Terms & Conditions
1. Settlement will be made the day of the sale by both seller and buyer signing the “Contract for Purchase of Livestock” Document.
2. The settlement will be based on the information stated in the catalogue and/or corrections from the auction stand, and payment will be made within the legal requirement under the Dealer’s Act and determined when delivery is taken of the animals.
3. It is the seller’s responsibility to ensure that all animals have Government regulated identification tags (RFID Tags).
4. Buyer agrees to a buyer’s fee applied to the purchase price of all cattle at the rate of 1.5% for calves and 1% for yearlings, unless otherwise stated.
5. Seller agrees to pay all government deductions (i.e.: Brand Inspection, A.B.P, Livestock Security, and Insurance), plus a clearing charge of $3 per head manifested on delivery day.
6. +/- is defined as no more or less than 10% over or under the stated head count.
7. Ca le that are considerably heavier or lighter than the base weight, may need to be renego ated by a sales Rep at the me of delivery to assure ca le pricing is fair based on video sale day pricing.
Responsibility & Expense
8. Buyer and seller agree to fulfill any and all contract obligations regardless of a fluctuating cattle market.
9. On the day of delivery of the cattle, the seller and a S.A.L.E. representative will be on hand to witness the weighing of the cattle.
10. Contact a S.A.L.E. representative for further information regarding any cattle requiring export testing and documentation.
11. All lots consigned through Auction Markets other than S.A.L.E. will be lifted and processed by those Auction Market’s Representatives.
12. Any person attending the sale does so at his/her own risk. The sellers, sales committee, sale personnel and attendants assume no liability, legal or otherwise, for any accidents that occur.
13. The sellers, sales committee, sale personnel, and editors will not be held responsible for errors or omissions that may inadvertently appear in the catalog, posters, or website.
Offsite Bidders, Sale Conditions
14. Bids may be accepted from the floor or by phone the day of the sale.
15. The auctioneer has complete charge of the sale, and in case of a dispute in bidding, his decision is final.
16. All announcements made from the auction stand will take precedence over the printed matter in the catalogue and short list, as well as any information listed on videos.
PLEASE NOTE: Catalogue is subject to omissions, additions, errors and changes. In case of omissions, errors or changes, a supplement sheet will be provided on sale day.
001 +/- 325Steers925THUNDERHILLRANCHAllanLively
002 +/- 240Steers970JASON&WALTERBRUNS
003 +/- 110Steers970JASON&WALTERBRUNS
004 +/- 105Heifers865RAYMONDBRUNS
AllanLively/Dylan BatesAugust29,2023
AllanLively/Dylan BatesAugust31,2023
5milesNorthofTwinButte, AB
10milesSouthofPincher Creek,AB
AllanLively/Dylan Bates September13-15, 2023 6milesSouthofPincher Creek,AB
005 +/- 100Steers1065STILLRIDGERANCHDylanBates
006 +/- 118Steers950
007 +/- 50Steers1000MARK&MONICABURLESJustinKeeley
008 +/- 127Heifers915KIRBYCATTLECOJustinKeeley
009 +/- 186Steers990BAROLIVESTOCKShannonEaton
010 +/- 63Steers990BAROLIVESTOCKShannonEaton
011 +/- 300Steers1100
011A +/- 300Steers1100
September28-30, 2023
September13-18, 2023
10milesNorthof Lundbreck,AB
NorthofLundbreckonHWY 22,WestofWillowValley Road15km.
September19-21, 2023NorthofCowley
September11-20, 20235milesWestofWinfield,AB
September27-29, 2023 10milesNWof Lloydminister,AB
September27-29, 2023 30milesNWof Lloydminister,AB
012 +/- 65Heifers950WYATTWALTERHOUSEShannonEatonSeptember11,2023TullibyLake,AB
013 +/- 396Heifers925ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust14,2023
HandhillsRanch(Southof Hanna,AB)
013A +/- 396Heifers925ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust14,2023
HandhillsRanch(Southof Hanna,AB)
013B +/- 396Heifers925ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust16,2023
HandhillsRanch(Southof Hanna,AB)
013C +/- 330Heifers925ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust16,2023
HandhillsRanch(Southof Hanna,AB)
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
www.CanadaLIVE.com www.livestock.ab.ca
014 +/- 60Steers1000CARTERCATTLECOAllanLively August30,2023EastofTwinButte,AB
015 +/- 270Steers925EAST&WESTRANCHINGCO
016 +/- 65Steers1000EAST&WESTRANCHINGCO
AllanLively/Bear LightbownAugust15,202340milesSouthofDunmore
AllanLively/Bear LightbownAugust15,202340milesSouthofDunmore
017 +/- 70Heifers925CHAD&DANNYSEWALLAllanLively September14-15, 2023Patricia,AB
018 +/- 60Heifers925DUSTINGONNET
AllanLively/Dylan BatesAugust12,2023EastofNanton,AB
019 +/- 252Steers985ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust21,2023
OHRanch(Northof Dorothy,AB)
020 +/- 260Heifers950ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust18,2023
OHRanch-Diamond7 Pasture(NorthofDorothy, AB)
020A +/- 260Heifers950ADAMSRANCH
021 +/- 60Heifers850
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust18,2023
OHRanch-Diamond7 Pasture(NorthofDorothy, AB)
022 +/- 70Heifers875ELFORDRANCHJaredParsonageSeptember12,202315milesSEofMortlach,SK 023 +/- 100Heifers840BAREJRANCHJaredParsonageOctober1-7,2023
+/- 120Heifers850LITTLEBIGRANCHJaredParsonageOctober11-18,2023
+/- 25Steers850LITTLEBIGRANCHJaredParsonageOctober11-18,2023
+/- 68Steers870MERRYFLATRANCHLTD.JaredParsonage
+/- 72Heifers850MERRYFLATRANCHLTD.JaredParsonage
ProvostLivestock Exchange-Jesse
40milesSouthofMaple Creek,SK
25milesSWofMapleCreek, SK
+/- 140Steers875SIRETTHOLDINGS
www.CanadaLIVE.com www.livestock.ab.ca
029 +/- 75Steers825SIRETTHOLDINGS
030 +/- 130Steers940SERGENTRANCH
031 +/- 70Heifers900SERGENTRANCH
032 +/- 205Steers880B-CRANCH
033 +/- 80Heifers780B-CRANCH
ProvostLivestock Exchange-Jesse
Northern LivestockSalesBlairBrooksSeptember1-7,2023MeadowLake,SK
Northern LivestockSalesBlairBrooks September24-30, 2023MeadowLake,SK
Northern LivestockSalesBlairBrooksSeptember6-9,2023
Northern LivestockSalesBlairBrooksSeptember6-9,2023
ProvostLivestock Exchange-Jesse Lawes/Casey
16milesNWofMeadow Lake,SK
16milesNWofMeadow Lake,SK
034 +/- 60Steers1030FIVEXMRANCHING
035 +/- 44Steers910DANIELMCNIVENColinMcNivenSeptember18,2023BigStone,AB
036 +/- 125Heifers960SUNSTRUMRANCHINGColinMcNiven
September11-12, 2023BogiFeeders
037 +/- 340Heifers885ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust23,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
037A +/- 340Heifers885ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust23,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
037B +/- 340Heifers885ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust25,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
037C +/- 340Heifers885ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust25,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
038 +/- 335Heifers910ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesSeptember1,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
038A +/- 335Heifers910ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesSeptember1,2023
XLRanch(SouthofDorothy, AB)
039 +/- 430Steers975RONGILESAllanLivelySeptember7-8,2023DorothyRanch
040 +/- 240Steers1000BARSRANCHCodySawleyAugust14-15,2023WestofNantonatRanch.
041 +/- 280Steers950BARSRANCHCodySawley
041A +/- 280Steers950BARSRANCHCodySawley
September18-20, 2023WestofNantonatRanch.
September18-20, 2023WestofNantonatRanch.
