
Stations and Meditations fr om the Rosary Shrine
Lawrence Lew, O.P. £4.95 D845 | Paperback |128pp ISBN 9781784697532
Fr Lawrence Lew, O.P. offers three powerful devotions from the Lenten practices of the faithful at St Dominic’s Priory church, the Rosary Shrine in London, UK. The Stations of the Cross feature photographs of the splendid stations in St Dominic’s to accompany the traditional prayers and Fr Lawrence’s meditations. The Canticle of the Passion is a 16th Century devotion based on the words of Scripture as revealed to the mystic and stigmatic St Catherine de Ricci; it is traditionally prayed by Dominican nuns on Fridays in Lent. Finally, Fr Lawrence offers a set of recollections on the Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross, which form a powerful object of contemplation for Holy Week.
In the darkness, in those times when you feel as though you are lying in your grave, remember that Christ too endured this sense of being abandoned by God, and that he lovingly chooses to enter into our darkness in order to make it “as clear as day”. For his presence is the light; he is God-with-us.
There your mother was in travail with you, there she who bore you was in travail (Sg 8:5)
From this point onwards, Mary accompanies her beloved son right to the very end, to the grave and even to the Resurrection, for pious traditions would hold that Mary was the first, even before St Mary Magdalene, to meet the risen Lord Nevertheless, in these stations painted for a Marian shrine, the Mother of God is eminently present, standing by Jesus until he is placed in the garden tomb.
For according to the prophecy of Simeon, Christ “is set for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is spoken against (and a sword will pierce through your own soul also)” (Lk 2:34-35) So, Mary shall share in Jesus’s rejection and suffering. In this regard, Mary is surely like every good mother For which loving mother has not followed and vigilantly watched over her child in his or her suffering and illness: sitting by the bedside; going to the hospital at all hours; grieving, weeping and mourning with
In Light of the Work of the Society of St Vincent de Paul
Fr Gerard Bogan
£3.50 D846 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784697549
This meditation on the Via Crucis – the Way of the Cross – reflects on Jesus’ suffering through the inspiration of Frédéric Ozanam and the society he founded to help the poor and those in need: the Society of St Vincent de Paul. Walking alongside Jesus in his Passion and Cross prepares us to walk with compassion alongside our suffering brothers and sisters, to learn to love them as Christ loves them, and to enter more deeply into the mystery of God’s mercy revealed in his holy cross.
A Via Dolorosa
Fr Marcus Holden
£3.50 D843 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784697396
This new set of meditations inspired by the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem are a wonderful aid for anyone, in any place, but especially around our churches, to follow the fourteen steps of the Redeemer, to feel with Jesus in His passion and thereby to carry our own cross alongside Him.
Meditations on the Stabat Mater
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP £3.95 D844 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784697402
Stabat mater dolorosa –
“The mournful mother was standing”. This is the opening line of the extraordinary hymn attributed to the 13th century Franciscan friar Jacopone da Todi, which is still a popular Lenten devotion. In this book Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP meditates upon the Stabat Mater line by line. The book helps the reader to walk the road from Lent to Passiontide to Easter – and indeed from life to death to eternal life – in the company of the most Blessed and Sorrowful Mother, who stands at the foot of the Cross of her Son.
According to St Benedict
Fr Bernard Ducruet, OSB
£3.50 PA65 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784697419
Spiritual combat is the lot of every one of Christ’s Disciples. Too often, the idea seems off-putting, and a good number of Christians think that it has little to do with them. However, no one is exempt from it. To help us discover its merits, the author offers us some of the essential facts about spiritual combat. He shows us how this combat is, above all, a source of growth in charity.
Fr Adrian Graffy
£3.50 D832 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784696276
The Stations of the Cross devotion, meditating on Jesus’s journey to Calvary, is loved by Catholics around the world. Fr Adrian Graffy begins each station with a passage from the bible helping the reader to reflect more deeply on the suffering of Christ.
Juliette Levivier
£5.95 CH70 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784695972
This beautiful book will help children to learn to meditate on the Passion of Jesus. In child-friendly language, it starts by telling the story of Holy Week, beginning with Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and ending with his Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It proceeds to explain the origins of the "way of the cross", what it means, how to pray it, and how that affects our relationship with Jesus.
Carl E Olson
£3.50 | D834 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696535
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, he taught them the Our Father. These meditations illuminate the words of the Lord’s Prayer as an essential part of the spiritual journey from Lent to Easter.
“This is the best collection of Lenten reflections I have come across. Olson writes in a style that is accessible to anyone but the text is not dumbed down to the lowest denominator.”
A Catholic Handbook for School Students
The Association of Catholic Women / Catholic Truth Society £14.95 CH75 | Hardback | 112pp ISBN 9781784697471
Figuring out what it means to be a disciple of Christ as a young person today is tricky. If you think about it, you probably have a lot of questions: How am I supposed to know what’s true? Or know what to do? Who has the answers? Is it science? Is it the Bible? How does it all fit together? And what does it mean for my life?
Looking Ahead answers big questions about life, God, and the world. Full of useful information, quirky facts, assorted prayers, stories of saints and heroes, and beautiful illustrations, this is a book to help you make sense your amazing calling to follow Jesus Christ.
When did Christianity arrive in Britain?
Two thousand years ago, Britain was part of the Roman Empire – that same Roman Empire into which Christ was born. The Empire stretched across nearly all of what we today call Europe, as well as Asia Minor, much of North Africa and the Holy Land.
After Christ told his Apostles to go out and spread the Good News to all nations, they set out to do just that, and they gathered other missionaries to help them.
We don’t know the names of the first Christians to arrive in Britain, but it was certainly in Roman times. A legend says that it was a small group led by Joseph of Arimithea, the man who provided the tomb for Christ’s body to be laid in. The group is said to have landed on the
Looking Ahead would make a beautiful (and useful!) gi for a young person moving on om primary school or just finding their feet in secondary school. This attractive volume is perfect for a prize giving or presentation book. It would pair well with a Bible and a copy of YouCat to bring the Faith alive in the heart and mind of a young person. Not a book to be le on the shelf, the breadth of its contents means that it contains something to catch the interest of virtually any schoolchild.
western coast of Britain, at Glastonbury in Somerset –then a marshy district where boats drew in from the sea – but so far there is no reliable evidence for that story.
It is certainly a fact that there was trade between western Britain and the rest of the Roman Empire. For example, tin from Cornwall was sold as far away as the Middle East.
Christianity flourished here in Britain as it did in the rest of the Roman Empire. When the Empire collapsed, pagan Angles and Saxons invaded from across the North Sea, taking over what came to be known as England.
Christianity survived in western areas, including what we today call Wales and Cornwall. In their turn, the Saxons were converted to Christianity by missionaries sent from Rome, including St Augustine of Canterbury. When he arrived in Britain in the seventh century, Augustine encountered strong groups of Christians whose history dated back to Roman times.
Barbara Reed Mason
£3.95 DO963 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784697556
Every time the Mass is celebrated something astonishing occurs: the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the Cross is made truly present. The Mass is the sacrifice of Christ. In this way, it offers all Catholics a powerful and personal encounter with the loving Saviour, Jesus Christ, who gave his life for the salvation of sinners. Drawing on the sacred Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the wise words of saints and popes, this book explains how the Sacrifice of the Holy Mass unites the faithful with God.
John Bradburne
Fr Gerard Skinner
£6.95 B777 | Paperback | TBCpp ISBN 9781784697525
The life of John Bradburne reflects a struggle familiar to many people today: if you want to find God you need to search. Bradburne’s search, his life’s pilgrimage, took him from his birthplace in Cumbria through India, Malaya, and Burma during his soldiering years, and finally to Africa where he at last found God and his own sacred calling amongst the lepers in Mtemwa, Zimbabwe. Led by a faith that he often expressed profoundly and poetically, John Bradburne followed the example of Christ, pouring himself out in love of the lepers he served, unwilling to abandon them even to save his own life as the violence of the Zimbabwean struggle for independence closed in around Mtemwa. Remembered by those who knew him for his humility, simplicity, joy and friendliness, John Bradburne offers a striking example of authentic holiness in the modern, conflict-stricken world.
Apostolic Letter on the Fourth Centenary of the death of Saint Francis De Sales
Pope Francis
£4.95 DO964 | Paperback | 32pp ISBN 9781784697570
Pope Francis marks the 400th anniversary of the death of St Francis de Sales with this Apostolic Letter: “On this anniversary of the fourth centenary of his death, I have given much thought to the legacy of Saint Francis de Sales for our time. I find that his flexibility and his far-sighted vision have much to say to us. Partly by God’s gift and partly thanks to his own character, but also by his steady cultivation of lived experience, Francis perceived clearly that the times were changing. On his own, he might never have imagined that those changes represented so great an opportunity for the preaching of the Gospel. The word of God that he had loved from his youth now opened up before him new and unexpected horizons in a rapidly changing world. That same task awaits us in this, our own age of epochal change. We are challenged to be a Church that is outward looking.” - Pope Francis Available July 2023
Catholic Truth Society
£9.95 RM42 | Paperback | 626pp ISBN 9781784697587
This 2024 Sunday Missal is an ideal companion for the liturgical year, with major feasts and seasons introduced with the words of Pope Francis and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI. Includes readings for all Sundays and Solemnities (UK & Ireland).
AAnt. 8g do, non
(Introits) Simple Gregorian chants for Sung Mass Association for Latin Liturgy / John Henry Newman Institute of Liturgical Music
For the first time, Gregorian chant Introits for every Sunday and Holy Day are presented here in both Latin and English, simple to sing but wholly authentic, and well within the capability of choirs of any parish church.
e qui chants of the Mass, giving choirs and
The Priesthood
£5.95 EX65 | A5 Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784697440
Two bishops and three priests offer a series of brilliant insights into the Catholic priesthood – its past, present and future.
Praying the Great O Antiphons
Katy Carl
£6.95 D838 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784696610
In the final days of Advent, the Church recites the Great O Antiphons at Vespers each evening. Katy Carl contemplates each of these antiphons, drawing on art, literature, and Sacred Scripture to show how they tell the story of Jesus Christ.
A4 Wire Bound Edition: £34.99 M58 | 192pp ISBN 9781916101708
A5 Perfect Bound Edition: £16.99 M59 | 192pp ISBN 9780993578441
A5 Wire Bound Edition: £22.99 M60 | 192pp ISBN 9780993578458
At The Service of The Truth
Robert Cardinal Sarah
£12.95 EX66 | Paperback | 156pp ISBN 9781784697457
Drawn from a retreat given to priests, Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks with his trademark clarity and directness to confront some of the most burning issues facing the priesthood and Christian life in general.
Peace of Heart
Fr Bernard Ducruet, OSB £3.50 PA66 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784697426
Learn to welcome peace beyond trials and to see it as a limitless gift from God, through teaching marked by the Spirit of St Benedict.
Christopher R. Altieri
£5.95 | EX64 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784697372
A veteran journalist and Vatican expert offers insight into how the news is made, how to spot clickbait and “fake news”, and how to discover the real stories behind the shocking headlines.
Fr Ivano Millico
£5.95 PA63 | Paperback | 84pp ISBN 9781784696542
Fr Ivano Millico looks at the Covid pandemic through a prophetic lens enlisting the help of Saints who have lived through moments of great personal or societal crisis.
James Matthew Wilson
£6.95 D842 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784697358
In this book, poet, critic and scholar James Matthew Wilson considers each line of the Nicene Creed in turn, showing through stories, images and recollections that this prayer describes the living theological reality that is at the heart of personal devotion.
5 steps to being a saint Mgr Anthony Figueiredo
£6.95 | B776 | Paperback | 86pp ISBN 9781784696528
A beautiful new life of Carlo Acutis the IT enthusiast who died at just 15 years old but lived his life for Christ. The author introduces us to the five simple practices which helped to make Blessed Carlo Acutis the first Millennial Blessed.
See more CTS Paperbacks: Praying the Great O Antiphons (p.8); and John Bradburne (p.6).
The Spiritual Masters
Benedict XVI
£19.99 B739 | Hardback | 106pp ISBN 9781860827228
Pope Benedict XVI describes how ten 1st century Fathers and writers helped the Church to grow and left their mark on her culture and spirituality.
The Spiritual Masters
Benedict XVI
£21.99 B740 | Hardback | 130pp ISBN 9781860827235
By delving into the great scholastic and monastic theological debates of the medieval age, Pope Benedict XVI shows how the thought of medieval scholars can reinvigorate and deepen our faith today.
Morning & Evening Prayer (Paperback Ed.)
Meditations & Catechesis on the Psalms & Canticles
Pope Benedict XVI | Pope St John Paul II
£21.99 SC128 | Paperback | 512pp
ISBN 9781784697518
Learn from two great Popes the importance of the Liturgy of the Hours as a prayer of the whole people of God.
Morning & Evening Prayer (Hardback Ed.)
Meditations & Catechesis on the Psalms & Canticles
Pope Benedict XVI | Pope St John Paul II
£37.99 SC115 | Hardback | 512pp ISBN 9781784690519
Learn from two great Popes the importance of the Liturgy of the Hours as a prayer of the whole people of God.
From the Liturgy of the Hours
Catholic Truth Society
£10.99 D704 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860825590
This elegant pocket book of Night Prayer includes the full text for each day, with guidance for those unfamiliar with praying it. Also includes aids to examination of conscience.
What happened in the final week of Jesus of Nazareth’s earthly life? In Jesus of Nazareth: Holy Week— From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection Pope Benedict takes up that and other crucial questions. How did the man whom many hailed as the Messiah come to be rejected by the leaders of his own people? Was he a political revolutionary? Who was responsible for his death: the Romans or the Jewish authorities, or both? How did Jesus view his suffering and death? How should we? Did he establish a Church to carry on his work?
From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection Pope Benedict XVI £21.99 DO840 | Paperback | 382pp ISBN 9781860827075
What did he teach about the End of the World? And most importantly, did Jesus really rise from the dead?
This is a book for Christians —Catholics, Protestants, Orthodox, as well as other believers and non-believers. Benedict brings to his study the vast learning of a brilliant scholar, the passionate searching of a great mind, and the deep compassion of a pastor’s heart. In the end, he dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection.
Who is Jesus? In this sequel to the widely acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection.
