Owens Bros

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Welcome Cattlemen!

L-R: Adam, Kayla, Aaron, Jennie, Matt & Casey

Diamond & Spurs Families Terry Family

Rule Family

Moser Family Albus Family

Griffith Family

Guest Breeders

MOSER SIMMENTAL RANCH Harry & Lisa Moser & Family 3049 26th Rd. • Wheaton, KS 66551 Ph./Fax 785-396-4328 moserranch@bluevalley.net • www.moserranch.com The Moser Ranch 20th Annual Bull Sale Sat., November 12, 2011 • At the Ranch Selling 100 Bulls • Guest Breeder: Owen Brothers

SHOAL CREEK SIMMENTAL Ed & Kathi Rule 9402 Cameron Rd • Excelsior Springs, MO 64024 Ph. 816-750-4690 or 816-750-4691 Barn Robbie McDowall, Mgr. 816-665-2299 shoalcreeksim@aol.com www.shoalcreeksimmental.com

GOLDEN OAK SIMMENTALS Ron & Sue Carrol Terry 6498 E. Farm Rd. • Rogersville, MO 65742 Ph. 417-753-2602

ANVIL ACRES Earl & Brenda Griffith, Owners 5912 Clevelandtown Rd • Boonsboro, MD 21713 Ph. 301-432-8911 or 301-730-2319 Cell

ALBUS CATTLE Luke & Alyson Albus 3400 CR 65 • Littlefield, TX 79339 Ph. 806-933-4607 or 806-598-0355

DOUBLE R CATTLE CO. Jim & Ryan Ranes 679 SW 82nd Ave., Jamesport, MO 64648 Jim 660-663-5202 or Ryan 660-663-5226

We would like to begin by inviting you to the third chapter of “Diamonds & Spurs”, but before we say too much, we would also like to thank all of you that made last year a success. With the awesome enthusiasm and exciting interest in Simmental and Angus genetics, we look forward to entertaining and showing you this impressive chapter. On April 16th, we will present to you what we feel is the best set of Simmental influenced cattle you will find in terms of both quality and quantity in one location. Many miles can be saved by this one stop. At OBCC, we have always maintained the same philosophies and goals but due to industry demands we have changed our cattle over the years to fit the desired traits we felt most applicable. There isn’t a better time to be in the cattle business, let alone the Simmental business, because the beef industry has realized how versatile these cattle are creating an awesome amount of interest. Many breeds might like to place this fact on the challenges found within their breeds but truth of the matter is, Simmental breeders rose to the challenge and have done what the industry needed and that’s “change”. Even though that’s a word I would like to use lightly, I would like to quote Grant Turner because he described this word perfectly, as “Change is changing the way that change changes and now you want to change it?” Although that was said in a comical manner it’s a true statement that we as breeders have to accept. Progressive Simmental cattle are constantly changing for your benefit to be more fitting in the fast paced world we live in. We would like to thank our guest breeders: Anvil Acres, Albus Cattle Co., Golden Oak Simmentals, Moser Ranch, and Shoal Creek Simmentals for joining us again this year to help complete the “Diamonds and Spurs”. Also we would like to welcome Double R Simmentals for their additions to the sale this year. Without these people listed above, we wouldn’t be able to have this event every year, which allows us to help our customers, enjoy our cattle and deal with our off the farm demands throughout the rest of the year. We would like to thank all of our past and present customers and supporters as we look forward to doing business with you as well as new ones to come. At OBCC, there is no way possible to thank the day to day behind the scenes people enough that make it possible for us to have this event and experience our continued success. Although we will not attempt to name everyone who helps us throughout the year, we would simply like to say “Thank You” to all our family, friends, cooperator herds and sale management who have helped us accomplish our goals. Whether you are in search for a new genetic piece for your breeding program or looking for a breeding female to fill the void in your show halter and walk on the tan bark, we would like to invite you to join us on April 16, 2011 for the third chapter of “Diamonds and Spurs”. Also we would like to extend a Special invitation to everyone to join us on the evening of April 15, 2011 for dinner, fun and preview of the cattle. Sincerely,

Owen Brothers



Welcome Cattlemen!

R: Bill & Sharon Cooper

13302 W. State Hwy 266 • Bois D’Arc, MO 65612 Adam & Kayla Owen • 417-830-8150 Matt Owen • 417-830-8180 Casey Owen • 417-830-9739 Aaron & Jennie Owen • 417-209-0990 E-mail: cowboysatplay@aol.com


APRIL 16, 2011 12:00 NOON SHARP!

Owen Bros. Cattle Co., 13302 W. State Hwy. 266, Bois D’Arc, Missouri

Selling 87 lots of Simmental, SimAngus & Angus Genetics! Donors • Fancy Show Heifers • Bred Females • Spring & Fall Calving Pairs Embryos • Herd Sire Prospects

Plus a Select Group of Angus cows bred to Simmental bulls or with SimAngus calves at side! AIRPORTS:

Springfield International Airport, 11 mi. from sale site Branson Airport, LLC, 50 mi. from the sale site. Tulsa International Airport, 175 miles from sale site Kansas City International Airport, 3.5 hours from sale site St. Louis International Airport, 3.5 hours from sale site


All located at I-44, Exit 75 Springfield, MO, 15 mi. east of Owen Bros.

Courtyard by Marriott, 3527 West Kearney, Springfield, MO Contact Jenney for reservations by 4-2-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417-869-6700 Rates: King $79.00, Double $79.00, in-house restaurant for breakfast only Baymount Inn and Suites, Springfield, MO Contact: Cara . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417-447-4466 Rates: Single Queen $68.00 w/breakfast, Dbl Queen $76.00 w/breakfast Has vacant lot across street for trailer parking


Friday, April 15 12 Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cattle on Display 6 pm . . . . . . . .Complimentary Dinner & Pre-Sale Social Mixer at Owen Bros. 7 pm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Live Entertainment

Saturday, April 16 8 am-12 Noon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Cattle on Display

10:30 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Complimentary Lunch Served by Missouri Jr. Simmental Assn. 12 Noon . . .Diamonds & Spurs SimGenetics Sale

Jered Shipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .806-983-7226

MARKETING REPRESENTATIVES: Val Eberspacher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .612-805-7405 Clifford “Bud” Sloan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .816-803-9725 Harry Moser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .785-456-3101 Jered Shipman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .806-983-7226

PUBLICATION REPRESENTATIVES: Lacey Robinson, ASA Field Rep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .406-599-2394 Kent Jaecke, Special Assignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .405-408-2440 Tom Rooney, Lee AgriGroup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .515-491-6025 Scott Manley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .417-860-5250

Sale Day Phones

Adam & Kayla Owen 417-830-8150 Matt Owen 417-830-8180 Casey Owen 417-830-9739 Aaron & Jennie Owen 417-209-0990 Val Eberspacher 612-805-7405 Owen Bros Cattle Co.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Announcements made sale day and from the auction block during the sale take precedence over printed material associated with this sale. Anyone attending this sale attends at their own risk. Breeders or any of the sale force will not be responsible for any personal injury attending this sale.

TERMS & CONDITIONS: All cattle sell under the Terms & Conditions of the American Simmental Association and the American Angus Association. Terms available sale day.

to Springfield

EPDs: Please note that EPDs may change from the time the sale catalog is printed until registration papers are transferred. EPDs listed are Spring 2011 numbers.

TRUCKING: Breeders and sale force will assist buyers in coordinating and making the most economical trucking arrangements possible. Shipping not to exceed $200 per head to central locations within the U.S.

Directions: Take Missouri I-44 to Exit 61 (west of Springfield). Go north on K Hwy to US Route 266. Go West 1/4 mile to Owen Bros. Cattle Co. Turn left in drive.

LIVESTOCK INSURANCE: Insurance will be available sale day through sale management and Jame Secondino, American Livestock Ins., phone 765-832-2697.

PRE-SALE INSPECTION: Call or stop in anytime to see the cattle. They are on

Professional Sale Management

display every day!

Scan this code into your smart phone to view catalog online! Or type in this code: http://www.edjesales.com/eberspacher/ owenbros/

Please note, Owen Brothers Cattle Co. will retain 1/3 semen interest in ALL bulls that sell!

VAL & LORI EBERSPACHER 2904 Co. Rd. 6 • Marshall, MN 56258

Office 507-532-6694 Cell 612-805-7405 sales@ebersale.com • www.ebersale.com

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AJSA National Classic XXXI Sedalia, MO July 3-8, 2011 Buy your next great show heifer here!




5 CE 1.7 BW 42 WW 73 YW 3 MCE 1 MM MWW 23 22 Stay 8.4 CW -.02 YG Marb .00 .02 BF .31 REA 104 API 63 TI

OBCC Sadies Girl RT0X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2541852 Tattoo: RT0X Adj. BW: 80 GWS/SCF Rendition RT02

BD: 3-5-10

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BF N310 BWF Envey F73 Triple C Majic Man M211 Triple C Sadies Girl N0

Every year we challenge ourselves to select what we feel is the most exciting genetic breeding piece we have to offer as the lead off lot in our sale. RT0X is simply that and more. She has been turning heads since last summer and continues to exceed our expectations every day. This is possibly one of the best purebred Simmental show heifers ever to be produced at Owen Bros. She is femine fronted, soft bodied, big footed, massive boned, stout hipped, good haired and best of all she is super sound and a baldy. Selling 1/3 interest in this future donor. Walking rights and possession will be retained in RT0X for Casey Owen to exhibit this bred and owned female.

RT0X as a Grand Champion at the 2011 Fort Worth Stock Show

Here is your opportunity to share in incredible winning genetics! Chance of a lifetime.... Page 2

GWS/SCF Rendition - sire



Bridle Bit Miss R592 ASA#2294763 Tattoo: R592 BD: 3-22-05 Adj. BW: 82 Adj. WW: 588

Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


* CE -3.8 BW 24 WW 62 YW * MCE 2 MM D H D Traveler 6807 MWW 14 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807 * Stay Rita 4B20 of 0FB1 Bando -5.5 CW Nichols Legacy G151 .06 YG Bridle Bit Miss N362 .51 Marb Bridle Bit Miss J959 .04 BF .07 REA 132 Pasture Sire: Westfall Voyager 721P API 75 TI Dates: 5-20 to 8-7-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -2.2 22 52 * 6 17 * -9.1 .00 .31 .04 .14 API 117 TI 66 R592 was our purchase out of the inaugural Pine Ridge Sale to be the top-selling female. When Dad called and said he found the perfect halfblood female, he could not have been more right and that was just the beginning of this young cow’s life! She is the type of maternal oriented halfblood female we are striving to produce. We have been using females like her to breed up to purebreds and present to you in years to come, outcross purebreds! She possesses all the great sires of both breeds in her pedigree - 6I6, 6807, Legacy, 600U and Black Irish Kansas! She ranks in the top 5% of the breed for BW, top 10% for API and TI and top 20% for marbling. We retained her first son and used him to clean up our heifers, and later, sold him to the Willard family (MO). Her first ET calves are on the ground now and are more than we could have anticipated. She will calve by sale day to Westfall Voyager 721P. Selling 1/2 interest with option to double.



