Component 2 AD Assessment- Catia

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Component 2 Interior and Architectural Design Catia Martins De Sousa

Specification And Brief For this project I’ll be designing a tourist Multi-purpose hall which will consist of a main Tourist structure and a spacious green space outside as an entertainment and social sharing zone. This building will have an indoor and outdoor space and I’ll be experimenting with simple spaces and symmetry. The main theme will be “similarities and differences and therefore I will be approaching this concept with symmetry and simplicity.

These are concepts which I’ve previously witnessed working well together and for sure these concepts have changed and varied throughout the years. Overall, I chose specially symmetry and minimalism because I also plan to enhance and develop a simple efficient structure which will be aesthetically pleasing, interesting and environmentally friendly.

Building/ Structure: When given a function the building will work as a city Tourist Hall – simply due to the fact that city halls are important structures situated in locations situated in the middle of communities/ it’s a place where communities can come together , it would be a good way to say “ Oh! Look this is our community and for many years we’ve accepted and embraced change, diversity and equality and this is us making our community a better place for everyone and anyone and we want to show it etc and we want foreigners to understand and recognise this” Criteria to be met : Light, simple, fresh and opened structures. Has to complement area- zone

Specification: • • •

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Reception Area/ information desk 1 or 2 floors Stay in relaxing areas ( opened corridors and walls for leading and controlling the visitors manoeuvre) Visitor/tourist hall Outdoor green area


• Portugal, Albufeira, Faro District The location chosen was Portugal, Algarve in Albufeira. This location was chosen based on significant things such as the main features within the building wanted by the client. Also Portugal is a very The symmetric building and its future appearance in this location not only is promised to complement the green environment in which it will be placed but also due to its touristic location its function as a multi-purpose hall, including a tourism hall, it’s expected to excel and be extremely useful and successful upon its completion.

Material and location Analysis Algarve is known for its hot weather and sunny destination. In Algarve hot temperatures reach on average 24 degrees with maximum temperatures registered at 30 and minimum temperatures being 14 degrees. One of the future aims for this building is to be efficient in every way possible due to the locations’ green environment and climate, therefore the building must include factors which will ensure the building does not harm the environment which it surrounds and that the building can utilize the hot and sunny climate to its own benefit. For an efficient buildings the following materials where chosen: White concrete walls, Low E-glass Windows and dark pine wood materials which will be highly beneficial to the buildings efficiency.

Insulating Concrete Forms – Incorporating white concrete walls in my structure would help the building to reflect high amounts extra insolation (sun radiation) allowing the structure to remain cooler during extreme hot temperatures. The White walls will also benefit to the areas environment allowing there to be a simple and efficient appearance between the white and green surroundings.

Low E-Glass: - Low E-glass windows will be used to allow maximum light to infiltrate the structure and allow it to be efficient towards its energy use. - Special coatings reflect infrared light, keeping heat inside in winter and outside in summer. They also reflect damaging ultraviolet light, which helps protect interior furnishings from fading.

Pine Wood: -Pine wood is also one of the materials that will be used for the building due to its high resistant strength factors. Also the light color will be beneficial for the structures appearance.

Primary Research- Beginning of Development of Ideas

Plastic experimentation I began by experimenting with objects and other materials that I interact with on a daily basis.

Plastic is a flexible material and I was intrigued by the different shapes I kept obtaining.

For my development of ideas I also used this sea shell which I collected from a nearby beach as I way to try and understand and analyse deeper these complex looking structures. I found the inside of the shells particularly interesting due to how naturally symmetric they still manage to look.

I made some experimental models and my main aim here was to experience with symmetry and the many other variety of outcomes I could develop along the way. This was a helpful process for my initial primary research as it helped to look further at what type of shapes would work well together and how in the future I would be able to vary my models and their organisation with them.

Secondary Research Schouwburg Amphion, Doetinchem, Netherlands -Cultural Hall/ Theatre

What interest me about this structure? This is a theatre in the Netherlands and I was interested in its unusual shape. There’s a lot of symmetric pieces/ aspects within the structure and its square/ rectangular shape which gives a rather basic shape- yet manages to look rather complex due to its diverse materials.

