Masses and special liturgies. We also seek and invite skilled keyboardists to accompany the congregational singing at all weekend Masses.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
Jubilation is open to students in fifth through eighth grades. The group rehearses from 3-3:45 p.m. on Mondays during the school year. Jubilation sings at school Mass each week, the 9:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday once a month during the school year, at the Family Christmas Eve Mass and occasionally at special liturgies. New members are welcome at the start of each semester.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
Ladies of all ages gather Tuesday mornings from 8:30-10:30 a.m. during the school year to study a book from the Bible or a topic of interest using Scripture. A well-known Catholic theologian usually guides the sessions via DVD or through a book they have authored. A lady from the parish facilitates the group and sets the schedule. Childcare is provided for a nominal fee. Women from all parishes are invited and non-Catholics are welcome to join as well. Please watch the bulletin for details.
Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
Come join us for a women’s Bible study! This group meets in the fall and spring on Wednesday evenings from 6-7:30 p.m. in the Martha Jane Room. Bible studies are usually eight to 10-week sessions. This is a great opportunity to grow closer to God and other women in the church. The church bulletin will announce new session information.
Contact: Laurie Kennedy, (217) 779-6552, lakennedy589@yahoo.com
Members of this ministry provide the lawn care for our parish campus. The group meets at 7 a.m. on Wednesday mornings April-November.
Contact: John Liesen, (217) 316-3493, johnjudyliesen@gmail.com
Lectors proclaim readings from Sacred Scripture and present the Prayers of the Faithful at Mass. Once training is completed, signing up to read is all done online.
Contact: Amanda Monteyne, (563) 349-0477, Sportstrainer7@yahoo.com
Leaders and assistants plan and deliver Liturgy of the Word for children in kindergarten through the 3rd grade during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass.
Contact: Kristen Walker, (708) 227-5721, walkerkr1202@gmail.com
Parishioners who are skilled in painting, carpentry, plumbing, electrical or similar needs assist around the parish as needed.

Contact: Terry Mitten, (217) 779-4336, terrymitten@aol.com; Tom Maas, (217) 885-3301, juliamaas@att.net
St. Peter Relationship Enrichment group helps couples to strengthen their relationships. The goal of the program is to encourage communication and build a strong relationship between spouses. Various programs and events are scheduled throughout the year and all married couples are welcome to attend.
Contact: Betty McDonnell, (217) 653-3003, bam82@adams.net
The ministry prepares engaged couples either through a Pre-Cana Weekend experience or Evenings for the Engaged. The experience is designed to prepare a couple for a lifelong Christian marriage.
Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
This new ministry is looking for caring people who are interested in offering support to those who have lost family members. This support could come in the form of sending them a card, calling them, and checking on them from time to time. Some training will be required.
Contact: Jay Grawe, (217) 224-3529, nangrawe@gmail.com
Men’s Group welcomes others to join in fellowship, faith and service activities. The Men’s Group hosts an interactive multimedia program over eight weeks in the fall and spring focused on the development of authentic leadership in our faith and families. The programs are a great opportunity to explore your faith and develop friendships in our church.
Contact: Doug Greenwell, (217) 242-4518, douglas.greenwell@countryfinancial.com; Mark Strieker, (217) 316-0080, marklyn2927@gmail.com
One morning a week throughout the academic year, this group meets to pray for the intentions of the children in our parish. The group receives prayer requests from students in St. Peter School and Chaddock.
Contact: Susan Peters, (573) 822-2234, boandsusanpeters@comcast.net
Once a month during Coffee and Donut Sunday, our nurses volunteer to check blood pressures for our parishioners after the Masses. Other volunteer opportunities include CPR and AED training and assisting with various other educational programs.
Contact: Rebecca Knuffman, (217) 919-7690, parishnurse@cospq.org

This annual picnic is a family-friendly celebration that takes place near the start of the school year. Volunteers are needed at all booths including but not limited to food, drinks, snacks, basket raffle, silent auction, kids games, teen games, poker stand, 50/50 ticket sales, and beer ticket sales. Volunteers will be organized near the event date.
Contact: James Weisenberger, (217) 242-1608, service@selbyimplement.com
The Parish School of Religion strives to reach out to our parish families with today’s living Gospel message. Our mission is to provide Catholic religious education for children in kindergarten through eighth grades in the hope that these children and their families, always looking to Jesus as their role model and to the Holy Spirit for guidance, grow in religious knowledge, becoming active in faith and service. The Parish School of Religion provides religious education for children attending public school and those who are homeschooled.
