Front Row: Second Row:
Third Row: Fourth Row:
Miss R Dutton, Ms G. Hindes, Mrs J. De Vas, Miss E. Sgro, Mr P. Forlin, Br P. Kelly, Mr R Rose'MeyeI; Mrs M Dimasi, Mrs 0. Ellis, Mrs S. PosneI; Mrs S. Brooke. Mrs N. Cooney, Mrs C. Rodgers, Mrs J. Barton, Mrs B. Gavin, Mr R Innes-Mills, Mrs T. Letizia, Mr A Campana, Mr S. Stack, Mr J. McIntyre, Miss S. FowleI; Mrs M GardneI; Ms T. FosteI; Mr P. Watt Mr C. Cole, Mr A Di Lalla, Mr C. Preshaw, Mr C. Hackett, Mr C. Garrett, Mr B. Mulvey, Br B. Murphy, Mr G. Revell, Br G. Seaman, Mr J. Purcell, Mr G. CulveI: Mr U. Stengel, Mr B. Doran, Mr K Anning, Mr S. Henderson, Mr P. Martin, Mr C. Barns, Mr K Owens, Mr D. McNamee, Mr R Smith, Mr J. Hortense.
Christian Brothers' College, Fremantle
College Administration:
Principal: Deputy Principal Senior School: Deputy Principal Junior School: Religious Education Co-ordinator. English Department Head: Manual Arts Department Head: Mathematics Department Head: Science Department Head: Social Science Department Head: Music Department Head: Physical Education Department Head
Patron His Grace, the Most Reverend William Foley, D,D.
Christian Brothers' Provincial Executive: Rev. Br G.G. FaulkneI; BA, LRS~ Provincial Rev. Br JR Carrigg, MA, Dip. R Ed~ MAC.E~ M Ed Admin., Deputy Principal Rev. Br MV. Flahery, MA, BA, Dip. Ed. Adelaide, Dip. Ed. Counselling SA Rev. Br MP. McAppion, BA Dip. Ed~ Dip. REd., MACE Rev. Br A Shanahan, BA, MPschy., Dip. T.
Rev. Br PB. Kelly Mr P. Forlin Rev. Br PM Harnett Mr C. Hackett Mr J. McIntyre MrKOwens MrG Cole MrB. Doran Mr G Garratt Mr U. Stengel MrC. Barns
Teaching Staff College Board Chainnan: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Members: II
Mr K Handyside MrMCronin MrT.Bowden Mrs P Cattalin, MrKO'Brien MrGIrdi MrT.Leen
Mr J. Fitzgerald Br A Shanahan Br P. Kelly
Mr K Anning, Mr S. BarbeI;Mrs S. Brooke, Mr A Campana, Mr H CarveI; Mrs N. Cooney, Mr G. CulveI; Mrs M Dimasi, Miss R Dutton, Mrs 0. Ellis, Mrs T. FosteI; Miss S. FowleI; Mrs M GardneI; Mr S. Henderson, Mrs G. Hincks, Mr G. Holtham, Mr R Innes-Mills, Mrs N. Lovelock, Mrs L Malieva~ Mr P. Martin, Mrs N. McCann, Mr D. McNamee, Mr B. Mulvey, Br B.T. Murphy, Mr V. Overton-Low, Mrs S. PosneI; Mr C. Preshaw, Mr J. Purcell, Mr G. Revell,
Front Row: Second Row: Back Row:
Mrs N. McCann, Mrs F. Peterson, Mrs E. Smith, Br P. Kelly, Br P. Harnett, Mrs N. Lovelock, Mrs S. Shirvani. Mr H Carvel; Mrs M Watt, Mr R Innes-Mills, Miss V. Overton-Low, Mr P. Rossitel; Mrs M Faria, Mr Sta Maria. Mr G. Culvel; Mr S. Barbel; Mr G. Holtham, Mr K Anning, Mr KEllis, Mr R Shandley.
Teaching Staff (continued) Mrs C. Rodgers, Mr B. Rose'Meyel; Mr P. Rossitel; Br G. Seaman, Miss E. Sgro, Mr R Shandley, Mrs S. Shirvani, Mr R Smith, Mr S. Sta Maria, Mr S. Stack, Mr M Van Dongen, Mrs M Watt, Mr P. Watt, Mrs B. Worner
Magazine Editor. Student Council: Parents & Friends:
President Secretary Treasurer
Mrs T. Letizia President Nicholas Caputi Mr D. Gowenlock Mrs P. Marlborough Mrs M Handyside,
Fr J Hannah, Fr B. Whitely, Fr J. Mullins, Fr L. Keating, Fr Delahunty Accounts Secretary: Secretarial Staff Counsellor. Canteen: Laboratory Assistant Librarian: Assisant Librarian Library Assistant Home Liaison Officer. Maintenance Officer. Ancillary Staff
MrsB. Gavin Mrs F. Peterson, Mrs J. Barton MrA Di Lollo Mrs S. Carter Mrs lJarvis Mr J. Hortense Mrs T. Letizia Mrsl Smith MrsJ. DeVos MrsMFaria MrF. Geers MrK Ellis, MrAFoley
THE PRINCIP.AI1S REPORT There is a comfort in reaching the end of a school year and knowing that the final product closely matched the' aims desired. As each class had its graduation ceremony the tapestry of the multifarious activities became clearer and satisfaction was evident from staff, parents, students and the local community. "The catholic school ought to provide a truly human and Christian atmosphere in which (children) can grow ... the milieu is the chief formative influence" GABRIEL MORAN. I believe that CBC Fremantle has a truly religious environment where a student can experience the riches of education and culture. I thank various groups for so unobtrusively creating the desired Christian environment We are most grateful to all our Chaplains, in particular Fr John Hannah who has so frequently inspired us with his works of wisdom In 1987/88 we frequently spoke of "Academic Excellence': Results in 1988 gave every indication that the campaign for excellence was bearing fruit While certain individuals performed well there was a more subtle and encouraging factor evident Where once, in the not too distant past, the general body of students looked askance at the successful student, now a healthy and supportive atmosphere exists. Top level students, like their sporting counterparts are enthusiastically applauded for their achievements. On the sporting field we have once again had numerous successes in a wide variety of sports. Individuals have represented WA and some have represented Australia in Athletics, Swimming, Water Polo, Rugby; Hockey; Bocci, Baseball, Sailing and others. As when dealing with academics I am not going to measure success by the achievements of the individual. I believe that our real success in the area of Physical Education and sport in general, is seen in the fulfilment of the school's sporting philosophy - Participation and Enjoyment Many have played and won and enjoyed. A greater number have played to the best of their ability; lost and still enjoyed. August 1989 was the end of the first year of service of the School Board. Chairman, Mr Kit Handyside can feel justifiably proud of the way in which he has used the talents of the Board for the welfare of the school. His own report adequately summarises the vast amount accomplished in just twelve months. I trust that as this hardworking group needs replacements others with the necessary skills will make themselves available. The Board has a vital role to play in the future direction of the school. For three years the Parents and Friends Association dicussed the formation of a School Board. Their support was invaluable in establishing an excellent Board. They themselves continue to do, and to do well the many things that they are exPert at Most importantly; they are ever available as a support body for the staff and students. Over recent years they have been a valuable sOlmding board for initiatives in the areas of Pastoral
The Principal, Brother P. B. Kelly. Care, Uniforms, Discipline, School Fees,Exams, Camps,etc. They have wisely used their monies raised for the betterment of the school. I thank Mr David Gowenlock the retiring President and his 1989 Committee for the work done and for the foundations laid to assist the new Committee. While complimenting Parents, Students, the P & F and the School Board for their work I am ever aware that the fundamental work in a school is done by the staff I am conscious of the great work done by Australian Catholic Educators of the past I am just as conscious of the superb work that our Lay Staff are doing in continuing to run our schools. In particulaI; I can speak for the staff presently working at CBC, They are dedicated and hardworking. They work unobtrusively and effectively. They are not easily distracted from the worthwhile system which they have helped to establish In this report I would like to register my gratitude to the total CBC Staff I thank Department Heads and Senior Staff for their leadership. In particulaI; I thank the Deputies, Mr Forlin and Br Harnett As the year draws to a conclusion and many of our students will be leaving CBC, I take this opportunity to encourage them to face squarely the challenges of the future. They will no longer be in the comfortable and supportive environment of the school with Staff and Parents ready to guide. The time has come for them to make judgements and decisions for themselves. I trust that the training given over the years will make them capable of knowing good values and making sound judgements. Br P. B. Kelly
Front Row: Second Row: Absent
Mr W. Hughes, Br P. Kelly, Mr K Handyside, Mrs P. Cattalini. Mr G. Irdi, Mr B. Lawrence, Mr J. Fitzgerald, Mr T. Bowden, Mr M. Cronin. Mr K O'Brien, Br A Shanahan.
The Board is examining capital fund-raising options which include development of a school foundation, a building fund, further low interest borrowings or specific purpose Commonwealth Capital grants. One possible addition would be a multipurpose school hall cum basketball/gymnasium, with seating for up to 1,000 and the flexibility to cater for a variety of School and sporting functions. Another aspect of the Board's activities revolved around long term planning for the School's future. A Planning Sub-Committee has been active throughout the year reviewing the many options and choices which a School of CB.C.'s size is faced with. A Five Year Capital Plan will be produced as a pre-requisite for Commonwealth Capital Grant applications. Other successful projects which were initiated during the year included the upgrading of the teacher's common room at CBC's Ellen Street Campus, and the opening of a Clothing Shop with the aim of consolidating this important function within the school and hence lowering the cost burden on families. The School budget for 1990 has been approved. The Board's Finance Committee brought down a balanced budget which sees costs ever increasing, and State and Commonwealth assistance ever tightening. 1989 saw the first full year of operation of the Inaugural CB.C. Fremantle Board. It has proved to be a fruitful year and a number of
matters of importance to the School were dealt with at the Board level. Firstly, the School Board, at the instigation of the HeadmasteI; Br Kelly and with the assistance of Mr Gus Irdi to handle the conveyancing of the transaction has finally completed the purchase of the vacant block of land immediately adjacent to the western boundary of the Ellen Street Campus. This land acquisition is of great strategic value to a Senior School of some 450 students on a Campus of 10,000m2• This new land adds 2,432m2 to the School area, and will prove to be an important and valuable acquisition by the School. To secure the land the Board has been successful in negotiating a low rate fixed interest loan with the State Government education authorities. The next phase of exploiting this purchase is now in planning. After consultation with the Headmaster and the School Community of teachers, parents, students and friends of the school, we foresee the need for a capital programme to fund new buildings to enhance the quality of education at CB.C. Fremantle and relieve pressure on existing buildings. Approximately 47% of our income comes from the Commonwealth, 25% from the State Government, with balance from School fees. Of these 'funds 74% is required for teacher's salaries, with the balance spread evenly between loan repayments, maintenance, administration and other costs.