The CTS Definitive and Complete Edition £44.99 DO916 | Hardback | 732pp ISBN 9781784691059
The CTS edition of the Catechism is an invaluable resource, with a clearer and more attractive layout, making the richness and beauty of the Catholic faith accessible to all.
On Value and Inviolability of Human Life
Pope St John Paul II £12.99 DO633 | Paperback | 136pp ISBN 9780851839516
Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel of Life), showed that Pope John Paul II wished to give the protection of life, from conception to its natural end, a highly positive character and great new spiritual thrust.
David Albert Jones|Stephen Barrie
£9.95 ED19 | A5 Paperback | 160pp ISBN 9781784690311
This book is about the meaning of Catholic education. It is not only for Catholics but is a resource for anyone who wishes to explore how education is to be understood from a Christian perspective.
Fr Stephen Wang
£3.50 DO904 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784690632
Here, in 73 concise articles, the core ideas of the Christian faith are expressed, in a nutshell – with clear and accurate explanations providing a mini-catechism for all enquirers.
Fr Marcus Holden / Fr Andrew Pinsent
£4.95 EV6 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860827259
This booklet summarises the fruitfulness of the faith, noting that our university system, art, music, legal tradition, charity, and even much of our science arises from Catholic civilisation and minds.
Pope Francis
£3.50 DO889 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860829192
The Holy Father explores the many images of the Church including: family of God, body of Christ, the Church as a Mother and many others, and gives an inspiring meditation on the Church “as a mystery which we all experience and of which we are part”.
Fr Stephen Wang
£14.95 DO944 | Paperback | 312pp ISBN 9781784696160
In SYCAMORE you will find answers to the most common questions about life and faith, whether you want to deepen the faith you already have or are exploring the faith for the first time. Written in a conversational style with beautiful colour images.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 DO003 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9780851834207
The original classic ‘Penny Catechism’ in question-and-answer format provides a wealth of detailed guidance on, and explanation of, the Catholic faith. Includes a section of common prayers.
The CTS Definitive and Complete Edition
£15.95 DO917 | Paperback | 732pp ISBN 9781784691066
The CTS edition of the Catechism is an invaluable resource, with a clearer and more attractive layout, making the richness and beauty of the Catholic faith accessible to all.
The CTS Definitive and Complete Edition
£44.99 DO916 | Hardback | 732pp ISBN 9781784691059
The CTS edition of the Catechism is an invaluable resource, with a clearer and more attractive layout, making the richness and beauty of the Catholic faith accessible to all.
365 Day Reading Plan
Petroc Willey | Fr Dominic Scotto | Dr Donald Asci | Elizabeth Siegel
£14.95 DO934 | Paperback | 382pp ISBN 9781784691974
An achievable method of reading the Catechism in one year, providing expert commentary and reflections for each day of the year, opening up the Catechism and making the Faith easy to understand.
Catholic Truth Society
£12.95 DO742 | Paperback | 208pp ISBN 9781860823763
A true summary of the teachings contained in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and an authoritative and authentic guide to the Catholic faith. Presented in question and answer format.
Petroc Willey
£3.50 DO914 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691028
Essential pocket guide to reading the Catechism, its purpose and use. Written as a practical handbook to using the Catechism in teaching the faith.
YOUCAT Foundation
£12.95 DO845 | Paperback | 312pp ISBN 9781860827280
Developed with the help of young Catholics, the original Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church is now the best-selling Catholic book in the world.
YOUCAT Foundation
£12.95 DO925 | Paperback | 330pp ISBN 9781784691318
Part of the best-selling YOUCAT series, DOCAT is a superb resource to help guide young people to know, to understand and to live out Catholic Social Teaching.
YOUCAT Foundation
£5.95 DO936 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784695552
Designed to encourage young people to go to Confession, this includes inspiration from young people, offers prayers for Confession, and gives practical advice, including answering common questions.
£6.30 1360 | Paperback | 104pp ISBN 9781621641360
The DOCAT Study Guide is an aid for using the DOCAT in any study group situation, whether in a classroom, at home or in small groups. Laid out in a youthful and modern style with lots of graphics, this study tool is sure to foster reflection and discussion on the social teachings of the Catholic Church.
YOUCAT Foundation
£9.95 D760 | Paperback | 176pp ISBN 9781860828522
This collection of prayers is designed to help young people use prayer to grow in friendship with God. It also encourages a routine of morning & evening prayer, and provides advice on how to pray.
Fr Michel Remery
£15.95 PA61 | Paperback | 248pp ISBN 9781784696351
Online with Saints offers a virtual encounter with hundreds of saints from all around the world; women and men from all paths of life, linking their inspirational stories to real life modern questions and providing answers. Discover much more about the saints with the App ‘Online with Saints’.
Fr Stephen Wang
£3.50 DO774 | Paperback | 108pp ISBN 9781860824876
Young Catholics will be inspired to live their faith more deeply with this practical, down-toearth advice on daily life from a university chaplain. Ideal for older teenagers and young people.
YOUCAT Foundation
£18.95 SC123 | Hardback | 432pp
ISBN 9781784691905
Designed to encourage young people to read the Bible, this carefully abridged Bible features helpful introductions to each book and short commentaries by some of today’s top Bible teachers.
A brief introduction
Catholic Truth Society
£9.95 LF54 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860826559
A succinct and masterly summary of what Catholics believe and the reasons for their belief, offering a very accessible introduction to Catholicism for those who are interested to know more.
The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion
Catholic Truth Society
£8.50 LF52 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860826535
The message of the Divine Mercy reminds us of what the Church has always taught: that God is merciful and forgiving and that we, too, must show mercy and forgiveness.
Helpful prayers to know and use every day
Catholic Truth Society
£8.50 LF47 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860826481
A collection of the most common Catholic prayers assembled conveniently in a useful leaflet. Responding to a widely felt need, these can be easily distributed.
All you need to know
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 LF63 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860827433
Concisely explains Christian Baptism and the responsibilities of a Godparent or Sponsor, as well as who is eligible to become a Godparent.
How to Become a Catholic (Pack of 25)
If you're thinking about becoming a Catholic what steps do you take?
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 LF1 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860822483
Outlining in a clear and concise manner the steps which need to be taken to become a Catholic.
Some practical steps to form a habit of prayer
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 LF11 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860822681
Pack of 25 leaflets explaining the basics of prayer. Describes different types of prayer and practical points to help us pray.
Why do Catholics Pray Before the Blessed Sacrament?
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 LF12 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860822698
Introduces the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist, the Mass, Exposition and Benediction, and the value of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.
Simple guide to how to pray the Rosary
Catholic Truth Society
£9.95 LF31 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860823480
This leaflet explains the ancient prayer of the rosary in a simple, easy to understand guide. It includes the different mysteries of the rosary, and how to use the beads.
Fr Robert Taylerson
£9.50 LF77 | Leaflet | 16pp EAN 5060139000734
This helpful leaflet provides several different methods to examine our conscience prior to the Sacrament, with a helpful explanation of each. An indispensable guide for all Catholics.
Catholic Truth Society
£8.50 LF5 | Leaflet | 8pp ISBN 9781860822520
Sunday is to be observed as the foremost holy day of obligation in the Universal Church. This leaflet explains why.
Jim Blackburn
£3.50 C296 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784691097
An accessible guide to defending the Catholic faith comprising answers to frequently asked questions with concise explanations on the role of the Pope.
Karlo Broussard
£3.50 C302 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691585
This concise summary unpacks the nature of miracles and offers compelling arguments to counter those who reduce miracles to mere superstition.
Trent Horn
£3.50 C301 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691424
This guide provides explanations of the Last Things that every individual must face: death, judgement, hell and heaven, firmly grounded in Church teaching and written in accessible language.
Trent Horn
£3.50 C298 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691110
This clearly written booklet provides appropriate responses and answers to the questions Jehovah's Witnesses might ask.
Trent Horn
£3.50 C292 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784690489
Who was Jesus? Did he really exist? This booklet provides intelligent responses to the most fundamental questions about Jesus's life, death and resurrection.
Dr Pia Matthews
£3.50 EX59 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691981
IVF and other ART techniques raise significant ethical questions. A clear & concise view of the Church's position on infertility & fertility treatments is offered here, responding to opposing arguments.
Fr Ashley Beck
£3.50 EX16 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781860823428
Despite the Church’s prohibition, some Catholics in apparent good faith become masons. Convincing theological arguments against becoming a freemason are set out in a measured & balanced manner here.
Professor Jean Pierre Casey
£3.50 EX60 | Paperback | 68pp ISBN 9781784691998
The digital revolution and all that came with it is arguably the most disruptive technological shift in human history. So what does ‘progress’ mean and how can we live ‘faithfully’ in the digital age?
Dr Cyprian Blamires
£3.50 EX24 | Paperback | 60pp ISBN 9781860824326
An exploration of the split with Catholicism and it's causes, its many contemporary forms, and how these relate to Catholic Christianity.
Fr Martin Ganeri
£3.50 EX33 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860826382
This booklet explains the basic tenets and practices of Hinduism, a hugely diverse faith, and explores the points of similarity and of difference between it and Catholic Christianity.
Neil Addison
£3.50 EX49 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860829086
This booklet considers areas of the law relating to Religious Freedom and Discrimination, which are of specific interest to Catholic institutions and individual Catholics.
John Newton
£3.50 EX55 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784690694
A clear, compassionate and forthright explanation of what Catholics believe about religious freedom, as an inalienable right to be protected, and as a timeless good for society and humankind.
Patrick Treacy SC
£3.50 EX61 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695750
In 2016, Pope Francis described a “global war trying to destroy marriage”. This booklet explores the Catholic understanding of marriage and five key ideas that led to the destruction of it.
Sr Margaret Atkins
£3.50 EX56 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784690861
Pope Francis calls all Christians to an ‘ecological conversion’. This much needed explanation of Catholic belief and the environment, narrows the gap between theory and practice.
Adrian Lickorish
£3.95 EX53 | Paperback | 168pp ISBN 9781860829208
Heaven is accessible to those of any faith or none, since God wishes to bring all to Heaven, and has provided a way for every soul, if it truly desires, to be able to accept his invitation.
Peter Seewald|Pope Benedict XVI
£14.95 B737 | Hardback | 240pp ISBN 9781860827099
Taken from a week-long series of interviews between veteran journalist Peter Seewald and Pope Benedict XVI, this book tackles head-on some of the greatest issues facing the world of our time.
Christopher R. Altieri
£5.95 | EX64 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784697372
A veteran journalist and Vatican expert offers insight into how the news is made, how to spot clickbait and “fake news”, and how to discover the real stories behind the shocking headlines.
According to St Benedict
Fr Bernard Ducruet, OSB
£3.50 PA65 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784697419
Spiritual combat may seem offputting, but no one is exempt from it. Discover the essential facts about spiritual combat in this book, and learn why it is, above all, a source of growth in charity.
Fr Billy Swan
£3.50 PA62 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696405
Drawing on both the ancient teachings of the Church and modern research, Fr Billy Swan discusses ten ways Christian faith can support good mental health and wellbeing.
The Cardinal Virtues
Fr Andrew Pinsent
£3.50 SP52 | Paperback | 68pp ISBN 9781784691752
This booklet explores the meaning of the cardinal virtues, drawing on Scripture, Catholic theology and the Catechism to explain and illustrate the ideas. It also includes practical ways to support the virtues.
Fr Donncha Ó hAodha
£3.50 SP42 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784690465
This engaging survey of Scripture, the Church Fathers, Christian history, distinguished writers, and the Catechism, provides answers to the many questions we have regarding purgatory.
An Introduction to Salvation
Clare Eileen Grant
£3.50 SP37 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860828454
This booklet helps us to understand Salvation History as the true history of the world, from creation and fall to salvation through the death and resurrection of Christ.
Charlotte Ostermann
£3.50 SP38 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860828546
Looking at Sunday as a day set aside for God in history and today. This booklet traces the importance of Sunday and shows how Christians can recover it as a means of rest and sanctification.
Fr Francis Selman
£3.50 SP43 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690670
This booklet explores the providence of God and why prayer is not simply about petitioning God for what we want but a beautiful path to eternal happiness with Him.
Fr Robert Taylerson
£3.50 SP40 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860828690
Examines the joys and pleasures of the Christian life through the Song of Songs and the Psalms, revealing how the Bible reveals our desire for God and his for us.
The Theological Virtues
Fr Andrew Pinsent
£3.50 SP49 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691547
How should we live and how can we grow in goodness? The theological virtues (Faith, Hope and Charity) and their meaning is examined in the context of the Christian revolution in virtue ethics.
Fr Anthony Doe
£3.50 D784 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784690090
This text’s proposal for true intimacy with the person of Christ in order to be genuine witnesses and disciples in today’s fractured and wounded world is both highly instructive and encouraging.
Steven Schloeder
£3.50 SP39 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781860828652
A practising Catholic architect explores the history and meaning of the church and the spiritual significance of its design in order to help Catholics better understand the buildings they use.
Spiritual Reading of the Bible
Jean Khoury
£3.50 SP11 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860823596
In this booklet Lectio Divina is described in a fresh and practical way, encouraging every Christian to take up the Bible and find in it a true guide for the intellect and for the actions of every day.
The Revelation of the Merciful Presence of God.
Canon Michael Lewis
£3.50 SP41 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860828966
The revelation of God’s Name, which began in the Burning Bush, comes to completion in Jesus. This book takes us into the heart of the mystery of God’s Name and therefore the mystery of prayer.
Adrian Lickorish
£3.50 EX57 | Paperback | 76pp
ISBN 9781784690977
Here powerful reasoning and convincing evidence to support the belief that Jesus is God is set out using biblical and other sources.
Fr Richard Conrad, OP
£3.50 SP27 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860825347
At Confirmation, every Christian receives 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit. What these gifts are and how the Holy Spirit uses them to guide the lives of each Christian is explored in this booklet.
Fr Jerome Bertram
£3.50 H507 | Paperback | 48pp
ISBN 9781860824333
Fr Bertram runs through the five main recurring heresies and their various manifestations from Arianism to Modernism, and explains how they were and are being resisted and overcome.
