March 3 4, 2023
We are proud to team up with DLMS to bring our customers a cutting edge sale service. Key to this service is that you, the customer, can bid on any of our posted lots, at any time, throughout the sale. No traditional sale order means customers are never left without an option to bid on their second choice, should the price of their first choice lot move out of their budget. At the posted time of the sale end the program is designed to allow all last minute participants to get in their final bids. The extended time finish means you, the customers, control the end of the sale. The sale will close only when all customers have finished bidding. When no bidding activity has occurred on any lot in the sale for a pre-set period after the posted time of sale end, the computer will declare the sale closed on all lots.
1. Visit https://farmgatetimedauctions.ca , click the LOGIN/REGISTRATION button. First time users will select the REGISTER button from this page. Fill out the registration form to sign-up for a free user account and it allows you to select a username and password for use on all Farm Gate Timed auctions. This program will send you text and email messages whenever there is activity on your favorite lots or someone challenges your proxy bid and this is why you will be asked for both your current email and cell phone number. If you are a past participant in the Farm Gate Timed auctions simply enter your user name and pass word to continue. This takes you to a list of both current and upcoming Farm Gate Auctions. Please click on the Richardson Ranch 2nd Online Bull Sale .
2. Lots, pictures, videos and links to a catalogue will be posted by February 20th. On March 3, Friday morning, the sale will go live and you can begin bidding. Opening minimum bids will be posted for each lot plus any up to-date catalogue information & changes to the sale offering. Go to the sale page and click on lots of interest to view the up to-date sale lot info, pictures and videos on each lot selling.
3. The program allows you to place a proxy bid on any sale lot. This in fact protects your interest in any lot of interest for you to a specified dollar value you set, when you may not be able to give 100% attention to the sale. If the lot has a $2000 bid on it and you place a proxy bid of $3500 into the system, the computer will bid $2100 for you but if some one else bids $2200, the computer will again bid for you, this time at $2300. The system will look after your interest to a maximum of $3500. If another bidder is on at $3600, your proxy will no longer be effective and you will no longer have the winning bid on this lot without once again logging in and bidding again or moving your attention to a second lot of interest.
4. You can choose your favourite lots in this sale at this time and the program will allow you to open either all sale lots or just your favorite lots on your screen. Any time there is active bidding on a lot you have identified on your favorite list you will get a text and/or an email noting this activity.
RACEHORSE STYLE CLOSE-OUT with extended bidding time at DLMS.ca
Sale lots will open for bidding at 9:00 a.m. Friday, March 3rd, 2023.
Sale Close-Out begins at 7:00 p.m. BC time, Saturday, March 4th, 2023. Contacts : Don Richardson 250-557-4348
5. The sale will close by entering a 5 minute extended bidding time Saturday, March 4th at 7 PM BC time. Any bid received after 7 PM will extend the sale by 5 minutes from the time of that bid. If bidding continues past 7:30 any bid after that time will extend bidding time by only 3 minutes and if bidding continues past 8 PM any bids will then only extend the deadline by one minute. When no bidding occurs in any of these extended sessions the computer will declare the sale finished.
6. Within 24 hours of the sale close Richardson Ranch will contact all winning bidders to arrange payment, transfer of pedigrees and the buyers choice as to where they wish to pick up their bull.
7. Richardson Ranch will move the sale bulls, including those wintered in Tlell, to either Olds College, Alberta, or a BC Livestock Yard in Vanderhoof or Williams Lake as directed by the buyers choice at the time of settlement.
8. Buyers will be notified when and where their bulls can be picked up. Richardson Ranch will cover board charges at these sites for up to 72 hours.
If you require assistance with using the DLMS Farm Gate web site, if you don’t understand how to create a favorites list, if you can’t figure out the proxy bid or you just plain want to bid via phone, please talk to any of our sales team listed below. We can help you make DLMS Farm Gate Auctions work for you!
Jamie Richardson 250-699-1406
Craig Flewelling 403-556-0515 flewcc@xplornet.com
Mark Shologan 780-699-5082 mark@dlms.ca
Seven generations of the Richardson Family have been raising beef cattle on the Tlell River estuary here on Haida Gwaii since 1919. Early on all cattle where marketed as beef processed on farm. The transition from a commercial cow herd to 100% registered cows started in early 80’s and took nearly twenty years. So began our foray into the business of breeding and selling seedstock under the Tlell Polled Hereford herd name.