The required increase in School fees for 1990 to balance the budget is approximately 10%, comprised of a 7% inflation component, and 3% real growth. The Board regrets the need for this real increase, but this is a reflection of ever tightening Governrmen t funding, and the vital need to maintain the quality of education and amenities at the School. The School Board along with the Catholic Education Office, and the Association of Independent Schools, continue to lobby State and Federal Governments to remove the inequitable burden of real school fee growth on parents. All families, staff and students should have received and responded to a questionnaire about the school, its facilities and its operation late in 1989. The responses to this questionnaire will be analysed by the Board and used as a guide for our forward planning for 1990 and beyond. It is vitally important, I believe, for the Board to be aware of, and respond to the issues and needs of the wider School Community, always mindful that the primary purpose of the School is for the education of students, to equip them with the skills for survival in our society, and to imbue them with that special ethos that the Christian Brothers bring to us. H has been an important yearfor the Christian Brothers, who completed their regular 6 year Chapter at the end of 1989. We in the School Community should continue to support the Christian Brothers who have given great service to the education of students, especially the disadvantaged, over many years, and be aware of the pressures that they face as a community. With fewer people now electing for a career in Christian educational service, the Christian Brothers are becoming a scarce and valuable resource, and the School must look forward to and plan for a time when the Christian Brothers withdraw in body, but not in spirit and ethos from the School. Finally, an event which marked 1989 as a special year for Fremantle, saw the announcement of the New Catholic University of Notre Dame. I am sure that in future years close links will be forged between the new University and our own College which is uniquely placed adjacent to the new Campus. The Board plans to contact and work in hannony with the new University Board. I would like to thank the Board Members who worked extremely hard during the year for the benefit of C.B.C Fremantle, and particularly to the Headmaster Br Kelly, whose untiring efforts for the School, and very professional administration and Government lobbying skills have kept C.B.C Fremantle in the forefront of Private Schools in Western Australia. I would like to congratulate and thank the Deputy Headmasters, Mr Forlin and Br Harnett, the school teaching staff, and administration staff for a successful 1989 and look forward with confidence to 1990 and beyond. Mr C. Handyside
Mr C. Handyside, Chairman of the Board.
Br Kelly addresses the Board. From the left Mr G. Irdi, Mr M Cronin, Mr K O'Brien, Mr 1: Bowden and Br A Shanahan. Minutes Secretary Mrs B. Gavin in the foreground.
PARENTS AND FRIENDS ASSOCIATION At the end of 1988 I was privileged to be re-elected the President of the Parents & Friends Association and have been entrusted to make decisions at parent level to represent parents at various functions. I strongly dedicate a lot of time in the interest of my son and yours and in this I am not alone. A core of about forty parents regularly attend meetings and many more parents respond positively when approached to help. When attending meetings parents have the opportunity to voice an opinion and help decide where money raised by the Parents should be spent
Achievements In 1989 we have put the icing on the cake with the landscaping at Tuckfield Street giving the Junior campus a more appealing play and work area. A computer was purchased by the P&F funds for the Senior Library and more work stations will be added in the future. Several hundred chairs have been provided by the P&F for use on both campuses. A request by the students for water coolers resulted in the purchase of two units for each campus. Probably our biggest achievement has been to get a manned crosswalk approved for students crossing Parry _Street from Ellen Street This has been the result of many phone calls to the Fremantle Town Council, the Road Safety Council and the Police Department A decision was made at the beginning of November to have the service in operation for the start of the 1990 school yeaI:
Mr and Mrs Gowenlock when they attended "Carols by Candlelighf:
Social Each yeaI; more people support the raffle in the donation of prizes and the buying and selling of tickets. Many thanks to the boys and staff for their help. Our one social outing for this year was an afternoon Picture Show at the Windsor Theatre. Approximately 230 people attended the viewing of "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels" and if the smiling faces after the movie were any indication, everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves. This being my last year as President I'd like to take this opportunity of thanking my committee over the past two years for the hard work and time they have put in for the benefit of our boys and also the parents and staff for the support they have given us. To our boys I say ''Keep making us proud to be parents of boys from CB.C Fremantle':
David Gowenlock President
Mrs Mundy and Mrs Watton take the gifts to Father Hannah at the Tuckshop Mothers Mass.
Front Row:
Second Row:
Third Row: Fourth Row:
Ken Gavranich, John Catalano, Mathew Stirling, Adrian Maher (Deputy Head Boy), Nick Caputi (Head Boy), Gavin Maher (Deputy Head Boy), Michael Taranto, William Blail; Ben Carrigg. Br G. Seaman, Nicholas Jenkins, Ivan Anneli, Wallace Duarte, Brian MatheI; Shaun Temby; Warren Dunn, David Tolj, Nathan Windebank, Salvatore Galati, Mrs S. Brooke. Mario Zaza, Andrew Williams, Tim ForsteI; Robert Ringvall, Luke Dullard, Nicholas Sloan, Dean Romaniello, Mr S. Henderson Shaun Gibson, Kurt Shepherd, Daniel Di Tullio.
The 1989 SRe. was installed late in first term and began working in second term. The main aim of the SRe. was to try and increase students' pride in the school and to become more responsible for themselves. We looked to members of the SRe. to set an example in this area. Throughout the year several projects were looked at, with many people involved in the investigative process of seeing whether a project was viable. Unfortunately a great number of these were found to be unsuitable due to the restriction of financial backing. It was decided that one suggestion would be suita ble, howeveI; that being the Family Day Mini Fete. The Family Day Mini Fete was organized as a fundraising venture to help underprivileged children around Perth. It served as both a fundraiser and an opportunity to get students involved in school activities. The Mini fete consisted of two stalls, with the year 9's and 10's running a plant stall and the Year 11's a home
produce stall in conjunction with the St Vincent de Paul cake stall. The day was a resounding success and we hope that it will be continued in the future. As the year progressed it was evident that there were a few flaws in the current institution, so the 1989 SRe. took it upon themselves to try and improve these points so that future meetings would be roll more efficiently. I would like to thank all members of the SRe. especially staff members, namely Mrs Brooke, Br Seaman and Mr Henderson, for their ongoing support throughout the yeaI; which on the whole I think was a successful one. I wish forthcoming SRe. all the best
Nick Caputi Head Boy
Matthew Galliano, Michael McCallum, Alex Farfan, Marco DeBoni, Anthony Nocciolino and Peter Hall admiring their banner 'We have heard the good news:
Rajeev Albuquerque, Warren Dunn, Paul Mille!; Tony Zelencic and Jason Sawyer putting the final touch to 'Let us Worship Him:
Angelo Turtur, Kayne Binks, Rajeev Albuquerque (visiting the group), John Catalano, Robert Bavcevich and Mark Me Cormack, undecided about the fine details of Edmund Rice.
~ _ -"__
David Jones, Antony Schillaci and Nathan Potts getting together to 'Let the Light shine:
FOUNDER'S DAY This is a special day for staff and students to celebrate together each year and remember the spirit and inspiration of Edmund Rice. At 9 a.Ill. all classes moved to St Patrick's Church for a special mass celebrated by Father Hannah. The school band and a choir from the Tuckfield St campus provided excellent musical accompaniment and everyone joined in the hymn singing with gusto. In his homily Father Hannah repeated the important message given by Mother Teresa to the Christian Brothers at their 1968 General Chapte:r Mother Teresa asked the brothers to teach their young men respect for human life and a love for purity. She said that most of the ills in the world are because people no longer respect human life, and purity is no longer regarded as important Father Hannah also spoke about a University of WA prepared paper that expressed concern about a proposed Catholic University in Fremantle and thatitrnightpromote moral fibre in society! He said there was a need in society for people like Edmund Rice who could have had everything he wanted but that he had made the choice to be different We too, needed to make that choice, said Father After mass students moved back to the campuses and enjoyed a short recess before lunch. This was provided from various fast food outlets and students and staff enjoyed an early conclusion to the day.
Looking down on the year 10 posters.
David McRae Year 12R
Father Hannah blessing Martin Ross.
Altar Boys Aidan and John Casey followed by Paul Mille:t; Warren Dunn and Jason Sawyer carrying their banner
Year 12 Mario Zaza at a quiet moment
YOUNG CHRISTIAN STUDENTS Young Christian Students meet every Monday at 3.30 p.m in the library. Our discussions range from personal to worldly problems. Students are asked to consider these problems and seek Christian solutions. The whole movement is based upon taking action to try and change the world to the vision Jesus had for us. It is unfortunate that many problems in the world are not solved this way. The mere mention of Christianity in a sentence makes some people uncomfortable. Our small group can testify to the misconceptions that some of the other students have about yC.S. The yC.S. group provides ample opportunities for socialisation. Our group has hosted two successful regional meetings. This year's regional was held on the 2nd June, in the school hall. Approximately sixty students from various YC.S. groups turned out to discuss environmental problems and sort out some solutions. These solutions are still being worked UpOIL Another highlight was meeting an international worker who is based in Paris and originates from Chile. He was able to emphasise the fact that students are a powerful force together I would like to thank those boys and staff, especially Ms Brooke, Mr Hackett, and Br Kelly, who have supported the yC.S. group. I invite new members to our meetings to find out from the other boys what makes YC.S. so - worthwhile. MissE. Sgro
Front Row:
Ric De Castro, Chris Voitkevich, Br G. Seaman, Marc De Lima,Fernando Merino. Second Row: David Caton, Geoff Stanley, Adrian Mahe:t; Anthony Congdon, Matthew WaltoIL
Front Row: Second Row:
Marc De Lima, James Raffaele, Ric De Castro. Miss E. Sgro, Fernando Merino, Declan Stack, Daryl Smith, Angelo Turtu:t; Mrs S. Brooke.