Classes are held on Wednesday nights from 6:30-7:30. These classes assist families with the preparation of the sacraments and help in the knowledge of the faith. Parents may be asked to help in classrooms and are always welcome to attend. Watch for PSR sign up in the summer.

Contact: Gina Wolf, (217) 257-9966, g.wolf@cospq.org
This ministry promotes the sanctity of life from the moment of conception to natural death. Activities include sponsorship of an annual parish Baby Shower, coordination of parish participation in the Life Chain, 40 Days for Life, Walk for Life, and Pennies for Life, and sponsorship of the ongoing Rosary for Life. Every week, parish families volunteer to pray the Rosary
every day for a week for the intention of life. The Pro-Life Ministry also connects women with Birthright and Care Net Pregnancy Center, and the ministry works with the Right to Life of Adams County, which is a local affiliate of the National Right to Life and the Illinois Federation for Right to Life. It sponsors events such as the Pro-Life Walk and Life Chain that inspire people to choose life.
Contact: Susan Asher, (217) 885-3049, asherte@yahoo.com
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) is the process by which nonCatholic adults become fully initiated members of the Catholic Church, receiving the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. RCIA begins in September and continues for two weeks after Easter. Team leaders (who plan and lead weekly RCIA classes) and sponsors who help catechumens (those who have never been baptized) and candidates (those who have been baptized but are converting to Catholicism) are needed. RCIA meets on Tuesday nights from 7-8:30 p.m.
Contact: Connie Schrage, (217) 316-6564, connieschrage@hotmail.com
Singers are welcome to join the Resurrection Choir, which sings for funerals upon request. There are no rehearsals, and it is not necessary to be a member of another parish choir to join this group.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
The Fr. Tolton Rosary group meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. We pray for the special intentions of those who are suffering due to illness or hardship. Anyone is welcome to join us at any time. We meet at St. Peter’s Cemetery by Fr. Tolton’s grave — if the weather is inclement, we meet at church.
Contact: Kathy Harman, (217) 257-6023, mkharmanqcy@gmail.com
Saints Alive is a youth group for fourth through sixth-graders of our parish and their friends. Participants meet once a month, usually in the school gym. Meetings include games centered on a theme that teaches a particular moral truth of our Catholic faith. The saints’ examples are used as motivation and to emphasize the reality that our goal in life is to get to heaven and take as many people with us as we can! The group also participates in a service project during the school year. Ultimately, the kids
have fun while learning about people they can look up to every day (the saints) while living out their faith. Parent volunteers are always needed to assist at meetings.
Contact: Ashleigh Wisslead, (217) 430-9497, ashleighwisslead@gmail.com
This small ensemble of adult vocalists sing occasionally at the 5 p.m. Mass. Advance repertoire is designed for more experienced singers. By invitation.
Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
The St. Peter School Advisory Board meets on a monthly basis to advise on policies, goals and programs for St. Peter. Nine board members, in conjunction with the Pastor and Principal, are active in implementing the goals of the current Long Range Plan. Additionally, the Board promotes Catholic school education in the community while following the mission of the school. Subcommittees are currently in the process of being developed to enlist further roles for the school advisory board members. These include Marketing and Communication, Leadership and Development, Building and Infrastructure and Faith Foundation.
Contact: Andrew Mays, (217) 224-8080, amays@quincyestates.com
Scouts BSA is the traditional Scouting experience for youth from fifth grade through high school. Service, community engagement and leadership development become increasingly important parts of the Scouting program, as youth lead their own activities and work their way toward earning Scouting’s highest rank, Eagle Scout. Camping, hiking, and community service projects are primary activities, along with the weekly troop meetings. All boys from the parish, school and community, regardless of Cub Scout experience, are welcome to join.
Contact: Laura Dighe, (706) 340-4009, thedighes@att.net; Chris Stegner, juggler42@gmail.com
Social Concerns provides direct assistance (gas money, food vouchers, etc.) for needy persons in our area and provides funds to Horizon Soup Kitchen, Quincy Catholic Charities, Quincy Teen Reach, QND students for Catholic HEART Workcamp, and our Haiti Sister Parish. Social Concerns also arranges for speakers on a wide variety of social issues. The group funds its work through Fifth Sunday collections and a December cookie sale. Monthly collections are also organized to benefit Ladies of Charity. Meetings take place monthly on Friday mornings at the church.

