Christian Brothers' College, Fremantle Conducted by THE CHRISTIAN BROTHERS
Patron: His Grace, the Most Reverend William Foley, D.D.
Christian Brothers Provincial Executive: Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev. Rev.
Br. Br. Br. Br. Br.
G.G. Faulkner, B.A., L.R.S., Provincial J.R. Carrigg, M.A., Dip.R.Ed., M.A.C.E., M.Ed.Admin., Deputy Provincial M. V. Flaherty, M.A., B.A., Dip.Ed. Adelaide, Dip.Ed.Counselling, S.A. M.P. McAppion, B.A., Dip.R.Ed., M.A.C.E. K.E. Johns, B.A., Dip.Ed., Dip.R.Ed., M.A.C.E.
College Administration: Principal: Deputy Provincial Senior School: Deputy Principal Junior School: Master-in-Charge Middle School: Religious Education Co-ordinator: Alternative Course Co-ordinator: English Co-ordinator: Manual Arts Co-ordinator: Mathematics Co-ordinator: Science Co-ordinator: Social Studies Co-ordinator: CHAPLAINS:
Rev. Br. P.B. Kelly Mr. P. Reid Mr. D. McKirdy Mr. R. Rose'Meyer Rev. Br. P.J. St. John Mr. K. Owens Miss P. Carroll Mr. O. Leembruggen Mrs. B. Stacey Mr. B. Doran Miss P. Cummings Fr. M. Davis, Fr. B. Harris, Fr. D. Barker, Fr. B. Whitely, Fr. J. Mullins, Fr. J . Parkinson, Fr. J. Chauncey, Fr. L. Keating, Fr. G. Humphries
Teaching Staff: Mr. R. Alexander, Mr. B. Crawford, Miss G. D'Uva, Mrs. O. Ellis, Mr. P. Flynn, Mr. C. Garratt, Br. S. Harnett, Miss M. Healy, Mr. M. Hendon, Br. M. Lalor, Mrs. N. Lovelock, Mrs. L. Maurich, Mrs. S. Posner, Mr. P. Raven, Mr. G. Ravell, Miss K. Scantlebury, Mr. S. Stack, Mr. A. Sta Maria, Mr. A. Stevens, Br. E. Travers, Mr. M. Van Dongen, Mr. D. Winsor. Accounts Secretary: Secretarial Staff: Counsellor: Canteen: Guidance Officer: Laboratory Assistant: Librarian: Assistant Librarian: Library Assistant: Home Liaison Officer: Maintenance Officer: Ancillary Staff: Music Masters: Sportsmaster: Magazine Editor: Student Council: Parents & Friends:
Mrs. J . Jacobs Mrs. K. Hamilton, Mrs. F. Peterson Br. B.T. Murphy Mrs. R. Croll, Mrs. C. Ryan Mr. J. James Mr. J. Hortense Mrs. T. Letizia Mrs. E. Smith Mrs. J. Allanson Mrs. M. Faria Mr. B. Dachtler Mrs. G. Nardi, Mr. G. Mascaro Mr. U. Stengel, Mr. L. Grigson, Miss L. Harvey Mr. G. Chinen Mr. P. Flynn, Co-editor, Mr. S. Stack President, Mauro Mucciacciaro Mrs. B. Gavin, President Mrs. R. Croll, Secretary Mr. R. Miles, Vice President Mrs. L. Ottaviano, Treasurer
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The decision in late 1983 to transfer the Year 8 boys from Ellen Street, to Tuckfield Street, was probably the most significant factor influencing the life of e.B.e. in 1984. Every school strives to preserve its identity and its pecular characteristic, and this desire proved a major assignment for the staff at Tuckfield Street. Of the two hundred and fifty students on the Junior Campus, one hundred and sixty were "new boys". Of the twelve staff stationed on the Junior Campus only one had been at e.B.e. Fremantle for more than two years. We had to embark on a remodelled timetable and we had to adapt the administration to deal with a e.B.e. almost unrecognisable from what had become accepted for almost half a century. Even while trying to cope with the problem of relocation the staff were conscious of the next big change which they would soon have to face - The Beazley and McGaw Report Implementation. Yet despite all this 1984 has now passed and in summary it is possible to say that not only did the school cope, but it coped very well. Certainly this is a tribute to the dedication of staff, the complete support of parents and the high standard of co-operation of the students. The "growing-pains" we spoke about in anticipation last year, made their presence felt at times, but they only inspired greater endeavour by all to ensure that the project succeeded. My sincere thanks to all for a great effort. Tuckfield Street, is now poised to advance in many ways in 1985 as a result of the labours of 1984. We look forward to a year during which many of the Beazley suggestions will be seriously implemented so as to gain the maximum advantages available for our students who are in a unique situation in a Years 5-8 Campus. Probably the most significant event for staff development in 1984 was the three day conference at Clontarf at the commencement of term two . No single event did as much to unite staff and give them a definite direction than did the study of the new Religious Education Guidelines during those three days. What made the three day inservice so successful was the absolute support which we received from the parent body. It is important to state clearly that the process has only just started. In 1985 staff will be expected to study the next two booklets in the developing R.E. Programme for schools in the Perth Archdiocese. For the school to gain the maximum benefit from the New R.E. Guidelines it is essential that parents get involved in the learning process. This can be done by attending parent group discussions within the school. 1985 will see e.B.e. embark on educational process with a changed emphasis. Seven new subjects have been added to the usual sixteen which were offered at Year 11 in the past. This is to cater for the greater number of boys staying on at school after Year 10. In 1959 only 53% of the school age population stayed on to complete Year 10, or as it was known then, the Junior Certificate. In 1969 it was 87%, and in 1984 it was 99%. During the same period the
retention rate for Year 12 has risen from 16% in 1959 to an estimated 65% in 1984. The trend in the next few years will be for the 65% to increase to 80%. It is absolutely essential that education is made as meaningful as possible for the greater proportion of this increased population. The key word in all this educational change is CURRICULUM. Simply, the word means, every experience a student encounters in his educational process. It means far more than just the syllabus for the various subjects. The onus of the educational experience is not the prerogative only of the school administration and its teachers. Every effort is made to involve parents, students and local community in the development of our e.B.e. Curriculum. The C.B.e. Task Force Report published before the Beazley and McGaw Reports preempted many of the recommendations. I say this, not in a sense of "One-Up-Manship" but to acknowledge the educational vitality that exists within our own school community. The stage is set for us at C.B.e. to develop our own peculiar curriculum which will satisfy the needs of our students. The responsibility lies with the school administration to make available the opportunity for all relevant bodies to participate in developing the curriculum. The challenge lies with each individual to avail of the opportunities. These opportunities will come in the form of Parent Teacher Meetings, Parents and Friends Meetings, Seminars and Discussion Nights with invited Guest Speakers. Much has been done in recent years to encourage boys staying in Year II to do courses which are an alternative to the T.A.E. as not all want a Tertiary Entrance qualification. First Aid, Domestic Science, Typing, Advanced Woodwork, Motor ' Mechanics, Craft, and various Link Courses have been developed for our students. In 1984 our AUS (Alternative Upper School) students were probably our proudest possession. They entered wholeheartedly into the various courses designed by our staff. They benefitted greatly from the support and
guidance given them by their parents and particularly by Mr. Owens and Mr. James. By their application they made the programme a success and they have helped us to plan what we feel is a most worthwhile course for nearly forty Year II students who will be doing courses other than T AE courses in 1985. 1984 has been most satisfying because it brought its challenges and we as a school community have faced squarely the challenges. I have referred to the challenge of the enlarging Tuckfield Campus; the challenge thrown out by the Beazley and McGaw Reports and the challenges to update our R.E. Programme. I have summarised these with the one challenging word CURRICULUM. Now the challenge is ours to take advantage of the situation in 1985 . We can initiate change that is advantageous to ourselves. As I said in the 1982 report "Changes can be difficult to live through". I add now that changes can be enjoyable and satisfying if they are developed from within rather than imposed from without. In 1982 I quoted this passage from the Schooling for 15 and 16 year-olds - School Commission Report 1980, in relation to change, "This process of adaptation is initiated and sustained by the total school community, essentially, students, parents, teachers, school principal and the wider community of the school's community". I
also added from the same report that, "The test of an adaptive school is the degree to which its practices change to meet the needs of the students". I take this opportunity to thank the Parents and Friends Association for the great support it has given the school under the leadership of its pre~ident Mrs. Gavin. I thank the numerous mothers who have been so involved as Class Mothers or assistants to Class Mothers, or as helpers in the Canteen or in Reading Programmes. My sincere thanks to the dedica ted staff of e. B. e. They work untiringly. Their task is not a job but obviously a vocation. I congratulate the students on being open and friendly and despite the enlarging school they have maintained a typical e.B.e. Fremantle character. It is our hope that those students who are leaving the school accept their responsibility as Christians and as past pupils of this Catholic School, to go out into the world to do the Lord's work and to spread His good news. I wish the Peace of Christ to come to all families during the holy season of Christmas. Br. P.B. Kelly (Principal)
STAFF SENIOR SCHOOL Back Row: B. Murphy, K. Owens, B. Crawford, G. Chinen . Third Row: U. Stengel, M. Lalor, J. James, C. Garrett, B. Ooran, E. Travers, A. Stevens. Second Row: G. Mascaro, O. Leembruggen, S. Stack, P. Croll, K. Hamilton, T. Letizia, J. Jacobs, P. Carroll, P. St. John, J. Hortense, M. Hendon. Front Row: K. Scantlebury, B. Stacey, O. Ellis, L. Maurich , P. Reid , P. Kelly , R. Rosemeyer, M . Healy, M. Faria, J. Allanson , G. O'Uva.
S.R.C. Back Row: J. Tri antopou los, G. Harrington , R. Miles, D. Ziegelaar. Second Row: G. Ferna ndez, T . McDermott, M. Cox, A. Rizzo, S. Chapple, M. Ayres. Front Row: T . Pereira, M . Potger, M. Mucciacciaro, Mr. P. Reid , S. Grimminck, N. D'Ulisse, A . Ross.
ADMINISTRATION Our Administration area caused much amusement when the North Walls fell apart owing to dampness. When the builder finally finished the repairs six months later, we began to resume our normal busy way of life. The Administration Staff at both campuses have worked in harmony and made the Administration task easier for all concerned .
OFFICE STAFF Fay Peterson , Joan Jacobs, Kath Hamilton.
v.c.s. Back Row: Alfonso Scalise, Tony Rizzo, Gavin Croll, Kevin Grljusich, Robert Neesham , Derek Ziegelaar, Peter Fruzhenski , Sandro Mosole. Second Row: Miss D'Uva, Sean Cosgriff, Paul Gazeley, Preston Anderson, Paul Driver, Stephen Clynk, Robert Rowles , Andrew Mitchell , Sean Fudge, Glen Fernandez, Mrs. Letizia. Front Row: Mark Waters, Giuglio Binetti, Matthew Fahie, Joe Garces, Dean Bennett, Brett Vinc i, Peter Ricci , Marc Vinci , Glen Horne.