SOCIETY Ifs gratifying to be able to record that in 1989 the St Vincent de Paul Society at CB.c. was truly alive and well. Support from Year 12 was strong so that almost every week we were able to offer some service. Frequently we managed to help the elderly or infirm with gardening jobs. Other efforts included a Clothing Drive, which brought in about 40 bags of clothes, the Red Shield Doorknock Appeal and the Cake Stall, run in conjunction with the SRC on Family Day. The last mentioned raised a record profit of $750 for the benefit of underprivileged childreIL Our most worthwhile efforts, howeve:I; were probably the three Sunday afternoon outings for the patients at Skye Hospital. That we had full busloads indicated that our friends at Skye enjoyed the outings and even our "delicate" sandwiches! We are grateful to Mrs Southern and Mrs Congdon who supplied the cakes for these occasions. On a more prosaic note, the weekly meetings were well attended thanks to our President, Marc de Lima, and Secretary David COtOIL These two also set a high standard by being among the first to volunteer for any job. All in all, a memorable year BrG. Seaman
OF'89 Deputy Adrian Maher 1982, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, SRC, SVP, hockey, cricket athletics, AGe. Schoolhoys Hockey (Captain)
Nicholas Caputi 1985, Kardinya Primary, SRC, athletics, football, basketball, rna ths distinction
Deputy Gavin Maher 1985, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, SRC, athletics, cricket ACC combined Hockey Touring Team (Vice-captain)
Anthony J. Alvaro
Anthony M Alvaro
Craig Appleby
Rino Bacelic
Jason Baines
1985, St Jerome's Primary
Dux, 1985, St Patrick's Primary
1984, Bateman Primary,
1985, Newton Primary School
1985, Star of the Sea Primary,
swimming, football
Sebastian Catalano
Brian Chapman
Anthony Congdon
Frank Correia
David Coton
1982, St Jerome's Primary
1986, CBC Collie,lawn bowls,
1985, Our Lady of Fatima
1985. Phoenix Primary
1985, Star of the Sea Primary,
maths distinction
Primary, SVP, cross country, hockey
Shaun Cowman
Marko Cubelic
Lachlan Daniels
Marc Delima
1983, St Bridgets's (Ireland),
1985, Our Lady of Mount
1987, Mount Carmel College
1986, Sacred Heart (Bahrain),
1982, Spearwood Primary,
(Charters Towers), senior debating, rugby
YCS, SVP, chess club, cross country
athletics, cross country " (Captain)
Alfonso Di Thllio 1895, St Jerome's Primary
Mark Donovan 1982, Langford Primary, athletics, rowing
Luke DuIIanl 1982, Attadale Primary, SRC, jazz orchestra, cricket football, athletics, maths distinction
Craig Dunkerton 1985, Attadale Primary, swimming. ho(:key, concert band
'fravis Edwards 1985, Assumption Primary, ball committee, swimming. athletics, football
Martin Egan 1982, Our Lady of Mount Cannel Primary, jazz orchestra, cricket football, rugby
Richard Elhaj 1987, St George (Cairo), tennis, chess club
Mark Ellis Dux, 1985, Safety Bay Primary, maths distinction
Zachary English 1988, Perth Modem School, chess club
Neil Ferns 1987, St Leo's College, (Wahroonga), rugby
Nathan Fitzgerald 1982, Our Lady of Fatima Primary, YCS, Channel 7 Concert Band, jazz orchestra, swimming. cross country, athletics
Neil Flanders 1982, Our Lady of Mount Cannel, ball committee, athletics, rugby, football
Jonathan Foley 1985, Attadale Primary, cross country, hockey, athletics
Tim Forster 1982, Our Lady of Fatima, SRC, jazz orchestra, hockey, chemistry distinction
Aldo Galati 1985, Newton Primary
Salvatore Galati 1985, St Patricks Primary, SRC
Simon Gallacher 1987, Pinjarra Senior High, basketball, athletics, state athletics, Australian Jwrior Athletics squad
Shaun Gibson 1985, Our Lady of Assumption, SRC, swimming, basketball, WA V17 Cricket Team
Mark Handyside 1984, Greenbrook (California), cricket rugby
Grant Harris 1984, Safety Bay Primary
Marcus Hickey
Anthony Hogan
Michael Ivandich
Anthony Johnson
1985, Kardinya Primary,
1985, Our Lady of Fatima,
1984, Safety Bay Primary,
1982, St Patrick's Primary,
1985, Kardinya Primary,
swimming, State Schoolboys Water Polo (Captain)
rugby, rowing, state rugby representative
hockey, rowing
basketball, athletics, rowing
Andrew Kelly
Jason Lang
Rosario Lazzara
Peter Manolas
David McRae
1985, Mosman Park Primary,
1985, Phoenix Primary,
1986, South Fremantle High
1988, Kogarah Marist High
1985, Holy Rosary Primary,
mock trial
athletics, soccer
(Sydney), rowing
mock trial
Fernando Merino
Richard Merino
Christopher Miller
Gregory Norton
Ian ODriscoll
1985, Our Lady of Mount
1985, Our Lady of Mount
1985, St Patricks Primary,
1985, Kardinya Primary,
1985, Star of the Sea Primary,
CarmeL YCS, Svp, mock trial, chess club
CanneL chess club
cricket hockey
rugby, winner of school surfing competition
Miguel Ortin 1985, Star of the Sea Primary, athletics, cross country, socce~ maths distinction
Wojciech Owczarek 1985, Our Lady of Mount Carmel
'lliston Ovennars
Angelo Paiano
Carlo Pirri
1982, Hilton Primary, rugby
1985, St Patricks Primary
1985, St Patricks Primary
Mark Pritchard 1985, Our Lady of Fatima, football
Jason Radonich 1982, St Jerome's Primary
Michael Reynolds 1984, South Coogee Primary, Hockey
LaW"ie Richards 1985, St Patricks Primary, swimming, (Vice-captain), cross country, chess club
Robert Ringvall 1985, Sl Vincenfs Primary, swimming, athletics, hockey
Dean Romaniello 1985, St jerome's Primary, SRC, swimming, athletics, football, cricket
Don Ross 1985, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary
Rodney Sammut 1982, Melville Primary, tennis, jazz orchestra
Dwayne Simons 1985, Star of the Sea Primary, athletics, squash, cross country, football, cricket
Mark Skelton 1985, Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary, mock trial, chess club, athletics
Jonathon Sloan 1984, St Paul's (Kamtha), rowing, hockey
Daryl Smith 1983, Kardinya Primary, YCS, ball committee, athletics, cross country, hockey, State Schoolboys Orienteering
David Southern 1982, lona Primary, community service
Chris Spinella 1982, Richmond Primary
Geoff Stanley 1982, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, SVP, jazz orchestra, rugby, WA Youth Jazz Orches. Ira member 1987-89
Gavin Strack 1985, Our Lady of Grace Primary, swimming, cross country, RAAJ, Sir Richard William Scholarship, chemistry distinction
Shaun Street 1985, Star of the Sea Primary, jazz orchestra, maths distinction
SamStrk 1985, Newton Primary
Shane 'IlIranto 1982, Sl Patrick's Primary
ShaunThmby 1982, St joseph's Primary, Albany,
SRC, debating, public speaking, ball committee, cross-country, Jaycees Public Speaking Competition
Stephen Toole 1985, St Thomas's Primary, YeS, rowing
Robert Vinci 1982, East Fremantle Primary, green faction captain, swimming captain, state representitive, Pacific School Games
Matthew Walton 1985, Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Svp, mock trial
John Wheeler
Thomas Wheeler
1985, Safety Bay Primary, athletics
1984, Safety Bay Primary, cross country
MarioZaza 1985, Christ the King Primary, ball committee, red faction captain, athletics, swimming, cross country, football
Commentator David Southern introduced the Mass.
Chris Miller's Service Award was greeted with thunderous applause.
Equal Dux Mark Ellis and Anthony Alvaro receive their awards from Br Kelly.
YEAR 12 AWARDS Equal Dux of Year 12: Mark Ellis and Anthony M Alvaro
R.A.C.I. Australian National Chemistry Quiz Distinctions Mark Ellis (lID) David McRae
Anthony M. Alvaro Wojciech Owczarek
Anthony Congdon Rodney Sammut
Tim Forster Gavin Strack
Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Nicholas Caputi
Brian Chapman
Mark Ellis
Michael Ortin
Group Four: Don Ross, Shane Taranto, Peter Manolas, Anlhony Congdon, Travis Edwards, Ross Lazzara, Mr McNamee, Marc De Lima and David Southern. Chris Miller taking a short break between sessions.
R.E. WORKSHOP In the last week of first term in 1989, the Senior year attended a live-in Religious Education Workshop at the Woodman's Point Youth Development Centre. The theme of the workshop was 'community' and the camp, with this theme in mind, allowed all of us to see a side of the Year 12 student body which had previously gone unnoticed This benefitted us because we understood friends, and teachers much bette!; especially during the 1112 hour sessions. These sessions were organised to introduce new areas into our lives. The discussion groups were organised so tha t there were people who really didn't know each other very well in the group togetheJ: This helped to reverse that situation, and all who were actively involved in collage making and the very popular meditation session, became closer to every member in their group. Of course, recreation and meals were supplied between sessions.
Trenton Cunnington, Shaun Temby; Mario Zaza, Father Hannah, Daryl Smith' and Frank Correia watch as Martin Egan holds up the poster their group made.
Robert Ringvall enjoying the Rock Mass.
Wojciech Owczarek was voted the guy with the neatest handwriting.
On the last day came the most meaningful session Everyone wrote 3 things about every person, confidentially, and they were given to each member This was a very truthful and surprising exercise, because people found out what other people thought about them. The camp wasn't just religious sessions, though. In between people played footy, rugby, beach cricket, flew kites and swam at the clean beach. At night people raided other dorms, usually with the teachers, or the controlling security officers, Mr Doran, Mr McIntyre, and Mrs Rodgers winning with their smooth tactics of controlling us. It was really surprising how fast we fell asleep when we were given the choice of 'shut-up, or sleep outside'. The bonfire on the beach was just the climax we needed to end the workshop. The culmination of the workshop was the mass. Each group organized one part The new style of mass with the modern music introduced, really brought the group closer togetheI; because we could sing along and understand what the song was really trying to say. We would like to thank each of the twelve facilitators who kindly donated their time for us during the camp. A special mention should go to Mrs Letizia and Mr Hackett for organising the camp. Br Kelly also deserves a mention for his relaxed manner and support of the camp, and for making us suffer eating Hungry Jacks on the last night It was a pleasant change! Each Year 12 student enjoyed the workshop and this could not have been achieved without the very demanding and stressful controlling efforts of Mr Doran, Mrs . Rodgers and Mr McIntyre. Thanks definitely go to them (and their efforts). We know that next year's workshop will be highly successful, like this one was, and I hope the new Year 12's appreciate the hard work that is put in by the staff
Gavin Maher erecting a home-made cross.
Peter Manolas Shaun Temby Year 12
Mr Henderson helping to clean up.
Mr Doran, Mr McIntyre, Mr and Mrs Rodgers dish up soup and
sandwiches to Nick Caputi, Robert Ringvall and Tim Forster
Group One: Angelo Paiano, Brian Chapman, Chris Mille!; Jonathon Sloan, Mark De Luca, Matthew Walton, Adrian Mahe!; Mr Hackett, Robert Ringvall, Aldo Galati, Luke Dullard, Marko Cubelic,Marcus Hickey, Anthony Alvaro andZach English.
MATRIMONY COURSE Twenty-two Year 12 students from CB.C~ and fifteen from De Vialar College took part this year in a matrimony course, organised by Mrs Letizia and Sister Angela. The course ran over a ten week period and was held at three different locations: Mr and Mrs Wallace at Melville, Mr and Mrs Nunes at Leeming, and Mr and Mrs Geers at Munstm: The actual sessions lasted for two hours, beginning at 7 p.m and finishing at 9 p.~ with a halfhour to socialize afterwards. The course covered all aspects of marriage ranging from love and trust to sexual attraction. On the whole,
everyone enjoyed the topics and they all shared their thoughts when it was time for discussion. In particula!; the students learned a great deal from the experience of the married couples who enjoyed the course as much as the students. On behalf of those who joined in the Matrimony course this yea!; I would like to thank Mrs Letizia and the participating couples for giving up their time to coach us in the ways of married life. Frank Correia Year 12
Mr and Mrs Geers' home group with guests, Father Whitely, Sister Angela and Mrs Letizia, gather to celebrate Mass at the end of the course.
YEARS 11 AND 12 SENIOR BAIl. The Annual C.B.c. Senior Ball was held on Friday, 26th May, 1989. This, the gala event in the GB.c. calendaJ; held in the excellent surroundings of Perth's Langley Plaza Hotel, was attended by 200 people in all their finery. Music was provided by the band 'Shangri La', who were 'instnnnental'in enticing the large crowd onto the dance floor and creating an atmosphere of relaxation which enabled the dancers to 'let their hair down' and enjoy themselves thoroughly. The coveted award for the ''Belle and Beau of the Ball" was deservingly won by Elizabeth Greenwood and Alfie DiTullio. Praise and congratulations are in order for the superb way in which the students, both Year 11's and Year 12's, and their partners conducted themselves before, during and after the Ball. In organizing a function such as a school ball, it would be almost impossible to thank all of those involved individually. It is, therefore, right and proper to mention the effort put in by the Ball Committee and Br Kelly, who worked together to finalize fund raising, the venue and the band, and the parents who helped with supervising the entrance: Mr Fitzgerald, Mr Handyside, Mr Overmars and Mr Hobbs who ensured that no untoward incidents occurred. And finally a sincere vote of thanks goes to Mrs Letizia for her untiring efforts in making the event the great . success that it was.
And this is how they looked . . . Gavin Strack, Mark Pritchard, Shane' Spina, Mark Ellis, David McRae and Craig Appleby with their partners.
Mrs Letizia receives a bouquet from Michael Reynolds.
Daryl Smith Marc de Lima Year 12
No not dancing instructions but how to pose for a photo. Mario Zaza and Stephanie Collins are on the receiving end.
Head Boy Nick Caputi took his role of Me. very seriously.
Belle and Beau of the Ballin white and silve~ 'Elizabeth Greenwood and Alfie DiTullio also had to lead the slow dancing, much to their ,embarrassment
The hard-working, long suffering Ball Committee in one of their quieter moments: Gavin MaheI; Adrian Mahe.r; Travis Edwards, Shaun Temby, Mario Zaza, Neil Flanders and Daryl Smith.
"The Bouncers": Mr Handyside, Mr Fitzgerald, Br Kelly, Mr Hobbs and Mr Ovennars.
