Supported by CatMan® Solution
Table of contents
Table of Contents Introduction............................................................................................................................................................. 4 1.0 Management process ................................................................................................................................... 9 1.1 Planning and execution structure..........................................................................................................11 1.2 CatMan®Solution reports to support sales and marketing meeting content......................12 1.3 Ex. - strategic discussion............................................................................................................................12
1.3.1 NPI report...........................................................................................................................................12
1.3.2 The CatMan Store Pictures Report..............................................................................................15
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion.................................................................................................................................16
1.4.1 My Business report..........................................................................................................................18
1.4.2 The Development report................................................................................................................19
1.4.3 The Status Report.............................................................................................................................20
1.4.4 Promotion Ranking..........................................................................................................................22
1.4.5 Manual Promotion Evaluation.......................................................................................................22
1.4.6 The Numeric distribution report..................................................................................................24
1.4.7 The Zero Sales Potential report....................................................................................................25
1.4.8 Pricing reports...................................................................................................................................25 Price Point Sales Unit Index report..........................................................................................26 Price Point Analyzer......................................................................................................................27 Price Check report........................................................................................................................28
1.5 Ex-operational discussion..........................................................................................................................30 1.6 Planning and execution structure– Sales management meetings............................................32 1.7 CatMan®Solution reports to support sales management meeting content.........................34 1.8 Supporting operational decisions..........................................................................................................36
1.8.1 The Sales Management report.....................................................................................................38
1.8.2 The Store Report..............................................................................................................................40
1.8.3 My Stores - Status report...............................................................................................................41
1.8.4 Manual Promotion Evaluation.......................................................................................................42
1.8.5 Promotion Store Ranking...............................................................................................................44
1.8.6 The Store Event Report...................................................................................................................44
1.8.7 My Stores Alert – OSA Products...................................................................................................46
1.8.8 The Waste and Shrinkage report.................................................................................................47
CatManÂŽSolution is designed to handle vast amounts of complex data sets from many different data sources. Our mission is to transform data into knowledge, which can be used efficiently and business oriented at all levels of a company.
Introduction A solution built to continuously supporting your business improvement culture
CatMan®Solution service Let our data factory manage, host and service your data sharing process. With a full CatMan®Solution service, we can support and automat the dull parts of the business decision process from strategy to execution within your company. As more and more data, both externally and internally, becomes available for all of us, key decision makers tends to lose the necessary and actionable overview in hundreds of difficult to manage and maintain Excel sheets. At CatMan Solution, we are committed to service your business with decisive and actionable knowledge based on several relevant data sources such as: • Own ERP and CRM data • EPOS data with different granularity and quality • Media data i.e. Facebook, Google, television, outdoor etc. • Demography data on regional and local level • Promotion and leaflet data • Etc. Our mission is to service your business, managing large and complexed data files from several data sources, in a smart and effective way, freeing up your time for taking decisions and execute effectively on your plans. See – Harvard business review – The Upside of Automating Part of Your Job
CatMan Solution could become your “data machine” improving the quality and the speed of your commercial business processes. Our service is built around a series of concepts, linked together and directly related to different levels of the commercial organization such as: • Commercial Management = My Business • Sales Management = My Account and My Sales Force • Marketing and Category Management = My Brands
Concepts in CatMan Solution Business Performance
Business Development
Tracking and analyze your on-going business
Analyze key parameters creating actionable
performance throughout the total value chain.
best practice and understand the effect of
Improved performance
your execution.
Performance Management Status and ranking of results Development, benchmarking and potentials Better and more accurate prioritization
Promotion Management Effectiveness, uplift and baseline analyzes Promotion profitability.
of key resources.
Business profitability
Innovation Efficiency
Wholesaler profitability.
Improving the innovation process
Customer, banner and product profitability.
and new product introductions. StoreEvent and Store Pictures.
Price Optimization Price analyzes Price elasticity
Media effectiveness Media data, TRP analyses, Facebook Leaflet.
