Saturday, October 29, 2022 PIKE COUNTY CATTLEMEN’S COMPLEX - TROY, AL 4100 US Hwy 231 South DSG DEEP SOUTH GENETICS Age Advantage - Cutting Edge Genetics Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Welcome to the Sale...
We’re excited about our 3rd annual Deep South Genetics bull sale. Bull development starts the first of December and continues through the sale. Bulls are developed on summer and winter annuals along with native grasses to replicate the conditions the bulls will work in. These bulls are used to people, heat, being moved, and know how to make it on their own. Have confidence in these age advantaged bulls and the Deep South Genetics program. Look forward to seeing you at the sale.
The Stephens Family
Kevin, Ashlee, Mary Holland, Birdy, Strother and Copeland
Kevin Stephens 334-268-0180 Perry Mobley 334-235-4210
Why Age Advantage?
Darby and Annette Line 308-627-5085 Deryl Riley 308-962-6975
Older bulls have the ability to service more females in a shorter period of time than yearling bulls. Age advantaged, 18-20 month old bulls should be capable of safely settling at least 5-10 more females in their first breeding season with minimal risk over a 45 day breeding period due to greater fitness, superior average semen production and maturity.
Over-fat bulls are an issue in this industry. A high quality, slower paced development program is possible when producing older bulls for sale. Age advantaged bulls can simply be developed more slowly and still reach target weights and marketable condition with ease. Too often bulls developed to be sold as yearlings are subjected to extra push nutritionally in order to make those same thresholds. When done improperly, the results can be reduced longevity and lifetime service because of damage to feet, soft skeletal tissues and in extreme cases even internal organs associated with excess or faulty nutrition and exaggerated growth rate.
Certainly, older bulls lose less weight and strength during their first breeding seasons. With that in mind the risk of your bull taking a week off or quitting the process of breeding cows completely is reduced. This is especially true in the more challenging breeding environments of the southern US.
More of the guess work is taken out when purchasing older bulls. Strengths and flaws can both be more evident to buyers with an extra 6 months of development. For example, by that age foot and leg or disposition issues will be more evident and a higher percentage of potential problem bulls should have been identified and removed from the offering.
Sorting older bulls does not give license to buy poorer genetics just because they have more age. It is important to make sure the age advantaged bulls you are evaluating are not just the leftovers after the more valuable bulls were not marketed as yearlings and low genetic value bulls should never be an option, regardless of age.
Many producers will always favor purchasing high value, younger bulls because of the potential of an extra season of use later in life and often sellers prefer the simplicity and lower cost of producing them. Correctly developed older bulls however, simply have a greater probability of breeding success in the first season than when they were younger. Give them a try for reduced risk.
The Stephens Family
Age Advantage - Cutting Edge Genetics - Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
Saturday, October 29, 2022
4100 US Hwy 231 South
Sale Location
Pike County Cattlemen’s Complex 4100 US HWY 231 South, Troy, AL
Sale Day Phones
Kevin Stephens 334.268.0180
Darby Line 308.627.5085
Perry Mobley 334.235.4210
Deryl Riley 308.962.6975
Marty Ropp 406.581.7835
Corey Wilkins 256.590.2487
Chad “Cracker” Johnson 352.535.5320
Schedule of Events
12:00 pm - Sundown Cattle Available for Viewing
Sunrise - 12:00 pm Cattle Available for Viewing 12:00 pm Complimentary Lunch
1:00 pm
Deep South Genetics Bull Sale begins
Contact Kevin to View the Bull at the bull development in Troy, Al anytime prior to the sale.
Hampton Inn 334.807.5900
Courtland by Marriott 334.566.0540
Announcements and Supplemental Info
All announcements made on the sale block will take precedence over printed material. Sale Orders and Penning Charts will be given to prospective buyers.
Registration and Updated EPDs
All cattle will be registered with the American Simmental Association. Please note EPDS may change from the time the sale book is printed until the registration papers are transferred. EPDS printed in the catalog were pulled from IGS on September 26, 2022.
Absentee Bidding Guarantee and Sight
Unseen Guarantee
Anyone unable to attend in the sale please contact any of the sale day contacts. Any bull purchased by an absentee will sell under 100% sight unseen guarantee. If the bull does not meet the buyer expectations, the buyer will receive 100% of his purchase price back.
Bull Guarantee
All bulls have passed a complete breeding soundness examination performed by a veterinarian. All bulls are guaranteed for breeding soundness and injury for the first breeding season, defined as 90 days from the first turnout, barring abuse neglect and poor management practices. If a replacement bull is needed, one of equal value will be provided. If a replacement bull is not available, a sale credit will be provided to use at the next DSG sale minus the documented salvage value of the previous purchase.
Retained Semen Interest
The buyers receive 100% salvage and 100% semen interest.
Bull Volume Discounts
Receive a 5% Discount when 5 or more bulls are purchased.
Sale Pictures & Videos
Bulls were not clipped ahead of pictures only clipped sheaths and tails. The bulls are presented as is to allow customers to view hair shedding ability.
Marty Ropp 406-581-7835
Corey Wilkins 256-590-2487
Jared Murnin 406-321-1542
Bull Development
Developing and breeding bulls who can be counted on for many breeding seasons is one of our primary goals. Our bulls have been grouped in 100-acre traps and have forced to travel and harvest forage with minimal grain supplementation. The bulls have been in the large pasture settings since the first week of December. We have monitored hair shedding, disposition, and structural soundness, and culled according. We are confident these bulls are built to last and can be counted on for many years to come.
Customers come first
Feeder Cattle Marketing Options by DSG Sired Progeny
We want to make every effort possible in making sure DSG customers get the absolute most of their genetic superior feeder cattle. We understand the challenges southeastern cattlemen face when it comes to marketing feeder calves. No matter the size of operation be sure to contact us to assist you get the most out of your next set of feeder cattle. Listed below is a few options DSG and Triangle J has for its customers.
• Superior Livestock
• Big Blue Stock Yard
• Direct Bids from Feedlots
AI Projects
Triangle J Ranch & Deep South Genetics have a diverse line up of bulls who could certainly fit your specs for your next AI project. For semen or arm service, be sure to contact us today.
- Page 2 -
Age Advantage - Cutting Edge Genetics - Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
We would like to extend an invitation to you for the Deep South Genetics Sale, October 29, in Troy, AL. The third annual event continues to grow in popularity and is in no small part to the fact that past customers are satisfied with the results of past bull purchases. Bull longevity is something that is always at the forefront of concerns at Deep South Genetics and the crew has done a wonderful job developing the bulls with their customers in mind. Past customers will attest the bulls just simply hold up better by coming in an Age Advantage package while being developed on native forages the southeast has to offer.
The cattle market is poised to be one of the strongest markets over the last decade. The drought stressed US cowherd coupled with strong demand for premium beef has both live and feeder cattle approaching highs not seen since 2013 and 2014. I feel we can all agree the price points for feeder cattle are a welcomed sight and the time the cow calf sector in the beef business flourishes is finally upon us. However, after strong summer sales, producers without a doubt will receive a premium for the extra leg work to differentiate their feeder cattle. Premium genetics from a reputable source and strong health protocols absolutely pay.
The specific offering of bulls in the 2022 edition of the DSG sale is bound to impress potential buyers. The uniformity and quality from top to bottom is unrivaled versus past sales. As always, the bull’s sale with a magnitude of performance and genetic testing and a customer satisfaction guarantee.
We hope you can join us on the last Saturday in October in Troy, AL. DV Auction will be joining us this year so if you are unable to attend rest assured, we have a platform that will allow you to bid from afar. As always, if we can be any assistance, please do not hesitate to call.