042 +/- 225Steers770HIGHPLAINSRANCHAllanLivelyAugust22-25,2023
043 +/- 70Steers860HIGHPLAINSRANCHAllanLivelyAugust22-25,2023
044 +/- 150Heifers790HIGHPLAINSRANCHAllanLively
045 +/- 65Heifers950BARTLIVESTOCKRyanBeierbach
September12-15, 2023 4milesSouthofHWY1Whitewood,SK
September15-20, 20231mileWestofEarlGrey,SK
046 +/- 140Heifers885JASON&JOLENEFATHAllanLivelyAugust28-31,2023Moosomin,SK
047 +/- 70Heifers885JASON&JOLENEFATHAllanLivelyAugust28-31,2023Moosomin,SK
048 +/- 70Heifers900BARJBRANCHAllanLively
September11-14, 2023Lundar,MB
049 +/- 300Steers1020BAR3RANCHESLTD
050 +/- 180Steers1020BAR3RANCHESLTD
051 +/- 195Steers950LAZYSFOURRANCHES
052 +/- 130Steers950LAZYSFOURRANCHES
053 +/- 124Steers1000LAZYSFOURRANCHES
September12-13, 2023Donalda,AB
054 +/- 75Heifers840CLINT,ERIN&OWENWILKIE
September9-16, 2023BigValley,AB
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
055 +/- 75Heifers830CLINT,ERIN&OWENWILKIE
Rairdan/Russel Allison
September9-16, 2023BigValley,AB
056 +/- 80Heifers800CLINT,ERIN&OWENWILKIE
Rairdan/Russel Allison
057 +/- 54Steers1000HUNT'SCOULEERANCHSkylerMcBride
058 +/- 65Steers985JESSIEARMSTRONGAllanLively
059 +/- 75Heifers835JESSIEARMSTRONGAllanLively
060 +/- 125Heifers1000GREGCASSIDYAllanLively
061 +/- 120Heifers1000GREGCASSIDYAllanLively
September9-16, 2023BigValley,AB
September5-10, 2023Airdrie,AB
September1-15, 2023BigValley,AB
September18-22, 2023Castor,AB
September18-22, 2023Donalda,AB
062 +/- 370Heifers835ADAMSRANCH
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust30,2023
OHRanch(Northof Dorothy,AB)
062A +/- 370Heifers835ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust30,2023
OHRanch(Northof Dorothy,AB)
062B +/- 370Heifers835ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust28,2023
OHRanch(Northof Dorothy,AB)
062C +/- 370Heifers835ADAMSRANCH
Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust28,2023
063 +/- 400Steers930BURKECREEKRANCHJustinKeeley
OHRanch(Northof Dorothy,AB)
September21-22, 2023WestofClaresholm
064 +/- 210Steers970BURKECREEKRANCHJustinKeeleySeptember4-8,2023WaldronRanch
065 +/- 55Steers950BURKECREEKRANCHJustinKeeleyOctober4-6,2023WestofClaresholm
066 +/- 95Heifers980BURKECREEKRANCHJustinKeeleyOctober17-20,2023WestofClaresholm
067 +/- 78Heifers850BURKECREEKRANCHJustinKeeleyAugust24,2023WaldronRanch
068 +/- 230Steers925BRIAN&MARILYNSCHMIDTJustinKeeleyAugust26,2023
2.5kmSouthofMillarville offHWY22
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
www.CanadaLIVE.com www.livestock.ab.ca
069 +/- 90Steers925BELLCREEKRANCHJustinKeeleySeptember4-8,2023WaldronRanch
070 +/- 45Heifers915MT.SENTINELRANCHCodySawleyAugust14-15,2023WestofNanton,AB 071 +/- 61Steers1000NELSONCREEKRANCHJustinKeeleyAugust12or14,2023 WestofClaresholmonHWY 22
072 +/- 130Steers950NELSONCREEKRANCHJustinKeeley September18-22, 2023 WestofClaresholmonHWY 22 073 +/- 160Heifers875BILLSHIELDSAllanLively
074 +/- 100Heifers835SCOTTMCGREGORAllanLively
075 +/- 100Steers800VXVFARMSJustinKeeleySeptember4-8,2023WaldronRanch
080 +/- 257Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
081 +/- 610Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
081A +/- 273Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
081B +/- 316Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
081C +/- 550Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
082 +/- 609Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
082A +/- 450Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember28,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember18,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember20,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember20,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember19,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember21,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember25,2023Moosomin,SK
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
082B +/- 454Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
082C +/- 200Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
082D +/- 451Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
083 +/- 578Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
083A +/- 451Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
084 +/- 357Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
084A +/- 251Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
084B +/- 403Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
085 +/- 441Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
085A +/- 158Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
085B +/- 308Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
086 +/- 274Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
086A +/- 241Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
086B +/- 120Heifers950WESTWOODLAND&CATTLE
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember23,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember25,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember22,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember26,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonSeptember27,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember13,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember13,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember14,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember15,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember16,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember16,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember17,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember17,2023Moosomin,SK
Northern LivestockSalesShannonEatonNovember17,2023Moosomin,SK
087 +/- 425Steers915DUSTYROSERANCH
ProvostLivestock Exchange-Jesse LawesAugust14-16,2023
10milesSouthofVermillion, AB
www.CanadaLIVE.com www.livestock.ab.ca
088 +/- 140Steers910DUSTYROSERANCH
ProvostLivestock Exchange-Jesse LawesAugust14-16,2023
10milesSouthofVermillion, AB
089 +/- 265Heifers900DIAMONDTWOFEEDERS
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust14-15,2023
089A +/- 202Heifers900DIAMONDTWOFEEDERS
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust14-15,2023
089B +/- 202Heifers900DIAMONDTWOFEEDERS
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesAugust14-15,2023
090 +/- 325Steers965E&JBEEKMANFARMSJasonSlompSeptember4-8,2023Coaldale,AB
091 +/- 325Steers965E&JBEEKMANFARMSJasonSlompSeptember4-8,2023Coaldale,AB
092 +/- 180Steers950E&JBEEKMANFARMSJasonSlompSeptember4-8,2023Coaldale,AB
093 +/- 150Heifers1025E&JBEEKMANFARMSJasonSlompSeptember4-8,2023Coaldale,AB
094 +/- 180Steers1025JTSCATTLECOLTD Ryan KonynenbeltSeptember18,2023
095 +/- 65Steers875A&FCATTLECOAllanLivelyAugust17-19,2023
096 +/- 120Heifers975EAST&WESTRANCHINGCO
097 +/- 202Heifers1000MCNABCATTLECO
098 +/- 84Heifers1000MCNABCATTLECO
099 +/- 320Heifers875ADAMSRANCH
100 +/- 215Heifers875ADAMSRANCH
DurangoLivestock-Fort Macleod,AB
AllanLively/Bear LightbownOctober16,2023TowerFeedlot
AllanLively/Dylan BatesAugust24,2023TowerFeedlot
AllanLively/Dylan BatesAugust12,2023TowerFeedlot
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBates September11-13, 2023
AllanLively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dyl anBatesSeptember6-8,2023
TowerFeedlot,Pincher CreekAB
TowerFeedlot,Pincher CreekAB
www.CanadaLIVE.com www.livestock.ab.ca 100A
ALLAN LIVELY-403.627.7776 JUSTIN KEELEY-403.627.6534 STEVE QUINTON-403-653-7228
MATT LAIT-403.581.7592
RYAN KONYNENBELT-403.892.6534 CODY SAWLEY-403.652.0684
JAY NELSON-403.652.0402
DARREN SHAW-403-894-4493
SKYLER MCBRIDE-403.815.5867
JARED PARSONAGE-306-661-7781
DYLAN BATES-403.627.6546 JASON SLOMP-403-635-1473
FRANK JENKINS 403-627-6700
DAN SAWLEY-306-607-9043
COLIN MCNIVEN-403-793-1699 BEAR LIGHTBOWN-403-634-4486
RYAN BEIERBACH-306-735-1341
AUGUST11,2023- 11:00AM
STETTLER AUCTION MART - STETTLER, AB (www.stettlerauction.ab.ca)
SASKATOON LIVESTOCK SALES - SASKATOON, SK (www.saskatoonlivestocksales.com)
NORTHERN LIVESTOCK SALES - LOYDMINISTER, SK (www.northernlivestocksales.ca)
NORTHERN LIVESTOCK SALES - PRINCE ALBERT, SK (www.northernlivestocksales.ca)
NORTHERN LIVESTOCK SALES - MEADOW LAKE, SK (www.northernlivestocksales.ca)
WEYBURN LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE - WEYBURN, SK (www.weyburnlivestock.com)
Lot #001 +/- 325 Steers Consignor: THUNDER HILL RANCH
Cattle Location: Bragg Creek, AB Delivery Date: August 28, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, load and weigh on local truck scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 70%Medium/30%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%BritishX/20%Exotic Color: 65%Red/20%Blk/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: These steers have a reputation to really perform! They are on the light side of medium flesh and will have big yield and grading when done!
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #002 +/- 240 Steers Consignor: JASON & WALTER BRUNS
Cattle Location: 5 miles North of Twin Butte, AB Delivery Date: August 29, 2023
Base Weight: 970 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off grass, sort and weigh on trucks.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 99%Tan/1%Silver Feed: Grass & Friesen Summer Grazing Mineral Program.
Health: Long range Ivomec, 8-way in March & Compudose Implants in May.
Comments: This is a big, strong set of Charolais steers that will feed!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #003 +/- 110 Steers Consignor: JASON & WALTER BRUNS
Cattle Location: 10 miles South of Pincher Creek, AB Delivery Date: August 31, 2023
Base Weight: 970 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off grass, sort and weigh on trucks.
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 90%Blk/10%BBF Feed: Grass & Friesen Summer Grazing Mineral Program.
Health: Long range Ivomec, 8-way in March & Compudose Implants in May.
Comments: Have a look at this strong set of black hided steers! This is a big set of steers that will feed!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #004 +/- 105 Heifers Consignor: RAYMOND BRUNS
Cattle Location: 6 miles South of Pincher Creek, AB Delivery Date: September 13-15, 2023
Base Weight: 865 lbs Weight Range: 750-925 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off grass, sort and weigh on trucks.
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 5%Small/75%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 70%Blk/20%Red/10%BBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health in the fall.
Comments: Don't miss this great set of heifers coming off grass! These girls will perform!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #005 +/- 100 Steers Consignor: STILLRIDGE RANCH
Cattle Location: 10 miles North of Lundbreck, AB Delivery Date: September 28-30, 2023
Base Weight: 1065 lbs Weight Range: 950-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Livingstone Colony
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, sort, weigh on trucks.
F.O.B: PastureFrame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: 70%Blk/25%Red/3%BBF/2%TMX Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health, no implants, on a mineral program.
Comments: This is a great set of home raised steers that will perform on feed!
Rep: Dylan Bates-403-627-6546
Lot #006 +/- 118 Steers Consignor: GORDON HAUGEN & ROCK CREEK CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: North of Lundbreck on HWY 22, West of Willow Valley Road 15 km. Delivery Date: September 13-18, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 850-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Livingstone Colony
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load and weigh on trucks.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 70%Large/30%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 75%Blk/25%Red Feed: Grass & Mineral
Health: Full herd health in spring.