On Shelves Availability Estimating the lost value of out of stock
Working guidelines - Introduction CatMan®Solution V3 is a cloud based web app, developed specific to ease your work with several data sources such as POS data, promotion data, pictures and market information – helping you to make factbased decisions easier. CatMan®Solution V3 is relevant for all functions within your company when it comes to commercial and or planning responsibilities. To make it effective for each employee, we have created different detail levels: a. The Dashboards are designed to give a fast end effective overview of the key parameters. Dashboards could and should be tailormade to your needs. We are using Power View from Microsoft, which enable us to create “dynamic” models and allowing you to export the Dashboards to PowerPoint (2010) and update the data directly from PowerPoint, when presenting for your colleagues. b. The Standard Reports consist of a series of best practice standard reports, which is always updated and ready to use - even if you are only using a report once or twice a year. The standard reports are used for analyzing development, performance, potentials and planning matters, in a fast and effective way. c. Direct access to the data via Excel – In CatMan®Solution V3, you have directly access to data via predefined Excel models that can be sliced, to make your own individual and tailored indebts adhoc analysis when needed.
Way of working To guide you through how you and your company could use CatMan®Solution to become more effective, we will address “way of working with CatMan®Solution” in three ways: 1. From strategy to execution:
a. Management process, focusing on a best practice solution in an FMCG-company in Denmark using CatMan®Solution.
2. The commercial manager using CatMan®Solution to support key decisions and growth:
Toplevel management using CatMan®Solution.
Key Account management using CatMan®Solution.
Sales management using CatMan®Solution with a field force focus.
Marketing and Category management using CatMan®Solution.
3. Concepts in CatMan®Solution to improve your business:
Promotion management
Price optimization
On shelves availability and distribution
Innovation efficiency – New products, new concepts, new space etc.
Media effectiveness
1.0 Management process
1.0 Management process
1.0 Management process
1.0 Management process – focusing on a best practice solution in an FMCG-company in Denmark using CatManŽSolution Over the next pages, we will describe a smart commercial planning process, supported by CatMan Solution from strategy, to tactics to monitoring execution
During the year, the company have two types off meetings based on a timeline, driven from sales cycles, defining windows of execution. 1. Sales and marketing meeting. 2. Sales management meeting.
1.0 Management process
1.1 Planning and execution structure Type of meeting
Sales and marketing
Strategic discussions
meeting Participants:
Issues and opportunities
Marketing & Product managers
Innovations and new product
Sales director & Key account
Time horizon 6 to 12 month a head
managers Tactic discussions
3 to 6 month a head
Status and development Distribution Planned promotions Operational discussions
-2 months to 3 months a head
evaluating present issues and opportunities focusing on: Price Distribution Promotion Innovations and NPI’s Detailed follow up on issues and opportunities analyzing results for the last 8 weeks Sales management
Operational discussions
meetings Participants:
evaluating present issues and
Sales director &
opportunities focusing on:
Key Account managers.
Sales & Regional managers
-2 months to 3 months a head
Promotion Innovations and NPI’s Detailed follow up on issues and opportunities analyzing results for the last 8 weeks Executions – detailed plans
0 to 1 month a head
next sales cycle focusing on issues and opportunities in a regional and local area by area perspective. Get a better and common understanding of: Best practice execution. Local potentials and other low hanging fruits
1.0 Management process
1.2 CatMan®Solution reports to support sales and marketing meeting content The chosen reports are used by each participant to prepare themselves to the different types of discussions during the meeting, being either at a strategy, tactical or operational level. The purpose is not to go through each report at the meeting, but to use the key findings while preparing to make relevant and necessary conclusions, related to a specific area of responsibility i.e.
1.3 Ex. - strategic discussion Developing a new coffee concept with 5 new SKU’s to be implemented 12 months from now. Marketing is presenting the issues and opportunities from a consumer perspective. The NPI report could be used to estimate the possible penetration in the market, using understanding from similar “introductions” analyzed in the NPI report.
