We would like to welcome you to Northwest Kansas and to our 5th Annual Heart of the Herd Sale! This year has been challenging in more ways than one in our area. Another year of drought, short grass and little to no crops grown, was a big challenge to the most seasoned farmer or rancher. Hopefully a change of weather pattern is on its way for us and to anyone in the west.
To say we are excited about this bull crop would be an understatement. This year’s bull offering has surpassed our expectations in quality and uniformity. This is the most consistent group of bulls we have raised. We will be having GW Hilger’s first bulls for sale this year. He is a bull that we bought from Gateway Simmental in 2021 and he was picked up by Select Sires this last spring. You will be seeing a lot of this progeny in the coming years across the industry.
Heart of the Herd female has expanded to offer over 50 commercial open heifers. We are looking to expand with proven and home raised genetics. They come from commercial-minded producers based in Western Kansas. This is one of the best opportunities to expand your herd this spring. We look forward to seeing you on March 1st. If you cannot join us on sale day, the sale will be broadcast on LiveAuctions.TV.
Heath Klein and FamilySALE LOCATION
Rawlins County Fairgrounds
1 mile north of Atwood, KS on Hwy 25
Heath Klein
Doug Klein
Lincoln Pochop
Tyler Martin
Ben Gleason, LiveAuctions.TV
Auctioneer – Charlie Cummings
Rocky Forseth
Marty Ropp 406-581-7835
Guy Peverley, Stock Exchange News
Brett Sayre, Kansas Stockman 573-881-1876
10:00 am Complimentary Breakfast by BigIron Auctions
10:30 am Viewing of cattle
12:00 pm Complimentary Lunch by Galli Smoked Meats
1:00 pm Heart of the Herd Sale
All bulls are developed at Doug Klein’s place. The facility is located 5 miles north of Atwood on Hwy 25, then turn west on Rd W for 3.25 miles and the place is on the south side of the road. The address is 17026 Rd W, Atwood, KS 67730.
Anyone who visits the bulls in the month of February will receive a $100 credit for each bull purchased on sale day. If you decide to take your bull home the day of the sale, $150 will be taken off the purchase price of each bull.
All bulls sold will have 100% guarantee of 90-day breeding season against foot, leg, disposition and semen. The bulls will be given a Breeding Exam before the sale and must pass the Breeding Exam before released to the buyer. All claims must be in by Oct 1st of 2022. If there is a claim against a bull during the season, we will give you an equal replacement or refund of credit or cash. The bull must be returned to Klein Ranch or have veterinary claim of the injury.
All bulls are selling with a 100% possession and 2/3 semen rights. We are retaining 1/3 semen rights on all bulls and the right to collect 100 straws of semen for in herd use. We will pay the expense for the collection of the semen.
The bulls and females were given a Vision 7 at birth. Also at branding another Vision 7, Gold Shield-5 and a pinkeye with Long Range. Then at weaning, they were given a Gold Shield shot one, Somnus, and Pinkeye. At booster weaning, they were given a Vision 7 and Gold Shield 5. Heartland Veterinary Clinic will be there the day of the sale to inspect cattle and have interstate papers if need. All bulls tested negative for BVD-PI.
Heart of the Herd sale will be conducted as a video sale. All animals will be available for viewing on the premises during sale time. Also, the sale will be broadcast on www. Liveauctions.tv You will need to register 24 hours before at www.Liveauctions.tv to be able to bid for the sale. See page 20 for more information.
Bulls will be delivered in the following weeks after the sale. A charge for room and board of $4 a day will be implemented on April 1st until pickup or delivery of the bulls. We will deliver bulls up to 200 miles free of charge. Any bull going out of the area, we will work with you to assist in an economical delivery. If you decide to take your bulls home the day of the sale a $150 will be taken off the purchase price of each bull.
Any transfer of bull registration will be made at the buyer’s request. Please inform the clerk when you are checking out at the sale.
Heartland Vet Clinic
Paul Ritter, DVM
Monument Station Ultrasound Services
Terms of the sale are cash or check with proper ID. Every animal will be sold to the highest bidder by a public auction. Announced changes on sale day take precedence over printed material in sale book. The Heart of Herd Sale does sell under the guidelines of the American Simmental Association.
All cattle are the buyer’s property as soon as sold and will be cared for a reasonable length of time at the buyer’s risk. Any person attending the sale does so at their own risk. Neither the sale management, owners, not any person connected with this sale, assumes any liability, legal or otherwise. All animals are listed to our best knowledge as Homozygous Black, Homozygous Polled, Heterozygous Black or Polled and NonDilute red.
