F. Sedlak
Leos Wertheimer
Miloslava Ratzingerová
The impact of the spirits and spiritualism on Czech Art Brut is immense, intertwined with orthodox religion, existential world political struggles and an intimacy with other non-physical parallel planes living tangential to ours. The story of this art is ancient in the Czech Republic. Yet, as scholar Barbara Safarova has said, it was only in the Summer of 1998 that the first and only exhibition of Art Brut took place at Galerie Hlavního Mesta, Prahy. Why were the Czech people so receptive to the mediumistic phenomenon of the spirit hand taking control not only of the maker’s body, but of their mind as well? The willingness to submit to a force from the other side extended throughout the creative process, from the initial impulse to create the final marks left on the paper. These mediumistic and spiritualist works provoked the aesthetics of the Surrealists, including André Breton who wrote “we should remember that the idea of surrealism is the total recovery of our psychic forces by means, quite simply, of delving deep into ourselves, lighting up all those areas that lie hidden deep and dimming others, a continuing journey through forbidden territory”.
The Spiritualists (using the specific word in its meaning of communication with ancestors) have always had a shifting ground in our field. It was welcomed into Art Brut canon, yes, but only by sacrificing ‘spiritualist’ and replacing that identity with Art Brut, which, at least at its inception focused on the art of the insane. This was notoriously the subject of debate between André Breton and Jean Dubuffet. Breton wanted the Spiritualists to be part of Surrealism without losing their identity as ‘’Spiritualists’. This entire area of art has been a semantic battleground from before the middle of the last century to the present. The confluence of world history, particularly World War II, the rise of Nazism and the subsequent campaign to rid Europe of degenerate art, and the continued powerful influence of the Catholic church demonizing spiritualist and mediumistic practices classifying them as blasphemous, drove most of the creators of these highly personal forms of expression underground until the Communists, who also condemned the practice, exited Prague in 1989.
Our exhibition includes both Art Brut and Spiritualistic works; a very small crosssection of this exciting and important Art Brut phenomenon, with approximately 60 works by seventeen creators ranging from well-known artists including Anna Zemánková and Miroslav Tichý, to artists who have a cult status, including Jaroslav Cevora, Karel Havlícek, Vlasta Kodriková, Zdenek Košek, Josef Kotzian, and Zbynek Semerák, to anonymous makers including the mysterious Le Cheminot, and another anonymous artist who drew channeled, transcendental flower forms during the darkest days of the Second World War. Many have never been shown in the United States before despite the current international interest in Art Brut and Mediumistic works.
AnnA Zemánková born 1908, OLOMOUC, CzecH REPUBLIC died 2011, PRAGUE, CzecH REPUBLIC
Untitled, 1970- 1980 Pastel, Graphite/ Paper 24.5 x 17.75 in (62.2 x 45.1 cm) AZe 450
Anna Zemánková Untitled, c. 1960's Pastel on paper 26 x 16 inches (66 x 40.6 cm) AZe 460
Anna Zemánková Untitled, 1970's Pastel, ink/paper 24.5 x 17.25 in (62.2 x 43.8 cm) AZe 463