Sincerely, Marty Ropp, Corey Wilkins and Jared Murnin Allied Genetic Resources
Mississippi Florida Georgia Tennessee
Arkansas Missouri Kentucky
- Page 3 -
$200 per bull Louisiana
South Carolina $300 per bull Texas Oklahoma
Nebraska Iowa Illinois Indiana
West Virginia Virginia $400 per bull Remaining lower 48 Delivery & Transportation We will make every effort possible to assist customers with trucking arrangements. DSG DEEP SOUTH GENETICS Free Delivery on purchases of three or more bulls!
Here is your chance at a highly proven bull who has no doubt made his mark on our program. GW Monarch has been our go to choice to utilize on heifers in our program and we have been greatly pleased with the results. We have a great set of herd bulls prospects sired by Monarch offered in this very sale. The progeny come light at birth and explode thereafter in terms of growth and dimension. We have also used Monarch on several commercial heifer breeding projects and have had zero issues or assisted births. He is the definition of a bullet proof heifer, bull will also enhance maternal traits of foot quality and fleshing ability. Likewise, he along with his progeny have thrived in the heat and humidity and are some of the best dispositioned cattle you can ask for.
Since we have used Monarch so heavily in our program it is becoming difficult not to line breed him at Deep South. We made the decision to offer this highly proven herd bull who is just over 3 years old and has a lot of years of service left in him.
Selling 100% Possession and 100% Semen Interest.
- Page 4- GW MONARCH 387G - Sells as Lot A. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - GW MONARCH 387G - Sells as Lot A. CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.3 -1.8 69.0 99.3 9.4 28.1 62.6 Rank 40 20 80 85 15 15 40 TFS DUE NORTH 2659Z GW PREDESTINED 770Y GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B GW MISS PD 770Y 445A GW MISS ROOKIE 246Y GW MISS LC129R 264X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.8 12.1 -0.21 0.75 0.55 164.8 87.4 Rank 10 50 60 5 75 10 20
Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 733 A GW MONARCH 387G Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3548872 387G BD: 2/27/2019 - GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B - Sire of Lots A.
- Page 5- 774J - Sells as Lot 1. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - TJ CHIEF 460G - Sire of Lot 1. CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.6 -3.9 74.9 120.5 8.6 28.2 65.5 Rank 15 4 55 45 20 15 25 TJ FROSTY 318E CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ CHIEF 460G TJ 35F TJ 52A TJ MISS FINAL ANSWER Y13 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 21.0 13.6 0.05 0.47 0.24 161.8 86.3 Rank 4 30 99 25 99 10 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 84 690 -1- 774J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909886 774J BD: 2/26/2021 - TJ MISS FINAL ANSWER Y13 - Dam of Lot 1.
The Frosty sire group were once again crowd favorites at last years bull sale and represents the largest number of herdsire prospects this year. The bulls are deep sided, squared made and many come in a blaze faced package. Likewise, the bulls excel at the details being great for disposition and hoof quality. The consistency and quality he transmits to his progeny rivals any baldie bull we have utilized in the past.
- Page 6Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - J461 - Sells as Lot 2. - TJ FROSTY 318E - Sire of Lots 2-9. Reference SireTJ
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.6 -2.0 89.7 135.6 5.4 16.9 61.7 Rank 15 15 10 15 75 95 45 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y BCLR CASH FLOW C820 TJ FROSTY 318E AHL MS CASH FLOW G950-Y TJ 58B AHL MS DUAL FOCUS 140-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.6 16.4 -0.24 0.17 0.85 141.2 85.2 Rank 30 10 50 80 20 35 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 669 -2- J461 Black Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3920342 J461 BD: 2/18/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.9 -1.9 80.9 110.7 6.0 21.9 62.3 Rank 20 15 35 65 65 60 40 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y HARKERS UPGRADE TJ FROSTY 318E AHL MS GRADE A G962-Y TJ 58B AHL MS DUAL FOCUS 013-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.3 12.5 -0.31 0.07 0.78 128.5 77.2 Rank 30 45 30 95 30 55 55 Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 721 -3- J462 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3920316 J462 BD: 2/6/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.0 0.2 96.7 137.1 4.4 23.1 71.4 Rank 40 50 3 15 90 50 10 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ FROSTY 318E AHL MS COWBOY CUT F801-B TJ 58B AHL MS DUAL FOCUS 1304-B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.7 16.4 -0.16 0.29 0.55 143.8 89.3 Rank 20 10 75 55 75 30 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 88 706 -4- J459 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 13/32 AN 3/32 CS ASA #3920332 J459 BD: 2/24/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 9.3 2.9 86.3 132.0 2.8 23.0 66.1 Rank 85 95 20 20 99 50 25 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y EXAR UPSHOT 0562B TJ FROSTY 318E MISS RILEY B404-OR TJ 58B JASS WHITNEY 21W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.9 7.9 -0.06 0.27 0.58 130.6 78.8 Rank 15 95 95 60 70 50 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 103 613 -5- 965J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909342 965J BD: 2/2/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.0 -1.1 82.2 125.3 4.3 22.9 63.9 Rank 20 25 30 35 90 50 35 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y B3C SLAPJACK B21 TJ FROSTY 318E AHL MS SLAP JACK G955-B TJ 58B BCC BLACKCAP LADY 2302 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.3 15.1 -0.06 0.32 0.51 134.8 83.1 Rank 75 15 95 50 80 45 35 Adj. BW Adj. 205 76 679 -6- J457 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3920400 J457 BD: 2/19/2021
- Page 7Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.1 -0.5 82.0 124.3 2.7 21.9 62.9 Rank 55 35 30 35 99 60 40 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y SCR OPTIMUM IMPACT 71018 TJ FROSTY 318E LC BLACK MISCHIEF X648 TJ 58B LC BLACK MISCHIEF 6408 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 12.2 15.2 0.00 0.32 0.38 121.3 78.8 Rank 80 15 99 50 95 70 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 85 -7- J514 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/4 SM 3/4 AN ASA #3988778 J514 BD: 2/17/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.5 0.2 91.5 138.5 4.1 15.5 61.2 Rank 65 50 10 15 90 99 50 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y SHSF FREIGHTLINER D10 TJ FROSTY 318E G906 TJ 58B HUBL220 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.3 12.5 -0.17 0.20 0.73 127.6 83.5 Rank 65 45 70 75 40 60 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 80 643 -8- J419 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3949769 J419 BD: 1/30/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.8 -2.5 79.9 121.2 6.3 22.1 62.1 Rank 10 10 35 40 60 60 45 ACW IRONHIDE 395Y TJ MAIN EVENT 503B TJ FROSTY 318E AHL MS MAIN EVENT G963-B TJ 58B AHL MS PROTEGE PROFIT 1604-B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.4 16.6 -0.24 0.21 0.74 128.3 79.2 Rank 70 10 50 70 40 55 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 70 646 -9- J460 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 17/32 AN 3/32 CS ASA #3920454 J460 BD: 2/19/2021 Thanks to First South Farm Credit for Providing the Sale Day Meal. Contact Michael McCraney for your lending needs. 334-774-2666 | cell 334-237-0568 Thank You
Highlife will provide a unique opportunity to provide outcross purebred genetics who will offer incredible value and phenotypical excellence. The Highlife sons will no doubt add performance and payweight to their progeny. We like the powerhouse sons and feel they will be popular choices come sale day.