"COME, SEE AND SHARE" WEEKEND On the last weekend of April twelve Year 12 students from various Catholic schools along with three fonner students and six Christian Brothers spent an enjoyable few days at the Eagle's Nest Camp, Gidgegannup. Our group included Lachlan Daniels, Nathan Fitzgerald, Shaun Street and Br Seaman from C.B.c. We began on Friday evening with Mass celebrated by Fr Reg Smith in a way that was different and in keeping with the peaceful reflection the weekend's programme aimed to provide. Over the Saturday and Sunday morning there was opportunity for each of us
to reflect on how life was going for him and to focus on his dreams and hopes for the future. The organise.r; Br Dan McMahan, in his own inimitable style, presented the sessions in a way that was easy to take, a good blend of the serious and the lighthearted. All this in a pleasant bushland setting and in congenial company made for a happy few days. At the end, all four of us from C.B.c. strongly agreed that the experience had been really worthwhile.
Br McMahon, Shaun Street, Br Seaman, Nathan Fitzgerald and Lachlan Daniels.
BrG. Seaman
llB Mark Lomma, Ricardo De Castro, Nathan Windebank, Brynne Farrell, Mr C. Barnes, Adam Lamond, Matthew O'Brien, Trevor Phillips, Dale Ross. Second Row: Michael Hubble, Ryan Bacich, Rick Mundy, Gavin Rennick, Morris Caputi, Malcolm Jones, Luke Grose, Jason Hart, Adam Mathews. Third Row: Beau Collins, Nathan Thompson, Matthew Migro, Anthony Albuquerque, Tyrone Doddy. Absentees: Callum Flynn, Tony Sticca. Front Row:
llG Jason Robertson, Chris Sproule, Karsten Guste:r; Steven Mansueto, Mr C. Garratt, Anthony Hilton, Sean McGunnigle, Andrew Pitlaway, John Fernandes. Second Row: David Murti, Jeffrey flome, Roger Cristavao, David Mort, Daniel DiTullio, Chris Golding, Angelo Vincenti, Craig Carte:r; Heath Kennington Third Row: Cambell Buswell, Adam NoaH, Michael Atkinson, Paul Lockwood-Hall, Mark Schape:r; Min Min Sumardi, Craig Fairhall. Absentees: Teo Pacella, Anthony Jackson Front Row:
11M Domenico Iacono, Paul Mille1; Ivan Anneli, Paul Dujmovic, Mr B. Mulvey, Danny Robertson, Jason Ryan, Peter Gavranich, Luciano De Sousa. Second Row: Nathan Mansfield, Shane Spina, Chris Morgan, Giulio Naso, Michael Healy, Michael Farrell, Frank Pitaro, Kieran Kearns. Jarrad Brookes, Frank Caputi, Darren Clifton, Liam Cosgriff Third Row: Absentees: Angelo Guida, Eddie Kao.
Front Row:
11S Momon Halim, Jeremy Dobra, Brian Mathe1; Declan Stack, Be G. Seaman, David Holloway, Jamie Raffaele, Gino Auriemma, Michael Fitzgerald. Second Row: Blake Palme1; Michael Perna, Mark Cammilleri, Robert Kostrz, Sasha Danilovich, Kevin Gomes, John Faliti, Daragh Grie1; Ghedino Lomma. , Third Row: Damian Ziegelaa1; Glen Harding, Kristian Robinson, Gary Abelha, Martin Cattalini, Chris Scharf, Todd Jarvis, Matthew Muie Absentees: Sammy Miceli, David TaylOI:
Front Row:
I ,~I
Year 11 Awards Dux: Brian Mather
. ,,',1
2nd Place
1st Place
Accounting Applied Business Studies Applied Computing Art Biology Chemistry Computing
Robert Kosllz Dale Ross Cambell Buswell Jason Ryan Nathan Mansfield Brian Mather Gavin Rennick and David Taylor Anthony Hilton Damian Ziegelaar Anthony Hilton Paul Dujmovic Damian Ziegelaar Jason Ryan Luke Grose IvanArmeli Anthony Hilton Brian Mather Brian Mather Francesco Pitaro Dale Ross Shane Spina Anthony Hilton Damian Ziegelaar Giulio Naso Mark Cammilleri
Economics English English Literature Furniture Woodwork Geography History Human Biology Italian Mathematics 1 Mathematics 2 Mathematics 3 Mathematics 4 Motors and Machines Music Physical Education _ Physics Technical Drawing Theatre Arts
Francesco Pitaro Mark Cammilleri Jeremy Dobra Genaro Auriemma pamian Ziegelaar
Sean McGunnigle Kristian Robinson Gavin Rennick Declan Stack Brian Mather Michael,Healy Kristian Robinson
Momon Halim Trevor Phillips Gavin Rennick Shane Spina Liam Cosgriff Callum Flynn Luke Grose Brian Mather
Daniel Robertson
Service Awards
Roger Cristovao Nathan Windebank
R.A.C.I. Australian National Chemistry Quiz Distinctions Brian Mather (HD) Heath Kennington
Damian Ziegelaar (HD) Matthew O'Brien
Glen Harding Gavin Rennick
Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Genaro Auriemma Trevor Phillips
Glen Harding Mark Schaper
Brian Mather Damian Ziegelaar
Sean McGunnigle I
;. !
Tony Sticca
Phillip Del Casale
YEAR 11 R.E. WORKSHOP Our Year 11 Religious Education Workshop was held in the last week of term 1, Tuesday to Friday, at the Christian Youth Camp at Lake Cooloongup. Over the four days we participated in fifteen work sessions each of a bout one hour's dura tion. These sessions were in tended to help us come to know ourselves better and clarify our values in life, as well as to build up friendship and mutual support in Year 11 as a whole. There were also topics more particularly spiritual such as our understanding of God and of praye1: One of the few times we gathered as a total group was for the Mass, celebrated by Fr Smith whose unique approach to the Mass we greatly appreciated. At the Mass, too, we were glad to welcome many of our family members.
Most of each afternoon was left free for recreation. We made good use of the various facilities available: trampoline, table-tennis, basketball and tennis courts, etc, while the keen surfers were able to travel to the beach each day. Another very enjoyable feature was the excellent cooking by Mrs Faria for whose enthusiastic and tireless efforts we were very grateful. We also acknowledge with warm thanks those mothers who generously helped with the workshop: Mrs Ziegelam; Mrs Di Tullio, Mrs Farrell, Mrs Handyside and Mrs Mundey. We include with them Mr & Mrs Dunkerton whose assistance with transport to and from the camp was a great help. Finally, we thank our teachers for their efforts to make the Workshop both helpful and enjoyable. Nathan Windebank Damian Ziegelaar Year 11
Year 11 parents, teachers and students gather for the Mass.
John Fernandes receives his award from Br Kelly.
Ivan Arrneli, Kieran Kearns, Darren Clifton, Frank Caputi and Angelo Guida eat their Founder's Day lunch.
Frank Caputi and Michael Perna exhibit their illysses posters on Family Day.
YEAR 11/12 HOCKEY REPORT - Year 11/12 Hockey 1989 Season The growth of hockey at CB.C. was once more exemplified when twenty five enthusiasts nominated for the Upper School Team In previous years we had more than enough players for one team but always had to canvass players to make-up the second team The discrepancy between the ability level of the two teams was also far less this year than in previous years. Another improvement this year was that we were able to have separate coaches for each team All this augers well for 1990 and beyond.
C.B.C. ".8' Team The squad had a good even spread of talented players who were willing to team together to form a strong unit Because some players were representing local teams as well as the school team, practice sessions were frequently comprised. Yet despite this the boys developed well as a team having an excellent spirit Natural ability was certainly a key factor but no player was by-passed because of lesser ability. In the home and away games eB.C "K Team topped the ladder with an unbeaten record although many of the games were closely contested. The most pleasing
feature of the season ~as the friendly spirit shown by our own players and also the opposition in every case. Hopefully Sportsmanship will be the most important lesson learned this year Hopefully it will be the most enduring of the skills retained Our sincere thanks go to all our many supporters, in particular we thank MI: Ringvall, M1: & Mrs. Jarvis for acting as a Team of Managers. Br Kelly - Coach
C.B.C. "B" Team While success in the form of winning did not come to this team, satisfaction for effort was itself a reward. The strongest teams offered to treat the ''B'' Team casually. Frequently CB.C. ''B'' held the upper hand for most of the game only to taste defeat in the closing stages. The team practised hard and enthusiastically. They belied the dictum the "everyone loves a winner". Here was the perfect example where a "losing" team was always held in the highest regard. Most importantly the players held themselves in high regard. Thanks to Team Manager Ros Cook for looking after us for the season Mr Hackett - Coach
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absent
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:
lOB Matthew Galiano, John Catalano, Michael McCallrun, Alex Farfan, Mrs S. Brooke, David Jones, Paul Palermo, Rajeev Albuquerque, Peter Hall. Angelo TurtUI; Warren Dunn, Anthony Nocciolino, Kayne Binks, Jason SawyeI; Mark McCormack, Marco De Boni, Todd MacPherson, Nathan Potts. Antony Schillaci, Robert Bavcevich, Antonio Zelencic, Paul MilleI; David ThompsoIL Michael Ingram
lOE William Blail; Alexis Morin, Scott Panizza, Mrs 0. Ellis, Jason MaheI; Steven McGuire, Giuseppe Canciglia. Mark Waters, David Gill, Joao De Jesus, Sandra Ricciardi, Nicholas Sloan, Anthony Ciampini, Cosimo Farinola. Evan Duxbury, John Hamilton, Scott TayloI; Daniel PrimmeI; Haig ODea, Richard Bailey, Gareth Iriks.
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absent
tOG Justin Russell, Clint Cartel; Nathan Johansen, Giuseppe Galati, Miss E. Sgro, Michael Wilson, Menacheme Duncan, Richard Billing, Shayne O'Neill. Wayne Rayfield, Jeremy Day, Sean Paterson, Justin Evans, Philip Hudson, Marc Avidov, Nicholas Lindsay, Simon Nicholson, David Tolj. Marco Piscicelli, Aaron Strack, Ryan Greenwell, Kurt Shepherd, Cameron Burns, Tyren Edwards, Robert Ottaviano. Andrew Mayhew.
tOR Paul Stevenson, Callum White, Robert Selman, Jeremy Durack, Mr R Rose'Meyel; Benjamin Gould, Matthew Papaphotis, Derek Mountain, David Thomas. Second Row: Anthony Bosco, Roberto Ciampini, Mark King, Antonio Cangemi, Phillip Del Casale, Anthony Milbourne, Arrin Barkel; Nicholas Jenkins, Mark Pensabene. ' Third Row: Daniel Rinaldi, Justin Rae, Douglas McRae, Michael ODwyel; Joshua Hawley, Bruno Cristovao, Robert Payne. Absent Jason Cecich.
Front Row:
Front Row:
James Croft, Joe Muscara, Mathew Stirling, Colin Ferns, Mr G. Stack, Shane Beresford, Colin Dix, Nathan Pie sse, Anthony Sgro. Second Row: Mitchell Capelli, Ivan Jerkovic, Cono Paratore, John Gray, Clinton Micale, Cliff Letizia, Greg DWYeJ; Matthew Hilderbrandt, Arnold McGuinness. Paul Thornton, Daniel Orthman, David Ritchie, Emidio Ranalli, Nathan Ashley, Andrew Williams. Third Row: Absent Salvatore Martelli, Christopher Buis.