Videos of all animals selling will be up at www.kleinranch.net by Feb 24. Sale Order and any updates will be posted February 28 at kleinranch.net or on our Facebook page Klein Ranch.
It’ll Do Motel, Atwood, KS
For changes on the date based on weather, visit our Facebook page or website www. kleinranch.net, or listen to KYVZ 106.1
Our goal is to make the bull selection process easier. We know that the amount of information can be a little much. That is why we are trying to simplify the process for you. The bulls are divided into four categories: Maternal, Terminal, Calving ease specialist, and All Purpose.
The calving ease (CE) EPD is used for first calf heifers. All these bulls will work comfortable on cows and we would use any of these bulls on our own cowherd for their calving ease.
Bulls that we recommend retaining the females into the herd or selling heifers as replacement quality.
Bulls that would excel in operations that are looking to market all calves into a background or to retain ownership. Not recommended for keeping females in the herd.
Bulls that excel with calving ease will work very well on heifers. We would use any of these bulls on our own heifers.
These bulls are what we consider well rounded for both maternal and terminal traits. Bulls that would work well suited in programs that retain females and sell their calves as program cattle.
All bulls have been Low Density (LD) DNA tested. WHAT DOES THIS MEAN? All bull’s DNA must match to their Sire and Dam parentage DNA. LD DNA enhances the EPD profile of each animal giving you, the producer, a more proven EPD profile to look at. In addition, the bulls have been tested for color, polled and tested free of all know genetic defects.
HOMOZYGOUS BLACK- When mated to a black cow, all the calves will be black.
HETEROZYGOUS BLACK- When mated to a red non-dilute cow, 50% calves will be red.
NON-DILUTOR RED- When mated to a red cow, all calves will be red. There will be no grays, yellow, or buckskins.
HOMOZYGOUS POLLED- When mated to a polled cow, all calves will be polled.
Thank you to all our customer, friends and family that have made this program. We couldn’t have done it without your support and guidance for these last 15 years.
In the coming years, we want to expand our commercial heifer offering. We would like to have females that are sired from Klein Ranch genetics at our upcoming offerings. In order to qualify for our replacement female program, the bulls must meet criteria. The bulls, who have met these criteria, will be identified with a logo in the catalog. If this program interests, you contact Heath for more details.
All Beef is a producer owned genetic business that we have invested in. This allows us to provide a service to you, the customer, that we felt is needed in the cattle industry. We knew that we could not do it on our own, so now we can leverage some of the most sought out young Simgenetics in the industry and provide them to you. If you are looking either to breed a pen of heifers or your best group of cows this will move you genetically faster to where you want to go. It does not matter the size of the operation we can help you get to where you want to be. Klein Ranch is a semen rep for ALL BEEF, ORIgen and Allied Genetic Resources. Contact Heath for semen or embryos. See page inside back cover for more information. See page 19 for more information.
Our customer success is important to us and marketing your calves can be a large part of that. To help with this we have teamed up with Rocky Forseth through Superior Livestock. By using our genetics, you would be eligible for a Progressive Genetics Logo. In addition, we are putting together a feeding alliance for any of our customers who are interested in feeding their own cattle to feeders or to finish. Any size is welcome from a 10 cow herd size to a 1,000 cow herd size. Contact Rocky or Heath if you have any questions. See page 18 for more information.
Individual Performance and Ultrasound
For more information, see page 16.
Percentile Rankings Buy Back Logo
For more information, see above.
DNA Testing
For more information, see page 3.
Improved Buying Confidence with Greater Genomic ASSURANCE
Access to more and better information has always been key to making wise decisions. The evolution and improvement of genetic evaluation tools too has given us an ever-clearer picture of the true genetic makeup of cattle and thus a better view of the value proposition. RightMate, powered by Top Genomics LLC is taking the evaluation of genetics and genomics one giant step further. By combining speci c genomic information with the long-proven value of EPDs, this new advancement in technology improves our depth and precision when evaluating the actual ability to transmit value and pro t.
The 3 Accreditation Logos below are designed to simplify bull selection and improve buyer con dence by more accurately describing the genetics o ered and by reducing risk. What this means to you as a customer is a much greater assurance that you are getting both what you want and need from the genetics you purchase. What it means to your seedstock provider is access to RightMate technology that simply sets them apart from the rest of the industry.
ACCREDITED GENOMIC PLUS – For the majority of producers who simply need consistent and balanced genetic improvement, without genomic setbacks, G+ Accredited bulls should be on your list for premium purchase. These sires will absolutely move you forward for both cost reduction and income producing traits and substantially reduce risk when compared to all other evaluation programs. It’s simple, the right genes are in these bulls to help secure a pro table future and the they have great EPDs to match!