Comments: Here are these great Black Angus steers again, with 50% originating from Rock Creek Cattle and 50% originating from Antelope Butte Ranch. Tons of quality in these cattle! Few brindles & a few short ears but feet are all good.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #007 +/- 50 Steers Consignor: MARK & MONICA BURLES
Cattle Location: North of Cowley Delivery Date: September 19-21, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 920-1125 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load & weigh on truck at Livingstone Colony
Scale Location: Livingstone Colony
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Blk Angus/Hereford Color: 50%BWF/50%Hereford Feed: Grass
Health: Bovi Shield Gold FP5
Comments: This is a good set of 1-Iron steers, either F1 Black Angus/Hereford or straight Hereford cattle. These steers have lots of growth! Don't miss these guys!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #008 +/- 127 Heifers Consignor: KIRBY CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: 5 miles West of Winfield, AB Delivery Date: September 11-20, 2023
Base Weight: 915 lbs Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Area Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load and weigh on area truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Char/Simm X Color: 50%Tan/50%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health in spring, pink eye vaccine, Long Range Ivomec, Revalor G
Comments: This is a fancy set of cattle, all originating from Soderglen, either CharX or SimmX cattle. These heifers have tons of quality & genetics in their corner! Don't miss these beauties!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #009 +/- 186 Steers Consignor: BAR O LIVESTOCK (DAVE ROBERTON)
Cattle Location: 10 miles NW of Lloydminister, AB Delivery Date: September 27-29, 2023
Base Weight: 990 lbs Weight Range: 925-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Haul 2 miles to truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 95%Green/5%Light Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: 50%Red/30%Blk/20%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: Pfizer Gold, Ivomec Pour-On at turnout time May 15/23.
Comments: This is a fantastic set of large framed, good quality steers off grass. Sorted out off 210 head!
Rep: Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #010 +/- 63 Steers Consignor: BAR O LIVESTOCK (DAVE ROBERTON)
Cattle Location: 30 miles NW of Lloydminister, AB Delivery Date: September 27-29, 2023
Base Weight: 990 lbs Weight Range: 925-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Haul 30 miles to truck scale.
F.O.B: PastureFrame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Green/10%Light Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Black Crossbred Color: 100%BMX Feed: Grass
Health: Pfizer Gold
Comments: Here is another impressive set of larged framed black steers! These boys will perform!
Rep: Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #011 +/- 300 Steers Consignor: EDDIE & AUDREY WALTERHOUSE
Cattle Location: Tulliby Lake, AB Delivery Date: August 30, 2023
Base Weight: 1100 lbs Weight Range: 1025-1175 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Haul 12 miles to Marwayne truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Large Flesh: 60%Green/40%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 90%Tan/10%Wht Feed: Grass
Health: Pfizer Gold
Comments: This is one of the nicest sets of Charolais steers that will sell this year! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #011A +/- 300 Steers Consignor: EDDIE & AUDREY WALTERHOUSE
Cattle Location: Tulliby Lake, AB Delivery Date: September 6, 2023
Base Weight: 1100 lbs Weight Range: 1025-1175 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Haul 12 miles to Marwayne truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Large Flesh: 60%Green/40%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 90%Tan/10%Wht Feed: Grass
Health: Pfizer Gold
Comments: This is one of the nicest sets of Charolais steers that will sell this year!
Rep: Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Scale Location: Truck Scale
Lot #012 +/- 65 Heifers Consignor: WYATT WALTERHOUSE
Cattle Location: Tulliby Lake, AB Delivery Date: September 11, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 900-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Haul 12 miles to Marwayne truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Green/10%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 2/3 Tan, 1/3 Wht, 2 Reds. Feed: Grass
Health: Pfizer Gold
Comments: Here is a nice set of larged framed heifers off grass!
Rep: Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #013 +/- 396 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Handhills Ranch (South of Hanna, AB) Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 40%Light/60%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%British/20%Exotic Color: 75%Red,Blk/15%CharX/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a great set of mixed coloured feeding heifers on the light side of grass flesh. Few tipped ears, but all good feeding cattle! Tons of performance in these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next 3 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #013A +/- 396 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Handhills Ranch (South of Hanna, AB) Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 40%Light/60%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%British/20%Exotic Color: 75%Red,Blk/15%CharX/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a great set of mixed coloured feeding heifers on the light side of grass flesh. Few tipped ears, but all good feeding cattle! Tons of performance in these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #013B +/- 396 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Handhills Ranch (South of Hanna, AB) Delivery Date: August 16, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 40%Light/60%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%British/20%Exotic Color: 75%Red,Blk/15%CharX/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a great set of mixed coloured feeding heifers on the light side of grass flesh. Few tipped ears, but all good feeding cattle! Tons of performance in these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #013C +/- 330 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Handhills Ranch (South of Hanna, AB) Delivery Date: August 16, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 40%Light/60%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%British/20%Exotic Color: 75%Red,Blk/15%CharX/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a great set of mixed coloured feeding heifers on the light side of grass flesh. Few tipped ears, but all good feeding cattle! Tons of performance in these girls!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #014 +/- 60 Steers Consignor: CARTER CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: East of Twin Butte, AB Delivery Date: August 30, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 850-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, trail 2 miles, load and weigh on truck.
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 60%Medium/40%Large Flesh: 25%Light/75%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 85%AngusX/15%CharX Color: 85%Blk,Red/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: This load of steers won't disappoint! They will feed great and get big for you!
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #015 +/- 270 Steers Consignor: EAST & WEST RANCHING CO
Cattle Location: 40 miles South of Dunmore Delivery Date: August 15, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 825-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 30%Large/70%Medium
Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 100% Black Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Bovishield Gold and Ivomec
Comments: This is a top reputation set of feeding steers! 60 head of these were bought from WC Ranch and the rest are all home raised! East West only buys the top performing bulls! What a great set of Angus steers!
Rep: Allan Lively/Bear Lightbown-403-627-7776/403-634-4486
Lot #016 +/- 65 Steers Consignor: EAST & WEST RANCHING CO
Cattle Location: 40 miles South of Dunmore Delivery Date: August 15, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 900-1075 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 25%Medium/75%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 100%Silver,Tan Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Bovishield Gold and Ivomec
Comments: These steers all originate from WC Ranching. This is a top set of reputation Charolais will get big and never stop performing! Don't miss them!
Rep: Allan Lively/Bear Lightbown-403-627-7776/403-634-4486
Lot #017 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: CHAD & DANNY SEWALL
Cattle Location: Patricia, AB Delivery Date: September 14-15, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 850-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Patricia Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort, load & weigh on truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 70%Medium/30%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 100%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program.
Comments: Here is a fancy set of home-raised Angus heifers, preg checked open. This is a great set of big, strong feeding heifers!
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #018 +/- 60 Heifers Consignor: DUSTIN GONNET
Cattle Location: East of Nanton, AB Delivery Date: August 12, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs **Pay Weight** Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $N/A Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh in AM August 11 on ground scale. Sell on Pay Weight.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 80%Blk/20%Red Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: Here is a great set of British cross heifers ran open. These heifers will grade! You will love them!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #019 +/- 252 Steers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 21, 2023
Base Weight: 985 lbs Weight Range: 900-1075 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 65%Medium/35%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 65%BritishX/35%Exotic Color: 65%Red,Blk/25%CharX/10%RWF,Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of big feeding steers with lots of performance and great grading! These cattle are coming off the hard grass. Don't miss these big boys! 5 light loads.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #020 +/- 260 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch- Diamond 7 Pasture (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 18, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 825-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 85%British/15%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/10%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: Here is a set of great British X heifers that have lots of grading and will yield great! Lots of performance in these heifers! Few tipped ears. These cattle are very even, you will love them! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #020A +/- 260 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch- Diamond 7 Pasture (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 18, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 825-1000 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 85%British/15%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/10%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: Here is a set of great British X heifers that have lots of grading and will yield great! Lots of performance in these heifers! Few tipped ears. These cattle are very even, you will love them!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #021 +/- 60 Heifers Consignor: KELCY ELFORD & LAYNE GOIFU
Cattle Location: 15 miles SE of Mortlach, SK Delivery Date: September 12, 2023
Base Weight: 850 lbs Weight Range: 775-925 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Large gather in AM, trail, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus/Charolais Color: 59%Blk,BWF/33%Tan/8%Red,RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health
Comments: This is a great set of light fleshed heifers that will perform on feed! Speckles and smaller cattle seen in video will be split off. Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #022 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: ELFORD RANCH
Cattle Location: 15 miles SE of Mortlach, SK Delivery Date: September 12, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Large gather in AM, trail, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Dominant Breed: Red Angus X Color: 75%Red,RWF/15%RWF/10%Blk/BWF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health, Clostridial/BVD shots, boosted at weaning and in spring. Pour on before grass.
Comments: Don't miss this excellent set of home raised, 1-Iron heifers off native grass! Located 15 miles off HWY #1. A couple with short horns. Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #023 +/- 100 Heifers Consignor: BAR EJ RANCH
Cattle Location: 40 miles South of Maple Creek, SK Delivery Date: October 1-7, 2023
Base Weight: 840 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk,BBF/5%Red,RBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health.
Comments: This is a very nice set of heifers off grass. These girls will feed! Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #024 +/- 120 Heifers Consignor: LITTLE BIG RANCH (JESS PARSONAGE)
Cattle Location: 25 miles SW of Maple Creek, SK Delivery Date: October 11-18, 2023
Base Weight: 850 lbs Weight Range: 725-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and load in AM. Haul 7 miles and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Scale Location: Downie Lake Colony- Maple Creek.
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk,BBF/5%Red,RBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health.
Comments: This is a good set of dry heifers coming off the replacements! Will gain and feed out good. Can fill the loads with Little Big Ranch steers in the next lot to make 2 full loads.
Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #025 +/- 25 Steers Consignor: LITTLE BIG RANCH (JESS PARSONAGE)
Cattle Location: 25 miles SW of Maple Creek, SK
Delivery Date: October 11-18, 2023
Base Weight: 850 lbs Weight Range: 725-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and load in AM. Haul 7 miles and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Scale Location: Downie Lake Colony- Maple Creek.