WORK EXPERIENCE The work experience programme for 1989 was run over the final week of term ill - the 25th September to the 29th Septembe:r:: This was the first year in which work experience has been shortened to one week, and this was done primarily to try to ensure that every student could be placed in a job area in which they were most interested. There is tremendous pressure on employers today due to the huge numbers of requests that they receive to take students on work experience. Consequently, many employers are now only willing to take students for one week so that they can accommodate as many of the requests as possible. It seems as though this approach has been successful, as almost all students this year found placements that were high on their list of possible career paths. Students found placements in a wide variety of areas, including law, marine biology, computing, architecture, engineering, graphic design, accounting, plumbing, carpentry, and many, many more. The boys and their parents are to be commended on their efforts in finding suitable and interesting placements.
As in past years, the students on work experience conducted themselves in a manner that added to the already excellent reputation of C.B.c. boys on work experience. The employers assessment forms were unanimous in their praise of our students politeness, courtesy, and presentatioIL They also gave details of some excellent prospects for the successful employment of a number of students. I would like to personally congratulate the boys on their efforts at making their work experience a successful part of their school yea:r:: I would also like to thank those parents who helped their son find a suitable placement, and those who offered their workplace as a possible placement for other students. Finally, I would like to thank, on behalf of the boys, those teachers who gave up their time to visit students on work experience, and also to extend my thanks to Ms Gray for the preparatory work that she did at the end of 1988. Mr A Di Lollo School Counsellor
YEAR 10 AWARDS Dux: Mark Pensabene
1st Place
2nd Place
Advanced Computing Art Art Graphics Computing Craft Drama English Italian Maths
Richard Billings Richard Billings Nathan Piesse Paul Stevenson Robert Ottaviano Mitchell Capelli William Blair phillip Del Casale
Metalwork Music Physical Education Public Speaking Science
Shayne ONeill Evan Duxbury Ben Gould Paul Miller Andrew Williams David Jones Mark Pensabene Emidio Ranalli Mark Pensabene and Kayne Binks David Toli Douglas McRae Richard Bailey Douglas McRae Mark Pensabene
Science Enrichment Social Studies Technical Drawing Woodwork
David Toli Nathan Ashley Colin Ferns Aaron Strack
Alex Farfan Marco De Boni Nicholas Jenkins Nicholas Jenkins Kayne Binks and David Toli Mark Pensa bene Mark Pensabene Phillip Del Casale Philip Hudson
, II i
'Service Awards William Blair Ryan Greenwell Douglas McRae Mathew Stirling Angelo Thrtur
R.A.C.I. Australian National Chemistry Quiz Distinctions Nathan Ashley (HD) Giuseppe Muscara (I-ID) John Gray
Matthew McCormack (HD) Mark Pensabene (HD) Matthew Papaphotis
Peter Miller (HD) David Toli (HD) Robert Payne
Alex Morin (HD) Andrew Williams (I-ID) Callum White
Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Kayne Binks Alex Morin
Ben Gould Mark Pensabene
Douglas McRae Antony Schillaci
Paul Miller David Toli
YEAR 10 CAMP AT ROTTNEST Bad weather marred the start of the annual Year 10 camp at Rottnest For many lOG, lOR and 10E students and teachers, the Rottnest jetty was a welcomed sight with the promise of stable ground and a less sickly environment Monday, the third of April, was a morning when mostofus would have fared b etter without breakfast - the majority arrived at Rottnest without it anyway. The rough crossing to Rottnest with about 60 Year 10 students signalled an early start to the comradeship that developed during the camp. Many of the boys who did not suffer from seasickness tried to help and comfort other boys and teachers the best they could. If it is the purpose of Christian education to open a student's life to the awareness, service and love of others then this lot of boys are certainly successful witnesses to God's presence in their lives. (Catechesis of Revelation; G. Moran, 1966). The idea of community is promoted with students living in groups of 3-6. The Tentland cabins provided the stage for domestic bliss, enjoyment and chaos as many boys experienced for the first time the joys of cleaning frying pans and eating burnt offerings. All activities followed the general theme of community. The boys willingly participated in a general cleanup of a designated area. This cleanup gathered two dumped bikes and bags of rubbish. The enthusiastic spirit of the camp continued with a trip to the museum, an early morning jog and a bike ride to the West End, where Father Coran met us and celebrated the most memorable Mass of the year in a cave on the beach. After swimming, fishing, and exploring, we left at 2.30 p.llL The ride home reminded everyone of a scene from a demolition derby. Consequently, many boys arrived back at camp late and sore from the 12 km ride or walk. The physical activity didn't end there as a long walk to the Guns was to begin at 7.30 p.llL On the way back, we spent some quiet time in the church. As our last day began, lOB, lOS and the remainder of 10E arrived to occupy the ca bins for the rest of the week It is easy to pinpoint activities that occurred during the camp, but it is impossible to measure the spirit of goodwill and community that developed during those days. Thanks must go to Brother Kelly for permitting the camp, Mr RoseMeyerfor his impecca ble organisation, Father Coran, Mr Di Lollo, Mr Owens and the Year 10 form teachers for their cooperation in making a most enjoyable camp.
David Tolj and Anthony Milbourne try their culinary skills.
Miss E. Sgro
Alex Morin proves what many have thought about the size of his mouth.
Domestic bliss for the hungry crowd: Justin Rae, Scott Taylor, Cameron Burns, Jason Cecich, Paul Stevenson, Matthew Papaphotis and Alex Morin
A friendly local and visitor to the island (Paul Stevenson).
Joshua Hawley scratches his head while Michael Wilson and David Tolj argue about the way to the West End.
Father Coran gives communion to Douglas McRae at a wonderful Mass in a cave 'a t the West End.
Waiting for the ferry on Wednesday afternoon Staff (Mr Di Lollo, Mrs Brooke and Miss Sgro) enjoying a long-awaited sit-down.
Some said yes .. . to Aaron Strack and Cameron Burns.
including a teacher . . . Miss Sgro gives a donation to Andrew Mayhew and Ryan Greenwell.
and some said no ... Disappointed collectors are Jeremy Day and Simon Nicholson
In the second term this yea.t; fifty six year ten students from CB.C. embarked on a nine week course of dancing lessons with the year ten girls from lana College. There was an air of anticipation and excitement as the boys made themselves respectable and emptied a few cans of deodorant before boarding the bus. After the preliminary instructions from the instructo.t; Mr Robert Gilkinson, the boys took some five to ten minutes to "sort out" their partners - a hilarious situation for onlookers but rather embarrassing for the participants. During the nine week course the students learnt some LatinAmerican(Cha-cha-chaandjive),ModernBaliRoom (Slow Rhythm, Quick Step and Waltz), Old Time (Barn Dance and Pride of Erin) and Modern Party Dances (Progressive Jive, Mexican Shuffle, Huckle Buck and Zorba). The students enjoyed these lessons and were quite competent at the end of the ninth week Besides Plastering the basics they also learnt some ordinary dance floor etiquette - how to approach a girl when asking her for a dance and at the end returning her to her place. The nine week course culminated in a Social at lana ,during which the students put into practice the skills they had learnt They had a most enjoyable time. Nathan Piesse was awarded a trophy for the most improved male dancel:
Giuseppe Muscaro, Matthew Papaphotis and Mark Waters with their partners in the Barn Dance.
Mr R Rose'Meyer Nathan Piesse and partner receiving an award from Dance Instructo.t; Mr R Gilkison.
Zorba! Believe it or not!
YEAR 10 HOCKEY 1989 has been a most enjoyable and successful season for the Year 10 Hockey Team. We went through the 13 preliminary games undefeated and ended up as Zone winners having scored fifty goals and having seven scored against us - a testimony to our very strong back line and an all-round skilful team. In our quarter finals against Carine High School we started off poorly in the first half but lifted our game in the second to win 5 goals to o. The semi finals against our old rivals, Lumen Christi, was a different ball game. We started off in scintillating form and scored a goal in the first few minutes but then appeared to cruise along. We got a rude awakening in the last two minutes when Lumen Christi equalised. Stirred to action, with less than a minute to go, our back, Justin Evans, made a brilliant
Front Row: Back Row:
run down the forward line and with some fine stick work and only seconds to go scored from an almost impossible angle. The grand final was played against St Norberts on the Astroturf. This game was fast and very evenly contested. We scored twice in the first half, but StNorberts came back strongly in the second and put our defence under tremendous pressure. We withstood and won the game and the premiership 2-1 I'd like to congratulate both teams on the fine spirit in which the game was played. Many thanks, too, to the parents and supporters throughout the season. Mr R Rose'Meyer
Phil Hudson, Warren Dunn, Mark Waters, Alex Morrin, Andrew Williams, Matthew Papaphotis. Mr Rose'Meye:r; Justin Evans, Nathan Pie sse, Jason Mahe:r; Mark McCormack, Mathew Stirling, Todd MacPherson, Kayne Binks.
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absent
9A Jason Martinovich, Sean Flynn, Robert Gauci, Ryan Donnelly, Mr P. Martin, Damian Creedon, Grant O'Brien, Andrew TaylOl; Darren Janczyk Bradley Edwards, Alfredo Rodriguez, Mathew Day, Russell ButleJ; Sefton Payze, Shannon Andrews, Steven Savy, Steven Prynne, Brett Watson Darren Van Tuyl, Campbell Gibson, Steven Hide, Nicholas Langley, Jeremy Powell, Steven Smith. Adam Flockhart, Ashley Low, Joe Meranda, Nicholas Bass.
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Absent
Clifton Chapman Davis, Peter Sgro, John Nguyen, Robert Barkla, Mrs N. Cooney, Steven Ferns, Raymond Mangano, Fernando Valenzuela, John De Felice. Chad Roberts, Tomislav Vukovac, Anthony Paratore, Wallace Duarte, Kamil Gacia, Todd Allen, Jason Pinzone, Julian Simpson, Frank Mosca. Daniel DiNunzio, Carl Broome, Lian Iriks, David Sammut, Joseph Taboni, Kevin Kennedy. Dean Hart, Stewart Ward, Scott Leahy, Peter Callaghan Mark Bianchini, Domenic D'Alessandro, Daniel Gentile.
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absent
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Absent
Frank Paratore, Conrad Murphy; Luke Moore, Johnathon Dobson, Mr P. Watt, David Walke!; Tyree Jackiewicz, Scott Sanderson, Beau Brown. Jeremy Damonse, Damien Pratt, Christopher Van Tuyl, Bradley MarshallJ'Salvatore Basile, Steven Garces, James Rodrigues, Michael Taranto, Dominic Lee. Paul Smith, Michael-Jez Garces, John Kirkwood, Daniel De Florenca, Michael McMullen, Colin Fieldsend, Jansen Hawley. Michael Pearson, Dale Durant, Nicholas Amato, Daniel Conroy.
9M Aubrey Green, Peter Donnelly; Fernando Mattioli, Sergio Merino, Mr J. Purcell, Adam Laycock, Ken Gavranich, Shawn D'Cruz, Paul Bedola. Carmelo Bosco, Simon Dickey; Marco Ricciardi, Mathew Hine, Matthew O'Hara, Gerald Croll, Michael Forzatti,Danaiel Perna, Massimo Vicoli. Martin Ross, Michael Spanbroek, Mark Appleby; Ashley Taylo!; Steven MacLean, Greg Elphick David Weldon, Scott ScharL Adam Calginari, Brent Jarvis. Nathan Sharkey.