Raymond Edwards |
Mgr John Armitage
£3.50 H515 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784696320
On 29th March 2020, the Bishops of England formally rededicated our country as the Dowry of Mary. This booklet explores this beautiful tradition and its importance for a rekindling of the historically famous Marian piety of England centred on the shrine at Walsingham.
Dr William Carroll
£3.50 H509 | Paperback | 68pp ISBN 9781860825460
This booklet explains the facts of the Galileo case, the famous clash of Faith and Science, and traces the subsequent development of the myth that the Catholic Church has always been the enemy of science.
Harry Schnitker
£3.50 H514 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784690120
This booklet examines the role of Pope Benedict XV in the efforts to find peace, the role of the Church during the World War I and the Church’s need to look after suffering soldiers and civilians alike.
Dr Raymond Edwards | Sr Fabiola
£3.50 H511 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781860829055
A unique and moving collection of testimonies from the Catholics of the time and their experiences in the Great War with countless stories of bravery and acts of great courage, faith and forgiveness.
Robert Louis Stevenson|G K Chesterton
£3.50 CL01 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695279
When leper-priest Fr Damien was libelled, he found a fierce defender in Robert Louis Stevenson. GK Chesterton argues for the necessity of the Catholic Church.
Hilaire Belloc
£3.50 CL02 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695286
A renowned historian considers three instances where the Church comes into conflict with forces opposed to her, and explains what is at stake.
John Henry Newman
£3.50 CL03 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695293
When the Catholic hierarchy in England was restored in 1850, Dr Newman preached at the installation of the first Bishop of Birmingham. This is what he said.
Leonard Cheshire VC|Bede Jarrett
£3.50 CL04 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695309
We may imagine death will not happen to us. How should we prepare for death? How can we accompany the dying? Why do Christians look for life after death?
Johannes Siemes SJ|Bruce Kent
£3.50 CL05 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695316
Here is an eyewitness account, by a German Jesuit, of the atom bombing of Hiroshima. Appended is an account of the Christian peace movement by a well-known activist.
Ronald Knox
£3.50 CL06 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695323
What is a miracle, and why would God do one? Do they still occur, and if so, why? What distinguishes a miracle from other scientifically inexplicable events?
Robert Hugh Benson
£3.50 CL07 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695330
What could attract a famous clergyman and bestselling author to become a Catholic, and a Catholic priest? In this book, he tells us.
Francis Ripley
£3.50 CL08 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695347
Many people stop going to church, for all sorts of reasons. A wellknown preacher here asks us to think about coming back.
Herbert Thurston SJ
£3.50 CL09 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695354
What was the Gunpowder Plot? Was it, as was claimed, a plot hatched by wicked Jesuits? Whose stories can we trust? Another Jesuit investigates.
John Coonan|John Wijngaards|
William Burridge
£3.50 CL11 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695378
In the last half of the twentieth century, mass immigration brought Islam, amongst other things, to Britain for the first time. These are some contemporary religious responses.
Eileen Boland
£3.50 CL12 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695385
The Great War brought the reality of modern conflict into the lives of a whole society. This book collects some specifically Catholic experiences and responses.
Caryll Houselander|Delia Smith|
Herbert Fincham
£3.50 CL13 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695392
Three very different writers explain that prayer is not something reserved for the professionally religious, but is instead for people like us, with all our sins and problems.
Douglas Hyde
£3.50 CL14 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695408
An ex-Communist lays bare the grim reality of Communism, its unscrupulous methods, and its wholehearted opposition to Christianity.
Anonymous|Hubert McEvoy SJ|
Tony Kirwin|Malcom Brennan
£3.50 CL15 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695415
Four texts illustrate how approaches to entering into Christian marriage have both changed and yet conveyed a constant message.
Vincent McNabb OP|B C Butler OSB
£3.50 CL16 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695422
What do we mean by the resurrection? What does the Church teach, and why should we believe it? Two very different writers explain.
James Britten|Ronald Knox
£3.50 CL17 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695439
Two prominent former Anglicans explain why they became Catholic.
Eveline Cole|E Kielty
£3.50 CL20 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695460
Two stories with a moral: a French priest flees to England from the horrors of the Revolution; a Dublin girl takes a menial job in rural Ireland.
Christopher Dawson
£3.50 CL18 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695446
Monks, friars, popes, heresy, the inquisition; what was medieval Christianity really like? Where did it come from, and how did it express itself?
Lady Herbert of Lea
£3.50 CL19 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695453
These short and sharply-observed stories illustrate familiar problems of the Catholic moral life set in a late Victorian context.
"A Chaplain"|Mrs Blundell of Crosby
£3.50 CL21 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695477
An army chaplain offers practical advice to Catholic soldiers; Catholic mothers are encouraged to set the difficulties of the Home Front in a wider context.
Christopher Hollis
£3.50 CL22 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695484
How did the Catholic Church respond to the moral, intellectual and practical challenges of the past three centuries? We learn what lies behind modern Catholic social teaching.
Vernon Johnson
£3.50 CL23 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695491
St Thérèse of Lisieux is one of the best-loved of all saints. A renowned spiritual writer explains how she is also a profound teacher of prayer.
Fr Martin D'Arcy, SJ
£3.50 CL24 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695507
How can belief in an all-powerful, all-loving God be reconciled with the undeniable presence of evil in the world? A Jesuit philosopher offers some answers.
Herbert Cardinal Vaughan
£3.50 CL25 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695514
Whenever Cardinal Vaughan met problems or worries, he turned first to St Joseph. Here he tells us why, and how to do the same.
Catholic Truth Society
£230.00 RM01 | Leather / fine binding | 1566pp ISBN 9781860827297
CTS’s Altar Missal has been carefully designed in close collaboration with priests and with our Italian binders to ensure practicality, beauty and durability.
Catholic Truth Society
£65.00 RM02 | Leather / fine binding | 1566pp ISBN 9781860827303
The standard ritual edition of the Missal for use in England, Wales and Scotland, in a scaled-down edition for reference, study and liturgical planning.
Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus £325.00 RM19 | Leather/fine binding | 1086pp ISBN 9781784690205
Includes the Order of Mass, Proper of Time and Sanctoral cycle with votive, ritual and Masses for the dead. With high quality leather binding, gilding, Florentine blocking, ribbons and beautifully illustrated.
Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus
£65.00 RM26 | Leather/fine binding | 1086pp ISBN 9781784695644
A smaller ritual edition of the Divine Worship Missal, useful for liturgical planning. Includes the Order of Mass, Proper of Time and Sanctoral cycle with votive, ritual and Masses for the dead.
Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus £50.00 | RM33 | Leatherette / Fine Binding | 2030pp ISBN 9781784696092
This beautiful book contains Morning and Evening Prayer from the Anglican prayer book tradition, now approved for use in the Catholic Church through the Personal Ordinariates.
Divine Worship: Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying
Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus £20.00 RM37 | A6 Leatherette | 100pp ISBN 9781784696399
A compact ritual book for the Communion outside of Mass, Anointing and Viaticum as well as prayers and Blessings with the sick and dying.
Ordinariates Established by Anglicanorum Coetibus £50.00 D762 | Hardback | 160pp ISBN 9781860828775
Celebration of Holy Baptism, confirmation for adults, the rite of infant baptism, Holy Matrimony and the Order of Funerals, approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship for the Ordinariates.
ICEL | Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales £35.00 RM22 | Hardback | 64pp ISBN 9781784690885
The rite of Confirmation, beautifully produced in red leather with gilt edges, two ribbons, and a durable slipcase.
Catholic Truth Society
£45.00 RM28 | Leather / fine binding | 160pp ISBN 9781784695705
A beautifully presented compendium of rites and devotions, including the Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction. Beautifully presented with full colour illustrations, leather bound, and satin ribbons.
Catholic Truth Society
£75.00 RM29 | Leather / fine binding | 296pp ISBN 9781784695712
Formerly known as The Book of the Chair, this book contains all of the prayers said from the chair for Sundays and feast days, reproduced in a beautifully bound and durable volume.
Catholic Truth Society
£35.00 RM11 | Leather / fine binding | 288pp ISBN 9781860827853
This comprehensive extract from the Roman Missal, designed for priests in Holy Week, includes all the liturgies from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday.
For up to four concelebrants
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 RM05 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860827334
This is the booklet needed for each concelebrating priest to assist them in saying Mass. Suitable for up to four concelebrants.
£30.00 RM17 | Leather / fine binding | 56pp ISBN 9781860829215
Ritual Edition of the Eucharistic Prayers for Masses with Children. Using simpler language and more frequent acclamations for more active participation by the children.
ICEL|Catholic Bishops Conference of England and Wales
£40.00 RM21 | Hardback | 152pp ISBN 9781784690892
The Order of Celebrating Matrimony is a beautifully produced Rite in a portable format in gold blocked white leather with gilt edges, three ribbons and a durable slipcase.
Bishops’ Conference of Scotland £50.00 RM24 | Hardback | 152pp ISBN 9781784691431
The new Order of Celebrating Matrimony, for mandatory use in Scotland since Easter 2016. Beautifully produced in gold blocked red leather with gilt edges and three ribbons.
£5.95 D803 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784690915
Revised in 2016, this includes all the new options of the Rite of Matrimony including a wider range of collects, vows, consents, blessings, and readings. The proper of the Mass is included with music.
ICEL £3.50 D813 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784691455
Published in association with the Scottish Bishops' Conference, this includes all the options for the Rite of Matrimony within Mass. The full set of readings are reproduced, and the Proper of the Mass is included with music.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 RM31 | Paperback | 300pp ISBN 9781784696061
A people's Missal containing Mass texts for all of Holy Week, plus additional material to assist in entering into this core liturgical time. Includes reflections from Dom Henry Wansbrough.
The Order of Mass in Latin and English
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D702 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860825668
The Extraordinary Form in Latin and English on facing pages. This booklet includes a full table of the traditional yearly cycle of readings.
Dr Joseph Shaw
£3.50 EX62 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784696313
Experiencing the Extraordinary Form can raise many questions. Why does the priest have his back to the congregation? Why is everything in Latin? How am I meant to take part? This booklet answers these questions to help Catholics better understand and engage in the Extraordinary Form.
£20.00 1140 | Paperback | 404pp ISBN 9781601371140
This book is a treasure trove of material from doctrinal, liturgical, and spiritual points of view, incorporating the most recent English translation of the Roman Missal, 3rd Edition. Priests, seminarians, and liturgists will be delighted with this resource.
and Two Fish
Meditations on the Eucharist
Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan
£3.95 B722 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860825903
Reflections by Cardinal Nguyen Van Thuan on the Eucharist and aspects of our faith, informed by his experience of suffering and trust in God inside a Vietnamese prison.
A Chant Mass for the Assembly
£4.95 RM08 | Paperback | 36pp ISBN 9781860827556
The new Roman Missal contains organ accompaniments to support chant versions in the new English translation of those parts of the Mass sung by the entire assembly.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 D741 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860827341
The complete text of the Order of Mass in the new English translation, for use by the people. Includes Eucharistic Prayers I - IV, musical settings of the people’s parts, and colour illustrations.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 D506 | Paperback | 92pp ISBN 9781860820359
This handy pocket-size Order of Mass contains English and Latin on facing pages, as well as Eucharistic Prayers, musical settings of the people’s parts and colour illustrations.
Fr Allen Morris
£3.50 LT08 | Paperback | 80pp
ISBN 9781784690410
An essential text for Extraordinary Ministers, introducing the most important elements of the ministry, including guidelines for ministering at Mass and ministering to the sick and housebound.
Fr Peter Michael Scott
£3.50 PA39 | Paperback | 60pp ISBN 9781784691837
A helpful guide on how to effectively minister to the sick. It offers practical advice and contains the rite of Anointing the Sick, the rite of an Emergency Baptism, and prayers to help patients.
Fr Allen Morris
£3.50 LT09 | Paperback | 58pp ISBN 9781784690427
This short introduction to the Liturgical Ministry of the Word answers the most important questions for those who read at Mass, providing guidance to them.
Hannah Vaughan-Spruce
£9.95 PA47 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN 9781784695545
This landmark book covers the essential skills, knowledge & understanding you need to be an inspiring & effective catechist. It features invaluable catechetical techniques, methodologies, and advice.
With guide to pronouncing Bible names
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 DO803 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781860825538
This booklet gives tips and help on how to read in Church and on how to pronounce some of the less familiar personal and geographical names that arise in the readings of the liturgical year.
Robert Cardinal Sarah
£12.95 EX66 | Paperback | 156pp ISBN 9781784697457
Drawn from a retreat given to priests, Cardinal Robert Sarah speaks with his trademark clarity and directness to confront some of the most burning issues facing the priesthood and Christian life in general.
Preface by George Cardinal Pell Confraternity for Catholic Clergy /
Fr Marcus Holden & Fr Richard Whinder
£5.95 EX65 | A5 Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784697440
Two bishops and three priests offer a series of brilliant insights into the Catholic priesthood – its past, present and future.
Joseph White and Petroc Willey
£12.95 | PA64 | Paperback | 176pp ISBN 9781784696559
This essential guide for those involved in faith formation unpacks the Vatican’s important catechetical resource, the Directory for Catechesis. Delve into the Directory by exploring the content chapter-bychapter, engaging on the expertise provided, and reflecting deeply in the implications for your ministry.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 D777 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781860829260
Acting as a guide book for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, A Simple Penance Book guides penitents through the institution of the Sacrament and its benefits, culminating in a guide on how to make a good confession.
Fr Neil McNicholas
£3.50 PA41 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691882
This booklet invites us to examine our attitude towards death, and carefully addresses the Catholic teaching on unbaptised babies, suicide, burials & cremation, and music at funerals.
Discovering God’s Mercy
Fr Donncha Ó hAodha
£3.50 DO918 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784691073
Pope Francis reminds us, from his own experience, how deep and universal God’s mercy is. The Sacrament of Reconciliation should have a place in our lives, to taste and live in this mercy.
YOUCAT Foundation
£16.96 | DO946 | 225mm x 238mm | Hardback | 52pp ISBN 9781784696191
Commemorate the special occasion of your child’s First Holy Communion with this beautiful and informative memorial album.
How to let forgiveness set you free
Fr John Edwards, SJ
£3.50 D556 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860827686
This inspiring and practical guide opens us up to the spiritual gift of forgiveness, considering what sin is and how it affects our lives, and showing how Confession can heal us.
Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelisation
£3.50 PA30 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691417
This booklet acts as a guide for penitents in making a good confession, with practical information accompanied by wisdom from the saints and well-known writers to help us gain more from the Sacrament.
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio
£3.50 DO881 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860828751
In this text, the Holy Father reflects on the connection between sin and corruption in the life of every Christian and how pride and selfsufficiency lead from one to the other.
The message of Humanae Vitae
50 years on
Fr Anthony Doe
£10.99 PA57 | Paperback | 82pp ISBN 9781784695767
A significant pastoral assessment of today’s sexual culture on the 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae. The full text of Humanae Vitae is also included.
Catholic Truth Society
£9.95 SP53 | Hardback | 128pp ISBN 9781784691875
This essential spiritual companion for married and engaged couples features a collection of prayers, with themes and inspiration on matrimony and family life.
Catholic Church
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 DO923 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691233
Kerry Urdzik
£7.95 PA48 | Paperback | 106pp ISBN 9781784695576
Everything you need to know to prepare for married life is laid out in this handy guide for anyone wanting to get married in a Catholic church.
What can Pope Francis’s personal experience of God’s forgiveness teach us? Following his example, we learn to acknowledge God’s love for us and enact this love for others through forgiveness.
Fr Ivano Millico
£3.50 PA49 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695583
Here are 7 life-giving words to shed light on your marriage, drawing from the marriage promises, married couples in Scripture, and from the inspirational insights of Popes Francis and John Paul II.
A Treasury of Faith & Prayer
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 D821 | Paperback | 272pp ISBN 9781784691851
A beautifully designed book for confirmation candidates of all ages. It gives prayers for various occasions, advice on living life to the full, and includes a collection of litanies and novenas.
A Spiritual Companion on Becoming a Catholic
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 D822 | Paperback | 256pp ISBN 9781784691868
A treasury of familiar liturgical devotions along with traditional prayers for various occasions. This easy-to-use resource is for anyone recently initiated into the Church, or anyone considering it.
Fr Stephen Wang
£3.95 DO938 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784695668
Grow in love for Christ in the Eucharist with prayers, scripture readings, meditations, and quotations from the Catechism and from the saints, along with stunning art to aid personal reflection.
Fr John Flader
£3.50 D716 | Paperback | 48pp
ISBN 9781860826269
The author encourages those who confess regularly to appreciate it more, and he encourages those who do not to reconsider its many benefits. Includes a helpful Rite to Confession.
Sharing the Riches of the Catholic Faith
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£19.95 EV2 | Paperback | 54pp
ISBN 9781860823947
An adaptable resource for presenters of your parish Adult Catechesis, RCIA, Parish Courses, confirmation preparation and marriage preparation. Can also be used for self-instruction.
Sharing the Riches of the Catholic Faith
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£9.95 EV1 | Paperback | 78pp ISBN 9781860823930
An adaptable resource for your parish offering an excellent grounding for Adult Catechesis, RCIA, Parish Courses, confirmation preparation, marriage preparation and self-instruction.
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£25.00 EV3 | CD-Rom EAN 5065000956066
This CD-ROM offers an excellent grounding in the full panorama of Catholic beliefs for all catechetical courses.
Catholic answers to today’s questions
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£4.95 EV5 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860826429
This illustrated booklet responds positively to questions about the existence of God, about science and faith, the Bible, the Church, the Sacraments, and morality.
The Catholic Faith Explained
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£7.95 EV4 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860824708
Credo is an accurate, reliable and to the point pocket catechism. Drawing on scripture and tradition, it introduces the creed, the Sacraments, morals and prayer.
Maryvale Institute
£19.00 ECH4 | Mixed Media | 92pp
ISBN 9781860827846
You want to prepare and train those who hand-on faith... but how? This Leader's Guide contains guidance and teaching notes for the 11 sessions and printable handouts on CD-ROM (included).
Maryvale Institute
£7.95 ECH3 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860827839
This participants' guide contains 11 sessions, each with a text to read together, summary points, group activities and a prayer.
George Le Maitre, Guido d’Arezzo, Maria Agnesi, J.R.R Tolkien, Gregor Mendel, Venerable Bede, Thomas Aquinas, Hildegard of Bingen
£39.95 ED20 | Laminated Posters EAN 5060139000642
Catholic pioneers in literature, history, philosophy, theology, music, drama and sciences. 8 Laminated Posters.
Venerable Bede, Thomas Aquinas, Hildegard of Bingen
£14.95 ED18 | Laminated Posters
EAN 5060139000635
A pack of 3 colourful laminated posters A2 size on Catholic pioneers: St Hildegard of Bingen, Venerable Bede, and St Thomas Aquinas.
Catholic Truth Society
£25.00 EV8 | DVD
EAN 5060139000123
In three engaging, thought provoking and enjoyable 20 minute episodes, this Why? Course DVD explores the three vital questions the course is built on: Why God? Why Christ? And why the Church?
Catholic Truth Society
£10.00 PC91 | Cards | 1pp x 200 EAN 5060139000185
A set of 200 cards to give out to publicise the course. On the back there are spaces for writing in the date, the venue and the time when the course will take place.
Fr Andrew Pinsent|Fr Marcus Holden
£4.95 EV7 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781860828836
A three-part introduction to the Catholic Faith, this is a new exciting, intriguing and enjoyable way to reach adults and young people who are unfamiliar with the Catholic Faith.
Catholic Truth Society
£1.00 PC90 | Poster
EAN 5060139000185
A poster to help promote the Why? Course in your parish. This A3 poster contains spaces for you to write the information about where and when the evenings will take place.
YOUCAT Foundation
£24.95 DO895 | Paperback | 104pp ISBN 9781784690144
The teacher/catechists book for the YouCat Confirmation Course. The Handbook provides catechists with a wealth of background information, ideas and supporting materials.
YOUCAT Foundation
£9.95 DO894 | Paperback | 120pp ISBN 9781784690137
An excellent course for Confirmation candidates. All the topics are explained in an entertaining and challenging way, adopting the popular YouCat design.
Rev Seán Corkery & Máirín Ní Shúilleabháin
£16.95 DO943 | Wirobound | 96pp ISBN 9781784695996
Inspired by Pope Benedict XVI who asks us to grow in our faith by forming study groups, this is a 20 session study programme, giving people confidence in their own understanding of the Gospel.
Rev Seán Corkery & Máirín Ní Shúilleabháin
£6.95 DO942 | Wirobound | 72pp ISBN 9781784695989
Inspired by Pope Benedict XVI who asks us to grow in our faith by forming study groups, this is a 20 session study programme, giving people confidence in their own understanding of the Gospel.
Certificate (Pack of 25)
Catholic Truth Society
£18.00 PC37-P | Certificates
EAN 5060139000055
Beautiful A4 size full colour certificates for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Easy to print or write on to record the key details of such an important event.
Certificate (Pack of 25)
Catholic Truth Society
£18.00 PC39-P | Certificates
EAN 5060139000048
Beautiful A4 size full colour certificates for the Sacrament of First Holy Communion. Easy to print or write on to record the key details of such an important event.
Catholic Truth Society
£18.00 PC36-P | Certificates
EAN 5060139000031
Beautiful A4 size full colour certificates for the Sacrament of Baptism. Easy to print or write on to record the key details of such an important event.
Catholic Truth Society
£18.00 PC38-P | Certificates EAN 5060139000048
Beautiful A4 size full colour certificates for the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Easy to print or write on to record the key details of such an important event.
The blessing of the fire and the preparation of the Candle.
Catholic Truth Society
£4.96 PC84 | Laminated Cards EAN 5060139000543
The blessing of the fire at the Easter Vigil, and the preparation of the candle all presented for use by clergy on a handy laminated card.
Paul Moynihan|Catholic Truth Society
£9.50 PC103-P | Laminated Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000765
A portable liturgical card for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who bring Communion to the sick, using the revised text from The Roman Missal, and printed in two colours. Pack of 25
Catholic Truth Society
£4.95 PC77 | Spiral bound | 20pp ISBN 9781860827617
This braille version of CTS’s Order of Mass card contains all the responses needed for Mass said using the new English translation, for use by those who are blind or partially sighted.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.99 PC74-P | Laminated Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000475
This card contains all of the people's responses from the text of the English translation of the Order of Mass. Pack of 20 folding prayer cards.
Catholic Truth Society
£22.00 PC03-P | Laminated Cards | 4pp EAN 5060139000314
Set on durable laminated card, the text of the Order of Mass is elegantly set out in red and blackan easy to follow, helpful guide for all participants in the Mass.
The Rite of Baptism Card (Pack of 20)
Catholic Truth Society
£22.00 PC02-P | Laminated Cards ISBN 9780851835730
Set on durable laminated card, the Rite of Baptism is elegantly set out in red and black text - an easy to follow, helpful guide for both clergy, parents, and all participants.
Catholic Truth Society
£15.00 PC104-P | Laminated Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000772
What do you do in confession?
This leaflet walks penitents through the process, including the full Rite of Penance, a series of Scripture readings and the Prayer of Absolution.
Catholic Truth Society
£5.95 PC75 | Laminated Cards | 2pp EAN 5060139000482
This encapsulated card (A4) reproduces the text of the prayers of consecration in both the new English translation and the ordinary form Latin equivalent.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 SC73 | Paperback | 116pp
ISBN 9781860821585
Luke’s Gospel was written for Christian gentiles of some social standing. Tradition holds that the evangelist was a doctor and a companion of Paul and author of the Acts of the Apostles.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 SC71 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860821561
Matthew’s Gospel was written for the Judaeo Christian community and contains some of the most important passages for Christianity. It is presented here in handy pocketsize format.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 SC72 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860821523
Mark’s Gospel was written for gentile Christians, and is widely considered to be the most ancient of the four Gospels. The shortest of the Gospels, it is presented here in handy pocket-size format.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 SC74 | Paperback | 104pp
ISBN 9781860821608
John’s gospel is completely different from the other three in style and content. John the evangelist is traditionally identified with the Apostle John, mentioned as the disciple that Jesus loved.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 SC77 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860821844
The Acts of the Apostles was penned by the same author as the Gospel of Luke. It is a gripping story of the adventures of Paul and Apostles taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Catholic Truth Society|Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
£5.95 SC76 | Paperback | 282pp ISBN 9781860821592
The psalms have long provided the material for the prayer of the Church. The Grail translation is presented here in a portable pocketsize format.
Catholic Truth Society
£20.95 SC108 | Paperback | 2260pp ISBN 9781860828317
The most affordable full-size version of the CTS Bible, this paperback edition features a contents list of the books of the Bible on the flaps for easy search and reference. 8pt text (6pt footnotes).
Catholic Truth Society
£25.95 SC101 | Hardback | 2260pp ISBN 9781860824678
The CTS Bible uniquely uses the same translations used in the Liturgy, in an attractive and durable volume. Includes notes and introductions by Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB. 8pt text (6pt for footnotes).
From the Entrance into Jerusalem to the Resurrection
Pope Benedict XVI
£21.99 DO840 | Paperback | 382pp ISBN 9781860827075
Who is Jesus? In this sequel to the widely acclaimed Jesus of Nazareth, Pope Benedict XVI dares readers to grapple with the meaning of Jesus’ life, teaching, death, and resurrection.
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
£16.95 SC126 | Paperback | 372pp ISBN 9781784696184
Packed with 365 daily commentaries in Scripture, A Year with the Bible will take you on a journey from Genesis to Revelation that will deepen your comprehension of the Word of God.
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
£3.50 SC122 | Paperback | 120pp ISBN 9781784691370
Sunday gospels (Year A), are accompanied by commentary on both the gospel story and the place of God’s love in Christ’s ministry and in our everyday life.
Fr Adrian Graffy
£3.50 SC118 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784690953
Take a step by step journey to discover Christ’s mercy through the Scriptures, with Gospel passages on mercy accompanied by thoughtful meditations.
Fr Adrian Graffy
£3.50 SC121 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691288
God's boundless mercy is explored in a series of fascinating figures from the Old Testament, thus challenging popular misconceptions about the God of the Old Testament.
Fr Philip G Bochanski, CO
£3.50 D678 | Paperback | 60pp
ISBN 9781860823817
With St Philip Neri as our guide, we follow nine days of prayer, each linked to a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Includes down-to-earth reflections from St Philip and Cardinal Newman.
The Way of Divine Mercy
Fr Jim McManus CssR |
St Alphonsus Liguori
£3.95 D799 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690724
St Alphonsus’s classic and timeless reflections on Christ’s passion are enriched here by a brief biography, a selection of prayers and a history of the Way of the Cross as a way of divine mercy.
Helen Pepper
£3.50 D827 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784695538
Stopping with Mary at each of the fourteen locations that mark events in the final days of Jesus’s life, we share her sentiments and bear witness to her sorrow as she suffers alongside her son.
Fr Paul M. Addison OSM | Máire Ní Chearbhaill
£3.50 PA24 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784690502
As a cancer sufferer himself, Peregrine Laziosi has long been acknowledged as the special companion of people living with cancer. Learn about his life, and collection of prayers.
Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
£3.50 D679 | Paperback | 46pp ISBN 9781860823954
The booklet includes a helpful selection of devotions to St Jude: prayers for particular needs, litany and novenas. The interesting story of his shrine at Faversham, England is also told.
Dr Raymond Edwards
£12.95 D820 | Paperback | 408pp
ISBN 9781784691714
Containing a rich selection for many different needs, this beautiful collection of novenas encourages intercession of the saints and making prayer in the tradition of the great figures of Scripture.
W Raemers, CSsR|Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
£3.50 D779 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781860829284
The devotion’s history is here explained and accompanied by a rich collection of appropriate prayers, litanies and novenas, for private and communal use.
Fr Andrew Witko
£3.50 D650 | Paperback | 86pp ISBN 9781860820786
Beloved by Pope St John Paul II, devotion to the Divine Mercy has grown in popularity since its humble beginnings in Poland. Yet few know the details of its origins or the devotion itself. This booklet offers this information.
Fr Emiliano Antenucci
£3.50 D833 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784696283
In the Vatican offices is an icon of Mary with her finger pressed to her lips called Our Lady of Silence. This icon, which promotes listening to God and not speaking ill of others, is explained here, accompanied by a rich selection of devotions.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D694 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860825088
This booklet sets out how to pray these two well-known devotions: the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and offers helpful guidance as to their value, origins and purpose.