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk,BBF/5%Red,RBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health, Knife Cut.
Comments: Have a look at this nice set of young steers that will feed! Steers are with Little Big Ranch heifers and can be used to fill the trucks.
Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #026 +/- 68 Steers Consignor: MERRYFLAT RANCH LTD.
Cattle Location: 35 miles SW of Maple Creek, SK Delivery Date: August 27-September 6, 2023
Base Weight: 870 lbs Weight Range: 775-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Maple Creek RM Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load and haul 35 miles to weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk/5%BBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health, Knife Cut.
Comments: This is a really nice set of ranch raised steers that will feed!
Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #027 +/- 72 Heifers Consignor: MERRYFLAT RANCH LTD.
Cattle Location: 35 miles SW of Maple Creek, SK Delivery Date: August 27-September 6, 2023
Base Weight: 850 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Maple Creek RM Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load and haul 35 miles to weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk/5%BBF Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health.
Comments: Here is a nice set of ranch raised heifers that will really gain in the feedlot!
Rep: Jared Parsonage-306-661-7781
Lot #028 +/- 140 Steers Consignor: SIRETT HOLDINGS
Cattle Location: Neilburg, SK Delivery Date: September 7, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 2% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, load and haul to Provost, unload, sort and weigh on ground scale.
F.O.B: Provost Livestock Exchange Frame: 10%Small/90%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 98%Blk/2%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Ivomec, Pfizer Gold, 8-way, no implants.
Comments: This is two nice loads of Angus steers. They are half home-raised and half bought from one ranch. These are May-June born ranch calves that are all triple vaccinated and knife cut. Will be sorted out of 240 head. Pickup is Provost Livestock Exchange.
Rep: Provost Livestock Exchange- Jesse Lawes-780-753-8590
Lot #029 +/- 75 Steers Consignor: SIRETT HOLDINGS
Cattle Location: Neilburg, SK Delivery Date: September 7, 2023
Base Weight: 825 lbs Weight Range: 740-875 lbs Shrink: 2% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, load and haul to Provost, unload, sort and weigh on ground scale.
F.O.B: Provost Livestock Exchange Frame: 30%Small/70%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 98%Blk/2%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Ivomec, Pfizer Gold, 8-way, no implants.
Comments: This is one nice load of good, even Angus steers that are 98% black hided. These steers all originate from 2 ranches that have very similar programs. Pick them up at Provost Livestock Exchange.
Rep: Provost Livestock Exchange- Jesse Lawes-780-753-8590
Lot #030 +/- 130 Steers Consignor: SERGENT RANCH
Cattle Location: Meadow Lake, SK Delivery Date: September 1-7, 2023
Base Weight: 940 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.15 Scale Location: ML Livestock Sales Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, 30 miles haul to Meadow Lake Livestock sales, sort and weigh.
F.O.B: ML Livestock Sales Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Simm X Color: 65%Blk/35%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Spring 2022: Vision 8, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Cylence, Knife Cut. Fall 2022: Vision 8, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Ivomec. Spring 2023: Revalor G, Vision 8, Cleanup.
Comments: This is an excellent set of home-raised steers with lots of stretch and performance. Very uniform set of steers that have been backgrounded on hay all winter, then onto grass this spring. Top sort out of 160 steers! Sired by front end Black Angus & Simmental bulls.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales- Blair Brooks-306-240-9883
Lot #031 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: SERGENT RANCH
Cattle Location: Meadow Lake, SK Delivery Date: September 24-30, 2023
Base Weight: 900 lbs Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.15 Scale Location: ML Livestock Sales Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, 25 miles haul to Meadow Lake Livestock sales, sort and weigh.
F.O.B: ML Livestock Sales Frame: 100%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Simm X Color: 60%Red/40%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Spring 2022: Vision 8, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Cylence. Fall 2022: Vision 8, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Ivomec. Spring 2023: Vision 8, Cleanup.
Comments: This is an excellent set of home-raised heifers with lots of stretch! This will be the top cut of 160 heifers. Very uniform set of heifers that will feed well! Sired by front end Black Angus and Simmental Bulls. Heifers have not been exposed to bulls!
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales- Blair Brooks-306-240-9883
Lot #032 +/- 205 Steers Consignor: B-C RANCH
Cattle Location: 16 miles NW of Meadow Lake, SK Delivery Date: September 6-9, 2023
Base Weight: 880 lbs Weight Range: 825-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.15 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather and weigh in AM.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 40%Medium/60%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus, 5% Galloway influence. Color: 95%Blk/5%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Bovi-Shield Gold FP5, Inforce 3, Ivomec, Vision 8, Knife Cut, Mineral Program, can be Age Verified upon request.
Comments: This is an excellent set of home-raised 1-Iron steers! No horns, no implants. Steers come from the reputable B-C Ranch of Meadow Lake, SK. Anything not right will be pulled. Top sort of 240 steers. Very uniform package of May/June born calves!
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales- Blair Brooks-306-240-9883
Lot #033 +/- 80 Heifers Consignor: B-C RANCH
Cattle Location: 16 miles NW of Meadow Lake, SK Delivery Date: September 6-9, 2023
Base Weight: 780 lbs Weight Range: 725-825 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.15 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather and weigh in AM.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus, 5% Galloway influence. Color: 95%Blk/5%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Bovi-Shield Gold FP5, Inforce 3, Ivomec, Vision 8, Mineral Program, can be Age Verified upon request.
Comments: This is an excellent set of home-raised 1-Iron heifers! No horns, no implants. These heifers come from the reputable B-C Ranch of Meadow Lake, SK. Anything not right will be pulled. Top sort of 240 steers. Very uniform package of May/June born calves!
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales- Blair Brooks-306-240-9883
Lot #034 +/- 60 Steers Consignor: FIVE XM RANCHING
Cattle Location: Wainwright, AB Delivery Date: August 21-23, 2023
Base Weight: 1030 lbs Weight Range: 950-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12/$0.15 over 1050 lbs Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort, load and haul 5 miles to scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large
Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Simm/Angus X Color: Red/Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Bovi Shield Gold FP5, Ivomec, Pyramid FP5 w/Presponse, Knife Cut.
Comments: This is one outstanding load of Simm X steers! These cattle have tons of quality and performance. Triple vaccinated and ready for full feed! 0.15 slide on pounds over 1050 lbs
Rep: Provost Livestock Exchange- Jesse Lawes/Casey Lawes-403-753-8590/780-753-1466
Lot #035 +/- 44 Steers Consignor: DANIEL MCNIVEN
Cattle Location: Big Stone, AB Delivery Date: September 18, 2023
Base Weight: 910 lbs Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 70%Medium/30%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 85%Blk/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: These hard grass steers will have big performance! You will like them! Seller will work with buyer for backhaul out of JBS.
Rep: Colin McNiven-403-793-1699
Lot #036 +/- 125 Heifers Consignor: SUNSTRUM RANCHING
Cattle Location: Bogi Feeders Delivery Date: September 11-12, 2023
Base Weight: 960 lbs Weight Range: 800-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Bogi Feeders Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Bogi Feeders Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 95%Blk/5%Red,Tan Feed: Grass & Supplements
Health: Full herd health in fall.
Comments: Here is a fantastic set of home-raised, mostly black hided cattle that you don't want to miss!
Rep: Colin McNiven-403-793-1699
Lot #037 +/- 340 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 23, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next 3 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #037A +/- 340 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 23, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #037B +/- 340 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 25, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #037C +/- 340 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB)
Delivery Date: August 25, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #038 +/- 335 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB)
Delivery Date: September 1, 2023
Base Weight: 910 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #038A +/- 335 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: XL Ranch (South of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: September 1, 2023
Base Weight: 910 lbs Weight Range: 800-975 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: XL Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 80%Blk,Red/10%Char/5%RWF/5%Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a nice set of mixed coloured feeding heifers with a few tipped ears, but lots of go in them! They will come out in a great fat market and will have tons of grading!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #039 +/- 430 Steers Consignor: RON GILES
Cattle Location: Dorothy Ranch Delivery Date: September 7-8, 2023
Base Weight: 975 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: East Coulee
Weighing Conditions: Gather, load and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 40%Medium/60%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 100%Blk (few BWF) Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health going to grass
Comments: This is a fancy set of black hided steers, originating from 2 big ranches in the winter! They will feed like crazy coming off the hard grass!
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #040 +/- 240 Steers Consignor: BAR S RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Nanton at Ranch. Delivery Date: August 14- 15, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 900-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on ground scale at ranch in AM.
Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
F.O.B: Bar S Ranch Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Char & Angus/Angus X Color: 45%Blk,BBF/40%Red,RBF/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Age Verified, Mineral Program.
Comments: This is a really nice strong set of steers that the Bar S has put together this year. 20% are home-raised and the balance are all purchased from 3 Southern Alberta Ranches.
Rep: Cody Sawley-403-652-0684
Lot #041 +/- 280 Steers Consignor: BAR S RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Nanton at Ranch. Delivery Date: September 18-20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 850-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on ground scale at ranch in AM. This lot must go on different delivery date than Lot 41A
F.O.B: Bar S Ranch Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char & Angus/Angus X Color: 45%Blk,BBF/40%Red,RBF/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Age Verified, Mineral Program.
Comments: This is a really nice strong set of steers that the Bar S has put together this year. 20% are home-raised and the balance are all purchased from 3 Southern Alberta Ranches. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot. This lot must go on different delivery date than Lot 41A
Rep: Cody Sawley-403-652-0684
Lot #041A +/- 280 Steers Consignor: BAR S RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Nanton at Ranch. Delivery Date: September 18-20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 850-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on ground sale at ranch in AM. This lot must go on different delivery date than Lot 41
F.O.B: Bar S Ranch Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large
Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char & Angus/Angus X Color: 45%Blk,BBF/40%Red,RBF/15%CharX Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Age Verified, Mineral Program.
