uvid 2012 conference booklet

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Dear distinguished participants, dear friends, It is with great honor that I welcome you to the UVID 2012 event, a dedicated conference for the unmanned systems community. Over the last few years, unmanned systems have come to play an increasingly more significant role on the modern battlefield. Only a decade ago, this field consisted mainly of a small number of unmanned airborne vehicles (UAVs) in use worldwide. Today, thousands of unmanned systems – aerial, ground and naval – are employed as a matter of routine to execute diverse and complex missions around the globe. Israel, as a nation, and the Israeli defense industries have emerged as world leaders in the development and manufacture of UAV concepts, technologies and systems. The aim of the UVID Conference, which is to become an annual event, is to contribute to the development of the mission concept approach to unmanned systems on a global scale, by becoming the leading conceptual unmanned systems conference in Israel. The IsraelDefense Group, together with Op-Team-UM Unmanned Systems Consulting Ltd., decided to organize a strategic holistic conference which will focus on unmanned air, sea and ground systems – all under the same roof. The UVID Conference is also intended to encourage dialog and develop a shared knowledge base for the worldwide unmanned systems community, dealing with the force buildup and operation aspects of this fascinating field. The main theme we have chosen for the first conference, so as to represent the impressive growth trend of the field of unmanned systems, is “From Systems to a Layout”. Thirty lecturers, all prominent leaders in their respective fields, endeavored to present the most advanced trends in the field of unmanned systems. The conference was developed with emphasis on the mission-conceptual aspect, which unifies unmanned systems in the air, on land and at sea. In order to complement this broad systemic perspective, we have chosen to focus this year on the human factor, which makes all the difference between executing the mission and accomplishing it. As part of this event, more than 36 exhibitors have chosen to present 2

their state-of-the-art technologies and solutions in the context of the professional exhibition, held concurrently with the conference. The significant interest shown in the conference transcended the borders of Israel, and we are delighted to welcome visitors and representatives from 16 countries around the world. In addition, we set a goal for ourselves, of contributing to the future of the field in Israel by bringing the academic world closer to the mission realm and by advancing technological education. For this purpose, we have established two initiatives as an on-going tradition. The first initiative involves an annual competition, held in cooperation with the Technion’s TASP Program and led by the head of the program, Prof. Daniel Weiss. The second initiative reflects our investment in the future, and is based on a cooperative alliance with the Israel Ministry of Education. In the context of this cooperative effort, we will annually host a group of students, from the Galilee and the Negev, studying in the framework of the ministry’s technological and scientific leadership program. This year, we will host outstanding students from the Beit-Yerach School on the Sea of Galilee. To further consolidate the conference tradition and ensure its continuity, artist Avi Biran has designed the UVID Conference Statuette, with the assistance of Mr. Amnon Caspi and Galit and Alon Unger, as a gift identified with this event. The gift statuette will become a tradition of future UVID conferences, to be proudly presented on the tables of the individuals who contributed to the success of the conferences. On behalf of the Conference organizers, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my sincere gratitude to everyone who contributed to the success of this special event, and especially the audience, for choosing to attend this conference, thereby giving us their vote of confidence. At this time, I would like to invite you all to join me at the second UVID Conference, scheduled for November 7, 2013. With my sincere appreciation, Alon Unger, UVID Conferences Chairman


Alon Unger CEO, Op-Team-UM Unmanned Systems Consulting Ltd. UVID Conferences Chairman Alon Unger - a senior UAV operator with experience on a variety of UAV systems (Mini, Tactical and MALE UAVs). Alon served in the Israeli Air Force for many years as senior commander with various operational field units as well as at IAF HQ. Following his discharge from IAF, Alon joined Rafael and accepted the challenge of building up the Company’s UAV Directorate. He led the development of the operational and maintenance capacity of the UAVs as well as the establishment of the flight line. In the context of this activity, Alon and his team were the recipients of the Rafael Award for Extraordinary Mission Accomplishment. In 2010 Alon founded Op–Team-UM Unmanned Systems Consulting Ltd. As part of the new company’s operations, Alon spent a year overseas as consultant to one of the leading European air forces regarding the development of a UAV system and the subsequent operational implementation and assimilation of that system. Alon is currently involved in a variety of professional and executive activities, in Israel and abroad. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Accounting from Haifa University and a Master’s degree (Cum Laude) in Business Administration from the College of Management, Rishon LeZion. Alon Unger is a popular, in-demand speaker at conferences on UAVs (such as ILA Berlin 2012, Aviation Jerusalem 2011, Fisher Institute 2008, et al.). Alon, also known as “The Man behind the Unmanned System”, is a staff member and contributor at IsraelDefense Magazine. Through a cooperative alliance with IsraelDefense, Alon initiated and produced the UVID (Unmanned Vehicles Israel Defense) Conference, where he holds the position of Conferences Chairman, as an expert on the subject of unmanned systems & layouts.



|A 08:00


Gathering, Registration and visit to the Exhibition



Greetings | Alon Unger, Conference Chairman

Opening Session | From Systems to Layout Host: Amir Rapaport, IsraelDefense Editor-in-Chief



The Updated Operational Challenges and its Unmanned Systems Projection Brig. Gen. (Res.) Udi Dekel, General Manager Biks Ltd



The Israeli Unmanned Aerial System Layout Roadmap Col. N. Head of the Operational Systems Department of the Israeli Air Force



The Israeli Army: Unmanned Systems - A Roadmap and its Effects on the Future Battlefield and the Combat CONOPS Col. Nir Halamish, Army Head of Armament Department, IDF



The Israeli Navy: Unmanned Systems - A Roadmap and its Effects on the Future Battlefield Col. Ilan Lavie, Head of the Organization and Planning Department of the Israeli Navy



“Man VS Machine - Can Technology Win?” | Mr. Chen Granas, Founder & Owner, Pro-Visint Ltd



Break and Exhibition



|B Session 2 |

Collection and HLS Challenges

Host: Arie Perry, AUVSI Israeli Chapter President Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yuval Halamish mPrest Ltd

