FCSF Fundraiser Auction 2023 - Web Final1

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Message from the FCSF President

Welcome to the 2023 edition of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Annual Foundation Auction. On behalf of the board of directors, we're excited to be in Ancaster, Ontario for this years Foundation Auction and CSA Convention. It's thrilling to see the support for the Foundation and the Simmental breed from so many breeders, members and Simmental enthusiasts from front to back in the 2023 catalogue. Thank you so much to everyone that has stepped up and donated to this years sale. Also, a big thank you to Destiny Simmentals, the Campbell Family, for their Lot 1 bred heifer donation. Our foundation's primary role is educational scholarships, bursaries, youth development, and breed research. All youth scholarships are financed and administered by this foundation which also provides annual fundraising for YCSA at national events.

Thank you to the CSA staff, the Foundation board and all of the volunteers for making this event happen. From myself and all of the FCSF board members, thank you for participating in this years auction and we look forward to seeing you in Ontario!

On behalf of the Canadian Simmental Association, I would like to invite everyone to join us for the annual Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Fundraiser Auction. It is exciting to have this year’s AGM events and FCSF sale in Ancaster, Ontario.

Over the years this event has grown into one on the biggest cattle fundraising events in Canada and the major fundraising event for FCSF. Thank you so much to past donators, sponsors, industry partners and everyone who has purchased items as your support has helped the FCSF build a strong foundation for the future. Each year funds raised through this sale allow the FCSF to continue the work of supporting youth, research and development in the Simmental breed.

This year we have a very exciting sale offering and want to say thanks and show appreciation to the organizing committee for putting together what is sure to be an exciting event. If you cannot be here in person, but still wish to support the FCSF then contact any of the sale consultants, an FCSF director, or watch and participate online with DLMS.

Looking forward to seeing you in Ancaster!

FCSF Board of Directors 2021-22

Bruce Holmquist CSA General Manager Cell: 639.314.4613 Mark Shologan Treasurer Cell: 780.699.5082 Garth Rancier President Cell: 780.385.5313 Marlin LeBlanc Cell: 306.421.2470 Ken Lewis Cell: 780.818.3829 Shane Williams CSA President Cell: 519-938-1220 Stacy Price CSA Admin Assistant Deanne Young Cell: 780.542.0855 Barb Judd CSA Office Manager Scott Matthews Vice-President Cell: 819.993.5187 Roger Deeg Cell: 403-934-4585 Glenn Wotten Cell: 705-878-1713 Lynette Hoegl Cell: 780-205-3742
Message from the CSA President

FCSF Sale Staff Contacts

FCSF Auctioneer Dan Skeels.................................403.783.1217

FCSF Ringmen Darryl Snider.............................780.385.5561

Fundraiser Auction

Saturday August 5, 2023

In Conjunction with the CSA AGM Banquet

Live at Ancaster Fairground - Ancaster, ON & Online at www.dlms.ca

Live Sale Time

Ben Wright.................................519.374.3335

Garren Skeels.............................403.704.5784

Sale Consultants of the Simmental Industry

Bouchard Livestock International

Brian Bouchard.............................403.813.7999

Chad Lorenz.................................403.896.9585

Bohrson Marketing Services

Scott Bohrson ......................................403.370.3010

Taylor Richards.....................................306.821.4169

Rob Voice..............................................306.270.6082

Martin Bohrson...................................306.220.7901

Jaxon Payne............................................306.830.0456

Cody Haney ..........................................403.559.8809

Darryl Snider.........................................780.385.5561

Nate Marin........................................306.869.7130

First Class Cattle Marketing

Darnell Fornwald...............................403.795.8030

Shay Martindale..................................780.812.4581

T Bar C Cattle Company

Chris Poley ............................................306.220.5006

Shane Michelson................................403.363.9973

Ben Wright.........................................519.374.3335

Levi Rimke .........................................204.851.4515

Transcon Livestock Corp

OBI Livestock

Jay Good ...........................................403.556.5563

Glenn Norton .....................................780.542.0634

Darren Paget .......................................403.323.3985

Cody Coupland ...................................403.877.0799

Mark Holowaychuk..........................403.896.4990

Roger Peters......................................403.828.9815

DLMS Internet Bidding

Mark Shologan...................................780.699.5082

Terms of Sale

All payment are made directly to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation #13, 4101-19th St. N.E. Calgary, AB, T2E 7C4 Ph: 403.250.7979 Email: fcsf@simmental.com

Following the sale purchasers will receive an invoice by email on your DLMS or CSA Account. Please make sure you watch for this invoice as it may end up in your junk/spam folder. If you do not see the invoice by the end of day Tuesday following the sale please call the office to receive a second copy to be reemailed.

• Payment Options

1. Send a cheque to the FCSF following the sale

7:00 PM EST Thank

2. Send payment via E-Transfer to: fcsf@simmental.com

3. Payment processed to the Credit Card on your file with CSA

• Purchaser is responsible for any shipping costs associated with purchase. For any one purchasing online the items will be shipped to you after payment has been received. For any items not physically onsite for the auction after payment has been received the donator and purchaser will be emailed paid release notification. At this point shipping/ pickup can then be arranged

• No guarantees are made, lots are sold as is with the description suplied by the donator.

Auction proceeds directly support Youth Initiatives and Scholarships presented through the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation - FCSF Charity # - 82695 3291RR0001

Please feel free to call any of the Sale staff or the FCSF Board of Directors to bid on your behalf if you can not be in attandance or be online for the 2023 auction. Remember the Time Zone: Please remember the live sale will start on Manitoba Central Time Manitoba Start Time 6:00 CST SK / AB Start Time 5:00 MST BC Start Time 4:00 PST
you to retiring director Brian Bouchard for his longtime commitment and dedication to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation
has been instrumental in the Fundraiser Auctions helping to grow the FCSF scholarship fund and setting it up for the long term with the Calgary Foundation
so much for all of your hard work!

Who is the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation (FCSF) is a not-for-profit registered foundation dedicated to scholarship and educational support of youth in the business of agriculture and Simmental cattle. The Foundation is governed by a board of directors who are heavily involved in the Simmental industry and who have a vested interest in educating youth, developing leadership, and encouraging young people to be a part of the agriculture industry.

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation belongs to all of those that had the vision to believe in bringing the Simmental breed to Canada, those that supported and have developed it over the past 52 years, and those that see the value it brings to the generations of the future.

Focus of the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation

Scholarships - The FCSF administers scholarships for youth who are involved in Canadian agriculture. Assisting in the development of youth with a focus on advancing their understanding of agriculture is a very important component of the FCSF.

Youth Development - The FCSF supports youth programs such as the Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). The YCSA is one of the most progressive and dynamic agricultural youth organizations in Canada. It is open to anyone 25 years and under who then have the opportunity to participate in various activities across Canada. YCSA members learn important skills including public speaking, marketing and communications which develop strong and dynamic leaders for not only our industry, but society as a whole.

Research and Development - The FCSF is actively engaged in supporting research to benefit the agriculture industry in Canada. This work is focused on improving the Canadian beef industry by enhancing production efficiency, product quality and profitability.

What the Friends of Canadian

FSCF Scholarships

Simmental Foundation is doing

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is honored to administer 5 exciting post-secondary scholarships. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation recognizes the importance of supporting youth in agriculture and their goals of advanced education. The scholarship program is one of the ways that the Foundation intends to support youth and the future of the livestock industry. In 2023 the FSCF will award $15,000 in scholarships.