- Page 8Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - J464 - Sells as Lot 10. - MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 - Sire of Lots 10-13. Reference SireMR SR HIGHLIFE G1609
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.1 3.8 106.8 164.8 5.0 21.0 74.3 Rank 80 99 1 1 80 70 5 KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 PROTEGE PROFIT MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 AHL MS PROTEGE PROFIT 1604-B MISS SR D1609 ALH MS PG483 1200-B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 15.3 10.8 -0.41 0.28 1.03 133.9 92.3 Rank 55 70 10 55 5 45 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 103 762 -10- J464 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 11/32 AN 5/32 CS ASA #3920442 J464 BD: 2/15/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 8.2 5.8 107.7 150.2 5.0 24.3 78.1 Rank 85 99 1 4 65 45 4 KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 TJ 35B MISS SR D1609 TJ MS 46W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 24.9 12.9 -0.34 0.29 0.66 154.6 93.4 Rank 1 35 85 20 95 15 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 115 786 -11- 772J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909887 772J BD: 1/22/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.2 1.3 85.0 131.1 6.5 24.0 66.5 Rank 40 70 20 25 55 40 25 KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 GIBBS 0689X CRIMSON TIDE MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 HUBL338 MISS SR D1609 962 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.3 8.0 -0.35 0.26 0.81 129.8 81.8 Rank 65 95 20 60 25 55 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 85 600 -12- J433 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 CS ASA #3949744 J433 BD: 1/26/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD Rank KBHR HIGH ROAD E283 MR SR HIGHLIFE G1609 6505 MISS SR D1609 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD Rank Adj. BW Adj. 205 88 -13- J486 Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #4095266 J486 BD: 5/2/2021
Reference Sire
The Flat Iron sons are absolute brutes in terms of width and dimension while offering incredible spread from birth to yearling. The bulls represent one of our largest sire groups offerings and from top to bottom potential buyers will admire their consistency. Many come in a heifer safe package and will push the envelope for value.
- Sells as
- Page 9Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - J415
Lot 14. - TJ FLAT IRON 259G - Sire of Lots 14-18.
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.4 0.2 81.8 122.8 6.6 29.7 70.5 Rank 50 50 30 40 55 10 15 WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ FLAT IRON 259G 806F TJ 33Y HUBL260 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.0 5.1 -0.05 0.59 0.46 148.8 88.3 Rank 45 99 95 15 85 20 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 86 620 -14- J415 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3949731 J415 BD: 1/29/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.8 -2.2 82.3 125.7 7.7 32.4 73.5 Rank 20 15 30 35 35 3 10 WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 W/C UNITED 956Y TJ FLAT IRON 259G 844F TJ 33Y GCCR BONUS 8312S A STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.6 2.6 -0.09 0.44 0.58 149.9 88.6 Rank 40 99 90 30 70 20 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 55 623 -15- J417 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3949766 J417 BD: 1/15/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.5 0.1 86.8 130.2 5.5 30.2 73.6 Rank 75 45 15 25 75 10 5 WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 TJ NEW TIME LINE 113X TJ FLAT IRON 259G TJ 128C TJ 33Y TJ MISS BANDO T4 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.8 2.4 -0.10 0.63 0.59 146.4 92.3 Rank 70 99 90 10 65 25 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 85 656 -16- 648J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909497 648J BD: 1/15/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.0 -3.1 79.2 112.8 8.5 33.9 73.4 Rank 15 10 40 60 25 2 10 WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ FLAT IRON 259G AHL MS COWBOY CUT F801-Y TJ 33Y AHL MS EASY POWER 004-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.9 8.9 -0.12 0.47 0.70 152.5 88.4 Rank 35 90 85 25 45 20 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 82 703 -17- J478 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 11/32 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3920353 J478 BD: 2/23/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.3 0.4 80.4 125.1 6.3 28.3 68.4 Rank 65 55 35 35 60 15 20 WERNER FLAT TOP 4136 TRAXS VELOCITY Y7 TJ FLAT IRON 259G HUBL487 TJ 33Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.9 7.1 -0.06 0.50 0.40 132.8 82.5 Rank 70 95 95 25 90 50 35 Adj. BW Adj. 205 84 632 -18- J412 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/4 SM 5/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3949814 J412 BD: 1/27/2021
Reference Sire
Extremely impressed in what we have seen in our TJ Gold progeny. The bulls are a blend of phenotype and exceptional genetic value. The Gold progeny have surpassed our expectations on growth and frame while the abundance of the sire group comes in a heifer safe package. We have never had a junior sire that has been so consistent and we tested him on a variety of different types of cows. We feel like Gold will be a go to sire for us to produce both purebred and SimAngus genetics in the future.
- Page 10Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - TJ 6C - Dam of Lot 21. - TJ GOLD 274G - Sire of Lots 19-23.
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.0 0.7 93.4 160.7 5.5 27.4 74.1 Rank 80 60 5 2 75 15 5 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E EXAR UPSHOT 0562B TJ GOLD 274G AHL MS UPSHOT 1521-Y TJ 12C X2D84-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.9 12.6 -0.25 0.45 0.92 156.5 92.9 Rank 5 45 45 30 15 15 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 102 774 -19- J444 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3920415 J444 BD: 2/16/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.0 1.9 98.0 157.0 5.5 25.1 74.0 Rank 80 80 3 2 75 30 5 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E CONNEALY IMPRESSION TJ GOLD 274G AHL MS IMPRESSION 1429-Y TJ 12C AHL MS RANCH HAND 133-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.0 16.7 -0.20 0.61 0.71 154.8 97.0 Rank 35 10 65 15 45 15 3 Adj. BW Adj. 205 100 754 -20- J445 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3920424 J445 BD: 2/16/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.0 0.4 85.5 141.4 7.5 31.1 73.8 Rank 15 30 25 10 20 10 10 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ GOLD 274G TJ 6C TJ 12C TJ 59X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 15.4 14.4 -0.38 0.38 0.96 154.1 92.2 Rank 70 15 70 15 35 15 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 84 710 -21- 508J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909740 508J BD: 1/26/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 9.1 1.3 88.7 143.9 5.3 27.9 72.2 Rank 90 70 15 10 75 15 10 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E R B TOUR OF DUTY 177 TJ GOLD 274G AHL MS TOUR DUTY 1616-B TJ 12C 601-B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.6 9.0 -0.28 0.36 0.88 145.4 86.6 Rank 10 90 40 45 20 25 20 Adj. BW Adj. 205 92 740 -22- J441 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 7/16 AN 1/16 CS ASA #3920393 J441 BD: 2/20/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.5 -1.4 76.8 124.0 7.1 23.6 61.9 Rank 25 25 50 35 45 45 45 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 TJ GOLD 274G AHL MS BRILLANCE 1240-Y TJ 12C X436-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 15.6 12.2 -0.16 0.44 0.69 145.7 84.3 Rank 50 50 75 30 50 25 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 85 635 -23- J513 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3872304 J513 BD: 2/14/2021
Reference Sire
The Eagle progeny are receiving praise across the industry for their quality. The bulls come light at birth and are some of the heaviest come weaning time. The volume, stoutness and mass these herdsire candidates have will make them some of your favorite’s sale day. They combine their massive build with top tier figures and value. The first wet daughters are also receiving praise and reinforces his popularity amongst cattlemen.
- J450 - Sells as Lot 24.
- Page 11Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls
- HOOK’S EAGLE 6E - Sire of Lots 24-27.