Session 3 |

Operating and Human Factor Challenges

Host: Mr. Chen Granas, Founder & Owner, Pro-Visint Ltd

11:45 12:05

The Need for Multi-Sensor Intelligence Collection for the Combat Maneuvering and Fire Support Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yuval Halamish, General Manager Intelligence & HLS division, mPrest Ltd

“Unmanned Systems - The Next Generation Ground Control Station” - Lesson Learned and the Way Forward Mr. Yaniv Shoshan, Founder & Chief designer - Product Design Group, Elbit Systems Ltd

12:05 12:25

Data Analysis and Storage in the Big Data Era Mr. Chaim Senior, Regional Sales and Business Development Manager EMC2 Ltd

Advanced Tools for Unmanned Operators Screening and Evaluation Roy Peshin, CTO, Simlat Ltd

Naval HLS Challenges and the Use of USV

IAI UAS Academy - A New Concept for Training UAS Mission Crews LtC. (Ret.) Nir Tel Oren, IAI

12:25 12:45

Col. (Res.) Moshe Elazar, Head of Naval Directorate, Rafael Ltd

12:45 13:05

The Payload Challenges for Civil & HLS Mission Use Col. (Res.) Johnny Carni, VP Marketing at CONTROP Ltd

The Amazing New Interactive Operating and Maintenance Knowledge Management Capabilities LtC. (Ret.) Catran Nati, Marketing Manager, Optimum Group Ltd.

13:05 13:25

Police UAV Squadron - A Real Need or a Marketing Gimmick? Col. (Ret.) Mr. Yakov Biran (Biko), Research Associates, ICT - IDC Herzlya Israel

“No Hands Effect” - The Kinect Use for Unmanned Systems Mr. Guy Burstein, Technical Evangelist - Windows 8 / Developer & Platform Group, Microsoft Israel Ltd

13:25 14:40

14:00 14:25

Lunch and Exhibition Exhibition & Fast Briefs | SIMTAL, IABG, NATION-E

Host: Tal Catran, Tal Catran Holdings




Session 4 | Future Trends Host: Alon Unger, Conference Chairman Living Creatures as Models for Developing Autonomous Systems | Unmanned Systems in Academia and Competition Announcement





Lease-Operate-Maintain: Flexibility for Future Operations Mr. Ralfh Hastedt, Head of Sales & BD Rheinmetall Airborne Systems, Cassidian & Rheinmetall Company



UAV - The Jihadi Point of View Mr. Gadi Aviran, Founder and CEO, Terrogence Ltd



The Secrets of Mission Effectiveness for Unmanned Systems Mr. Ofer Ben Dov, Vice President Marketing & Business Development - UAS Division, Elbit Systems Ltd



Sea Operation UAS - A Brake Even System Col. (Res.) Eli Gambash, IAI





Acknowledgements and Presenting Gifts of Appreciation All conference lecturers, Mr. Amnon Caspi, Caspi Silver Ltd



No Choice But to Succeed - From Dream to Reality Mr. Yossi Wolf, CEO and founder of Roboteam

Professor Daniel Veiss, Head of the Technion Autonomous Systems Program (TASP), The Technion Institute of Technology

Challenges & Opportunities in Developing & Operating UAS for the Tactical Levels

LtC. Amihai Magal, Head of UAS Field in the Ground Forces Command’s (GFC) Technology Division, IDF




UVID Conferences | Statuette of Appreciation The UVID Unmanned Systems Israel Defense Conference Statuette is a gift designed specifically for this event. The statuette was designed by the artist Avi Biran, with the assistance of Amnon Caspi, Galit and Alon Unger. It incorporates the various dimensions – air, land and sea – as well as the human’s centrality in operating the systems The statuette’s production was made possible thanks to Mr. Amnon Caspi. As a personal token of appreciation, I wish to present this unique gift, which symbolizes the expression “from systems to layout.” The statuette will become a tradition at UVID conferences and will be proudly laid upon the tables of the people who contributed towards the success of the conferences. With much appreciation, Alon Unger, UVID Conference Chairman

Words by the artist | “Alon Unger, the UVID Conference chairman, approached me with a request to design a statuette. I thought to myself, how could I fulfill Alon’s request to unify the three dimensions of air, land and sea in one statuette, under a controlling human hand. I designed a hand holding on to everything, while creating the form of the letter “U” to symbolize the conference and the beginning of the English name for all the unmanned defensive elements. The hand is a left hand, which is closer to the heart and which represents the “weaker” hand, which supports a “stronger” right hand. I wished to show that the left hand is not marginal but contains elements that support defensive strength. The human hand holds a map of sorts, which rises as a mountain, upon which there is an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV). The map curves up and down as the waves of a sea, with an Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) sailing over them. The map rises and ends at the “arrowhead” where the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) is located – all are “remotely controlled” by a person. The ‘arrowhead’ is directed towards the future and towards the developments we make, starting from the paper or planning board, through the human implementation and to the final product - a trajectory that has a beginning but one whose end is nowhere in sight.”

About Avi BIran | Avi graduated with honors from the Department of Gold and Silversmithing in 1990. His academic excellence was exemplified by winning the Bezalel Prize for Outstanding Achievements and the prestigious Lucman Prize for Judaica. Avi’s works and creations have received local and international acclaim both by fellow artists and critics. They are exhibited in Israel and all over the world in prestigious galleries, museums and private collections.

