centre for tranquility t h e ra p e u t i c A
// a i m // i n t e n t // j u s t i f i c a t i o n - w h y ? // a r c h i t e c t u ra l c h a l l e n g e s
sensory architecture
// To explore how architecture can inform healing or provide spaces and events where healing can take place. // We as human beings have an inner connection with our environ ment by physical, mental, emotional and spiritual means. This con nection can create a dynamic life that people can thrive in every aspect.
“ A r c h i t e c t u r e i s t h e a r t o f r e co n c i l i a t i o n b e t w e e n ourselves and the world, and this mediation takes p l a ce t h r o u g h t h e s e n s e s .” - J u h a n i Pa l l a s m a a
// To design an centre for tranquility that act as the space for well-being, self-sustained built environment that provokes mental and physical healing.
// To establish a relationship between healing, senses and architecture
// To understand the various elements of healing, by incorporating them into the built form
// To challenge the preconceived notion of healing centres // To learn and understand healing as a part of built environment // To create a holistic environment that restore and maintain the equilibrium between mind, body
// // // // // //
built-form c l o s e d s p a ce s thresholds o p e n s p a ce s f e n e s t ra t i o n s scale
// a y u r v e d a // yo g a // m e d i t a t i o n // n a t u r o p a t h y
// To understand the five elements of nature and five senses as a healing/ rejuvenating factors of healing environment
// From being the ‘science of life’, Ayurveda has become the ‘slice of life’ for many with the advent and positive growth of rejuvenation centers in the country. // Ayurveda recommends the means of prevention and treatment of various illness a well as preservation of health.
// Ayurveda is a system of natural healing that is originated in India some 5000 years ago in which the body and mind are seen as interplay of five great elements (space, air, water, earth, fire)
// s i g h t // t o u c h // h e a r i n g // s m e l l // t a s t e
s p a ce fire
// The proposed built-form helps to integrate these elements in harmony which creates equilibrium of physical health, mental clarity and emotional happiness.
l ra u ct ges e t n i ch alle r a ch
// To create an integrated environment where the physical and the mental healing takes place // To juxtapose the five elements of nature in to the built form // To explore sensory architecture in the built-form
// To design esteemed environment that provokes user’s self-esteem by offering them dignified built-environment // To integrate landscape as a major element in to the built-form // To integrate water as a main element of healing // Designing spaces accoring to the user behavioural patterns // Cautious designing of acoustics
// To explore the anti-ocular aspects of the architecture // Scheduling of vistas, to connect user to the nature
“The senses not only mediate information for the judgment of the intellect; they are also a means of igniting the imagination and of articulating s e n s o r y t h o u g h t .” - J u h a n i Pa l l a s m a a
Cayser hussain h 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 5 1 0 0 7 t e n t h
architectural design thesis [2015-2016] - AR2551
s e m e s t e r
marg institute of design and architecture swarnabhoomi [midas]