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.7 -1.3 81.5 124.5 6.6 27.0 67.8 Rank 45 25 30 35 55 20 20 HOOK`S BLACK HAWK 50B CCR FRONTIER 0053Z HOOK`S EAGLE 6E MS FRONTIER 1600-W HOOK`S CRYSTAL 1C MS POWER UP 117-W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.3 17.2 -0.25 0.50 0.70 145.0 88.6 Rank 65 5 45 25 45 30 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 751 -24- J450 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 3/8 AN 1/4 CS ASA #3927938 J450 BD: 2/15/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.4 -1.5 84.9 128.7 5.8 19.4 61.8 Rank 35 20 20 30 70 80 45 HOOK`S BLACK HAWK 50B WLE MAINSTREET B547 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E DBSC MS MAIN STREET E4634 HOOK`S CRYSTAL 1C 4/S MISS BURGESS 4634 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.9 15.4 -0.28 0.38 0.95 142.3 87.3 Rank 60 15 40 40 10 30 20 Adj. BW Adj. 205 72 645 -25- J517 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3975634 J517 BD: 3/16/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.0 0.0 86.6 135.9 5.1 25.9 69.1 Rank 50 25 20 15 65 30 20 HOOK`S BLACK HAWK 50B CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z HOOK`S EAGLE 6E TJ 29E HOOK`S CRYSTAL 1C TJ MS 38W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 22.1 18.3 -0.47 0.48 1.16 169.3 94.9 Rank 4 2 25 5 10 4 5 Adj. BW Adj. 205 97 665 -26- 756J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909919 756J BD: 1/19/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.4 -1.7 85.2 138.4 8.5 23.6 66.1 Rank 15 20 20 15 25 45 25 HOOK`S BLACK HAWK 50B R B TOUR OF DUTY 177 HOOK`S EAGLE 6E MS TOUR DUTY 1725-W HOOK`S CRYSTAL 1C U302-W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.3 16.9 -0.25 0.48 1.07 145.6 88.8 Rank 65 10 45 25 4 25 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 74 711 -27- J452 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 15/32 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3927920 J452 BD: 2/8/2021
We think a lot of the Monarch progeny in the sale and they represent heifer safe genetics and should pass on the maternal traits to build your cowherd around. We have bred hundreds of commercial heifers to Monarch with zero problems. We feel these easy fleshing moderate framed bulls will have a lot to offer commercial cattlemen in the south. Not to mention they are some of the best disposition cattle on the farm.
- Page 12Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - H2009 - Sells as Lot 28. - H2022 - Sells as Lot 29. - GW MONARCH 387G - Sire of Lots 28-32. Reference
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.1 -1.3 71.7 105.0 8.9 24.5 60.3 Rank 30 25 70 75 20 35 55 GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B DFF BIG EYE A20 GW MONARCH 387G 5S MS E1706 GW MISS PD 770Y 445A RLWF TUITION VELVET Y138 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.6 12.2 -0.15 0.59 0.52 154.7 83.9 Rank 20 50 75 15 80 15 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 68 -28- H2009 Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3872806 H2009 BD: 11/10/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.8 -1.4 70.2 106.6 8.5 29.4 64.5 Rank 45 25 75 75 25 10 30 GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 GW MONARCH 387G TJ 18G GW MISS PD 770Y 445A TJ 22X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.1 13.4 -0.18 0.63 0.51 156.9 84.9 Rank 15 35 70 10 80 15 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 77 -29- H2022 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3872819 H2022 BD: 12/13/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.7 -2.0 65.8 102.0 8.3 30.1 62.9 Rank 25 15 85 80 25 10 40 GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B MCCONNELL ALTITUDE 3114 GW MONARCH 387G TJ 106G GW MISS PD 770Y 445A TJ MS 38W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.7 13.1 -0.08 0.57 0.31 152.2 81.4 Rank 25 40 90 15 99 20 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 71 -30- H2023 Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3872820 H2023 BD: 12/15/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13 -.4 72 105 8.6 28 65 Rank 45% 40% 65% 85% 20% 15% 30% GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B HOOK`S YUKON 80Y GW MONARCH 387G CHAT CAROL C003 GW MISS PD 770Y 445A SSF BLK CAROL X368 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19 9 -0.40 0.40 0.84 162.5 87.0 Rank 15% 85% 10% 25% 25% 10% 20% Adj. BW Adj. 205 72 -31- J003 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #4042521 J003 BD: 1/5/2021
Years of research and industry proofs stand unchallenged. Crossbred calves simply weigh more and crossbred commercial cows are absolutely more productive and profitable than straightbred commercial cows. End of story! In fact, the economic advantages are so large, one could argue that anyone discouraging commercial herds from using planned crossbreeding is just not interested in their profits or sustainability.
Historically, the promotion of crossbreeding has focused on the simple direct effects of individual heterosis. This is because those improvements are immediate, easy to see and impressive, often resulting in increased weaning weights of 4 to 5%. That translates in a 15 to 35 more pounds of calf weaned next year compared to this year, just with your first cross on straightbred cows. Far greater economic impacts of crossbreeding however are realized in the added profit produced by crossbred commercial cowherds designed with a plan for profit. “Plan” is the key. Just like in all facets of the commercial cow calf business, poor decisions in crossbreeding programs for breed, source or individuals are not acceptable, especially today with better information available and more value at stake.
So, how much more valuable is a crossbred commercial female vs. one that is not? Research repeatedly shows a lifetime production increase for crossbred females of between 20 to 25% because of greater fertility, longevity and improved maternal environment. Hundreds of publications have demonstrated this advantage dating back to the 70’s and there is literally no research that dispute these results. Simply put, if an average straight-bred female produces six, 500 pound calves in her life, the result is about 3000 lbs. of gross production. In comparison, based on years of data and research, her crossbred counterpart will deliver between 3600 and 3750 pounds of calf weaned because on the average she produces an extra calf in her lifetime and each calf is heavier. Depending on price, that added performance generates somewhere at or above $1000 more total dollars of value or more than $100 per year of added income. The benefit of needing to retain 10-15% less replacement heifers each year and calve substantially fewer 2-year-olds each season is a huge bonus as well.
I realize that the previous example is based on maximum heterosis which is achievable through advanced management or systems approaches, but can be challenging to maintain for some operations. For greatest simplicity and practicality, consider composited seedstock with the breeds and percentages that fit your production and marketing situation. They come with retained heterosis and profit enhancement bred in. Even at 50-75% of the maximum possible heterosis, the increased profit composites provide is difficult to match by any other enterprise change and the long-term improved uniformity of both calf crop and cow herd makes everything you do easier.
- Page 13Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.6 -0.5 73.7 108.6 7.6 30.1 66.9 Rank 60 35 60 70 35 10 20 GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B S D S GRADUATE 006X GW MONARCH 387G ISHEE MS GRADUATE 401B GW MISS PD 770Y 445A ISHEE MS HARMONY 230Z STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.2 10.9 -0.31 0.43 0.72 146.6 81.3 Rank 10 70 30 30 40 25 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 71 -32- J2178 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #4071730 J2178 BD: 2/14/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 8.9 1.8 108.4 166.8 8.1 26.6 80.8 Rank 90 80 1 1 30 20 1 CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A TJ Z54 GIBBS 8025F RANGER TJ 160F SSF BLK LOUISE Y534 TJ 156B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.6 16.1 -0.19 0.06 1.24 121.8 89.3 Rank 60 10 65 95 1 70 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 99 888 -33- 713J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3909390 713J BD: 3/24/2021
Highly Proven, higher percentage bulls can be found in the Koch Big Timber sire group. Many of the bulls will be heifer safe and the Big Timber daughters are proven to be some of the best in the business. If you have primarily English based cows and are looking to add an extra punch of heterosis look no further.