Caspi Silver | Handmade Silver Judaica Products Caspi Silver specializes in the design and production of models in silver, copper or nickel through the use of electroforming, producing small and medium-sized three-dimensional models in a short amount of time and at very comfortable prices. In 26 years of activity, the company has been involved in production for Israeli defense companies, from the creation of small bars, through field vehicles and up to UAV wings. The recipients of our gifts include heads of states such as the presidents of the United States, France and Germany. Caspi Silver also produces gifts in the fields of Judaica, manager gifts, miniatures, jewelry, statues and more. www.Caspi-Silver.com 7


Brigadier General (Res.) Udi Dekel General Manager Biks Ltd Udi (Ehud) Dekel is the joint CEO of the BIKS consulting group for strategic planning and a Senior Research Associate at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS). He held the rank of Brigadier General in the Israeli Defense Forces, where he served for approximately 25 years. He has held several seniors roles during his service, including Head of the Air Force Research and Production Department, Assistant of Political Agreements at

the IDF’s Planning Branch Head of the Liaison & Foreign Relations Division and Head of the Strategic Division at the IDF’s General Staff. Dekel served as the Head of the Negotiations Unit with the Palestinians under former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert. Dekel holds an Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) as well as a Bachelors degree in International Relations and Economics from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Lecture’s Brief | Operational Challenges and the Role of Unmanned Systems This lecture reviews the evolution of the nature of conflicts. The most prominent phenomenon is a paradigmatic shift that has occurred in the features of ongoing conflicts with variable intensity. That including the weakening of state actors along with the strengthening of non-state actors and proxies who operate from and within densely populated zones. The enemy seeks to offset the technological superiority of Israel’s military by employing a- symmetrical strategies and capabilities. The operational challenges posed by this shift are more complex. To tackle the rapidly changing features of the enemy who takes on different forms (hybrid), it is necessary to develop integrated intelligence-operational techniques tackle with the wider range of enemy’s mode of operation. Unmanned vehicles - in the air, on land and at sea - are a relatively effective response to these new operational challenges, as well as useful tools for conflicts that erupt below the threshold of war. However, the most effective response to combined conflicts -- symmetrical and a-symmetrical -- is one that comprises both manned and unmanned capabilities.



Colonel N. Head of the Operational Systems Department of the Israeli Air Force Colonel N. served in a variety of operational roles in the Israeli Air Force, including commanding over the first UAV squadron. In his previous role, he served as the head of the IAF’s strategic planning body. He currently serves as the head of the Information Systems Department, which is part of the IAF’s longranged force buildup in the information and IT world.

Lecture’s Brief | The Israeli Unmanned Aerial System Layout Roadmap Colonel N., Head of the Israeli Air Forces’ Operational Systems Department, will begin his lecture by focusing on the development of the UAV layout in the IAF, including the layout’s assimilation within the air force. In addition, he will provide details concerning landmarks in the operational activity, the operational challenges and gaps, and will conclude with a review of the continued development of UAVs in the future.



Colonel Nir Halamish Ground Forces, Head of the Weapons Division, IDF Col. Nir Halamish is the current Head of the Weapons Development Division at the IDF’s Ground Forces. He began his service as a soldier in the Armored Corps. Over the years, he has served in a number of command positions in the Armored Corps’ 7th Brigade, including Platoon and Company Commander. Halamish later also served as an Armor Reserve Battalion Commander, S3 of an Armor Division as well as Head of the Ground Forces’

Intelligence Weaponry Branch. His operational IDF experience includes experience attained during the Second Lebanon War, Operation Cast Lead, combat in the Security Strip, Operation Defensive Shield and the First and Second Intifadas. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Industrial Engineering and Administration from the University of Haifa, and is a graduate of the Staff and Command College.

Lecture’s Brief |

The Israeli Army: Unmanned Systems Roadmap and its Effects on the Future Battlefield and the Combat CONOPS Col. Nir Halamish will detail the participation of the unmanned systems in the land combat, including the vision, the integrated operational concept, the missions and the operational demands from the systems. In addition, Col. Halamish will also provide details with regards to the UGV and robotic programs as well as the prominent technological and operational challenges, and will focus on the issue of the transition “from systems to layout.”



Colonel Ilan Lavi

Head of the Planning and Organization Deptartment Col. Ilan Lavi is the head of the IDF’s Planning Department. Lavi began his military service in 1987 as a cadet at the Israeli Naval Academy, and later served as the commander of Dvora fast patrol boats. Between the years 1994-1996, Lavi served as the commander and instructor of the Naval Academy

and later went on to command a Sa’ar-4 missile boat. Lavi additionally served as a recon boat commander, and he was promoted to commander of the Eilat Sa’ar-5 missile boat. Lavi later served as the head of the Optronic Detection Branch. Lavi holds a degree in Industrial Engineering and Management from Shenkar University.

Lecture’s Brief | The Israeli Navy: Unmanned Systems Roadmap and its Effects on the Future Battlefield and the Combat CONOPS Over the past twenty years, unmanned vehicles have focused on ground and aerial vehicles. Recently, marine robotics are rapidly covering a new, fascinating environment through the use of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) and Autonomous Vehicles (AUVs). This lecture introduces the operational concept, the basic platform needs and the Israeli Navy’s roadmap for unmanned marine vehicles. As part of the advantages and capabilities of unmanned marine vehicles in such a complex environment, we focus on saving lives in dangerous missions by using multi-vehicles and USV’s. Based on generic technologies, USV’s and AUV’s would allow for implementing operational concepts with a high level of survivability and durability.



Mr. Chen Granas

Founder & owner, Pro-Visint Ltd Chen Granas is the Director and Founder of ProVisint. For 23 years, Granas served as an IAF attack helicopter pilot and a flight instructor, during which he clocked 2000 flight hours. He was also a UAV senior operator (with more than 3000 flight hours) and served in various command and professional positions. After the conclusion of his military service, Granas was the CTO of Freedom UAV Technologies LTD and the COO of Vestal Technologies LTD. He

was also a member of the Ministry of Transportations’ UAV Civilian Operation Committee. Since 2011, he is the In 2007, Granas was the recipient of the IAF Commander’s special Medal of Honor for operational activity in the Second Lebanon War, and he won the Minister of Internal Security’s award for unique research in 2008. Granas holds a Bachelor’s degree in Economy and Business Management from Haifa University.

