Letter from President First of all, with all thanks and praise to Allah the Greatest, who has given us helps and strengths to finish our magazine, EDEN edition 2018. This magazine could not be done without His blessings and guidance. We would like to thank Ms. Adrianna Nuraeni as EDCOM adviser and Mr. Agus Hari Wibowo as the Head of English Department, who have supported us to finish our work. We also like to appreciate our friends who have contributed their concepts and hard works for this magazine. EDEN has the purpose for all English Department students as an appreciation platform for students’ ability in writing an essay, short story, and many more. Year by year, EDCOM always try the best to publish EDEN magazine with all the team works. In this occasion, everyone who had given their hard works could finally see their masterpiece. Of course, the EDEN team also had a long journey to achieve and complete the magazine, now our team can feel relief after publishing this magazine. We hope that all of the English Department students could enjoy while reading EDEN edition 2018! Best regards, Sufina Nuristiqomah (President of EDCOM)