The current 2022 winners are listed on back pages of the catalogue or go online to www.simmentalfoundation.com to find past winners and the current application form that can be used for all three of the scholarships for the 2022 - 2023 academic year.

Youth Development

The FCSF supports youth programs such as the Young Canadian Simmental Association (YCSA). The YCSA is one of the most progressive and dynamic agricultural youth organizations in Canada. It is open to anyone 25 years and under who then have the opportunity to participate in various activities across Canada.

For 2023 the FCSF will directly support the YCS with a portion of the Auction process going directly to their program to assist in the operation of their 2023-2024 activities.

How to Contribute to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation value all of those that support the philosophy and work the Foundation is committed to. With the FCSF having Charitable Tax Status we are able to provide those who donate to the Foundation with a charitable tax receipt. FCSF supports the programs and activities that not only benefit the Agriculture Industry today but also helps establish the future of the agriculture industry for tomorrow’s youth.

In addition to donating or purchasing at the Foundation Fundraising Auctions each year, you can also use some of the other traditional methods of giving include such as: cash donations, sponsorships and memorials. Contact any of the FCSF Directors about makeing a donation or send your gift to the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation today.

Please make your check payable to:

Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation

#13 - 4101 - 19th St. NE

Calgary, Alberta Canada T2E 7C4 Ph: 403-250-7979

Pg. 4

Exciting things the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation has done in 2023

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is honored to administer 3 exciting post-secondary scholarships and bursarys. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation will be providing two $3,000 scholarship to promising young students pursuing a degree or certificate at an accredited institution. The Dr. Allan Dixon Scholarship will be 2 scholarships of $2,000 each and the Trevor Vance Scholarship is one award of $2000

The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation recognizes the importance of supporting youth in agriculture and their goals of advanced education. The scholarship program is one of the ways that the Foundation intends to support youth and the future of the livestock industry.

Scholarship Program

Please go online to www.simmentalfoundation.com to find the current application form that can be used for all three of the scholarships for the 2023-2024 academic year. Eligible applications will first be considered for the Friends of Canadian Simmental, then those remaining for the Dr. Dixon and the Trevor Vance Memorial scholarships.

The deadline for applications is September 30, 2023

2022 FCSF Scholarship Winners

T.E.A.M Conference

YCSA National Classic FCSF Support

During the 2022 Young Canadian Simmental Association’s (YCSA) National show, the FCSF Directors presented $15,000 from the auction proceeds to the YCSA for ongoing youth activities.

The FCSF also donated $5,000 to help financially support YCSA members with travel costs to get to Manitoba.

Pg. 5
Ariel Wilcox Brodyn LaBatte Bailey McCormack Hannah Derksen Jackson Corner
YCSA held the T.E.A.M Confrence May 5-7, 2023 bringing a great group of young simmentals leaders together to learn and develop their leadership skills. The FCSF were pleased to financially support travel for a group of young people to attaend this great educational opportunity.


Each year the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation designates a “Friend of the Foundation.” This individual / family has generously donated a bred heifer to the Foundation Auction. Their commitment to the Foundation through this gesture is greatly appreciated and recognized throughout the year.

P g . 6
2016 Heifer Donator McMillen Ranching Ltd. Tryon Simmentals ~ Gibbons Farm ~ Vaughn and Cindy Gibbons - ~ More Bros. Simmentals ~ Everett More 2017 Heifer Donator Lewis Farms 2018 Heifer Donator
Barlee Simmentals
2019 Heifer Donator
Crowe Bros. Simmentals
2021 Heifer Donator Downhill Simmentals 2022 Heifer Donator 2015 Heifer Donator Elm Tree Farms 2013 Heifer Donator R Plus Simmentals 2014 Heifer Donator Bonchuk Farms 2012 Heifer Donator / Buyer
w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
*Available to use for your industry group or organization *2 BEFF Carcass Display Models Availiable - Stored West & East *only cost to use is shipping to and from Calgary office or
Promoting further education
of the Foundation”
depicting the most popular cuts of beef
Simmental Industry


Dutch Auction Donation Bred Heifer

The Donation Heifer will be auctioned off at the start of the sale by Dutch Auction at $20 per ticket. You can also Pre order your tickets by contacting any of the FCSF board of Directors or sale staff to have tickets purchased on your behalf. After the sale is over completed we will have the draw for the Donation Heifer. Be sure to stick around to the end of the sale to watch the draw!!

It is with great enthusiasm that Destiny Family Farms donates to the Foundation to enhance and support youth development in agriculture . Being our 30th year of being a Simmental breeder, we felt it an honour to be approached to participate.

This heifer leads off from the keeper pen and was selected to represent our program successes over the years. This heifer origins from the Ms Deck heifer purchased at Agribition in 1999 that really put our program at the front when she was crowned a RAWF Grand Female in 2000. Her granddaughter Twain kept the banners coming as a multiple winner at several shows in her lifetime and progeny that have continued to follow the ancestral success. Twain left her mark in our herd and the industry and still today many of our current herd pedigrees go back to this matriarch.

This heifer we expect to follow the pattern of being a front pasture favourite with longevity and progeny successes. Bred early and confirmed to WLB Top Tier on Mar 22.

Donated By: Destiny Simmentals Todd & Karen Campbell Meaford, ON - 519.379.7565

3 Great Ways you can Support the Foundation this year!!

1. Make a plan to purchase tickets on the Donation Heifer. Remember for each $20 Ticket you have a chance in the draw for the Bred Heifer ~ In person at Ancaster, ON for the Sale, Bid on DLMS.ca, or talk to any of the FCSF Board or sale staff to purchase tickets for you.

2. View the catalog and chose from all of the outstanding items available in this year's sale. If you are not coming to the AGM, call any of the sale staff, the FCSF Board or bid online with www.dlms.ca. Purchasing lots out of the sale support the Foundation so we can continue to provide Scholarships and support the Youth Initiatives in the Simmental Breed.

3. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is an opportunity to leave your legacy in the Simmental Industry. Through a memorial donation, a living gift or a bequest through a planned estate gift you can support the foundation in perpetuity. For assistance with the sale or more info about the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation contact any of the FCSF Directors listed on page 3.

P g . 7
2 JAN 2021 DHS 63J BPG1368714
E P D A C T CE BW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 6.6 4.4 71.1 75 lb 99.7 25.3 60.9 25.3
w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

3 Embryos LFE Beast Mode 305D X LFE Heaven 659D 2

Resulting Pedigree of Embryos Purebred Simmental


Sire: LFE BEAST MODE 305D -BPG1178056-




Heaven 659D has compiled a heavy resume of lead off sale bulls and high end replacement females in a short period of time. Brother to this mateing LFE Title Shot lead off the 2022 bull sale to Westman Farms and First Class Marketing. His full sister’s sold last fall to Mader Ranches and Jake and Laura Horner. Purchase these embryos with confidence in this outstanding cow family.

3 Embryos Package - Wheatland Lady 3111A 3

Donated By:

Lewis Farms

Ken Lewis 780-818-3829

Kyle Lewis 780-220-9188

Westman Farms

Derek Westman 780-853-1141

Resulting Pedigree of Embryos Purebred Simmental




Dam: WHEATLAND LAY 3111A -PG1165009-


A very unique opportunity to acquire embryos on the 2018 National Champion Female that’s been a powerhouse in production! Without question one of the most elite females bred at the ranch. 3111A displays a perfect udder, feminine look, and great feet. Her production record speaks for itself with over 10 sons averaging $20,000. A high seller in this spring’s sale commanded $50,000 with the chance to buy full sib embryos. Offering 3 Embryos one from each of the Exceptional sires that represent the Wheatland Program.