Miguel Cuartero Samperi
£3.50 D769 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781860829017
Pope Francis encountered this devotion while studying in Germany and set about spreading to devotion to it on his return to Argentina. A brief history and the main prayers are explored here.
Glynn MacNiven-Johnston|Dr Raymond Edwards
£3.50 D798 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784690663
There are many figures in Scripture whose situations and difficulties mirror our own. These specially composed novenas draw inspiration from these figures, teaching us about faith and prayer.
How the child Jesus can help us
Glynn MacNiven-Johnston
£3.50 D781 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784690045
An exploration of the history of the devotion, and the statue itself, reveals its roots in a Christian love for Scripture and the Child Jesus. Prayers, the chaplet, Litanies and Novenas are included.
Glynn MacNiven-Johnston|Dr Raymond Edwards
£3.50 D809 | Paperback | 96pp
ISBN 9781784691271
Each season and feast of the Church’s year has its own theme and focus. These newly composed novenas encourage us centre our prayers around the Liturgical Year and thus to live it more fully.
John Henry Newman
£3.50 D792 | Paperback | 48pp
ISBN 9781784690298
Saint John Henry Newman’s celebrated meditations on the passion of Our Lord, here edited and enhanced with illustrations, remain an enriching commentary on the details of Christ’s sufferings.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D766 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860828959
Deepen your devotion to the Sacred Heart with this practical and simple explanation of the effects of the devotion over the centuries. Can be used individually or in parish groups.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D772 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860829109
Explaining the effects of devotion to St Joseph over the centuries, this booklet is a practical and simple way for people to foster a devotional spirit, to be used individually or in parish groups.
Scriptural Meditations on the Mysteries
Alessandro Saraco
£3.50 D787 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781784690168
This scriptural rosary is accompanied by meditations on the mysteries from the teachings of Pope Francis. Includes indulgences for saying the Rosary & Marian prayers written by Pope Francis.
Inspired by St Louis Marie de
John Pridmore|Niall Slattery
£4.50 D793 | Paperback | 116pp ISBN 9781784690328
This describes how anyone, of any age or background, may consecrate their heart to Jesus through Mary, using the celebrated method of St Louis Marie de Montfort.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D771 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860829093
This booklet will help deepen love for St Thérèse bringing her closer to the everyday needs, concerns and joys of all, by exploring the effects of devotion to Thérèse over the centuries.
Trilingual Ed. - English, Scots Gaelic & Irish
Fr Ross SJ Crichton
£3.95 D836 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784696580
This Novena and Litany were composed to mark the 1500th anniversary of St Columba’s birth. The trilingual format reconnects the Irish, Scottish and English communities among which St Columba and his missionaries lived and worked.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 D665 | Paperback | 116pp
ISBN 9781860822599
Bestselling prayer book featuring a wide range of prayers and devotions, including the Order of Mass, the Rosary, Stations of the Cross, morning & evening prayers, and a summary of Catholic teaching.
Catholic Truth Society|Amette Ley
£3.50 D778 | Paperback | 104pp
ISBN 9781860829277
Christian prayer is always an encounter with God. Drawing from a rich treasury of prayer, this prayer book includes many well known Catholic devotions, suited to both private and shared settings.
Catholic Truth Society
£9.95 D711 | Leather / fine binding | 128pp ISBN 9781860825989
Illustrated and bound in a soft imitation leather cover, this edition includes all the contents of the bestselling Simple Prayer Book. Also includes ribbon.
The Marian Fathers
£3.50 D725 | Paperback | 104pp ISBN 9781860826375
Devotion to the Divine Mercy involves a total commitment to God as Mercy. The devotional practices proposed in the Diary of St Faustina are included here with other prayers.
Lawrence Lew, OP
£12.95 | D840 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784697334
Pray the Rosary more deeply with Fr Lawrence Lew’s stunning photographs of sacred art, which in turn inspire his contemplations of each Mystery of the Rosary.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D776 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860829253
Designed for those familiar with the prayer as well as for newcomers, this text clearly explains how to pray the Rosary. Prayers and Scripture passages associated with the Rosary are also included.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D722 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781860826320
This popular prayer book offers well-loved prayers, meditations, and encouragement for those in hospital. The Rites for receiving communion when sick, and for Anointing the Sick are included.
From the Liturgy of the Hours
From the Liturgy of the Hours
Timothy Tindal-Robertson
& Donal Anthony Foley
£3.95 D835 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784696566
This summary of Our Lady’s message, updated to include the canonisation of Francisco and Jacinta, explains why we need the message of Fatima more than ever.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 D705 | Paperback | 208pp ISBN 9781860825606
This elegant pocket book of Midday Prayer includes the full text for each day, with guidance for those unfamiliar with praying it. Also includes aids to examination of conscience.
Catholic Truth Society
£10.99 D704 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860825590
This elegant pocket book of Night Prayer includes the full text for each day, with guidance for those unfamiliar with praying it. Also includes aids to examination of conscience.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.95 D757 | Paperback | 98pp
ISBN 9781860828256
The perfect companion for Eucharist Adoration, featuring the rite of Exposition and Benediction, as well as scripture readings, prayers, litanies, hymns, and devotional images.
Rev James D Socias
£12.95 D755 | Leatherette | 560pp
ISBN 9781860828140
Beautifully illustrated and bound in leatherette, this Handbook features hundreds of prayers and sets out practical ways to grow in your faith, alongside the basic tenets of the Catholic faith.
Dr Raymond Edwards
£3.50 D830 | Paperback | 48pp
ISBN 9781784696030
Prayer can be difficult, especially when our day-to-day stresses distract us from finding the time to spend with God. This booklet comes to provide short aspirations for those moments where we need to pray, but do not have the time to recite long prayers like the rosary, or novenas.
Catholic Truth Society
£4.50 D752 | Paperback | 112pp
ISBN 9781860827976
A collection of classic prayers to Mary, featuring familiar prayers, prayers from approved Marian Apparitions, Marian prayers from the Eastern Church, and Marian Hymns.
Meditations & Catechesis on the Psalms & Canticles
Pope Benedict XVI | Pope St John Paul II
£21.99 SC128 | Paperback | 512pp ISBN 9781784697518
Learn from two great Popes the importance of the Liturgy of the Hours as a prayer of the whole people of God.
Meditations & Catechesis on the Psalms & Canticles
Pope Benedict XVI | Pope St John Paul II
£37.99 SC115 | Hardback | 512pp ISBN 9781784690519
Learn from two great Popes the importance of the Liturgy of the Hours as a prayer of the whole people of God.
Birmingham Oratory
£3.50 D729 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860826696
This selection of brief extracts from Newman’s Meditations and Devotions introduces people to the mind & spirit of Newman. Includes two morning & evening prayers, taken from his unpublished writings.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D708 | Paperback | 96pp
ISBN 9781860825910
This Filipino Prayer Book offers a reliable translation of the Mass and some common prayers and devotions, in the familiar CTS pocket-size format, with the English text always set out on the facing pages.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D700 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781860825569
This Italian Prayer Book offers a reliable translation of the Mass and some common prayers and devotions, in the familiar CTS pocket-size format, with the English text set out on the facing pages.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D687 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781860824500
This pocket-size Polish edition of the classic CTS Simple Prayer Book offers a reliable translation of the Mass and common prayers & devotions. English and Polish translations set out on facing pages.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.95 D685 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781860824487
This Spanish Prayer Book offers a reliable translation of the Mass and some common prayers and devotions, in the familiar CTS pocket-size format, with the English text set out on the facing pages.
In her own words
St Thérèse of Lisieux
£3.50 D707 | Paperback | 48pp
ISBN 9781860825804
Thérèse’s writings & counsels on trust and self-surrender tell how she overcame her weaknesses and learned to offer every part of life to Jesus, embracing his cross in the little things of daily life.
The little way of an unknown Carmelite nun who became a Doctor of the Church
Vernon Johnson
£3.50 D331 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860820137
A renowned classic summary of the ‘Little Way’ of St Thérèse Lisieux, powerfully revealing the relevance of the Gospel to everyday living.
Lourdes 2008 - 150th Anniversary of the Apparitions
Vernon Johnson|Donal Anthony Foley
£3.50 SP23 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860824869
Mgr Vernon Johnson’s text on what Bernadette has to teach us about suffering has been expanded here by Donal Foley, particularly in the light of the teaching and experience of Pope St John Paul II.
Bishop Kallistos Ware
£3.50 DO887 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860828935
The most popular devotional prayer in the Orthodox Church and increasingly popular in the West, this is a simple and direct method of invoking the mercy of Jesus Christ by repeating his Holy Name.
Fr Andrzej Muszala
£3.95 D839 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696603
Following his insightful book on Silent Prayer, in Prayer in Action Fr Andrzej Muszala examines what St Paul’s edict to ‘Always be joyful, pray constantly’ (1 Th 5:17) means and how it can be lived.
James Matthew Wilson
£6.95 D842 | Paperback | 96pp
ISBN 9781784697358
In this book, poet, critic and scholar James Matthew Wilson considers each line of the Nicene Creed in turn, showing through stories, images and recollections that this prayer describes the living theological reality that is at the heart of personal devotion.
Fr Guy Nicholls
£3.95 D841 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784697341
With a short Scripture passage to meditate on for each bead of every Mystery, this book reveals how the Rosary is a deeply Scriptural devotion that reveals Christ in its Mysteries.
Julien Chilcott-Monk
£3.50 D819 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781784691615
Containing reflections on the different parts of the crucifix, this book allows us to apply the lessons of the crucifixion and Christ’s life to our own lives, accompanied by prayers.
David Torkington
£3.50 D828 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784695620
This booklet is a simple, practical guide on prayer, and how to implement and benefit from it in daily life, not least in acts of love and a new ‘worship in spirit and truth’.
Dermot Mansfield, SJ
£3.50 D773 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860829154
An insight into the heart of St Ignatius opens us to the heart and prayer of Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, showing us how we can translate the famous Spiritual Exercises into everyday life.
Fr Andrzej Muszala
£3.50 D810 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784691301
Silent prayer teaches us how to leave everything behind and spend time with God so as to deepen our faith. This book acts a guide to silent prayer, drawing beginners in to the joys of silence.
Fr Florian Racine
£3.95 D825 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784692032
This spiritual companion for Eucharistic Adoration explores in eleven stages how the Word is made present in the Eucharist, inviting us to be transformed for a greater communion with Christ.
A guide to the practice of silent prayer
Fr Paul Nicholson SJ
£3.50 SP51 | Paperback | 52pp ISBN 9781784691745
Drawing on the tradition of St Ignatius of Loyola, Fr Paul Nicholson invites readers to the practice of silent prayer, allowing the restless mind to become still and our hearts to be directed to God.
£3.60 PC108-P | Cards | 2pp EAN: 5060139000857 The official prayer approved by the Bishop of Blessed Carlo's home diocese of Assisi asking for his intercession.
£7.99 PC80-P | Cards | 6pp EAN 5060139000567
This fold-out card is designed to make it easier to pray throughout the day. You will have a whole host of prayers in one convenient place wherever you are.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.99 PC83 | Cards | 6pp EAN 5060139000536
Holy Communion is an extraordinary moment in which God gives Himself to His people. This card contains prayers for before Mass, and before and after receiving Holy Communion.
Prayer Card (Pack of 25)
Catholic Truth Society
£7.99 PC82 | Cards | 6pp EAN 5060139000529
This wallet card has been made as an aid to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, the text is meant to help people pass 15 minutes quietly reflecting on the love of Jesus.
Catholic Truth Society
£7.99 PC81 | Cards | 6pp EAN 5060139000512
This card is a simple help for those going to confession, instructing them on what to do and say, and when. It also includes helpful prayers for preparation and thanksgiving.
of 20)
Dr Raymond Edwards
£6.95 PC105-P | Laminated Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000802
A laminated folding card for the People’s use during Adoration, including Benediction and Exposition, texts for a Holy Hour (hymn, scripture readings, collect), and some suggestions for silent prayer.
Catholic Truth Society
£6.95 PC100-P | Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000680
Complete Rosary prayers, with all the mysteries and some practical instructions, to carry with you every day.
of 20)
Catholic Truth Society
£6.95 PC106-P | Laminated Cards | 8pp EAN 5060139000819
Small collection of prayers for married couples - for themselves and their children - and for all members of a family for each other, and for the wider mission of families today.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D485 | Paperback | 80pp
ISBN 9780851830711
Set in larger print for the visually impaired. This Mass booklet contains the full text of the new English translation of the Mass together with prayers for Holy Communion.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D648 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860820656
The best known meditations on the Stations of the Cross, in a handy format with large type and pictures for the visually impaired.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D775 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781860829246
An excellent companion for time spent before the Blessed Sacrament – all in Larger Print. Containing prayers and the full Rite of Eucharistic Exposition and Benediction.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D264 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860820328
This large print prayer book contains well-known morning and night prayers, the Rosary, Gospel Canticles, Prayers for Confession and Holy Communion, the Divine Praises, and more.
Catholic Truth Society
£3.50 D663 | Paperback | 68pp ISBN 9781860822575
Explains everything about the Rosary, with customs, prayers, meditations on scripture, and helpful instructions. Large print edition.
Catholic Truth Society
£4.99 SC90 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860826023
Matthew’s Gospel was written for the Judaeo Christian community and contains some of the most important passages for Christianity. It is presented here in larger print (14pt font size).
Catholic Truth Society
£4.99 SC91 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860826030
Mark’s Gospel was written for gentile Christians, and is widely considered to be the most ancient of the four Gospels. The shortest of the Gospels, it is presented here in larger print (14pt font size)
Catholic Truth Society
£4.99 SC92 | Paperback | 116pp ISBN 9781860826047
Written for Christian gentiles of some social standing, tradition holds that the evangelist Luke was a doctor, companion of Paul and author of the Acts of the Apostles. Presented here in larger print (14pt font size)
Catholic Truth Society
£4.99 SC93 | Paperback | 100pp ISBN 9781860826054
Different in style and content from the other Gospels, John's Gospel is traditionally identified with the Apostle John mentioned as the disciple that Jesus loved. It is presented here in large print. (14pt font size)
Learning From the
Mgr Paul Grogan
Learning from the Saints
Christopher Mc Camley
£3.50 PA51 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695606
Using examples from the saints and other figures of the past, this booklet explores the forgotten virtue of patience, helping us to reclaim it and to respond with patience in any given moment.
