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DIGITAL DESIGN + FABRICATION SM1, 2016 M3 JOURNAL – SLEEPING POD Fahim Marian, Kwan Chin Ching (756745, 713458) Michelle James, Group One

Introduction ` `

Compressed – Expanded Sleeping Pod This our final sleeping pod prototype from M2. This model was made in a smaller scale with only drawing paper so there might uncertainties about the connection details and smaller details. The prototype need to be take few steps further before the actual fabrication.

There are five aspect that we need to develop more. The joint, back part design, opening, connections and also the selection of materials.

Design development

The method to fold polypropylene is to halfway cut out the pattern and fold them into desired shape. Although it is harder to fold in plastic the pattern works the same as on paper. We also found that the pattern locks better in polypropylene. However more pressure is required to keep the shape.

Among all the foldable materials we decided to use the cloudy white polypropylene because it convert strong lights from outside to soft lines inside, which is good for creating a sleeping environment for user.

We tried both etch line and dotted line. Dotted line fold better for both direction while etch line gives a cleaner finish. Etch line may breaks too if it is folded a few times.

Design development + fabrication of Prototype V.2

From the M2 feedback we decided to make a 1:1 scale phototype to understand the actual size of the sleeping pod and test the space inside. 1. Paper is used for the 1:1 prototype instead of polypropylene to reduce the production time . We drew the pattern by hand. 2. The paper is about 2m x 1.5m so we need to fold it together . 3 &4. After folding the all the lines we compressed it to form the shape. 5. We tried it on our body and realise the space inside is enough. However the stings really hurt so we definitely need to fold the stings outward.

We also worked on the back support to improve the design. We tried to figure out the exact pattern in real scale which will make the design as stable as possible,. When we did the paper 1:1 scale, we found that it was comfortable to leave the ends straight without the curve one so we eliminated the curves at the ends that we made in the prototype from M2.

Reading Response Wk 6 Briefly outline the various digital fabrication processes. Explain how you use digital fabrication in your design?

Process of laser cut.

First dotted line laser cutter template

Layered manufacturing of 3D printing.

First etched line laser cutter template

There are mainly four types of digital fabrication processes including two-dimensional, subtractive, additive and formative fabrication. Two-dimensional fabrication is the most common fabrication technique nowadays. It involves two axis motion with a cutting head, which is suitable for sheet materials. The examples are laser cut, plasma-arc and water-jet. Subtractive fabrication works by the removal of a specified volume of material from solid using electro-, chemically or mechanically-reductive process. The milling process can works for axial, volume or surface. For additive fabrication is a incremental forming process by adding material in a layer-by-layer technique. It is the converse of the subtractive fabrication. Formative fabrication involves the application of mechanical forces. Restricting forms, heat or steam to a material. The desired shaped will be formed through reshaping or deformation. The process can be axially or surface constrained.

For our sleeping pod design we decided to use the laser cut and 3D printing process techniques. Since we chose to use polypropylene it is hard to fold without cut the fold lines. Laser cut technique is used to draw the designed folding patterns on the polypropylene. 3D printing is used to print out the nails for connection to try to replace the heavy metal nails.

Reading applied to design

Different outcomes can be made in laser cut through controlling the strength of the laser beam. There are three different outcomes including cutting, etching and rastering. Etching and cutting are experimented for their folding effect. Etch line gives a really clean effect but it can only fold easily in one direction. Dotted line (cut line) allows better folding but small holes will be created. At the end we decided to use etch line for outer grid and dotted lines for the smaller square to control the amount of light pass through the sleeping pod. As small holes are already created we decide not to cut extra holes for ventilation.

There are different ways to do 3D printing for example making 3D model file or 3D scanning. We printed the nail using a 3D model file. We make it bigger in size, about double of the previous nail used. However the nail is not long enough and under economic consideration we decided to find other end products.

Reading Response Wk 7 Describe one aspect of the recent shift in the use of digital technology from design to fabrication?

