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February 25

February 25

Details for PAP Testing and Scoring of Cattle PAP Tested at 6,300’

30-35 Excellent and Highly Reliable Score

36-40 Excellent for animals older than 12 months. For a younger animals the score is fairly reliable, but testing is suggested.

42 Reliable score in all animals older than 12 months. It is recommended that younger cattle score less than 42 depending on test altitude.

43-46 Acceptable score for animals older than 12 months. Younger animals should be retested.

47-49 Acceptable score for animals older than 16 months that have been at high elevations for an extended period. These animals should be considered at some risk. Testing altitude and animal’s location should be considered.

>50 Animals in this range are considered at high risk for themselves and their offspring. Many animals scoring in this range have died of high-altitude disease.

***Note These figures are based on cattle 12 months of age and older and tested at or above 6,300 ft. If an animal does not meet these criteria, adjustments must be noted.

Animals must be exposed to the altitude above 5,000 ft for a minimum of 4-6 weeks.

Lyman Livestock is a fifth generation ranching operation based out of Central Utah. The ranch is run by three brothers Eric, Kevin, Mike, along with their parents, Keith and Glenda, and our kids. Everyone pitches in with the work, our kids are taught to work at a young age and are very capable of all ranching activities. Our wives are our unsung troopers, from meals delivered, to feeding when no one is around, to clerical work, and bull sale info.

While our ranch is nearing 100 plus years in the cattle industry, it has been a meticulous amount of dedication that our parents Keith and Glenda have put into expanding the ranch to what it is today. Our father has never believed in money, he has always believed in dirt and has worked his hole life to put this ranch together along with his boys. In 1998, we began raising Simmental genetics and have never stopped trying to improve our customers and our own cow herds. Sim influenced genetics flat pay you more money. It been proven what heterosis does in a cowherd. As we push forward in this new cattle age, we will continue to keep our customers wants and needs at the for front of our seedstock operation.

25 years in the seedstock industry raising and selling bulls, the life lessons these cattle have taught us are priceless. We annually offer 100 yearling pap tested bulls in Lyman Livestock’s Cattlemen to Cattlemen bull sale the last Saturday in February at Producer’s livestock sale barn in Salina Ut. Where we offer the best in SimAngus, Simmental and Angus genetics for our customers cowherds.

The ranch consists of three main properties where we use a three area rotation for the cows. The summer ranch is located between Montpelier Idaho & Cokeville Wyoming. We typically summer 450 pair there from late May to early November.

From there the cows are loaded on trucks and either took to late fall pasture or hauled to Monticello, UT, where we winter from December till April. We winter out in large 1,000 acre plus high, 6,500 ft, desert pastures where cows calve unassisted and are supplemented very little if any hay.

As we move from winter to spring the cows are hauled from Monticello to Yuba reservoir area in central Utah. We put the cows on lush green spring grasses to help get the bred back in April and May.

A few things to know about our cattle herd. We have been PAP testing for close to 20 years. We believe in high altitude genetics and search and use only bulls that can produce suitable pap scores on their offspring. We run our registered stock like a commercial operation no pampering the cows are wintered in tough conditions and must breed back with minimal supplemented feed. We operate around 500-600 head of momma cows. 300 registered Simmentals, 80 registered Angus, 40 registered Gelbvieh, and around 180 commercial SimAngus influenced cattle.

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