THE RESTORATION OF THE FOURTEEN STATIONS OF THE CROSS. 1984 received the Stations of the Cross in March 1984. They had been re-donated to the College from the Tuckfield Street School. The Headmaster, Brother KeIly decided to install the Stations of the Cross in the new EIlen Street Chapel and so it was decided that I should restore them . Because oftheir Antiquity the condition of the Stations was extremely fragile and therefore great care and consideration had to go into the preparation of the Restoration. After a holiday in April 1984 I began to plan to start work early in May. I always study before hand and really "get to know" my subject before commencing work. I quickly realised that each panel, although obviously over a century old, had the potential to reveal great beauty and pathos, and so, with my usual prayer, for guidance, I started my work. AIl the 14 panels were damaged in some way, number X was completely broken in half, the columns (either side) non-existent and Christ's body badly damaged, as were other figures in the panels. Each of the panels had Scroll work on the surrounding frame work broken and pieces missing in which case I had to sculpture in plaster an.d in pattern in otder to make each identical to the others. Before commencing the work each panel had to be brushed -dean and where necessary, the back of each gently washed. Each then was re-plastered and painted. With a panel now on my easel I started the serious work of bringing back the colour and full potentiality to these panels ~ o ably designed by an unknown artist so many
years ago. At this stage, I resculptured in plaster any missing parts taking great care to follow the patterns of each surro und. Then care too in mixing just the right tones for each figure and background thus creating colours of almost Renaissance tones, and to achieve these colours I used good quality oil paints which were my medium . Frequent intervals between the various stages of work were necessary to allow time for the plaster, paint and varnish to dry and this required a period of six months, from early May to early October, the time I needed to restore the work. I feel privileged to have been able to restore these Stations of the Cross and that in doing so may help others to follow the story of Christ's ordeal which these panels so poignantly reveal. Kathleen E. Hyde
Mauro Mucciacciaro 1977, Our Lad y of Fatima, Palmyra, Head Boy 1984, S.RC. , AC.C. Soccer, Cricket, Tricolore Soccer Club, Phoenix Cricket.
Deane Brown 1980, St. Vincent's Primary, Medina, Antioch, Kwinana Squash Club.
Shane Grimminck 1980, Star of the Sea, Rockingham, S.RC. (Deputy Head), Swimming, Football , Tennis (Captain) (Open Champion), Baldivis Tennis Club Antioch .
Tony Catalano 1977, St. Jerome's, Spearwood, A.C.C. Cricket, AC.C. Soccer (Reserve), Dante Alighieri Award, Football Captain, Indoor Cricket, Soccer (Delmatinac).
Kenneth Chin 1983, Tshung Tsin Secondary School , East Malaysia, Basketball .
Martin Cox 1983, St. Gregory's Kenton, England, S.R.C., A.C.C. Basketball , Fremanile Rookies Football Club
James Cunningham 1977, lona Primary, Football , A.C.C. Cross Country, A.C.C. Athletics.
Paul De Vos 1976, St. Vincent's Primary, Medina, Photography.
Nicola D'ulisse 1977, Our Lady of Fatima, S.RC. , Year 9,10 & 11 Cricket and Soccer State Schoolboys Squad, East Fremantle Tricolore Soccer Club (Captain) .
Salvatore Fiorentino 1980, East Hamilton Primary School, AC.C . Cricket, A .C.C. Football, Chemistry Quiz Award , Dante Alighieri Award , Indoor Cricket (Captain) , C.B.C. Old B oys Cricket , C.B.C. Sunday Football .
Peter Fruzynski 1977, Christ the King , St. Patrick's, Y.C.S., Motor Car Club, Athletics, Cross Country, Foo tball, Basketball.
Tony Giglia 1981 , South Fremantle Senior High School , A.C.C. Cricket , Football , Basketball , School State football team 1978, Dante Alighieri Exams (Distinction), Southern Port Football Club (premierships)
Joe Garces 1977, St. Patrick's, Fremanile, Y.C.S., A.C.C. Cricket, AC.C . Hockey, C.B.C. Old Boys Cricket Clu b
Giuseppe Graziano 1977, St. Patrick's School , Frem antle, Y.C .S. Year II , Debating Year 12, Community Service - Door Knocking, AC.C. Cricket, Drama (Santa Maria).
Paullanello 1977, St. Patrick's Primary , Frem anile, Cheer Squad for Swi mming , Cricket, Footba ll , Cockburn Squash Club, C.B.C. Old Boys Cricket.
Peter Jervis 1980, Star of the Sea Primary, Rockingham , A.C.C . Football (Captain) , Swimming , . Athletics, Cricket.
Jamie Martley 1980, Star of the Sea Primary School, Rockingh am, A.C.C. . Cross Country , AC.C. Swimming, A .C .C. Soccer, A.C.C. Athletics.
.' ,
Finbarr McCloskey 1980, St. Jeromes, Cricket, Hockey, Athletics.
Russell Mathanda 1976, St. Patrick's Primary, Fremantle, Athletics, Cricket, Football , Melvi lle Athletics Club.
Mario Petrone 1977, Our Lady of Fatima, Palmyra, Senior Debating , S.R.C. , Spectrum, School Annual , Senior Cricket, Captain Senior Soccer.
Wayne Pluske 1977, Carawatha Primary, Debating, Public Speaking , Cricket, Hockey (Captain).
James Sgh erza 1977: 1983, Our Lady of Fatima, Palmyra, John Curtin S.H.S., Football , Swimming, East Fremantle J.F.C.
Sean Sicree 1980, Our Lady of Fatima, Captain of Swimming Team , AC.C. Football , AC.C. Athletics, Fairest & Best U / 17 Football , Senior Boy Swimming Champion, Cross Country Team , State Water Polo Team selected in Western Australian Institute of Sport, East Fremantle Yacht Club, Melville Water Polo Club.
Sean Ward 1977, tona Primary, Mosman Park, A .C .C . Cricket, A.C.C . Football , Subiaco Small bore Rifle Club, Fremantle Rifle Club. .
David P. (Gidave!) Nolan 1977, Our Lady 01 Fatima, Palmyra, Debating. inaugural SAC. , Public Speaking , Cricket , Ath letics, Football, Melville Cricket Club.
Edmund Anthony Purves 1981 , St. Columba 's, England , Basketball (Captain). Soccer (Premiers), Ath letics, Community Service, Melville Allemania Soccer Club.
Robert Tagliaferri 1977, Our Lady 01 Fatima, Palmyra, Hockey.
Derek Wojciech owski 1982, General Sikorski Colleg e, Pol and, Soccer, Netball.
David Payne 1980 Star 01 the Sea Primary, School, Rockingham , Cricket . Hockey, Rockingham Antioch Group leader.
Ashley Pether 1983, Wanneroo Sen ior High School , Car Club, AC.C. Cricket , A.C.C. Football, Swimming , Living Water Skin Diving Club.
Noet Raymond 1981 (Year Nine), Therry College , Broadmeadows, Victoria, C ricket (Captain) , Hockey (Vice-Captain). C.B.C. Old Boys Cricket Club , Xavier Hockey Club.
Antonio Rizzo 1980, Bungaree Primary School, Y.C.S. , S.R.C. Debating, Edito'r fo r Spectrum , Photography Club, Hockey (Weekend) in Yea r 10 and 9, Dan te Alighieri Italian Examination (Junior and Senior), Air Cadets (1982-83)
An thony G. Tarkka 1976. Our Lady 01 Mount Carmel , Athletics, Air T.C., Archery (Fremantl e City Archery Club). V. W.'s, Skin Diving , Cycling .
John Triantopoulos 1982, C.B.C . We lkom South Alrica, S.R.C.
Stephen YII 1983, Sacred Heart Secondary School , Sibu , Sarawak, East Malaysia , Basketball.
ANNUAL SCHOOL BALL On July 13th 1984 C.B.C. had its Inaugural Annual School Ball. It was prepared by Senior Students who through a Committee put forward all ideas. Getting the go-ahead for almost everything, the boys set up a group to prepare all aspects of the ball from the decorations to the hall, preparation of food, music, photographs to the flower arrangements. A lot of assistance was given by Mrs. Croll, Mrs. Gavin, Miss Scantlebury, Mrs. Letizia. Many mothers kindly helped in the kitchen and supplied supper. Although the selling of tickets was astonishing in the Year 12 class (obvious T.A.E. pressure) the two Year II classes seemed a little unsure. But full credit to everyone for the attendance, attitude and spirit was fantastic on the night. Many obstacles were faced during the preparation and this was expected as this was our first attempt to organise a ball, but most were overcome with the help of many people. Many thanks to the Principal of the School, Br. Kelly for his ino btrusive help from the very beginning. I'm sure that in the near future better and bigger things will happen in this important area of our social "Tradition". Mario Petrone
BALL COMMITTEE Back Row: Mauro Mucciaciaro, Shane Grimminck, Nino Dulisse. Front Row: Mario Petrone, Ms. K. Scantlebury, James Sgherza.
Mrs. Croll with her cauldron.
One of the more lively participants.
"Old Boy" John Pluske got so carried away he spoke for6 minutes over the time.
Some excitement was experienced late in third term when one of the Year 12's car caught fi re - towed by Mark Waterhouse (Kimbers).
The student team Wayne Pluske, David Nolan , Tony Rizzo found their opposition amusing . Thetopic was " without girls C.B.C. will have a bleak future" .
YEAR11R Back Row: Nick Law, Derek Ziegelaar, Kevin Grljusich , Peter Martinis, Stephen Clynk , Hendrik Heydam , Sandro Mosole. Second Row: Matthew McDowall , Paul Driver, Gregory Harrington , Bill Miller, Peter Radonich, Nick Wells, Stephen Chapple. Front Row: Vincent Glen , David James, Paul Gazely, Luke Drozdowski, James McQuillam , Robert Palmiero, Leigh Bydder, Peter Ricci. Teacher: Mr. P. Reid.
YEAR 115 Back Row: Mark Lewis, Robert Rowles, Peter Bianchi , Robert Neesham , Paul Fahie, Joe Zappavigna, Brett Fitzpatrick. Second Row: Jamie Wilkie, Matthew McCormick, Michael Leahy, Craig Greig , Danny Dolzadelli, Gavin Croll : Front Row: Alfonso Scalise, Glenn Fernandez, Bradford Simpson , Dominic Milbourne, John Cappel uti , Joe Desousa. Teacher: Brother P. St. John .