ACCREDITED CALVING EASE – Simply nd bulls with the ACE logo for third party Accredited, secure Calving Ease bulls. Though we have had tools in the past to assist in choosing heifer bulls, we’ve never had one nearly this e ective. The reduced risk that comes with this genomic certi cation will simply make your decisions easier and your heifer calving season more successful. Purchase special purpose ACE bulls with con dence. They will deliver consistent and predictable calving ease.
ACCREDITED TERMINAL MATE – Just like an ATM machine makes it simpler to access your cash, the ATM Logo highlights bulls accredited to generate extra cash income as soon as your next calf crop! These bulls are meant speci cally to use only on mature cows and for the purpose of adding performance, pay weight and end product value to market.
Lots 1 and 2
To lead off this year’s sale we want to provide for you fresh genetics to our program. We partnered with All Beef to buy GW Hilger One from Gateway Simmentals in 2021 and he was picked up by Select Sires last spring. There will only be a hand full of bulls available this spring for these outcross genetics. Lot 1 comes out of donor cow LCDR 98C. One of the most balanced bulls we have raised and the most like his sire. He has a tremendous set of EPDs for a red purebred bull. Lot 2 is a high performance son out of GW Hilger One who has the top 10% of EPD’s in WW, YW and STAY. Both of these sons of GW Hilger One really carry on some of his best traits including good to expectational growth with high Stay.
2 KLEIN K016
Lots 3 and 4
Lot 3 and Lot 4 both come from Hooks Galileo, we have been excited about his sons and daughters. He has moderate birthweight and top end growth with exceptional marbling ability. These sons throughout the offering will demonstrate this. Lot 3 comes from the TJ 990E cow family which has been one of the most productive cow families on the place. He is super attractive with a great combination of depth and length. He is the best black bull we have ever raised on the ranch so far.
Lot 4 is the natural calf of our donor cow Klein D26. He has a lot of power and muscle shape.
KLEIN K037 Sells as Lot 4.
A moderate frame hetero black bull that is a high genetic outlier, that can be used to improve any red herd.
KLEIN K030 Sells as Lot 5.
A Cimmaron son that brings a balanced EPD set between Marbling, Growth and a high maternal trait.
KLEIN K021 Sells as Lot 6.
KLEIN K078 Sells as Lot 8.
Lot 8 is out of our other new red herd sire ALC Bankroll. This red SimAngus bull has a lot of depth and power. You will appreciate him on sale day
A very attractive TJ Panther son that is soft made with expectational foot set.
Lots 9 and 10
These are flush mates out of WS D155 ACE cow. These bulls are complete outcross to both the Red Angus and Simmental pedigrees. They have a great foot set with a lot of style and muscle shape.
KLEIN K055 Sells as Lot 10.
He is a moderate, well balanced SimAngus bull that had the highest scan Marbling score in the offering.
ASA Quick Reference to EPDs, Indexes and $Values
EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCES (EPDS): EPDs are the most accurate and effective tool available for comparing genetic levels. In using EPDs, the difference between two sires’ EPDs represents the unit difference expected in the performance of their progeny. For example, if sires A and B have EPDs of +10 and -5, a 15-unit difference would be expected in their progeny (moving from -5 to +10 yields 15 units). Key to using EPDs is knowing in what units they are expressed. For example, if the above case referred to weaning weight EPDs, sire A would be expected to sire 15 pounds more weaning weight than sire B. If calving ease was the trait, sire A would be expected to sire 15 percent more unassisted births in first-calf heifers; in other words, if sire B sired 30 assists in a group of 100 heifers, we would expect sire A to require 15 assists. A percentile-ranking chart is required to determine where a bull’s EPDs rank him relative to other bulls in the breed. For more detailed information about EPDs and $ indexes, visit www.simmental.org.
Listed below are the units in which ASA EPDs are expressed:
ALL-PURPOSE INDEX (API): Dollars per cow exposed under an all-purposesire scenario. (See $ Indexes for more details.)
BACK FAT (BF): Inches of carcass backfat at 475 days.
BIRTH WEIGHT (BW): Pounds of birth weight.
CALVING EASE (CE): Percent of unassisted births when used on heifers.
CARCASS WEIGHT (CW): Pounds of carcass weight at 475 days.
DOCILITY (DOC): Percent of offspring receiving a disposition score of 1 (docile).
MATERNAL CALVING EASE (MCE): Percent of unassisted births in first-calving daughters.