Lecture’s Brief | “Man VS Machine - Can Technology Win?” One means of categorically dividing unmanned systems is by the level of control over them in real-time: fully autonomous systems, and real-time remotely-operated systems. Since fully autonomous systems are preprogrammed to carry out a mission, their mission capabilities are limited to a very narrow field. Real-time remote-operated systems are more adaptable to a larger variety of missions and to changes to their missions or environments. Human involvement in unmanned missions is needed in cases of unexpected situations, moral decisions, lack of technological availability and more. Automatic applications are developed in order to simplify and improve system operations and mission capabilities. The motivation to for their development includes reducing operational manpower, lowering the necessary level threshold for operators and shorting training durations. The dependency between unmanned systems’ performances and the quality of the manpower operating them rises with the technology development. The lecture will be accompanied with operational examples and genuine stories for the operational world of a variety of unmanned systems.



Brigadier General (Res.) Yuval Halamish General Manager, Intelligence & HLS division, mPrest Ltd Brigadier General (Res.) Yuval Halamish is the Head of the Intelligence and HLS Division at Mprest. He held several prominent positions throughout the duration of his IDF career service, including commander of the Intelligence School and Reconnaissance and Navigation Center and Head of the Collection in the IDF’s Intelligence Branch. Halamish also served as the Head intelligence

officer in the IDF’s Northern Command, and was the Chief of the Ground Forces’ Intelligence Corps. His last role in the IDF was as Chief Intelligence Officer. A graduate of the National Security College, Halamish holds a Bachelors degree in Multidisciplinary Sciences from Tel Aviv University Masters degree in Political Science and National Security Studies from the University of Haifa.

Lecture’s Brief | The Need for Multi-Sensor Intelligence Collection for Combat Maneuvering and Fire Support In recent years, much has been discussed regarding terrain dominance out of a desire and need to achieve intelligence dominance in the combat expanse, at any given time. Combat areas are undergoing changes that pose numerous, complex challenges before Western militaries. A need exists for gathering, locating and processing information to targets and for the closure of sensor-to-shooter cycles. An extensive, reliable and precise system is needed. Data collection and tracking after an intelligence target requires an array of unmanned tools operating together for a variety of tasks. Continuous intelligence dominance means the best coverage over time, through the use of various sensors from different disciplines: against the expanse, over it and within it. In this lecture, I will present examples from combat in the Gaza Strip, and will try to demonstrate the need for collection that is as broad and intrusive as possible for sectors such as Gaza, in order to counter the challenges existing within it.



Mr. Chaim Senior EMC2 Ltd

Mr. Chaim Senior is the Regional Sales and Business Development Manager at EMC2. Senior is highly experienced with specific industries solutions and work at EMC for the past two years. Prior to that, Senior served few technical and business roles in leading vendors and comes with more than 12 years of experience with Data Solutions

Lecture Details | Data Analysis and Storage in the Big Data Era Today’s sensors force us to think of creative ways of gathering and analyzing the information, while managing the human resource in a most productive way. In most cases, nowadays, we do not face any technology issues with providing the most benefit out of our sensors, yet we are challenged by the amount of information and what to do with it. In most cases, we do not put any analytical intelligence around the sensor due to some size constrains and processing power in and on the mobile unit, therefore we require transferring the entire information back to the control unit and process the information at rest. Over time, we are facing a data storage management issue where managing high capacity storage require much effort. In addition, when trying to process and analyze Big Data, it forces us to use a lot of computing power and it usually takes much time. EMC2 understood that existing IT technologies would break under the load of Big Data, and therefore developed solutions through researches and acquisitions to help customers and partners with the new era.



Capt. (Res.) Moshe Elazar Head of Naval Directorate, Rafael Ltd

Capt. (Res.) Moshe Elazar is the Director of the Naval Warfare System Directorate at Rafael Advanced Defense Systems. He has previously held a variety of positions in the Israeli Ministry of Defense as well as in the Israeli Navy, where he served throughout his military service. In the framework of his service in the Israeli Navy, Elazar served as the executive officer of a missile boat, the head of the Radar Section, the head

of the EW Branch, and the head of the Navy’s Integration Branch. In addition, he headed the Special Programs Division and the R&D Department at the Ministry of Defense. He holds an MA in National Security from Haifa University, an M.Sc in Electrical engineering from the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), an MBA from Tel Aviv University and a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from Tel Aviv University.

Lecture’s Brief | Naval HLS Challenges and the Use of USVs Marine security tasks have changed significantly over the past decade and involve a variety of potential scenarios. These scenarios can vary from dealing with unlawful immigration and smuggling to stopping terrorist attacks on strategic marine or coastal installations. In addition, the increased sensitivity to loss in human lives and the requirement to transmit accurate and reliable data from the arena have dictated the development of new systems. One such type of systems is the Unmanned Surface Vessel or USV. In this presentation we will review Rafael’s Protector USV and its variety of Mission Modules designed to meet the requirements of today’s marine Security tasks. The lecture will provide examples of mission modules developed and integrated into the Protector USV system in order to provide capabilities ranging from non-lethal engagement to high precision strikes.



Col. (Res.) Johnny Carni

UAV Payload Challenges for HLS and Civilian Missions Johnny Carni serves as VP Marketing and Sales at Control Precision Technologies, a position which he holds since 2005. His prior experience includes a career service in the Israeli Defense Forces, where he attained the rank of colonel after serving in the Israeli Air Force as a pilot, and as head of the Reconnaissance UAV in the IAF’s Operational Requirements

Department. Carni headed the UAV R&D programs at the Israeli Ministry of Defense, was the head of the ministry’s UAV Executive Program Office and was also an EO Engineer for IAI’s Tamam Division. Carni holds a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) from Tel Aviv University.