- Page 14Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - TJ 95A - Dam of Lot 34. - KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D - Sire of Lots 34-38. Reference SireKOCH BIG TIMBER 685D
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.7 -3.8 73.0 111.6 7.4 34.7 71.2 Rank 35 4 65 65 40 1 10 HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y TJ SHARPER IMAGE 809U KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D TJ 95A KOCH MS HOOKS BOY TJ 36X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.8 11.8 -0.03 0.43 0.40 150.9 84.3 Rank 15 55 95 30 90 20 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 77 715 -34- 576J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909795 576J BD: 2/19/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.9 -3.4 70.8 106.0 9.2 25.4 60.8 Rank 10 5 70 75 15 30 50 HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y DIKEMANS SURE BET KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D TJ 48A KOCH MS HOOKS BOY T J MISS DESIGN P8 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.1 17.0 -0.13 0.36 0.50 144.7 80.7 Rank 45 5 80 45 80 30 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 88 712 -35- 823J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909832 823J BD: 2/18/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 20.4 -5.8 71.1 105.7 11.9 28.3 63.8 Rank 1 1 70 75 2 15 35 HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D TJ 21D KOCH MS HOOKS BOY TJ 8T STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.5 11.6 -0.12 0.27 0.54 152.9 81.9 Rank 20 60 85 60 75 20 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 69 763 -36- 736J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909961 736J BD: 2/28/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.4 -1.3 72.7 108.9 5.8 18.8 55.1 Rank 50 25 65 70 70 85 80 HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y WSJ ENCORE KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D HUBL221 KOCH MS HOOKS BOY STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.9 9.3 -0.10 0.34 0.47 129.8 77.3 Rank 70 85 90 45 85 55 55 Adj. BW Adj. 205 81 633 -37- J435 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 3/8 AN 1/8 CS ASA #3949751 J435 BD: 1/30/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.2 -3.7 74.6 114.5 8.6 27.4 64.6 Rank 40 4 55 55 20 15 30 HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y S WHITLOCK 179 KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D TJ MISS WHITLOCK F11 KOCH MS HOOKS BOY TJ MISS FINAL ANSWER Y13 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.2 13.6 0.08 0.57 0.40 148.9 87.5 Rank 65 30 99 15 90 20 20 Adj. BW Adj. 205 91 802 -38- 979J Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3910019 979J BD: 2/17/2021
Reference Sire
The recently deceased Xceed has certainly left his mark on our program with a wonderful set of daughters and once again a strong selection of heifer bull candidates. The sons will offer more than just exceptional CE, as they have elite marbling figures and ample growth will sire progeny who bring premiums in terminal scenarios.
- Page 15Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls - 656J - Sells as Lot 39. - RC XCEED 063D - Sire of Lots 39-42.
CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.1 -2.0 74.0 123.3 9.6 23.5 60.4 Rank 40 15 60 40 10 45 55 A A R TEN X 7008 S A CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z RC XCEED 063D TJ 12G RC MISS TOP GRADE 147A TJ MISS FINAL ANSWER Y13 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.7 9.8 0.04 0.94 0.34 181.1 94.9 Rank 5 80 99 2 95 2 5 Adj. BW Adj. 205 85 701 -39- 656J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3910010 656J BD: 2/28/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.5 -1.6 84.0 137.2 9.6 30.0 72.0 Rank 15 20 25 15 10 10 10 A A R TEN X 7008 S A MCCONNELL ALTITUDE 3114 RC XCEED 063D TJ 942G RC MISS TOP GRADE 147A TJ 92C STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.7 9.4 -0.01 0.94 0.42 181.5 101.6 Rank 25 85 99 2 90 2 1 Adj. BW Adj. 205 76 749 -40- 946J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909273 946J BD: 3/23/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 9.6 2.5 79.4 133.5 8.5 27.7 67.4 Rank 85 90 40 20 25 15 20 A A R TEN X 7008 S A S A V NET WORTH 4200 RC XCEED 063D TJ 26Y RC MISS TOP GRADE 147A TJ JEZEBEL 53J STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 12.9 11.8 -0.09 0.68 0.58 141.8 86.8 Rank 75 55 90 10 70 35 20 Adj. BW Adj. 205 90 683 -41- 749J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909935 749J BD: 1/25/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.5 1.3 74.0 123.6 8.0 23.3 60.3 Rank 75 70 60 35 30 45 55 A A R TEN X 7008 S A TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y RC XCEED 063D TJ 154B RC MISS TOP GRADE 147A TJ MISS 96S STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.3 11.8 -0.15 0.66 0.58 148.7 84.4 Rank 40 55 75 10 70 25 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 96 712 -42- 706J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3909399 706J BD: 2/5/2021
- Page 16- 618J - Sells as Lot 43. - 747J - Sells as Lot 45. - CCR PAYDAY 0320C - Sire of Lots 45-47. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.9 0.2 79.7 121.0 6.7 32.9 72.7 Rank 15 25 45 40 35 4 15 WS OUTCROSS C164 TJ FRANCHISE 451D BRIDLE BIT BEST MAN F839 TJ 10G BRIDLE BIT MISS A382 TJ MS 38W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.4 11.6 -0.18 0.05 0.45 134.5 79.1 Rank 45 50 99 75 99 45 45 Adj. BW Adj. 205 88 825 -43- 618J Red Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3910032 618J BD: 1/23/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.3 -3.6 71.1 110.2 8.2 31.0 66.5 Rank 4 1 80 65 15 10 30 WS OUTCROSS C164 TJ MAIN EVENT 503B BRIDLE BIT BEST MAN F839 TJ MISS 796F BRIDLE BIT MISS A382 TJ MS 38W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.9 9.1 -0.24 0.51 0.54 170.2 90.7 Rank 25 80 99 4 99 4 10 Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 700 -44- 914J Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909289 914J BD: 1/24/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.5 -0.3 85.0 117.2 8.9 35.7 78.2 Rank 25 40 20 50 20 1 2 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y CCR PAYDAY 0320C TJ 26D CCR MS 4045 TIME 7322T TJ 8T STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.5 7.7 0.00 0.18 0.35 133.6 80.5 Rank 20 95 99 80 95 45 45 Adj. BW Adj. 205 84 691 -45- 747J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909932 747J BD: 2/25/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.1 -1.5 82.4 115.6 8.9 27.1 68.2 Rank 20 20 30 55 20 20 20 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 CCR PAYDAY 0320C TJ 137D CCR MS 4045 TIME 7322T TJ 1B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.2 14.4 0.03 0.23 0.30 132.2 78.2 Rank 20 25 99 70 99 50 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 70 760 -46- 673J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN ASA #3909454 673J BD: 3/6/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.3 -0.1 95.8 140.1 7.7 30.4 78.3 Rank 50 45 4 15 35 10 2 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 TJ Z54 CCR PAYDAY 0320C TJ 118E CCR MS 4045 TIME 7322T TJ MISS 53C STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.5 15.6 0.14 0.29 0.20 135.6 85.9 Rank 20 15 99 55 99 45 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 91 850 -47- 634J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 5/8 AN ASA #3909535 634J BD: 3/24/2021