YEAR 11 ALTERNATIVE Back Row: Joe De Ornelas, Bradley Courtney, Martin Brady, Ivan Jokovich , Sean Fudge. Front Row: Umberto Pittorino, Bradley Tate Lovery. Teacher: K.G. Owens.
YEAR 10R Back Row: Simon Rowlands, Sean Cosgriff, Matthew Wood , Stephen Della Bona, Drew Brown, Paul Kelly , Kerrian Devlin . Third Row: -Troy Jinman , Paul Farrell, Colin Dias, Andre Parker, Matthew Tinley, Michael Belstead , Jamie¡ Paterson , Selwyn Lipscombe. Second Row: Eamonn Gavin, Adam Baker, Andrew Dunne, Claude Carrello, Tony Morolia, James !-jail , Mark Hullett, Mark Weldon, Anthony Thomas. Front Row: Giulio Binetti , Brian Croll , TrevorTemmen , Anthony Scagliotta, Damon Angelatos , Peter Wilkins , Kevin Fernandez, Gerard Vinci. Teacher: Mr. Rose'Meyer.
YEAR10G Back Row: Royce Goodall , Garry Burton, Glen Shilvock, Andrew Finucane, Joshua Incerpi , Robert Mascaro, Terry McDermott. Third Row: Peter Crocker, Stuart Temby, Andrew Mitchell, David McAullay, Anthony Mancini , Bradley Hicks, Daniel Coli ova, Wayne Hoban , Paul Cattalini. Second Row: Dino Goncalves, John Corriea, Martin Kerrigan , Gavin Richards, Andrew Petterson, Mark Dalton, Dean Whittle, Patrick Ryan, David Fox. Front Row: Jon Field, Matthew Fahie, Stephen Devos, Frank Lamacchia, Michael Tommizzi, David Vikan, Mark Vinci, Glen Horne. Teacher: Mr. C. Garratt.
YEAR10S Back Row: Lester Maher, Brett Kaye , Brendan Bradley, Mark Walsh , Patrick Morgan , Preston Anderson , 'Michael Pollock. Third Row: Angelo Portelli , Dean Bennett, Luciano Ottaviano, Trevor Demarchi , Nick O'Donnell, Sean Malone, Stephen Higgins. Second Row: Michael eurton , Claudio Carrello, Simon Arrowsmith , Roberto Desousa, Ken Rana, Brett Vinci, Alex Porwell , Joel Regan , Anthony Yerkovich. Front Row: Andrew Ross, Alan Underwood, Damian Cronin , John Texeria, Richard Norton , Michael Waters, Aaron Cominelli, Donal Cunningham. . . Teacher: G.S. Stack.
YEAR 9E Back Row: Ricky Rodrigues, Carlo Cappa, Michael Stone, Matthew Martinovich , Giovanni Panizza, Jamie Hubble, Tony Pereira, Pau l Grisewood, Jason Mackie. Third Row: Daiiid Fobrogo, Tim Hancock, Dolrech Dias, Michael Cooper, Sean Atkinson , Angelo Squeo, Michael Favazzo , Franco Mascaro . Second Row: Justin Hughes, Wayne Marshall , Carmelo Zagami, Adam Connolly, Sergio Perez, Brett lanello, Michae l Mu lrennan, Jonathan Sharkey. Front Row: Terry La Pegna, Jeremy Ortin , Patrick Doust, Francis Sgherza, Craig Talbot, Colin Young , Wesley Davies, Bryn Regan. Teacher: Glenn Chinen . .
YEAR 9L Back Row: Vince Scagliotta, Tim O' Donnell, Peter Wall , Allan Hindmarch , Douglas Harvey, Steven Ucich, lain Parkinson . Third Row: Dean Buonvecchi , Wayne Grlusich, David Messer, David Jakovich, Marcus Ayres , Dwain Regan, Andrew Zappavigna, Aaron Hickey, John Forster. Second Row: Joseph Tedesco, Craig Everall , Liam Cowman, Dean Grose, Daniel Lawrence, Anthony Hines, John Ortin , Michael Brion , Lawrence Halden. Front Row: Paul Magalad, Sean Walsh , Paul Neesham , David Grbavac, Andrew Harding , Michael Kelly , Maurice Raffa, Mark Glen . Teacher: Brother Michael Lalor.
YEAR 98 Back Row: Dom Iacono, Nick Cinalli , Marco Faccin , Patrick Malone, David Reynolds. Third Row: Dean Favazzo, Randal Humich , Shane Parnell , Richard Miles, Marc Potger, Fabrizio Rizzo . Second Row: James McVeigh, Matthew Dalzeil , James Voitkevich, Glen Dunkerton , Paul McLeod , Paschal McCloskey, Guy Decastro, Sunny Chan , Patrick Jockovich . . Front Row: Shannon Regan , Andrew Wells, Edward Neesham , Nathan Ryan , Justin Fahie, Vincent Carrello, Greg Clynk , Peter Newman , Jason Finlay-Notman. Teachers: Ms. K. Scantlebury, Mr. B. Crawford.
SENIOR DEBATING Back Row: Pauline Carroll, Paul Fahie, David Nolan, Wayne Pluske, Mrs. T. Letizia. Front Row: Jamie Wilkie, Tony Rizzo, Mario Petrone.
JUNIOR DEBATING Back Row: Ms. K. Scantlebury, Damon Angelatos , Paul McLeod , Bradley Hicks, Richard Miles, Glen Shilvock, Stewart Temby, Mrs. T. Letizia. Front Row: Peter Newman, Michael Stone, Dean Grose, Paschal McCloskey , Andrew Ross.
The boys arranged a special Mass doing it in their own unimitable style, Sr. St. John concluded with some words about the work the boys had done on the camp.
Year 12s on route to their Jarrahdale camp - David Nolan , Mario Petrone and Joe Garces in the foreground.
Th'e boys stayed in cabins at Jarrahdale,
THE IT ALlAN SCENE This year everyone in Year 8 was given the opportunity to study Italian. The discipline in learning a language is beneficial as this can only broaden the student's outlook. It has been given greater acknowledgement with the implementation of the Beazley / McGa w reports on Education, and is in the Humanities category for the T .A.E. For students with ambivalent tertiary intentions it can be an intrinsically interesting subject and quite different to the Quantitative/ Science group. After all it is communication and very useful in any career students wish to pursue. The Dante Alighieri exams organised each year was attempted by ten of our students on a Saturday morning. About 700 entries were received this year by the Dante Alighieri Society of W.A. Congratulations to Luke Drozdowski for his excellent performance in the Senior Division where he received a prize. Senior Division: Luke Drozdowski (Distinction), Mauro M ucciacciaro (Distinction), Tony Rizzo (Distinction), Giuseppe Graziano (Distinction), Anthony Catalano (Distinction), Mario Petrone (Distinction) and Shane Grimminck (Pass). Junior Division: Luciano Ottaviano (Distinction), Joseph Ranallo (Pass) and Frank La Macchia (Pass). The Italian play organised by the W .A. Italian Teachers "I Nipoti del Sindaco" was thoroughly enjoyed by families from C B.C who attended the Dolphin Theatre at the University of W.A. The Italian Film Event held at the Windsor Theatre, Nedlands in October was well attended and enjoyed by families from CB.C. The films "Cammina Cammina" by Ormanni Olmi and "E la nave va" by Fellini had a most profound impact on the audience who enjoyed the intelligence and eloquence of the epoch-making contact
between speculation and belief. The exemplary ideas created a state of potentiality of inner harmony pulling in different directions the immutable truth. The annual Italian Camp was held in Sorrento with many schools participating. It was a weekend embracing culture, lessons, social activities and the highlight on Saturday night being a dance with a "Hollywood" theme . All the Year 12 Italian class and the exchange student attended this si¡gnificant event in a relaxed atmosphere and environment. In June the Year 10 Italian class dined out for lunch at the elegant "Mamma Madera's" in a formal manner and treated with first class service and food. This outing provided another dimension to the students outlook in Italian cuisine and everyone enjoyed themselves. In August the Year 9 Italian class attended the trendy modern "Bistro" at Garden City, Booragoon where they were all treated to an informal lunch and provided with entertainment by a most enterprising guitarist who left quite a profound impact. The endless varieties of food served daintily and hospitality in cordial surroundings made everyone jovial and happy. In October the Year 12 Italian class had an "Italian afternoon for T .A.E. exam preparation" at the University of W.A. This was an epoch making event and all the students benefited from this experience. This was highlighted with lunch on the campus. The atmosphere embracing was an elevation of sentiment and palpitating with strong communicative personal feeling. The afternoon was an active principle of intellection intermingling in various proportions. As an end to the year, CB.C Italian students would like to wish everyone "Auguri per un Santo Natale ed un prosperoso e felice anno nuovo". (Translated: Wishes for a Holy Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year.)
Students from Years 10 and 12 who participated in the Dante Alighieri examination.
EXCHANGE STUDENT This year the Exchange Student from Italy came from Parma which is situated in the historic Po Valley in the region of Emilia-Romagna. This region has produced at least a third of all famous Italians such as Marconi Wireless, T orricelli - Barometer, Verdi - Opera, F ellini - Film Director etc. In Italy he attends a classical type high school where he is studying Greek, Latin, English and Italian. During his 10 week stay, the Shilvock family hosted Francesco Ravasini. Sincere thanks to them for their modest Australian hospitality. At c.B.e. Francesco attended mainly Years 10-12 classes. This experience enabled him to make a
comparison between the two systems of education. He saw other schools during his stay and the University of W.A. and W.A.I.T. He also attended a camp at Sorrento and was invited out by many families and friends from e.B.e. This proved to be a valuable educational illld social experience. Many thanks to everyone for their kind hospitality. A special thanks to Br. Kelly for allowing the programme to take place in the school. Glenn Shilvock (Year 10) has been selected by the W.A. Association Committee of Intercultura to be one of a group of W.A. representatives to go to Italy in December. We wish him a Bon V oyage and a happy learning from his trip. Mrs. L. Maurich
(From left to right): Glenn Shilvock (C. B.C. Exchange Student), Exchange Student Co-ordinator Mrs. Maurich and Francesco Ravasini (Exchange Student from Italy).
ROSTRUM Youth Speaks for Australia In April 1984, the Junior debaters from Year 9 took part in a plain English speaking competition, presented by Rostrum. The contestants had to speak for six minutes with a warning bell at four minutes. The contestants had a variety of topics to choose from and prepare a speech. These were: What would you have done? To Be or Not to Be. Science Magic The adjudicators from Rostrum, searching for hidden talent, decided that of the speakers, Richard Miles would go through to compete in further heats. Unfortunately, he went no further, but congratulations to him for a gallant attempt. Thanks go to all of the other contestants for their hard w.ork and fine efforts.