Sire# 1 Wheatland Next Century 43H This mating has proven itself to be one of the best we have done! Full sibs averaged over $20,000 in our sale this spring. If you like dark red, powerful cattle with eye appeal and hair look here

Sire# 2 Wheatland Dimensional 1147J Rare opportunity here to get a hold of the Dimensional hype! The $200,000 breeding bull is doing great things in his first calf crop. Bigger framed, deep sided cattle that offer tons of performance. Sire# 3 Wheatland Revolution 2194K The chance to make a red baldie from some fresh and exciting genetics. Revolution was a high seller at $52,500 in our bull sale that sold to LongView Cattle and Larry Hafer from Nebraska. All embryos are stored at Peak Veterinary Services.

Donated By:

Wheatland Cattle Co

Riley Lafrentz 306-461-8200

Vern & Denise Lafrentz 306-421-2297


4 Embryos Crossroad Pilot 21H X Lorolin Ms Barbi 4

Resulting Pedigree of Embryos Purebred Simmental


Sire: CROSSROAD PILOT 21H -P1314132-



As it stands, The Barbi Cow is the strongest cow at Snowdame Farms. The cross we made on her with the Homo polled Crossroad Pilot was a great cross. These three dark red calves all have large frames and very correct conformation. The Embryos are located at On Farm

Donated By:

Snowdame Farms

Bruce & Wendy Snowdon


P g . 8 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
Dam: LFE BS Heaven Sent 659D Sire: LFE Beast Mode 305D Brother to Embryos Sister to Embryos Dam: Lorolin Ms Barbi Sib to embryos Sib to embryos Sib to embryos Dam: Wheatland Lady 3111A Wheatland Next Century 43H Wheatland Revolution 2194K Wheatland Dimensional 1147J Sire: Crossroad Pilot 21H

Resulting Pedigree of Embryos Purebred Simmental


Sire: BBBG BRADOCK 2T -T675216-KN



What an opportunity here out of the outstanding Gabrielle Donor. Gabrielle herself is Homozygous polled and sired by Double Bar D Merit but look at the bottom side of the pedigree you see her Dam the prolific DFM 22P, Talk about cow power. Gabrielle was purchased by an astute cattleman, Lorne Mast, AB. Match with this great cow family the BBBG Braddock sire you have a combination of proven Fleckvieh pedigree and the Polled Gene in the mating.

3 Straws - RF Boomer 262K

Donated By:

Donovandale Farms

Gerald & Keitha Donovan 613-257-2617

DOB: 11 January 2022

REG# BPTG1401704

Tattoo: GNR 62K

Boomer is a special breeding piece and one that offers everything that makes the Simmental industry so powerful and in high demand. Awesome feet, powerful, sound and out of a great udder cow - Boomer is one of a kind and we are all in on this big time herdsire. For all that he offers in pedigree, phenotype and EPD’s (top of breed for WW, YW, MWW, CW, REA & TI), he came out of stud this summer looking even better than entering and think that is a testament to his natural greatness. If you’re in the Olds area, stop by BMS and see him for yourself because he is an incredible individual.

3 Straws - Mader Night Shift 63K 7


Donated By:

Bohrson Marketing Services Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010


DOB: 12 January 2022

REG# BPG1398065

Tattoo: MDR 63K



The $100,000 Night Shift was the talk of the Simmental industry last fall when he was successfully shown and declared Calf Champion at Agribition among many other shows. Shakedown is one of the great breeding bulls in the industry who has very little semen available and Night Shift adds a strong maternal pedigree on the bottom side to stack up consistency and full breeding potential. Exclusive packs were offered on Night Shift this spring with very few marketed by intention, take advantage of the exclusivity by adding this powerhouse to your program.

Stored at Alta Genetics

Donated By:

Sjogren Farms Greg Sjogren (780) 781-1689

Canadian Sires a division of Bohrson Marketing Services Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010


2 Embryos BBBG Bradock 2T X Donovandale
Stored at Alta Genetics Sire: RF SHAKEDOWN 074H NGDB STRUCTURE 34D IPU MS. COWBOY CUT 135D Dam: RF FLIRT 850F
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 4.7 8.2 110.5 96 lb 923 lbs 1648 lbs 165.8 -0.6 80.7 25.4
Canadian Sires a division of
P g . 9 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 6.9 5.7 102.6 88 lb 1049 lbs 1483 lbs 144.1 3.9 76.9 25.6
Granddam: DFM 22P Sire: BBBG Bradock 2T

2 Straws - SVS Betts 808F 8

DOB: 4 January 2018

REG# PTG1235797

Tattoo: SVS 808F





One of the great breeding bulls of all time would be Betts who flat out doesn’t miss and it should be no surprise that Canadian Sires sold out of Betts semen in the spring of 2023. He is still breeding great for KT Ranches and plan to get some more semen put up on him in the future but with none left in current inventory, here is your chance to get the last available in 2023. Most recently he produced the Darlin and Big Energy daughters that swept the FarmFair & Agribition Shows and his ability to sire awesome udder, ideal phenotype cattle that are in high demand is unlike any bulls that has sired in recent history.

Stored at Alta Genetics


3 Straws - Wheatland Next Century 43H 9


Donated By:

DOB: 24 January 2020

REG# PG1341336

Tattoo: LER 43H

Wheatland Next Century is the most complete Simmental breeding piece that we have seen in the red Simmental business for years. The bull himself is flawless in his phenotype. He is powerful, blood red, flawless on the move, extremely stout, extremely long bodied, and walks at top of a perfect foot. Definitely a bull that impresses even the most critical of cattle producers. Next Century is an individual that is incredibly difficult to fault but what makes him truly great is the cow families that behind him on both sides of his pedigree. Next Century mother and paternal grand mother are 2 of the very best cows we have seen in the Simmental breed. Homo Polled.

Donated By:

First Class Marketing Darnell Fornwald - 403.795.8030



- All costs for flush set up

- Drugs for stimulating donor

- Flushing of the donor

- All freezing and related costs & up to 5 fresh implants from same flush Voucher owner is responsible for

- Breeding of the donor

- If flushing is done on farm, the client is responsible for the travel and mileage costs.

- If flushing is done at the BTL facility located at 42128 Township Road 272, Rocky View County, Alberta, the client is responsible for paying the board for the donor.

- Supplying semen of choice.

Donated By: Bova-Tech Ltd

Dr. Andres Arteaga DVM. www.bova-tech.com

P g . 1 0 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
Ranches Kevin & Tracey Carson 250.878-1000
Ranches Geoff Anderson 306.731.7921
Canadian Sires a division of Bohrson Marketing Services Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010 www.bohrson.com
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 8.7 4.8 91.1 93 lb 876 lbs 1468 lbs 136.3 8.6 69.1 23.5
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 6.8 4.2 81.7 89 lb 940 lbs 1538 lbs 102.9 2.6 63.3 22.4
Tech Ltd. - Embryo Flush Package 10


3 Straws of NGDB Dewalt 93K


DOB: 31 January 2022

REG# P1402779

Tattoo: NGDB 93K

The 2022 FarmFair saw one of the strongest Simmental bull shows in recent memory and the talk of the barns was a Homo Polled, Non-Diluter shown by Hoegl Farms. Dewalt made a lot of friends on the show road and many more who laid eyes on him in the spring of 2023 while McMillen Ranching and Canadian Sires bought him as a high seller. The highly respected MRL program hasn’t stepped into a Fullblood bull for many years so that is a testament to the true breeding potential Dewalt has and his future is exciting. Use Dewalt to add value by providing muscle, stoutness, shape, depth, soundness, attractive head and overall power while being backed by a strong udder cow.