- Page 17- H118 - Sells as Lot 48. - H109 - Sells as Lot 52. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.8 -2.8 75.4 106.7 8.8 23.1 60.8 Rank 20 10 55 75 20 50 50 KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D THR NORTHERN 2109 CHAT HARDWOOD F651 EBCC MS. NORTHERN 509C BUFORD ERICA 20B MFS6 ELITE COW 103Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.0 12.8 -0.08 0.34 0.41 143.7 81.0 Rank 25 40 90 45 90 30 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 74 -48- H118 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 1/4 AN 1/8 AR ASA #3849128 H118 BD: 12/20/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.0 -2.0 67.0 99.0 9.9 24.0 58.0 Rank 20% 15% 85% 85% 10% 15% 65% GW QUANTUM LEAP 117B WS PRIME BEEF Z8 GW MONARCH 387G CHAT QUEEN D45 GW MISS PD 770Y 445A PFM COWIKEE QUEEN A853 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.0 9.0 -0.40 0.40 0.70 154.5 80.0 Rank 15% 85% 10% 25% 25% 15% 45% Adj. BW Adj. 205 72 -49- H119 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 5/32 AN 1/8 AR ASA #3849127 H119 BD: 12/21/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.5 -1.1 73.5 103.9 8.4 23.5 60.2 Rank 25 25 60 80 25 45 55 KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D WS BEEF MAKER R13 CHAT HARDWOOD F651 MISS 7P A32 BUFORD ERICA 20B MISS 7P U31 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.4 13.1 -0.16 0.36 0.52 144.2 78.9 Rank 15 40 75 45 80 30 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 48 -50- H116 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3849125 H116 BD: 12/20/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.4 -3.8 70.7 98.9 8.7 18.1 53.3 Rank 10 4 70 85 20 90 90 KOCH BIG TIMBER 685D CCR SPARTAN 9124A CHAT HARDWOOD F651 CHAT RUBY F68 BUFORD ERICA 20B SSF BLK RUBY X331 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.1 13.7 -0.04 0.44 0.32 149.1 81.3 Rank 35 30 95 30 95 20 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 51 -51- H103 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3849102 H103 BD: 10/28/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.0 -0.8 77.6 116.2 9.1 27.5 66.2 Rank 30 30 45 55 15 15 25 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z BUFORD BLUESTEM 9974 TJ HIGH PLAINS 986E BUFORD ERICA 20B TJ MS 38W BUFORD ERICA 129Z STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.9 11.0 0.04 0.47 0.37 147.2 83.3 Rank 25 65 99 25 95 25 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 76 -52- H109 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3849111 H109 BD: 12/4/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.6 -1.0 73.1 106.8 9.4 29.7 66.2 Rank 15 30 65 75 15 10 25 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z RAB POWERTRAIN A2205 TJ HIGH PLAINS 986E CHAT CALLIE E49 TJ MS 38W MISS 7P A32 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.6 12.9 -0.29 0.32 0.74 155.2 83.4 Rank 10 40 35 50 40 15 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 75 -53- H108 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/8 AN 1/8 HH ASA #3849121 H108 BD: 12/1/2020
- Page 18- TJ 95A - Dam of Lot 55. - 761J - Sells as Lot 56. - 580J - Sells as Lot 55. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.5 -1.1 77.8 119.8 9.7 23.7 62.5 Rank 15 25 45 45 10 45 40 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z RAB POWERTRAIN A2205 TJ HIGH PLAINS 986E CHAT CORA E48 TJ MS 38W PFM CORA C27 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 19.4 12.0 -0.27 0.29 0.75 156.0 85.3 Rank 15 55 40 55 35 15 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 71 -54- H110 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3849122 H110 BD: 12/8/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.1 -2.5 68.3 96.6 7.5 38.0 72.1 Rank 70 10 80 90 40 1 10 GW-WBF SUBSTANCE 820Y TJ SHARPER IMAGE 809U GIBBS 3009A ELEMENT TJ 95A GIBBS 9128W MABELLE N341 TJ 36X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.9 11.8 -0.17 0.45 0.46 141.9 80.6 Rank 25 55 70 30 85 30 45 Adj. BW Adj. 205 89 793 -55- 580J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909732 580J BD: 2/18/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.1 5.1 83.3 123.8 5.7 27.8 69.4 Rank 55 99 25 35 70 15 15 CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z S A V BISMARCK 5682 TJ FRANCHISE 451D TJ 30C TJ MISS NET WORTH U11 MS MISS 306R STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.3 18.3 -0.13 0.24 0.57 117.9 74.7 Rank 65 2 80 65 70 75 65 Adj. BW Adj. 205 109 665 -56- 761J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909916 761J BD: 1/13/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.0 0.9 73.0 112.0 4.0 19.0 55.0 Rank 40% 65% 60% 60% 85% 85% 75% CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z MR NLC UPGRADE U8676 TJ FRANCHISE 451D LIMESTONE LASS X344 TJ MISS NET WORTH U11 O C C PRIDES LASS 690K STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 15.0 14.0 -0.11 0.34 0.48 132.7 75.5 Rank 55% 20% 85% 45% 85% 50% 65% Adj. BW Adj. 205 91 -57- J487 Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #4095264 J487 BD: 7/10/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.3 -2.0 86.3 129.3 9.1 27.7 70.8 Rank 10 15 20 25 15 15 10 TJ FRANCHISE 451D KBHR WENTZ E190 TJ BIG EASY 317F G911 TJ 2B HUBL422 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 12.7 10.2 -0.11 0.41 0.66 137.3 87.0 Rank 80 75 85 35 55 40 20 Adj. BW Adj. 205 73 648 -58- J437 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 9/16 AN 1/16 CS ASA #3949728 J437 BD: 2/5/2021
- Page 19- TJ 28E - Dam of Lot 60. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 21.5 -5.0 73.4 109.2 11.4 26.2 62.9 Rank 1 2 60 70 3 25 40 TJ FRANCHISE 451D CCR BOULDER 1339A TJ BIG EASY 317F AHL MS BOULDER 1720-Y TJ 2B AHL MS EASY POWER 1229-Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.4 13.4 -0.19 0.65 0.68 161.7 89.7 Rank 65 35 65 10 50 10 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 69 665 -59- J472 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/4 SM 1/2 AN 7/32 CS ASA #3920314 J472 BD: 2/19/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.7 -0.9 70.4 100.1 9.4 28.8 63.9 Rank 3 15 80 85 4 15 40 CDI MAINLINE 265D CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z HOOK`S FRONTLINE 40F TJ 28E HOOK`S CARINA 15C TJ MS 38W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 23.5 14.0 -0.28 0.34 0.63 163.7 82.1 Rank 2 20 99 15 95 10 35 Adj. BW Adj. 205 87 802 -60- 554J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909759 554J BD: 1/24/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.8 -1.0 73.6 113.7 7.9 23.2 59.9 Rank 45 30 60 60 30 50 55 CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 JL WILD RANGE 445 LHT MS CONSENSUS 62B A&T ASHLEY LHT MS AMAZON 60X STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.2 4.1 -0.30 0.10 0.82 125.7 73.4 Rank 30 99 30 90 25 60 70 Adj. BW Adj. 205 71 726 -61- J515 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3972915 J515 BD: 4/2/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.1 -1.8 88.1 135.5 11.1 26.0 70.0 Rank 20 20 15 15 3 25 15 G A R PROPHET HOOKS SHEAR FORCE 38K KBHR WENTZ E190 HOOKS PUNKY 5P KBHR X281 ESJ4 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 12.4 9.3 -0.37 0.11 1.05 127.0 84.2 Rank 80 85 15 90 4 60 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 73 -62- H2012 