9U Ian Faulkne.t; Sergio De Ceglie, Luke Richardson, Benjamin Bowden, Ms R Dutton, Jeremy Hvala, David Tunnard, Benjamin Carrigg, John Auriemma. Second Row: Chris Voitkevich, Nathan Hamme.t; Brett Salt, Frank Seman, Anthony Di Giacomo, Darryn Beresford, Damian Morgan, Justin Maloney, Nathaniel O'Hara . . Third Row: Mark Douglas, Nickolas Perna, Neil Foti, Phillip Gee, Richard Albuquerque, Luke Sicree. Fourth Row: Peter Betz, Peter Fenton, Benjamin Wynne, Michael Lazzara. Absent Ryan Cucel
Front Row:
David Tolj receiving an Award of Excellence for outstanding performance in the RA.CI Australian National Chemistry Quiz
YEAR 9 AWARDS Dux: Richard Albuquerque
I Ii
1st Place
2nd Place
Advanced Computing Art Art Graphics Computing Craft Drama English Italian Mathematics
Richard Albuquerque Jeremy Hvala Campbell Gibson Jason Martinovich Brent Jarvis Wallace Duarte Brett Salt Peter Sgro Grant O'Brien
Metalwork Music Physical Education Public Speaking Science Science Enrichment Social Studies Technical Drawing Woodwork
Mark Appleby Ken Gavranich Ken Gavranich Martin Ross Mark Douglas John Nguyen Ken Gavranich Scott Leahy RyanCucel
Mark Douglas Shawn D'Cruz Steven Ferns Steven Ferns Matthew O'Hara Gregory Elphick Michael Taranto Fernando Mattioli Richard Albuquerque and Mark Douglas Dean Hart Damian Creedon Dean Hart Todd Allen Richard Albuquerque Grant O'Brien Peter Sgro Grant O'Brien John Auriemma
Service Awards
Shawn D'Cruz Dean Hart Steven Hide Brett Salt Michael Taranto
R.A.C.I. Australian National Chemistry Quiz Distinctions Gerald Croll (HD) Jehn Auriemma Brent Jarvis Peter Sgro
Mark Douglas (HD) David Creedon John Kirkwood Christopher Van Tuyl
Martin Ross (HD) Shawn D'Cruz Scott Leahy
Richard Albuquerque Mathew Hine . Grant O'Brien
Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Gerald Croll
Shawn D'Cruz
Mark Douglas
Grant O'Brien
WAROONA CAMP The commencement of the Camp on Easter Tuesday was felt at school, where the atmosphere was quite an exciting one. Boys were eager to get to Camp, and so when we got to Waroona, the boys were quick to settle in.
The journey to the Camp had quite a lot of magnificent scenery, but nothing compared to the picturesque countryside where the camp was situated. Rolling hills, and running rivers were just part of the breathtaking scenery around us. The activities were well organised and were both educational and enjoyable. Archery, waterskiing, horse-riding, canoeing, orienteering, incentive and confidence courses, and flying foxes were the activities we experienced. Favourites amongst the boys were horse riding, water skiing and archery. The quickest but most splendid ride was taken on the big flying fox. The fox extended from one side of a wide valley to the othe!: The view was great The meals were also excellent After dinner we spent time either watching videos, taking part in the Quiz or enjoying a game of spot light Of course all good things come to an end. Friday was spent cleaning (not the most enjoyable activity!) after which we sadly packed and left The camp was a great success thanks to the time and _effort given by Mr Hewton (camp owner and organizer) and our teachers. We can thoroughly recommend this Camp to any Year Niners.
''Hold them like this . .." Nick Amato receiving instructions watched by Dale Durant
Walace Quarte, 9C Todd Allan, 9C ''It seems to float ..." John Kirkwood, Jonathon Dobson and Luke Moore in the foreground.
Trying the confidence course: Nick Amato, Tyree Jackiewicz, Daniel Pema,MichaelMcMullen.
''You tie it like this" ... John Kirkwood, Ben Wynne and Luke M00I'e learn how to make a raft
Kevin Kennedy ÂŁlying high.
FAIRBRIDGE CAMP. We left for our camp during the Easter Holiday on Tuesday the 28th of March. After arriving at Fairbridge we got into our groups and were assigned huts. On Wednesday we went to the Agridome and had a talk given to us about the types of sheep in the world and how they originated. In the afternoon we visited the Goat Farm and were shown how to milk goats and other skills which were very enjoyable. On Thursday we played sport against Pinjarra High. We won softball and volleyball, placed second in Basketball, and nearly won the cricket due to a fine batting display by Ryan Donnelly. That night we went to the Pizza Hut and we all enjoyed it Over all, Camp was fun. It was good living and cooking for yourself, and we learnt how to feed and look after ourselves without our parents around. Brett Salt Year 9
They've really tired us out .. .
YEAR 9 SOCIAlS This year again, the year Nine CB.C. boys and the De Vialar girls enjoyed two Socials - one at the beginning of term two, and the other at the beginning of term forn: On both occasions the venue - the East Fremantle Parish Hall - was colourfully decorated. Although we were a little self-conscious at the first social, we ventured to introduce a 'Black and White' theme for the second one. This proved to be very popular and two boys dressed and 'made up' so well, that they had people guessing for quite a while as to their identity. The nl's from 'Cloud Nine' provided a wide variety of numbers going back even to the Rock'n Roll of the 60's! Door prizes and little competitions added to the en tertainmen t On behalf of all the Year Nine students we would like to thank the De Vialarteachers and girls, but especially our own Year 9 staff for organising the Socials, and for supervising them for us. We would also like to encourage boys who feel nervous about Socials to go along as they are lots of fun. Mal Bosco, 9M Mark Bianchini, 9C
Stephen Hide and Darren Van Thyl stole the show.
Joe Merenda, Jason Martinovich, Michael Taranto, Frank Seaman, John Auriemma, Jason Pinzone, Robert Gauci, Pina Spatore, Ben Carrigg.
Ian FaulkneI; Julian Simpson and Matk Appleby.
Front Row:
Kevin McMullen, Mark Bosnich, Ryan Voitkevich, David Moore, Mr S. Barbel; Steven Forzatti, Marco Cozza, Jorce De Jesus, Anthony Procino. Second Row: Hugh O'Neill, Joe Rocha, Umberto Valerini, Jason Judge, Jason Gomes, Ryan Murphy, Travis Bienkowski, Sebastian Canciglia, Tim Hamid. Third Row: Jason Mansfield, Pasquale D'Ortona, Paul Yates, Michael Fishbourne, Brendan Smutny, Gavin Nesham, William Carrigan. Absent Adrian Petrache
8H Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absent
Blake Eldrid, Joey Fusari, Dale Sainsbury, Stuart Morgan, Mr R Shandley, Stuart Norman, Simon Bizzaca, Luke Van Der Zanden, Joseph Cuccovia. Ben De Pedro, Ryan Jansen, Alvaro Rocha, Nelson Gonvalves, Aidan Casey, Philip Tolj, David Anderson, Anthony Brewel; Giovani Ruocco. Malcom Hart, Patrick McNamara, Alexander Marinovich, Stephen Jurica, Ryan Poole, Eraldo De Luca, Brendan Wall, lanto Evans. Matthew Greanes.
8S Scott Powm; Stuart Anakin, Peter Bonavita, Klinton Moullin, Mrs S. Shirvani, Antoni adak, Ryan Glamuzina, Adrian Vitali, John Tuffnell. Second Row: Lucas Russell, Chad Micale, Kenneth Lee, Paul Gumina, Robert Rogato, Darren Nattrass, Ryan Hawke, Brendan McGuinness. Third Row: Brent Dunlop, Adam Jenkins, Marcel Maron, Maxwell Briggs, Carlos Dos Santos, Kane Parsons, Brendan White. Absent Joel Cucel, Neil Pye.
First Row:
Front Row:
Damien Hawkins, James Guy, Adam Dudek, Luke Godwin, Mrs K Watt, Adam Mui!; Benjamin Jobey, Giulio Rosa, David ODriscoll. Second Row: Adam Fitzgerald, Roberto Boni, Gregory Davies, Mark Mille!; Stephen Ricetti, Ivo Vitlov, Paul Leonard, Peter Barker '. Third Row: Brett Sanderson, Adam Bull, Nathan Williams, Stewart Martincic, Delmar Evans, Gino Premici, Jacob McCallum, Daniel Ng, AIdo Cortopassi. Absent Joseph Turtu.t:
YEAR 8 AWARDS Dux: Mark Bosnich
1st Place
2nd Place
English Mathematics Science Social Studies
Mark Bosnich Mark Bosnich Mark Bosnich Mark Bosnich
David Anderson David Anderson Kenneth Lee David Anderson
Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions
Nice work! Mr Forlin congratulating Roberto Boni.
Distinction Winners: Nathan Williams, Mark Bosnich, Kenneth Lee, Jason Gomes, David Anderson (Prize), Darren Nattrass, David ODriscoll and Lee Durant
Above left Steven Fonatti and friend - feeding time at the zoo. Above: Anthony Brewer and Ianto Evans filling in the zoo sheets.
IDTHEZOO The day started like any other day except that it was the time for the four Year 8 classes to go on a Science Field Trip to the South Perth Zoo. The worst part of the day was the bus trip taking quite a while to get there. After arriving the four classes assembled outside the cafeteria for a quick briefing on all the facilities around the zoo area. Then we were off People went in every direction taking with them two worksheets to complete. This was the hard part As soon as you had finished one part about an animal you had to hurry and roughly work on anoth81: One person had their pen taken from them by a rather hungry monkey who devoured it in one quick gulp while another person had a close shave when they were almost run over by the Zoo Train. But, unfortunate experiences aside, everyone enjoyed the walk (or should I say run) around the zoo, completing the sheets just in time. At 12.00 everyone had assembled again outside the cafeteria for lunch. Just when they thought their troubles were over they found they had to battle the queues of the cafeteria and then after emerging from the shop they had to find a table while desperately trYrng to keep hordes of seagulls at bay. Finally, after lunch, it was time for us to leave. As we boarded the bus (Oh No!) many felt as they were about to collapse bll-t managed to make it back to school where it was time for a nice, refreshing 80 minutes of sport! Jason Judge Michael Fishbourne
Adam Jenkins and Matthew Greaves - now where is the nocturnal house?
This year the Year 8 classes had their camp at Lake Cooloongup. The camp ran for three days - from November 8 to November 10. The camp started from the Junior Campus. The two buses filled up quickly as the students were eager to be off. The buses started and in a short time they were at Lake Cooloongup. After they had found their dorms and had unpacked their gea:!; the boys were allowed to roam the campsite and participate in the many camp activities - mini golf, flying fox, table tennis, pool, tennis, netball and volleyball. After a quick lunch the boys took part in a Mini-Olympics, organized by 8H. All the classes were out to win this contest which included volleyball, netball, continuous cricket and a softball game. The contest was won by 8w. That night after dinner there was a quiz night The quiz was punctuated by dares and Who am I's. The boys were then sent to their dorms but, for some, it was a long time until they fell asleep. The second day was the main day of the camp. After breakfast 8B and 8W went horse riding. It was a fun 2 hours for all. While 8B and 8W went riding, 25 boys from 8H and 8S went to Penguin Island. They, too, had an enjoyable time walking, swimming or surfing. The remaining boys of the 8H and 8S classes stayed at camp. In the afemoon they swapped over At 5 o'clock there was a short Mass at iPe campsite.
After dinner the fun-filled talent night started. Even the teachers laughed at a group of boys who did set-ups of the various teachers. Friday morning was camp activities. Then the dorms were cleaned and the luggage piled on the truck The boys arrived back at school at 3 o'clock All agreed, it was a great camp. Mark Bosnich Anthony Procino
Horseriding - about to set out Simon Cattalini has just mounted. How long can he stay on?
r n JJ
. YEAR 7
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Absent
Damien Fletche:t; Steven Hoban, Anthony Rybak, Bradley Annakin, Glenn Smith, Mr P. Rossite:t; Paul Iuliano, Bradley Santos, Timothy Cronin, David Gevaux, John O'Connm: Andrew Mayberry, Simon John, Glenn Laycock, Ryan Gowenlock, Stephen Mahe:t; Paul De Boni, Stuart Marlborough, Benjamin Paganoni, Benjamin French, Lee Durant Ryan Callaghan, Adrian Strk, Peter Della-Bona, Travis McLeod, Ben Lewis, Domenic Macri, Dino Pacella, Grant Jarvis, Matthew Bass, David Neale. Tony Ruocco, Edward Bastow, Ivan Spanjich, Bflhan Flaherty, Mark Ritchie. Luke Dickley.