New Product (concept) development question to be answered: 1. How did the last similar new product introduction develop at relevant banners? 2. What level of distribution did we reach in 1, 3 and 6 months after launch date? 3. What was the “selling out” per store - by region? 4. What was the cannibalization and how did the new products add value to the category? 5. How could we describe best practice and worst case related to the new product launch? 6. What was executed in an excellent way and what has to be changed in relation to this planned new product introduction? 7. What could we expect to sell in and out (POS) of the 5 new SKUs the first 1, 3 and 6 months after launch date? 8. Should we establish a test case using StoreEvent? 9. Do we have relevant pictures showing best practice implementation from a previous case using StorePictures?
Reports used as supporting evidence: 1. NPI report. a. Analyzing previous NPI’s. 2. StorePictures and StoreEvent. a. Analyzing different executions focusing on best practice and worst case understanding.
1.3.1 NPI report The NPI report allows you to track and analyze the POS penetration of your new products/concepts etc., in an effective and very fast way. You can monitor and follow the development week by week with just 2 days of delay, which gives you time to react and adjust parameters before it is too late.
1.0 Management process
Launching 3 new SKU’s in the category last year week 17.
New SKU’s are not cannibalizing the category, sales first 10 weeks is “on top”. After three weeks, the 3 new SKU’s are out performing the benchmark products in the category. There might be an issue with one of the new SKU’s – it is not performing at the same level as the two other SKU’s.
1.0 Management process
The new products are penetrating the chosen banner both fast and effectively.
Full house means that 89 stores selling all 3 SKU’s every week = 267. A total of zero sales at 56 in week 27 shows a potential sales increase of 21% or that we probably have one of the new SKU’s not performing in all stores.
We can only identify 1 large store where we have real zero sales issue, meaning that they do not carry sufficient stock of the new products. Unfortunately, there is 34 store with relative low sales during the launch period including a high level of zero sales days, meaning that the new SKU’s is not growing in those specific stores. Relevant actions in selected stores should be identified to avoid delisting at a later stage.
1.0 Management process
1.3.2 The CatMan Store Pictures Report Combine pictures of execution with POS results - all you need is to upload the picture and run the report. The report shows a bestcase implementation and how it impacts both the total instore sales and the sales of the banner/chain.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion The sales development of one of our key accounts are not satisfactory. There seems to be some distribution issues, especially in two regions. Last four promotions have had a relatively low lift factor combined with declining baseline sales, the situation is critical and it is necessary to come up with some creative ideas which could change the customer trend, for the rest of the year.
Key Account questions to be answered: 1. How have the sales developed in the last 26 weeks and what is the trend for the last 8 weeks? 2. How has the different banner at the key account developed in the same period and do we have indication of the total category development in the same period? 3. Are there any regional or significant local differences? 4. Development in distribution of critical SKU’s by banner? 5. Promotion effectiveness: How has the promotion effectiveness developed, which types of promotions seems to be most effective? 6. The spread in promotion lift factor on key promotions the last 12 weeks? 7. Are there any issues related to consumer pricing?
Reports used as supporting evidence: 1. My Business Report
Evaluate POS across customers and banners.
2. Development Report
Evaluate POS development week by week in units and turnover.
3. Status Report
Evaluate and prioritize issues and opportunities focusing on regions, stores and potentials.
4. Promotion Ranking Advanced
Evaluate promotion effectiveness.
5. Manual Promotion Evaluation
Evaluate promotion effectiveness down to store level.
6. Promotion Counter
Evaluate promotion pressure by banner.
7. Numeric Distribution Report
Evaluate distribution development.
8. Pricing Reports
Decisions to be made: • How can one improve the sales effectiveness of planned promotions the next 3 months? • Could and should you plan for more central or local activities? If yes, which types of activities is proved to have the relative best results? • How can we improve distribution locally the next 3 months?
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.1 My Business report The My Business report gives you a fast and easy overview, showing your business performance across customers and POS.