Registered Richardson Hereford bulls have been sold to the commercial cattlemen at the Vanderhoof Bull Sale every year since 1986 and at the William’s Lake Bull Sale since 2000. In 2012 we held our first Annual Online Sale to sell our Registered Polled Hereford females and a few elite bulls to fellow Hereford Breeders every September. We have produced exportable embryos and semen allowing us to sell Tlell genetics to customers across Canada and overseas to Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Australia, New Zealand, Czech Republic, Argentina and Uruguay as well as USA and Mexico. With twelve consecutive Annual Online sales we had established a comfort with the online sale format while the pandemic forced many of our customers to become proficient with online shopping for their bulls. It seemed only logical last year to consolidate our bull marketing to a single early spring date using the DLMS Farm Gate Timed Auctions.
Welcome to our 2nd Online Bull Sale, AKA, the 37th Annual Sale of Tlell Bulls !
In 2011 we sent our first bulls off to Olds College to participate in the Residual Feed Intake research trials. The NSERC (Natural Sciences and Research Council)funded project was competed with the cooperation of the University of Alberta, Olds College and Cattleland Feedyards. RFI is a measure of the variation in feed intake that remains after the requirements for maintenance and growth have been met. Efficient animals eat less than expected and have a negative or low RFI, while inefficient animals eat more than expected and have a positive or high RFI. RFI has good heritability at 0.36 (36%) and little influence or correlation with other traits. Research has shown that selecting for RFI may result in as much as a 9-10% reduction in cowherd maintenance costs, a 10-12% reduction in feed intake, a 25-30% decrease in methane emissions and a 15-20% decrease in manure production. Following the research trials in 2015, Richardson Ranch and other interested Hereford breeders have continued to collect Feed Efficiency Data at Olds College every year. This past winter bulls enter pens equipped with GrowSafe feeders on November 28th. After their 21 day warm up period the 50 day RFI test started on Dec 19, 2022 with final end of test weigh scheduled for Feb 8, 2023. Data collected includes feed consumption, weight, hip height and ultrasound results for backfat thickness, ribeye area and marbling score. After final measurements, data is submitted and EPDs generated.
Nine of the yearling bulls in this sale are currently enrolled in the Feed Efficiency Trial
TOTAL HERD EVALUATION: Total Herd Evaluation or THE Program came to the Ranch with the Registered Hereford seed stock. It is a set of tools provided Hereford Breeders by our Association. THE allowed us to carry on the selection process we started in the Federal ROP program but now EPD’s were available. We learned quickly that the use of EPDs allowed us to make seven times faster genetic progress than simply using performance records alone. Unlike performance records which generated indexes and adjusted weights and ranks which only allowed for in herd comparisons, computer generated EPDs built on the performance records of large numbers of animals related to each other in the pedigree data base allowed for comparison of animals between herds. The recent addition of DNA analysis, or Genomic Enhancement of the EPDs, has added even more data and hence more accuracy. Today the Hereford breed publishes some 20 EPDs and Indexes. These are updated every week as new data is collected. Tlell Polled Herefords are recognized as “Seven Star THE Breeders”, meaning we record seven or more traits on every animal in our herd every year. This includes actual measurements like birth, weaning, yearling & cow weights as well as scrotal measurements and Ultrasound carcass data. We also record observations such as calving ease, body condition scores, teat and udder scores as well as exact breeding dates and calving dates.
In the early years of the THE program Richardson Ranch was one of the Hereford Pilot Herds involved with the joint Canadian Hereford Association and Agriculture and AgriFood Canada’s Lethbridge Research Centre (LRC) to investigate the maternal characteristics of the breed and produce an objective measure of maternal ability. The results of this research have led to the Maternal Productivity Index or MPI. The MPI combines various traits of economic importance into a combined maternal value.
We know the data published on each of our sale bulls can be very intimidating for a breeder not familiar with the EPD system. However, we have two Indexes which will help you sort the bulls on offer.
How do you use EPDs to answer this question? Simple answer, “Indexes”…. Indexes have been used for a long time in poultry, swine and dairy and now Beef producers have access to what are arguably the most powerful genetic selection tool. Indexes are a combination of multiple EPDS, weighed by their influence on prices and costs- of feed, the value of weaned calves, price grids on quality grade and yield grade – are all factored in. The important indexes for Canadian Herefords are the Maternal Productivity Index (MPI) and the Feedlot Merit Index (FMI). These allow for a balanced trait selection.