YEAR 9 CHEMISTRY TEST On Wednesday, the 25th July, the Year 9 advanced science class competed in the UNIPAC Chemistry Quiz. The quiz was a statewide competition and mainly comprised of short puzzles. I found it to be very difficult, but challenging. After the test was finished we all received 3 stickers which said "What in the world isn't chemistry", the slogan for the competition, and a sheet which had all the chemical symbols on it. Andrew Harding (Year 9L)
COMMUNITY SERVICE "Community Service". Over the past year many students from Years 9 to 12 have been involved helping those less able members of our local community. About 60 Year 9 students have worked in groups of 6-8 each fortnight, helping the old people with their lunch time Bingo and 'Singa long' in the Church Hall in High Street, Fremantle. A large group of Year 10 students have worked in a daily lunchtime roster to help layout tables and clear up at the St. Patrick's Care Centre. Br. Hennick has greatly appreciated the help of the boys in coping with about 100 meals a day. The Year II Alternative students worked at the St. Vincent de Paul in cleaning and restoring old gas and electric cookers which were to be given to needy families. The Year 10, II and 12 students have been very generous of their time and support together with Mr. Rose'Meyer, Mr. Reid, Ms. Cummings and Mr. Stack in collecting for various charities throughout the year. The
charities collections which included doorknocks and a can were for the following good causes; Red Shield Appeal, Red Cross, St. Vincent de Paul, Paraplegics, Knights of the Southern C r oss Homes for the Aged, Freedom from Hunger and Austcare. Year 12 students despite their pressure of academic commitments have been very active in all these appeals as well as being rostered for 'scout duties' round the school and on the Ellen Street crossing. P. Rodarich and D.O. Dolzadelli, Year 11 students, worked on a Leadership weekend and received awards for their contribution to the course as well as sharing their experiences with other Year 11 students. From the variety community involvement whether it is individual effort or as a group we can truly say there is a good spirit of community awareness in our school. P . Reid (Co-ordinator Community Service)
Year 9 students at old peoples Bingo in the Church of Christ Hall.
P. Wilkins, A. Ross, A. Porwell B. Vinci, D. Angelatos, S. Higgins, Br. Hennick, Mr. P. Reid At St. Patrick 's Care Centre.
MATHS COMPETITION During National Maths Week which fell this year from August 5th-10th the Maths Department at e.B.e. organised three competitions. None of these were aimed at the mathematically able students, in fact both the Slogan and Limerick Competition for the seniors and the Poster Competition for the Juniors were designed to encourage all students in these levels to participate. The only condition made was that some mathematical content, or reference to mathematics was essential. The Problem Solving Competition which featured in the daily bulletin was more demanding in a mathematical sense, but not beyond the ability of an average maths student who was prepared to give some thought to the problems. The standard of entries in both the senior and junior divisions was good, and as usual it was difficult to choose the winner in the latter section. This was the first time there has been a senior division in the competition, and while no one except Mr. Reid attempted a limerick (and very good it was too), there were some clever slogans entered. The entries for this division were judged on overall presentation, mathematical content and an effective play on words.
The posters in the junior division were judged on eye catching ability, overall presentation and mathematical content. As well as a first prize there were three highly commended certificates presented for this section and a special prize awarded to the best year eight entry The overall winner of the competition was Stephen Yii (Year 12) who not only submitted an excellent poster but was runner up in the problem solving section. List of winners: Overall winner: Stephen Yii Problem Solving: David Nolan Slogan & Limerick: David James Geometry lays it on the line. Poster: 1st Prize: Brett Ianello Title: Maths in the Home. Highly Commended: John Forster Richard Miles Wayne Grlusich Year 8: Roberto Damiano Limerick: P . Reid - At e.B.e. A Mathematical Class, Could not solve their problems en masse, each individual try.
Brother Kelly presented the overall winner of the competition, Stephen Vii, with his prize.
The Winners of the Competition: Left to Right . Richard Miles, Wayne Grlysich, David James, Brett lanello, David Nolan , John Forster and Stephen Vii.
Br. Kelly presenting Brett lanello with first prize for the poster section. _ _ __
Mrs Stacey judging the entries.
Sr. Kelly presenting first prize for the problem solving section to David Nolan .
Sr. Kelly presenting highly commended certificates for the poster section. Wayne Grlusich in centre.
Sr. Kelly presenting first prize for slogan and limerick to David James.
Sr. Kelly presenting John For5ter with a highly commended certificate for the poster section .
CRAFT 1984 Once more as in previous years I am pleased to report that those students who attended the craft sessions have reached a high standard of performance which was evident in the exhibits that were displayed on "Family Day". The number of students involved in the option were: 105 Year 8, 30 Year9, 60 Year 10 and 7 Year IIA. Year 8 worked in the fields of copper and marble chips, while Year 9 acquired the skills needed for leatherwork and macrame. Year 10 showed their ability in the areas of wood burning, string and tack and leatherwork. The major development this year involved the Year II A group who achieved a great deal of success with their screen printing and pottery. In 1985 as in the past years it is hoped that all craft students experience the fulfilment and satisfaction that comes from the discovery ofthe creativity that is within us all. M.O. Ellis
Year llA. Ivan Jokovich , Pottery, Chapel Water Fronts.
Year 10. String & Tack, Wood Bur.ning, Macrame models.
Year 11A. Pottery, Kiln stacked after Bisque Firing.
Year 9. Leather Work, Michael Cooper, Dean Grose, Liam Cowman.
Year 11 alternative class with woodwork models. Left to Right: Brad Courtney, Ivan Vokovich, Martin Brady, Umberto Pitterino, Brad Tate-Lavery. Absent: Sean Fudge, Joe De Orenlas.
.' ,
P&F ASSOCIATION 1984 has been a very busy and productive year for the P&F Association. The A.G.M. in November, 1983 was well attended and saw a committee of 15 elected, with Mrs. Bernice Gavin as President and Mr. Ray Miles Vice-President. Generally, attendance at meetings this year has been very good , and it is heartening to see the interest shown by both parents and staff in the P&F, which is the link between the school and home. This year we were involved in some new ventures, namely the Seniors Ball. This was a first for the school and highly successful thanks to the co-operation of staff, boys and parents. The theme was " Black Friday" and the Science Department's skeleton was the star guest seated at the piano and draped artistically with cobwebs, top hat and tails, while an evil looking witch (identity guessed) collected tickets at the door. For the first time we helped with Founder's Day mainly through the auspices of the Class Mothers, this participation could be expanded next year. Our activities commenced with the Mass to open the school year, which was held at St. Patrick's Church in the third week of first term. Archbishop Foley officiated at a concelebrated Mass and stayed to socialise at supper afterwards. New parents were welcomed with a morning tea at the Junior School early in first term, with a large number of parents travelling from the Rockingham area. It has been decided that we will incorporate this function with Orientation Day for the 1985 new parents. A morning tea was again held in Rockingham for parents in that area, and Mrs. Betty Lupton, who has spent a number of years as a lay missionary in the Gilbert Islands, was the guest speaker. The Fashion Parade, which has become an annual event, was held at the Raffles Hotel in May, and was highly successful. This event is held through the generosity of Mrs. Iolande Jokovich who arranges the showing. The Beazley Report has caused far reaching changes in the education of our children so the P&F invited Mr.
Moyes from the Catholic Education Commission to be the Guest Speaker in July and address parents on the intricacies of the Report. The interest shown in this topic was reflected in the fact that the audience filled Edmund Hall. The Fremantle Sailing Club was the venue for our Dinner Dance. It was a delightful evening and enjoyed by all who attended. Again this was a combined operation of staff and parents. Our thanks to Mr. Darryl Windsor who headed the organising committee. The Dinner Dance is purely a social event and not designed as a fund raiser, but to give parents and staff the opportunity of meeting out of the school environment. Arrangements are well in hand for the Year 12 Graduation Dinner which is again being sponsored by the Year 11 parents in conjunction with the P&F. Prayers for schoolleavers received good support from the school community and members of the P&F have again been involved in planning Family Day. Funds raised during 1984 have been used to carpet the Junior school classrooms and may also run to carpeting some of the Science rooms. Money has again been donated to both Junior and Senior Libraries. The Op Shop, under the management of Mrs. Donna Vikan, has had a very successful year and we are very grateful for the work she has put into this venture. The Class Mothers scheme has worked very well this year, with mothers helping with book covering, reading schemes, Founders Day, Fashion Parade, Family Day, school camps, and Parent/ Teacher meeting suppers. This year has been a combined effort of both parents and staff which has been very heartwarming because "unity is strength". Special thanks go to Br. Kelly for his unfailing support and interest. The time he has given to the P&F is greatly appreciated. The P&F cannot function without the interest and support of PARENTS, so I urge you to attend meetings and put forward ideas that you would like to see adopted. Bernice Gavin President
P&F SHOW FASHIONS The P&F's annual fund-raising Fashion Parade was held at the Raffles Hotel, Como this year. Over four hundred and fifty people crowded into the function room which doubles as a nightclub at weekends. It was very well organised and most people found seats around tables laid with a light supper. Mr. Cronin was our jovial host who smiled benignly (at the models) through the proceedings. The trendy clothes were supplied by Iolanda's Boutique and were sold at 20% discount for a week following the parade. Models included such well known faces as Mauro Mucciaciaro, our SRC president, his older brother Michael (who achieved fame at one time as the handsomest boy at CBC), and Sandra Faria (now Miss Portugal - and Mrs. Faria's daughter). Everyone seemed to enjoy the evening and it certainly provided a good opportunity for our CBC family to get together. T. Letizia
The gorgeous Deanna models a trendy pinafore dress.
Our school captain Mauro seems a little camera shy!
Mike Mucciaciaro gallantly helps Sandra Faria down the stairs.
C.B.C. SWIMMING TEAM 1984 Probably the most important change that has taken place in the last two years has been the dramatic increase in squad size. 1982 - 26 boys. 1983 - 35. 1984- 60. This is a healthy sign and must show results in the near future, especially when coupled with the obvious increased enthusiasm which team members displayed this year. The Year 11 students particularly showed great application to team training particularly Peter Bianchi, Paul Fahie, Joe Zappa vigna and Brad Courtney. Others who were instrumental in building a strong team spirit were Mark Watton, Dean Whittle, Wade Jarvis, Paul Swan, David Ross and particularly Justin Fahie. Although the team only trained for fifteen sessions marked improvement was shown over that time. There was a sense of enjoyment and satisfaction after each of the sessions which were all demanding. For spectators and coach the greater satisfaction came at Beatty Park when the entire team exhibited great
determination although lacking some of the skills necessary to win a strong competition. Two seconds, eight thirds and four fourths was evidence of improvement since, all but once in the previous two years, have we not been in places five or six. During the past four years We have had a "Reserved" sign on last place (7th) in all sections Junior, Senior and Aggregate. This year We finished 5th, 6th, 6th respectively. I am convinced that swimming at c.B. C. has established itself as an important sport. Certainly with moderate effort we can achieve good results. In 1985 we look to Stephen Chapple, Rob Neesham, Peter Bianchi, Paul and Justin Fahie, Paul Swan, Nathan and Scott Mansfield, John Swiderski and Robert Vinci for leadership. We really need to commence training early for next season if we are to remain worthy competitors in an A Grade Competition. Well done team for 1984.
