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A Note from the Sale Manager
We are eagerly awaiting the Lyman Livestock Annual Bull Sale. What an offering of bulls! Lyman Livestock has been breeding cattle that work in the desert and mountain regions of the west for decades. Their operation is different than most seedstock operations. When they say that the cow herd is run like their commercial customers, they mean it. The cows are summered in the mountains and travel and forage for a living. The mature cows are then moved south to the desert for the winter. These cows are not given supplemental feed, they must forage and survive on what is available on the desert range even when it is covered in snow. To top it off, the cows that winter in the desert also calve on the desert unassisted. The bulls in this offering that do not have a birthweight recorded were born on the desert unassisted. So, when the Lyman’s say that they run their cows like their customers and make them work for a living they mean it.
In a time where we see input costs rising at historic levels it is very important to a rancher’s bottom line to keep their inputs at a minimum to make a living. Feed and labor are two of the largest inputs in the cattle business and these are not going down anytime soon. That is why it is very important that cattlemen source their genetics from seedstock providers who manage their cattle with minimum inputs. The bulls that make it as bulls at Lyman Livestock know how to make a living because they did it with their mothers. Furthermore, if they performed to the level to remain a bull, they have the genetics to thrive on limited feed and labor inputs. Lastly these cattle are run at high elevation and the bulls in the offering are PAP tested. You do not find genetics like this on every street corner!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact anyone at Lyman Livestock or any one of us on the Allied team.
Marty Ropp, Corey Wilkins and Jared Murnin