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3872809 H2012 BD: 11/25/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 17.9 -2.0 71.7 117.0 11.6 22.8 58.6 Rank 5 15 70 50 2 50 65 PLATTEMERE WEIGH UP K360 BAR CK PATRIOT 6137D SCHIEFELBEIN ALLIED 514 CHAT CORA G76 FROSTY ELBA 5152 PFM CORA C27 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.5 12.7 -0.01 0.53 0.39 143.7 81.4 Rank 70 45 99 20 95 30 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 70 -63- H105 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/8 SM 1/2 AN 1/8 AR ASA #3849120 H105 BD: 11/27/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 17.2 -2.2 80.7 125.0 8.1 20.3 60.6 Rank 10 15 35 35 30 75 50 TEHAMA UPWARD Y238 ASR AUGUSTUS Z2165 TEHAMA TAHOE B767 GIBBS 5493C LISA 3352A TEHAMA MARY BLACKBIRD Y684 GIBBS 3352A LISA W886 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.0 15.1 -0.20 0.52 0.73 160.8 89.4 Rank 25 15 65 20 40 10 15 Adj. BW Adj. 205 71 -64- H2020 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3872817 H2020 BD: 12/6/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.5 -1.9 74.1 121.1 6.4 33.0 70.0 Rank 25 15 60 40 60 2 15 TJ DIPLOMAT 294D TJ JACKPOT 525D TJ AMBASSADOR 204F TJ 880F TJ 102D TJ 43Z STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 21.0 14.1 -0.04 0.19 0.48 142.4 77.5 Rank 4 25 95 75 85 30 55 Adj. BW Adj. 205 77 729 -65- 931J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3909283 931J BD: 2/23/2021
- Page 20- 812J - Sells as Lot 71. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.6 1.5 80.0 122.9 7.4 15.3 55.2 Rank 60 75 35 40 40 99 80 TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 TJ MESSENGER 509D TJ 153C TJ 8T TJ 11A STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 15.9 9.7 -0.08 0.21 0.64 124.1 74.8 Rank 45 80 90 70 60 65 65 Adj. BW Adj. 205 102 754 -66- 705J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909402 705J BD: 3/16/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.0 -0.1 73.4 100.8 6.7 30.2 66.8 Rank 55 45 60 85 50 10 25 TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y TJ CORNHUSKER 226A TJ MESSENGER 509D TJ 59C TJ 8T TJ 14U STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 11.3 13.5 -0.23 0.07 0.46 106.5 70.7 Rank 90 35 55 95 85 90 80 Adj. BW Adj. 205 89 776 -67- 848J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909783 848J BD: 3/9/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.4 -1.3 72.8 114.8 9.4 24.4 60.7 Rank 10 25 65 55 15 35 50 TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y TJ FRANCHISE 451D TJ MESSENGER 509D TJ 84F TJ 8T TJ 74A STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 21.5 11.6 -0.07 0.35 0.45 151.9 79.1 Rank 3 60 95 45 85 20 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 79 651 -68- 927J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909675 927J BD: 3/9/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.3 -2.2 71.9 115.1 9.8 32.2 68.1 Rank 10 15 65 55 10 3 20 TJ MAKERS MARK 215Y TJ COTTONWOOD 231Y TJ MESSENGER 509D TJ 938D TJ 8T PVSB MISS FINAL 131A STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.2 10.7 -0.12 0.06 0.56 129.4 73.6 Rank 30 70 85 95 70 55 70 Adj. BW Adj. 205 65 714 -69- 945J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909274 945J BD: 3/9/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.1 -0.1 83.2 128.8 7.8 24.7 66.3 Rank 30 45 25 25 35 35 25 TJ MAIN EVENT 503B HOOK`S YELLOWSTONE 97Y TJ TEARDROP 783F CHAT LASS E62 TJ MS 38W PDF BLK LASS W845 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 21.0 12.8 -0.24 0.21 0.71 143.0 80.9 Rank 4 40 50 70 45 30 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 74 -70- H107 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3849113 H107 BD: 11/29/2020 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 21.2 -1.8 77.0 112.5 11.8 24.1 62.6 Rank 1 20 45 60 2 40 40 HOOK`S BOUNTY 6B W/C PALEFACE 756X TJ TOTALITY 438F SWAIN ANNA 422B TJ 96A SWAIN DELIGHT 914W STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.1 11.5 -0.20 0.00 0.51 148.5 78.5 Rank 10 60 65 99 80 25 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 64 660 -71- 812J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909339 812J BD: 2/22/2021 - H107 - Sells as Lot 70.
- Page 21- 903J - Sells as Lot 74. - H2016 - Sells as Lot 77. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 17.2 -2.7 76.0 108.5 8.9 27.3 65.2 Rank 10 10 50 70 20 20 30 HOOK`S BOUNTY 6B HOOK`S BOZEMAN 8B TJ TOTALITY 438F TJ 38E TJ 96A TJ MISS NEW DAY U14 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 20.4 13.1 -0.28 0.31 0.86 151.7 82.5 Rank 10 40 40 50 20 20 35 Adj. BW Adj. 205 74 631 -72- 801J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3909869 801J BD: 1/22/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD Rank CCR PAYDAY 0320C LANG GOLDEN DREAMS TJ TURBO 941F MS SUES DREAM BUILTRIGHT TJ 8T 652U STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD Rank Adj. BW Adj. 205 82 695 -73- 443J Black Polled 5/8 SM 3/8 AN ASA #3909313 443J BD: 3/24/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 16.4 -3.0 61.6 85.2 8.9 31.8 62.6 Rank 10 10 95 99 20 3 40 CCR PAYDAY 0320C PVF-J 4P14 HYB ROOKIE TJ TURBO 941F TJ 74A TJ 8T TJ 110Y STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 16.3 9.2 -0.17 0.46 0.34 144.3 77.5 Rank 40 85 70 25 95 30 55 Adj. BW Adj. 205 67 757 -74- 903J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3909717 903J BD: 3/9/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 10.2 3.0 86.2 121.7 6.2 24.5 67.6 Rank 80 95 20 40 60 35 20 TRIPLE C SINGLETARY S3H CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z WNR D644 CCR MS 4045 TIME 7322T STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.0 13.4 -0.14 0.30 0.45 119.4 79.3 Rank 75 35 80 55 85 75 50 Adj. BW Adj. 205 98 754 -75- J408 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/2 SM 1/4 AN 1/4 HP ASA #3949973 J408 BD: 1/30/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.2 -0.6 81.7 121.1 6.9 26.4 67.2 Rank 20 15 35 40 30 30 30 TJ MAIN EVENT 503B JBSF ROAD TRIP 213D CDI INNOVATOR 325D BAR QH ROAD TRIP G688 CDI MS SHEAR FORCE 49U BAR QH/SAS SUGAR 453C STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 12.8 8.8 -0.38 0.23 0.83 136.8 85.7 Rank 90 85 70 30 65 40 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 84 731 -76- J496 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3872334 J496 BD: 1/9/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 12.0 -0.3 76.5 112.4 5.0 19.0 57.2 Rank 55 40 50 60 80 85 70 CONNEALY CONFIDENCE PLUS TRIPLE C SINGLETARY S3H E&B PLUS ONE CCR MS BEVERLY 2135Z E&B LADY 1023 PRECISION 936 CCR MS 4045 TIME 7322T STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.8 15.7 -0.16 0.42 0.64 141.5 80.7 Rank 25 15 75 35 60 35 40 Adj. BW Adj. 205 77 -77- H2016 Homozygous Black Polled 1/2 SM 1/2 AN ASA #3872813 H2016 BD: 11/28/2020