Anna Zemánková Untitled, c. 1970's Satin collage, textile paint, pastel and ballpoint pen on paper 11.5 x 8.25 inches 29.2 x 21 cm AZe 306
Crayon, ink on paper 16.25 x 12 inches (41.3 x 30.5 cm) AZe 537
Pastel, colored pencil on paper 13.5 x 10.5
Acrylic, pastel and ballpoint pen, collage 34.65 x 24.41 inches 88 x 62 cm AZe 629
33 x 23.25 inches 83.8 x 59.1 cm AZe 634
Anna Zemánková Untitled, Early 1960s Pastel on paper 34.5 x 24.4 inches 87.6 x 62 cm AZe 640
Anna Zemánková Untitled, Early 1970s Pastel on paper 24.5 x 17 inches 62.2 x 43.2 cm AZe 641
34.5 x 24.5 inches 87.6 x 62.2 cm AZe 643
Crayon on paper 8.66 x 12.6 inches 22 x 32 cm FSe 1
František Jaroslav Pecka born 1878, Neveklov, CzecH REPUBLIC died 1960, prague, CzecH REPUBLIC
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 34.5 x 22.5 inches 87.6 x 57.2 cm FJP 1
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 34.5 x 22.75 inches 87.6 x 57.8 cm FJP 2
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 34.5 x 22.5 inches 87.6 x 57.2 cm FJP 6
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 30.71 x 20.47 inches 78 x 52 cm FJP 27
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 18.5 x 13.39 inches 47 x 34 cm FJP 15
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 26.77 x 18.5 inches 68 x 47 cm FJP 26
Colored pencil, graphite on paper 34.5 x 23.5 inches 87.6 x 59.7 cm FJP 3
Colored pencil/paper
8.75 x 11.75 inches 22.2 x 29.8 cm Cze 3
Mediumistic Drawing LXXV
on paper
Mediumistic Drawing
Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing LVIII,
on paper
Colored pencil, graphite/paper 8.75 x 11.75 in (22.2 x 29.8 cm) Cze 6
Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing
Crayon on paper
Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing 12/14/1945
Crayon on paper 8.66 x
inches 22
Cze 21
Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing, 9/13/1945 Crayon on paper
Mediumistic Drawing
Crayon on paper
Crayon on paper
Crayon on
Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing
Crayon on paper
Crayon on
Czech Republic Anonymous Mediumistic Drawing, 10/26/1943
Crayon on paper
Mediumistic Drawing
Crayon on paper
Miloslava Ratzingerová born 1904, czech republic died 1990, czech republic
Untitled, 1935-1950 Graphite on paper 17.32 x 12.5 inches 44 x 31.8 cm MRa 5
Miloslava Ratzingerová Untitled, 1935-1950 Graphite on paper 17.3 x 12.5 inches 43.9 x 31.8 cm MRa 3
Vlasta Kodrikova born 1929, uhersky ostroh, czech republic died 2011, uhersky ostroh, czech republic
Colored pencil on paper 12.75 x 9 inches 32.4 x 22.9 cm VK 1
Karel HavlíCek born 1907, Berlin, germanY died 1988, Kadan, Czech republic
Zoon, 1970
Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.81 inches 42 x 30 cm KHav 16
Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.81 inches 42 x 30 cm KHav 20
Karel HavlíCek Zakuklený / Hooded, 1949 Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.81 inches 42 x 30 cm KHav 22
Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.81 inches 42 x 30 cm KHav 24
16.54 x 11.77 inches 42 x 29.9 cm KHav 28
Miroslav Tichý born 1926, Kyjov, CzecH REPUBLIC died 2011, Kyjov, CzecH REPUBLIC
Gelatin silver print 12.17 x 7.05 inches 30.9 x 17.9 cm MTi 50
Miroslav Tichý Untitled, 1960s-1980s Gelatin silver print 6 x 4.2 inches 15.2 x 10.7 cm MTi 48