Stored at Alta Genetics

5 Straws - FSS Polled Hendrix

Donated By:

McMillen Ranching

Lee McMillen


Dave McMillen


Homo Polled Full Fleckvieh Fullblood

Canadian Sires

a division of Bohrson Marketing Services

Scott Bohrson



DOB: 22 December 2017

REG# P1232171

Tattoo: JNR 806E

FSS Polled Hendrix. Hendrix came to us out of Kentucky from the Saint John Simmentals over a year ago. He is a great and unique bull with pedigree, performace, disposition, eye appeal and great epd's all included in a Homo polled, non-dilluiter, Full Flechvich package. A very intersting bull to say the least.

Donated By:

Lone Stone Farms

Lonnie & Karen Brown • Nathan & Alisha Brown

Lonnie cell 780-349-5524 - Karen cell 780-307-8056 Nathan cell 780-307-8381 www.lonestonefarms.com

Saint John Simmentals Chad Bailey 270-234-3522

Davis-Rairdan - $1500 Embryo Flush Credit

$1,500 Credit toward Embryo Flushing from DRI

Davis -Rairdan Embryo Transplants performs domestic embryo transplant services for many of the "elite" purebred cattle breeders in Western Canada. Flush Credit can be toward On-farm Flushing or at the Flush Center Crossfield, AB

Donated By:

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants Crossfield, AB


P g . 1 1 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 15.1 0.3 72.5 101.0 7.2 68.2 31.9
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 7.9 5.3 77.6 98 lb 934 lbs 1419 lbs 110.0 4.3 79.9 41.1

Choice of 5 Straws R Plus Prosecution 0183H or IPU Dutton 61H






Dam: MISS R PLUS 7172E


DOB: 17 Feb 2020

REG# BPG1330081

Tattoo: LRPS 0183H

Homo Polled

Homo Black

After touring cattle in Estevan last fall, acquiring R Plus Prosecution became a top priority for us. Thankfully we got that business taken care of prior to the dispersal, with distinguished cattleman Barry LaBatte and Kelly Oberle buying a semen interest from us before the chairs in the sale barn had been stacked. The Prosecution heifer calves were HOT, being the only sire group where every single heifer calf outsold her mother, averaging nearly $8000 and having the greatest number of heifer calves >$10,000. Prosecution is effortless on the move with elite foot quality, athleticism and a calm disposition.

DOB: 24 Jan 2020

Sire: SVS BETTS 808F





Dutton was the $50,000 high seller out of the 2021 LaBatte sale. Similar to Prosecution, he’s remarkably athletic for his size as a mature bull, with excellent foot quality. Elite length of spine would be his most striking attribute, paired with a massive hip and top line. His calves are peas in a pod having that trademark length and hip; easy to spot from across the pasture, they’re undoubtedly the most consistent and complete cattle ever born at our place.

Never has semen been offered on either of these exceptional female makers, so take your pick and support a great cause along the way!

A / B

REG# BPG1327621

Tattoo: IPU 61H

Homo Polled Hetero Black

Donated By:

Triangle K Simmentals

Wade Koberstein (780) 920-5043

Don Koberstein (780) 674-8022

Brian Koberstein (780) 284-7686

Nikolas Koberstein (780) 284-9392

DOB: 13 February 2021

REG# BPG1353739

Tattoo: CMS 126J

CMS Strutter 126J is a bull that has impressed from the moment he hit the ground. With a massive hip, wide stance, great feet, wide top, and good rib shape while still carrying it all in an attractive, smooth shouldered black white-faced package. He has passed that impressive phenotype on to the outstanding group of calves on the ground at Downhill Simmentals this year; each showing the depth, width and attractiveness that made him a standout. Strutter has had a great show career winning banners for Junior Bull Calf Champion at Olds & Agribition as a calf, and Champion Simmental Bull at Manitoba Ag Ex this past fall where he also impressed in the Agribition Beef Supreme class. Strutter is out of the standout donor at Czech-Mate: CMS Soda Pop 519C, who is a flushmate to the 6 famous Soda Pop’s that sold through FNL. His dam has averaged almost $25,000 on the only three animals that have been sold off her, with all females being kept in herd at Czech-Mate and also entering the flush program. Strutter’s sire is the now famous Mader Walk This Way who has sired multiple high selling sons and daughters across the Simmental breed.

Donated By:

Downhill Simmentals

Everett Olson

204-867-0076 / 204-826-2643

BoviGen -

$1500 IVF Embryo Flush Credit

The New BoviGen from Peak Veterinary Health offer a comprehensive list of advanced reproductive services including conventional embryo collection, in-vitro collection, in-house IVF laboratory, embryo export and owner’s use semen collection. We are fully equipped with a CETA-certified mobile laboratory for flushing and implanting on farm. This flush credit can be used for flushing On-farm or in our donor facility at Moose Jaw.

Donated By: BoviGen

Dr Tyson Buyer 306-692-4800 / Garner Deobald 306-677-7777

16 P g . 1 2 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 6.3 4.8 100.2 90 lb 861 lbs 1499 lbs 153.6 2.9 70.6 20.5
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 8.0 5.1 85.4 96 lb 846 lbs 119.1 9.5 71.1 28.4
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 11.6 2.3 77.9 95 lb 796 lbs 1428 lbs 30.1 7.5 69.1 30.1
2 Packs of 5 straws - CMS Strutter 126J

2 Straws of WLB Top Tier 456G 17




5 Straws - Robb Warrior 91H 18

DOB: 21 February 2019

REG# PG1288193

Tattoo: WLB 456G


Dam: WLB 47Y FAE 343E


Like a fine wine, Top Tier continues to get better with age and he is one of the hottest bulls in the business and we have completely sold out of semen on him with no inventory left. His ability to calve with ease and flat-out grow is unparallelled as he can produce equally as strong heifers as bulls. Oberle/LaBatte have bragged on Top Tier of being one of the best walking bulls they’ve ever used and he looks like a million bucks, the plan is to get an updated picture of him and when we do, you’ll be glad you stepped into this exclusive semen opportunity. Stored at Alta Genetics

Donated By:

LaBatte Simmentals

Barry LaBatte 306-815-7900

Oberle Circle 7 Ranch

Kelly Oberle (306) 297-9366

Canadian Sires a division of Bohrson Marketing Services

Scott Bohrson 403.370.3010


DOB: 02 Jan 2020 | REG# BPG1347585 | Tattoo: ROBB 91H



This is an opportunity that has never been offered on Robb Warrior 91H as there has never been any semen released on this young herdsire. Whether you like phenotype, pedigree or EPD's, Warrior has all the bases covered. His dam is an outstanding young donor cow at Robb Land & Cattle and his grand dam is a donor cow in their program. If you're into EPD's, 13 out of 14 traits are in the top 25% or better in the breed! If you're into phenotype you will love the real performance, muscle and volume of this bonafide calving ease sire. And lastly, if you like production, his first calf crop sired the high selling bull for LA Ranch to Sunny Valley Simmentals at the first annual Country Roots bull sale and his second calf crop is an exciting set of calves at both LA Ranch and Rancier Farms. His numbers don't lie, he has proven himself as a sleep easy sire that will leave you with payweight in the fall.

Donated By:

5 Straws Semen - Anchor D Gibraltar 431G




Bow Valley Genetics

$1000 Credit towards an IVF Cycle or Conventional Flush

The team at Bow Valley Genetics are strong supporters of our sector and continue to support our Foundation. This Credit can be used for our embryo services at either of our BVGL locations at Brooks AB or at Regina SK.