Also it’s intriguing combination of different shaped and sized windows and sections within the building is something that I was excited to look further into. It made me question how everything went together and what effect it would have on those attending this building. I do believe this structure and its appearance is something the architect done purposefully with the aim of attracting the public.

Kauffman Center For the Performing Arts -Cultural Multi-purpose Hall

What interest me about this structure? This is a performing art hall and I love the exterior design. Symmetry and simplicity seem to both work in harmony within this building and these are things which I want to explore within my future structure

Casa Da MĂşsica, Porto, Portugal -Cultural Multi-purpose Hall

I found this building particularly interesting due to its shape and colour combination.

Analysis: Its symmetric shape and white colour combination are eccentric features which elevate this building’s appearance. And Its simple and “similar but different "shape are without stunning features which brilliantly work well togetherDefinitely made me contemplate it for a while.

Spira Performing Arts Center, Sweden -Cultural Multi-purpose Hall

Looking at this performing arts center I was looking to understand how the interior of halls work and their design. This particular Center in Sweden was interesting due to its use of high ceilings and continuous like glass/window design all around the structure. Halls from what I’ve research and witnessed always seem to have airy, opened and light atmospheres.

Development of Model Ideas -Experimentation with Card Material

The following models where made so I could start experimenting with the symmetric shapes and its outcomes. They are being structured and being rearranged in diverse ways. Triangles are shapes which can be easily manipulated and transformed into ones desire. In this example I’ve managed to in each ending point turn it into a curve In order to obtain a whole new design.

As I previously said triangles are rather symmetric and very easy to manipulate geometry therefore I wanted to experiment with its angles and points.

I felt this process was very useful because it allowed me to further explore and play around with some of the objectives within my brief such as symmetry but also other aspects such as simplicity .

Looking at symmetry this early in my stage of development was a big bonus for me as symmetry as previously said goes amazingly well with the theme of “similarity and differences�. Working with these shapes and exploring their symmetry aspect such as the variation of shape and size really made me consider and become aware of what I would like to work with and design in the future. This will be further shown in towards the end.

Development of Model Ideas -Experimentation with Card Material

Similarly to the previous model, I’m just working with simplicity and trying to evolve this models into new or more symmetric and functional structures by adding a couple of features from my secondary research that I’ve perhaps really liked or found interesting.

Using the resources from my previous research I was able to further explore the ‘Repetition’ of symmetry. I used repeated shapes similar to the Kauffman Center’s roof design and without a doubt it was quit interesting.

Beginning ideas for hall exterior -Using hot glue I was able to use the flexible material to create this explorative first model.

each colour is a different potential room function:

A potential 3rd floor - theatre A potential 2nd floor – Show/entertainment room A potential 1st floor – main entrance

I do believe this model was pretty simple and I wanted to create something simple so I would be able to explore it further as also being able to include simplicity and symmetry in my future developing structure and draws such as those ones.

each colour is a different potential room function: A potential 2nd floor – entertainment + food floor A potential 1st floor – main entrance

Even though it was fun and easy to do I do believe I will be changing the shape and working with rather more straight edges instead of curves.

Experimenting with Board And Plastic

Idea 1 -constructing Hall exterior

This model was developed from the first one and using card I was able to create a still curved structure but now it includes a more straight and put together design. I did like the concept of having a pointed or stuck out shape-piece within the structure in perhaps the future structure.

The different sizes and shapes make it fun to work and explore with – This model also pretty much reminds me of the London Aquatics Center.

Experimenting with Board And Card

Idea 2 -Development from idea 1

This model was evolved from my second previous model – the brown circular structure. I did find this model rather interesting due to its composition and potential to involve into a rather simple yet symmetric structure so I further explored its circular shape rather than its triangular one....

Experimenting with Card Idea 3 -constructing hall exterior

This idea was also generated based from my previous models. I liked the triangular and symmetric aspect that it was being presented to me. Therefore I decided to further explore its shape an potential for function. Using the “repetition� symmetry effect and merging my previous models I was pleased to reach this outcome.