MTi 19
silver print
silver print
MTi 24
Miroslav Tichý Untitled, 1960s-1980s Gelatin silver print 4.5 x 4.5 inches 11.4 x 11.4 cm MTi 42
Miroslav Tichý Untitled, 1960s-1980s Gelatin silver print 2.9 x 4.7 inches 7.4 x 11.9 cm MTi 18
František DymáCek born 1929 died 2003
František DymáCek Untitled, 1983 Ink on paper 12 x 14.25 inches 30.5 x 36.2 cm FDy 20
Cecilie Markova born 1911 Kyjov, Czech Republic died 1998 Kyjov, Czech Republic
Cecilie Markova Untitled, 1989 Pastel on paper 16.5 x 12 inches 41.9 x 30.5 cm CMa 4
z cyklu Kosmické radovánky - chaos + rád = vesmír / Cosmis pleasures - chaos + systém = cosmos, 2007 Colored print and China ink on paper 11.81 x 8.27 inches 30 x 21 cm JCev 2
Neukojená vesmírná liška zausující se do chvostu komety /Space greedy fox bites into the tail of a comet, 2007 China ink on paper 11.81 x 8.27 inches 30 x 21 cm JCev 1
Jaroslav cevora Slunovrat / Solstice, 2007 China ink on paper 11.81 x 8.27 inches 30 x 21 cm JCev 3
Nebeský Vincent plující oblohou a s ním poselství na planetu Zem / Havenly Vincent sails sky and brings a message on planet earth, 2007 China ink on paper 11.81 x 8.27 inches 30 x 21 cm JCev 4
Jaroslav cevora kosmické babí léto / cosmic indian summer, 2007 China ink on paper 11.81 x 8.27 inches 30 x 21 cm JCev 5
Jaroslav cevora Biologicko-pudní klony / biological-soil clone, 2005-2006 China ink on paper 8.27 x 11.81 inches 21 x 30 cm JCev 6
Eva Droppova born 1936, bratislava, slovakia
Untitled, circa 2005 Crayon, ink on paper 11.42 x 16.54 inches 29 x 42 cm EDr 5
Crayon, ink, pencil on paper 16.54 x 5.91 inches 42 x 15 cm EDr 4
Crayon, ink, pencil on paper 17.72 x 6.69 inches 45 x 17 cm EDr 3
Ota Prouza born 1959, Brtníky, Czech Republic
Graphite, crayon, ink on paper 70 x 11.81 inches 250 x 30 cm OtP 1
Ota Prouza Untitled, c. 2000-2015 Graphite, crayon, ink on paper 97.64 x 11.81 inches 248 x 30 cm OtP 4
Ota Prouza Untitled, c. 2000-2015 Pencil, crayon, marker, pen on paper 116.14 x 16.14 inches 295 x 41 cm OtP 11
Ota Prouza Untitled, c. 2000-2015 Pencil, crayon, marker, pen on paper 100.39 x 23.62 inches 255 x 60 cm OtP 16
Graphite, crayon, ink on paper 185.04 x 11.81 inches 470 x 30 cm OtP 7
Ota Prouza Untitled, c. 2000-2015 Graphite, crayon, ink on paper 113 x 8 inches 287 x 20.3 cm OtP 8
Zdenek Kosek born 1949, duchcov, czech republic died 2015, duchcoV, czech republic
Duben 1972, c. 1991 Ballpoint pen/ marker, paper 8.25 x 6 inches 21 x 15.2 cm ZKo 70
Zdenek Kosek Untitled, 1991 Ink, marker/paper 11.75 x 7.5 inches 29.8 x 19.1 cm ZKo 12
Zdenek Kosek Untitled, 1990-2000 Crayon, marker on paper
Zdenek Kosek Untitled, 1990-2000 Crayon, marker on paper
Zbynek Semerák born 1951, sumperk, czech republic died 2003, sumperk, czech republic
Untitled, circa 1992-1995 Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.5 inches 42 x 29.9 cm ZSe 28
Zbynek Semerák Untitled, circa 1992-1995 Pencil on paper 16.54 x 11.5 inches 42 x 29.9 cm ZSe 29
Luboš Plný born 1961, Czechoslovakia
Untitled, 2001 Ink, collage on paper 35.67 x 26 inches 90.6 x 66 cm LuP 71
born 1956, prerov, czech republic
Opus 303, Amerika Lokomotiva, n.d. Graphite, colored pencil/paper 22.5 x 73 inches 57.2 x 185.4 cm LWer 2
Josef Kotzian born 1889, CZECh republic died 1960, CZECh republic
Untitled, n.d. Colored pencil on paper 9.45 x 12.8 inches 24 x 32.5 cm JfK 1