OBCC Daisy May 176R ASA#2293451 Tattoo: 176R BD: 5-10-05 Adj. BW: 81 ET Adj. WW: 754

Emulation N Bar 5522 N Bar Emulation Ext N Bar Primrose 2424 STF Too Red G64 HHSF Shalena STF Equarta

Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


* CE -1.0 BW 26 WW 57 YW * MCE 0 MM 13 MWW * Stay -4.5 CW .27 YG .39 Marb .07 BF REA -.34 109 API 65 TI

Daisy May just may be the cow that I am most partial to in the offering. This female has just begun to make her mark in the history of the breed. She was produced from a flush that averaged $5,000 on all calves that resulted from the flush, with her being the only calf retained. Her first daughter sold for $9,100 and her two daughters by DJ Salution sold for a $5,500 average last year; one was named Reserve Champion Percentage Female at the South Central Regional Classic and the other went on to win her division at the Ozark Empire Fair. Her natural son sold to Josh Vonbehren and went on to be Reserve Grand Champion Percentage Bull at the Ozark Empire Fair. I know I am bias, but the calf she has at her side now, “Dirt Road Anthem”, is the individual that when the smoke clears, I think will make her famous. She records a BR of 7@96. She stems from the HHSF Shalena female we purchased from H&H Simmentals who traces back to the great STF Equarta.



OBCC Dirt Road Anthem 17RX

Black Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull ASA#2570126 Tattoo: 17RX BD: 9-5-10 Adj. BW: 73 Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition EPDs: * -0.1 32 59 * 1 17 * Carcass: -2.5 .09 .19 .05 .05 API 105 TI 64 Dirt Road Anthem is a solid black bull calf that has all the pieces we feel to make him a great one. Not to mention, he traces back to one of the top cow families on the bottom side and undoubtedly one of the best Angus sires ever, EXT. You will have to see him for yourself because I just cannot put into words how to describe this individual!

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Eila Eila 755P of Whitestone

Purebred Angus Female AAA#14181469 Tattoo: 755P BD: 2-20-02 Adj. BW: N/A



Q A S Traveler 23-4 D H D Traveler 6807 Bemindful Maid D H D 0807 Scotch Cap Eila Eila of Conanga Eila Eila of Conanga


Here is one of those Angus cows I never thought we would have the opportunity to own. She is the $40,000 full sister to Connealy Dateline. Sired by the unprecedented sire 6807 and out of a Pathfinder dam that posts ratios that are outstanding WR 7@109, YR 6@106, REA 5@102. Twenty six daughters of the 755P dam have a combined WR of 62@101. A maternal sister, Eila Eila N138, sold for $60,000 as the top valued open female at a past Whitestone Sale to Blue Q. 755P started her young life as a donation heifer for the American Angus Foundation selling to Express Ranches, Three Trees Ranch Inc., Paw Up Angus Ranch, Rolling RRR Ranch, Edwards Angus Ranch and Limestone LLC. 755P posts a BR of 5@98, WR 5@108 and IMF 5@107. We have embryo calves on the ground sired by Soo Line Motive, SAV Iron Mountain and SVF Steel Force to come. This female will sell open and ready to flush. CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B

+8 +1.7 +38 +66 -.26 +8 +24 +4.40 +6 +.37 +.11 -.008 +26.57 +10.76 +27.11 +39.19

Connealy Dateline - full sib

Selling 3 Frozen Embryos OBCC Wicked Sister 402T x GWS/SCF Rendition GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N GWS/SCF Rendition BF N310 BWF Envey F73 CNS Dream On L186 Wicked Sister Drake Summer Sister



Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 8 0.9 37 60 5 4 22 19 Carcass: -0.8 -.05 .12 .02 .26 API 107 TI 64 Guest Breeder: Anvil Acres We are offering two different embryo packages out of our donor OBCC Wicked Sister 402T. She was our selection from the 2009 D&S Sale, topping the sale at $38,000. She has been said to be the closest replica to her donor dam, Drake Summer Sister, who has lifetime earnings well over $200,000. Wicked Sister is a moderate framed, big ribbed, structurally correct female with a ton of look. It is hard for most that have seen her to believe she is just a four year old because she has so much power and shape. We have set the bar high for this young female, and she has exceeded our expectations every time. She has been a never miss. In this sale we highlight a large selection of her progeny. 402T ranks in the top 15% of the breed for CE, MCE, API and TI and top 25% for BW, MWW, Stayability and Marbling. We are selling a package of three embryos, and you can see three flushmates selling as lots #25, 83 and 84; and, once you see them, you will know why we flushed her back the same way. We are also selling three embryos by Plainview Lutton E102, this is the first time we have flushed Wicked Sister for a halfblood mating and cannot wait. Plainview Lutton E102 is an Angus bull that has caused a stir in the past couple years. Unfortunately he is no longer alive, so we were blessed to get enough semen to flush Wicked Sister! Full sib in blood sells as lot #24. We are selling two packages of three embryos and guaranteeing one pregnancy for each mating if implantation is performed by a certified embryologist.


5A GWS/SCF Rendition - sire

Page 4

Plainview Lutton - sire

Selling 3 Frozen Embryos OBCC Wicked Sister 402T x Plainview Lutton E102 EXAR Lutton 1831 Plainview Lutton E102 Plainview Pride C123

CNS Dream On L186 Wicked Sister Drake Summer Sister

Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -1.8 24 51 * 5 18 * Carcass: -9.6 .12 .52 .05 -.13 API 117 TI 67



OBCC Whiskey Woman TH9X Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female


ASA#2541845 Tattoo: TH9X

BD: 2-10-10

* CE 0.6 Adj. BW:73 BW 17 WW DJ Salute G509 44 Sandeens SOS YW K022 * MCE SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 5 OBCC Miss TH 94 MM OBCC Whiskey Woman 13 MWW * Stay -9.6 CW .05 Here is a baldy SOS three-quarter blood heifer that will YG .24 blow you away when you see her in person. She stops Marb .02 everyone in their tracks when walking through the BF REA -.08 yearling pen. We are amazed that she stays so flawless 93 structurally, but has the power and dimension needed to API 53 compete on the national level. Juniors take notice! This TI female will be a contender in Sedalia at the AJSA National Classic. Her dam records a WR 2@102 and is a solid black four year old Mo Better.

AJSA National Classic XXXI Sedalia, MO July 3-8, 2011 Buy your next great show heifer here!



SC/MCC Sweet Dream W82 Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female


ASA#2570361 Tattoo: W82

BD: 12-4-09

9 Adj. BW: 85 CE 1.2 BW 35 SAS T101 Sweet Meat WW HTP SVF In Dew Time 58 YW SAS Sweets Star R101 5 Triple F Goldi’s Dream MCE STF Montana Black KF25 2 MM SS Goldilocks Too P028 MWW 20 17 Stay -1.6 Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC. CW .08 Sweet Dream’s dam selected at the 2009 Head of the YG .30 Class Sale from Triple F Farms where she was of the top Marb .03 selling breds and by far the stoutest female in the group. BF REA -.07 She combines that stoutness with enough style and 111 presentation to win her share of shows, which she did for API 66 Chelten in 2009. The Goldilock’s Too cow family is a TI never miss producing genetic line that we are excited to have in our herd. This Sweet Meat daughter is everything we hoped for. She is stout with style and gentle to be around. This female will make a great breeding piece for someone’s program.




SC Natalie X12 Black Polled Purebred Female ASA#2539352 Tattoo: X12 Adj. BW: 87

BD: 2-7-10

9 CE 0.5 BW Triple C Invasion R47K 26 LMF Movin Forward WW LMF Godivas Beautystroke 47 YW CNS Dream On L186 5 SS Natalie R304 MCE CNS Ms Abby N304 2 MM MWW 16 24 Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC. Stay -9.0 If you are looking for a fancy female with good EPDs, CW -.08 YG .23 take a strong look at X12. Her dam, R304, has produced Marb .01 two females with a show record and one herd sire bull in BF .20 her short productive life. Take advantage of a young REA 123 attractive female that will stand the test of time. API 62 TI




SC Ruby X025 Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female



* 0.5 32 65 * -3 12 * 2.5 .23 .45 .07 -.15 104 65


ASA#2570360 Tattoo: X025 Adj. BW: 92 ET HTP SVF In Dew Time Akers Ruby 2184

BD: 2-16-10

CNS Dream On L186 HTP SVF Honeydew Twin Valley Precision E161 Thomas Ruby 9534

Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC Ruby X025 is a direct daughter of our donor Ruby 2184, who has produced several high selling offspring. Along with a National Champion Bull and a Triple Crown Percentage Bull in SC Mo Magic. X025 is sure to follow in these footsteps with her style and tons of body. Take a strong look at this young female with a great cow family behind her. NHF. Akers Ruby 2184 - dam



OBCC Foolin U C10X Black Baldy Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female



* 0.7 32 59 * 2 18 * -1.3 .09 .28 .05 .08 104 64

ASA#2541836 Tattoo: C10X Adj. BW: 64 ET Meyers Bonus OBCC Foolin You

BD: 2-28-10

LRS Big Country 37E Meyer Ranch 803 L A R Dateline 150 Miss Deer Creek 902M

They say if it’s not broke, don’t fix it. This baldy Meyers Bonus daughter is a full sister to two halfblood highlights in the past two sales, averaging $4,500. Her donor dam was a highlight in 2010, selling to Pischel Simmentals in Nebraska. Dam records an average WR of 16@112.

OBCC Foolin U P01U - full sister



OBCC Foolin U XC02 Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2571312 Tattoo: XC02 Adj. BW: 64 ET

BD: 4-20-10

* CE -0.2 BW DJ Salute G509 13 Sandeens SOS WW K022 34 YW L A R Dateline 150 * OBCC Foolin You MCE Miss Deer Creek 902M 5 MM 11 MWW * Here is a heifer that is little younger than the rest of Stay CW -16.8 the offering. This solid black female will make a nice .09 YG .31 show heifer prospect or brood cow. Maternal sister to Marb .04 lot #10. Her donor dam was a highlight in 2010 selling BF REA -.20 to Pischel Simmentals (NE). Dam records an average 91 WR of 16@112. API 49 TI

OBCC Foolin You 902T - dam

Page 6



OBCC Shalena TT0X Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2541827 Tattoo: TT0X Adj. BW: 76

BD: 3-1-10

* CE -1.3 BW EXAR Lutton 1831 24 Plainview Lutton E102 WW Plainview Pride C123 50 YW GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N * OBCC Shalena TT01 MCE HHSF Shalena 4 MM MWW 16 * Shalena is the reason we love the SimAngus mating Stay -9.5 so well. TT0X is so elegant in her makeup and soft CW .13 YG .50 sided. She is out of a four year old Trademark Marb .05 daughter that traces back to STF Equarta whom BF -.12 needs no introduction in the Simmental breed. This is REA 113 a halfblood female that will feel right at home at API 65 Junior Nationals in Sedalia! TI



MSR Miss Olie 0101X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female


ASA#2571109 Tattoo: 0101X BD: 3-21-10 Adj. BW: 76 ET Adj. WW:598

11 CE -0.8 BW Nichols Legacy G151 29 Ellingson Legacy M229 WW Ellingson Ms Pstock K58 61 YW 3 MSR 5508R of 2061M Gamb TJ 57J The Gambler MCE MSR 2061M of 8080H 5 MM Drive MWW 19 21 Stay -2.1 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch CW -.16 What a neat Olie daughter! She is homozygous YG .23 Marb .00 polled and an ET daughter out of our 5508R Gambler BF .51 donor. 0101X is super thick, and has a ton of guts. REA 124 She also has excellent set of EPDs and a disposition API 66 to match. Check out more on our Diamonds and TI Spurs female offerings on our Moser Ranch Facebook page!