Further Primary Research -For Interior Design inspiration - I looked at Notre Dame for inspiration due to its grandeur design such as high ceilings.

For this hall, a big feature that’s wanted is to have a rather grandeur complex in both the exterior and interior design – and what I was thinking of was adding to the structure perhaps a one main big airy and spacious floor. The Notre Dame Cathedral’s traditional appearance looks appealing and it goes with the area- big walls window concepts- panels and just quite interesting overall how this place was designed in such a way that it appeals its serious and respectful atmosphere – the way its designed fits the area and its history- grandeur aspect was beautifully done to attract tourists. This is what I inspire to do also and this information helped to realise that- how spaces really work.

Final Concept Models At this later stage of the process, using bit and pieces from my previous research I was thinking about how the models I made previously could successfully achieve the symmetric and clean effect needed to meet the brief criteria.

= this whole are would be a conjoined display area with big high ceilings and high concept and airy windows.

Therefore using of my secondary research of the ‘Kauffman Center For the Performing Arts Hall’ and its double layering structure effect and the ‘Notre Dame Cathedral . Hall’ for its grandeur high ceilings airy opened structure effect I was able to achieve a more interesting symmetric structure which met the brief. I also began to play around and work with roof ideas.

Development of Concept model plans

Furthermore, the brief specification conveys the need of the structure including 1 to 2 floors. After some consideration I played with some ideas- and some conclusions I reached where that If I was to only include one floor it would be more accessible to everyone and anyone whereas if it was 2 floors more money would also to be put into buying things such as elevators for those who could not or would not be able to take the stairs.

Sketchup model Furthermore, using Sketchup I was able to refine my idea and work around with this concept idea and a more deeper understanding of this achieved realistic perspective was obtained.

Using Sketchup I was able to get a more accurate view of what the interior really would appear to be like, which is what I was aiming for in order to allocate certain features in the future. I do believe Sketchup was the right media for the job of allowing the client to observe the whole model in a more realistic perspective.

Model Development – Idea 4 -Origami Origami is without a doubt one of the most resourceful and neat ways to obtain symmetry.

Using origami was very enjoyable for me because it was a way of creating something which could end up looking simple or complicated but it would always look symmetricalmeaning it would continuously correspond to the brief..

Idea 5

Development to final idea! Conjoining them together to create last outcome Quick sketches

Final Model

Evaluation This was my final model and overall I was very pleased and believe that it was a good solution for the brief. Centred around the brief and specification the final structure included all the objectives wanted such as the need for simplicity and symmetry in order to create a structure which would flow and match its future green environment in Algarve. Also the whole structure is a mix of “similar yet different” types of symmetric shapes which vary in size- therefore corresponding to my brief and its objectives. The structure addresses important aspects mentioned on the brief such the need to look efficient, go with its environment and include a big enough middle area to allocate tourists and the community which live around the surrounding location; the grandeur tall concept is conveyed within the tall high windows and ceilings, which give the building the appearance of being able to cater large groups of people, also the big windows allow for more light to enter the facility and increase efficiency. The whole building also presents a sort of efficient appearance and this was another aim- The location chosen has a large amount of green space around it therefore it was one of the aims to make sure the building incorporated efficient colours, materials and certain type of structures to benefit the environment. The use of white card and foam board for the wall silhouettes and bent roof structures, transparent acrylic for the windows and wood for the windows and other little details are all materials which would be highly efficient. Furthermore, I also believe the building was constructed in a way in which it will be successful for its future purpose as a Tourist/ entertainment Hall. The structure not only has features that are aesthetically pleasing such as the white card material which gives the structure a more modernistic and clean and rather simple look to the eye but also its colour and grandeur complex are things that I believe the community and tourists will feel attracted to visiting and wanting to know more about. Moreover, I also managed to include an outdoor, an “walk-in by the trees” area which is designed to make tourists want to socialise with one each other the whole community and specially with the environment. Overall, To improve my model, I would perhaps add more wood materials for well supported structure look. Also I would add a an actual outdoor functional space such as an outdoor eating space- so people would actually be motivated to go outside, socialise and spend time outside with the environment.

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