SENIOR SWIMMING Back Row: Drew Brow, Greg Harrington, Ashley Pether, Robert Neesham , Shane Grimminck, Stephen Chapple. Fourth Row: Matthew Martinovich, Jamie Patterson, Nick Law, Brett Fitzpatrick, Sean Sicree, Derek Ziegelaar, Andrew Petterson, Peter Jervis, Marc Potger. Third Row: Jemal Zagami, Francis Sgherza, Craig Everall, David James, Simon Arrowsmith , Preston Anderson , Peter Bianchi, paul Fahie, Patrick Malone, Jamie Martley, James Sgherza, Paul Grisewood, David Vitali, Edward Neesham . . I ' Second Row: Gregory Clynk, Justin Fahie, David Pensabene, Rohan Lawlor, Dwain Regan, Ken Rana, Joseph Zappavigna, MattheW McDowal, Sean Malone, Glen Dunkerton, Frank Teissier, Paul Swan , Wade Jarvis. Front Row: Bryn Regan, Nathan Mansfield , Wesley Davies, Robert Vinci , Br. Kelly (Coach) , Andrew Ross, Paul Neesham, John Swiderski, Mark WatJon, David Ross.
ACC SENIOR HOCKEY Back Row: Nick Law, Greg Harrington, Andre Parker, Peter Bianchi, Michael Leahy. Front Row: Noel Raymond, Brad Simpson , Wayne Pluske, Mr. Rose'Meyer, Joe Garces, Glenn Fernandez.
ACC JUNIOR HOCKEY Back Row: Dean Grose, Michael Stone, Jamie Hubble, Adam Connolly, Paschal McCloskey, Anthony Hines. Front Row: Ted Neesham , Wayne Marshall, Danny Lawrence, Marc Potgar, Nathan Ryan, Peter Newman.
SENIOR A.C.C. HOCKEY 1984 was again an unlucky year for the Senior A.C.C Hockey. The team, consisting of 3 Year 12 players, 7 Year elevens, and 3 Year tens, lost only one game during the season and finished equal first at the end of the qualifying round with Newman and John XXIII. Unfortunately, due to a lower goal average, we were placed third and missed out a place in the finals. We were obviously one of the best teams in the competition but, the hand offate was present for the second successive year. However, third position was well acceptable to a team of determined and, at times, brilliant players who showed great skill on occasions. The team always tried to play the game in the right spirit with a keen desire to win. Wayne Pluske
WEEKEND SENIOR HOCKEY Back Row: Greg Harrington, Gavin Croll, Peter Bianchi, Michael Leahy, Glen Fernandez. Front Row: Noel Raymond, Nick Law, Wayne Pluske (Captain), Br. Kelly, Joe Garces, John Cappel uti, Brad Simpson.
Back Row: Bret Vinci , Brendan Bradley, Glen Shilvock, Paul Cattalini. Front Row: Lester Maher, Stephen DeVos, Andre Parker, Mr. Rose'Meyer, Bradley Hicks, Peter Wilkins, Michael Waters.
WEEKEND YEAR 9 HOCKEY Back Row: Dean Grose, Michael Stone, Jamie Hubble, Adam Connolly, Paschal McCloskey, Anthony Hines. Front Row: Ted Neesham, Wayne Marshall , Danny Lawrence, Marc Potgar, Nathan Ryan, Peter Newman.
This season, the Year 10 Hockey team had a mixed bag. Our first training session yielded only seven players so some quick canvassing was done in order to form a team for the season. During the year all players showed a marked improvement and the team always played with great spirit. Out of the eleven games played this season, we won four and lost seven having scored 17 goals and had 21 scored against us. Our best game, against Xavier, was a fitting climax to the hockey season. We held them goalless till the last five minutes with everyone giving a hundred per cent. U nfortunate1y we lost by the solitary goal scored. It was heartening to see the excellent parental support and encouragement. All in all a great season for the Year Tens. . Andre Parker
The boys performed very well again this year. They lost their first three games by narrow margins and then proceeded to win their next nine games. The team trained well throughout the year and were always supportive of one another on the field of play. One of the most pleasing aspects of this season was the development of the boys as far as hockey skills and understanding of the game is concerned. They developed a sound short fancy game, and a hard running style of play which overwhelmed many opposition sides. I hope the boys continue to p,lay together as a team. If this is so, I feel they will do very well again in 1985, by reaching the finals again, and possibly winning the Year 10 grand final. B. Crawford
SENIOR FOOTBALL The year 1984 will not be remembered as a great year for football, but it should be remembered for the way the senior football team played and represented their school with honour and gave of their best. Perfo~mancewise the team won three games, and forfeited one game when the State of Origin match was played to finish ninth in the competition. Most of the teams they played were physically stronger than c.B.e. and they also played in a regular weekend competition; and these two factors made the difference. In the face of such adversity our boys refused to give up and always gave 100% in both effort and positive attitude. Though their results don't indicate it their efforts were full of merit and their performances are something they can all be more than satisfied with.
ACC SENIOR FOOTBALL Back Row: Shane Grimminck , Sean Sicree, Ashley Pether, Robert Neesham , Craig Greig, Salvatore Fiorentino. Second Row: Mark Lewis, Paul Piggott, Robert Rowles, David Nolan , Kevin Grljusich , Sean Ward , Russell Mathanda, Joe Zappavigna, Paul Gazely. Front Row: Peter Ricci , James Sgherza, Sean Fudge, Paul Iannello , Peter Jervis, Frank La Macchia, Troy Jinman , James Cunningham .
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JUNIOR FOOTBALL In a season that saw some ups and downs, the junior football team finished an encouraging third place in the A.C.C. competition. Perhaps the lowest point of the season was the game against Mazenod, the eventual competition winners. T he first encounter saw Fremantle win by a point, but the second game saw us with a 25 goal defi cit at the end of the game,
The high point und oubtedly was the fina l game of the season when we defeated St. Marks. On the previous occasion St. Marks defeated us by abo ut four goals, but in the fi nal our boys were keyed up fo r the clash and ended up leading fo r the whole match to eventually win by six goa ls. Well do ne to all boys who were invo lved in this A.C.C. team.
YEAR 8-9 ACC FOOTBALL Back Row: Greg Hilton , Michael Favazzo, Doug Harvey, Sean Atkinson, Paul McLeod, David Jakovich, David Reynolds. Second Row: Justin Hughes, David Pensabene, Tim Hancock, Matthew Martinovich, Dwain Regan , Randal Hamich , Tim O'Donnell, Kenneth Underdown, Paul Swan . Front Row: Robert Damiano, Colin Young , Stephen Clynk , Paul Jervis, Marcus Ayres , Paul Neesham, Shane Smart, Mark Farrell.
WEEKEND 165 FOOTBALL Back Row: Rob Rowles, Trevor DeMarchi, Kevin Grjlusich, Robert Neesham, Mat Tinley, Mathew McDowall. Second Row: Sean Fudge, Colin Dias, Joe Zappavigna, Claude Carrello, Mark Walsh, Patrie Morgan, Mark Lewis, Peter Crocker. Front Row: Royce Goodall , Troy Jinman, Frank La Macchia, Anthony Thomas, Joe Carrello, Joel Regan , Damian Cronin , Paul Farrell , Peter Ricci.
YEAR 10 A.C.C. TENNIS This year a much stronger Year 10 tennis team was entered in the A.c.e. competition which consisted of Paul Farrell, Robert Mascaro, Alex Powell and Josh Incerpi. Realising the strength in our side, we considered ourselves to have a strong chance of winning the
competition. It was not till . the near end of the competition that we began to show our true form which enabled us to beat some top sides. Our thoughts of winning the competition didn't eventuate, but we did make the top four. Special thanks to Br. St. John for his time and effort during training and for his help with transportation. Josh Incerpi
SENIOR TENNIS Back Row: Peter Bianchi, Stephen Clynk, Hendrik Meydam . Front Row: Derek Ziegelaar, Bro. Peter St. John, Shane Grimminck .
YEAR 10 TENNIS Back Row: Frank La Macchia, A lex Porwell, Robert Mascaro. Front Row: Paul Farrell, Br. Peter St. John, Joshua Incerpi.
ACC YEAR 9 TENNIS Back Row: David Jakovich, Allan Hindmarch. Front Row: Andrew Harding, Doug Harvey, Vincent Carrelo.
YEAR 8 AND 9 TENNIS The A.C.e. tennis competition was held again this year at Robertson Park, North Perth. Year 8's again entered Pool "B" and the following players were selected: R. Damiano, P. Mancini, F. Tessier, S. Morley, M. Farrell, A. Barrio, D. Ross. Year 9's, the fool "A" representatives were:D. Harvey, A. Hindmarsh, e. Johnson, D . Jakovich, V. Carrello, A. Harding.
Results in Pool "B" were most encouraging, and after the first four rounds the team had two draws and two wins. The fifth round saw the boys defeated 0-6 by Leederville, who were the top team of Pool "B". However, the sixth and last round saw our lads recover to draw their match 33.
The "A" team did not start well, going down 1-3, but the next four rounds saw our boys playing weiland fighting back to win three matches,. and drawing one. The final round was lost 1-5 to St. Brendans. The entire six rounds resulted in three wins, I draw and two losses.
YEAR 8, 9 A.C.C. CRICKET The Year 8, 9 cricketers acquitted themselves very well again this year by winning the premiership for the second year running. The team went through the season losing one game, that was to the team we would eventually meet and beat in the final, La Salle. The boys were always supportive of one another on the field and were really a champion team, deserving of winning the premiership 1984. B. Crawford
SENIOR CRICKET Back Row: Joe Garces, Salvatore Fiorentino, Sean Ward, Robert Neesham, David Nolan , Wayne Pluske, Russell Mathanda, Anthony Cattalano. Front Row: Glenn Fernandez, Mauro Mucciacciaro (Captain). Br. Kelly, Noel Raymond , Mario Petrone.
YEAR 10 CRICKET Back Row: Anthony Yerkovich , Anthony Mancini , Andrew Finnucane, Matthew Tinley, Andrew Peterson , Brett Kay , Danny Coli ova. Front Row: Anthony Thomas, Mark Hullett, Mr. Rose'Meyer, Troy Jinman , Kevin Fernandez.