Learning From the Saints
Fr John S. Hogan
£3.50 PA46 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784695613
Using examples from the lives of the saints, this title reveals how generosity is given to us so that we are able to fulfill Christ’s command to love God, and to love our neighbour as ourselves.
£3.50 PA42 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691912
Drawing on examples of saints like St Bonaventure & St Paul, the author helps us consider 3 ways to experience joy: remaining close to Jesus in prayer; speaking of Jesus to others & following Jesus.
Fr Antonio Ritaccio
£3.50 PA53 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695651
With the help of the saints and other Christians who have experienced loneliness, this booklet offers practical and spiritual help to those suffering from loneliness.
Fr Antonio Ritaccio
£3.50 PA59 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784696054
A Christian approach to reducing stress and managing it more effectively is delivered with compassion in this supportive guide.
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 PA55 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784695736
Drawing on the teaching of Jesus, the author's own experience, and the wisdom of great Christian writers, this booklet explores ways to break the ‘lethal link’ between anger and bitterness.
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 PA37 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784691776
A sensitive exploration of the reasons why people leave the Church, offering encouragement & support to those most affected by their decision, and drawing on the parables of Jesus.
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 PA50 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784695590
This booklet explores the theme of unanswered prayer, drawing on the personal experience of the author and the lives of famous Christians.
Fr Antonio Ritaccio
£3.50 PA43 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691936
Drawing on Jesus’s own suffering on the cross, the author shows how hope, prayer, forgiveness, closeness to God and an understanding of his plan for our lives can act as powerful lifelines.
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 PA36 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784691769
Classic collection of reflections on the Christian life: from sorrow, patience and monotony, to joy, prayer and trust in the Lord.
Fr Ivano Millico
£5.95 PA63 | Paperback | 84pp ISBN 9781784696542
Fr Ivano Millico looks at the Covid pandemic through a prophetic lens enlisting the help of Saints who have lived through moments of great personal or societal crisis.
Fr Donncha Ó hAodha|Pope Francis I
£3.50 DO903 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690601
This little handbook will help all of us – the timid and the not so timidto evangelise amid the humdrum of everyday life, following the example and practical advice of Pope Francis.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 PA31 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691530
These three meditations reveal the Pope’s burning desire that we will all be authentic witnesses to the faith by imitating the example of Christ –the good shepherd.
Fr Bernard Ducruet, OSB
£3.50 PA66 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784697426
Learn to welcome peace beyond trials and to see it as a limitless gift from God, through teaching marked by the Spirit of St Benedict.
Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers
£3.50 PA45 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784692018
What is authentic male Catholic spirituality? How does masculine spirituality complement feminine spirituality? This booklet explores male spirituality and how men can come to know God more intimately.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 D817 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691554
This insightful collection of Pope Francis’ public addresses contains some of his most probing thoughts on discipleship, helping us to grow ever more Christ-like in all aspects of our life.
Fr Benedict J. Groeschel CFR
£3.50 PA34 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691639
Drawing on practical experience and pastoral expertise, Fr Benedict J. Groeschel CFR offers suggestions on how to keep going and to grow with God’s grace when life gets tough and your faith is tested.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 SP46 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784690878
Most Christians want to live an active faith yet struggle to do so. Engaging in ‘spiritual works of mercy’ enables us to become agents of a loving God towards others.
Mgr Richard Atherton
£3.50 SP45 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690809
Throughout his pontificate, Pope Francis has often embraced the theme of mercy. Inspired by his Year of Mercy, this booklet explores the Corporal Works of Mercy, showing how easy they are to act out.
Practical Love for the 21st Century
Mark P. Shea
£3.50 PA25 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784690762
Mark Shea gives examples of people who have performed the Corporal and Spiritual works of mercy and gives advice on how we can share God’s mercy in the 21st Century.
Barbara Reed Mason
£3.50 SP47 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784690939
Mercy is not just a matter of being good to others, but also of our own salvation. The greatest gift of mercy, according to St John Paul II, is bringing people to savour Christ’s love.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 DO924 | Paperback | 176pp ISBN 9781784691295
Pope Francis explores the meaning of mercy, asking how we can live mercy, experience it and act as witnesses to God’s mercy in our lives.
Fr Peter Michael Scott
£3.50 PA38 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691820
Healthcare chaplains offer advice on facing the spiritual & practical difficulties that arise from being in hospital, including how to pray, with a personal reflection from a patient’s point of view.
In the words and life of
Pope Francis
Fr Ivano Millico
£3.50 DO911 | Paperback | 80pp
ISBN 9781784690793
In a world that sits lightly to love and forgiveness, where many feel they are beyond forgiveness, this is an invitation to start out on a personal journey to discover what mercy truly is.
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio
£3.50 DO880 | Paperback | 32pp ISBN 9781860828744
These profound meditations on the writings of St Dorotheus of Gaza, originally given by Pope Francis as the then Cardinal Bergoglio, give an inspiring introduction to the path of humility and love.
Jimmy Akin
£3.50 SP50 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691738
Who are the Church Fathers? What can they teach us today? This collection of their wisest, most practical teachings and exhortations show us that they have much wisdom from which we can learn.
Fr Gerard Bogan
£3.50 SP48 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784691189
A practical resource, incorporating methods, tools, and examples to help each reader to explore their spirituality: to learn how to find it, experience it, help it to grow, and to live it.
Rev Nick Donnelly
£3.50 DO900 | Paperback | 60pp
ISBN 9781784690403
Allow Pope Francis to guide you to a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ through his practical and straight-talking advice on living a meaningful and joyful life.
From the Benedictines to the Carmelites
Harry Schnitker
£3.50 H512 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781860829178
Over the centuries the Holy Spirit has inspired a multitude of religious orders. Their origins, distinctive charisms, and the great saints they have inspired are examined here.
Fr Stephen Wang
£3.50 PA13 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781860825897
What are the different Christian vocations? How does God guide us and speak to us? How can I be more open to my vocation, and come to a decision? This booklet helps answer these questions.
What it is and how to do it
Fr Stephen Wang
£3.50 DO884 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781860828874
Why do we need a New Evangelisation? This booklet answers the questions and the most important writings about the New Evangilisation by Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.
Sr Mary David Totah
£3.50 D783 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784690083
This unique booklet explains the origins in the Gospel and the continuing value of the Consecrated life as a sign of God’s love to the Church and to the world.
A guide for young women
Rachael Marie Collins
£3.50 PA28 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691356
Drawing on the wisdom of Teresa of Avila, Thérèse of Lisieux, Zélie Martin, Elizabeth of the Trinity and others, young women are guided through discerning and responding to a call to religious life.
Dom Mark Barrett, OSB|Dom Andrew Berry, OSB|Dom Alexander Bevan, OSB|Dom David Foster, OSB|Dame Laurentia Johns
£6.95 DO913 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784690922
A contemporary theology of Benedictine life and identity, which requires a continual return to the Gospel, the source of all Christian life, and to St Benedict’s Rule.
Donal Anthony Foley
£3.50 SP44 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784690731
The presence of Mary, Mother of God, in the New Evangelisation is as clearly discernible today as throughout Christian history, not least in her recognised apparitions and in papal teaching.
David Baldwin
£3.50 D661 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781860822377
The story of Bernadette Soubirous, a spiritual and practical guide for pilgrims to the best known Marian shrine and its message of hope, healing, intercession and conversion.
David Baldwin
£9.95 D684 | Paperback | 288pp ISBN 9781860824388
This companion, featuring colour photographs and maps, invites you to walk as a pilgrim in the footsteps of the Master, to seek that living memory in the hills of Galilee and the streets of Jerusalem.
Place of Healing and Hope
Chris Simpson, SFO
£3.50 D658 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860821776
This booklet helps us to experience the spirit of St Francis amid the modern life in Assisi, with helpful advice on where to go and what to see in a spiritual and practical guide for pilgrims.
David Baldwin
£9.95 D743 | Paperback | 240pp ISBN 9781860827440
Whether you are a pilgrim with a specific destination, or a holidaymaker looking for the nearest beautiful shrine, this book contains everything you need. More than 30 different places are profiled.
David Baldwin
£4.50 D676 | Paperback | 112pp ISBN 9781860823251
Spiritual and practical guide for pilgrims to the city at the heart of the Catholic Church. Contains planned routes of the city, accompanied by meditations and prayers.
David Baldwin
£3.50 D805 | Paperback | 104pp ISBN 9781784691004
A seasoned pilgrim offers practical information and spiritual food on Poland, the home of popular saints John Paul II, Maximilian Kolbe, and Faustina Kowalska.
David Baldwin
£3.50 D816 | Paperback | 80pp
ISBN 9781784691493
Telling the story of the apparitions and guiding the reader through a visit to the shrine and surrounding area, this guide is an inspiration to explore the meaning of Our Lady’s message there.
R.W. Connelly SM
£3.50 D646 | Paperback | 46pp
ISBN 9781860820304
A spiritual and practical guide to one of England’s most famous and ancient Marian shrines known as ‘England’s Nazareth’.
David Baldwin
£3.50 D763 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781860828805
Glastonbury is the oldest Marian Shrine north of the Alps. It is a place of myth, mystique, legend, tradition, and faith. This booklet provides a thorough account of the Shrine, its history, and spiritual benefits today.
John Timpson
£3.50 PA17 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860827877
Beginning by exploring what sex education ought to be for, this booklet shows how vital parents are in helping their children to put God's immense gift of human sexuality into a wider context.
James B Stenson
£3.50 PA19 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781860828669
Packed with all the advice, guidance and common sense you need on your journey as a parent. A guide that sets out the importance of the role of mothers and fathers, underpinned by Christian principles.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 DO912 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN 9781784690908
Through his practical wisdom and insights, Pope Francis emphasises how the family of Nazareth urges all families to rediscover their vocation and mission: to make room for Jesus in the family.
Keith Chappell
£3.50 PA11 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860825149
Fatherhood is explored through the scriptures and examples. Includes practical advice on how a father can lead his children and his family to fulfilment, happiness and faith.
Anna Melchior
£3.50 PA12 | Paperback | 68pp ISBN 9781860825330
Anna Melchior describes the rewards and challenges of motherhood, giving useful tips and reflections for mums or mums to be.
John J Billings
£3.50 EX08 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781860821479
Explaining the rich teaching of the Catholic Church on love in marriage and responsible parenthood, this booklet is for young adults, those thinking of marriage, or those already married.
Sexuality, Marriage, and the Single Life
Fr John Edwards SJ
£3.50 DO873 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781860828577
Fr John Edwards sets out a clear exposition of what love means in marriage, chastity, and virginity, opening up clear thinking about the issues despite being under huge secular pressures.
A Pastoral Response to Pornography
£3.50 PA33 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784691561
Everyone, in some way, is affected by increased pornography use in society. This guide offers hope and healing to those who have been harmed by it and raises awareness of its pervasiveness and harms.
Fr Anthony Doe
£3.50 SP24 | Paperback | 60pp ISBN 9781860824890
This booklet helps the reader gain an insightful understanding of our deepest need to love and be loved, and what place our sexuality has in this important aspect of our lives.
Mary Beth Bonacci
£3.50 PA27 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781784691325
Whether you are single, dating, or even engaged, this frank and honest guide will prepare you for a fulfilling and spiritually-enriching marriage long before you walk down the aisle.
Mary Beth Bonacci
£3.50 PA29 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784691363
Dating and relationships can be a challenge for anyone, but it can be especially overwhelming for Catholic teenagers. This guide is designed to steer them through this potential maze.
Luton Good Counsel
£3.50 DO750 | Paperback | 38pp
ISBN 9781860824241
A doctor answers 24 common questions by Catholics preparing for marriage. The advantages of Church teaching and natural fertility awareness are explained.
Fr Ben O'Rourke OSA
£3.50 B703 | Paperback | 68pp
ISBN 9781860825057
Through the famous Confessions of St Augustine, recount the wonderful journey from a life of sin and error to a life lived for Christ and his fellow Christians.
Catholic Truth Society
£14.95 B773 | Hardback | 240pp ISBN 9781784696214
Here is an account of the life of St John Henry Newman, and extensive selections from his writings illustrating the range and power of his thought, and tireless witness to God's love for us.
5 steps to being a
Mgr Anthony Figueiredo
£6.95 | B776 | Paperback | 86pp ISBN 9781784696528
A beautiful new life of Carlo Acutis the IT enthusiast who died at just 15 years old but lived his life for Christ. The author introduces us to the five simple practices which helped to make Blessed Carlo Acutis the first Millennial Blessed.
Jennifer Moorcroft
£3.50 B706 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781860825187
This great Spanish saint, mystic and Doctor of the Church spearheaded the reform of the Carmelite order, founding many new convents. An amazing woman of zeal, known for her classic spiritual writings.
Fr Ian Ker
£3.50 B774 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696221
Renowned Newman scholar
Fr Ian Ker explores the life of St John Henry Newman and examines his rich legacy, telling the complete story leading to his canonisation in 2019.
Abbot Martin Geudens
£3.50 B775 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784696306
On the 900th Anniversary of the founding of the Norbertine Order, CTS presents this new biography of St Norbert, apostle of peace and of the Blessed Sacrament, a strong defender of the Church, and the founder of an Order with a long and recently revived connection with this country.
Jim Gallagher
£3.50 B669 | Paperback | 80pp
ISBN 9781860821554
Perhaps the most famous modern saint, Padre Pio received the stigmata, worked miracles and selflessly served in the confessional. His intercession is often called upon, to amazing effect.
Mgr Vernon Johnson
£3.50 B204 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781860821462
Born in 1873, Marie Françoise Thérèse Martin died in 1897 aged 24 of tuberculosis at her Carmelite convent in Lisieux. Canonised only 28 years after her death, and made a Doctor of the Church in 2002.
Jennifer Moorcroft
£3.50 B769 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784691486
St Elizabeth of the Trinity, the fourth great Carmelite saint, reminds us of the rich Catholic tradition of prayer and union with God.
