Proposal Plan for
Project Renewal Class of Sustainable Soil and Water Crystal Xing MLA14
Objectives: 1.Short-term:
Help the residents to build up a positive and replenished life style
2. Midterm:
Encourage collaboration with volunteer, artists and community program
3. Longterm:
Embed sustainable practices include dealing with rainwater capture, storage and reuse
Set up a selfsustaining garden with a grow-cooksell circle
Approach: •
Design multiple planting area for culinary program
Invite residents to participate the renewal work of the yard by making outdoor furnitures and setting up green house
Moveable furnitures and raise beds for multipurpose layout
Set up rainwater collection system for irrigation
Wooden Fence
Planting Area Workshop
Movable Raised Beds
Sanitary Area Water Barrels
Compost Area
Seating Area
Propose Plan
Approach: •
Design multiple planting area for culinary program
Invite residents to participate the renewal work of the yard by making outdoor furnitures and setting up green house
Moveable furnitures and raise beds for multipurpose layout
Set up rainwater collection system for irrigation
Raised Bed Module from Recycled Wood
Multi-use Fence
Approach: •
Design multiple planting area for culinary program
Invite residents to participate the renewal work of the yard by making outdoor furnitures and setting up green house
Moveable furnitures and raise beds for multipurpose layout
Set up rainwater collection system for irrigation
Movable Raised Bed
Food Festival
Approach: •
Design multiple planting area for culinary program
Invite residents to participate the renewal work of the yard by making outdoor furnitures and setting up green house
Moveable furnitures and raise beds for multipurpose layout
Set up rainwater collection system for irrigation
Rainwater Harvest Trickle Irrigation
Green House Roof Area:
≈ 60 Sq.ft Peak Discharge:
4.3 gallon/per day
Roof Top Area:
≈ 9555.4Sq.ft Peak Discharge:
688 gallon/per day
Rainwater Collection
Water Barrels 750 gallon/each
Priority: •
Soil test required to ensure food security
DIY raised beds, compost area and import soil for growing vegetables
Concrete surface removal for vegetation and stormwater runoff reduction
Phase 1 Plan
Further Plan : •
Fence renewal with residents’ participation
Green house and workshop set up
Phase 2 Plan
Further Plan : •
Set up rainwater collection and trickle irrigation system
Construction of permeable surface phase2 and track layout
Phase 3 Plan
More Suggestions : •
Contact and arrange multiple community activities such as lectures and psychological advisory
Held “yard market” to sell fresh vegetables or cooked products to build up positive community attitude and cover expenditure
Build up roof top garden to increase growing area and start a selfsustained growing cycle
Thank you !