In this reading, Digital fabrication is compared with old methods like drawings and how these lead to inventions in the architectural design. It is explained that digital fabrication is usually one of the final stages of a design process and this computerised process makes the design a lot more efficient by excluding “intermediate steps between design thinking the final production.� In fact, Digital fabrication encourages design thinking and does not limit the architectural form and construction. Digital methods are used to change in the process which takes the output the digitally fixed information which is used with several fabrication machines. They are accurate, easy to edit, quick and simple to do. Nubik,AEDS/ Ammar Eloueini, 2005

If we look at folding and how it changed by using digital technologies. Folding is based on a structure with geometry which often repeated. It expand the three dimensional terminology of surfaces by forming deformation and inflection. So, folding was mainly focused on the craft based practices but by using introduction digital fabrication it extends to new ways to be a method to make such refined and complex geometric forms. It gives the ability to combine over modification. The method share similar process as three dimensional surfaces can be unrolled or unfold to make two dimensional template to be cut. By Using these digital fabrication method throughout the design process makes it a lot easier to be creative as there are less limitations.

Reading applied to design

For our design, we tries to draw the pattern by hand and bend then but it was not that accurate and it was time consuming as it was not so accurate. It was hard due to our material choice as the pattern we drew by hand did not compress as much as we wanted. So, we used the laser cutter to digitally fabricate our polypropylene sheets to draw the patterns. The result of using this digital fabrication technique was very operational as it save us a lot of time. Nevertheless, the result was aesthetically satisfying as it looked all consistent.

Hand crafted polypropylene sheet

For this sample, we tried to make dotted lines using knifes but it was hard to bend and as we put more force on it, some of the lines broke.

Laser cut sheets By comparing, the two methods, digital fabrication method is definitely more refined and complex as we were able the little square at the tip of the triangles. Also, for our design idea we have to connect more than one sheet together and that is mean they will have to overlap so if they are not exactly the same pattern drawing accurately, they won't connect to each. That's why digital fabrication like the laser cut helped us to progress with our design construction.

For the laser cut , they were a lot flexible as the grid is make accurately and consistent so they did not break a lot as long as we do apply extreme force on it.

Prototype development Clamp design We looked at differ types of clamps and clips that can be used in our design. We look at c clamp and how it would function. However, the chair is too thick so it does not fit. We also trip the clothing clip but it was still not big enough so we had to do our own clip. We made this white painted clip.

We inserted a spring within the nail to make compress and expand depends on the thickness of the chair. Then we added this adjustable string which can extend or kept close. The pictures on the side show the movement of the string when it is pulled.

Bolt design

For the bolt, we did not want to use a metal screw bolt as it would be heavy so we decided to look for alternatives

First, we tried to 3D print the screw but we could not change a lot of the dimensions as it was proportionally designed. If we did changed, the bolt would not function as a screwed bolt. We did not want to make it any thicker. Also, it was costly so try to find another solution.

We also found this plastic bolt on the left hand side which look like a metal bolt. It was long but we found a bit too thin to use to control all the polypropylene sheets.

Then, we kept searching until we found this wooden bolt which is quite strong. The dimensions of it suited our design the most. We also liked the natural and eco-friendly texture which it has. However, we remain uncertain whether it would be long enough to compress all the sheets so we thought of using two; one at each side.

Connection Methods Riveting Gun


We first tried riveting so that we connect the A1 sheets to create one big piece. This method did not work that well with our material as it was movable and also we can only rivet the side of the sheets and not the middle part. This would not be enough to make the structure stable enough to function as one.

Then, we tried to use UHU glue but it did not also give the desired result. It did stick but seemed to weak and it would break by compressing and expanding our design and it would not stand the movement. Also, it looked a bit unappealing with this effect from the glue.


We also tried sewing by trying to connect two little pieces by the thread and it actually worked. It made the structure very strong and firm. Also, it would allow a bit of movement but not to the point that it would break.