MILK (MLK): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk.
MARBLING (MARB): Carcass marbling score at 475 days.
MATERNAL WEANING WEIGHT (MWW): Pounds of weaning weight due to milk and growth.
RIBEYE AREA (REA): Square inches of carcass ribeye at 475 days.
TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Dollars per cow exposed under a terminal-sire scenario. (See TI for more details.)
WEANING WEIGHT (WW): Pounds of weaning weight.
YEARLING WEIGHT (YW): Pounds of yearling weight.
YIELD GRADE (YG): Carcass yield grade score at 475 days.
$ INDEXES: Though EPDs allow for the comparison of genetic levels for many economically important traits, they only provide pieces of the economic puzzle. This is where $ indexes come in. Through well-conceived, rigorous mathematical computation, $ indexes blend EPDs and economics to estimate an animal’s overall impact on integrated commercial production. The same technology that led to the dramatic progress in swine, poultry and dairy genetics over the last several decades was used to develop the following $ indexes:
ALL-PURPOSE INDEX (API): Evaluates sires for use on the entire cow herd (bred to both Angus first-calf heifers and mature cows) with the portion of their daughters required to maintain herd size retained and the remaining heifers and steers put on feed and sold grade and yield.
TERMINAL INDEX (TI): Evaluates sires for use on mature Angus cows with all offspring put on feed and sold grade and yield.
Lots 12 and 13
We are leading off the Terminal offering this year with a couple of Galileo sons. They both come with a lot power and growth. They are a backgrounders dream. We wish we had a pen full of these guys. KLEIN
Lots 14 and 15
These are both TJ Flat Iron sons that are very attractive moderate frame bulls, who have lots of muscle expression. They will work best in a large cow sets and true range country.
KLEIN K058 Sells as Lot 16.
A GW Hilger One son that is a high growth and complete outcross pedigree bull. He has a great foot set with exceptional length.
KLEIN K099 Sells as Lot 19.
Lot 16 is Power, Power and POUNDS.
He is a long and deep, red SimAngus bull out of ALC Bankroll.
He has a good balance of length, depth and foot set. He will be able to go out and cover a lot of cows.
Lot 20 is the youngest bull in the offering but has the most explosive growth on test this year.
Analysis of American Simmental Association terminal traits show significant gains in postweaning growth and carcass quality in the past 20 years.
Plus, the Terminal Index average increased 21% during that same time for purebred Simmental. That translates to an average $1,498 in increased profit per bull when all calves are harvested.
For retained ownership with less risk and hybrid vigor.
406-587-4531 • simmental.org
KLEIN MISS G34 Dam of Lot 22.
To start out our Maternal section we wanted to bring one of the most proven cow families on the place. He has several daughters that go back on his granddam side that are great milkers with wonderful mother ability and are very fertile.
Lot 23 is a moderate bull with a STAY EPD in the top 10 percent.
Lot 22 is the calf out of the high seller Klein G34 cow that we sold to Sloup Simmentals at the Burlap and Barbed Wire sale in the fall of 2021. We jumped at the opportunity to sell her calf at our sale. He is a moderate, easy fleshing bull that comes out of ALC Bankroll. Knowing his mother’s abilities, he will create high value SimAngus daughters and sons.
He is a thick and a very expressive muscle bull that comes from a productive cow family. You will enjoy his daughters and his sons will have a high carcass value.
This bull is a well-balanced bull that is in the top 10 % for STAY and 15% for API.
He comes from a well udder cow family and mothering ability.
This bull is a sleep all night heifer bull that has a ratio off 100 for WW.
Lot 28 carries the ACE logo and will work great on larger frame heifers or young cows.
He is a well-balanced heifer bull that brings more to the table than just calving ease.
He is another of GW Hilger One’s sons that will bring you the ease of low birthing weight during calving.
Driving the science of better breeding
There’s little room for error in the cattle business. Producers need the most advanced information to make smart selection decisions, and Angus Genetics Inc. (AGI) provides it through genomic-enhanced expected progeny differences (GE-EPDs).
GE-EPDs have become the industry standard for herd improvement, building on decades of science-backed genetic evaluation tools originated and maintained through the American Angus Association®, home to the largest and ever-growing single-breed beef cattle database.