14 Est. Epds

ACC1 Roxy 7132X Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2570044 Tattoo: 7132X Adj. BW: 78

BD: 5-10-10

* CE Meyer Ranch 734 -0.4 Aftershock BW Miss Lupher F70 9 WW 24 ACC1 Ms Improvement 713U Northern Improvement 4480 YW ACC1 Lexus 713R * MCE 2 MM 6 MWW * Guest Breeder: Albus Cattle Roxy is a maternal Stay -23.1 legend in the making. She combines the great Meyer CW -.01 734, Northern Improvement and our great donor YG .26 Lexus. She is out of a fantastic first calf heifer that had Marb .02 her fair share of purple in the show ring. Roxy is great BF -.13 hipped with a super hind leg. Not to mention, she is REA 88 one of the best fronted halfbloods that I have ever API 46 seen. This one will be easy to find sale day. 7132X is TI also registered as a ChiMaine. AMF CAF NHF.

Page 7



ACC1 Izzabell 7131X Black Blaze Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female


ASA#2570043 Tattoo: 7131X Adj. BW: 84 ET

BD: 4-23-10

* CE 1.1 BW DJ Salute G509 9 Sandeens SOS WW K022 19 YW SS Goldmine L42 * ACC1 Lexus 713R MCE Simons 713G 3 MM 7 Guest Breeder: Albus Cattle MWW * You could write volumes about this gal. “Izzy” has been a Stay CW -24.4 -.04 standout since she hit the ground. She is so massive in YG .19 her make up all wrapped up in a soft made, beautiful Marb .01 blaze faced package. Lexus has definitely outdone herself BF REA -.06 here. You will hear a lot more about this gal in the near 84 future as she is destined for the donor pen. Albus Cattle API 44 reserves the right to one successful flush with a TI minimum of six transferrable eggs at the buyer’s convenience and the seller’s expense. ACC1 Lexus 713R - dam



Moser 230 of 6878 LO Purebred Angus Female


CED BW WW YW SC CEM Milk $EN CW Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $B

I+6 I+2.1 I+52 I+91 * I+4 I+20 +1.02 I+27 I+.58 I+.40 I+.002 +27.84 +29.38 +32.27 +62.87

AAA#16865012 Tattoo: 230 Adj. BW: N/A B C Lookout 7024 Mission Ruth 429 6878

BD: 3-22-10

O C C Legend 616L Gibbet Hill Mignonne E37 Mytty In Focus Mission Ruth 429 I34

Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Here is a tremendous BC Lookout daughter with a super pedigree and EPDs to match. This late March female will make a great junior project but even better will make a super cow. Her $B of +62.25 and $G of +31.94 puts her in the top 10% of the Angus breed in both categories.

Fall Heifer Calves Lot

17 Lot


OBCC Summer Sister M06X Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2570153 Tattoo: M06X BD: 9-1-10 Adj. BW: 65 ET

OBCC Summer Sister M57X Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2570132 Tattoo: M57X BD: 9-1-10 Adj. BW: 65 ET

Drake Summer Sister - dam


CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay Limestone Darkhorse - sire

Page 8

* 0.2 25 48 * 8 21 *

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 17 & 17A: Limestone Darkhorse U322 Drake Summer Sister

BC 7022 Raven 7965 PAF Tridge 5768 G&L Avalanche 149F Drake Liberty

Se l l i n g Choice!

Here is the opportunity to select from two Drake Summer Sister daughters sired by Limestone Darkhorse. Their mother has generated lifetime earnings over $200,000! Both of these females are moderate, functional and have that show ring look. You make your choice and we will retain the other one to show and keep for a cow. Selling Choice!


18 Lot


OBCC Foolin U M08X Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female ASA#2570156 Tattoo: M08X BD: 9-1-10 Adj. BW: 60 ET

OBCC Foolin U M16X Epds Black Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female * ASA#2570155 Tattoo: M16X BD: 9-10-10 Adj. BW: 60 ET CE

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 18 & 18A: WAGR Dream Catcher 03R OBCC Foolin You

CNS Dream On L186 3C Melody M668 BZ L A R Dateline 150 Miss Deer Creek 902M

Se l l i n g Choice!

You get the chance to choose one of these fall ladies that are out of the best flush from Foolin You 902P to date. Their mother was a sale highlight last year going to Pischel Simmentals (NE). These two solid black heifers are destined to be extremely successful in the show ring this summer. Maternal sisters have been successful show heifers in Illinois and Iowa.

-0.6 BW 27 WW 55 YW * MCE 0 MM MWW 14 * Stay -5.2 CW .04 YG .56 Marb .02 BF REA -.02 122 API 72 TI

OBCC Foolin You 902T - dam

WAGR Dream Catcher - sire


19 Lot


OBCC Ms Legend M31X Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female ASA#2570170 Tattoo: M31X BD: 9-1-10 Adj. BW: 66 ET

OBCC Ms Legend M12X Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female ASA#2570169 Tattoo: M12X BD: 9-1-10 Adj. BW: 69 ET

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 19 & 19A: GWS/SCF Rendition ACC1 Legendary S12

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BF N310 BWF Envey F73 O C C Legend 616L O C C Miss Blackout

Se l l i n g Choice!

These three quarter blood females will be hard to choose between. They are both black white face divas, who have their dam’s rib and dimension. Their dam was Reserve Champion Female at the Simmental Sweepstakes in 2007. A maternal sister topped the percentage heifers in 2009 selling to Illinois.


* CE 0.6 BW 30 WW 50 YW * MCE -1 MM MWW 14 * Stay -6.9 CW .02 YG .19 Marb .04 BF .16 REA 100 API 61 TI

ACC1 Legendary S12 - dam

GWS/SCF Rendition - sire



OBCC Rachel 688X Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


* CE -2.4 BW 15 WW 42 YW * MCE 10 MM 17 MWW * Stay CW -15.4 .07 YG .54 Marb .05 BF -.01 REA 116 API 63 TI

ASA#2570150 Tattoo: 688X Adj. BW:61 Westfall Voyager 721P Jillco’s Rachel 6088

BD: 9-1-10

SVJ Power Surge Drake Summer Sister G A R Integrity S A F Rachel 0496

This female is one we would love to keep for a show heifer and replacement, but everyone that found her in the pasture this fall has asked if she would be in the sale, so here she is! Her mother is a moderate Integrity daughter that will be a sale highlight next year.


AJSA National Classic XXXI Sedalia, MO July 3-8, 2011 Westfall Voyager - sire

Buy your next great show heifer here!

Page 9

OBCC Forever Love M05X



Black Baldy Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female ASA#2570163 Tattoo: M05X BD: 9-12-10 Adj. BW: 93 ET


21A CPR Ms N101 - dam

Black Baldy Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female ASA#2570161 Tattoo: M09X BD: 9-2-10 Adj. BW: 71 ET

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 21 & 21A: DJ Salution S502 CPR Ms N101

DJ Salution S502 - sire

OBCC Forever Love M09X

R&R Warehouse K609 Miss Jong F117 Mill Brae Right Time 990 CPR Forever Love

Se l l i n g Choice!

Here is the opportunity to pick a full sib to the $11,000 topselling percentage open from the 2009 Field of Dreams Sale. Their dam sold in the 2009 D&S Sale to Harker Simmentals (IN) for $7,100. These baldy heifers will be standouts in Sedalia at Junior Nationals.


22 Lot


Full sibling to this $11,000 Field of Dreams Sale topper in 2009!


* CE -0.7 BW 27 WW 52 YW * MCE -2 MM 12 MWW * Stay -7.6 CW .14 YG .10 Marb .05 BF -.17 REA 101 API 60 TI

SC X60 Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#Pending Tattoo: X60 BD: 9-4-10 Adj. BW: ET

SC X64

Est. Epds

Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#Pending Tattoo: X64 BD: 9-6-10 Adj. BW: ET

Akers Ruby 2184 - dam

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 22 & 22A: SVF/NJC Built Right N48 CNS Dream On L186 NJC Ebony Antoinette Akers Ruby 2184 Twin Valley Precision E161 Thomas Ruby 9534 Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC Here's two exciting young fall born females out of the famous Ruby 2184 donor. Lot 22 & 22A both have a bright future in the show ring and later in the donor pen. If you're looking for females with lots of volume, eye appeal and a strong proven maternal cow family, take a strong look here. We look forward to future updates on these two outstanding show prospects!


* 0.7 31 66 * 1 16 * 3.6 .18 .34 .05 -.15 98 61

SVF/NJC Built Right N48 - sire

OBCC Perfect 23 Summer 95SX Lot

Black Polled Purebred Female


ASA#2570130 Tattoo: 95SX Adj. BW: 78

BD: 9-4-10

8 CE 2.6 BW HC Hummer 12M 47 RC Club King 040R WW RC Miss Griffey 038N 83 YW Ellingson Black Perfector 7 Perfect Summer MCE Drake Summer Sister 4 MM MWW 27 18 This purebred Simmental fall heifer has been one we Stay 15.8 have been watching since birth. We sold a maternal CW .11 YG .16 sister in 2010 to top the purebred offering. Her Marb .01 grandmother is the legendary Drake Summer Sister. BF REA -.02 108 API 69 TI

Drake Summer Sister - grandam

Page 10

Plainview Lutton - sire

Wicked Sister - dam

OBCC Mid Summer 38TX



Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2570128 Tattoo: 38TX


OBCC Wicked Sister 40TX 25 Red Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

BD: 9-4-10

* Adj. BW: 72 CE -0.8 BW 27 Plainview Lutton E102 WW EXAR Lutton 1831 55 YW Plainview Pride C123 * MCE Midsummer Nights Dream CNS Dream On L186 5 MM Drake Summer Sister 18 MWW * Stay -5.7 This percentage heifer sired by Plainview Lutton is out of CW .13 a flush sister to OBCC Wicked Sister. Mid summer just YG .51 might be when this heifer takes the spotlight. She has Marb .04 been a favorite for almost everyone who has had a BF -.13 chance to see her. REA 113 API 66 TI

ASA#2570139 Tattoo: 40TX Adj. BW: 76 GWS/SCF Rendition Wicked Sister 402T


BD: 10-1-10

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BF N310 BWF Envey F73 CNS Dream On L186 Drake Summer Sister

Owned with Guest Breeder: Anvil Acres 40TX is the natural daughter of OBCC Wicked Sister 402T, the $38,000 top-seller in 2009. This is the only red heifer we will be offering in this year’s sale. This little lady has that look with tons of rib.

8 CE 1.8 BW 40 WW 64 YW 5 MCE 3 MM MWW 23 19 Stay 2.8 CW -.03 YG .11 Marb .01 BF .26 REA 102 API 64 TI

! s r o i n u J

Inquire about our Diamonds & Spurs Junior Bonus Program! You can earn up to $1000 sale credit for your prize-winning purebred or foundation Simmental heifers from this sale!

PCC N15 - dam

NATIONAL JUNIOR HEIFER SHOW $1000 Grand Champion Heifer $500 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer $300 Top Five Final Drive $100 Class Winner FOUR AJSA REGIONALS $1000 Grand Champion Heifer $500 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer $300 Top Five Final Drive $100 Class Winner

OBCC Black Cap 15NX



Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2570152 Tattoo: 15NX

BD: 10-1-10

* Adj. BW: 60 CE -0.5 BW 28 GWS/SCF Rendition WW GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N 56 YW BF N310 BWF Envey F73 * P C C N15 MCE TC Freedom 104 5 MM P A F Blackcap 404 MWW 19 * Stay -4.5 This is the first daughter of our foundation Black Cap cow CW .12 that we have ever offered at auction; the rest of them we YG .21 have kept as replacements because they are just that good. Marb 05 This baldy heifer represents her sire well; she may be the BF REA -.03 softest sided heifer calf in the offering. Look her up sale day. 98 API 59 TI

MAJOR JUNIOR HEIFER SHOWS (Kansas City, Denver, Louisville, Ft. Worth, Ozark Empire Fair, Tulsa) $400 Grand Champion Heifer $300 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer $200 Division Winner $150 Reserve Division Winner $100 Class Winner STATE EXPO & OTHER STATE FAIR JUNIOR SHOWS $300 Grand Champion Heifer $200 Reserve Grand Champion Heifer $150 Division Winner $100 Reserve Division Winner $75 Class Winner SUPREME HEIFER Any Grand Champion heifer at the Major State Fairs or Expo where a Supreme Heifer over all breeds is selected will receive an additional $500 credit certificate should they win the Supreme Championship.