Prototype optimisation

The material choice creates a blurry view which keeps the personal space protected but not making the person feels completely isolated. The sense of security is provided.

This is a photo taken from the inside of the sleeping pod. The light become softer and everything becomes blurry, which encourages user to sleep.

Also, using the dotted lines cut left an aesthetic effect and gave the design more form.

Prototype optimisation (personal space)

The volume/ shape of the sleeping pod creates a suitable distance space as we often prefer to have more distance from the front rather the back.

Also, on the sides still keeps space to prevent making the person feel uncomfortable or being watched.

Prototype optimisation Comparison of laser cut Methods

Dotted lines cut

We first tried the dotted lines to see how it would work. It was very effective as it compre4ssed to the mass and it was easy to make the squares in the middle.

However, these dotted lines seem to make the edges and angles sharp which was sometimes uncomfortable .

Also, the dotted lines solved the problem of ventilation and the little opening let air and a beam of light in which helped us to decide whether we should include the large openings from M2.

However, it was very hard to bend the triangular pattern and the middle squares. Some of them seems to break when we tried to force them to bend.

So the etched lines worked very well for the main grid of our pattern (vertical and horizontal lines) but they weren't that efficient for the diagonal lines and small details.

Etched lines cut

Then, we tried the etched lines to test the qualities and see if it would work better than the dotted lines. It would very smooth and not sharp.

Final laser cut template Based on the comparison we did between different methods of laser cutting, we decided to combine both etched and cut lines in our pattern.

The dimensions of the template

The outline of the template

The etched lines

The cut lines

Final Sleeping Pod design

Top View

Front View

Side View

Perspective View

This is our final Rhino model after we modified the shape and also applied the patterns using panelling tool (3D custom).

Patterns used for 3D custom

Final Sleeping Pod 3D Flat Patterns

For our design, the folds are complex and the Rhino model did not the have the very exact pattern so flatten it would not be that effective as we would be able to use it I the laser cut templates.

so we tried to draw the pattern as 3D flat patterns. We tried to get the angles as close to the actual pattern as much as possible.

Top View of flattened patterns We struggled while trying to apply this pattern on the body mesh as it was complex and there was always a gap in between the rows. We tried different options but it did not us a better version compared to what we has before.

Perspective View of flattened patterns

Final Sleeping Pod 2D Flat Patterns

Back Pattern

Front Pattern

Fabrication Sequence

This is a summary of the model making process. We received the A1 sheets of plastics from the Fab lab with the patterns applied on them (etched and cut). We started folding then to take the shape then unfolded them so that we can connect all the pieces together. Pin is used to make holes on the connection part before sewing. It also helps to hold the sheets together while sewing. We sewed them together using fishing thread (invisible) but kept the front part and the back part separated. Holes for bolt connection is cut. Then, we folded them again and tried to compress them using rubber bangs and belts. After that we added the connections (bolt,clamp). Small holes are made on the sides on the sleeping pod to connect the clip using adjustable string. The entire model is polished using paper to reduce any sharp edges and make it smooth. At the end we curve the corner at the back because they are much shaper then the corner in the paper prototype.

Assembly Drawing

This is the exploded drawing for the whole model. The sleeping pod consist of two parts including the font (cover) and the back. 12 sheets of polypropylene are used, 8 for cover and 4 for back. Each piece is connected by a bit of overlapping that is being sewed.

This is the detailed exploded drawing showing the connection part of the back and cover. It is connected by two nails and two stops. We first cut holes on the connection part of both back and cover. Then cut use the nail to connect both parts and hold it with a stop. If more light is required on more stop can be added to create a hole.

Sleeping Pod

Different sleeping positions

Appendix Riveting punch

http://faqhow.com/other/hobbies-games/how-to-use-a-rivet-gun UHU glue

http://www.dollshouseparade.net/DIY/Adhesives/Uhu-Glue/prod_2041.html Thread


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