ACC YEAR 9 CRICKET Back Row: And rew Wells, Justin Hughes, Paul McLeod , Marc Potgar, Dean Grose, Wayne G r ljusich. . Front Row: Marcus Ayres , T im Hancock, Jason Mackie, Joh n Forster.
SOCCER A.C.C. The Senior Soccer team won the Associated Catholic Colleges Championship this year for the first time, after having come close on a number of occasions over the past few years. The team played well throughout the season, and after having finished top of the league, defeated St. Marks in a very closely contested Grand Final. Congratulations must go to all the players for their efforts, and whilst the strength of the team lay within the four Year 12 students, perhaps special congratulations should go to the five Year IO students who held regular places within the team, and should ensure a good school team for the next two seasons at least. A high standard of sportsmanship was maintained in all games, which is possibly the only real justification for running school soccer teams these days, as the great majority of the boys are closely connected with clubs outside the school.
A.C.C. SOCCER Back Row: K. Fernandez, V. Glenn, R. Palmiero, R. Mathanda, A . Petterson , P. Radonich, S. Della Bonna, J.lncerpi , N. D'Ulisse, L. Drozdowski, A. Yerkovich. Front Row: D. Collova, J. Martley, M. Petrone (Captain), Mr. B. Doran, M . Mucciacciaro, A. Mancini , J. McQuillan .
ACC JUNIOR SOCCER Back Row: P. Abreu, D. Buonvecchi, C. Zagami, S. Bazdaric, L. Cowman, A. De Jesus, D. Scafetta. Front Row: M. Raffa, T. Pereira, M . Faccin, Mr. M. Van Dongen, R. Rq<;Jrigues, W. Antioch , ' D. Lacono.
BASKETBALL YEARS 8, 9, 10 11 & 12 1984 was quite a successful year for the A.e.e. Basketball Team. All members competed as team players rather than individuals, which is what the game of basketball is about - TEAM EFFORT. Years 8 and 9 made their way into the final, but lost by three points. It was a very exciting game in which the result was not known until the final seconds. Outstanding players throughout the season: Years 8 and 9 - D. Buonvecchi, R. Humich Year 10 - D. Cronin, N. O'Donnell, E. McGrath Years II and 12 - M. Cox, E. Purves, P. Piggott, R. Rowler.
ACC SENIOR BASKETBALL Back Row: Sandra Mosole, Martin Cox, Kevin Grljusich, Peter Frizynski , Robert Fowles·. Front Row: Stephen Vii , Mr. B . Ch inen, Paul Piggott.
ACC YEAR 10 BASKETBALL Back Row: Paul Cattaline, Anthony Mancini , Nick O'Donnell, Claude Carrello. Front Row: Angelo Portelli, Mr. G. Chinen, Damian Cronin.
ACC YEAR 9 BASKETBALL Back Row: Shannon Regan, Justin Fahie, Dean Buonvecchi, James McVeigh , Greg Clynk . Front Row: David Reynolds, Tim O'Donnell , Randal Hum ich .
Dominic Milbourne with the bowl that won him the school trophy.
Paul de Vos - a close runner-up.
Paul de Vos and Dominic Milbourne examining a Head in the final game of the College Lawn Bowls Championships.
YEAR 12 GEOGRAPHY EXCURffiON At the beginning of term two a group of Year 12 students who study Geography went on a two-day excursion to Keaney College in Bindoon where they studied various aspects of rural life. Such things as wheat and sheep farming; mixed farming involving pigs, laying fowls and orchards, and farm management were studied in depth with the aid of Mr. Trevor Corry who is the farm Manager.
YEAR 11 GEOGRAPHY EXCURSION On Friday 12/ 10/ 84 the Year Eleven Geography students travelled from school to the Swan Valley to study the soil and topographic landscapes and also to observe past and present responses of man to the physical environment with a view of commenting on the restraints placed upon man's land use because of the physical environment. We started at Red Hill quarry on the Toodyay Road and proceeded through the Swan Valley to end up at Lake Gnangarra and we were able to see first hand the change of soil types and because of this the different types ofland use. It was a most enjoyable day and all of the students benefited from the experience. C. Garratt
Sand dunes being excavated on Gnangarra Road .
On the way to Bindoon students observed the various land uses that occurred from Herrison Island in Perth and were made aware of the changing patterns and why they occur. Before we arrived back at school we stopped at Houghtons Wines and were given a brief expose of the wine industry. Overall, the excursion was very successful and everybody thoroughly enjoyed themselves. From the learning aspect the knowledge gained should be very valuable for the students, who are studying for their T.A.E. at the end of the year.
YEAR 9B GO CAMPING The week before last, the Year 9B class took part in a weekend camp at Nanga (near Donnybrook). The campsite, which is on the Murray River, was sheltered from the wind all the time we were there by huge pines. We arrived and set up camp on the Friday evening. Whilst Matthew Dalziel was told why he couldn't set up our tent in a flood-plain, the rest of the people pitched their tents without any trouble, other than Richard Miles and his gang of lunatics, who were still messing around with their tent at practically 9 o'clock at night. Saturday morning, and we were all wakened by the sound of people talking in their sleep and Ted Neesham waiting for some more Minties. That morning after .breakfast we all went paddling, that is, of course except for chicken, Ms. Scantlebury, who was only convinced to go for a paddle in a canoe later in the day. Nothing else of interest happened that day, except that a few kids were caught off guard on the rapids and had to face the chilling water, a few ofthem being Jason Notman, Justin Fahie, Paul McLeod, Andrew Alberdi, myselfand a few other victims. Day 2, Sunday, and after breakfast we went for another paddle, this lasting half of the morning. Part of the afternoon was spent cleaning, packing and dismantling. We arrived back at e.B.e. at 4 o'clock exactly, right on schedule to meet our waiting parents and families after a rather dirty but fun camp. Thanks to Ms. Scantlebury and her husband, Mr. Stack, his brother-in-law and Mr. 10kovich for a really great time on the camp. Damon Smith (Year 9)
YEAR 8/9s BUSH DANCE On Saturday night 28th 1 une, 1984, the Years 8 and 9 had a bush dance in the East Fremantle Parish Centre, attended by 95 De Villiar Girls and 100 C.B.e. boys. We had a bush band which played folk songs and tunes for some Year lOs to do break-dancing. Out in the back room were some mothers selling refreshments and Francis Sgherza with many others doing their own type of break-dancing. Everybody was just getting to know each other and moving around when it was suddenly all over. Shannon Regan (Year 9B)
New members of the Senior S.R.C. From the Left: Glen Fernandez Derek Ziegelaar (President). Robert Neesham . Craig Greig. Brett Fitzpatrick and Vincent Glenn.
Mauro Mucciaciaro resigning President of the S.R.C. makes his last speech.
Head boy Mauro Mucciaciaro reads the commentary.
Br. Kelly presents Brett Fitzpatrick with his S.R.C. badge.
Derek Ziegelaar makes his first appearance as President of the S.R.C .
SOME HIGHLIGHTS FROM STAFF vs STUDENTS CRICKET MATCH "AVAR GO YOU MUG!!!" On the 23.3.84 the A.C.c. senior cricket team played the teachers in a game of cricket at Fremantle Park. The A.e.e. cricket team batted first and accrued a mammoth 6/ 126 in 15 overs. The only bowlers who were lucky enough to fluke wickets were Br. Harnett with 2 / 19, the most impressive of the bowlers (which doesn't really mean much), and Mr. Winsor with 1/ 25 . Mr. Malarkey also bowled very tightly for 0/ 34 off only Big Cat hits out. 3 overs and Mr. Owens whom we thought couldn't do it bowled and got 0/ 17. Mr. Leembruggen who was the surprise of the day bowled 2 impressive overs with 0/ 5. Mr. Chinen who threw rather than bowled got 0/18. The A.e.e. cricket team really applied the pressure and it showed when Mr. Doran and Mr. Leembruggen both dropped easy catches. Sean Ward and David Nolan took the teachers apart, scoring a 50 run partnership . . Mauro Mucciacciaro decided to do it on his own, scoring a very good and quick 30 runs. After completing our 15 overs the teachers went in to " bat. This is when the action really started. Mr. Crawford opened with Mr. Chinen scoring 19 runs. He then decided to go umpire and seek revenge. Proof of this was when Mr. Doran was clearly out L.B. W. off his first ball and %0 Mr. Crawford gave him not out. Knowing that the old The unlikely line-up: not in batting order. fellows needed a bit of a head start we played on. But this wasn't enough for Mr. Crawford. It seemed that our bowling crease and boundary both changed and became smaller every time the teachers went into a slump, which was quite often. N .B.: Mr. Doran, Mr. Leembruggen and Mr. Owens all got out for ducks. Ms. Scantlebury even beat them, scoring a lightning quick (well, not really lightning) but a quick 2 runs. Mr. Malarkey tried using the aggressive approach hitting a few sixes but Salvatore Fiorentino soon had him under control and out for 24. Br. St. John, even after receiving a nasty ball from Giuseppe Graziano went on with the job and scored a valuable 4 runs. Lucky for Br. Kelly we ran out of overs, "Looks like a no-ball to me." so his record looks pretty good with 17 not out. Br. Murphy couldn't even be trusted; he had a go at altering the score book. But I must say that it was lucky for the A.e.e. cricket team that Br. Travers wasn't available because there was word out he was really in form. Final scorefor the teachers was 9/ 99. Man of the match was Mr. Crawford who scored most runs for the teachers while umpiring. . On behalf of the A. C. C. senior cricket team I would like to thank the teachers on a very good game. P. S. : Our twelfth man Robert Tagliaferri later reported that Br. Kelly was the one who moved in the boundary, when he had told everyone that he was going for a walk to stretch his legs. Mario Petrone On your way for another stumping by Br. 'Rodney'
TUCKFIELD ST JUNIOR SCHOOL JUNIOR CAMPUS REPORT 1984 has been a hectic year, a year, once again of change. When the Tuckfield Campus opened in 1982, the prediction was made that it would take a few years for everything to actually fall into place, and run smoothly; it was also predicted that rationalisation may be necessary to determine the most satisfactory organisation of the school structure. Thus, as stated, 1984 was a hectic year, a year in which further rationalisation saw the moving of Year 8 classes to the Tuckfield Campus, and the increasing from three to four streams of Year 8 students. This meant that the Campus popUlation more than doubled from 1983 to 1984. The problems that this rationalisation caused were numerous and certainly varied in content, but most have generally been overcome to the benefit and satisfaction of all concerned, and point to a much more efficient commencement to the 1985 school year. Our parents, our staff, and especially our boys, deserve thanks and praise for the great patience and understanding shown in coping with the reorganisational problems. In an attempt to overview the year, some brief mention is made to a variety of aspects. Staffing underwent a considerable change, with half of the total permanent on-campus staff being new to the school, including both the office and library aspects. The services of a Social Worker were also brought on campus. Religious Education was maintained as an area of priority, with regular masses and involvement of the Chaplain a strong feature. At Year 8 level a programme of small group discussion on religion was introduced, and found to be highly effective. This same format is to be extended to Years 7 and 9 in 1985. It was a very proud day when 8 of our students completed their preparation and received the Blessed Eucharist for the first time, at a school mass late in the year. Our thanks are extended to the Chaplain, Father Damian Barker, O.Carm., for his tireless efforts in the school. Academic programmes received considerable attention, with an emphasis towards catering for the essential skills area. All core subject areas - English, Mathematics, Science ang Social Studies - were closely prepared to cater for the needs of our students at all levels from Years 5-8 . Remediation, where necessary, was provided and Mrs. N. Lovelock's efforts in this regard must be highly praised.