Contact: Sharon Mays, (217) 224-5169, maysfam2@comcast.net
SOUP AND A SMILE Soup and a Smile is a ministry that provides yummy soup, a prayer, and a smile to homebound parishioners, those grieving for a loved one, or someone recovering from an illness, surgery, or birth of a new baby. It’s a hands-on way of saying to fellow parishioners that “we care”. Cooks are asked to prepare homemade soup and deliver to those in need every other month or so.
Contacts: Carol Rolves, (217) 257-5851, crolves@yahoo.com; Kathy Schwartz, (217) 779-2824, kathyschwartz74@gmail.com
St. Peter volunteers staff Horizons Soup Kitchen during lunch on the first, third and fifth Mondays of the month. Three shifts are available.
Contact: Kris Rueter, krueter@designmechanical.com
St. Peter Singers welcomes singers, guitarists, pianists and other instrumentalists who would like to lead the music at the 11 a.m. Sunday Mass and other liturgies. This group has occasional practices and is ideal for musicians who have uncertain schedules but would like to participate as time permits.
Contact: Matt Bergman, (217) 430-1015, mattbergman77@gmail.com
Members of the St. Veronica Guild make prayer blankets, prayer shawls, Christening blankets for infants baptized in our parish and adults coming into our Church through the RCIA process, and other handcrafted items. These items may be knitted, crocheted or sewn, but they all are expressions of healing, outreach and love. As guild members work, they pray for the person who will be the recipient. Completed items are blessed before distribution. While most work is done at home, those who are interested get together after 8 a.m. Mass the second Thursday of the month or at 1 p.m. the 4th Thursday of the
month for crafts, fellowship and prayer. Meeting attendance is not required and, in fact, we can pick up completed items for those who cannot drive. St. Veronica Guild members also make cards to accompany the handmade items.
Contact: Meg Fitch, (217) 223-6149, mcf@adams.net
The St. Peter Stewardship Team spearheads a parish-wide initiative to help parishioners develop as disciples. Through this continual process of renewal, parishioners develop an “attitude of gratitude,” returning a portion of their time, talents and treasure to God and our community.
Contact: Betty McDonnell, (217) 653-3003, bam82@adams.net; Chris Robnett, (217) 440-5196, 7cwrobn@gmail.com
Leaders and assistants provide a Sunday School lesson for preschoolage children during the 9:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. Childcare is available for those too young to participate. We offer services for children ages 1-5. Volunteers are always needed to either work in the childcare or teach Sunday School lessons. You do not have to have a child in the program to participate. We are need of a new leader of this program!
Contact: Lyn Strieker, (217) 316-4590, l.strieker@cospq.org
The Sunshine Crew sends letter and cards to St. Peter homebound and nursing home parishioners during Lent and Advent seasons. Sunshine Crew members sign up and are matched to a homebound parishioner to write weekly cards or letters to that parishioner for the six weeks of Lent and the 4 weeks of Advent.
Contact: Jodi McDonald, 5mcdonaldsjc@gmail.com
This ministry helps keep the technology used during Mass running smoothly, including sound reinforcement at Mass, and the broadcasting of our 5 p.m. Mass on Saturday. We seek those interested in learning how to run sound equipment, video technology and broadcasting through computerized systems.

Contact: Monica Scholz, (217) 214-0131, m.scholz@cospq.org
Totus Tuus is a dynamic and truly Catholic summer vacation program for grade school and high school students. Day camp is offered for kids in first through sixth grades, and a Junior and Senior High Faith Experience for students in seventh through 12th grades.
Contact: Gina Bergman, (217) 430-6080, g.bergman@cospq.org
Ushers make people who are attending Mass at St. Peter feel welcome, cared for and comfortable. They greet people, assist with doors, help people find seats when the church is crowded, take up the collection, distribute bulletins, and straighten up the church after Mass. They also help if someone becomes ill. Ushers are required to do a one-time training before they begin their responsibilities. They may specify months and Mass times when they are available to serve.
Contact: Pat Hibbeler, (563) 340-3513, hibbie62pat@gmail.com
This new ministry will reach out to our elderly who are living at home alone, or perhaps at the nursing home, who would still like to be connected to our parish family. The idea for the ministry comes from the second Joyful Mystery of the rosary. When Mary was pregnant and she heard that her cousin Elizabeth needed help in her pregnancy, Mary went in haste to visit her. We want to make sure our parishioners are visited by other parishioners, either by phone or by in person visits.