Comments: This is a really nice strong set of steers that the Bar S has put together this year. 20% are home-raised and the balance are all purchased from 3 Southern Alberta Ranches. This lot must go on different delivery date than Lot 41 Rep: Cody Sawley-403-652-0684
Lot #042 +/- 225 Steers Consignor: HIGH PLAINS RANCH (RYAN & TANIA BEIERBACH)
Cattle Location: 4 miles South of HWY 1- Whitewood, SK Delivery Date: August 22-25, 2023
Base Weight: 770 lbs Weight Range: 650-825 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 5%Small/75%Medium/20%Large
Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus & Angus/Hereford X Color: 90%BMX/10%RBF/RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Zoetis Vaccination program, Rev G Implant, VBP+ Verified, Knife Cut, Mineral Program, Age Verified, No prophylactic antibiotics used, long range in spring.
Comments: This is a nice set of lightly backgrounded steers born mid-May to mid-July. All home-raised, these cattle were lightly backgrounded for the winter and turned out on grass in May.
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #043 +/- 70 Steers Consignor: HIGH PLAINS RANCH (RYAN & TANIA BEIERBACH)
Cattle Location: 4 miles South of HWY 1- Whitewood, SK Delivery Date: August 22-25, 2023
Base Weight: 860 lbs Weight Range: 820-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 70%Medium/30%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus & Angus/Hereford X Color: 90%BMX/10%RBF/RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Zoetis Vaccination program, Rev G Implant, VBP+ Verified, Knife Cut, Mineral Program, Age Verified, No prophylactic antibiotics used, long range in spring.
Comments: This is the top sort of the May-June born, home raised calves! These steers were lightly backgrounded and then turned out on grass in May.
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #044 +/- 150 Heifers Consignor: HIGH PLAINS RANCH (RYAN & TANIA BEIERBACH)
Cattle Location: 4 miles South of HWY 1- Whitewood, SK Delivery Date: September 12-15, 2023
Base Weight: 790 lbs Weight Range: 700-900 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 5%Small/75%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus & Angus/Hereford X Color: 90%BMX/10%RBF Feed: Grass
Health: Zoetis Vaccination program, no prophylactic antibiotics, long range at spring turnout, VBP+ Verified, no implants.
Comments: This is a strong set of May-July born heifers, all home raised and VBP+ Verified.
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #045 +/- 65 Heifers Consignor: BAR T LIVESTOCK
Cattle Location: 1 mile West of Earl Grey, SK Delivery Date: September 15-20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 2% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, haul 12 miles with stock trailers, sort, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus/SimmX Color: 90%BMX/10%RBF Feed: Grass
Health: Full vaccination program, no implants.
Comments: This is a good set of feeding heifers! Just a touch of Simmental in them to put some frame on these girls!
Rep: Ryan Beierbach-306-735-1341
Lot #046 +/- 140 Heifers Consignor: JASON & JOLENE FATH
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: August 28-31, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, colour sort, weigh on ground.
Scale Location: Ground Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 80%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus/SimmX Color: 100%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program.
Comments: These fancy home raised Angus Simmental cross heifers will perform great, get big and grade in the top end so don't miss them!
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #047 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: JASON & JOLENE FATH
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: August 28-31, 2023
Base Weight: 885 lbs Weight Range: 800-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, colour sort, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 80%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: CharX Color: 90%Tan,Silver/10%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program.
Comments: This fancy set of home raised 1-Iron feeding heifers have lots of go! Top sort out of 95 head so this will be an even group!
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #048 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: BAR JB RANCH
Cattle Location: Lundar, MB Delivery Date: September 11-14, 2023
Base Weight: 900 lbs Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, load and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 80%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 30%Light/70%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 50%Blk/50%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program, all shots before going to grass.
Comments: This is a big, strong set of preg checked open heifers that will perform coming off the grass!
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #049 +/- 300 Steers Consignor: BAR 3 RANCHES LTD
Cattle Location: SW of Erskine, AB Delivery Date: August 23-24, 2023
Base Weight: 1020 lbs Weight Range: 950-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, trail 1.5 miles, sort and weigh on ground scale in AM
Scale Location: Bar 3 Ground Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: MXD Crossbreds Color: 80%Red,Blk/13%Char/7%Speckled Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program.
Comments: This is a great set of framey crossbred steers that were sorted for size before going to grass. There are plenty of steers here to make 5 full loads! Few nub horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market- Rolly Thomson-403-741-9096
Lot #050 +/- 180 Steers Consignor: BAR 3 RANCHES LTD
Cattle Location: SW of Erskine, AB Delivery Date: September 6-7, 2023
Base Weight: 1020 lbs Weight Range: 950-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Bar 3 Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, trail 2 miles, sort and weigh on ground scale in AM
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: MXD Crossbreds Color: 97%Blk,Red/3%Char Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health program.
Comments: This is a great set of framey crossbred steers that were sorted for size before going to grass. There are plenty of steers here to make 5 full loads! Few nub horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market- Rolly Thomson-403-741-9096
Lot #051 +/- 195 Steers Consignor: LAZY S FOUR RANCHES
Cattle Location: Donalda, AB Delivery Date: September 19, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 900-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort, weigh on ground scale.
Scale Location: Lazy S Four Ground Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 15%Medium/85%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: Blk,BBF,Red,RBF,RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Revalor G before going to grass.
Comments: Here is a great set of exotic cross steers with plenty of frame and length! Few nub horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market- Rolly Thomson-403-741-9096
Lot #052 +/- 130 Steers Consignor: LAZY S FOUR RANCHES
Cattle Location: Donalda, AB Delivery Date: September 20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 900-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort, weigh on ground scale.
Scale Location: Lazy S Four Ground Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 15%Medium/85%Large Flesh: 95%Light/5%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: 70%Char X/30%Red Exotic X Color: Tan,Red,Wht Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Revalor G before going to grass.
Comments: This is an excellent set of Charolais influence steers with lots of frame & length! Few nub horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market- Rolly Thomson-403-741-9096
Lot #053 +/- 124 Steers Consignor: LAZY S FOUR RANCHES
Cattle Location: Donalda, AB Delivery Date: September 12-13, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 925-1075 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Stettler Area Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort, load & weigh on truck scale.
F.O.B: PastureFrame: 90%Medium/10%Large Flesh: 70%Light/30%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Crossbred Color: Blk,BBF,Red,RBF Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health, Revalor G before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of crossbred steers with tons of quality! Few nub horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market- Rolly Thomson-403-741-9096
Lot #054 +/- 75 Heifers Consignor: CLINT, ERIN & OWEN WILKIE
Cattle Location: Big Valley, AB Delivery Date: September 9-16, 2023
Base Weight: 840 lbs Weight Range: 765-915 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather early AM, sort, load, haul 8 miles and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: CharX Color: Tan,Wht,Silver Feed: Grass
Health: Draxxin in fall, Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ivomec.
Comments: This is the top end of the Wilkie Charolais cross yearling heifers. These cattle are light fleshed and ready to feed. Few horns (15 head)
Rep: Stettler Auction Market-Gary Rairdan/Russel Allison-403-740-6823/403-323-1711
Lot #055 +/- 75 Heifers Consignor: CLINT, ERIN & OWEN WILKIE
Cattle Location: Big Valley, AB Delivery Date: September 9-16, 2023
Base Weight: 830 lbs Weight Range: 755-905 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather early AM, sort, load, haul 8 miles and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Blk Angus/Angus X Color: 100%Blk,BBF Feed: Grass
Health: Draxxin in fall, Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ivomec.
Comments: This is a good set of yearling heifers, sourced from local Stettler and area producers, through the Stettler Auction Mart ring. Some cattle the family has grassed for years. Light fleshed and ready to feed!
Rep: Stettler Auction Market-Gary Rairdan/Russel Allison-403-740-6823/403-323-1711
Lot #056 +/- 80 Heifers Consignor: CLINT, ERIN & OWEN WILKIE
Cattle Location: Big Valley, AB Delivery Date: September 9-16, 2023
Base Weight: 800 lbs Weight Range: 725-875 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather early AM, sort, load, haul 8 miles and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Small/90%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus, AngusX & CharX Color: Blk,BBF,Wht,Tan,Silver Feed: Grass
Health: Draxxin in fall, Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ivomec.
Comments: This is the remainder of the good heifers from the Wilkie's! Sorted out of 300 head total! All heifers sourced through local auction marts and well taken care of throughout the summer. Charolais heifers will have a few horns.
Rep: Stettler Auction Market-Gary Rairdan/Russel Allison-403-740-6823/403-323-1711
Lot #057 +/- 54 Steers Consignor: HUNT'S COULEE RANCH
Cattle Location: Airdrie, AB Delivery Date: September 5-10, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 900-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.10 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, weigh on truck scale 10 miles away.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 60%Large/40%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 75%Red,RWF/25%Blk,BWF Feed: Grass
Health: Bovi-Shield Gold Program, No implants, Knife Cut, No horns.
Comments: This is a great set of home-raised steers that will feed with the best of them! These guys do a great job of sourcing as good ofgenetics you will find in a commercial herd!
Rep: Skyler McBride-403-815-5867
Lot #058 +/- 65 Steers Consignor: JESSIE ARMSTRONG
Cattle Location: Big Valley, AB Delivery Date: September 1-15, 2023
Base Weight: 985 lbs Weight Range: 900-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on truck.
Scale Location: Big Valley Truck Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: 50%CharX/40%RedX/10%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: Here is a big strong set of Exotic feeding steers that will perform and yield! You will love these big feeding steers.
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #059 +/- 75 Heifers Consignor: JESSIE ARMSTRONG
Cattle Location: Big Valley, AB Delivery Date: October 2-5, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-900 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Big Valley Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 25%Light/75%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 70%Blk/30%Red Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: This is a great set of heifers that will land in the best fat market of the year! Don't miss this nice set of later delivery yearlings! Top sort of 90 head, to fill a load.