EPDs that traditionally contained all pedigree, performance and progeny information now also include results from available genomic, or DNA, tests. Breeders who use genomic technology give buyers access to AGI-generated GE-EPDs that provide:
Increased predictability and decreased risk for young and unproven animals due to enhanced accuracy of EPDs
Better characterization of genetics for difficult-to-measure performance traits (such as carcass traits, maternal traits and feed efficiency)
The ability to make more rapid progress for traits that are important to you, due to:
· more accurate selection
· easier identification of genetic outliers
He is heifer bull package that has a high value in carcass traits. His calves will do well on the rail with no problem with calving.
· the ability to propagate young animals with confidence earlier in their lives
In fact, GE-EPDs on unproven animals have the same amount of accuracy as if they had recorded 10-36 calves, depending on the trait. That’s valuable insight, offered regularly through the breed’s weekly national cattle evaluation.
How do you know if EPDs are genomic-enhanced?
Ask your breeder, refer to the registration paper, or look for the AGI GE-EPD logo, Angus GS TM powered by partner Neogen GeneSeek or the HD50k by partner Zoetis. These images indicate animals for which low-density or high-density genomic testing has been conducted and incorporated by AGI into GE-EPDs
Female Offering
Heart of Herd female group from Pochop Angus Ranch, Hawkins Farms, Klein Farms and Roger Holste will be offering open and bred heifers this year. The heifers have come out of each are replacement pens. All females have been bangs vaccinated, pelvic measured, and given breeding shots. Please call Heath, Lincoln, or Del with any questions about these females.
All the open heifers will be all sold at once. The highest winning bid will get choice of the Lot or a gate cut of 5 head from the Lot.
Lot A
Lot B
– Pochop Angus Ranch are selling 10 black commercial Angus heifers.
– Hawkins Farms are selling 10 black open commercial SimAngus heifers.
Lot C – Klein Farms are selling 10 open black commercial SimAngus heifers.
Lot D
– Roger Holste selling 10 open red commercial SimAngus heifers.
Lot E – Roger Holste selling 10 open red commercial SimAngus heifers.
Lincoln & Brenda Pochop
Landon, Breckyn, & Leo
H- 785-538-4747
C- 785-626-6132
Gerard & Anita Pochop
H- 785-538-2410
C- 785-626-6033
Pochop Farm & Ranch Angus (PFR) was started in 2011 selling registered Angus bulls. PFR also has a commercial herd that we treat just the same as our seed stock herd. We believe that for the Midwest we need cattle with proper bone structure and fertility, all while raising the best calf possible. We strive to raise cattle that work for the producer and not the producer having to work for the cattle. We have been working for several years to get our average cow size down to 1250-1350lbs. These are all home raised heifers. We would like to thank Klein Ranch for giving us the opportunity to market our females locally. God Bless.
Hawkins Farms has been ranching and farming in Rawlins County since 1914. Del and Kristi Hawkins run a commercial Angus and SimAngus cowherd. They also have a small, registered Angus cow herd that is a joint venture with their daughters. They have been using Klein Ranch genetics and buying the top end of our bulls each time.
Roger Holste has been raising Simmental cattle since the 1970’s. His cowherd has exceptional milking production on minimal inputs. He also has been a longtime customer of Klein Ranch. This year we were given the opportunity to take over the management of his cowherd. The females that we are offering are coming off the top of the replacement pen. They have been managed the same as Klein Farms/Klein Ranch.
This is our process on how bulls are developed and what they need for a longer life. Over half of our bull battery is bulls that we have raised ourselves and this want we have found that works best for us. The development of our bulls is just as important as anything we do. Also, the care after breeding season. The bulls are weaned Labor Day week and given first around of vaccinations. They are fed an alfalfa base protein pellet at 5 lbs. a day with free choice oat hay. They are on this ration for 21 days then transition onto TMR ration. At this time, they are given a second round of vaccinations. The TMR is designed for them to gain 3.5 lbs. a day. The ration is Corn silage, ground Milo, Alfalfa, sorghum grass hay, and a protein pellet. Our goal is when they are ultrasounded the first week of January is to be at 2 tenths of backfat. This allows us to manage through growth and develop their joints and structure properly. We purposely do not raise fat or heavy bulls. This diet is maintained until sale time at which we increase roughage and pull out grain in order to start a transition of the gut to more forage base. When taking the bulls home, they still need to feed a growing ratio of gain 2 to 2.5 lbs. a day. A bull does not stop growing until they are 4. After breeding season, it is best to pull bulls from the main cows and let them rest in a pasture or grass trap on their own. This will allow them to rest and growth. Side note: we do not Creep feed any of our bulls. We believe this has a negative effect on the lifetime of a bull. If you have any questions, give us a call
We will be selling Registered females at Hofmann Simmental Farms at the farm at Clay Center, KS, on October 9, 2023.
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