A series of parameters can be used to change the view you need. You can even decide to run the report using up to three different “category trees”, allowing you to analyze your category performance the way you “think category” in your company.
An easy to use and intuitive menu makes it both fast and effective to analyze the development for different perspective, without getting lost in large end difficult to manage Excel spread sheets.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.2 The Development report The Development report is used to analyze development week by week, focusing on specific POS situations such as Customers, Brands, Product segments, Banners, Regions, Sales reps and individual stores. If you have access to leaflet data, just click on one of the weeks in the development report and you will be transferred directly to all leaflet analyzes including “pictures” of your products presence in the “leaflet of the week”.
The report has many different parameters making it possible to run several development reports. Above and below you see a development report where there is focus on Sales Value, Sales Units, Average consumer selling price, Promotion sales, Promotion share week by week, and the instore development in inventory.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.3 The Status Report The Status Report gives you a good status overview, when focusing on POS. To some extent, the Status Report and the Development Report can substitute each other depending on your area of interest and your approach to analyzing POS. The Status Report is very easy to twist, whether you have a brand perspective, a customer perspective, a regional perspective or a sales area perspective. Below you will find examples of a brand perspective, a customer perspective and a sales area perspective Brand perspective
Customer perspective
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
Sales area perspective
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.4 Promotion Ranking Our integrated promotion analyses combine several data sources to analyze promotion effectiveness, focusing on KPI’s such as promotion lift factor, base line sales, actual price reduction, calculated customer profit, trade investments, own gross and net profit. Below is an actual case analyzing promotion 1q 2016 in Denmark:
In the report, you can create a graph that links to the various KPI’s giving you different view on each promotion run in the period you have selected. In the case above, you get a picture showing win-win promotions from a profit perspective. If you mouseover the bubble in the graph, you get the promotion identification and the type of promotion, which you have run. In this case, it is important to understand or maybe even try to avoid the “type of promotions”, which do not add any profit to the customer/chain. It might not be sustainable in the long run.
1.4.5 Manual Promotion Evaluation Manual Promotion Evaluation gives you a time bound overview of how your promotion impacts normal sales on a week to week basis. Below, we have a case showing the sales development in a banner related of 2 promotions (periods). One promotion, week 40, with a relative low sales impact – lift factor 1,2 and a threeweek promotion beginning 2016 with a relative high sales impact – lift factor 1,2 to 4,5. The key driving factor seems to be both price and period in this case. To get to store level of POS, you click on a week in the table and you will be transferred to the “next level” revealing an interesting and actionable picture with a spread in lift factor store by store from 0,6 to 14 underlining, the fact that this promotion is an in store activity managed at local level.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
Analyzing the sales details of Kvickly Køge shows that they have decided to run the promotion week 6 instead of week 1 to 3.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.6 The Numeric distribution report The Numeric distribution report gives you a week by week distribution overview, banner by banner. It is a fast and effective solution, making it possible to follow distribution development closely and effectively. And if you combine the Numeric distribution report with the Zero Sales Potential, you can evaluate the lost sales and prioritize and direct your efforts in improving the distribution.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
1.4.7 The Zero Sales Potential report In this case, sales rep 28 has a potential based on Zero Sales situations of 400.000 over a 4 week period.
1.4.8 Pricing reports Below, you will find a series of reports developed to help companies taking strategical and tactical pricing decisions.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
R-squared is a statistical measure of how close the data are to the fitted regression line. It is also known as the coefficient of determination, or the coefficient of multiple determination for multiple regression. The definition of R-squared is fairly straight-forward; it is the percentage of the response variable variation that is explained by a linear model.
Or: R-squared = Explained variation / Total variation R-squared is always between 0 and 100%: • 0% indicates that the model explains none of the variability of the response data around its mean. • 100% indicates that the model explains all the variability of the response data around its mean. In general, the higher the R-squared, the better the model fits your data. However, there are important conditions for this guideline that we will touch upon at this page and the next.