The MPI combines factors which impact productivity and profitability of Hereford cows in a herd that retains replacements and sells calves at weaning. The index uses 6 EPDs that go into identifying low cost, long lived productive females, producing calves born easy, that grow quickly, all things that make a beef cow profitable in a commercial setting. The MPI selects for smaller framed, more efficient cows, with higher stayability, over cows that excel in calf performance.
The FMI combines the economically relevant traits affecting profitability of feeder cattle: calving ease, weaning weight, average daily gain, feed intake, yield grade and marbling score. A difference in FMI between two bulls represents a difference between the progeny of the bulls in terms of profitable feeder cattle. FMI is an excellent tool to increase carcass potential of the progeny of bulls used in a terminal sire program where all calves are shipped as feeders and replacement females are purchased from outside sources.
There is a challenge for those breeders who want to the best of both worlds. If you raise your own replacements but want calves that will perform in the feedlot and grade at the packer then a more moderate selection for both MPI and FMI can be used to produce progeny with desired maternal and carcass traits. Note: Lots 1, 3, 5 & 12 score extremely high on both MPI and FMI
The reason they are so useful is that Indexes balance all the important traits which prevents producers from getting caught up with single trait selection. Some traits are counter-productive when selected for in the extreme. Too much milk might give you bigger calves but it likely will also result in more open cows and higher feed bills! Check out the MPI and FMI indexes on our bulls in the chart above to find which ones will work best for your production model.
If you are looking for that heifer bull which will let you “sleep easy” next spring, please consider putting your attention on the calving ease EPD first to identify the “Heifer Bull” candidates in the pen. The qualifying candidates can then be sorted by what else they can bring to your program using their MPI and or FMI to make your final decision. Find a list of the heifer bulls on page 19.
Weight: 84 lbs. 205 Days: 759 lbs. 365 Days: 1384 lbs
• No other sire comes close to matching CUDA's combination of Calving Ease, growth, maternal and carcass merit.
• Offers an elite EPD profile ranking in the top 5 percent of the breed for ten different traits and both MPI and FMI indexes
• This powerful, stout, rugged, short-marked sire is emerging as a true breed leader.
This bull checks all the boxes! use on both heifers and mature cows to increase calf and yearling weights. Expect breed leading ribeye, marbling and carcass weights. He will improve udders and teats while increasing Sustained Cow Fertility and both his Feedlot Merit Index and Maternal Productivity Index are in top 1% of the breed. Used in our herd last summer, enough said 9 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
In most herds he will improve milk, udders and teats while also increasing rib eye, marbling and carcass weights. His dam is a 2 yr old ! His BW, CE and Feedlot Merit Index are in top 3% of the breed! 5 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
When compared to the average Hereford bull, he will improve calving ease, lower birth weights while also increasing weaning and yearling weights, rib eye, marbling and carcass
Both his Feedlot Merit Index and Maternal Productivity Index’s are in top 3% of the breed. 5 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
• Now a proven outcross sire, 4013 has differentiated himself as one of the great sires in the Hereford population. He sires progeny with extra dimension and power
• He is siring calves with added growth and superior carcass traits without sacrificing visual quality and maternal function.
• His calves are in great demand. .
When compared to the average Hereford bull, he will improve calving ease, lower birth weights while also increasing weaning and yearling weights, marbling and carcass weights. His Feedlot Merit Index is in top 1% of the breed. 10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Put him on black heifers or mature cows, keep all his baldie daughters! He will add milk and fix udders while adding marble to bigger than average carcasses…. Both his Feedlot Merit Index and Maternal Productivity Index’s are in top 5% of the breed.
9 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Wintered at Olds College
Dam was on the CHA Outstanding Cow list !
Easy calving Herd Bull !
He will put marble in your feeder calves!
His Feedlot Merit Index is in top 2% of the breed.
9 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Not recommended for heifers.
Six of his EPDs are in top 3% including weaning, yearling, mature cow weight, FMI, post weaning gain and marble.
If you sell your calves by the pound, either live or on the rail, this is the bull for you
9 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
With birth weight and calving ease both a little above average we feel he is best used on mature cows to produce feeder calves with above average carcass marbling. His yearling weight and Post weaning gain favour his use on herds which sell their yearlings off grass.
9 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Use with confidence on heifers! Put him on black heifers or mature cows, keep all his baldie daughters! His Maternal Productivity Index and his teat and Udder EPDs all score above AVERAGE He will add MARBLE AND RIB EYE to bigger than average carcasses while his Feedlot Merit Index is at the top of the breed!