Page 11


Miss Jet Top 15G - dam


Tanna 111 Black Polled Purebred Female ASA#2470023 Tattoo: UT01 BD: 2-7-08 Adj. BW: 80 Adj. WW: 621


CE BW Meyers Bonus LRS Big Country 37E WW Meyer Ranch 803 YW MCE Rew/SS Tanna R11 CNS Dream On L186 MM ESN11 MWW Stay Guest Breeder: Golden Oak Simmentals This young black female ranks in the top 25% of the breed for WW and TI. She CW YG should calve by sale day to Dominator. Marb 28A: Black DP PB Bull BD: 3-9-11 Sire: Ellingson Dominator BF REA Tattoo: YT01 BW: 90 API EPDs: 8 0.1 39 70 5 5 25 19 TI Carcass: 4.2 -.06 .28 .02 .37 API 119 TI 71

Double R Miss 15G U79




ASA#2465076 Tattoo: U79 9 Adj. BW: N/A



Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female BD: 3-12-08

CE -0.1 BW CNS Dream On L186 34 Circle T Antoinettes Star WW NJC SVF Antoinette K205 61 YW SAC Jet Top 2D -1 SAC Miss Jet Top 15G MCE SPC Miss Tailer 47C -5 MM 12 Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company Here’s a really nice MWW 18 Star female whose dam is the great 15G cow. U79 is super sound, Stay -1.2 has a great udder and profiles well. She will make a great cow. CW -.03 YG .21 27A: Black DP PB Bull BD: 2-27-11 Sire: Oval F Ringleader Marb .03 EPDs • 11 -0.7 30 56 1 0 15 18 BF .32 Carcass • -5.1 -.06 .28 .03 .31 API 119 TI 66 REA 115 API 66 TI

5 0.5 38 65 9 3 22 19 1.4 .00 .28 .04 .32 115 69

Gypsy 111 Black Polled Purebred Female ASA#2439954 Tattoo: TT13 Epds BD: 10-20-07 Adj. BW: 84 Adj. WW: 677 CE 2

BW WW YW SC Wolfcreek Gypsy Queen MCE MM MWW Guest Breeder: Golden Oak Simmentals This female is a moderate, sound made female that puts everything together Stay CW in a nice package. Be sure to look her up sale day. Mother YG sells as lot #71. Marb BF 29A: Black DP PB Female BD: 3-2-11 BW: 70 REA Sire: Ellingson Dominator Tattoo: YT01 API Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 7 0.9 37 69 3 6 24 19 TI Carcass: 4.6 -.04 .25 .02 .32 API 114 TI 68 Meyers Bonus

LRS Big Country 37E Meyer Ranch 803 GFI Magnum K52 SC Wolfcreek Gypsy

2.2 35 61 5 3 21 20 2.1 .04 .23 .04 .21 105 64

Mo Better - sire

Double R Miss Mo 100T



Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2571052 Tattoo: 100T



Black Polled Purebred Female BD: 1-24-07

* Adj. BW: 84 Adj. WW: 575 CE -0.6 BW 20 SVF/NJC Mo Better M217 STF Mr Momentum H508 WW NJC SVF Antoinette K205 54 YW * 300 (Angus) MCE -2 MM 9 Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 6-10 to 8-1-10 MWW * Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -0.5 32 63 * 1 17 * Stay -5.2 Carcass: -0.5 .12 .30 .04 -.07 API 112 TI 68 CW .19 YG .42 Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company 100T is my type Marb .07 of cow. She is loaded with guts and capacity. 100T milks BF -.11 well, yet maintains her flesh. These Mo Better halfbloods are REA 102 awesome cows. Her Fusion calf will be one to watch. API 59 TI

Page 12


ASA#2376654 Tattoo: T122 Adj. BW: 77

BD: 1-1-07

LF Dream Doctor

CNS Dream On L186 LF Kandy Kisses Kenco Aspen 122R Meyers Bonus OSR Aspen Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 6-10 to 8-1-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 9 -0.3 36 62 7 3 22 15 Carcass: -1.0 .03 .24 .02 .07 API 109 TI 68 Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company Here is one of my favorites. This cow is as broody and deep as you will find one. She goes back to Kenco’s Aspen cow and Dream Doctor, who is a Kandy Kisses son. She has really balanced EPDs and great phenotype.


6 CE -0.1 BW 30 WW 53 YW 7 MCE 3 MM MWW 18 19 Stay -6.2 CW .00 YG .30 Marb .03 BF .15 REA 115 API 66 TI

GLF Miss Emblazon 8R



Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


ASA#2340943 Tattoo: 8R BD: 2-5-05 Adj. BW: 79

* O C C Emblazon 854E CE D H D Traveler 6807 -0.8 BW Dixie Erica of C H 1019 30 MV Miss Broderick 508E WW GW Broderick 618Z 54 YW MV Miss Jet Black 125A * MCE -3 Here she is, the female that when it comes down to sale day, we MM 12 wished we had flushed multiple times.This OCC Emblazon cow MWW * has the power, shape, structure and body size it takes to be Stay -6.9 economically efficient in today’s time. 8R posts a BR of 4@99. CW .16 Bred A.I. to calve to Rendition middle of March, the possibilities YG .17 on this mating are endless. Our most stunning Renditions are Marb .06 out of halfblood females. BF -.11 REA 102 32A: Black Brockle Face Dbl. Pld 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull API 61 Tattoo: 8RY BD: 3-12-11 BW: 75 TI Sire: GWS Rendition


ASA#2282702 Tattoo: RH94 Adj. BW: 88

7 CE 0.9 BW 27 WW 54 YW 2 MCE 3 MM 17 MWW 15 Stay -3.6 CW .03 YG .07 Marb .00 BF -.15 REA 93 API 58 TI

STF Constillation 405N HF Ms Baldy NH94

Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company Ruby R54 is a complete made Meyer female and her mother is Akers Ruby 2184 the great Ruby cow who has produced National Champions. R54 is very nice Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 5-20 to 8-1-10 fronted, milks great and displays Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * 0.9 36 65 * -2 16 * excellent phenotype. Check this Carcass: 2.7 .08 .28 .03 -.01 API 106 TI 67 female out on sale day. You will not be disappointed.


Mr Black GX 6W Miss GX 728R Twin Valley Precision E161 Thomas Ruby 9534

ASA#2305818 Tattoo: R14 BD: 4-11-05 Adj. BW: 85

STF Constillation 405N Moco Miss Tailor L14

STF Montana Black KF25 STF Leona L260 Moco Blackcat 302 RC Ms Tailor

This black white face female is one that has produced some of our most sought after seedstock. Her first daughter weaned off one the heaviest fall bull calves, and she earned her place in the Owen Brothers’ Donor pen.

35A: Black White Face Dbl. Pld Purebred Bull Tattoo: R14Y BD: 3-8-11 BW: 71 Sire: GWS Rendition


36 Epds

6 CE 0.1 BW 25 WW 49 YW 1 MCE 2 MM MWW 14 16 Stay -7.7 CW -.05 YG .05 Marb .00 BF .07 REA 93 API 57 TI



ASA#2332995 Tattoo: R54 BD: 9-14-05 Adj. BW: 86 ET Adj. WW: 625

OBCC Miss R14 Black Baldy Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

STF Montana Black KF25 STF Leona L260 HHSF & Hilltop Too Red HHSF Miss Done Right H94

33A: Black White Face Dbl. Pld Purebred Bull Tattoo: RH9Y BD: 3-12-11 BW: 79 Sire: Flying B Cut Above

SC/RS&T Myers Ruby R54 34 Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female


BD: 2-24-05

This baldy faced cow is one to make sure you don’t overlook. Her granddaughter will be a highlight lot on sale day as lot #6. She holds BR of 4@97.


Meyer Ranch 734


OBCC Whiskey Woman RH94 Black Baldy Dbl. Polled Purebred Female


* 2.1 28 59 * -7 7 * 1.1 .10 .37 .04 .01 93 59

Akers Ruby 2184 - dam

535R Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2323956 Tattoo: 535R BD: 9-11-05 Adj. BW: 84


7 CE STF Constillation 405N STF Montana Black KF25 2.0 BW STF Leona L260 34 WW Westfall Ms Jetfuel 535M Westfall Jet Fuel 106K 65 YW Westfall Lady 475J 1 MCE 2 MM This Constillation daughter gives her all calf after calf. We MWW 20 owned her dam with Steve Fischer (MO). He later purchased 14 Stay 100% of this female. She has a powerful halfblood bull calf at her CW 4.6 side sired by Duff Special Edition. .07 YG .12 Marb 36A: Black Dbl. Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull .02 BF Tattoo: 535Y BD: 3-3-11 BW: 78 -.01 REA Sire: Duff Special Edition 811 94 API 62 TI

Page 13

Double R Rhythm P165 Black Polled Purebred Female



Drake Rhythm - dam


Ms Positive P43 38 J&C Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2234989 Tattoo: P43 Adj. BW: 84









PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Eblen Cow EL43

BD: 2-7-04

Epds 4


10 CE 1.9 BW ASA#2239922 Tattoo: P165 BD: 3-15-04 29 WW Adj. BW: 83 ET Adj. WW: 606 53 YW WLE Power Stroke Burns Bull X339U Guest Breeder: Double R 3 MCE Cattle Company Here is a Nichols Joliette C75 0 MM really nice Power Stroke out Drake Rhythm G&L Avalanche 149F MWW 14 of our Drake Rhythm cow. Drake Liberty 22 Stay P165 is really big boned, -2.8 Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 6-1 to 8-1-10 nice fronted and sound. Her CW .00 YG Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 11 0.8 36 63 5 2 20 17 mother, Drake Rhythm, has Marb .16 Carcass: 0.7 .03 .17 .01 -.03 API 110 TI 65 produced some great ones, .00 BF including Double R She’s REA -.03 The One, who has produced numerous show winners and high-sellers for Ruby 116 API Cattle Company. P165 will have a calf by WLE Fusion, which should be an 60 TI excellent mating.

Harts Black Casino B408 PVF-BF Mabelle C131 ES Bull EH45 ES Kelly Kim EJ17

Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 6-1 to 8-1-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 8 0.3 32 59 3 7 23 19 Carcass: -2.2 -.01 .07 .02 .10 API 103 TI 61


-8.5 -.06 -.05 .02 .22 102 52

Angus Spring Pairs

Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company Here is a really nice Joker female that earned her keep. P43 is a broody type of female who is stout made and milks well. She is bred to WLE Fusion, a Built Right son out of Wesner’s great Shawnee Miss 770P cow.

