St. Timothy Catholic Church Newsletter — February 2022

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The Men’s Club:


Growing Together in Faith, Fellowship and Service to the Community

t St. Timothy’s Parish, when men become members of the parish, they automatically become a member of the Men’s Club. Being involved in the Men’s Club is one way to be a good steward. “The Men’s Club is a vehicle for joining together with other men of the parish to deliver services to the community and to our own parish,” says Chris Canedy, an active member of the Men’s Club. “To do that individually can be rather difficult. But when you show up and are a part of this group, you are immediately a part of the activities that we do, which are very fulfilling.” Giving of your time and energy to these projects and activities is a gift of yourself to others in that regard. The Men’s Club has a history as long as the parish itself. The group was formed at the very beginning of our parish with the objective of reaching out to others to help in very practical ways. “The Men’s Club has a very impressive ability to raise money,” Chris says. “We are a source of funding

for all sorts of projects for the church and the community. We also have a great propensity to have wonderful cooks and chefs so we have a reputation for fantastic meals. We use these talents for the benefit of our parish and community for many fundraisers such as the Lenten fish frys and monthly breakfasts after Sunday Mass. “These funds go to helping with projects for many different ministries within the parish,” he adds. “We help

with scholarships for Mother Teresa Catholic School as well. Also, helping the homeless population in our area is a very big part of our mission.” Men’s Club leader Doug Funsch encourages all of the men in the parish to get involved in this active group. “I joined the Men’s Club when I was about 35 years old,” he says. “I had two young kids, always running to soccer and dance. I felt like I had no time for anything else in my life, continued on page 7

“I know as a young father, time with work, kids and family take up most of your week, but I highly encourage you to find the time once a month for two hours to come and see what we are all about. It changed my life and I encourage you to give it a try.” — Doug Funsch 6

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