Rev Paul Allerton SMM
£3.50 B765 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781784690946
A fascinating reflection on the life and legacy of one of the greatest teachers of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary the world has ever seen.
Fr John S. Hogan
£3.50 B767 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784691219
The story of the life and death of the Jesuit martyr Edmund Arrowsmith is told here, setting us all an example of fortitude and heroism.
Jim Gallagher
£3.50 B741 | Paperback | 112pp
ISBN 9781860827266
A religious, moral, even political figure who towered above all others in the 20th century, this biography describes how St John Paul II became one of the longest-serving & best-loved Popes in history.
Jean Olwen Maynard
£3.50 B771 | Paperback | 88pp
ISBN 9781784691707
As the Christian message spread across North America, God raised up many holy men and women to bear witness to him in different ways. Something of that history is explored here.
Jean Olwen Maynard
£3.50 B768 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781784691240
The history of holy men and women of South Asia is explored here, including St Thomas the Apostle who brought Christianity to the region, St Francis Xavier, St Teresa of Calcutta and many others.
Fr Anthony Symondson, SJ
£3.50 B712 | Paperback | 88pp
ISBN 9781860825323
Pope St Paul VI's pontificate defined the papacy's new role and, amid great socio-political upheaval on a worldwide scale, safeguarded the substance of the Catholic faith intact.
Prelate of Opus Dei
Helena Scott|Ethel Tolansky
£3.50 B758 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781860829024
The extraordinary life of a prelate of Opus Dei whose ministry was spent at the centre of some of the most momentous Church events of the twentieth century.
J. B. Midgley
£3.50 B763 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781784690588
An appreciation of the life, work and spirituality of a truly remarkable and controversial figure in the 19th century, Blessed Antonio Rosmini, which includes extracts from his writings.
£3.50 B692 | Paperback | 72pp
ISBN 9781860824234
A biography of the modest, joyful Pope from the humblest of origins, who inaugurated the Second Vatican Council. The moving spiritual journey told here reveals the gentle heart of a true pastor.
The Spiritual Masters
Benedict XVI
£19.99 B739 | Hardback | 106pp ISBN 9781860827228
Pope Benedict XVI describes how ten 1st century Fathers and writers helped the Church to grow and left their mark on her culture and spirituality.
The Spiritual Masters
Benedict XVI
£21.99 B740 | Hardback | 130pp ISBN 9781860827235
By delving into the great scholastic and monastic theological debates of the medieval age, Pope Benedict XVI shows how the thought of medieval scholars can reinvigorate and deepen our faith today.
Walter Hooper
£3.50 B760 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784690021
This booklet charts Lewis’s journey from practical atheism to his conversion to Christianity, to becoming Professor of English at Cambridge and one of the best known Christian apologists of his age.
The Spiritual Diaries
of Pope St John Paul II
£25.00 | 1053 | Hardback | 512pp ISBN 9780008101053
Since his early years as a priest in the 1960s, up until 2003, Pope St John Paul II kept a spiritual diary. Published for the first time in English, these diaries provide an intimate insight into the longestserving pontiff of our time.
Fr Ashley Beck
£3.50 B757 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781860829000
This booklet examines how Benedict XV and so many others worked courageously to stop the carnage during the First World War against all the odds.
Fr Adrian Graffy
£3.50 D832 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784696276
The Stations of the Cross devotion, meditating on Jesus’s journey to Calvary, is loved by Catholics around the world. Fr Adrian Graffy begins each station with a passage from the bible helping the reader to reflect more deeply on the suffering of Christ.
Lent and Easter with Pope Francis
Amette Ley
£3.50 DO937 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784695569
Reflecting on the words of Pope Francis, this booklet reflects on the meaning of Lent and Easter for our lives, revealing the promise of new life given to us through Christ’s resurrection at Easter.
Lent and Easter with Pope Francis
Pope Francis I
£3.50 D804 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784690960
Pope Francis takes us on the journey through the season of Lent, a time of special contemplation, through Holy Week to the time of joy that is Eastertide.
Carl E. Olsen
£3.95 D837 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784696627
Carl E Olson offers a collection of meditations on the Scripture and prayers of the Advent season. His theologically rich expositions of the Sunday Gospels and contemplative exegesis of the Hail Mary guide the reader through a prayerful discovery of the meaning of Christmas.
Bishop Hugh Gilbert
£3.50 D790 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784690267
Journey through Lent and Easter with this collection of homilies from Bishop Hugh Gilbert, a homilist with a reputation as a clear and profound teacher of faith.
Pope Francis I
£3.50 D815 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691523
Pope Francis accompanies us on the road through the reflective season of Lent, a time of conversion, through Holy Week to the joy of Eastertide.
Fr Ivano Millico
£9.50 LF76 | Leaflet | 16pp EAN 5060139000727
By reflecting on our baptism, this leaflet allows our Lenten journey to take on a new dimension as we experience the joy of passing from death to life, from slavery to freedom in Christ Jesus.
Fr Marcus Holden
£3.50 D843 | Paperback | 64pp
ISBN 9781784697396
With meditations inspired by and written along the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem, these meditations will enable you too to walk the route where Our Lord carried the load of all the sin of the world. Complete with inspiring images of early twentieth century stations.
Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP
£3.95 D844 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784697402
Join our Blessed Mother at the foot of the Cross of her Son and walk with her on the road from life to death to eternal life, by meditating upon the Stabat Mater line by line.
Carl E Olson
£3.50 | D834 | Paperback | 72pp ISBN 9781784696535
When the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, he taught them the Our Father. These meditations illuminate the words of the Lord’s Prayer as an essential part of the spiritual journey from Lent to Easter.
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
£3.95 D818 | Paperback | 144pp ISBN 9781784691608
To guide your prayer during the season of Lent, Dom Henry Wansbrough offers inspiring meditations on the daily Mass readings for each day throughout Lent of Year A, all the way up to Easter Sunday.
My Soul Magnifies the Lord
Katy Carl
£6.95 D838 | Paperback | 88pp ISBN 9781784696610
In the final days of Advent, the Church recites the Great O Antiphons at Vespers each evening. Katy Carl contemplates each of these antiphons, drawing on art, literature, and Sacred Scripture to show how they tell the story of Jesus Christ.
Fr Philip G Bochanski, CO
£3.50 D768 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN 9781860828997
Drawing on the liturgy of each day and the precious gift of the Prayers over the People, Fr Bochanski leads us into a deeper meditation on the meaning of our Lent and Easter journey.
Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB
£3.50 D824 | Paperback | 80pp ISBN 9781784691950
Inspiring reflections are offered on the readings of Advent and Christmas, alongside suggested actions to revive a desire for God's spirit to empower you to follow Christ more fully.
Juliette Levivier
£5.95 CH11 | Hardback | 48pp ISBN 9781860824913
The beautiful illustrations & the simplicity of the language of this book help children understand what we do in the Mass and participate in their own heart, leading to a closer relationship with God.
My Polish Simple Mass Book
Pierpaolo Finaldi|David Belmonte
£3.95 CH68 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784691592
This is an invaluable tool to help children engage with what is happening, encouraging them to pray and explaining the roots of the Order of Mass. Polish-English text on facing pages.
Pierpaolo Finaldi|David Belmonte
£4.95 CH48 | Paperback | 56pp ISBN 9781860828782
This beautifully illustrated book will be an invaluable tool to help children engage with what is happening, encouraging them to pray and explaining the roots of the Mass and the prayers it contains.
Maïte Roche
£4.95 CH20 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781860825651
A beautifully illustrated step-by-step guide to the Mass, that includes excerpts of the main people’s texts from the new translation, with commentary, prayers, and pictures.
Pierpaolo Finaldi|David Belmonte
£4.95 CH65 | Paperback | 56pp
ISBN 9781784691141
This simple prayer book for children brings to life well-known Catholic prayers in an attractive and childfriendly style, helping children to engage with their faith.
Prayers for children before the Blessed Sacrament
Sabine du Mesnil
£5.95 CH74 | Paperback | 64pp ISBN 9781784696344
A beautifully illustrated explanation of Eucharistic adoration for children, how to prepare for it, and prayers and readings from the Holy Scriptures and the Saints
Maïte Roche
£5.95 CH64 | Paperback | 32pp ISBN 9781784690854
Beautifully illustrated, these simplest of prayers can be said each night with your little ones, under the care and protection of Jesus & Mary. (Read with child aged 3; independent reading from age 7)
Juliette Levivier
£6.95 CH69 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784691646
Pray to Mary following Jesus’s life step by step. Beautifully illustrated and in simple language, this book is a wonderful way on introducing children to the prayer of the church.
YOUCAT Foundation
£12.95 DO939 | Paperback | 240pp ISBN 9781784695958
An engaging, child-friendly Catechism to help children (ages 8-13) and parents to discover their Catholic faith together. Includes fun graphics, quotes from saints and thought-provoking images.
Jeanne Perego-Schimpke
£9.95 CH55 | Hardback | 48pp ISBN 9781860829116
A beautifully illustrated biography recounting little Jorge's humble roots in an immigrant family in Argentina, his calling to the priesthood, his ministry in Argentina and his election to the Papacy.
Maïte Roche
£6.95 CH61 | Paperback | 60pp ISBN 9781784690823
Maïte Roche tells the good news of the life of Jesus for children in an indispensable book for getting to know Jesus better and for being introduced to the words of the gospels.
Maïte Roche
£6.95 CH60 | Paperback | 40pp ISBN 9781784690625
The most famous stories from the Bible retold for little children in simple language, brought to life with Maite Roche's beautiful illustrations, full of detail and colour that will captivate children.
Maïte Roche
£10.95 CH63 | Paperback | 128pp ISBN 9781784690847
Every child will treasure Maïte Roche’s wonderful retelling of the history of Salvation, from Genesis to Revelation, in this richly illustrated children’s Bible.
Juliette Levivier
£5.95 CH70 | Paperback | 48pp ISBN 9781784695972
A book to help children learn to meditate on the Passion of Jesus. Beautifully illustrated and in simple language, this book is a wonderful way of introducing children to the prayer of the church.
Pia Biehl | Katrina Lange
£16.95 CH73 | 245mm x 195mm | Hardback | 96pp ISBN 9781784696337
This is a book to help children actively discover the church year. Containing child-friendly illustrations and creative suggestions for organising these special times.
Charlotte Grossetête
£9.95 CH58 | Hardback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690182
Five wonderfully illustrated bedtime stories, ideal for helping children get to know the life of Jesus and for parents to pass on the faith.
Charlotte Grossetête
£9.95 CH57 | Hardback | 48pp ISBN 9781784690175
Help your child get to know the life of our Blessed Mother and to strengthen their faith with these beautifully illustrated bedtime stories.
Francesca Fabris
£4.95 CH40 | Paperback | 24pp 9781860828003
Accompanied by vivid illustrations, this re-telling of the life of St Joseph shows how he followed God by loving Mary his wife, and acting as foster-father to the child Jesus.
Music Makers
£14.95 CD10 | Audio CD
EAN 5060139000215
This music CD will help priests, deacons and those involved in preparing liturgies for Holy Week.
Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization
£14.95 DO952 | Paperback | 320pp
ISBN 9781784696412
This new Directory represents the work of over 80 experts over 5 years, reflecting a dynamic renewal in catechesis since its predecessor, and incorporating the magisterial wisdom of the most recent episcopal Synods and Pope Francis’s apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium.
Pope Benedict XVI
£9.95 DO876 | Hardback | 208pp ISBN 9781860828645
Deus Caritas Est, Spe Salvi and Caritas In Veritate brought together into a single volume. Taken together, they form a treasury of papal teaching which every Catholic should have access to.
On Baptism, Confirmation and the Ten Commandments
Pope Francis I
£7.95 DO953 | Paperback | 116pp ISBN 9781784696436
A collection of Pope Francis’s weekly catecheses addressing the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, which incorporate us into Christ, and the Ten Commandments, which enlighten us to walk in His path.
Liturgical - Pastoral Resources 2022
Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization
£9.95 SC127 | Paperback | 96pp ISBN 9781784697488
To help parishes embrace the exciting opportunity presented by the Sunday of the Word of God to get to know the Bible better, this book offers ideas and suggestions for a fuller celebration.