BVGL is here to advance your reproductive needs!

Donated By: Bow Valley Genetics LTD. Brooks 587-887-1934 Regina 306-585-1234 www.bowvalleygenetics.com

Donated By:

DJ Farms

Polled full Fleckvieh, When Gibraltoar was purchased we knew he would be an asset to us and excel our program an others. His disposition is second to none and the shear power is shown in all of his offspring. At the 2020 Ontario Simmental Solution Sale, Gibraltar's semen was first offered wth high demand resulting in James Creek Simmentals buying the USA semen rights to him. The 2022 Ontario Simmental Solution Sale we offered the first daughters and they received lots of interest. This will be the only semen sold this year, so don't miss the opportunity.

Dennis & Debbie Elliott 519-345-2785

P g . 1 3 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 18.3 -0.7 69.8 75 lb 815 lbs 1332 lbs 95.7 9.1 62.3 27.4
Dam: ANCHOR D DAKOTA 431D ANCHOR D MR GIBBS 20Z ANCHOR D ZEON 218Z E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 6.3 5.8 98.7 98 lb 926 lbs 1412 lbs 150.3 3.1 92.3 42.9
19 DOB: 16 Jan 2019 REG# P1279373 Tattoo: ZDS 431G
LA Ranch Luke Muehlen 250.567.7375 Bar M Simmentals Luke Muehlen 250.567.7375 Rancier Farms Garth & Angela Rancier & Family 780.385.5313
Dam: LRX BLACK 89F SKORS HIGH ROLLER 34C LRX BLACK 51D E P D A C T CE BW Adj WW Adj YW BW WW YW MCE MWW MILK 15.4 -0.7 91.6 83 lb 945 lbs 1420 lbs 142.0 9.8 80.1 34.3

$1500 Credit toward Pallet of Bullseye Mineral

Bullseye has highly-trained Consultants, Forage Consultants and Management Consultants work with producers as part of the management team, seeing and understanding each operation first-hand in order to provide operation-specific direction and information that’s informed, useful, unique to beef nutrition and helpful in improving the bottom line. Offering a gift certificate of $1500 Credit toward Pallet of Bullseye Mineral

Donated By: Bullseye Feeds Tom McNeely 780.679.7220 www.bullseyefeeds.ca

DLMS / DLMS FarmGate / Cattlevids.ca

$1000 Service Credit towards an Internet Broadcast, Timed Auction or Pre-Sale Video Service 22

Planning a sale? Reach the world with the help of DLMS the leader in online sale broadcasting, timed auctions and video services in Canada. Use this credit toward any Sale Broadcast, Timed Online Auction Sale or Pre Recorded video service offered by DLMS & Cattlevids.ca. This Credit is to be used by the end of the spring 2024 Bull Sale Season.

Donated By: Direct Livestock Marketing Systems - www.dlms.ca Cattlevids.ca - www.cattlevids.ca

Mark Shologan 780-699-5082

Canadian Cattlemen 1/2 Page Advertising Certificate 23

These days, some of the most interesting and revolutionary thinking in agriculture is found in the cattle business. Canadian Cattlemen magazine has been the place to learn about it all for more than 80 years. Published 12 times per year, take your advertising to the next level.

The bearer of this certificate is entitled to a 1/2 page single advertisment in the Canadian Cattlemen Magazine to a maximum value of $2,180

Donated By: Canadian Cattlemen Magazine Mike Millar 306.251.0011 www.canadiancattlemen.ca

Today’s Publishing / www.buyagro.com $500.00 Credit towards catalogue design service, web design or listing at www.buyagro.com

Today's Publishing and T Bar C Cattle Co. Ltd. are proud to produce the Simmental Country and work with some of the most progressive breeders in the industry. We offer every aspect of livestock marketing from custom websites and sale catalogues to complete sale management. We are dedicated to high quality, strong integrity and continued success. Our goal is to help you market your program to its truest potential whether your operation is large or small. The listing service on buyagro.com offers a multi breed catalgoue listing service that offering outstanding industry coverage for your sale catalgoue.

Donated By:

T Bar C Cattle Co / Today’s Publishing

Chris Poley 306.220.5006

Bryan Kostiuk 306.933.4200 www.buyagro.com

24 P g . 1 4 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m


H.S Knill Co $1000 Trucking Credit

$1,000 credit to H.S. Knill Trucking, one of Canada’s Premier Trucking Companies with 20 Trucks and Trailers for Livestock and Freight

Specializing in...Purebred Livestock Transportation throughout North America with Quality Customer Service Providing Weekly service across Canada & the USA. Gooseneck service available to your farm in Ontario. Pick up & delivery points across Canada and the USA. L.T.L. & F.L. Freight to Western Canada and the USA Bagged shavings and sawdust

Air Ride Equipment

Loads to and from Canada, the USA and Mexico daily Experienced drivers who provide quality service Put your livestock and freight in motion with

3 Great Ways you can Support the Foundation this year!!

1. Make a plan to purchase tickets on the Donation Heifer. Remember for each $20 Ticket you have a chance in the draw for the Bred Heifer ~ In person at Ancaster, ON for the Sale, Bid on DLMS.ca, or talk to any of the FCSF Board or sale staff to purchase tickets for you.

2. View the catalog and chose from all of the outstanding items available in this year's sale. If you are not coming to the AGM, call any of the sale staff, the FCSF Board or bid online with www.dlms.ca. Purchasing lots out of the sale support the Foundation so we can continue to provide Scholarships and support the Youth Initiatives in the Simmental Breed.

3. The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation is an opportunity to leave your legacy in the Simmental Industry. Through a memorial donation, a living gift or a bequest through a planned estate gift you can support the foundation in perpetuity. For assistance with the sale or more info about the Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation contact any of the FCSF Directors listed on page 3.

We were so excited to get the 2023 Foundation catalog off to the printers that we miss this exciting lot. Sells at lot 24A
P g . 1 4 A w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
The Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation belongs to all of those that had the vision to believe in bringing the Simmental breed to Canada, those that supported and have developed it over the past 50 years, and those that see the value it brings to the generations of the future.

Alta Genetics Customer Collection $500 Semen Collection Credit

Alta Genetics customer collection offers complete semen collection services from owners use to export qualified the facilities offered are second to none with the goal to produce a quality product that will help to propel your operation into the future.

When you think custom collection look to Alta the longstanding leader in semen collection based at Calgary, AB.

$500 Service Credit to Burgomaster Agri Marketing 26

Use this $500 credit to take your marketing to the next level! Burgomaster Agri Marketing strives to help you maximize your brand's potential through print marketing, logo work, and web design. We take your vision and make it a reality, allowing your brand to stand out from the competition.

Website: https://brgoagmarketing.com/.


Donated By: Alta Genetics Inc. Terry White - 403.226.0666 www.altagenetics.com | www.altacustom.com

Donated By: Elm Tree Farms Glenn, Pamela, Mariah & Sophie Wotten Phone: (705) 878-1713

Media - Stacy Young

You can never have enough high quality photos. Capture photos of your top end cattle or create a video promoting your farm and program.The credit must be used on one day and by May 1 2024. Travel costs may be applicable.

Simmental Country Marketing Package

This is an excellent opportunity to promote a bull sale or other event and may be purchased by an individual, organization or sale group with an overall value of $1300.