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #060 +/- 125 Heifers Consignor: GREG CASSIDY
Cattle Location: Castor, AB Delivery Date: September 18-22, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 900-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, trail to corrals, load and weigh on trucks.
F.O.B: PastureFrame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: 70%Tan/20%RedX/10%Silver Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: This big, fancy set of Exotic heifers will yield and grade with the best of them! You will love these heifers!
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #061 +/- 120 Heifers Consignor: GREG CASSIDY
Cattle Location: Donalda, AB Delivery Date: September 18-22, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 900-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Local Certified Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather, trail to corrals, load and weigh on trucks.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 85%Blk/15%Red Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: These black and red heifers have a good cross to make for lots of frame and will feed great! Tons of grading on these heifers!
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #062 +/- 370 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 30, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-925 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 65%Medium/35%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 65%BritishX/35%Exotic Color: 65%Red,Blk/25%CharX/10%RWF,Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of big feeding steers with lots of performance and great grading! These cattle are coming off the hard grass. Don't miss these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next 3 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #062A +/- 370 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 30, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-925 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 65%Medium/35%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 65%BritishX/35%Exotic Color: 65%Red,Blk/25%CharX/10%RWF,Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of big feeding heifers with lots of performance and great grading! These cattle are coming off the hard grass. Don't miss these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #062B +/- 370 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch (North of Dorothy, AB)
Delivery Date: August 28, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-925 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. AM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 65%Medium/35%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 65%BritishX/35%Exotic Color: 65%Red,Blk/25%CharX/10%RWF,Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of big feeding heifers with lots of performance and great grading! These cattle are coming off the hard grass. Don't miss these girls! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #062C +/- 370 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: OH Ranch (North of Dorothy, AB) Delivery Date: August 28, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-925 lbs Shrink: 5% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather off grass, weigh on ground, then sort and add 1% back to the weight of the cut backs. PM delivery
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 65%Medium/35%Large Flesh: 20%Light/80%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 65%BritishX/35%Exotic Color: 65%Red,Blk/25%CharX/10%RWF,Mxd Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a good set of big feeding heifers with lots of performance and great grading! These cattle are coming off the hard grass. Don't miss these girls!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #063 +/- 400 Steers Consignor: BURKE CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Claresholm Delivery Date: September 21-22, 2023
Base Weight: 930 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Claresholm Beef Producers Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, load & weigh on truck. Will take 2 days, 3 loads a day.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 70%Blk/30%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol, Zoetis Gold Program, Knife Cut, Age Verified, VBP+ Verified.
Comments: Here they are, 400 dandies from Burke Creek! There are 147 head that are home-raised, then the balance is bought in Southern Alberta. Lots of quality in these guys! Cattle will work for you with tons of performance! Delivery will be spread over 2 days.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #064 +/- 210 Steers Consignor: BURKE CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 970 lbs Weight Range: 925-1075 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
Scale Location: Ranch
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 95%Blk/5%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Zoetis Gold, Should be Age Verified, VBP+ Verified.
Comments: This is a good set of purchased steers! These cattle will be a lighter flesh coming off the Waldron, coming early September due to dry conditions.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #065 +/- 55 Steers Consignor: BURKE CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Claresholm Delivery Date: October 4-6, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12
Scale Location: Claresholm Beef Producers Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, load and weigh on truck.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 80%Blk/20%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol, Zoetis Gold Program, Knife Cut, Age Verified, VBP+ Verified.
Comments: This will be a nice set of later delivery steers! These cattle will be some home-raised and purchased cattle mixed. Count may very due to gather.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #066 +/- 95 Heifers Consignor: BURKE CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Claresholm Delivery Date: October 17-20, 2023
Base Weight: 980 lbs Weight Range: 925-1075 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, load and weigh on truck.
Scale Location: Claresholm Beef Producers Truck
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 90%Blk/10%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol, Zoetis Gold Program, Age Verified, VBP+ Verified.
Comments: Here are the Burke Creek Home Raised open heifers! These ladies perform with tons of quality, frame and depth. This is a fancy set of very quiet cattle! Count may vary due to gather.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #067 +/- 78 Heifers Consignor: BURKE CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: August 24, 2023
Base Weight: 850 lbs Weight Range: 775-925 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Waldron
Weighing Conditions: Gather, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: North Waldron Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 70%Light/30%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%Hereford/25%AngusX Color: 75%RWF/25%Red,Blk Feed: Grass
Health: All shots before going to grass in the spring.
Comments: This set of heifers are light fleshed and will have big performance in the feedlot. They come out in a great fat market!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-634-6534
Lot #068 +/- 230 Steers Consignor: BRIAN & MARILYN SCHMIDT
Cattle Location: 2.5 km South of Millarville off HWY 22 Delivery Date: August 26, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 850-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Area Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in late AM/early PM, load and weigh on area truck scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 100%Black Feed: Grass & Mineral
Health: Full herd health in spring.
Comments: This is a very good set of black hided steers put together this spring. These cattle have lots of quality, great condition and good temperament! Don't miss these guys! Cattle will be a later morning/early afternoon lift.
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #069 +/- 90 Steers Consignor: BELL CREEK RANCH
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 850-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Waldron
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 80%Blk/20%Red Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health in spring.
Comments: This is a very good set of steers that were bought in 2 groups in Southern Alberta this spring. These cattle have lots of quality and great flesh!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #070 +/- 45 Heifers Consignor: MT. SENTINEL RANCH
Cattle Location: West of Nanton, AB Delivery Date: August 14-15, 2023
Base Weight: 915 lbs Weight Range: 850-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale at Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, weigh on ground scale.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus/Angus Hereford X Color: 50%Red,RBF/50%Blk,BBF, 1 Tan. Feed: Grass Health: Full herd health, mineral program.
Comments: This is a light load of 1-Iron Angus & Angus Hereford X heifers that will perform great on feed!
Rep: Cody Sawley-403-652-0684
Lot #071 +/- 61 Steers Consignor: NELSON CREEK RANCH (RON & DONNA DAVIS)
Cattle Location: West of Claresholm on HWY 22 Delivery Date: August 12 or 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs **Pay Weight** Weight Range: 950-1050 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $N/A Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM August 10, weigh with 3% shrink, sell on pay weight.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 100%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 100%BMX Feed: Grass & Mineral
Health: Full herd health protocol, knife cut, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Vision 8 with somnus, Meloxicam at branding. Age verified. All shots given at branding and weaning. No horns. No implants.
Comments: Here is one of the truest reputation sets of F1 Angus/Hereford Cross you'll find in the nation! These are the top end of F1 steers. They are the perfect set of feeding steers. You wouldn't change a thing!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #072 +/- 130 Steers Consignor: NELSON CREEK RANCH (RON & DONNA DAVIS)
Cattle Location: West of Claresholm on HWY 22 Delivery Date: September 18-22, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 900-1050 lbs Shrink: 3% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ranch
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, sort and weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 80%Large/20%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus/Hereford Color: 45%BBF/55%Hereford Feed: Grass & Mineral
Health: Full herd health protocol, knife cut, Bovishield Gold One Shot, Vision 8 with somnus, Meloxicam at branding. Age verified. All shots given at branding and weaning. No horns. No implants.
Comments: Here are a set of dandy's! These are the young end of the F1 Black Brockles and the #1 Herefords of Ron & Donna's! These cattle are great quality for the feeder!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #073 +/- 160 Heifers Consignor: BILL SHIELDS
Cattle Location: 10 miles West of Nanton, AB Delivery Date: August 14-16, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 825-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, load and weigh on truck.
Scale Location: Bear Trap Feeders
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Hereford Color: 100%RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: These fancy Hereford heifers will perform and get big for you! They are a great set of Hereford feeding heifers.
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #074 +/- 100 Heifers Consignor: SCOTT MCGREGOR
Cattle Location: 1 mile West of Okotoks, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 835 lbs Weight Range: 750-875 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather, load and weigh on truck.
Scale Location: Roseburn Ranch
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 5%Small/95%Medium Flesh: 50%Light/50%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Hereford Color: 100%RWF Feed: Grass
Health: Full feedlot health protocol before going to grass.
Comments: This is a strong, even set of fancy Hereford heifers, ready to go on full feed! These cattle are lighter fleshed.
Rep: Allan Lively -403-627-7776
Lot #075 +/- 100 Steers Consignor: VXV FARMS
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 800 lbs Weight Range: 700-900 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, size sort, weigh on ground.
Scale Location: Ground Scale
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 15%Small/50%Mediuim/35%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: M4 Beefbooster Color: 90%Red/10%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol at branding & weaning, Bovishield Gold FP5, Ultrabac 7/Somnubac
Comments: This is the bigger end of home-raised NVB steers. These cattle will have great flesh and with the exotic cross, they are great for the feeder!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #076 +/- 57 Steers Consignor: VXV FARMS
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 700 lbs Weight Range: 625-800 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, size sort, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 40%Small/60%Medium Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 85%Good/5%Medium/10%Plain
Dominant Breed: M4 Beefbooster Color: 90%Red/10%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol at branding & weaning, Bovishield Gold FP5, Ultrabac 7/Somnubac
Comments: Here are the lighter home-raised steers. These cattle are young in age & ready to go to work for you!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #077 +/- 95 Heifers Consignor: VXV FARMS
Cattle Location: Waldron Ranch Delivery Date: September 6-8, 2023
Base Weight: 580 lbs Weight Range: 500-700 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Gather in AM, size sort, weigh on ground.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 25%Small/50%Medium/25%Large
Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 85%Good/10%Medium/5%Plain
Dominant Breed: M4 Beefbooster Color: 90%Red/10%Blk Feed: Grass
Health: Full herd health protocol at branding & weaning, Bovishield Gold FP5, Ultrabac 7/Somnubac
Comments: This is a good set of home-raised heifers, either run open or preg checked open. All NVB!