Directory on Mixed Marriages
Directory on the Canonical Status of the Clergy
Word of the Lord Discovering 'Verbum Domini'
Populorum Progressio On the Development of Peoples
Catechesi Tradendae Catechesis in our Time
Evangelium Vitae The Value and Inviolability of Human Life
Laborem Exercens On Human Work
Rich in Mercy Dives in Misericordia
Familiaris Consortio The Christian Family in the Modern World
Deus Caritas Est God is Love
Caritas in Veritate Charity in Truth
Verbum Domini On the Word of God
Anglicanorum Coetibus Apostolic Constitution and Complementary Norms
Lumen Fidei The Light of Faith
Evangelii Gaudium The Joy of the Gospel
Letter to All Consecrated People
Misericordiae Vultus Bull of Indiction of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy
Laudato Si' On Care For Our Common Home
Amoris Laetitia
Misericordia et Misera
Gaudete et Exsultate On the Call to Holiness in Today's World
Christus Vivit Christ is Alive
The Sunday of the Word of God Aperuit Illis
Querida Amazonia To the Beloved Amazon Region
CBCEW £3.50 | DO431 | 9781860823534
CBCEW £6.95 | DO808 | 9781860825767
CBCEW £4.95 | DO871 | 9781860828515
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Pope Francis I £5.95 | DO945 | 9781784696177
Pope Francis I | Mons Rino Fisichella £3.95 | DO948 | 9781784696252
Admirabile Signum On the meaning and importance of the Nativity Scene
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Pope Francis I £5.95 | DO951 | 9781784696382
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Pope Francis I £3.50 | DO957 | 9781784696481
Pope Francis I £6.95 | DO956 | 9781784696474
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Homiletic Directory
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Congregation for Divine Worship £4.95 | DO902 | 9781784690526
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Aspects of Evangelisation
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The Church Made Anew Iuvenescit Ecclesia
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith £3.95 | DO927 | 9781784691462
Samaritanus Bonus On the Care of Persons in the Critical and Terminal Phases of Life Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith £5.95 | DO955 | 9781784696467
Rejoice Letter for Year of Consecrated Life CICLSAL £4.95 | DO893 | 9781784690014
Keep Watch! Letter to Consecrated Men and Women
Contemplate To Consecrated Men and Women on the Path of Beauty
Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church
Proclaim Letter to Consecrated Men and Women
CICLSAL £4.95 | DO899 | 9781784690342
CICLSAL £4.95 | DO909 | 9781784690755
CICLSAL £3.95 | DO921 | 9781784691202
CICLSAL £4.95 | DO929 | 9781784691622
New Wine in New Wineskins The consecrated life and its ongoing challenges since Vatican II CICLSAL £4.95 | DO935 | 9781784692025
The Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture
Pontifical Biblical Commission £9.95 | DO905 | 9781784690649
Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life Pastoral Guidelines for Local Churches Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life £6.95 | DO962 | 9781784697501
Sensus Fidei In the Life of the Church International Theological Commission £4.95 | DO897 | 9781784690236
The Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments In the Sacramental Economy International Theological Commission £9.95 | DO958 | 9781784696498
Universae Ecclesiae Instruction on the Application of Summorum Pontificum Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei £3.50 | DO848 | 9781860827532
The Gift of Dialogue On Interreligious Dialogue and Ecumenism
Archbishop Kevin Macdonald £6.50 | DO891 | 9781860829314
Reflections on Catholic-Jewish Relations On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews £3.50 | DO920 | 9781784691134
20 Answers: Death & Judgement C301 18
20 Answers: Jehovah's Witnesses C298 18
20 Answers: Miracles C302 17
20 Answers: The Papacy C296 17
20 Answers: The Real Jesus C292 18
33 Day Consecration to Jesus through Mary D793 49
36 Days & 36 Ways - Year A D824 77
40 Days & 40 Ways - Year A D818 77
7 Gifts of the Holy Spirit SP27 23
7 Words on Marriage PA49 37
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Altar Missal RM01 28
Alvaro del Portillo B758 73
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Amoris Laetitia DO922 83
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Beautiful Bedtime Stories with Mary CH57 80
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Title Code Pg
Church & the Modern Age, The CL22 27 Church and World War I, The H514 24
Church Made Anew, The DO927 84
Church Year for Children, The CH73 80 City Set on a Hill, A CL07 25
Communion to the Sick Liturgical Card PC103-P 42 Companion to the Directory for Catechesis PA64 35 Companion to the Sunday Gospels - Year A SC122 45 Compendium on the Eucharist 1140 32 Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church DO742 13
Complete Order of Celebrating Matrimony, The D803 31
Complete Order of Celebrating Matrimony within Mass (Scotland), The D813 31 Confirmation Certificate PC37-P 41 Confirmed D821 37 Contemplate DO909 84
Corporal Works of Mercy SP45 63
Courtship - Some Practical Advice CL15 26
Create In Me a Clean Heart PA33 69 Credo EV4 39
CTS Holy Week Missal, The RM31 31
CTS New Catholic Bible - Paperback, The SC108 45
CTS New Catholic Bible - Standard Edition, The SC101 45
CTS Sunday Missal 2024, The RM42 7
Daily Prayers PC80-P 56 Day the Bomb Fell, The CL05 25
Death & Resurrection CL04 25
Dei Verbum - Vatican II DO725 84
Desiderio Desideravi DO961 83
Desire & Delight SP40 22
Deus Caritas Est DO741 83
Devotion to Saint Peregrine PA24 47
Devotion to St Jude D679 47 Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour D779 47
Title Code Pg
Dignitas Personae
DO807 84 Directory for Catechesis DO952 82 Directory on Mixed Marriages DO431 83
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Divine Worship - Occasional Services D762 29 Divine Worship - Ordinariate Missal, The RM19 29
Divine Worship - Ordinariate Study Missal, The RM26 29 Divine Worship - Pastoral Care of the Sick and Dying RM37 29
DOCAT DO925 14
DOCAT Study Guide 1360 14
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Easter Vigil Lucernarium Card, The PC84 42 Echoes - Leader's Guide ECH4 39
Echoes - Participant's Book ECH3 39 Edmund Arrowsmith B767 72
Effective Parenting PA19 68 Elizabeth of the Trinity B769 72 Encyclicals of Benedict XVI DO876 82
Eucharistic Adoration D757 52
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Evangelii Gaudium DO888 83
Evangelium CD-ROM PowerPoint Presentations EV3 39
Evangelium Participant's Book EV1 38
Evangelium Presenter's Guide EV2 38
Evangelium Vitae DO633 11, 83
Everyday Catholic Prayers LF47 16
Title Code Pg
Everyday Evangelising with Pope Francis DO903 62
Excerpts from the Roman Missal RM29 30 Extraordinary Form of the Mass in Latin & English D702 32
Faith, Hope & Love SP49 22 Familiaris Consortio S357 83
Fathers & Writers of the First Millennium, The B739 10, 74
Fatima: A Pilgrim's Companion D816 67
Fatima: The Family and The Church D835 51
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Finding God: Faith and Mental Health PA62 20
Finding God in Anger and Bitterness PA55 61
Finding God in Anxiety and Depression PA43 61
Finding God in Doubt and Disbelief PA36 61
Finding God in Loneliness PA53 60
Finding God in Times of Stress PA59 60
Finding God When a Loved One Loses Faith PA37 61
Finding God When Prayer Doesn't Work PA50 61 Finding the Way Back CL08 25
First Communion Certificate PC39-P 41
First Fridays and First Saturdays D694 48
First Prayers for Little Children CH64 79
First Reconciliation Certificate PC38-P 42
Five Loaves and Two Fish B722 32
Food for the Journey D822 37
Fratelli Tutti DO956 83
Fr Damien & Where All Roads Lead CL01 24
Freemasonry and the Christian Faith EX16 18
G Galileo: Science & Faith H509 23 Gaudete et Exsultate DO941 83
Gaudium et Spes - Vatican II DO724 84
Gift of Dialogue, The DO891 84
Gift of Life and Love EX08 69
Glastonbury D763 67
Going to Confession
PC81 57
Gospel According to John, The SC74 44 Gospel According to Luke, The SC73 44 Gospel According to Mark, The SC72 44 Gospel According to Matthew, The SC71 44 Gospels of Mercy SC118 46
Graduale Parvum (Introits) (A4 Perfect Bound Ed.) M57 8, 33 Graduale Parvum (Introits) (A5 Perfect Bound Ed.) M59 8, 33 Graduale Parvum (Introits) (A4 Wire Bound Ed.) M58 8, 33 Graduale Parvum (Introits) (A5 Wire Bound Ed.) M60 8, 33
Great Orders of the Catholic Church H512 65 Guide to Religious Freedom and the Law, A EX49 19 Gunpowder Plot, The CL09 25 H
Handbook for Catechists, A PA47 34 Handbook for Readers at Mass DO803 34 Handbook of Novenas for Feasts & Seasons D809 48 Handbook of Prayers D755 52 Handbook of Scriptural Novenas, A D798 48 Heresy Through the Ages H507 23 Hinduism EX33 19
Holy Hour & Benediction Prayer Card PC105-P 57 Holy Land, The D684 66 Holy Rosary Folding Prayer Card, The PC100-P 57 Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, The DO963 6
Holy Week Missal (For Priests) RM11 30 Homiletic Directory DO902 84 Hosanna CD10 81
How to Attend the Extraordinary Form EX62 32
How to Become a Catholic LF1 16
How to Discover your Vocation PA13 65
How to Enter Heaven EX53 20
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Identity and Mission of the Religious Brother in the Church DO921 84
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In God's Hands 1053 74
Inside Communism CL14 26
Inspiration and Truth of Sacred Scripture, The DO905 84 Isang Payak na Aklat-Panalangin - Tagalog Simple Prayer Book D708 53
Is Jesus God? EX57 23
Islam, Britain & the Gospel CL11 26 Italian Simple Prayer Book - Libretto di Preghiere Comuni D700 53 J
Jesus, I Adore You CH74 78
Jesus of Nazareth - Holy Week DO840 11, 45
Jesus Prayer, The DO887 54
John Bradburne B777 6
John Henry Newman: His Life & Legacy B774 71
John Paul II B741 73
John XXIII B692 74
Joy of Mercy, The DO924 63 K
Keep Watch! DO899 84 L
Laborem Exercens DO692 83
Large Print Eucharistic Adoration D775 58
Large Print Mass Book D485 58
Large Print Prayer Book, A D264 58
Large Print Rosary Book, A D663 58
Large Print Stations of the Cross D648 58
Larger Print Gospel of John SC93 59
Larger Print Gospel of Luke SC92 59
Larger Print Gospel of Mark SC91 59
Larger Print Gospel of Matthew SC90 59
Laudato Si' DO908 83
Title Code Pg
Lectio Divina SP11 22
Lenten Devotions D845 2
Letter to All Consecrated People DO901 83
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Life in Christ DO953 82
Life Within Us CL13 26
Light of the World B737 20 Little Way of St Thérèse of Lisieux, The D707 54
Living Fruitfully: Generosity PA46 60 Living Fruitfully: Joy PA42 60 Living Fruitfully: Patience PA51 60
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Title Code Pg
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Miracles CL06 25 Misericordia et Misera DO930 83 Misericordiae Vultus DO906 83
Missa Cantata RM08 32
Modlitewnik - Polish Simple Prayer Book D687 53
Moja Mala Ksiazeczka do Nabozenstwa CH68 78 Morning & Evening Prayer (Paperback Ed.) SC128 10, 52 Morning & Evening Prayer (Hardback Ed.) SC115 10, 52
My Little Missal CH20 78
My Polish Simple Mass Book CH68 78 My Simple Mass Book CH48 78
My Simple Prayer Book CH65 78 Mysteries Made Visible D840 51 N
Name of God, The SP41 22 New Evangelisation, The DO884 65 New Hospital Prayer Book, A D722 51 New Wine in New Wineskins DO935 84 Newman Prayer Book, A D729 53 Night Prayer D704 10, 51 Norbert B775 72 Novena to Saint Columba, A D836 50 Novena to the Holy Spirit D678 46 O
Online with Saints PA61 15
Order of Celebrating Matrimony, The RM21 30 Order of Celebrating Matrimony (Scotland), The RM24 31 Order of Confirmation, The RM22 29 Order of Mass in English, The D741 33 Order of Mass in Latin and English, The D506 33
Title Code Pg
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Padre Pio B669 72
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Title Code Pg
Problem of Evil, The CL24 28 Proclaim DO929 84
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Quarter Hour Before the Blessed Sacrament, A PC82 57 Querida Amazonia DO951 83
Questions & Answers on Sex and Marriage DO750 70 Question of Death & Life, A PA41 35 R
Reading the Catechism DO914 14
Reading the News Without Losing Your Faith EX64 9, 20 Reciprocity Between Faith and Sacraments, The DO958 84 Reflections on Catholic-Jewish Relations DO920 84 Rejoice DO893 84
Religious Freedom Today EX55 19 Resurrection CL16 26 Rich in Mercy DO919 83
Rite of Baptism Card, The PC02-P 43 Rite of Penance Liturgical Card PC104-P 43 Road that Leads to Life, The D804 75
Role of a Christian Father, The PA11 68 Role of a Christian Mother, The PA12 68 Rome D676 67
Rosary with Pope Francis, The D787 49 Rosary, The CH69 79 S
Sacred Heart D766 49 Sacrosanctum Concilium - Vatican II DO723 84
Saint John Henry Newman: His Life and Works B773 71
Saint Joseph D772 49 Saint Joseph (Children's Book) CH40 81
Title Code Pg
Saint Thérèse of Lisieux D771 49 Saints of North America B771 73 Saints of South Asia B768 73 Samaritanus Bonus DO955 84 Scripturae Sacrae Affectus DO957 83 Scriptural Way of the Cross D832 4, 75 Scriptures of Mercy SC121 45 Seeing the Pandemic in the Eyes of Faith PA63 9, 61 Sensus Fidei DO897 84
Sex Education - A Parent's Guide PA17 68 Shepherd's Call, The PA31 62 Simple Penance Book, A D777 35 Simple Prayer Book, A D665 50 Simple Prayer Book, A - Presentation Edition D711 50 Simple Rosary Book, A D776 51 Silent Prayer D810 56 Spanish Simple Prayer Book - Libro de Oracion Comun D685 53 Spiritual Combat PA65 4, 20 Spiritual Works of Mercy SP46 63 Stations of the Cross D799 46 Stations of the Cross D846 3 Stations of the Cross - A Via Dolorosa D843 3, 76
Stories of the Great War CL12 26 Stories of World War I H511 24 Study Missal RM02 28 Sunday of the Word of God - Liturgical - Pastoral Resources 2022 SC127 82 Sunday of the Word of God, The DO948 83 Sycamore: The Catholic Faith Explained DO944 12 T
Tagalog Simple Prayer Book - Isang Payak na Aklat-Panalangin D708 53
Teresa of Avila B706 71
Test of Faith, A PA34 62 Thérèse of Lisieux (Biography) B204 72 Thinking Christian Ethos ED19 12
Title Code Pg
To Prefer Nothing to Christ
DO913 66
Totum Amoris Est DO964 7
True Love - Passion & Purity SP24 70
Two Conversion Stories CL17 27 U
Understanding the Story of the Bible SP37 21
Unending Conflict, The CL02 24 Universae Ecclesiae DO848 84 V
Verbum Domini SC106 83 W
War at Home and at the Front CL21 27 Ways of Forgiveness D556 36 Way of Humility, The DO880 64
Way of Life for Young Catholics, A DO774 15 Way of the Cross, The CH70 4, 80
What is the Catholic Faith? LF54 15 What is the Church? DO889 12
Whatever happened to Marriage? EX61 19 Who is St Joseph? CL25 28 Why go to Confession? D716 38 Why should I go to Mass on Sunday? LF5 17 WHY? Course DVD, The EV8 40
Title Code Pg
WHY? Course Book, The EV7 40 WHY? Course Invitation Card, The PC91 40 WHY? Course Poster, The PC90 40 Word of the Lord DO871 83 Words for the Lent and Easter Season D790 76 Words of Wisdom from the Church Fathers SP50 64 X Y
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YOUCAT My First Holy Communion Album DO946 36 YOUCAT Youth Prayer Book D760 15 Z
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