10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Red indicates top 20 percentile of the Hereford breed
**2021-2022 born Hereford calves
CE (calving ease) ranges from +23.9 to –13.8
BWt (Birth Wt) ranges from -9.2 to
• Revolver is a son of the immortal Revolution
out of a full sister to SHF Wonder.
• He is siring calves that are low BW, heavily pigmented, with thickness and eye appeal.
• An exciting young bull that is in great demand. .
Wintered at Olds College
Birth weight and calving ease, both direct and maternal, are all at top of the breed !
Dark red, goggle eyed, red necked, red testicles & red to his hooves with a actual 79 lb birth weight !
Got a mess of heifers to breed? Here is the bull for you!
Maternal brother to Lot #1 10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Birth Weight: 80 lbs. 205 Days: 727 lbs. 365 Days: 1212 lbs
• Our heifer bull used at Tlell in 2021.
• Sired by son of the immortal Revolution 4R bull out of a full sister to SHF Wonder bull.
• Maternal side brings both NJW Hometown 10Y and SHF Ribeye R117 to the pedigree along with four Tlell donor dams.
• Total package with pedigree, phenotype and performance all wrapped up in one!
Born : 2/Feb/2022
205d: 721 lb.
Feb 16, 23 : 1183 lb
Sire: TLELL 17D FERN 25F
Both his Maternal Productivity Index (MPI) and Sustained Cow Fertility (SCF) are in top 1% of the breed!
With Teat, Udder and Rib eye EPDs as well as Feedlot Merit Index all above average his daughters to make great replacements.
10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
<<< Sire of Lot 13 (17K), Lot 14 (19K), & Lot 15 (30K) >>>
Birth Weight: 88 lbs.
205 Days: 768 lbs.
365 Days: 1324 lbs
• Proven, Predictable, Profitable! Standout cow maker, powerful phenotype, Trait Leader for CE, TM, Udder, Teat, MPI. FMI, & Marb
• Offers an elite EPD profile ranking in the top 5 percent of the breed for nine different traits and both MPI and FMI indexes
• This sire will improve feet, udders, teats, fertility and temperament at the same time he produces easy fleshing , high gaining progeny!
17K has a powerful set of maternal numbers with both direct and maternal Calving ease being above average and supported by a Sustained Cow Fertility, Teat and Udder EPD’s and Maternal Productivity Index in top 5 % of the breed. Back that up with outstanding carcass documentation and a Feedlot Merit Index is at the top of the breed!
Put him on your heifers and mature cows, you will want to keep all his daughters! 10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Bigger calves at birth, weaning and yearling
His Maternal Productivity Index and his teat and Udder EPDs all score above AVERAGE
He is predicted to add RIB EYE to bigger than average carcasses. You will want to keep all his daughters
10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Use on cows.
Bigger calves at birth, weaning and yearling. His Maternal Productivity Index and his teat and Udder EPDs all score above average while his Feedlot Merit Index is in the top 2% of the breed and he will add MARBLE to bigger than average carcasses His daughters will make good big cows.
10 generations deep in Tlell breeding.
Calving Ease (CE) Calving Ease EPDs are calculated using birth weight and calving ease score information. Calving ease EPDs represent the ease with which progeny of an animal are born to first calf heifers. The EPD is expressed as a percent probability, with a higher value representing calves with a higher probability of being born unassisted.
Birth Weight (BW) Birth weight is an indicator of calving ease. Higher birth weight EPDs usually indicates more calving difficulty.
Weaning Weight (WW) The weaning EPD reflects progeny growth differences up to 205-days.
Yearling Weight (YW) The yearling EPD reflects progeny growth differences through to 365-days.
Milk The milk EPD indicates the ability of a sire’s daughters to provide their calves with an environment that encourages growth from birth to weaning, through mothering ability and milk production. This EPD is expressed in the expected difference in pounds of calf at weaning.
Total Maternal (TM) Also known as Milk + Growth, this EPD combines the milk EPD plus ½ the weaning weight EPD. It is expressed in pounds of calf weaned at 205-days and combines the genetics for preweaning growth and the influence of the maternal environment on the weaning weight of the daughter’s progeny.
Maternal Calving Ease (MCE) Maternal Calving Ease EPD represents the ease with which a sire’s daughters will calve as first calf heifers, when compared to daughters of other sires. The EPD is expressed as a percent probability, with a higher value representing daughters with a higher probability of unassisted calving.