• Full page full color ad in Simmental Country magazine (does not include Commercial Country issues)

• Inclusion of your event in the monthly CSA Enewsletter

• Link to your Website or Catalogue from Simmental Country Website

• Eblast - Email announcement of your event to the CSA email contact list

• Hyperlink to your website / email in the Online Electronic version of the Magazine

Donated By: Innovation Media Stacy Young 780-718-0622

Donated By: Canadian Simmental Country Canadian Simmental Association 403-250-7979

$1000 Photo
Credit for pictures or videos to be done by Innovation
P g . 1 5 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

Stewart Welding 8" Convey Belt Feeder 29

There never seems to be enough feeders come fall. This one donated by Stewart Livestock and Welding will last you for many seasons. It is a 8FT Conveyor Belt Feeder built out of 2 3/8" drill stem pipe. They work great for feeding grain and easily move around with the skid base.

Donated By: Stewart Livestock & Welding Mike & Melissa Stewart & Family (226) 268-0520

Pit Boss 550G Navigator Series Smoker/ BBQ

The Pit Boss® 550G Navigator Series is the ultimate grilling experience for the modern handyman. With advanced grilling technology, premium grade steel builds and 100% all-natural hardwood pellet fuel, enjoy Bigger, Hotter, Heavier® features that can only come from a Pit Boss grill.

The PB550G offers 8-in-1 cooking versatility, allowing you to smoke, bake, braise, roast, grill, barbecue, char-grill and sear - all in one machine. Using our innovative Flame Broiler™ Lever, you can achieve instant direct or indirect heat in a temperature range of 180° - 500°F. The digital control board and stainless-steel meat probes allow you to track temperatures so you can set it and forget it. Let the Navigator do all the work for you. Including shipping to anywhere in Canada.

Donated By: Bovey Family Farms

Kevin & Suzanne Bovey 613-328-2462

tieouts - either at the Toronto Royal or CWA 2023 31

Tie Out Help from Billy & Ben

At the end of a long day at a show, going to tie outs is usually the last thing you want to do. Ben Wright & Billy Elmhurst( two experienced showman) will come to your rescue and do the deed for you. If you have one that is't quite show broke and they will be more than willing to be on the end of that halter. They will be available for the Toronto Royal or Canadian Wester Agribition to give you a hand. Double the money and have them help out at both shows.

Genomic Services Testing - Neogen 32

$250 gift certificate for

Get a head start on testing your bulls for the 2024 sales with this $250 gift certificate. Testing available for parentage, colour, horned /polled traits.

Buddex Electric Dehorner from Syrvet Canada

Donated By: Neogen Edmonton, AB www.neogen.com

Donated By: Indian River Cattle Co Billy & Juanita Elmhirst 705-761-0896

T Bar C Cattle Co Ben Wright 519-374-3335

Donated By: Davenor Farm

Jessica Sevack - 819-574-7705

Syrvet Canada

Mr .Antoine Sauvage

& Ben help take
your cattle
30 P g . 1 6 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
Proven Buddex Technology in a new ergonomic design! Humane dehorning, temperature at the burning tip is 700 deg C for fast results, The heat up phase begins only once pressed lowering burn risk, battery operated means freedom of movement, single handed operation, up to 40 calves in on charge.


35 a b

Andis 5 Speed Clipper w/medium blending blades

This donation could be for the up and coming or the most experienced cattleman. Have your show or sale animal looking top notch with the Andis 5 Speed Clipper and medium blending blades. Ready to be shipped any where in Canada.

A - 2 Tickets to Toronto Maple Leafs

Hockey Game

B - 2 Tickets to Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey Game

Here is a great opportunity to be right in the middle of all of the hard-hitting action of the Toronto Maple Leafs Hockey. Take a friend of your family with these 4 tickets. Dates of the Game will be available sale Day


Donated By: Cedar Creek Simmentals Pat & Janal Murray & Family Steve Murray & Family 705-768-6091


Authentic signed Connor Bedard team Canada Jersey. Connor is considered one of the greatest ice hockey prospects of his generation. Don't miss out on this oppurtunity to add this to your collection!

A signed authentic jersey from Peter Forsberg during his time with the Quebec Nordics. Personally hand signed this is something that you will not come across often. Add it to your sports collection or start one tonight.

PEI Seafood Package

This PEI Seafood auction lot allows the lucky purchaser the opportunity to have $250 worth of fresh PEI lobster, mussels, or scallops (or any combination thereof), delivered to their front door, no matter where they live in Canada. Whatever the choice, the seafood will be fresh off the water, and shipped by Purolator to your front door within a day of catch..... If you can't make it to PEI to try their world-famous seafood during the summer, this is almost as good!

Donated By: Bar 5 Stock Farm Ron & Carla Nolan 519-986-1330

Donated By: Ridgeview Cattle Co Blair Williamson - 519 808-0516

Cornerview Cattle Co. Kevin & Brian Smith (226) 886-0541

Donated By: High Country Cattle Services Rob & Deanne Young 780.542.0855 www.highcountrycattle.com

Donated By: Mutch Farms Stephen & Jennie Mutch Jennie Mutch - Ph:902-388-1613

Signed Connor Bedard Team Canada Jersey Signed Peter Forsberg Hockey Jersey
P g . 1 7 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

Barb Vance Award Winning Chocolate Cake 39

This is an opportunity that doesn't come along very often. Barb's famous chocolate cake. The recipie comes from the "Simmental Bells" cook book published in the 1980's. Barb has entered this cake in the Carp Fair for over 20 years and is a Red Ribbon winner every time.

Doz. Home Made Perogies 40


Toronto Royal Bucket of Cheer 41

Here is your opportunity to have your bar fully stocked for the 101 Royal Winter Fair. Our friends at Ricksha have you totally looked after. Heck, they’ll even help you consume the contents of the bucket of cheer if needed!

Bucket will include:

4 Yeti Cups

Peanuts & Snacks

40oz Bottle of Whiskey - 40oz Bottle of Vodka - 40oz Bottle of Rum

2 Cases of Coolers - 2 Cases of Beer - Water Bucket


Donated By: Barb

Kanata, ON 613 839-5274

Back by popular demand! This has been a highly sought after donation to the Foundation Auctions. For those of you that have been to the Bonchuk sales you have had the opportunity to be served some of the best perogies in the land, hand made by Marnee & Charlene. They can be frozen and shipped to the purchaser or better yet, take a trip to Solsgirth,MB for a herd tour and the hospitality of the Bonchuk Family.

Donated By: Bonchuk Farms - The Bonchuk Family

Dave & Marnee 204-842-3706 or 204-773-0467

Wayne & Charlene Bonchuk 204-842-3859 or 204-796-0004

Tyler, Holly & Family www.bonchukfarms.com

Maple Gift Box

Made by Fine and Dandy Maple

There is nothing more Canadian than Maple Syrup and this basket covers it all. Included in this sweet treat is Maple syrup, Maple cream,Maple cotton candy, Maple sugar, Lollipops, Hard candies, Maple fudge, Maple cookies, Maples cupcakes Koozies, T-shirts, Maple cookbook.


Donated By: Rick-sha Farms

Rick & Lindsay Mitchell 519-496-7985

Donated By:

Fermes Terra Agri

Scott McCaig - Neil Cruise

Michael Zeppetelli and families

basket of locally produced food/items from Dufferin & surrounding counties

This basket will contain something for everyone. Culinary products, giftware, swag, farm toys, beauty products, and refreshments from Dufferin and surrounding counties. A complete list of items will be available at sale time.

Jetstream Livestock

Shane & Joanne Williams 519-938-1220

P g . 1 8 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

Added Lots

2 Doz. Home Made Cinnimon Buns 43B

Home Made Cinnamon Buns direct from Julie Denison kitchen with the added bonus of delivery to fall shows or sales for that great early morning snack. Cinnamon Buns can be picked up at Fusion Livestock and stop in for a tour or they can be delivered to Toronto Royal or Canadian Western Agribition or Friday Night Lights Sale.