Lecture’s Brief | The Payload Challenges for Civil & HLS Mission Use New and available-to-all technologies are pushing the civil UAV market forward. In the coming decade, once UAV flight regulations will be defined and approved by authorities, we will be looking at a new area of UAVs services for both private and public sectors. At the beginning, different constraints will focus the market to two types of UAVs: Large UAV (HALE and MALE) for national applications and missions (such as replacing satellites and fixed wings) as well as small UAVs (of up to 7 kg) flying at low levels and at close ranges in many missions. EO/IR technologies are in a constant state of development: using more spectrum bands, new and larger detectors, computerization capabilities for supporting image processing and many additional developments for cellphones, cameras, communication links, computers and more. The presentation shall emphasize the civil missions requirements for EO/IR equipment and the solutions needed to support the market’s needs. During the presentation, examples shall be made using Controp’s STAMP payloads.



Col. (Ret.) Mr. Yakov Biran (Biko) Research Associate, ICT - IDC Herzlya, Israel Yakov Biran departed from the IAF in 1986 at the rank of Colonel, after 23 years of service, most of them as a helicopter pilot. During his service, Biran commanded the helicopter school at the Hatzerim airbase and the first operational helicopter squadron. His last role was as head of the combined doctrine division in the General Staff’s instruction department. After completing his service, Biran dealt with consulting, and was an external consultant for the Israel Police, among other things. Biran joined the Israel Police once the decision was made to establish a helicopter unit. He was an officer in the

project for establishing the unit for a period of two years. Biran characterized the helicopters, including operational equipment, wrote the unit’s work and cooperation doctrines and was responsible for the assimilation of the aerial dimension within the Police’s work. Upon the establishment of the unit in December 1992, Biran was appointed as its commander, a position which he held for approximately eight years. Biran is a graduate of the National Security College with an MA in Geography from Haifa University and an MA in Economics and Business Administration from Be’er Sheva University.

Lecture’s Brief | Police UAV Squadron - A Genuine Need or a Marketing Gimmick? UAVs reached a state of maturity in contributing to the operational activities of global militaries, and according to publications, nearly half of the IAF’s flight hours were done by UAVs. Are UAVs ready for expanded operational activity and for handling a significant portion of internal security assignments? Despite similarities, internal security is completely different than military activity. It is only through proper readiness and early preparations that the potential embodied in UAVs can be realized towards their integration in the core of the activity. This lecture will show that there is a need to take several steps back, study the necessities for internal security assignments, the gaps and the alternative solutions, so that it will be possible to transfer a reasonable portion of assignments done by manned vehicles to UAVs. While directed at manufacturers and marketers, the client, the end user, must also define the same settings, review shelf technologies, and try to characterize the finalized product. 17


Mr. Yaniv Shoshan

Founder & Chief Designer - Product Design Group, Elbit Systems Ltd Mr. Shoshan has practiced and led C4I HMI design processes for the last 16 years, following his service as a UAV operator and instructor as well as staff officer in the IAF. Mr. Shoshan founded the Elbit Systems` UserExperience design team in the UAS division, and has been managing it for the last 5 years. The team provides Product Design, GUI Design and MARCOM Design services as well as innovation support. The team contributed to hundreds of diverse projects, among them numerous Control Stations for different Unmanned Vehicles, aerial, ground and naval.

Mr. Shoshan holds a Program Manager position at the (manned) avionics field. Prior to this, Mr. Shoshan co-founded a Product Design firm that served, among other clients, the major Israeli UAS industries. Following his military service, Mr. Shoshan joined Elbit Systems` UAS division as one of the first operators to join the company, and was a part of the development of the Hermes 450 system and its integration into IDF service.Mr. Shoshan studied Product Design at Hadassah College and Holds a MBA from the Kellogg-Recanati program of Northwestern Uni. and Tel-Aviv Uni.

Lecture’s Brief | Unmanned Systems - The Next Generation Ground Control Stations As unmanned platforms, payloads and missions are growing even more complex and diverse, so are the operators’ challenges. An effective user interface is imperative for a well-executed mission. This lecture will cover some of the dilemmas encountered while designing a new control station, will present some lessons learned and render some thoughts for future trends. The dilemmas include: What are the operator`s missions and scenarios of operation? Can we confidently predict it, years ahead? How intense is the information flow? What is the operators’ background? Are they former commercial pilots or young infantry fighters? What is the work environment? Is it an air-conditioned, well lighted office-like environment, a muddy ground under a bush, or perhaps a surface vessel out at sea? Unlike the Israeli Air Force, many clients prefer hands-on control of the platform’s maneuvers. Should we “force” our approach as IDF veterans or design to their preferences? Summing up all these dilemmas, how should we design a Control Station that is as effective and fluent for operators, that they actually enjoy using it?



Mr. Roy Peshin CTO, Similat Ltd.

Mr. Roy Peshin co-founded Simlat in 2004, and served as its CTO ever since. Throughout this period, Simlat has established its world-class line of training products, with users spanning across more than 20 countries. Prior to founding Simlat, Peshin worked in the Israeli UAV industry for two years. Mr. Peshin has been flying various types of UAVs since 1998, with experience exceeding 2000 flight hours. He holds a BSc in Physics from the Tel Aviv University, where he is pursuing an MA in Ancient Maritime History & Archeology.

Lecture’s Brief | Advanced tools for Unmanned Operators Screening and Evaluation The UAS world is constantly growing and evolving, demanding high performance of its operators at highly diverse, and sometimes critical, missions. One of today’s most pressing UAS issues relates to Human Factors aspects of operator performance. Much focus is brought to the challenge of manning the Operator position, due to the fact that correct placement of individuals in this position can lower drop-out rate, decrease certification costs, and deliver better operational results. Operator performance evaluation doesn’t stop at manning, and demand for detailed and objective metrics for operator performance is on the rise as organizations strive to achieve standardization in their training programs and certifications. In this presentation, we shall discuss innovative performance evaluation methods available today, and elaborate on the importance of assessing operators’ performance on the job.