Scrotal Circumference (Scrotal Circ.) The Scrotal Circumference EPD reflects differences in scrotal measurements, taken in centimetres and adjusted to 365 days of age. The SC EPD is positively associated with age at puberty of progeny.
Cow Weight (CW) The Cow WT EPD reflects differences in the mature weight of a sire’s daughters. This is important as it is related to maintenance energy requirements.
Stayability (Stay) The Stay EPD reflects differences in the probability that a sire’s daughters will remain in production to produce 3 consecutive calves when retained as breeding heifers.
Maternal Productivity Index (MPI) MPI combines the traits of weaning weight, milk, cow weight and stayability based on their relative economic importance, and then ranks animals within the population.
Feedlot Merit Index (FMI) FMI combines the traits of calving ease, weaning weight, yearling weight, rib-eye area, marbling and fat based on their relative economic importance, and then ranks animals within the population.
Residual Feed Intake (RFI) RFI is a measure of feed efficiency, and is defined as the difference between an animal's actual feed intake and its expected feed intake based on its size and growth.
Post Weaning Gain (PWG) Simply, Weaning Weight EPD subtracted from Yearling Weight EPD
Fat The Fat EPD reflects differences in carcass backfat measures in feeder progeny.
RibEye Area (REA) The REA EPD reflects differences in rib-eye area carcass measures in feeder progeny.
Marbling (MARB) The MARB EPD reflects differences in carcass measures of marbling in feeder progeny, using USDA marbling scores.
Carcass Weight (Carc Wt) The Carcass Weight EPD shows differences in expected carcass weight of feeder progeny in pounds. A higher value indicates heavier carcasses.
PHONE IN BIDS: Not all customers have internet access or you may not be comfortable doing business online. We would be pleased to take your inquires and bids by phone or email. For phone bids call Don Richardson at 250-557-4348 or Craig Flewelling at 403-556-0515 or Jamie Richardson at 250-699-1406. Send all email bids to Don at don@richardsonranch.ca
Payment: We will contact all winning bids and arrange payments as soon after the closing date as possible. We accept Visa, MasterCard, bank transfers, e-transfers or certified cheque. Payment is expected in Canadian dollars before cattle are moved to their designated pickup sites. Each animal purchased becomes the property of the buyer 24 hours after we have notified you of your winning bid and we advise you to acquire insurance on your purchases.
Delivery of cattle: We will be selling all the bulls for pick up from either Olds, Alberta, BC Livestock in Vanderhoof or BC Livestock in Williams Lake. It will be the buyers choice at time of settlement to elect where they will pick up their bull. Richardson Ranch will then move the sale bulls, including those wintered in Tlell, to either Olds College, Alberta, or a BC Livestock Yard in Vanderhoof or Williams Lake, as directed by the buyers choice at the time of settlement. Buyers will be notified when their bulls will be available for pickup at their chosen site.
Richardson Ranch will cover board charges at these sites for up to 72 hours. Board bills beyond the first 72 hours will be responsibility of the new owner who must make arrangements for extended stay with staff at the designated yard. We will have all animals brand inspected and provide shipping manifests issued at our expense prior to your bull being ready for pick up.
Bulls in the sale: All bulls are being sold “100% possession, retaining 50% Semen Interest”. This means should you buy this bull he will be yours to possess and use at your ranch without any restrictions. However, should you elect to collect semen from this bull for resale outside your own herd, we would be equal partners in both the costs involved and the profits generated from this sale of semen.
Genetic Defects: All the cattle in this sale have been DNA tested to achieve Genomically Enhanced EPDS and are free of all known genetic defects.
Guarantee: All cattle are guaranteed to meet the “Terms and Conditions” as mandated by the Canadian Hereford Association on their “Agreement of Sale” as posted on the hereford.ca web page.
Herd health: All cattle have been vaccinated with “Pyramid 5 plus Presponse”, “8-way Clostridial vaccine with Somnus”, and “Fusiguard for Footrot”. All Tlell bulls have been treated with Ivermectin pour-on and Valbazen for both internal and external parasites.
Certificate of Registration: All cattle purchased, will be transferred to the new owner and a registration paper from the Canadian Hereford Association will be supplied.
Semen Certificate: All bulls will be semen tested in the 30 days prior to the sale.
Grow Safe EPDs and Raw Scan Ultrasound data will be available on the Richardsonranch.ca web site prior to the sale.