YCSA Champion Cornhole Game Boards 43C

Take a look at this opportunity. From our Champion Tossers - Reed Crawford & Barry Hanes the custom made Cornhole boards are being donated. You get this opportunity to have a memory of the great 2023 YCSA National Classic Cornhole competition. The commemorative boards are even signed by our champion cornhole tossers.


1 L Jug of Andy Clean Foaming Soap 43D

Donated By: Cornhole 2023 Champion Tossers Reed Crawford & Barry Hanes

Donated By: Andy Clean www.andyclean.ca

P g . 1 8 A w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

CCIA BBQ Set - Wine Accessories & Cheese Board 44

This set from CCIA will make your next backyard party a hit. BBQ set, wine sleeve, wine stopper, USB charger, 2 pr of gloves & cheese board.

Donated By: The Canadian Cattle Identification Agency Anne Brunet-Burgess 403-275-2083


YCSA Apperal Package

The National YCSA is donation one Simmental zip up sweater and pair of fitting pants of your size and a leather patch hat of your choice to be shipped at our expense to the buyer.

CSA Mens Merchandise Package

Men's apparel package including a vest or hoodie, fitting pants and hat.

CSA Womans Merchandise Package

Women's apparel package including a vest or hoodie, fitting pants and hat.


The official promotional supplier for the CSA, Talbot marketing has hundreds of options and colors to help with your promotion. Make your name stand out with some new promotional items.

Donated By: Talbot Marketing

Tim Kirlin 403.463.3600

2 Director Chairs

These woule be the perfect addition to your stall display to visit with Simmental enthusiasts. A set of 2 30" Director chairs.


Donated By: Young Canadian Simmental Association

Canadian Simmental Association

Donated By: Leahy Simmentals

Patrick Leahy 705-927-3126

A 18x24 A Buyer’s Choice” commissioned custom painting by local artist Amanda Bushey. The buyer gets the option to tell the artist what you’re looking for and Amanda will create it. Check out and follow Amanda Facebook's page @Abdesignsulove to see some of the examples of her great work.

Donated By: Keystone Livestock Scott & Emily Matthews 819-993-5187

Credit on Personalized Promo Clothing
Custom Painting by Amanda Bushey 50

Original Acrylic Painting by Wes Mack 51

I am pleased to once again donate to the FCSF Fundraisng Auction. An origional Wes Mack painting on wood measuring 32x11 inches. Inspired by the excitement and anticipation of a new calf crop! Have a great convention!

Donated By: Prairie Wind Farms Ltd Wes & Karen Mack 306.634.4410 or 306.421.1853

Front Cover 36 X 24 Canvas Print by Hanna Robson 52

The cover photo is by Hannah Robson of Lockhart Valley Simmentals. She has an eye for capturing the beautiful Simmental cAttle on their farm at Rimbey Alberta. Her work has also been featured on the Simmental Country

Photo Donated By: Hanna Robson Lockhart Valley Simmentals 403-896-0530

Canvas Print - Mavstar Photography

This canvas print comes to us from Ruby Canning of Mavstar Photography, Victoria Australia. One of the up and coming talents in livestock photography, Ruby has an eye for capturing the spirit of an animal.

Rope Basket Set 55

Donated By: Mavstar Photograpy Ruby Canning Dunkeld, Victoria - Australia

2 unique high quality handmade baskets & matching coaster, these are made by a local artisan and there are no two alike. She puts great care into creating something that will be a useful adornment to any home.

Donated By: Retired Roper Peggy Tilleman 403-615-9240

Canvas Printing Donated By: Canadian Simmental Association Simmental Country Magazine www.simmental.com

Metal Cow Sign 54

This is unique 18" metal sign that will welcome visitors into your home, barn or office. A great way to promote the #1 breed.

Bullhide Lasso 56

Donated By: Hi-Tech Farms Larry Barkley & Family 613-360-2443

From longtime Simmental enthusiests the Kern Family we have a rare and unique lasso. Hand braided in Brazil from bullhide. This special treated rawhide leader has supple feel through the hands and is ready to use or display.

Donated By: Kern Simmentals Erich Kern 519-369-6447

P g . 2 0 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m

This bag makes a splendid impression! The dark-toned hair-on hide and front panels of hand-tooled leather make for a gorgeous combination. The reverse features panels of warm chocolate brown leather and a zippered pocket. Interior features a zippered pocket and zipperclose top. Matching leather carrying handles and fully detachable, adjustable shoulder strap. 12.5" x 11"x 3.5" with 22 inch shoulder strap and 5 inch handle .

Donated By: High Country Cattle Services

Rob & Deanne Young 780.542.0855


Rocking Bull

This leather and cowhide lap top bag will take you from school, work or to the board room. Ample space, zippered compartments and adjustable leather strap is what makes this bag a complete package. 14" x 1" x 2.5" with 5.5 inch handle and 22 inch strap.

Donated By: High Country Cattle Services

Rob & Deanne Young 780.542.0855


V5 Bennie 2023L is a one of a kind "Rocking Bull" Bennie will bring hours of joy to your little one and become a family heirlom. Made from pine, with non-toxic finish. Finished size will be approximately 36” long, 17” wide and 24” tall. Handcrafted & labour for this project by David Ennis.

Hand Made Toy Barn & Ranch Set

A beautiful custom made wood toy barn with sliding doors and top that folds open. Also comes with a Big Country Ranch set thats includes a hay ring, hay bale, squeeze chute, 7 piece corral set and a black baldy cow and calf. Sure to be a farm set to last generations. These toy barns are a favourite of the Glasman grandkids' and past donation buyers.

Donated By: Barb Vance

Kanata, ON 613 839-5274

Labour Donated By: David Ennis

Donated By: M&J Farms

Miles and Bonnie Glasman & Family Russell, MB 204 773-0094


P g . 2 1 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
Cowhide Purse
Cowhide Laptop Bag

Leather Cow 61

Herrietta the Heifer is a plush cow made from cowhide and smooth leather. Add her in your country decor or as a gift that will become a family treasure. Approx 13" x 9". Handmade.

Kids Western Clothing Pkg 62

Donated By: High Country Cattle Services Rob & Deanne Young 780.542.0855 www.highcountrycattle.com

Your choice of these adorbable kids clothing outfits.Each little wrangler set will feature a cute western outfit, as well as a sippy cup and toy. Dress your lil cow poke to be noticed in a crowd. The boys outfit will be size 2T and the girls outfit will be 3T.

Donated By: Jamieson Genetics John Jamieson & Danika Mayer 613-551-4471

WSFF Simmental Congress 2024 - $1000 Credit Toward Registration Package 63

The World Simmental Fleckvieh Federation Congress is coming to Canada in 2024!

Canadian Simmental breeders will be hosting Simmental breeders from around the World July 29th – August 4th in Alberta. Events will include various farm and ranch tours, the YCSA National show, World Simmental meetings, an elite Simmental sale, the 2024 Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation auction and many other exciting events. With this lot, the CSA is offering a $1000 credit to be applied towards a 2024 Congress registration package. Plan on attending and meeting Simmental breeders from across Canada and around the world in Calgary and Olds in 2024!