Thomas Lucy 4765 Purebred Angus Female



AAA#14719238 Tattoo: 4765







BD: 2-25-04 $W






+8 +2.9 +49 +97 G A R Grid Maker

+11 +12 +5.81 +15 +.21 +.40 G D A R Traveler 044 G A R Precision 2536 Thomas Lucy 1275 Twin Valley Precision E161 Thomas Lucy 8284

+.027 +19.34 +36.62 +19.28 +14.24 +5.04 +44.17 What an opportunity to purchase an own daughter of the growth sire Grid Maker that stems from the Thomas Lucy family that needs no introduction; in her short life at Owen Brothers, we have retained every female she has produced. 4765 records a personal REA ratio of 105 and ranks in the top 15% of the current dams or better for WW, YW, docility, CEM, REA and $F. With all that performance, she still ranks in the top 20% of the breed for CED. Take notice of her Soo Line Motive heifer calf, this will be one of the first opportunities to purchase his offspring. 39A: PB Angus Heifer BD: 2-4-11 Sire: Soo Line Motive Tattoo: 476Y BW: 65

SydGen Royal Queen 4189 Purebred Angus Female



AAA#14664745 Tattoo: 4189







BD: 1-29-04 $W






+10 +1.2 +35 +66 +13 +21 +7.76 +14 +.40 -.14 +.004 SydGen Sterling 0298 Twin Valley Precision E161 S A F Estelle 4130 S A F Royal Queen 5084 Bon View Bando 598 S A F Royal Queen 9022

+25.09 +11.82 +21.77 +21.25 +.52 +41.00 4189 transcends from the A.I. sire producer SAF Royal Queen 5084, 5084 is the dam of the $50,000 SAF Connection, as well as SAF Strategy 9015 and SAF Directive to name a few. 4189 posts a BR of 4@93, WR of 5@105 and REA ratio of 1@101. 4189 ranks in the top 5% of current dams for CED and CEM and top 25% for docility. Pay close attention to her calving ease son that sells as lot #86. She sells with a Smooth Move purebred Angus heifer calf at side.

SAF Royal Queen 5084 - dam

40A: PB Angus Heifer

Galaxy Wendy 2145 41 Purebred Angus Lot

AAA#15336776 Tattoo: 2145





I+5 I+3.1 I+53 I+99 I+8 I+19 +1.65



Page 14

BD: 2-7-11 Sire: Styles RMH Smooth Move J121 Tattoo: 418Y BW: 74

G A R Grid Maker Leachman Wendy J3027

BD: 9-6-05

G D A R Traveler 044 G A R Precision 2536 Bon View New Design 1407 Leachman Sunset D3205

Pasture Sire: WLE Fusion S770 Dates: 6-1 to 8-1-10

Guest Breeder: Double R Cattle Company Here is a really nice Grid Maker that goes back to Leachmans Wendy cow. 2145 is really +.61 -.004 +25.92 +37.08 +30.23 +19.22 +11.01 +53.15 complete made, and she is nice fronted and excellent profiling. Her mating to WLE Fusion should produce an excellent halfblood calf. RE










Summitcrest Elite 154N Purebred Angus Female Epds AAA#14427723



Tattoo: 154N Marb



BD: 2-11-03 $W






+2 +1.0 +35 62 +7 +15 +13.89 +6 +.62 +.17 +.00 +24.40 +8.20 +34.54 +27.72 +6.82 +46.27 Summitcrest High Prime 0H29 Gardens Prime Time 154N is the most maternal Summitcrest Missie 2F55 female we have ever owned. Summitcrest Elite 035E N Bar Emulation EXT She even had a calving Summitcrest Elite 054P interval of 11 months in 2008. She posts some impressive ratios - BR 5@95, YR 3@103, IMF ratio 3@107 and REA ratio 3@130. This is an elegant fronted female that is straight in her lines, and her black white face heifer calf is one that will stop you in your tracks.

42A: Black Baldy Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Heifer BD: 2-13-11 Sire: DJ Salution Tattoo: 154Y BW: 69


EXG Burgess M079 Limestone Purebred Angus Female

43 Epds

ASA#14147793 Tattoo: M079 CW



+10 +0.5 +45 +74



+.21 +.008 +31.48 +15.62 +35.83 +30.90 +4.93 +55.61

+13 +28 -1.56

Bon View New Design 1407


BD: 1-25-02








B/R New Design 036 Bon View Pride 664 N Bar Emulation EXT Partisover Burgess 654

Here is the chance to purchase a female that stems from the Partisover Burgess 947 Partisover Burgess family. This female is one to grab your attention, but is explosive on paper. She records a BR 5@98, WR 5@101, YR 4@102 and an IMF ratio 5@100. Her individual ratios in a large group of contemporaries in the Limestone Angus herd are as follows: WR of 112, REA of 103 and an impressive IMF ratio of 150! M079 ranks in the top 10% of all current dams for CED, CEM, Milk and Marbling. She sells with a DJ Salution halfblood heifer calf at side.

43A: Black Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Heifer BD: 2-23-11 Sire: DJ Salution Tattoo: M074Y BW: 60



EXG Limestone Lantana M088 Purebred Angus Female AAA#14168705 Tattoo: M088







BD: 1-22-02 $W






+7 +1.4 +40 +75 +8 +28 -1.95 +9 +.59 +.51 +.013 +26.60 +18.38 +35.89 +26.96 +8.93 +52.04 Bon View New Design 1407 B/R New Design 036 All you have to do is read this Bon View Pride 664 female’s pedigree to see she is R&R Barbara 820 015 Connealy Dateline a maternal machine and Miss Lantana Barbara 820 possesses the carcass qualities of her sire 1407, ranking in the top 2% of the active dams for REA and top 10% for marbling. M088 records a WR of 6@106, IMF ratio of 1@100 and REA ratio of 1@100. Please take note of this impressive female on sale day.

44A: Black Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Heifer

BD: 3-13-11 Sire: DJ Salution Tattoo: M08Y

Lyons Queen 2179 AK



Purebred Angus Female AAA#14490952 Tattoo: 2179







BD: 1-26-02 $W






+9 -0.4 +34 +63 +7 Rito 6I6 of 4B20 6807

+16 +12.64 +14 +.27 +.29 -.012 +24.94 +9.45 +24.64 +16.64 +8.00 +43.41 D H D Traveler 6807 This purebred Angus female has all Rita 4B20 of 0FB1 Bando the look you could ask for sired by Lyons Queen 5115 AK V D A R New Trend 559 the great female maker 6I6. A A L Queen Glenda 0124 daughter of 2179 is a highlight of our spring yearling Angus females. She records a WR of 4@103 and REA ratio of 3@102. She sells with a DJ Salution halfblood heifer calf at her side.

45A: Black Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Heifer BD: 2-13-11 Sire: DJ Salution Tattoo: 217Y BW: 63

Page 15


Heathcote Peg 122L Purebred Angus Female


AAA#14405854 Tattoo: 122L




+1.4 +34 +64





+15 +13.39 I+5


I-.06 I-.006 +22.76 +10.35 +17.62 +12.90 +4.72 +28.73

D H D Traveler 6807


BD: 10-17-02 $W






Q A S Traveler 23-4 Bemindful Maid D H D 0807 N Bar Emulation EXT Harmony Hill Peg 013

Heathcote Peg 120D

122L stems from two of the most sought after bulls in the Angus breed – especially when you combine them together, 6807 and EXT. Here is a deep sided 6807 female that has a black motley faced heifer calf on her side.

46A: Black Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Heifer

BD: 2-22-11 Sire: DJ Salution

Tattoo: 122Y BW: 71

Angus Fall Calving Cows Lot


FoxCross Miss Primrose 5056 Purebred Angus Female AAA#15117355 Tattoo: 5056



+4 +2.9 +49 +93


+28 -6.73

BD: 3-9-05 CW





+.45 +.041 +25.24 +32.55 +21.06 +21.25 -.19 +55.41

S A F 598 Bando 5175 Three Trees Primrose 1190 Three Trees Primrose 1190 - dam








Bon View Bando 598 S A F Royal Lass 1002 J L B Exacto 416 V A R Primrose 9006

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-28-10 Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11

Limestone Darkhorse - calf sire

This 5175 daughter is an impressive Angus cow in person. She is powerful, yet attractive and has an awesome udder. 5056 earned an individual ultrasound REA ratio of 120 which ranks in the top 4% among current dams. Her dam is the $38,000 Three Trees Primrose 1190 and a grand dam who is the $200,000 valued VAR Primrose 9006, and the third dam is none other than the N Bar Primrose 2424, who sold for $100,000 at 17 1/2 years of age. She ranks in the top 10% of the breed for Milk, CW, RE, $F and YW and top 25% for WW and $B.

47A: PB Angus Heifer

BD: 9-1-10 Sire: Limestone Darkhorse Tattoo: 505X BW: 73 505X is a stylish Angus heifer calf that has a lot of future ahead of her. She will be halter broke and ready to go.

VAR Primrose 9006 - grandam

JACS Lass 6070 Purebred Angus Female



AAA#15389487 Tattoo: 6070

BD: 2-3-06

Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11


Here is a big bellied, sound, perfect uddered Right Time x 598 CW Marb RE Fat $W $F $G $QG $YG $B cow. She records a WR of 1@103. Sells with a December bull calf I+5 I+22 +4.93 I+13 I+.22 I-.09 I+.002 +24.97 +14.28 +16.34 +14.59 +1.75 +35.16 at side sired by Rendition T310. BT Right Time 24J Leachman Right Time 48A: OBCC Rendition 607X Black Brockle Dbl. Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Sitz Everelda Entense 1905 BD: 12-1-10 Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition Tattoo: 607X BW: 75 Jacs Miss Lass 1208 Bon View Bando 598 EPDs: * -0.5 29 58 * 4 19 * Carcass: -3.8 .09 .22 .05 .05 API 100 TI 60 Rmar Miss Lass 611 Black brockle faced bull calf that has a nice angular pattern. CED BW WW YW CEM Milk $EN

I+5 I+2.7 I+41 I+71

Lot Miss Pride 5139 49 WGL Purebred Angus Female Epds

AAA#15319801 Tattoo: 5139



+2.7 +51 +93




+22 -1.77 +25.39 +31.77

49A: OBCC Miss Pride 513X

BD: 10-15-05

Boyd New Day 8005 WGL Miss Pride Ever 179

A A R New Trend S V F Forever Lady 57D Bon View Emulation Ext 473 W C C Miss Pride Ever 395

Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11 This is a massive Boyd New Day cow that will catch your eye when you get here sale day. She was a competitive show heifer for the Weigland family. She ranks in the top 10% of the current dams for WW, YW and $F.

Black Dbl. Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female BD: 11-2-10 Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition Tattoo: 513X BW: 63 EPDs: • -0.9 30 63 * 4 19 * Carcass: -1.1 .06 .15 .05 .18 API 100 TI 60 Solid black November halfblood heifer calf, this young female has maternal written all over her. Juniors, here is one for a different division at the shows this summer.

Page 16

Fall Calving Bred Females


Ranch Hand 9120W of 6338 RH Sand 50 MSR MSR 6338S of 3018 D O Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

ASA#2563127 Tattoo: 9210W Adj. BW: 74 Adj. WW: 501

Wheatland Bull 131L Sand Lucky Charmer CNS Dream On L186 MSR 3018N of 1009L Break

BD: 9-16-09

A.I. Sire: Dikemans Sure Bet Date: 11-24-10 Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW YG Marb BF REA API TI Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -4.1 21 52 * 4 15 * 12 -3.3 20 43 7 5 15 18 -16.2 -.14 .21 .00 .28 117 63 Carcass: -11.9 .11 .50 .05 -.10 API 128 TI 70 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Here is a really nice moderate framed Ranch Hand daughter. Her pedigree reads like a “Who’s Who” of the Simmental breed. Her Dream On sired dam is super-uddered and goes back to the 3018N female that is now a donor for the Gocke & Mach Simmental programs in NE.