LtC. (Ret.) Nir Tel-Oren

IAI’s UAS Academy - Redefining UAS Training Nir Tel-Oren is a Senior Consultant for Business Development at Israel Aerospace Industries’ Military Aircraft Group (MAG). He holds a B.Sc. in Computer Engineering from the Technion and an MBA from Ben-Gurion University. Tel-Oren served in the Israeli Air Force (IAF) as a helicopter pilot for approximately 22 years, and also as a lead system developer in the IAF Development Center (MAMDAS) for eight years until he retired in 1997 at the rank of Lt. Colonel. He held several prominent positions in various defense industries and since 2003 in IAI as a command & control system engineer and as business development for C4ISR, UAVs and training solutions.

Lecture’s Brief | IAI’s UAS Academy - A New Concept for Training UAS Mission Crews As the largest aerospace & defense company in Israel, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is a recognized global leader in the UAV marketplace. Over the course of four decades of UAV development, integration, manufacturing, sales and support, IAI has gathered vast know-how in training customers for all UAS professions. IAI’s newly established UAS Academy aims to redefine UAS training by leveraging IAI’s leading UAS systems, highfidelity simulators, training services and extensive know-how, and by applying lessons learned from operational experience of many customers worldwide. This lecture will focus on the following topics: IAI’s international experience in UAS operation and training; Today’s UAS training challenges; A new approach to UAS training; Key requirements from a UAV training platform; A mission simulator and UAV Training Center; and a case study - the conceptual layout of a UAS Training Center.



LtC. (Ret.) Nati Catran

Marketing Manager, Optimum Group Ltd. Nati Catran is the VP Marketing & Sales at Optimum Group. His military service was spent in the Israeli Navy, and his last role was as Missile Boat Squadron Commander. Catran has held several industry roles in the past, including Marketing Deputy VP at Elisra and Head of the company’s marketing division, as well as a marketing manager at BAE Systems Rokar, marketing Manager at IAI and the Head of the company’s marketing office in Taipei, Taiwan and in Seoul, South Korea Catran is familiar with and experienced in business

development and marketing of defense and commercial products in the domestic and international markets. Participated in the marketing and contract negotiations for the sale of the Harpy and UAVs, radar systems, optronics, EW, and navigation systems and payloads for unmanned vehicles. In his position with Optimum Group, participates and promotes development and implementation of visual & interactive engineering and technical procedures. These procedures designed for simplifying and better performance of training and work procedures.

Lecture’s Brief | New Operating and Maintenance Knowledge Management Capabilities The transformation of operating advanced unmanned systems beyond the visual range demands the introduction of advanced, highly effective sensing and monitoring systems, for installation onboard vehicles demanding special training and skills from the maintenance team operating and servicing the systems. These systems are developed using advanced CAD programs, enabling the “smart feed” of their information to production and assembly floors, operations and maintenance staff, overcoming language barriers and creating a common language among the product’s follow-up team. We will present a modern technical knowledge management system designed to minimize gaps while improving production, assembly, operations and maintenance procedures, used by defense and commercial organizations, domestic and abroad. Various applications performed with different companies from diversified disciplines will also be presented as well as the capability to introduce, in addition to the engineering data, knowledge acquired from experts and disseminate it in the organization, in the field and worldwide, while improving its usability by the end-users.



Mr. Guy Burstein

Technical Evangelist - Windows 8 / Developer & Platform Group, Microsoft Israel ltd Guy Burstein is a Technical Evangelist in Microsoft Israel, where he drives the adoption of cutting edge technologies among startups, ISV’s and enterprises, both in the consumer world, as well is in the defense industry.

Lecture’s Brief | “No Hands Effect” - Kinect Use for Unmanned Systems The Kinect Sensor allows you to control your computer without anything being held in your hands. What started as a sensor intended primarily for the gaming industry has sparked creativity across the industry and led to a variety of applications that are controlled through body movements. In this discussion, we will introduce this new item-in-thetoolbox for people who plan and build Unmanned Systems, explore its sensors, see what type of data they produce and see several implementation examples.



Mr. Daniel Weihs

Distinguished Professor, Head of the Technion Autonomous Systems Program, Technion Prof. Daniel Weihs was Provost of the Technion Institute, Dean of Aerospace Engineering, Dean of the Graduate School and Director of the Neaman Advanced Research Institute. He is member of the National Committee for Research And Development and has been Chairman of the Israel National Committee for Space Research since 2005. Most recently, he has been Chief Scientist of the Israel Ministry of Science & Technology and head of the Technion’s Autonomous Systems Program, including all aspects of advanced robotics. He is a Foreign Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the American Physical Society

and recently received an Honorary Doctorate from BenGurion University in Beer Sheva , Israel. He has been on the boards of companies such as Israel Aerospace Industries, Beit Shemesh Engines, Israel Limnological and Oceanographic Research Co. and others. He has been on the Board of Governors of Ben-Gurion University since 1988 and member of the Academic Advisory Committee to the President and Rector. Weihs has published more than 150 scientific papers and presented over 120 lectures at international conferences.

Lecture’s Brief | Nature’s Secrets in the Use of Unmanned Systems Development This lecture will present the subsystems and components of living creatures which are essentially imitated in autonomous systems. Throughout their life cycles, living creatures require all the components of autonomous systems, such as sensing systems, location, decision and implementation measures and in light of the various evolutionary challenges, they developed interesting solutions that are applicable to the requirements of technological systems. This lecture will present these principles as well as various examples of propulsion systems, sensing systems such as sight, touch, smell (heat sensing, chemical sensing), as well as actuation and energy storage. The purpose of the lecture is to remind the planner that it is possible to find examples of efficient systems from nature.



Ralf Hastedt

Head of Sales & Business Development, Rheinmetall Airborne System s Ralf Hastedt holds a Diploma in Electronics from the Technical University of Bremen. He entered in 1988 the aerospace and defence company MBB and started his business career in the UAS field. He gained experience in the development of Flight Control Systems, Systems Engineering, Project Management, Business Development and finally Sales of UAS. In total he has been working 19 years on the field of UAS and than he changed in 2007 to the medium size enterprise PLATH. In PLATH he

has been responsible for the Sales of COMINT-/EWSystems. Since October 2012, Ralf Hastedt is back in the Airborne Systems business and he is currently the Head of Sales and Business Development for all activities of Rheinmetall Airborne Systems, a joint venture of CASSIDIAN and Rheinmetall Defence. Ralf Hastedt, born on 02. February 1962, is married and has three children. He lives with his family near Bremen, where the company Rheinmetall Airborne Systems is located.