In this case, we have the following issues: 1. The general price level is decreasing and the relative sales effectiveness of specific price point deductions is getting lower = lower price elasticity 2. The deviation in sales around 22 DKK. is increasing, which indicates that it is other key parameters than price that defines the sales at a prize around 22 DKK. Price Point Sales Unit Index report Hereunder we have used the report to estimate the sales and sales increases in Kvickly at an on shelves price of 20 DKK. Everything being equal, our sales will increase by 400 pcs (in one week) if we decrease the consumer price from 26 DKK. to 20 DKK.
Another interesting observation is that last year, the same price reduction would have increased sales by 1,300 pcs. Which supports the theory about a decreasing price elasticity in Kvickly.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion Price Point Analyzer Could be used to access price elasticity and to decide on different price tactics, depending on the objectives.
In this case, we have 5 price spans varying from 19 DKK. to 35 DKK. in consumer price. As expected the lowest price will generate the largest volume between 1,727 and 3,954 units with an average of 2,267 units (standard deviation 567 units). But what is more interesting is that we can identify 2 price spans, which seems to be optimal from a profit and growth perspective: A. Price form 28.60 DKK. to 31.80 DKK. B. Price from 22.20 DKK. to 25.40 DKK. Both intervals have a high price elasticity and the best average weekly profit for both the company and the retailer.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion Price Check report Using the Price Check report, you no longer need to do store checks to check prices - all you need is to run the report, to get a clear and accurate understanding of the prices deviations.
Even though, there is an agreed consumer price, it is clear, that there are local deviations driven by local activities.
Compare Chain Price Points The report is used to compare sales effectiveness between different channels at certain price points.
1.4 Ex- tactical discussion
The case above indicates that Kvickly is more sales and turnover effective at certain consumer price levels than Føtex. If you click on week, you can get directed to the leaflet data module giving you some promotion leaflet insight to support your conclusions and argumentations.
1.5 Ex-operational discussion
1.5 Ex-operational discussion
1.5 Ex-operational discussion
1.5 Ex-operational discussion Continuously improving performance at POS, analyzing execution at sales cycle 4 (previous sales cycle), it is clear that we have potential in two regions and that we need to improve the quality of execution in one banner – There are simply too many zero sales situations on critical SKU’s.
Key Account Question to be answered: 1. How have we performed at sales cycle 4 focusing on POS? 2. Where do we have potential to improve on next sales cycle? 3. Do we have any specific channel issues, which needs to be managed on next sales cycle? 4. Do we have any distribution or on shelves issues, which could and should be solved on next sales cycle? 5. Do we have any local pricing issues?
Reports used as supporting evidence: • StoreEvent and NPI report to follow up on present innovations. • Status Report to identify channels and regions with local potential. • Potential finder, Numeric Distribution and OSA Evaluation Promotions to highlight regions and stores with potential.
Decisions to be made: • Which local tools could be used on the next sales cycle? • How to manage any channel challenges on a shortterm perspective – is it possible? • What need to be done to improve OSA (on shelves availability) in banner xx during the coming sales cycle? • Where do we have “low hanging fruits” to improve?