MSR 9236W of 5521RH Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2563085 Tattoo: 9236W Adj. BW: 103 Adj. WW: 573

Springcreek Blk Tank 66T MSR 5521R of 2094M Choc

BD: 10-11-09

Springcreek Tank 63P LRS Ms Pedro 140L RIV Black Choctaw 866H MSR 2094M of J1018 Drive

A.I. Sire: S A V Final Answer 0035 Date: 11-24-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -1.7 35 69 * 2 19 * Carcass: 1.3 .17 .40 .08 .11 API 118 TI 71 Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11

MSR 5521R of 2094M Choc - dam


8 CE 3.2 BW 29 WW 52 YW 1 MCE 2 MM MWW 16 23 Stay -1.8 CW .01 YG .13 Marb .01 BF .07 REA 107 API 56 TI

Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch The natural daughter of MSR 5521R, the $5000 donor in the 2010 Diamonds and Spurs Sale that sold to Deon Gocke, NE. This heifer is also the granddaughter of the 2094M donor that sold for $10,000 in the first Diamonds and Spurs Sale in 2009. 9236W is a really nice-patterned daughter sired by our Canadian herd sire, Springcreek Black Tank 66T. She’s bred to have a stand-up half-blood calf.



MSR 9242W of S65 Image Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2563095 Tattoo: 9242W BD: 10-24-09 Adj. BW: 95 Adj. WW: 765

Clines Prime Image 7.16 Mallett Lady Luck S65

Nichols Legacy G151 Clines 315N of 915 119L RAB Lucky Buck K516 Mallett G734

A.I. Sire: Dikemans Sure Bet Date: 11-23-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 12 -0.2 41 71 6 1 21 * Carcass: 4.5 .08 .49 .03 .09 API 126 TI 78 Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Phenotypically one of the nicest females in the sale. Out of the high marbling Cline’s Prime Image 7.16 sire and a Lucky Buck daughter we purchased from Mike Mallett, TX. She was the #1 weaning female in our 2009 calf crop. What a set of numbers she has, and her calf by Sure Bet will have even better ones!




9 CE 1.9 BW 41 WW 74 YW 3 MCE 3 MM MWW 23 * Stay 9.6 CW .18 YG .38 Marb .02 BF REA -.25 107 API 70 TI

MSR 9334W of 2094 Gam Black Baldy Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2563261 Tattoo: 9334W BD: 9-21-09 Adj. BW: 92 ET Adj. WW: 578



MSR 9301W of 5549 RT Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2563156 Tattoo: 9301W BD: 9-12-09 Adj. BW: 86 Adj. WW: 455


CE BW Springcreek Red Tank 57P Springcreek Tank 57P WW BDV Amanda L43 YW MSR 5549R of 0053K 500 SRS Fortune 500 MCE MSR 0053K of 515E Arap MM A.I. Sire: Dikemans Sure Bet Date: 11-24-10 MWW Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 12 -0.4 37 62 4 -1 17 22 Stay Carcass: -1.4 .05 .39 .04 .15 API 135 TI 72 CW Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 YG Marb Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Deep and soggy. This BF heifer has brood cow written all over her. She is homozygous REA polled and goes back to one of our strongest cow families. Bred API to have a black homozygous polled Sure Bet baby. TI

8 1.5 33 56 -1 -1 15 20 -2.1 .13 .18 .04 -.12 109 61


7 CE 1.4 BW 34 WW 65 YW 7 MCE TJ 57J The Gambler Harts Black Casino B408 0 MM TJ Nellie 56C 17 MWW MSR 2094M of J1018 Drive HC Power Drive 88H 25 Stay J1018 3.5 CW -.06 YG A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-22-10 .22 Marb Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 .03 BF Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -1.8 28 63 * 2 16 * .45 REA Carcass: -2.1 .15 .50 .06 -.02 API 118 TI 70 124 API Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Homozygous black and 66 TI homozygous polled. This blaze-faced Gambler daughter is out of our $10,000 donor 2094M. 9334W and her full sister, lot #55, have a powerful set of numbers. Their 6 full brothers averaged $3100 in our November 2010 bull sale.

Page 17

MSR 2094M of J1018 Drive - dam

MSR 9336W of 2094 Gam Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2563262 Tattoo: 9336W Adj. BW: 86 ET Adj. WW: 553 TJ 57J The Gambler MSR 2094M of J1018 Drive

BD: 9-23-09

Harts Black Casino B408 TJ Nellie 56C HC Power Drive 88H J1018

A.I. Sire: Ellingson Legacy M229 Date: 11-21-10 Pasture Sire: Mission In Focus H28 Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -1.8 28 63 * 2 16 * Carcass: -2.1 .15 .50 .06 -.02 API 118 TI 70 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Homozygous black and homozygous polled, blaze-faced. Full sib to lot #54. These females are hard to part with. We feel they have a world of potential in the Simmental breed.

MSR 9718W of 7707 Comb Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2563205 Tattoo: 9718W BD: 9-9-09 Adj. BW: 97 Adj. WW: 596 GLS Combination R2 MSR 7707 of 5816 Rev

B/R New Frontier 095 GLS Hostess H16 UI Revelation P166 MSR 5816R of 2061 RP

A.I. Sire: Bar CK Mr Meat MKR 209T Date: 11-23-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -0.8 38 83 * 4 23 * Carcass: 11.3 .12 .49 .05 .16 API 119 TI 74 Pasture Sire: MSR Black Pattern 9760W Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Homozygous polled blaze-faced daughter of the proven GLS Combination bull. What a set of EPDs! She is bred to the half-blood Genex bull Meat Maker. The 11 head of Combination bulls in our November 2010 bull sale averaged $3355. Don’t miss her!

MSR 1004L 7023G 500 - grandam

MSR 9728W of 5801 Comb Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2563094 Tattoo: 9728W BD: 9-14-09 Adj. BW: 82 Adj. WW: 613 GLS Combination R2

B/R New Frontier 095 GLS Hostess H16 RAB-EGL Blue Moon 4407M MSR 1004L 7023G 500


55 Epds

7 CE 1.4 BW 34 WW 65 YW 7 MCE 0 MM 17 MWW 25 Stay 3.5 CW -.06 YG .22 Marb .03 BF .45 REA 124 API 66 TI


56 Epds



57 Epds

CE BW MSR 5801R of 1004L Moon WW YW MCE A.I. Sire: PVF-J 4P14 Hyb Rookie Date: 11-23-10 MM Pasture Sire: MSR Black Pattern 9760W Dates: 12-7-10 to 2-1-11 MWW Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -2.0 36 77 * 8 26 * Stay Carcass: 6.0 .12 .39 .05 .10 API 121 TI 73 CW YG Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Homozygous polled. Marb Homozygous black status will be posted on our Moser Ranch BF Facebook page as soon as we receive it. Here is a female that is hard REA to sell. 9728W is out of one of our new donors, 5801R- a Blue Moon x Fortune 500 x Bold Future female. She is phenotypically superior. API TI


9781W of 772 FP 58 MSR Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2563078 Tattoo: 9781W BD: 10-21-09 Adj. BW: 80 Adj. WW: 606

MSR Full Power 5597R Moser 773 of 067 Grid

* 0.3 33 80 * 2 18 * 11.6 .11 .43 .05 .19 107 68

* -2.1 34 78 * 6 23 * 6.3 .05 .56 .04 .26 128 77

HC Power Drive 88H MSR 038K of 7007 FF G A R Grid Maker Moser 067 of 221 5204

A.I. Sire: GW Premium Beef 021TS Date: 12-9-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -2.7 30 71 * 5 20 * CE BW WW YW MCE MM MWW Stay CW YG Marb BF REA API TI Carcass: 1.4 .14 .56 .07 .15 API 127 TI 75 * -2.0 35 68 * 0 18 * 0.4 .14 .29 .07 .12 115 70 Pasture Sire: MSR Black Pattern 9760W Dates: 12-16-10 to 2-1-11 Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch Homozygous black and homozygous polled. Out of the MSR Full Power 5597R bull that we sold to Hanel’s Black Simmentals, Courtland, KS, in 2006 for $5000, and thought enough of him to purchase him back from them last summer to keep using as a clean-up bull in our herd. The 6 Full Power bulls in our November 2010 sale averaged $3233. She is bred to have a half-blood calf by the ABS sire GW Premium Beef.


Page 18


9826W of 2094 1961 59 MSR Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female ASA#2563238 Tattoo: 9826W Adj. BW: 90 ET Adj. WW: 542

A.I. Sire: GW Premium Beef 021TS Date: 12-9-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * -1.7 28 71 * 6 20 * Carcass: 3.4 .19 .60 .07 .02 API 122 TI 72 Pasture Sire: MSR Black Pattern 9760W Dates: 12-16-10 to 2-1-11


-0.1 32









Guest Breeder: Moser Simmental Ranch

4.5 .24 .38 .07 -.14 108 67

SC Snow Flake T12 Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2384099 Tattoo: T12 Adj. BW: 95


BD: 2-7-07


GW Mr. Maternal 057D SPC Miss Tailer 47C SC Ms Avalanche N50 G&L Avalanche 149F BH Lady In Red 966J Pasture Sire: STF/HR Dominator W1202 Dates: 12-20-10 to 1-24-11 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 7 2.2 33 58 -1 3 20 20 Carcass: -0.1 .02 .12 .01 .02 API 103 TI 60 Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC Snowflake is a one of a kind winter born female. She is a standout daughter of Mr MT and our Avalanche N50 cow that goes back to Lady In Red 966J. 966J topped the American Royal Sale in 2006. Snowflake has all the eye appeal to be in the front pasture, plus this fall when she calves you will hit the jackpot when you see her beautiful, well balanced udder. Her calf last year by SC Brigadier sold to Trevor Lawton (IA) and will be out showing this year.



SS Barbra S86 Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2341808 Tattoo: S86 Adj. BW: 88 ET

LSS Thumper KG46

BD: 1-16-06

Pasture Sire: STF/HR Dominator W1202 Dates: 12-20-10 to 1-24-11 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 5 2.0 35 64 1 0 18 21 Carcass: 3.3 .01 .08 .01 .09 API 103 TI 60

Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC Barbra is a full sib to STF Bambi, the many time Champion for Whispering Hills (TX). Just like her full sister, she has lots of body and eye appeal. Here is an opportunity to pick up a popular pedigree that’s bred back to Dominator for a fall calf.



SC Cinnamon S45 Red Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

SSS SCF Cinamon CEZ 003G

Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Lchmn Redeyed Jack 7006D CEZS Black Mindy

Pasture Sire: STF/HR Dominator W1202 Dates: 12-20-10 to 1-24-11 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 5 2.0 35 64 1 0 18 21 Carcass: 3.3 .01 .08 .01 .09 API 103 TI 60 Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC If you are looking for a big volume, easy keeping red female, take a good look at S45. She is a daughter out of the Gonsior donor 003G and the ever so popular Dream On. She is bred to our new herd bull STF HF Dominator W1202, who was a member of the 2010 Denver Champion Pen of Three Purebred Bulls. This mating should be one worth waiting for.