- Page 22- J493 - Sells as Lot 84. Deep South Genetics Age-Advantaged Bulls CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 13.4 -0.8 83.9 132.8 7.5 14.7 56.6 Rank 35 30 25 20 40 99 75 CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A MR CCF 20-20 GIBBS 7382E BROAD RANGE LHT MS 20-20 163G SSF BLK LOUISE Y534 LHT MS EXCUTIVE 264D STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 13.4 13.3 -0.28 0.19 1.06 139.0 85.5 Rank 70 35 40 75 4 35 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 81 618 -78- J518 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3972946 J518 BD: 1/16/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.6 -2.9 72.7 106.5 8.9 26.9 63.2 Rank 25 10 65 75 20 20 40 CCR WIDE RANGE 9005A TJ BAR NONE 413B GIBBS 8025F RANGER TJ 128F SSF BLK LOUISE Y534 TJ 148B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 21.8 14.9 -0.11 0.09 0.74 137.6 74.2 Rank 3 20 85 90 40 40 70 Adj. BW Adj. 205 78 730 -79- 650J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3909494 650J BD: 3/15/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 14.1 1.8 82.7 126.0 7.6 30.0 71.3 Rank 30 80 25 35 35 10 10 CDI MAINLINE 265D CCR COWBOY CUT 5048Z TJ 226G AHL MS COWBOY CUT F819-B TJ MS 38W AHL MS PG483 1203-B STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 18.8 16.3 -0.35 0.22 0.85 135.8 79.5 Rank 15 10 20 70 20 45 45 Adj. BW Adj. 205 96 725 -80- J476 Heterozygous Black Homozygous Polled 3/4 SM 1/4 AN ASA #3920307 J476 BD: 3/20/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 15.1 -1.7 79.4 124.1 9.0 29.6 69.3 Rank 20 20 40 35 15 10 15 S A V BISMARCK 5682 TJ COTTONWOOD 231Y TJ G101 TJ 135D TJ MISS FINAL ANSWER Y13 TJ 103Z STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 17.4 13.0 0.13 0.54 0.14 148.9 85.1 Rank 30 40 99 20 99 20 25 Adj. BW Adj. 205 81 828 -81- 669J Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled 1/4 SM 3/4 AN ASA #3909463 669J BD: 4/12/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 7.7 0.3 70.5 99.0 2.6 28.5 63.7 Rank 90 25 80 90 95 20 45 CNS DREAM ON L186 3C PASQUE 4331B B WLE UNO MAS X549 TJ 37G SHAWNEE MISS 770P TJ 95A STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 14.2 12.5 -0.36 0.15 0.48 121.1 74.9 Rank 80 40 80 45 99 75 65 Adj. BW Adj. 205 51 506 -82- 635J Black Homozygous Polled PB SM ASA #3909541 635J BD: 1/19/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 11.0 0.7 86.4 146.6 8.8 17.7 60.9 Rank 70 60 20 10 20 90 50 BASIN PAYWEIGHT 1682 VA FIRST ROUND DEER VALLEY GROWTH FUND CHESTNUT FREEDOM LADY 546 DEER VALLEY RITA 36113 CHESTNUT FREEDOM LADY 288 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 9.4 13.7 0.24 0.53 0.27 117.2 77.4 Rank 95 30 99 20 99 75 55 Adj. BW Adj. 205 88 646 -83- J492 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB AN ASA #3872436 J492 BD: 2/24/2021 CE BW WW YW MCE MILK MWW EPD 5.0 2.5 93.9 162.6 2.6 19.6 66.5 Rank 99 90 5 1 99 80 25 HOOVER NO DOUBT WCF GOLD 377 E G EYES ONYOU CHESNUT BEAUTY 568 BALDRIDGE ISABEL D275 CHESTNUT BEAUTY 326 STAY DOC YG MARB REA API TI EPD 11.6 13.4 0.24 0.72 0.38 124.6 83.8 Rank 85 35 99 5 95 65 30 Adj. BW Adj. 205 102 685 -84- J493 Homozygous Black Homozygous Polled PB AN ASA #3872420 J493 BD: 1/31/2021
ASA Quick Reference Guide to EPDs and $ Indexes
EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCES (EPDS): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and -5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing in what units they are expressed. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, sire A would be expected to sire 15 pounds more weaning weight than sire B. If calving ease was the trait, sire A would be expected to sire 15 percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if sire B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we would expect sire A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes, visit
Listed below are the units in which ASA EPDs are expressed:
ALL -PURPOSE INDEX (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purpose-sire scenario. (See $ Indexes for more details.)
BACK FAT (BF): Inches of carcass backfat at 475 days.
BIRTH WEIGHT (BW): Pounds of birth weight.
CALVING EASE (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.
CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): Pounds of carcass weight at 475 days.
STAYABILITY (STAY): Percent of daughters remaining in the cowherd at 6 years of age.
DOCILITY (DOC): Percent of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).
MATERNAL CALVING EASE (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.
MILK (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
MARBLING (MARB): Carcass marbling score at 475 days.
MATERNAL WEANING WEIGHT (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
RIBEYE AREA (REA): Square inches of carcass ribeye at 475 days.
TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See TI for more details.)
WEANING WEIGHT (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.
YEARLING WEIGHT (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.
YIELD GRADE (YG): Carcass yield grade score at 475 days.
$ INDEXES: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide pieces of the economic puzzle. This is where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on integrated commercial production. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes:
ALL-PURPOSE INDEX (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.
TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Evaluates sires for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.
USING API AND TI: First, determine which index to use; if you are keeping replacements use API, if not, use TI. Then, just as with EPDs, zero in on the unit difference between bulls. (As described above, index units are in dollars per cow exposed.) The difference can be used to determine how much a bull is worth compared to another. Put another way, how much you can pay for one bull compared to another. For example, when buying an all-purpose-type sire, you can quickly figure a bull scoring +100 for API is worth an extra $6,000 over a +50 bull if both are exposed to 30 cows over 4 years ($50 diff. x 30 hd. x 4 yr.=$6,000). A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s index value ranks him relative to other bulls in the breed.
For more detailed information about EPDs and $indexes, visit: Important disclaimer: DO NOT compare index values of purebreds of different breeds, hybrids of different breed composition or purebreds with hybrids — our system was not developed to make valid comparison among these groups. Therefore, you must first determine the breed and breed composition appropriate for your herd and use index values to compare animals within that population.
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Commercial SimAngus™
Bred Females - Hixon Farms
Hixon farms a longtime cattle breeder in Banks, Alabama. Is offering a 25 SimAngus™ bred heifers in groups of 5. Hixon have been long time believers in artificial insemination and many of the females are sired by Select Sires lead-off SimAngus™ bull TJ Main Event. Females are home raised and developed on forage with minimal grain supplementation.
The females were AI serviced by S A V Rainfall 6846 and then cleaned up with DSG bulls.
Confirmed bred calving begins 11/10 in a 45-day
Contact Billy Hixon 334.461.9332
- Page 24 -
window. Lot A 5 Fall Calving SimAngus™ Bred Heifers Lot B 5 Fall Calving SimAngus™ Bred Heifers Lot C 5 Fall Calving SimAngus™ Bred Heifers Lot D 5 Fall Calving SimAngus™ Bred Heifers Lot E 5 Fall Calving SimAngus™ Bred Heifers
for questions. - S A V RAINFALL 6846 - Service sire.
Sale Notes
DSG DEEP SOUTH GENETICS Saturday, October 29, 2022 PIKE COUNTY CATTLEMEN’S COMPLEX - TROY, AL 4100 US Hwy 231 South Age Advantage - Cutting Edge Genetics Customer Satisfaction Guarantee 2140 Country Road 7741 Troy, AL 36081 Presorted First Class US Postage PAID SlateGroup