Lecture’s Brief | Lease-Operate-Maintain: Flexibility for Future Operations In 2010, Rheinmetall Airborne Systems (today a JV of Rheinmetall and Cassidian) was asked if it could provide MALE IMINT capabilities on a Lease-Operate-Maintain model in short-term. Five months after signing the contract, the personnel were trained and ready for operations, certifications were made and a logistic chain was set in place while the German Airforce (GAF) provided the necessary infrastructure in a minimum of time. After two years of nonstop operations in Afghanistan, the L-O-M model proved very valuable to the GAF, a customer with decreasing force size and a rising need for flexibility. Modern industrial-military cooperation is a procedure to support forces with short-term-solutions, even in running military missions and allows forces to concentrate on their missions while training, logistics, maintenance and certification is taken care of by Cassidian.



Mr. Gadi Aviran

Founder and CEO, Terrogence Ltd Gadi Aviran founded Terrogence Ltd. in October 2004 as an expert provider of OSINT and Deep Web Intelligence, and has expanded the company’s operations beyond technical intelligence services to include state-of-the-art web intelligence technology. He attained the rank of Major while serving in the IDF, and was second in command of the IDF’s EOD/IEDD unit. Aviran also headed the technical intelligence analysis desk in the production division of the IDF’s Military Intelligence for eight years, and has vast combat and counter-terrorism field experience .

Lecture’s Brief | UAV - The Jihadi Point of View 21st century jihadists display a high level of interest in western military capabilities. The expanded use of UAVs has evolved from a pure threat to a combination of threat and opportunity in the jihadist view. Reconnaissance and field intelligence are constantly shared online, forming a solid basis for developing UAV countermeasures and copycat technology. The upshot is a fast-growing, global, UAV-specific knowledge base and tactical sounding board that narrows alert times and enables steeper learning curves.



Mr. Ofer Ben Dov

Vice President, Marketing & Business Development - UAS Division, Elbit Systems Ltd Ofer Ben Dov is the VP marketing & head of the Naval Business Unit at Elbit Systems UAS. He has worked in Elbit for over 25 years in a variety of positions, including Senior Director for UAS marketing, Head of C4I SW & System Engineering, Head of Naval System Engineering, and more. He holds an MA in Mathematics from Haifa University and an MSc in Business Administration from N.Y Polytech University. Ben Dov served in the Israeli Navy for 9 years as line officer and HQ staff, including Chief Doctrine Officer for communication, navigation, and detection, and ASW.

Lecture’s Brief | The Secrets of Mission Effectiveness for Unmanned Systems Unmanned systems are steadily and continuously becoming vital elements of numerous wide spread defense and security applications. The presentation briefly reviews current metrics and examples of worldwide UAS utilization and introduces Elbit as an unmanned system house developing unmanned systems in the aerial, ground, and maritime dimensions. It then discusses the various elements of mission effectiveness for unmanned systems focusing on UAS but also touching on other systems. Dimensions of mission effectiveness such as performance, flexibility, timeliness, level of autonomy and many more additional factors are listed and reviewed, accompanied by examples and illustrations from real-life characteristics and performance of Elbit’s unmanned systems. Topics discussed relate to the platform, payloads, mission control system, ground support equipment, and supporting C4I infrastructure and capabilities.



Capt. (Res.) Eli Gambash

Marketing Manager, MALAT Division IAI A retired Israel Navy captain, Eli Gambash has been employed, since 2006, by Israel Aerospace Industries, MALAT Division, as a marketing manager for UAV Systems. While serving with the Israeli Navy he fulfilled a variety of command positions, both operational and administrative, including tours as base commander and Naval Attaché. During a tour

of duty as commander of the Israel Navy’s Command and Control unit, he was responsible for a number of Naval operations, including those utilizing Unmanned Air Vehicles, (UAVs) for surveillance and intelligence gathering. The operational experience gained from this activity, has been incorporated in the concept of operation of the Maritime Heron UAV System.

Lecture’s Brief | Sea Operation UAS - A Brake Even System In recent years, we have witnessed the integration of unmanned systems into military and civilian missions in naval arenas. The comprehension that scanning large naval areas is not possible with only a limited camera has brought the integration of additional payloads such as ELINT and COMINT naval radars. In addition to adding payloads and in order to provide operational flexibility, a need exists to increase endurances and operational ranges. The integration of unmanned systems in naval missions is expressed in integration within the naval fighting force, in assisting navies to locate targets at large ranges, identifying them, transferring fire data and reporting fire results. Unmanned systems have also been integrated into civilian missions such as locating drug smugglers, S&R assistance in natural disasters and more. The great challenge the Israeli Navy faces today is protecting economic waters and gas rigs. The Heron UAV with payloads for scanning areas will provide a complementary solution to the Israeli Navy’s comprehensive solution.



LTC Amihai Magal

Head of UAS Field in the Ground Forces Command’s (GFC) Technology Division Lt. Col. Amihai Magal is the head of the UAS Field in the Ground Forces Command’s Technology Division. He is the founder of the Tactical UAS Field in the Ground Forces Command’s (GFC) Technology Division and has been leading it over the past 10 years. Magal took part in initiating and leading all the tactical UAS activities in the GFC, such as the Sky Raider project, the Low Level UAS project, Ghost VTOL

demonstrator, integrating various payloads, extracting the systems capabilities, and more. He was the former head of the Missile Technology Section and the project officer of guide missile’s projects. He holds a BSc in Applied Physics/Electro-optics Engineering from the Jerusalem College of Technology (Machon Lev).