OBCC Miss 22T Black Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Female


63 Epds

ASA#2384491 Tattoo: 22T Adj. BW: 100









12.4 .10 .29 .03 .08

Dominator - A.I. sire

3 CE 2.4 BW 38 WW 70 YW 1 MCE -2 MM 17 MWW 24 Stay 8.0 CW .00 YG Marb -.01 .01 BF .17 REA 104 API 60 TI


11 CE -1.6 BW 25 WW 45 YW 7 MCE 0 MM 13 MWW 18 Stay -13.2 CW -.07 YG .16 Marb .02 BF .21 REA 112 API 62 TI

STF Affirmed P44R Forever Good

BD: 2-10-07



8 2.8 34 58 -3 5 22 20 1.3 .02 .07 .01 .03 104 59


ASA#2391708 Tattoo: S45 BD: 9-3-06 Adj. BW: 87 ET Adj. WW: 625 Adj. YW: 903

CNS Dream On L186



STF Too Red G64 LSS Black Pearl PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker LRS Ms Zinger 508C

STF Jokers Wild L508

MSR 2094M of J1018 Drive

S A F 598 Bando 5175 J K S Miss Cheyenne 196 HC Power Drive 88H J1018

BD: 9-14-09

Epds *

H S A F Bando 1961



SSS SCF Cinamon - dam

LSS Thumper KG46 STF Dumplin 444M B V F Sky Traveler 2009 CPR Forever Love

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 12-21-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * 3.5 40 69 * 2 22 * Carcass: 8.2 .01 .14 .03 .26 API 89 TI 60 Pasture Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Dates: 12-22-10 to 2-15-11

Black Dbl. Pld 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 CS Bull BD: 9-2-11 Sire: Sandeens SOS Tattoo: 22TX BW: 61

EPDs: * 1.7 18 39 * 6 14 * Carcass: -11.4 .04 .31 .03 -.04 API 84 TI 48

Here is opportunity to purchase a four year old STF Affirmed daughter. She is a solid black 6.5 frame female. 22T ranks in the top 15% of the breed or better for WW and YW and top 25% for MWW and REA. Mother sells as lot #67 and records a BR of 4@94.

Page 19


Miss Corrector 33R 64 STF Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2321354 BS Mr Corrector 9111J STF Leona L260


OBCC Miss R120 Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2317978 Tattoo: R120 BD: 4-2-05 Adj. BW: 87

STF Constillation 405N BDV Charlotte M120

STF Montana Black KF25 STF Leona L260 KF Paragon JG3 Miss XL A120

Solid black purebred Simmental cow that produced a $3000 Emblazon daughter in our 2009 sale. We retained an OCC Legend heifer for our replacements, making it possible for us to part with this great female! Mother is a black baldy cow that stems from Beggar’s Diamond V and posts a BW ratio of 4@96.

BS Mr Corrector 1110J KS Miss First Star 7G STF Mr Momentum H508 STF Raging Angel


6 CE 2.2 BW 28 WW 56 YW 3 MCE 8 MM MWW 22 15 Stay -0.9 CW .04 YG Marb .09 .02 BF .02 REA 90 API 57 TI

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-28-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 6 2.1 35 61 2 5 23 18 Carcass: 1.5 -.02 .04 .02 .23 API 95 TI 59 Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11

Black Dbl. Pld 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull BD: 9-3-10 BW: 83 Sire: LaGrand MAF Antidotes 5775 EPDs: * 0.7 22 55 * 5 16 * Carcass: -3.1 .09 .37 .02 -.11 API 94 TI 56 Antidote is a calf that will show you just what his mother can produce. This calving ease herd sire will impress you on sale day in terms of meat and mass.





ASA#2380001 Tattoo: 44R BD: 2-21-05 Adj. BW: 72

CPR Forever Love

COTT Lisle 117L

Forever Yours is a Crossfire daughter that is a never miss. Last year the top selling fall purebred heifer calf was her daughter going to Premier Beef in TX. We have a Voyager daughter in production that is doing an awesome job. Forever Yours proves she knows how to raise a calf recording BR of 4@96 and WR of 4@116.

RS&T Minis Red Soldier GCF Lollipop

6 2.2 33 58 -1 9 25 16 0.3 .07 .04 .03 .02 92 59

Black Baldy Dbl. Pld Purebred Bull BD: 9-2-10 BW: 82 Sire: DJ Salution S502 EPDs: 8 1.4 34 57 1 2 19 17 Carcass: -1.6 .05 .03 .02 .02 API 95 TI 59 This black white face bull will make a great breeding piece and even show if any juniors like to exhibit bull calves. Take note of this young sire, he stems from a great cow family!

Tattoo: R22

BD: 3-3-05 Adj. BW: 82

GDAR SVF Traveler 234D Clearwater Queen J294 CPR Mr Vader F1356 CPR Miss Raven Z135

Here is the opportunity to purchase a young black white face female that has left a big impact on this herd! A son sells as lot #82 and a daughter as lot #63. Her 2009 daughter by DJ Salution is a standout in the two years and will probably make her way to the donor pen in the future! She is a maternal sister to the $7100 CPR Ms N101 who sold to Harker’s Simmental in the 2009 production sale.

BD: 9-4-05 Adj. BW: 77

Clear Water Justice K2 J&C Ms Mini Maid GW High Light 033H Zeis Blk Powder C93

Pasture Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Dates: 12-20 to 2-15-11 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 4 2.6 40 67 2 2 22 17 Carcass: 5.5 -.01 .09 .03 .26 API 95 TI 62


* CE 0.9 BW 24 WW 51 YW * MCE 2 MM MWW 14 * Stay -5.3 CW .09 YG .26 Marb .03 BF -.11 REA 93 API 56 TI


RS&T Red Raven 72R Red Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2304267 Tattoo: 72R



66A: OBCC Salution 44RX

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-27-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: * 1.4 33 59 * 2 19 * Carcass: -0.7 .01 .13 .03 .17 API 96 TI 60 Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11

CPR Ms N101 - maternal sister

WAR Nitro Drake Summer Sister PVF-BF BF26 Black Joker Cottonwood Cow 332G

Forever Good Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Female

B V F Sky Traveler 2009

Page 20

Forever Yours Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

Westfall Crossfire 639L



Here is an own daughter of the STF Leona L260 cow. She posts a BR of 4@92! We have retained a halfblood female that had a large fan base during the South Central Regional Judging Contest last year as a bred but she has big shoes to fill if she tries to outdo what her dam has accomplished!

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-28-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 6 2.1 35 61 2 5 23 18 Carcass: 1.5 -.02 .04 .02 .23 API 95 TI 59 Pasture Sire: GWS Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11

65A: OBCC Antidote R12X


BD: 2-4-05 Adj. BW: 75 ET

A.I. Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Date: 11-18-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 7 2.5 37 60 2 1 20 21 Carcass: 1.6 -.06 .00 .02 .31 API 100 TI 59 Pasture Sire: GWS/SCF Rendition T310 Dates: 12-15-10 to 2-15-11

STF Leona L260 - dam of Lot 64 and grandam of Lot 65


Tattoo: 33R


8 CE 3.1 BW 32 WW 54 YW 3 MCE 0 MM 17 MWW 20 Stay -0.7 CW -.03 YG .01 Marb .01 BF .17 REA 99 API 57 TI

This young red female has done all we could ask of her. We purchased her out of the Head of the Class Sale. We have a 3 year old daughter in production that is a production machine. We sold a Red Angus halfblood bull in 2009 at Moser’s that was well received and then last year her Red Angus halfblood heifer was one of the top fall opens selling to Nicholas Andrews. She will sell without a calf at side. She lost her calf this fall from natural causes.


2 3.2 38 67 3 1 20 13 7.1 .07 .18 .03 .08 89 63


Kenco/MF Powerline 204L

Red Lace 69 OBCC Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female

SC Ms Avalanche N52

ASA#2323957 Tattoo: R52 BD: 9-21-05 Adj. BW: 91













14.9 -.02 -.01 .02 .42


ASA#2233073 Tattoo: N59 Adj. BW: 84 Adj. WW: 555

Circle S Leachman 600U GFI Ruby K020


BD: 3-27-03

Landridge Jet Black BDV R52 Ms Blk Knight BS Mr Arapahoe 811A HF/GFI Ruby Red 33E

Guest Breeder: Shoal Creek Land & Cattle LLC A.I. Sire: SC Brigade W58 Date: 11-28-10 Est. Plan Mating EPDs: 9 0.9 36 61 3 5 23 Carcass: 0.1 .01 .22 .02 .09 API 122 TI 66 Pasture Sire: STF/HR Dominator W1202 Dates: 12-16-10 to 1-24-11

Here is a 600U daughter that has done a great job for us at Shoal Creek. Her mother and grandmother were two of the most powerful red females in the Simmental breed and left a mark of profitability in every program they worked for. You can’t go wrong with a cow family like this! It’s time tested and money making.

SC Wolfcreek 71 Gypsy Queen Lot






8 1.4 38 65 1 5 24 25 2.9 .00 .19 .01 .12 124 67

SC Wolfcreek Gypsy




GFI Magnum K52

Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female ASA#2260460 Tattoo: C46P BD: 9-8-04 Adj. BW: 78



69A: Black Dbl. Pld PB Bull

GFI Ruby N59 Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Female



Guest Breeder: Golden Oak Simmentals Red Lace is a solid red six year old female that has a massively constructed bull calf at her side. She posts a WR of 1@102 and ranks in the top 20% of the breed for WW, milk and MWW. Look this female up, she traces back to the Owen Bros. past donor Shoal Creek N52. BD: 10-2-10 Sire: TNT Top Gun R244 EPDs: 8 2.5 43 82 4 2 24 16 Carcass: 15.1 .06 -.04 .03 .23 API 93 TI 62

A.I. Sire: Red Ceasar Date: 12-10-10 Pasture Sire: Golden Oak WT13 Dates: 1-15 to 2-26-11


HC Power Drive 88H SAFN Glamour 11J G&L Avalanche 149F BH Lady In Red 966J

GFI Ruby K020 - dam

Ellingson Black Perfector RIV Blk Josie 43B 755G GW Lucky Dice 187H Wolf Creek Gala

Guest Breeder: Golden Oak Simmentals Gypsy Queen ranks in the top 20% of the breed for WW and YW, posting a WR of 4@100. This seven year old female has a nice looking bull calf sired by RC Club King! TI

6.3 .07 .19 .02 .02 106 65

71A: Black Dbl. Pld PB Bull

BD: 11-19-10 Sire: RC Club King 040R EPDs: 6 1.3 45 79 6 1 23 18 Carcass: 11.6 .08 .18 .02 .05 API 108 TI 69

A.I. Sire: SS Ebonys Grandmaster Date: 1-13-11 Pasture Sire: Golden Oak WT13 Dates: 1-23 to 2-26-11

Herd Bull Prospects

OBCC Special Reserve C01X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2541831 Tattoo: C01X BD: 2-28-10 Adj. BW: 75

CNS Dream On L186



Nichols Legacy G151 CNS Sheeza Dream K107W Drake Summer Sister G&L Avalanche 149F Drake Liberty Special Reserve as we call him around the farm has prove yet again the Summer Sister cow is a never miss. This baldy bull stems from the same cow family that produced Westfall Crossfire, the Triple Crown Simmental Bull; Westfall Voyager Champion in Kansas City and Fort Worth; Epds 721P, 11 and OBCC Modelo 29NW, last year’s $21,000 CE 0.1 top seller. Not to mention being a full brother BW 33 to the $38,000 Wicked Sister that sold in 2009 WW 55 to Anvil Acres. This individual is one that you YW 8 won’t be able to miss come sale day. He is MCE 5 Sho-Me Select qualified ranking in the top 10% MM 21 of the breed for calving ease, MCE, MWW 17 WBSF and the top 25% of the Stay -4.8 CW -.02 breed for Marbling. His exceptional YG .24 dam posts an average WR of 109 Marb .01 on 79 calves, Here is one of the last BF .08 opportunities to own a son of the REA 112 legendary Drake Summer Sister API 66 D765H. TI Wicked Sister - full sibling

Check out his online video!