Rep: Justin Keeley-403-627-6534
Lot #078 +/- 220 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 15, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 100%Tan Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Here is an absolutely outstanding set of 1-Iron heifers, all originating from the Armstrong Ranch in Eastend, SK! Limit fed targeting 1.5 -1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #079 +/- 202 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 15, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 825-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large
Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Blk & Red Exotic X Color: 89%Blk/11%Red Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Another great set of 1-Iron heifers, coming with tons of quality! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #080 +/- 257 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 28, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 850-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 100%Large Flesh: 100%Light Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Charolais Color: 50%Tan/50%Wht/3 head smokey. Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Here is an opportunity to buy an outstanding set of Charolais heifers, all originating from Beyak Charolais Ranch in Manitoba! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #081 +/- 610 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 18, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 75%tan/20%Wht,Smoke/5%Red Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Opportunity knocks! Have a look at this large lot of Charolais heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 3 lots
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #081A +/- 273 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%RedX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Don't miss this outstanding set of Char X heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Horns will be sorted out. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #081B +/- 316 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 20, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 90%CharX/10%RedX Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%RedX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Here is a chance to buy a fancy set of Charolais feeding machines! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #081C +/- 550 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 19, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%RedX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a strong set of framey Charolais heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #082 +/- 609 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 21, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: If you are looking for red-hided feeding machines, here is your chance! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 4 lots
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #082A +/- 450 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 25, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large
Flesh: 75%Light/25%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%ExoticX/50%BritishX Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Have a look at this strong set of feeding heifers that will exceed your expectations! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot option on next 3 lots.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #082B +/- 454 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 23, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large
Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a large lot of red hided cattle that will perform for you! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #082C +/- 200 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 25, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Tons of frame, stretch & quality in these heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #082D +/- 451 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 22, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: These red hided heifers will not disappoint! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #083 +/- 578 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 26, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large
Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%Blk Exotic/50%BlkX Bred Color: 100%BMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Have a look at these framey, black hided heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #083A +/- 451 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: September 27, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 15%Medium/85%Large
Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%Exotic/50%BlackX Color: 100%BMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a strong set of large framed heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #084 +/- 357 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 13, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 15%Medium/85%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%Red Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Here is another great set of Charolais cattle that will just continue to perform! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots. Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #084A +/- 251 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 13, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 85%Light/15%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%Red Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a fantastic set of heifers that were limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. All horns will be sorted out. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #084B +/- 403 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 14, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 5%Medium/95%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 90%CharX/10%RedX Color: 70%Tan/20%Wht,Smoke/10%RedX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a set of cattle with tons of frame and feeding ability! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #085 +/- 441 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 15, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 80%Exotic/20%BritishX Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Check out this fancy set of red-hided heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #085A +/- 158 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 16, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a high quality set of big framed heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #085B +/- 308 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 16, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 10%Medium/90%Large Flesh: 90%Light/10%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 2/3 Exotic & 1/3 Large Framed Cross Color: 100%RMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Check out this strong set of red hided heifers that have all the performance you could ask for! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #086 +/- 274 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 17, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large
Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%Exotic/50%BlackX Color: 100%Blk/BBF Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: This is a strong set of large framed heifers! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #086A +/- 241 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 17, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large
Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%Exotic/50% Large Framed Cross Color: 100%BMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: These black hided heifers are sure to impress the feeder! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #086B +/- 120 Heifers Consignor: WESTWOOD LAND & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Moosomin, SK Delivery Date: November 17, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 875-1025 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks off empty bunks.
F.O.B: Moosomin Frame: 20%Medium/80%Large Flesh: 80%Light/20%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 50%Exotic/50%X Bred Color: 100%BMX Feed: Silage
Health: Pfizer Gold, Revalor G Implant at processing in March/April, Safeguard, Pfizer Full Process. Estrumate & Dex July 1
Comments: Another good, strong set of black hided heifers that will perform! Limit fed targeting 1.5-1.7 lbs/day. These cattle were all weight sorted July 1st and given estrumate & Dex. Cattle must go on delivery date assigned.
Rep: Northern Livestock Sales -Shannon Eaton-780-872-9375
Lot #087 +/- 425 Steers Consignor: DUSTY ROSE RANCH
Cattle Location: 10 miles South of Vermillion, AB Delivery Date: August 14-16, 2023
Base Weight: 915 lbs Weight Range: 825-1020 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in AM, small sort and load. Weigh on truck scale in yard.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 40%Medium/60%Large Flesh: 70%Light/30%Medium Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus/SimmX Color: Red/Blk Feed: On grass until July 13th, fed silage & mineral since then. No grain.
Health: Double Vaccinated with IBR & 8-way, no implants.
Comments: This is 6 nice loads of black and red hided cattle! These cattle are mainly Angus Simmental cross. They have lots of stretch and performance in them! They have been double vaccinated with IBR & 8-way. No implants.
Rep: Provost Livestock Exchange- Jesse Lawes-780-753-8590
Lot #088 +/- 140 Steers Consignor: DUSTY ROSE RANCH
Cattle Location: 10 miles South of Vermillion, AB Delivery Date: August 14-16, 2023
Base Weight: 910 lbs Weight Range: 830-1010 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in AM, small sort and load. Weigh on truck scale in yard.
F.O.B: Ranch Frame: 25%Medium/75%Large Flesh: 70%Light/30%Medium Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Char/Simm X Color: Tan/RWF Feed: Light backgrounding ration of Silage/Cut hay/Mineral. No grain.
Health: Double Vaccinated with IBR & 8-way, no implants.
Comments: Here is 2 nice loads of Char & Red hided Exotic feeding steers. They are about half Char and half RWF Simmental cross with tons of stretch and performance!
Rep: Provost Livestock Exchange- Jesse Lawes-780-753-8590
Lot #089 +/- 265 Heifers Consignor: DIAMOND TWO FEEDERS
Cattle Location: Diamond Two Feedlot- Arrowwood, AB Delivery Date: August 14-15, 2023
Base Weight: 900 lbs Weight Range: 800-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Diamond Two Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 85%Blk/15%Red Feed: 20% Oat Ration
Health: Full feedlot health protocol in spring.
Comments: Here is a great set of Angus feeding heifers, lightly backgrounded with lots of performance! Will have a lot of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #089A +/- 202 Heifers Consignor: DIAMOND TWO FEEDERS
Cattle Location: Diamond Two Feedlot- Arrowwood, AB Delivery Date: August 14-15, 2023
Base Weight: 900 lbs Weight Range: 800-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Diamond Two Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 85%Blk/15%Red Feed: 20% Oat Ration
Health: Full feedlot health protocol in spring.
Comments: Here is a great set of Angus feeding heifers, lightly backgrounded with lots of performance! Will have a lot of grading! Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776
Lot #089B +/- 202 Heifers Consignor: DIAMOND TWO FEEDERS
Cattle Location: Diamond Two Feedlot- Arrowwood, AB Delivery Date: August 14-15, 2023
Base Weight: 900 lbs Weight Range: 800-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Diamond Two Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 98%Good/2%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 85%Blk/15%Red Feed: 20% Oat Ration
Health: Full feedlot health protocol in spring.
Comments: Here is a great set of Angus feeding heifers, lightly backgrounded with lots of performance! Will have a lot of grading!
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776
Lot #090 +/- 325 Steers Consignor: E&J BEEKMAN FARMS
Cattle Location: Coaldale, AB Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 965 lbs Weight Range: 875-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks in AM
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 35%Medium/65%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Exotic X Color: 50%RedX/40%CharX/10%BlackX Feed: Light silage based ration
Health: Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ultrabac 7, Component Implant, Ivomec.
Comments: This is a stretchy set of Exotic X feeding steers! These steers are straight ahead feeding machines! 5% short ears or tails included in sort.
Rep: Jason Slomp-403-635-1473
Lot #091 +/- 325 Steers Consignor: E&J BEEKMAN FARMS
Cattle Location: Coaldale, AB Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 965 lbs Weight Range: 875-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks in AM
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 65%Medium/35%Large
Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: Black Angus X Color: 100%Blk,BBF Feed: Light silage based ration
Health: Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ultrabac 7, Component Implant, Ivomec.
Comments: This is a front end set of Black Angus feeding steers! This is the top black sort out of 850 steers with as much black on them as possible. If you want a set of steers that will get the job done, here they are!
Rep: Jason Slomp-403-635-1473
Lot #092 +/- 180 Steers Consignor: E&J BEEKMAN FARMS
Cattle Location: Coaldale, AB Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 950 lbs Weight Range: 825-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks in AM
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 100%M Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 60%Red/20%Blk/15%RWF/5%Speckled Feed: Light silage based ration
Health: Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ultrabac 7, Component Implant, Ivomec.
Comments: Go out and get the job done kind of steers! Little mixed in colour but these cattle will really perform at the bunk! 5% short ears or tails.
Rep: Jason Slomp-403-635-1473
Lot #093 +/- 150 Heifers Consignor: E&J BEEKMAN FARMS
Cattle Location: Coaldale, AB Delivery Date: September 4-8, 2023
Base Weight: 1025 lbs Weight Range: 950-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on trucks in AM
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 30%Medium/70%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 95%Good/5%Medium
Dominant Breed: CharX Color: 75%Tan/20%Silver/5%Grey Feed: Light silage based ration
Health: Bovi Shield Gold One Shot, Ultrabac 7, Component Implant, Ivomec.
Comments: This is a fancy set of Charolais X feeding heifers! These heifers have performance bred into them!