James Fan; Kieron Lawlo:t; Dennis Maciel, Steven Maisano, MI: G Holtham, Mark PaleImo, Paul Valente, Jonathan Broome, Christopher BowdeIL Second Row: Joseph O'Hara, Alexander Kelly, Cameron Perna, Luke Cammilleri, Shawn Robinson, Nigel Bridgeman, Joseph Catalano, Calogero Canciglia. Third Row: Michael Vinci, David Turtu:t; Anthony Chillino, Niall McCloskey, Nelson Garces, Alexander Foste:t; Owen Walsh, Joseph Terribile, David White. Fourth Row: Sean Richardson, Justin Golding, Fernando DeFlorenca, Cyprian Molicki, John Casey. Absent Michael Binetti, Jason Faria, Marco D'lllisse. Front Row:
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Absent
Robert Vinci, Greg Barke!; Cosmin Ticos, Richard Cavilli, Mr A Sta Maria, Lyle Baue!; Ken Lai, Jeremy Piesse, Phillip Norman. Ryan Morgan, Paul Pitaro, Brett Carte!; Salvatore Fazzino, Daren Savy, Grant Watton, Gavin Williams, Sean Geaney. Gary Faria, Matthew Cybula, Bradley Masters, David Cocciolone, Daniel Galati, Eamon Arandiga, Barry O'Driscoll, Jamie Paganoni, Richard Rank. Jeffrey Ryan, Paul Spiccia, Michael Sammut, Bruno Osredecki, James Jobey, Dominic Bird. Mario Peca.
YEAR 7 AWARDS Dux: Ivan Spanjich Religion: Music:
Grant Jarvis Bradley Santos
YEAR 6 AWARDS Equal Dux: Kieron Lawlor and Owen Walsh Religion: Music:
Broome Paul Valente
YEAR 5 AWARDS Dux: Phillip Norman Religion: Music:
Michael Sammut Phillip Norman
THANKSGIVING MASS During tenns II & III Tuckfield Campus runs a Small Group Reading Scheme. We have support from about 30 parents and grandparents -who come each week to take a small group of boys for a reading and discussion. This has become a regular forte of the School Programme as is the Thanksgiving Mass we have to thank the parents who have been involved. The Mass for 1989 was held in the Hall on Campus on the last day of tenn m Mrs N. Lovelock Mr Sta Maria giving Communion to Peter Della Bona.
PRIMARY SPORTS CARNIVAL The Primary Intra School Sports Carnival was held in September All students were involved in all the activities on the day. The boys, in small groups, spent 30 minutes at each Sports Station. Some comments on the day from Year 6. At the Sports Carnival we had a great time except for the 400 Ill. (Alex Kelly) The Sports Day was good but Red didn't win. Gonathon Broome) Sports Day was great Gustin Golding) The Sports Day was a good day but the weather was cold. (Michael Vinci) Sport - it was good because we won. (Cameron Perna) The Sports Day went well and we all had fun. Goseph O'Hara)
And they're offl Year 5's off to a flying start
Jamie Pagas from Year 5 going for the throw.
YEAR6CAMP On Wednesday 6th of Septembe:I; between 8.00 a.ilL and 9.00 a.m. the Year 6 and Year 7 boys arrived at school all packed and ready to go on camp. We loaded the buses and got ready for the trip to Point Peron When we got there we unpacked and had a talk where to and where not to go. After that we went in all directions, fishing, climbing and bushwalking. Afterwards we had lunch and got ready for our first excursion to the CBH. Grain Terminal. It was enjoyable and fun. We got back to camp and played around for a while. The next day we went to Garden Island to see the HMAS. Stirling Naval Base. That afternoon we went to the Marapana Deer Park. It was great fun seeing and feeding the deers and kangaroos. At night we all went to the jetty in Rockingham to fish. One boy caught half a dozen Yellowtail. On Friday we packed up and cleaned our dorms. We went to the Rockingham Park to have lunch and to play around. After that we went back to Tuckfield Street and home for a good rest! Marco D'Ulisse David White Alex Foster
THE YEAR 6 EGG TOUR On the 25th of July 1989 the Year 6 class went to the Melville Egg FaTIIL When we arrived at the Golden Egg Farms at 10.30 a.m. we got out of the bus and we walked to the kitchen to watch an egg farm video. After we finished watching the video, we split into two groups, Mrs Faria went with one group and Mrs Valentes' group stayed at the kitchen to make carrot muffins and egg nags. Then we swapped ovm: When the other group that went on the factory tour came back, we took the carrot muffins out of the oven Before we took the muffins out we had a little quiz about eggs and then we ate the muffins and made the egg nags. Some people gave their drinks to other people because they were not very nice. We then went back to the school and had lunch. The Year 6 egg tour was very interesting indeed. Joseph Faria Cyprian Malicki
YEAR 6 HARBOUR TOUR In the first term of school, Year 6 went on a Fremantle Harbour tom: We left from school at 10.30 a.ilL When we got there we looked at a statue with a tour guide. The statue was ofC.Y O'Connm:After looking and listening we went into a museUID and then we looked at a map of Fremantle. The tour guide showed us how Fremantle Harbour operates. We then went out and waited for a tug boat Soon the tug boat came and everybody climbed aboard. The tug went past a kind of dredge in the water; all around it were long tubes which turned like joints. Soon we came back to the tug stop. The tug boat tour took about 30 minutes. After that we went on the ship the "Leeuwin': It was actually a sailing ship. One of the crew members showed us the steering wheel and how it works. It also had a compass beside it He then showed us the quarters and bunks. We weren't allowed in the kitchen because they were making lunch and tea for the crew. We then came out on the deck and walked back to the mu,seum where the bus was. We thanked the tour guide and then got into the bus and arrived back at school at 12 noon We all had an enjoyable tour of Fremantle Harbom: Nigel Bridgeman
The 1989 hockey season was a successful and rewarding experience for its participants. Three teams from Tuckfield Street were fielded in the Saturday morning competition; a half-field team, a primary team and a Year 8 team. The half-field competition was a new venture this year and was aimed at younge!; less experienced players . learning the skills of the game. Our half-field team consisted of Year 5 boys who were new to the game. The coaches of this team were Mr Holtham and Br Harnett This team finished second on the table. The players really enjoyed their hockey and hopefully will be members of our primary team next season The primary team was coached by Mr Rossiter and consisted of boys from Years 5, 6 and 7. This team played with a lot of skill and determination, reaching the finals where they lost to the eventual premiers, Trinity. The Year 8 team consisted of boys from Year 7 and Year 8. They also reached the finals, winning their quarterfinal and narrowly losing the semi-final. This team did really well considering that half its members were a year younger than their opponents. The coach of this team was Mr Barbel: The season was only a success because of the efforts of those involved. Many thanks are owed to the team managers, parents and coaches. Most of all, thank you to all the players who trained during the season and represented CB.C. Fremantle with pride and determination during their matches. Mr S. Barber
YEAR5CAMP On Wednesday the 30th August we set off to Manjedal Scout Camp for three days and two nights. The day we went on camp we had beautiful weather and it continued throughout the rest of the camp. When we arrived at camp we unloaded the bus and put all the luggage in the hall. After that we were told to go inside and collect our luggage and unpack in our quarters. After lunch we had free time and some of the boys played hand tennis and some played other games in the bush and on the big logs. After that Mr Pie sse and Mr Masters took us yabbying. It was enjoyable but I think all the boys liked the commando course best What we had all been waiting for was the Bush Mass. Father Richard from Rockingham was the celebrant He was very nice. We had a camp fire burning during mass. I think most of the boys would have wanted to stay longer on camp. I know I wanted to. R Vinci
Salvatore Fazzino, Brett Cartel; MatthewCybula and Ryan Morgan
Fishing? Ryan Morgan, Richard Rank, Robert Vinci, Matthew Cybula, Gavin Williams and Lyle Baum:
James Jobey, Jeffrey Ryan, Richard Cavilli, MatthewCybula, Bradley Masters, Gary Faria, Ken Lai, Barry ODriscoll and Ryan Morgan
MOCKTRIAL The Mock Trial competition has become the most popular public speaking activity in the school. It offers students the chance to prepare and to participate in a simulated court case in a real courtroom and often before a real judge or magistrate. The two sides of each case are argued by the opposing schools, neither having seen the opposition's evidence beforehand. This demands the ability to think quickly and spontaneously and both our teams performed well in this regard. Our wins and losses have all been very close, reflecting the preparation time put in by the team members, with the help of Mr McIntyre. We have found it difficult to find a legal advisor who is able to give us the time needed to advise us on points of law and would appreciate help from any lawstudentorgraduate in the school community in 1990. Parents, students and other supporters are welcome to attend the cases to show their support for what has become a very successful and worthwhile introduction to our legal system Andrew Kelly Year 12
Front Row:
Second Row:
Luciano De Sousa, Fernando Merino, Mark Skelton, Mr J. McIntyre, Matthew Mui!; Matthew Walton, Marc De Lima. Roger Cristovao, Chris Morgan, Sasha Danilovich, David McRae, Andrew Kelly; Blake Palmer
SENIOR DEBATING This year C.B.c. was host school to WA Debating League fixtures for our area. This enabled the team to stay back after school on Mondays for last-minute preparation: a fortunate arrangement! We won our first debate with the help of Mrs Hincks, Mrs McRae and Mr McIntyre, all of whom continued to support us throughout the season Unlike the Junior team we did not manage to maintain our opening success but certainly enjoyed the excitement of debating and the opportunity of meeting students from other schools. We wish next year's team well and hope that they will derive as much from the experience of debating as we have in 1989. L. Daniels Year 11
Nathan Windebank, Shaun Temby; Lachlan Daniels, Mr J. McIntyre.
JUNIOR DEBATING A small but enthusiastic band of Year 10 students faced their initiation in to inter-school de bating this year Thanks to the efforts of Mrs Hincks and Mrs McRae they were thoroughly prepared for each of their five debates and we hope that they will continue to grow in confidence and experience in 1990.
Front Row: Second Row:
Mr ]. McIntyre
Martin Ross, Todd Macpherson, Mrs Hincks, Alex Morin, Nathan Potts. Nathan Ashley; Kayne Binks, Douglas McRae.
ULYSSES For Ulysses on his Rock Odyssey through myth and time it was trouble all the way home. Ulysses (Nathan Thompson) and his crew (Andrew Pittaway; David Jones, Doug McRae, Mitch Capelli, Nathan Potts, Joshua Hawley and Aubrey Green) were thwarted by Zeus (Danny Robertson) on their way home from the siege of Troy. Angered by Ulysses, Zeus threw many perils in the path of our luckless hero. Ulysses escaped from the clutches of the curvaceous Calypso; saved his crew from the hippy-type Lotus-eaters and the terrible one-eyed Cyclops (Mark Cammilleri and Matthew Migro). He rescued his crew from the liberated Circe and her band of feminists who had turned them into their true form .• pigs. Using his cunning, skill and virtue, he steered his ship past the Sirens who lured men to their deaths, and between Cylla, a horrible manyheaded monster and Charybdis a treacherous whirlpool. On his return to Ithica he found that Penelope, his faithful wife, after waiting ten years for his return, had been persuaded that Ulysses was dead and to remarry the suitor who could bend the Great Bow of Ulysses. In disguise, Ulysses entered the competition, defeated and drove off the suitors and was reunited with his wife. 'Ulysses' is a 'Company' show with the cast playing many different parts. The young men of CB.C. together with the young ladies from De Vialar and John Curtin . SHS worked well together with energy and enthusiasm
"I am Zeus, King of all Gods, Lord of the Heavens, holding the destiny of man in my hands."
to produce an exciting and spectacular production. Roger Cristavao stage managed the show efficiently with the help of his backstage crew (Simon Dicky, Grant O'Brien, Joe Taboni and Bruno Cristavao). Spectacular lighting and special effects were expertly executed by Mr Low and Mr Walsh from Chisholm College, assisted byJarrard Brookes and Kieran Kearns. Mr Preshaw efficiently organised and managed "sound". Miss Sgro co-ordinated the costumes. Mr Geers and Mr Foley constructed the set with help from Shaun DeCruz. Special props were made by Mr Owens. Front of JlOuse and ticket sales were organised by Mr McIntyre and programmes were by Mr Mulvey. Posters and Artwork were supplied by Year 11 art students guided by Mrs Posner Music was provided by staff and students of the Music Department, directed by Mr Innes-Mills. Mrs Ellis directed the cast in their attempts to sing and Mrs Low was my invaluable assistant director Brother Kelly was again always there to offer advice and support As a production "Ulysses" involved a large munber of both staff, students and outside parties working together as a company towards a common goal. I thank all the people involved in making the production a success.
