Please help keep our office and friends up-to-date by sharing recent information. Have you moved? Changed jobs? Been promoted? Received an award? Said, “I do”? Welcomed a new baby? If so, please send us the details and include your name, address, the year you graduated, telephone number and email address. Please identify individuals in photographs. Photographs will not be returned. Electronic photos must be in high resolution jpg, PDF or tif format, no smaller than 300 dpi and 3 x 3 inches or larger in size. Class Notes will be edited for length and style. Class Notes does not publish information relative to promoting your business.
Send the information to: Shari Whitaker, Alumni Relations, 22 Sullivan Street, Cazenovia, NY 13035. Or email Thank you!
Judith Sterrett Limehouse ’66 writes, “I got married for the first time September 22, 2016 and am loving it. My husband and I are both retired and live in the Charleston, SC area, where we spend as much time as possible riding our sweet, gentle Mustang, “Chappy.”
we have been. Thanks to Zoom and Facebook, we have been able to remain in close contact with our two sons and daughter, plus their spouses, along with our eight grandchildren, who are all growing up much too quickly. We now spend most of our time in Jupiter, FL, where it has been easy to enjoy outdoor activities. When not in Florida, we return to our home in Rye, NY. For those of you who missed our Class of ’70 Zoom Reunion, you missed out on a lot of fun! I hope you will join us June 11-12 for the virtual Reunion. Plans include a Tea with the Class of 1970 and 1971. I hope many of you will plan to join us to share memories, laughter, friendships of old!”
Leland and Nancy Nation Paton ’70
Nancy Nation Paton ’70 writes, “Well...2020 was very different and challenging for us, like everyone else! Sadly, because of the Pandemic, even our eagerly awaited Cazenovia College’s 50th Reunion was postponed. But, fortunately, everyone in our family has remained well and we continue to count our blessings as we realize how fortunate 22
Cazenovia College Magazine: Winter/Spring 2021
Beverly Uphouse Cunningham, Janet Willingham Enders, Christine Thilman Lotierzo, Scottie O’Toole, Barbara King Smoot, Lindy Englehart Steinbrecker, Marg Lenge Weaver write, “Class of 1971! Save the Date - June 11-12 and join us online for Reunion 2021. Although we can’t celebrate our 50th honored Reunion in person, we have the opportunity to meet virtually. Plans include a Class of 1971 reception and a combined Tea with the Class of 1970. Do you remember your Big Sister?! We look forward to “seeing” you in June.”
Susan Hornacek Daley ’78 is retiring after 40 years of public service as deputy director of the Albany County Department of Mental Health.
Wendy-Jo Johnson ’79 writes, “My nonprofit, Age of Awareness ( supplies schools in Africa with teaching and learning materials.”
Lorinda Young O’Brien ’81 is a retired teacher who works as a literacy coach for the Reading League.
Lori Oostdyk Duff ’84 writes, “I am celebrating a recent promotion to assistant racing secretary (Thoroughbred racing) at Fairmount Park in Collinsville, IL (just outside of St. Louis, MO). Having been a racing official for 20 years and trained racing Thoroughbreds for 16 years before that, I’m really looking forward to this exciting opportunity!”
JUNE 11-12