1.6 Planning and execution structure – Sales management meetings
1.6 Planning and execution structure – Sales management meetings
1.6 Planning and execution structure – Sales management meetings
1.6 Planning and execution structure – Sales management meetings Type of meeting
Sales and marketing
Operational discussions
meeting Participants:
evaluating present issues and
Sales director & Key Account
opportunities focusing on:
managers Sales & Regional
Time horizon -2 month to 3 months a head
Promotion Innovations and NPI’s Executions – detailed plans next
0 month to 1 months a head
sales cycle focusing on issues and opportunities in a regional and local area by area perspective. Get a better and common understanding of: Best practice execution. Local potentials and other low hanging fruits
1.7 CatManÂŽSolution reports to support sales management meeting content
1.7 CatManÂŽSolution reports to support sales management meeting content
1.7 CatMan®Solution reports to support sales management meeting content
1.7 CatMan®Solution reports to support sales management meeting content The chosen reports are used by each participant to prepare themselves to discuss issues and opportunities related to business performance and execution. The plan is not for each participant to go through each report at the meeting, but to use the key findings while preparing to make relevant and necessary conclusions, related to a specific area of responsibility i.e. The purpose of the meeting is to set up the frames to guide best possible actions at POS on a shortterm basis, making sure that the opportunities at “the moment of truths”, day-by-day is optimized no matter, whether it is offline or online sales.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8 Supporting operational decisions Key sales management questions to be answered 1. How did we perform during the previous sales cycle focusing on:
a. Customers
Channels and banners
Regions and sales areas
2. What has been the key drivers to good performance versus bad performance? 3. Where do we have “low hanging” growth potential at POS level? 4. How have the last 8 weeks of promotions performed at store level? Does the performance generate any actions related to planned promotions during the next sales cycle? 5. Do we have any Zero Sales issues related to key SKU’s, which need to be managed? 6. Do we have any inventory challenges at key SKU’s? 7. Do we have any local pricing issues, which needs to be handled? 8. Do we have waste and shrinkage issues and how big are they? 9. How does the ranking by sales areas from best practice to worst performing looks like? 10. How does best practice execution look like and what does it take to copy it?
Reports used as supporting evidence 1. Sales Management report
Evaluate POS across customers, banners, regions and sales areas.
2. Store Report 3. My Stores Status report a. Detailed analyses that focus on a specific sales area and stores. 4. Manual Promotion Evaluation
a. Gives you a fast and easy overview on promotion performance and rate each store as over or under performing.
5. Promotion Store Ranking Basic
Allows you to analyze the sales effectiveness of each promotion on store level
6. StoreEvent
a. Analyzing the value of different in store innovations and activities, such as Demo’s, New space, New in store placement of category, New assortment etc.
7. Potential finder 8. Numeric Distribution
Evaluating level of distribution on critical SKU’s
9. OSA reports
Evaluating local Zero sales issues
Decisions to be made Define local areas, where we need to improve business performances the next 3 months. i.e.: • How can we improve the sales effectiveness of planned promotions the next 3 months? • Could and should we plan for more central or local activities? If yes, which types of activities are proved to have the relatively best results? • How can we improve distribution locally?
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.1 The Sales Management report The Sales Management report is designed to give sales management a fast and effective overview on business performance focusing on: A. Customers B. Channels and banners C. Regions and sales areas Using the Sales Management report, gives you a good understanding of performances and an indication of where there might be “low hanging fruits�. Evaluating total sales value by account focusing on sales effectiveness and split by banner.
Evaluating total sales value by sales rep and or regions focusing on sales effectiveness related to a weighted target, either a break down target or a buildup target.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
Analyzing sales by sales rep focusing on sales effectiveness, banner by banner and store by store.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
Sales by channel focusing on sales effectiveness, banner by banner and store by store.
1.8.2 The Store Report The Store Report below, is designed to give you the same type of overview as the sales management report (above 1.8.1), which of the two reports you decide to use is a matter of “taste�.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.3 My Stores - Status report The report is designed to give a thorough and deep understanding of business performance in each area of sales. With the My Stores - Status report it is relatively easy to get and overview of the business performance store-by-store, in each area of sales.