Donated By: Canadian Simmental Association

Back Cover of 2024 Foundation Sale Catalog 64

2024 Back Cover of Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation Auction Catalogue - Your chance for a Unique Advertising Opportunity. Purchase the back cover of the 2024 Foundation Auction Catalogue. It is printed for the auction, distributed to all of the active members of the Canadian Simmental Association, e-blasts and circulated through email and social media reaching over 5000 cattle enthusiasts.

Donated By: Friends of Canadian Simmental Foundation www.simmentalfoundation.com

P g . 2 2 w w w . s i m m e n t a l f o u n d a t i o n . c o m
44 F F C C SS F F A Auuccttiioonn C C aattaalloogguuee B B aacckkccoovveerr

5W Farms

7 Lazy T 7 Cattle Co

7D Images

Ag Land Farms

Alliance Simmentals

Anchor D Ranch Simmentals

Andrew & AJ Sullivan

Anwender Cattle Co

Ashworth Farms & Ranch Ltd.

B2 Cattle Co

Bar 9 Simmentals

Bar M Simmentals

Barb Judd Barry Wiens

Bert's NR Simmentals

Big Kerr Simmentals

Big Sig Cattle Co

Black Gold Simmentals

Blaine Huston Blair Irvine

Bobby Jo Foster

Bohrson Marketing Services

Boisvert Simmentals

Bonchuk Farms

Bootsman Ag

Boston Fetting

Bova-Tech Ltd

Bovey Family Farms

Bow Valley Genetics

Brittany & Jon Dew

Broken Arrow Cattle

Broken C Simmentals

Browden Labatte

Bruce Holmquist

Bullseye Feeds

Cam Ramsey

Cameo Farms

Canadian Cattle Identification

Canadian Cattlemen Magazine

Canadian Simmental Association

Cattlevids Ventures

Circle G Simmentals

City View Simmentals

Clark Murray

Clarke Family Farms

Cody & Carley Jo Carson

Come As U R Simmentals

Corner View Cattle Co

Cowgirl Sisterhood Boutique

Crest View Land & Cattle Co. Ltd.

Crest View Ranch

Crosby Cattle Co

Curtis Simmentals

Czech-Mate Livestock /

Dale Eyben

Dallas Kreuger

Darcy Tarrant

Darren Paget

Davenor Farm

Davis-Rairdan Embryo Transplants

Deeg Simmentals

Delichte Simmentals

Denise Carson

Derek Westman

Diamond D Livestock

DK Land & Cattle

DLMS - Direct Livestock Marketing Systems

Dobbie Simmentals

Dodge City Simmentals

Dorran Marketing -

Double Bar D Farms

Downhill Simmentals

Dunmac Farms - Ryan Macleod

EastWest Cattle Group

- Ferme Erisa Inc -

- Ferme Gagnon -

- Ultra Livestock -

Elm Tree Farms

Erixon Simmentals Inc

Evergreen Farms

Faulkner Farms

FCC Farm Credit Canad

Ferme Erisa Inc

Ferme Gagnon

Ferme Terra Agri Inc

Futures One Sale Group Gallager

Garren Skeels

Gary Waldron

Gracie Falconer

Grant Lodge Farms

Grassroots Ranch

Gravandale Simmentals

Greenvalley Ranch Ltd

Grona Farms

Hailey Jamieson

Hampton Simmentals

Handford Simmentals

Haney Boys / Cody Haney

Harvie Crest Cattle

Hi Tech Farms

High Bluff Stock Farm

High Country Cattle Services

Hoffus Stock Farms

Horner Cattle Co

Hume Farms Ltd

Ivan Smith

J R Simmentals / Jim Ranson

Jack Auction Group

Jack Buba

Jamieson Genetics

Jason Morse

Jetstream Livestock

Jim & Gwen Smith

Jim Sandstrum

JNR Farms

Johnson Ranching

JP Cattle Co

JR / Yellow Rose /

Kade Earley

Karsin Farms Simmentals

KCH Cattle Co

KD's Simmentals

Keira Duguid

Ketchum Manufacturing

Keystone Livestock

Kim Heuff

Kruger Farms

KT Ranches

LA Ranch

LaBatte Farms Ltd

Labatte Simmentals

Lane Scherger

Lauren Johnson

Lee & Faith Shologan

Lewis Farms

Lil Chicks Cattle Co

Little Willow Creek Ranch

Littleman Herd

Locust Hill Farms

Lone Stone Farms

Long Lake Simmentals

Lorne Webster

Lyndon Pulyk

Lyseng Land & Cattle

M & J Farms

Mackenzie Skeels

Mader Ranches

Maple Falls Simmentals

Maplehurst Farms

Maplehurst Farms - Kierston Davies

Mar Mac Farms

Maxwell Simmentals

McColl / Schweitzer Simmentals

McIntosh Livestock

McManus Simmental

McMillen Ranching

Merick Sullivan

Millington Ranch

Mud Butte Simmentals

Mutch Farms


Northern Lights Simmentals

Northern Livestock Sales - Jim Pulyk

Northhill Simmentals

Oberg Auction Services

OJ Cattle Co

Olmstead Cattle Co

O'Neill Livestock

Ory Egan

Parker Fetting

Patrick Sullivan

Peak Veterinary Health

Pearson Simmentals

Perkin Land & Cattle

Peter & Bernice Olson

Peter Sweeten

Peters Simmentals

Pierre Lacombe

Pieschel Farms

Pine Creek Simmentals

Prairie Pistol Design

Pure Country Simmentals

R Plus Simmentals

Rafter 4-T Farms Ltd

Rain J Sullivan

Rainbow River Simmentals

Rancier Farms

Rawluk Livestock

Red Rich Farms

Red Top Livestock

Red Willow Ranch

Rich-Mc Simmentals

Rick-Sha Farms

Ridgeline Cattle Co

Ridgeview Cattle Co

River Point Cattle Co

Robb Farms

Robert Cruickshanks

Roy Lewis

Rusylvia Cattle Co

Ryan & Cassie Dorran

SAJ Simmentals

SIBL Simmentals

Signe De'Athe

Silver Ridge Livestock

Silverlake Farms

Simm Solution Sale Group

Simmental Country Magazine

Simmental Focus

Simmental Forever Ranch

Simmon Johnson

Siroski Simmentals

Skyridge Farms

SMRT Livestock

Snider Cattle Serices

- Darryl & Debbie Snider -

Southam Simmentals

Southpaw Cattle Co

Spring Creek Simmentals

Stacy Price

Starwest Farms

Step-N-Stone Simmentals

Stout Bros Simmentals

Sullivan Simmentals

Sun Rise Simmentals

Sunny Valley Simmentals

Susan Giles

Sweetgrass Ranch

T Bar C Cattle Co (2013) Ltd.

Talbot Marketing

Taylor Johnson

Tim McVicar

Timberlind Auctions

Today's Publishing

Todd Simmental

Tony Robertson

Townview Farms

Transcon Livestock Corp

Trendsetter Livestock

Triangle K Simmentals

Triple D Simmentals

Triple R Simmental

Tulsa Smith

Twin Meadow Livestock Farm

Tyler McCann

Ultra Livestock

Valleyview Ag Services

Webster Farms

Westbrook Ventures

Westman Farms - Derek Westman

Westway Farms Ltd

Wilcox Livestock

Willerton Simmentals

WLB Simmentals

Wyatt Millar

XRC Simmentals

Zane Labatte

Thanks to all the 2022 donators, bidders, buyers and supporters of the Friends of the Canadian Simmental Foundation. Your support is greatly appreciated!
P g . 2 3 Thanks to Western Litho Printers for subsiding the printing cost of the FCSF Sale Catalogue
7063707 #13, 4101-19th St. N.E. Calgary, AB T2E 7C4

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