Lecture’s Brief | Challenges & Opportunities in Developing & Operating UAS for Tactical Levels In recent years, the ground forces have made a breakthrough to the aerial dimension which led to the Sky Raider project (a mini-UAS for the battalion level which enable self ability to gather intelligence in the battlefield) and other activities. In addition to presenting a general background on the UAS field with regards to the primary projects & activities in the Ground Forces, it will also deal with the main challenges in developing & operating UAS for the tactical levels. Key lecture topics will include the in-field operation challenge; Facing the system’s limitations, with regards to the technological and operational aspects; and the system’s capabilities extraction challenge (maximizing flight and mission capabilities under difficult weight constraint). The lecture will also present a view forward toward existing & developing opportunities in the tactical UAS field, which may be relevant for the ground forces.



Yossi Wolf

CEO and founder of Roboteam

Yosi Wolf, Roboteam Co-CEO, is accountable for Roboteam’s overall activity. He co-founded Roboteam in 2009 and shares the responsibility for the company’s day to day operations with Elad Levi. Yosi is specialized in international marketing and strategic co-operations; he is the former VP and the head of robotics division of ODF Optronics. Yosi has extensive background in the fields of physics and philosophy and he served as an officer and company commander in the Israeli Air Force Special Forces for 6 years.

Lecture’s Brief | No Choice But to Succeed - From Dream to Reality “I don’t want to take your time telling you all about complex technologies. Instead, I would like to share with you our modest, personal story of Roboteam. Our goal was not to reinvent the wheel, just to improve, but do so in a dramatic way. We looked at every aspect of unmanned systems in order to create products for which the “whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Over the next several years, the unmanned industry is expected to change the world especially in defense, Homeland Security, law enforcement and public safety sectors, as well as agriculture and industrial safety. Roboteam will be there, striving to play a critical role in this change so the concept of unmanned system making people’s lives better goes from vision to reality.”



Academic Competition at UVID Conferences On the Topic of Unmanned Systems A | General

1. One of the goals of the UVID conference is to contribute to the integration of Academic UV researchers and the general Unmanned Systems community. 2. In this framework, cooperation with the Technion (the TASP program for autonomous systems and robotics) was agreed upon, led by distinguished Professor Daniel Weihs, including an academic competition on the topic of unmanned systems. 3. In the framework of the UVID 2012 conference, the initial competition towards the UVID 2013 conference will be announced.

B | Goal

This document will present the framework and principles of the academic competition and the specific details of the UVID 2013 competition.

C | Competition Framework and Principles

1. The competition will take place annually - every UVID Conference. 2. The topic of the annual competition will be announced during the conference, for the following year (2012 conference - 2013 announcement). 3. The competition is for an research paper, published/accepted for publication in the international professional press in the two years prior to the submission date, in the field of Unmanned Systems. The lead author of the article is Israeli or the article was written in an Israeli academic institute. 4. Every research group/author will be able to present the candidacy of a single chosen article. 5. The award committee will have 3-7 members with specific expertise in the competition topic(odd number), chosen by the committee chairman, who will be a representative of the Technion . The UVID Conference chairman is a member of the committee. 6. The submittal standard will consist of a cover letter, including a statement about publication rights, along with the attached article submitted for award consideration, as well as abstract in Hebrew presenting the issue (up to 200 words), serving as the basis for presenting the subject at the conference.



7. The candidate papers will be submitted by the end of March, under the assumption that the conference will take place on November (for example, submissions for the 2013 conference will be until 31st March 2013), to the UVID Conference chairman and the committee chairman, via the contact methods published in IsraelDefense publications. 8. The committee will announce the annual topic during the UVID Conference. The competition winners will be announced on thefollwing 1st of September and their names will be published in the framework of the conference program. Winners will give a presentation at the conference. 9. The competition and its details will be published in the framework of publications of the IsraelDefense staff. 10. The award for the winning article is 5,000 NIS, which will be given during the conference. 11. Submitted articles will entitle those submitting them to a free admission ticket to the conference (up to two tickets per paper in the event of two or more writers).

D | UVID 2013 Competition

1. The topic of the competition is: “The Human-Machine Interaction and the Human Factor in Unmanned Systems.” 2. The date for submitting articles is 31st March 2013. The winner will be announced on 1st Sep. 2013. 3. The competition is open to articles that have been published or accepted for publication between 1.1.2011 and until the submission date.

Sincerely, Distinguished Professor Daniel Weihs | Head of the Technion TASP program Dweihs@tx.technion.ac.il Alon Unger | UVID Conferences Chairman Alon.unger.uav@gmail.com T: +972-74-7031211 | F: 09-7671857 | E: info@israeldefense.co.il | www.israeldefense.co.il



L App etter rec o iat f ion

The State of Israel Ministry of Education Science and Technology Administration

For Mr. Amir Rapaport, Israel Defense Mr. Alon Unger, UVID 2012 Conference Chairman

“Atuda” Students Invitation to the UVID 2012 Conference Hello, We would like to thank you for your consent to Michael Sabin’s request to host a group of excelling students studying physics in the framework of the Atuda Program for Technological Scientific Leadership at the conference. The purpose of this program, which was launched by the Science and Technology Administration in 2010, is to create an annual excellence course leading students to a qualitative graduation in the scientific and technological fields. We believe that these students, who study both mathematics and physics at a very high level (5 study units) as well as another technological or scientific subject, will be able to get the most out of a conference such as UVID 2012, which is meant to represent the global technological frontier. This time, you will be hosting 12 students studying at the Beit Yareach School (by the Kineret) and two of their teachers. It is our hope that this participation will become a tradition and that Atuda students from the Negev and from additional places will be able to arrive in future conferences. It is quite possible that the conference, and its accompanying educational activities, will have an impact on the direction of the military service of the students participating in it. With best regards, Dr. Ofer Rimon, Manager of the Science and Technology Administration



See you at the next UVID conference 7th. Nov. 2013 33

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