The Arts were catered for in the ever increasing thrust towards this area. Our music programme continued to strengthen, both numerically and in quality, seeing the Concert Band appearing in public on special occasions. These boys are in the process of preparing for a 1985 tour to Adelaide, and will give some of their holiday time in practising towards the tour. Art in the primary years rose towards the exhibiting of work in the Fremantle' Town Hall, and great hopes are towards the continued establishment of Art throughout the school. Primary classes in 1985 will be working towards representing the school in a Festival for the Performing Arts, at the Concert Hall in August. Sport at primary level continued with interschool connections in the Junior School Heads Association, and at Year 8 level in the Associated Catholic Colleges Association. Every effort was made to provide a comprehensive, beneficial and enjoyable sporting programme for every boy. Our successes are measured, not by pennants won, but by the almost total involvement of students. Camps were held for all classes, again with an almost 100% involvement by students. The success of the camp programme can only be measured by the development of each individual student over the camp period, and the indications of development in the areas of social awareness, responsibility, independence and compatability were most evident. Early in the year, a Music Camp was held at Tuckfield Street, with considerable success. It is hoped that this form of camp will become a regular feature. Parent Involvement has again been a great strength, with parents involved in a wide range of activities at the school. The school is most appreciative of all parents who have given assistance in any area of the school life, ranging from camps involvement to the Musical Interlude to sporting activities to in-class teacher assistance to social activities to the advisory capacity. .r 1985 promises to be a year very much of settling, of consolidating all the structures and programmes started this year. We look forward to the year with a feeling of confidence towards a 'continued provision of a desirable education for all students at the school, and continued support of all within our community.
COlLeG£ fUMANll£ 19 &4
STAFF 1984 Back Row: Paul Raven , Arthur Santamaria, Maurice van Dongen , Peter Flynn, Ron Alexander, Joe O'Brien , Darryl Winsor, Fr. Damian Barker, Sr. Phillip Harnett. Front Row: Norah Lovelock, Ella Smith, Doug McKirdy, Sr. Pat Kelly, Uwe Stengel, Carmel Ryan, Fay Peterson.
S.R.C. JUNIOR SCHOOL '84 Back Row: D. Ross, D. Vitali , W. Dewitt, A. Maher, M. Egan. Front Row: K. Binks, D. Golding , Mr. D. McKirdy, A . McCartney, M. Farrell.
YEAR 8R Back Row: Jemal Zagami , Jason Antczak , Peter Brkusich, Bruce McDonald , Ratal Kuzniewski , Gareth Vandidden, Wayne Schroy. Third Row: Leslie Hayward, Lorenzo Mascaro, Filipe Abreu , Damien Nichols, Damian Christidis, Dale Leggett, Troy Fitzgerald, Douglas Mickle. Second Row: Shane Smart, Vincent Bianchini, Justin Miller, Mark Gervase, Wayne Dewitt, Greg Hilton, Jamie Ingram, Shane Mancuso. Front Row: Tony Crocker, Danny Rosemeyer, Dean Gordon , Daniele Ciampini , Bruno Cattalini , Dominic Gu'ida, Mark Farrell, Peter Temmen. Teachers: N. Lovelock , G. Revell (Absent) .
YEAR 8V Back Row: Darryl Ball, Matt Jaksic, Antonio De Jesus, Stewart Horne, Emilio Faliti, Alistair McCartney, Brett Handyside. Third Row: BasiIFaulkne-r, Clint Cousins, Denham- Carr, David Clynk, Paul Mancini, Dani Parnell, Karl Cicanese, Andrew Neale, Michael Auriemma. Second Row: Sean Maher, Patrick Conroy, Robert Ruggiero, Craig Greenwood , Nicholas McDermott, Daniel Regan, Glen Field, Wade Jarvis. . . Front Row: Kurt Regan, Brendan Reed , Antonio Lanzara, Allan Franco, Angel Barrio , Shane Voitkevich, David Ross, Trevor Belstead .¡ Teacher: Maurice Van Dongen .
~ YEAR 8A Back Row: Michael Carey , Warrick Pyke, Wayne Antioch , Frank Teissier, Paul Jervis. Third Row: Jason Rostant, Damon Goodall, Dom Scafetta, Ken Underdown , Mel Grier, Frank Mignacca, Michael Brimbelcombe, David Maisano, Wayne Barton . Second Row: Sam Russell, Nathan Verity, Paul Swan , John Hyland, Damian Golding , David Pensabene, Gennaro Caputi, Jason Tandy. Front Row: Luke Morgan , Cliff Pereira, Dean Caple , Eugene Pires , Colin Lana, John Giallorenzo, Ron Baker, Mark Watton. Teacher: Ron Alexander.
YEAR 8H Back Row: Mark Osborne, Antony Monaco, Richardo Ortuzar, Chris Ayres , Nathan Mathews . Third Row: Mark Coci, Scott Mansfield, Simon Duggan , Anthony Carr, Mauro Mirco, Paul Palladino, Chris Gill. Second Row: Andrew Lewis, Mark Jenkins, David McKenzie, Rohan Lawlor, Damian Bennett, David Vitali , Kane Tonkin , Tony Benkovich . Front Row: Robert Damiano, Gavin Lyra, Blake Allen , Mark Carter, Paul Peca, John Swidersk i, Steven Reed , Andrew Kirk . Teacher: Brother Harnett.
YEAR 7 Back Row: Mark Handyside, Bryan Kennington , Neil Flanders, Christopher Spinella, David Southern. Third Row: Emanuele Lombardi, Daryl Smith , Robert Gibson, Marcos Ortuzar, Adrian Maher, Matthew Pizzi , Sean Cowman, Ben Kerrigan. Second Row: Ryan Cant, Robert Wilkins, Jeremy Bell , Leo McVeigh, Mark Bilcich, Robert Vinci, Geoffrey Stanley, Troy Russell. Front Row: John Regan , Triston Overmars, John Feeney, Joe Scagliotta, Nathan Fitzgerald, Bernard Ryan , Sebastian Catalano, Trenton Cunnington. Teacher: D. Winsor.
YEAR 6/7 Back Row: Chris Golding, Shaun Temby, Mark Donovan, Luke Dullard, Michael Ivandich . Thlrd Row: Anthony Hilton, Mark Cammilleri, Peter Geers, Grant Harris, Rodney Sammut, Martin Egan, Shane Taranto. Second Row: Nathan Mansfield, Craig Carter, Glen Harding, Aaron Milbourne, Tony Catalini, Gary Abelha, Mark Deluca, Mark Schaper. Front Row: Salvatore Sgro, Matthew O'Brien , Nathan Windebank, Beau Collins, Tim Forster, Damian Zeigelaar, Bruce Hardy, David Taylor. . Absent: Nathan Kenny. Teacher: Mr. P. Raven.
1984 YEAl6
YEAR 6 Back Row: Christian Garbin , Travis Adams, Brynne Farrell, Martin Cattalini , Matthew Migro, Sasha Danilovic, John Faliti, Guiseppe Pittorini, Ryan Bacich . Second Row: Luciano Desousa, Dean McBride, Todd Jarvis, Guilio Naso, Justin Smith , Miguel Ortuzar, Michael Farrell, Brendan Collins, Robbie Regan. Front Row: Michael Fitzgerald , Michael Geers , Michael Buis, Callum Flynn , Liam Cosgriff, Brenden Tandy, Troy Smart, Andrew Wall , Andrew Pittaway. Teachers: Mr. P. Flynn, Mr. J.O .' Brien .
YEAR 5 Back Row: Colin Dix, Zachary Meydam , Mark Avidov , Robert Bacevich, Joseph Canciglia. Third Row: Matthew Stirling, Kim Mitchell, Anthony Milbourne, Kane Binks, Kane Martin , Nicholas Jenkins, Alex Morin, Todd MacPherson . Second Row: Christopher Bu is, Sean Patterson , Robert Selman , Philip Hudson, Troy Bennett, Warren Dunn , Cliff Letizia, Mitchell Capelli. Front Row: Justin Russel , Roberto Ciampini , John Catalano, Michael McCallum , Jeremy Allen , Seamus Rafferty, Mark Waters, Joseph Palermo. TeacheF: A. Sta Maria.
CHOIR Back Row: J. Canciglia, R. Bacevich, R. Sammut, A. Maher, G. Harding, S. Cowman, C. Dix. Third Row: K. Binks, D. Smith , S. Temby, G. Abelha, I. Vinci , C. Golding, M. Schaper. Second Row: S. Catalano, P. Hudson, S. Taranto, A. Hilton, B. Farrell, N. Fitzgerald, T. Bennett, J . Catalano. Front Row: J. Maher, M. Fitzgerald , D. Taylor, B. Tandy, Mr. A . Santamaria, A. Milbourne, T. Cunnington, M. O'Brien, A. Pittaway.
Band conducted by Uwe Stengel.
Choir conducted by Arthur Sta Maria.
.' ,
This photo shows some Year Eight students on the debating excursion against Santa Maria at Santa Maria's grounds. By the look on some of the Santa's girls faces it looks like they're doing pretty well or it could be the boys have been chatting them up. It all ended in a very successful day with C.B.C . winning most of the debates.
Lunch at the Santa Maria C.B.C. debate the boys were getting to know the girls.
Nathan keeps his wandering eyes from noticing Br. Kelly in the background chatting with the principal Sr. Sheila Sawle of Santa Maria.
JUNIOR SCHOOL SWIMMING CARNIVAL Just two weeks into the school year, the Junior Campus Swimming Carnival was held. This presented a few problems as, with the introduction of Year 8 boys, the school population was double that of last year. However, these were overcome due to careful preparation and the carnival ran more smoothly than in previous years. The carnival provided an opportunity for every boy to compete for his faction , swimmers and non-swimmers alike. The eventual result saw a resounding win to the Hanrahan side for the second successive year. The individual age champions were: 9 years: Nicholas Jenkins IO years: Nathan Mansfield 11 years: Robert Vinci Open: Rohan Lawlor and David Vitali.