Contact: Rebecca Knuffman, (217) 919-7690, parishnurse@cospq.org
The Warm and Welcoming Team follows the Biblical command to “not neglect hospitality, for through it some have unknowingly entertained angels.” (Hebrews 13:2). This group plans and hosts activities to welcome new parishioners. Committee members meet and greet newly registered parishioners and also host events for building community within our parish.
Contact: Mary Jo Reed, (217) 653-0267, mjoreed@gmail.com
This early-morning class is a total body workout where we use light weights, resistance tubes/bands, and your own body weight to tone and shape your muscles, with a little bit of cardio mixed in to get your heart rate up to burn more calories.
Contact: Jill Tracy, (217) 257-2460, jilltracy@adams.net
Other Area Organizations
It is important to support not only our own parish, but our local faith community as well. These area organizations are not specific to St. Peter but provide terrific opportunities for Catholic community enrichment. Their contact information is provided for you to reach out if you wish to participate in these organizations.
Birthright provides caring, nonjudgmental support to girls and women who are distressed by an unplanned pregnancy. Using its own resources and those of the community, Birthright provides friendship and emotional support, free pregnancy testing, and maternity and baby clothes. We give information and referrals to help clients meet legal, medical, financial and housing needs. Birthright treats each woman as an individual who deserves kindness, respect and personal attention to her situation. All Birthright services are free, absolutely confidential and available to any woman regardless of age, race, creed, economic or marital status.
Contact: Susan Asher, (217) 885-3049, asherte@yahoo.com
Catholic Charities provides assistance to those in need by “extending to all the healing and empowering presence of Jesus.” In Quincy, Catholic Charities operates a food pantry, prescription drug assistance program, professional counseling and a child welfare program. QCC is in regular need of assistance from volunteers to help in their outreach and ministries. Catholic Charities is located at 620 Maine St. in Quincy.
Contact: (217) 222-0958
The purpose of the CYO is to help grow programs and the future of the CYO of Quincy. CYO strives to provide social, spiritual, educational, and athletic events for our Catholic elementary school students and to encourage the highest participation by our St. Peter School students.
Contact: Tom McLaughlin, (217) 223-9321, tomm12@sbcglobal.net
During this three-day experience, those attending pray together, celebrate the Eucharist, listen to talks, and share fellowship of Jesus Christ and each other. As a Lay Movement, Cursillo gives those who attend a living understanding of basic Christian truths and a desire to serve the Church, particularly in their home parish. It also provides a means to continue the Christian formation that begins during the three-day experience. More information available at quincycursillo.com.
Contact: Dwight and Barb Seeley, (217) 224-5615, pseudomom6@yahoo.com
This Catholic men’s society promotes social and intellectual fellowship among its members and their families.
Contact: Jeff Wolf, j.wolf@cospq.org
The Ladies of Charity have been helping people in Quincy area since the 1920s. The motto is “To serve rather than be served.” There are two locations in Quincy run with Volunteer help. One is located at 510 South 4th St. and a thrift store at 2325 Elm St. Volunteer opportunities include working directly with clients; sorting and cleaning clothing for the racks; assembling food boxes; stocking racks, pricing items and cashiering at the thrift store.
Contact: Angela Lepper, (217) 653-1067, klepper@adams.net
QUEST is a fast-paced, 24-hour faith experience for students in eighth through 10th grades. It’s a time to come together to find out about our God, friendships and self. Adult assistance is always needed.
Contact: Dave Cawthon, (217) 440-4244, davecawthon@comcast.net
TEC is a three-day retreat for high school juniors, seniors and college students. It’s an opportunity to experience being part of a vibrant, loving and supportive faith community in which the friendship of Jesus Christ becomes a real possibility. Adults are invited to participate as observers on the weekend.
Contact: Dave Cawthon, (217) 440-4244, davecawthon@comcast.net
The famous Christian author, C.S. Lewis, once wrote, “A person whose hands are full of parcels cannot receive a gift.” Stewardship is a life-long conversion of heart, mind and soul, so that we are able to receive God’s love and return that love to Him. The better we understand our Catholic faith and our personal role within God’s kingdom, the better equipped we will be to share God’s love and resources – our time, our talent, and our treasure – with others. This year, how will you take the next step in your journey of sharing God’s love through personal formation and conversion?