If you mouse over the colored circles in the graph above, you will see that Kvickly Nordborg used to be a good performing store, but the first part of 2016 has been difficult, with a relative low sales index improving significantly the last 4 weeks.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.4 Manual Promotion Evaluation Manual Promotion Evaluation gives you a time bound overview of how your promotion impacts normal sales, on a week-to-week basis. Below we have a case that shows the sales development in a banner related to 2 promotions (periods). One promotion week 40 with a relative low sales impact – lift factor 1,2 and a three-week promotion beginning in 2016 (Week 53 to week 2) with a relative high sales impact – lift factor 1,2 to 4,5. Period. In this case, the key driving factor seems to be both price and promotion. To get to the store level of POS, you can click on the weeks in the table and you will be transferred to “next level”, revealing an interesting and actionable picture with a spread in lift factor on store-by-store from 0,6 to 14, underlining the fact that this promotion is an instore activity, managed at local level. Analyzing the sales details of Kvickly Køge shows that they (Kvickly Køge) have decided to run the promotion in week 6 instead of week 1 to 3.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
If you click on a specific promotion week in the table, you will get a model showing the spread in promotion lift for all the individual stores participating in the promotion. Below you can see that the average lift is 4,5 but the spread in promotion lift varies by store from below 1 to almost 14 times normal sales pr. Week. Each dot represents a store. As you will notice, 32 stores has and average lift above 4,5 and 47 stores has a sales lift below 4,5. If you open up the stores below 4,5 you get a ranked list with all the 47 stores and their individual performance. Analyzing this situation, it becomes relatively clear that even though the promotion was perceived as good there is still room for improvement and sales increases understanding the more local opportunities. To do so you can open a development report store by store, just by clicking on the store in the “manual promotion evaluation by store�
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.5 Promotion Store Ranking With the Promotion Store Ranking Basic report you can analyze promotions in detail store-by-store, giving the regional manager or the sales rep a unique insight to discuss promotion performance with the individual store, when it is appropriate and when it can add value and generate even better promotion results.
1.8.6 The Store Event Report The Store Event Report gives the sales management team an effective way to monitor the effect and the value on most kind of innovations. Below, you have a case, where a supplier and a banner decided to develop a new and better category “set up� – new adjusted assortment, new space, new in store placement, new price positioning. Before launching the concept in 419 stores, the concept was tested in 5 representative stores. The Store Event Report and ongoing monitoring was set up in less than 5 minutes, making the analysis and needed facts follow up, a quick and easy to perform task.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
In the stores where the new design concept is implemented sales increases by 5,4 % in value and 10,9 % value in volume the stores which remain “on changedâ€? sales decline 2,4 % At the same time sales effectiveness is relative high 449,6 in the stores with the new design. It seems as if the new design concept if implemented widely could generate a significant increase on a total banner level. In the store report below you can get a detailed analysis of the development in each of the stores where the new design concept is implemented. In this specific store Fakta Sønderris we can see that both the sales value and the sales volume increases significantly. 1. Sales value by 1.180 per week. 2. Sales units by 138 units per week. Together with and increased sales effectiveness up to a sale of 966 per 1000 related to an average chain sale of around 400 the new design concept could become is a success driving category sales to a much higher level, if implemented trough out the whole banner in all stores
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.7 My Stores Alert – OSA Products The My Stores Alert – OSA Products gives each regional manager and sales rep a good feeling on both Zero sales and instore inventory issues, which could and should be solved locally.
One zero sales day are defined as: • 1 store X 1 SKU without sales on an opening day = 1 zero sales day • 1 store X 3 SKU’s without sales during 5 days in the period = 15 zero sales days. • 10 stores X 4 SKU’s without sales during 10 days in the period = 400 zero sales days In the My Stores Alert report, you can see zero sales on 4 critical SKU’s. Zero sale days in the period evaluated varying from 70 days to 162 days in total without a sale, and you have 9 stores in a region with a Zero sales day on the 4 critical SKU’s, varying from 65 in Kvickly Haderslev to 33 zero sale days in Kvickly Ribe. In the My Stores Alert report, you can analyze the Zero sales development for each store day by day and below you get a picture of the development I Kvickly Ribe for the 4 critical SKU’s day by day. Each orange dot shows a day in Ribe without any sale on the specific SKU. The small red bars on the right side of the table shows negative inventory levels indication the reason for the zero sales.
1.8 Supporting operational decisions
1.8.8 The Waste and Shrinkage report The Waste and Shrinkage report is very easy and effective to work with, and if you are aiming to improve your waste and shrinkage situation. The report below could help you save time and become more effective.
The report can display both scrapping, shrinkage and sales value of each store and products and display top 15 Stores/Products graphically.