Drake Summer Sister - dam

OBCC Modelo 29NW

Page 21


OBCC Jupiter 53MX Black Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull Tattoo: 53MX Epds ASA#2569261 * Adj. BW: 83 CE

73 BD: 2-13-10

OBCC Shear Force 31TX

ASA#2541830 Tattoo: S71X Adj. BW: 86



BD: 2-15-10

-0.9 BW Nichols Legacy G151 32 Hooks Shear Force 38K WW C&D Tracy 61 YW S A V 8180 Traveler 004 * OBCC My Choice 311T MCE Westfall My Choice 311M 7 MM MWW 22 Here is a calving ease herd sire prospect with a neat set of * Stay -2.6 numbers ranking in the top 15% of the breed for MWW and CW .11 the top 25% of the breed for Milk, REA, API and TI. His YG .45 mother is an exceptional four year old halfblood cow sired Marb .06 by Traveler 004; she records a WR of 2@102. His dam’s BF .13 maternal sister was a highlight of the spring pairs last year REA 121 selling to Sanders Ranch, KS. API 72 TI

Page 22


Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull

0.3 BW O C C Jupiter 671J 25 Limestone Jupiter U449 WW Limestone Everelda R187 51 YW Westfall Voyager 721P * OBCC Voyager 535U MCE Westfall Ms Jetfuel 525M 2 MM 15 MWW * 53MX may be the most intriguing bull in the pen. He is stout Stay -6.2 from end to end, moderate in his design, and fluid on the CW .11 move. You have to see this bull to truly appreciate what he YG .25 can do for the beef industry in the years to come. He is out Marb .05 BF REA -.07 of a two year old Voyager daughter posting a BR of 1@93. 94 API 56 TI

Black Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull Tattoo: 31TX Epds ASA#2541849 * Adj. BW: 82 CE

OBCC Salution S71X


BD: 2-14-10


CE BW WW DJ Salution S502 R&R Warehouse K609 YW Miss Jong F117 MCE HF Ms Dice S7110H Mr Deer Creek 080P MM Miss 7110H Cindy MWW This solid black son of DJ Salution has a massive amount of Stay eye appeal complimenting his impressive hip and muscle CW YG shape. S71X ranks in the top 25% of the breed for CE, CW, WW and YW. His dam posts a BR of 3@98. A maternal sister Marb BF was selected in 2009 on the side of the cow by Greg REA Stewart Family, KS. API TI

OBCC Rendition 29TX Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull ASA#2541844 Tattoo: 29TX BD: 2-7-10 Adj. BW: 86

9 1.7 39 69 4 -3 16 18 6.0 .03 .12 .01 .11 107 64


76 Epds

* CE 1.0 BW GWS/SCF Rendition GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N 31 WW BF N310 BWF Envey F73 57 YW OBCC Miss 290T Connealy Dateline * MCE OBCC Tempting Fate -1 MM MWW 14 This baldy three quarter blood bull is a powerfully * Stay constructed individual. His dam is a moderate four year old CW -2.2 Connealy Dateline daughter. If you have ever seen Dateline .03 YG daughters in production you are sure to want a herd full of .10 Marb them. She records BR of 2@92 and was the mother of one of BF .03 .11 REA last Aprils percentage bull highlights selling to SAC River 95 API Ranch. 59 TI

OBCC Shear Force S79X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull Tattoo: S79X Epds ASA#2541860 9 Adj. BW: 81 CE



BD: 2-20-10

1.0 Westfall Voyager 721P BW SVJ Power Surge 27 WW Drake Summer Sister 53 YW 6 OBCC Striking Interest STF Open Range P022 MCE STP Miss P794 5 MM MWW 18 20 S79X is a salty Voyager son although Stay -4.0 this individual is packed with meat and CW .00 mass, it is hard to get past his fault free YG Marb .09 structure. Here is the only opportunity .03 to purchase a Voyager son this year. BF OBCC Shear Force S79U .19 The Voyager cattle are maternal, sound REA 106 and extremely functional. A maternal brother was the high API 57 selling purebred in the inaugural Diamonds & Spurs and TI another maternal brother (OBCC Cerveza) sold half interest for $4000 last year and we used him heavily in our heifer program in 2010. Dam records a WR on 3 head of 100.




OBCC Salution C48X


Black Polled/Scurred 3/4 SM 1/4 AN Bull ASA#2541839 Tattoo: C48X BD: 2-20-10 Adj. BW: 74 ET DJ Salution S502 OBCC Daisy May

R&R Warehouse K609 Miss Jong F117 N Bar Emulation EXT HHSF Shalena


C48X is a big boned, massive bodied ¾ blood herd bull prospect. Two flush sisters highlighted our fall heifer calf division last April selling for an average of $5500, one was named reserve champion percentage heifer at the South Central Regional. A maternal brother was Reserve Champion Bull at Ozark Empire Fair in August. C48X dam records a BR of 7@96. She also sells as one of this year’s highlights as Lot #3.

* CE -0.6 BW 29 WW 55 YW * MCE -3 MM 12 MWW * Stay -5.8 CW .14 YG .20 Marb .05 BF -.16 REA 106 API 64 TI

OBCC Foreman C07X Red Baldy Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2541847 Tattoo: C07X BD: 2-22-10 Adj. BW: 75 ET

Here is the lone red bull of the sale and he is a baldy! C07X is sired by one of the hottest sires in 2010, LBS Foreman, and one of the first offspring to sell out of the Owen Brothers/Anvil Acres donor OBCC Wicked Sister 402T who posts an average BR of 87 on 12 head. C07X ranks in the top 25% of the breed for MCE. You will like the look of this guy! (Owned with Anvil Acres)


80 Lot


Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2541828 Tattoo: C47X BD: 2-25-10 Adj. BW: 75 ET

OBCC Foreman C03X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2541851 Tattoo: C03X BD: 2-23-10 Adj. BW: 75 ET

Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 79, 80 & 81: LBS The Foreman 702T Wicked Sister

Lot 79

OBCC Foreman C47X

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N LBS Ms G3 CNS Dream On L186 Drake Summer Sister

C47X and C03X are simply undescribable black baldy bulls! They have muscle, mass, bone and that killer look. It is unfortunate that we didn’t get these two brothers photographed. Be sure to look up their videos online. I can assure you that these bulls have the potential to be promotional sires!

Check out their videos online!


8 CE 1.9 BW 35 WW 55 YW 5 MCE 2 MM MWW 19 * Stay -2.5 CW -.01 YG .17 Marb .02 BF .14 REA 96 API 61 TI

Wicked Sister - dam

LBS The Foreman - sire

Page 23


SOS R22X 82 OBCC Black Baldy Dbl. Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN Bull ASA#2541842 Tattoo: R22X Adj. BW: 84 Sandeens SOS


BD: 2-28-10

DJ Salute G509 K022 B V F Sky Traveler 2009 CPR Forever Love

Forever Good

This baldy faced bull has an outstanding look. He has done nothing but get better every day. His maternal sister will sell as lot #63 and his dam is selling as lot #67. Forever Good records a birth ratio of 4 at 94.



OBCC Park Ave. M91X Black Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2570166 Tattoo: M91X BD: 9-8-10 Adj. BW: 77 ET Pedigree, EPDs & Footnotes for Lots 83 & 84:

GWS/SCF Rendition - sire

GWS/SCF Rendition

GWS Ebony’s Trademark 6N BF N310 BWF Envey F73 CNS Dream On L186 Drake Summer Sister

Wicked Sister


84 Wicked Sister - dam

We chose to highlight a couple of Wicked Sister son’s sired by GWS Rendition. Park Ave. is the reason we flushed his dam back the same way. He is fluid on the move, big ribbed and thick ended. This solid black bull has the potential to compete on the tan bark and excel as a breeding piece!

OBCC Bourbon Street M40X Red Dbl. Polled Purebred Bull ASA#2570164 Tattoo: M40X BD: 9-10-10 Adj. BW: 83 ET

A full brother to Park Ave., we put Bourbon Street in the sale because we have had so much interest in red bulls. This bull is equally as stout and sound as his flush brother with loads of eye appeal. Make sure to look him up sale day!


Rendition 44TX 85 OBCC Black Baldy Dbl. Polled Purebred SM Bull ASA#2541857 Tattoo: 44TX Adj. BW: 82


BD: 3-4-10

GWS Ebonys Trademark 6N BF N310 BWF Envey F73 Yours Truly Westfall Voyager 721P Forever Yours 44TX is an individual that has the same features that made us fall in love with his sire. This baldy Rendition son is explosive in terms of muscle and structural correctness.




8 CE 0.9 BW 37 WW 60 YW 5 MCE 4 MM MWW 22 19 Stay -0.7 CW -.05 YG .11 Marb .01 BF .26 REA 106 API 64 TI

7 CE 1.5 BW 34 WW 59 YW 3 MCE 6 MM MWW 23 19 Stay -0.5 CW -.03 YG .03 Marb .02 BF .28 REA 99 API 60 TI

GWS/SCF Rendition

Angus Bulls

* CE 1.7 BW 16 WW 37 YW * MCE 5 MM 13 MWW * Stay CW -12.5 .07 YG .30 Marb .03 BF -.13 REA 81 API 46 TI

OBCC Pioneer 418X Black Purebred Angus Bull AAA#16696075 Tattoo: 418X









+.25 +.015 +28.93 +31.54 +25.28 +20.92 +4.36 +49.91

+.1 +49 +92

+11 +26 -5.16

S A V Pioneer 7301 SydGen Royal Queen 4189


BD: 1-22-10 $W






S A V Final Answer 0035 S A V Blackbird 5297 SydGen Sterling 0298 S A F Royal Queen 5084

418X is a bull mostly admired for his tremendous middle. He is qualified for the Sho-Me Select Heifer Program ranking in the top 10% of the breed for BW, top 15% for milk and top 25% for CW and $W. His dam sells as lot #40. She posts a BR of 4@93, WR of 4@105 and REA 1@101. She stems from SAF Royal Queen 5084 who is the dam of the $50,000 SAF Connection, as well as SAF Strategy 9015, SAF Focus 9095 and SAF Directive.

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OBCC Cupid 648X Black Purebred Angus Bull AAA#16696071 Tattoo: 648X



+0 +4.5 +52 +83 MCC Cupid 414



BD: 1-29-10




+18 +4.89 +19


+.10 +.039 +24.21 +21.56 +17.02 +18.85 -1.83 +41.66







O C C Legend 616L MCC Miss Pride Ever 213 S A V 8180 Traveler 004 Thomas Primrose 0899

648X will sure be hard to miss on sale day! This individual has loads of Thomas Primrose 6486 power and dimension in a stylish package! Sired by the Genex bull, MCC Cupid, the bull that has sired countless showring champions and from a dam that posts a WR of 1@114 and a IMF ratio of 1@105. 648X ranks in the top 25% of the breed for WW. A maternal sister highlighted the 2010 Missouri Angus Breeders’ Futurity selling for $5000.

WINNERS JUNIORS! Earn up to $1000 sale credit for your prize-winning purebred or foundation Simmental heifers from this sale!

OBCC Sadies Girl RT0X – 2011 Grand Champion Fort Worth Stock Show

OBCC Summer Fix 35PX - Undefeated in OBCC Daisy May M35W - 3/4 blood female purchased by Steve Fischer in 2010 2010 in her division for Morgan Collard

OBCC Daisy May M18W - Reserve Percentage Heifer, AJSA South Central Regional 2010 for Kylee Sigmon

OBCC Beauty M06U – Top Selling Open Female 2009 to Josh Vonbehren

OBCC Cover Girl - Top selling open PB in the 2009 Sale Division Winner at Ft Worth 2010 Owned by Austin Sayre

OBCC DosEquis C49W - Halfblood bull purchased by Austin Sayre in 2010

Red Bull son of Lot 3, OBCC Daisy May, that was Reserve percentage bull for Josh Vonbehren

Congratulations from all of us at Owen Bros. Cattle Co.


The AJSA National Classic XXXI is in Sedalia, MO July 3-8, 2011 Buy your next great show heifer here at Diamonds & Spurs!

2904 Co Rd 6 Marshall, MN 56258

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