,' ,
JSHA SWIMMING Back Row: S. Cowman, N. Flanders, A. Cattalini, R. Vinci. Third Row: B. Farrell, T. Jarvis, M. Egan, N. Mansfield, N. Fitzgerald, M. Ortuzar.
Second ~ow: K. Martin, D. Ziegelaar, M. Cammilleri, R. Gibson, J. Bell, G. Pittorini, T. Forster, R. Bacich. Front Ro.w: J. Palermo, M. Fitzgerald, T. Smart, N. Jenkins, Mr. D. Winsor, T. Bennett, R. Regan, S. Patterson, J. Allen.
AGE SWIMMING CHAMPIONS Back Row: R. lawlor, D. Vitali. Front Row: N. Jenkins, R. Vinci, N. Mansfield.
JSHA 1st XI CRICKET Back Row: Robert Vinci , Mark Handyside, Robert Gibson, Grant Harris, Bryan Kennington , Jeremy Bell , Glen Harding, Mark Deluca. Front Row: Michael Geers, Tim Forster, Sebastian Catalano, Peter Geers, Emanuele lombardi , luke Dullard , Bruce Hardy.
JSHA 2nd XI CRICKET Back Row: S. Sgro, N. Mansfield , M. Cammilleri , R. Sammut, A. Maher, S. Cowman , A. Hilton , M. Farrell, R. Bacich . Second Row: J . Regan , T. Smart, J. Feeney, M. Egan , B. Tandy, M. O'Brien , R. Regan . Front Row: B. Collins, L. Cosgriff.
JSHA MODIFIED CRICKET Back Row: M. Avidov , K. Binks, R. Hacevich, N. Jenkins. Second Row: J. Russell , R. Selman , Z. Meydam , A. Milbourn,e, M. Stirling, J. Catalano. Front Row: J. Palermo, R. C iampini, J. Allen , J. Can c iglia, W. Dunn , C. Dix, S. Rafferty.
ACC TENNIS YEAR 8 Back Row: R. Damiano , D . Ross. Front Row: F. Teissier, W. Jarvis, M. Farrell.
JSHA TENNIS Back Row: G. Abelha , J. Finucane, R. Sammut, T. Overmars. Front Row: S. Taranto, R. Gibson , S. Temby, R. Wilkins, M. Avidov .
JSHA SOFTBALL Back Row: J . Sm ith , S. Temby, A. Maher, N . Flanders, M. Migro, B. Kerrigan , G . Stanley, T. Russell. Front Row: T. Cunnington , N. Fitzgerald, C. Golding , Mr. P. Flynn , S. Taranto, T . Jarvis, M. Fitzgerald.
JSHA TEE BALL Back Row: P. Hudson , D. Ziegelaar, M. Ortuzar, A. Milbourne, N. Mansfield , K. Martin , D. Taylor. Front Row: M. Capelli. C. Buis, S. Patterson , S. Temby, J. Allen , T. Mac Ph erson, M. Waters.
JSHA 1st XI HOCKEY Back Row: B. Kerrigan, A. Milbourne, N. Flanders, G. Harris, N. Fitzg erald . Front Row: B. Ryan , G. Stanley, A. Maher, J. Feeney, T. Cunnington .
JSHA 2nd XI HOCKEY Back Row: M. Stirl ing , C. Dix, P. Hudson , T. Jarvis, C. Golding , K. Martin, W. Dunn . Front Row: M. Fitzgerald , J. Maher, K. Binks, T. McPherson .
WAHA 1st XI HOCKEY Back Row: G . Stanley, D. Smith , M. Bilcich, G . Harris, N. Flanders, A. Maher, B. Kennington , B. Ryan . Front Row: J. Feeney, N. Fitzgerald , B. Kerrigan , T. Cunnington .
WAHA 2nd XI HOCKEY Back Row: W. Dunn , C. Di x, K. Binks, P. Hudson , M. Stirling, T. McPherson. Front Row: M. Waters, M. Fitzgerald, K. Binks, J. Maher.
WAHA YEAR 8 HOCKEY Back Row: D. Regan, D . Christidis, R. Lawlor, C. Gill. Front Row: T . Belstead , W. Jarvis, W. Barton , S. Maher, D. Rosemeyer.
Back Row: M. Cammilleri, D. Goodall , A. Cattalini , L. Dullard , M. Ortuzar. Second Row: R. Cant, M. Farrell, M. Handyside, M. Ortuzar, L. McVeigh , R. Vinci , B. Farrell , L. Cosgriff. Front Row: J. Regan , D. McBride, A. Hilton , T. Forster, B. Collins, T. Smart, R. Regan.
JSHA 1st FOOTBALL Back Row: R. Vinci , M. Cattalini , A. Cattalini, R. Gibson, G. Harding. Second Row: N. Windebank , B. Farrell, P. Geers, M. Ortuzar, C . Spinella, L. Dullard , N. Mansfield, J. Scagliotta. Front Row: T. Forster, R. Cant, C . Ziegelaar, C. Carter, Mr. D. Winsor, M. Egan, L. Cosgriff, B. Hardy, M. Geers.
JSHA 2nd FOOTBALL Back Row: D. McBride, T. Benn ett, C. Flynn , M. Cammilleri , A. Hilton , B. Collins, .2. Meydam . Front Row: S. Rafferty, A. Milbourne, C. Buis , G. Pittorin i, S. Sgro , M. O'Brien , J . Allen .
WEEKEND FOOTBALL U14 WHITE Back Row: D. Cynk, P. Brkusich, S. Atkinson , M. Martinovich, W. Grjulisich, T. Fitzgerald. . Second Row: M. Coci, J. Fahey, P. Jervis, J. Hughes, A. Monaco, T. Hancock, K. Cicanese, D. Mickle, K. Regan. Front Row: D. Gordon, T. Benkovich, A. Lewis, A. Harding, R. Alexander, P. Neesham, P. Peca, G. Clynk, M. Farrell.
UNDER 14 RED FOOTBALL Back Row: Tim O'Donnell , Marcus Ayres, Bruce Macdonald, Dean Favazzo, Michael Favazzo. Second.:Row: David Pensabene, Greg Hilton , D amian Benite, Doug Harvey, Randal Humich, Kenneth Underdown , David Reynolds , Robe rt Gibson . Front Row: Robert Damianio, Vincent Carrelo, John Forster, David Jakovich , Dwain Regan , Jason Mackie, Francis Sgherza, Shane Smart , Bryn Regan .
JSHA 1st XI SOCCER Back Row: T. Overmars, R. Sammut, S. Temby, M. Handyside. Front Row: S. Cowman, E. Lombardi , M. De Luca, S. Taranto, S. Catalano.
JSHA 2nd XI SOCCER Back Row: B. Buis, J. Naso, G. Abelha, M. Migro, J . Faliti , M. Schaper, J. Canciglia. Second Row: A. Pittaway, R. Ciampini , B. Tandy , D. Taylor, M. Waters. Front Row: J. Catalano.
JSHA 1st IX RUGBY Back Row: R. Selman, J. Bell, J. Finucane, D. Southern , S. Patterson . Front Row: J. Regan , N. Jenkins, Mr. P. Flynn, R. Wilkins, R. Regan.
JSHA 2nd IX RUGBY Back Row: T . Russell , M. Avidov , J. Regan, R. Regan. Second Row: C. Letizia, C. Garbin, M. Farrell , T . Smart. Front Row: M.Capelli .
Back Row: K. Binks, D . Ziegelaar, G. Stanley, S. Temby, M. Donovan, l. Dullard , T. Forster, B. Collins, R. Bavcevich . Third Row: A. Morin , J . Feeney, T. Jarvis, T. Adams, R. Sammut, A. Cattalini , C. Spinella, J . Smith , B. Farrell , A. Hilton , P. Hudson . Second Row: M. O'Brien , N. Fitzgerald, B. Collins, M. Egan , M. Migro, J. Finucane, C. Golding , M. Cammilleri , B. Hardy, T. Russell. Front Row: J . Palermo, M. Stirling, J. Allen , M. McCallum , T. Cunnington , D. Taylor, R. Ciampini , S. Rafferty, J. Russell , M. Fitzgerald .
CAMPS The 1984 Music Camp The year 8 music camp was enjoyable for both staff and students. Nearly everything we did resolved around music, but naturally we had leisure time, which involved pillow-fights. The camp was very involved in such things as improvisation and appreciation of rock, classical and jazz music, plus good tutoring from all staff made the camp worthwhile. Mr. Stengel's band Pendulum were invited to play their works on the Saturday of the camp, they made very good listening. Also the percussionist from the group 'Nova Dreams', and his bag of tricks were very absorbing and interesting. The wind up to the camp, the concert; was very enjoyable for both parents, students and teachers. We, on behalf of the student music body would like to give our thanks to all staff and especially parents who attended for such a great camp.
U. Stengel conducting an improvision -
Paul Raven conducting the junior band under close scrutiny of McKirdy and Stengel.
1984 Year 5 Camp
The start of our camp. We're packed and ready to leave. Manjedal , here we come!
Future mountain climbers . A group practise at the commando course.
Year 6 Camp
Our open air Mass celebrated by Fr. Damian .
Year 7 _Camp Magnificent Murchison Mania II Year Seven Camp to the Kalbarri Region April 8-13,1984
Just where do we put all of this gear some boys must have thought they were going away for a month.
The camp masses were a highlight with the boys taking an active part.
Some of the boys met up with one of the local kids - he's the one in black and white.
"Are those boys pulling or pushing, Mr. Raven?" The last night skits were a feature of the camp. Here Michael Vikan does his "Norm" impersonation.
The camp was a great success with all boys gaining a great deal from it. Special thanks must be extended to the following adults who helped to make the camp the success that it was:Fr. Damian Mr. & Mrs. Fitzgerald Mrs. Ortuzar Mr. Geers Mr. Russell Mr. Kania
POETRY o Lord, 0
Lord I am bored help me in everything I do, And to smile all my life. Help me to live a good life, 0 Lord I lift my love to you. Above the clouds is a Kingdom of God. I hope I go to the kingdom. o God, 0 God. I've got a plod in my way, it's red, It's Nevil the Devil. Help me, 0 Lord my God, help me to get away from this temptation. o God, 0 God, this plod is bothering me, He wants me to go with him but I am not Going because I love you; and I will sit On the right hand of you, and hear the angels In the band, and in the choir as they Sing to you. Michael Geers
Thanks to Michael Bettel and Wescolour Press, Sylvester Stack Co-editor, Br. Kelly, Mrs. Letizia, the many staff and boys who wrote articles and Mrs. Peterson who patiently typed all the work. Editor - Peter Flynn