Rep: Jason Slomp-403-635-1473
Lot #094 +/- 180 Steers Consignor: JTS CATTLE CO LTD
Cattle Location: VanderVeen Feedlot- Carmangay, AB Delivery Date: September 18, 2023
Base Weight: 1025 lbs Weight Range: 900-1100 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Truck Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh on truck in AM
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 35%Medium/65%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 75%Good/25%Medium
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 25%CharX/25%BlkX/25%RedX/20%BWF/5%Mxd Feed: Light Silage Based Growing Ration
Health: Full herd health at induction
Comments: This is a classy set of mixed coloured feeding steers! There are a few coloured up, good bodied steers included in the sort, Steers have lots of stretch and should have no problem getting big!
Rep: Ryan Konynenbelt-403-892-6534
Lot #095 +/- 65 Steers Consignor: A & F CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: Durango Livestock-Fort Macleod, AB Delivery Date: August 17-19, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 800-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Durango
Weighing Conditions: Weigh in AM off empty bunks on truck.
F.O.B: Durango Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 60%BritishX/40%ExoticX Color: 40%Blk/40%Red/10%CharX/10%Mxd Feed: 20% Oat Ration
Health: Full feedlot induction in the spring.
Comments: Here is a good set of lightly backgrounded feeding steers ready for full feed!
Rep: Allan Lively-403-627-7776
Lot #096 +/- 120 Heifers Consignor: EAST & WEST RANCHING CO
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot Delivery Date: October 16, 2023
Base Weight: 975 lbs Weight Range: 900-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks in AM.
Scale Location: Ground Scale
F.O.B: Tower Feedlot Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 100%Black Feed: 25% Ration.
Health: Full herd health, Bovishield Gold and Ivomec, No Implants.
Comments: These heifers are all preg checked open. They are a fantastic set of home-raised heifers on a light, 25% growing ration. These heifers are ready for full feed and will perform and grade!
Rep: Allan Lively/Bear Lightbown-403-627-7776/403-634-4486
Lot #097 +/- 202 Heifers Consignor: MCNAB CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot Delivery Date: August 24, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 950-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks, sort and weigh on trucks.
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Black Angus Color: 100%Blk Feed: Silage & Supplements
Health: Middle of May- IBR Booster, T1R Implant, Ivomec
Comments: This is an excellent set of 1-Iron heifers, all originating from East West Ranching out of Manyberries. Don't let these pass youby!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #098 +/- 84 Heifers Consignor: MCNAB CATTLE CO
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot Delivery Date: August 12, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs **Pay Weight** Weight Range: 950-1050 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $N/A Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Weigh in AM August 11 on ground scale. Sell on Pay Weight.
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 20%Medium/80%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Char X Color: 70%Tan/20%Tan/10%Grey Feed: Silage & Supplements
Health: Middle of May- IBR Booster, T1R Implant, Ivomec
Comments: This is a fancy set of Charolais heifers with tons of performance! This is very even set of cattle!
Rep: Allan Lively/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-627-6546
Lot #099 +/- 320 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 11-13, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 775-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 60%Medium/40%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 85%Good/15%Medium
Dominant Breed: 100%Exotic Color: 100% Tan/Silver/Grey Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: Here is a big lot of Charolais Influenced heifers that have tons of stretch and depth of body! Some tipped ears and tipped tails
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #100 +/- 215 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 6-8, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 15% Small/65%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 100% Black/BBF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: Here is 3 loads of strong backgrounded heifers ready for full feed! The cattle have been nicely grown out and are sure to impress! Some tipped ears and tipped tails. Buyer of this lot has option on next 2 lots.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #100A +/- 215 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 6-8, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 15% Small/65%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 100% Black/BBF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: Here is 3 loads of strong backgrounded heifers ready for full feed! The cattle have been nicely grown out and are sure to impress! Some tipped ears and tipped tails. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #100B +/- 215 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 6-8, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 15% Small/65%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 100% Black/BBF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: Here is 3 loads of strong backgrounded heifers ready for full feed! The cattle have been nicely grown out and are sure to impress! Some tipped ears and tipped tails.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #101 +/- 210 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 11-13, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 775-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 10% Small/65%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 100% Red/RBF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: This is the red hided sort of the Adams heifers from Tower! 3 loads of heifers that have the ability to perform! Some tipped ears and tipped tails. Buyer of this lot has option on next lot.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #101A +/- 140 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 11-13, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 775-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 10% Small/65%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 75%British X/25%Exotic Color: 100% Red/RBF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: This is the red hided sort of the Adams heifers from Tower! 2 loads of heifers that have the ability to perform! Some tipped ears and tipped tails.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #102 +/- 100 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: August 28-30, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 775-975 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12 Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 75%Medium/25%Large Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 100%British Color: 100% RWF Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: This is the Hereford influenced set of heifers from Adams Ranch at Tower! These heifers have performed very well and have great feeding capacity! Some tipped ears and tipped tails.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #103 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: ADAMS RANCH
Cattle Location: Tower Feedlot, Pincher Creek AB Delivery Date: September 18-20, 2023
Base Weight: 875 lbs Weight Range: 750-950 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.12
Weighing Conditions: Pull off empty bunks in the AM, sort, load and weigh on truck
Scale Location: Tower Feedlot
F.O.B: FeedlotFrame: 20%Small/80%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 90%Good/10%Medium
Dominant Breed: 100%Speckle Park Color: 100% Speckle Park Feed: Silage & mill run
Health: Full feedlot health protocol on induction
Comments: Have a look here! This is a hard to find set of Speckle Park Influence feeding heifers that have been backgrounded and ready for full feed! Some tipped ears and tipped tails.
Rep: Allan Lively/Ryan Konynenbelt/Dylan Bates-403-627-7776/403-892-6534/406-627-6546
Lot #104 +/- 106 Steers Consignor: KLASSEN HAY & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Bow Island, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1175 lbs Weight Range: 1100-1250 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.08 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks on ground scale.
F.O.B: Klassen Feedyard Frame: 85%Medium/15%Large Flesh: 100%Medium+ Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 90%Blk,BBF/10%Red,RBF,Dark Roan Feed: 60% Corn Silage/30% Alfalfa Silage/10% DDG
Health: Full feedlot health at time of placement. Implants only at time of placement.
Comments: This is a good set of mostly black hided steers, which have averaged 2.5 lbs/day and are ready for full feed.
Rep: Matt Lait-403-581-7592
Lot #105 +/- 100 Steers Consignor: KLASSEN HAY & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Bow Island, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1275 lbs Weight Range: 1200-1350 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.08
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks on ground scale.
Scale Location: Ground Scale
F.O.B: Klassen Feedyard Frame: 50%Medium/50%Large Flesh: 100%Medium+ Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus,Char/AngusX Color: 60%Blk/20%Char/20%Red Feed: 60% Corn Silage/30% Alfalfa Silage/10% DDG
Health: Full feedlot health at time of placement. Implants only at time of placement.
Comments: This is a fantastic set of 100% Home Raised steers! These steers have averaged 2.5 lbs/day and are ready for full feed.
Rep: Matt Lait-403-581-7592
Lot #106 +/- 111 Steers Consignor: KLASSEN HAY & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Bow Island, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1075 lbs Weight Range: 1000-1150 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.10
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks on ground scale.
Scale Location: Ground Scale
F.O.B: Klassen Feedyard Frame: 80%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 100%Medium+ Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Limo X Color: 85%Blk,BBF/15%Red,RBF Feed: 60% Corn Silage/30% Alfalfa Silage/10% DDG
Health: Full feedlot health at time of placement. Implants only at time of placement.
Comments: Have a look at this good set of Angus Limo cross cattle! These steers have averaged 2.5 lbs/day and are ready for full feed. 1 Short Tail
Rep: Matt Lait-403-581-7592
Lot #107 +/- 65 Steers Consignor: KLASSEN HAY & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Bow Island, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1000 lbs Weight Range: 925-1075 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.10 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks on ground scale.
F.O.B: Klassen Feedyard Frame: 100%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium+ Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 85%Blk,BBF/15%Red,RBF Feed: 60% Corn Silage/30% Alfalfa Silage/10% DDG
Health: Full feedlot health at time of placement. Implants only at time of placement.
Comments: These good Angus steers have averaged 2.5 lbs/day and are ready for full feed.
Rep: Matt Lait-403-581-7592
Lot #108 +/- 114 Heifers Consignor: KLASSEN HAY & CATTLE
Cattle Location: Bow Island, AB Delivery Date: August 14, 2023
Base Weight: 1090 lbs Weight Range: 1015-1165 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.10 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks on ground scale.
F.O.B: Klassen Feedyard Frame: 80%Medium/20%Large Flesh: 100%Medium+ Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus Color: 70%Blk,BBF/15%Char/15%Red Feed: 60% Corn Silage/30% Alfalfa Silage/10% DDG
Health: Full feedlot health at time of placement. Implants only at time of placement.
Comments: This is a fantastic set of 100% Home Raised heifers from this great background program. 1 no tail, 1 short tail.
Rep: Matt Lait-403-581-7592
Lot #109 +/- 70 Heifers Consignor: MCBRIDE CATTLE
Cattle Location: Cairns Feedyard Delivery Date: September 5-10, 2023
Base Weight: 925 lbs Weight Range: 800-1000 lbs Shrink: 4% Slide: $0.10 Scale Location: Ground Scale
Weighing Conditions: Weigh off empty bunks in AM on ground scale.
F.O.B: Cairns Frame: 30%Large/70%Medium Flesh: 100%Medium Quality: 100%Good
Dominant Breed: Angus X Color: 40%Blk,BWF/30%Tan/30%Red,RWF Feed: 28% Ration targeting 2 lbs a day
Health: Full herd health, Synovex implants.
Comments: This is a strong set of heifers, which are on a 28% ration, targeting 2 lbs a day. You are getting the top sort of 90 head! There are a few horns.
Rep: Skyler