Mrs J. Hincks Director
Hermes to Ulysses: "Here you are Sunshine. Father Zeus sent you this to build yourself a raft and get the Hades out of here."
(Ulysses afloat on a raft): "Troubles, that's what my days are filled with."
Doug to David and Nathan (crew): ''It's alright for you - I was turned into a pig, grovelling around in the mud, eating rotten apples and thick, glutinous muck"
(Ulysses putting wax into his crew's ears): David: "Feels funny!" Josh: "What?" Nathan: "You're picking on me again!"
(Group of suitors waiting to compete for Penelope): Nathan: ''I'm Maximus Paranoia and this is my brother Minimum Paranoia."
''Ulysses, Ulysses, no more to wander the islands and seas lilysses, Ulysses, now you are home you will find your . heart's ease."
PARENTS' PERSPECTIVE The Lord tested us all on Family Day 1989 when rain threatened. The marquee provided an ideal central venue for Mass with Fr Bianchini officiating. We found Father's homily very consoling as itis always refreshing to have one's own values and beliefs reinforced and' we came away feeling rejuvenated. Father Bianchini spoke about the importance of the "family meal", of communication within the family, trusting ourselves and others, and the role of forgiveness of ourselves and each other We also felt privileged to be present for Brother Bernard Murphy's 60th Anniversary celebrations. After Mass, all members of the family thoroughly enjoyed the well organised and delicious ''hot roast beef rolls': hot drinks and cakes provided by the P & F. The open classroom displays gave us the opportunity to appreciate the academic abilities of the boys; a pleasant note was added to the day by the musical talents of the e.B.e. boys and the talent time finals were very entertaining. The theme for family day was "The church as 'familylooking to the future" - a very appropriate theme and one with which we could identify and feel a real part of during that day. We look forward to more enjoyable Family Days at eE.e. in the future.
Mr Muir buys a book from Mrs Lovelock's ''Buy a Book" stall.
Mr & Mrs Fenton
The Phillips family, winners of the $2,000 First Prize in the P & F Raffle.
Nick Caputi and Adrian Maher congratulate Br Murphy on his 60th Jubilee.
Michael Reynolds, Fernando Merino and Marc De Lima man the S.V.P. cake stall.
The woodwork display comprised items made by students in Years 10-12.
"WHAT'S NEXT?" The future is always difficult to predict Crystal balls don't come cheap and playing guessing games has only limited appeal. With the music of the future, particularly that of the 1990's, we somehow find ourselves with more options, directions and styles than ever before. Here we are on the verge of the last decade of this century with a great eagemss to know what lies ahead. Some musical styles have become museum pieces, others have gone to extremes. What can we expect? How will the future care for what we have achieved in the past? I hope that the idea of building on the past will continue. I believe there is a spiritual core at the heart of all music of significance. Music is a journey . . . All that matters is that we must keep developing along the way. The heart and soul of the music and its performers determine the style, not the other way around. Music is an ongoing, natural process of evolution and growth. It is a journey for composers, performers, listeners, teachers and students alike, and in order to truly appreciate the trip, open ears, heart and mind are essential. After nearly a decade of teaching music at e.B.e. Fremantle we certainly have achieved some mighty goals. A solid foundation for future development of the music programme has been laid. e.B.e. music education is starting to bear fruit Quite a number of our past students have chosen music as a career and are now studying at the Academy of Performing Arts or at U.WA We are moving into a mode of serious study. I call
music "serious fun" (the more serious study you put into it, the more fun and enjoyment you will get out of it). I feel very strongly that music education is the future of the music industry. If we keep students enthusiastic and keep bringing more and more people in through music education, a future generation of performers and consumers, as well as the future of the industry will be assured. In the past decade, I have noticed that the most successful music programmes have all built on their strengths in fundamental music education. Computers are making slow but steady inroads into the classroom both for teaching the basics in new ways and to explore new concepts. Portable keyboards have added a whole new dimension to instruction as well as performance. Innovative teachers are keeping studentss interested in the basics of form and design, harmonic progressions, and arranging and orchestration by drawing on the wide spectrum of jazz and rock music that is popular today. In the coming decade I see big changes in instructional material: better designed books with supplementary cassettes, videos, interactive computer programmes and keyboard laboratories. To be successful as teachers we will need to build 011 oill traditional training, adding an awareness about music trends in general and new technologies in particular . None of this however can be 100% effective without a supportive headmaste~ his deputy, and school administration, and a music .parent body such as our music
At the Music Festival: Mrs Cattalini, Mrs Rosenstein, Br Kelly; Mr Cattalini (Lord Mayor of Fremantle) and Mr Stengel.
committee. Through their enthusiasm and help we have acquired musical instruments, uniforms, and teaching aids. Together we have established an impressive performance calendar for our bands and orchestras, including our own C.B.c. Fremantle Music Festival which is now becoming an annual event Back to the crystal ball. My predictions? With such great back-up and the collective wisdom and experience of five music staff, there is little doubt that we will continue our successful journey into the next decade and the trip will be an enjoyable one. Mr U. Stengel
MUSIC COMMITTEE REPORT 1989 has been a very successful year for the committee, not only musically; but socially and financially. The present committee and office bearers have worked well togethe:t; arid this has made the year harmonious to all concerned. The year has been an extremely hectic and pleasing one for the Parent and Music staff group. It included the Music Luncheon at Tuckfield St, Students Camp at Ellen St with 74 boys attending, the Music Festival at Fremantle Town Hall, a workshop at Tuckfield St with the 5th Military District Band under the direction of Captain Underwood, the Musical Interlude where we were entertained by the music staff and guest artists, and Carols by Candlelight at the Fremantle Arts Centre. The boys have performed extensively this year: Junior Band 8 times, Concert Band 5 times, and the Jazz Orchestra 16 times. The Music Committee meetings ?re held on the first Thursday of each month, and all parents are invited to attend and share more closely in this aspect of their sons' musical development The Committee wishes to extend special thanks to Bro. Kelly; Mr Stengel, the Music Staff, and retiring Secretary Mrs Stack, and Treasurer Mrs Stirling. Mrs Dullard and Mrs Street are also leaving, having been a great support over the last six years and the Committee thanks them sincerely. Mrs Arandiga and Mrs O'Brien join us for 1990, as Secretary and Treasurer We welcome them and look forward to a successful year
Mrs YBroome
Left Mrs Ellis coaching Tim Forster for the TE.E.
Mrs Broome and Mr Innes-Mills present a certificate to Adam Fitzgerald, winner of the Tuckfield St Talent contest
hnpromptu perfonnance outside the Castle Hotel in York
lllGHllGHTS FOR THE YEAR In June this yea!; CE.C. were hosts to 55 boys and 11 adults from St Patricks School Military Band, Singapore. The boys were billeted by c.B.C. families and the adults accommodated at the Senior Campus. The boys were on an educational tour of our State, and the school hosted them for 3 days of their stay in Perth. During this time, workshops and sightseeing were arranged by the school. Musically, culturally and socially it proved to be a great success. A ''First'' for '89. - The inaugural Music Festival, held on June 30th at the Fremantle Town Hall. 411 music lovers were entertained by the Junior Band, Concert Band and Jazz Orchestra. The festival was introduced into the music programme to infonn parents and the wider community of the scope and depth of the music programme at both campuses of c.B.c. The evening was opened by His Worship the Mayor of Fremantle, Mr John Cattalini. Invited guests included: - Capt Brian Underwood - 5th Military District Band - Mrs Ann Conti - S.TW 9 Newsreader - Mr & Mrs Chris Waddell, Catholic Education - Mr & Mrs Fred Rooke, Assistant Conductor TVW 7 No 2 Band - Mr & Mrs Adrian Kenyon "Music Maker"
At the opening of Children's Week in Forrest Place with Mr and Mrs Dowding.
The audience at the Carols by Candlelight perfonnance.
The Junior School Choir at the Founder's Day Mass.
YORK JAZZ FESTIVAL The CB.C. Jazz Orchestra arrived at the York Tennis Club at approximately 12.00 noon. This gave us (the performers), a chance to look at York before returning to the tennis club for a much needed practice. Come 8.00 p.m and we found that the practice paid off, because before a packed audience, we received our first of many encores. We all then stayed behind to watch Andrew Firth, Australia's No 1 JazzClarinetplaym: We were amazed at the way Andrew blasted through a number of long exciting solos. We found out later that Sue Cruikshank was due to sing with Andrew and his band. While waiting for this Sue became interested in our glaring yellow jackets. She started to converse with us, and later arranged for some boys to join her in a performance next day. Day two saw us playing at 1100. We were the first band to play that day in the Avon lounge and for this reason, the crowd was not as good, mainly because of the hard night before many people had. This did not deter us from performing to the best of our abilities. After the performance some of the boys went on stage with Sue Cruikshank. The afternoon was free for most of us. Some boys went and listened to some music while others just browsed through the shops. Later that afternoon, we performed outside the Imperial Hotel to a large crowd. That night, Tim Forster had the opportunity to have a private music session with Andrew Firth. Day three was short but interesting. We had our last performance in the morning. We were doubtful about performing because of the threat of rain, but that didn't deter us.
Before we knew it, it was time to return to the school and then thankfully go into our holidays for a well earned rest We would like to thank Mr Stengel, Mr Fitzgerald, all the parents who made the trip, and to Br Kelly who not only organised performances, but trusted us to travel without his presence. Matthew O'Brien Year 11
C.B.C. JUNIOR BAND On Wednesday 25th October the CB.C Junior Band played at a lunchtime concert organised for Childrens' Week and in conjunction with UNICEF at St John's Square, Fremantle. CB.C. boys played two brackets of songs amounting to approximately fifty minutes of splendid entertainment Their performance was outstanding in view of the fact that this is a developing band and the boys in it come from Year 6, 7. The boys were polished and professional in their approach to the task and they were well received by an enthusiastic audience. Congratulations and thanks must go to Mr Anning and Mr Innes-Mills for their time aI)d effort in helping the boys develop their music potential. Mr G. Holtham
JAZZ ORCHESTRA Front Row: Adam Fitzgerald, Michael Fitzgerald, Peter Gavranich, Matthew O'Brien, Danny Robertson, Shaun Street, Alex Morin, Mark Waters, Ken Gavranich Second Row: Mr Innes-Mills, Martin Egan, Phillip Del Casale, Geoff Stanley, Christopher Golding, Tim Forster, Brynne Farrell, Beau Collins, Mr Stengel. Third Row: Nathan Fitzgerald, Shane Spina, Rodney Sammut, Luke Dullard, Todd Jarvis, Philip Hudson, Anthony Hilton, Doug McRae.
CONCERT BAND Front Row: John Auriemma, Simon Bizzaca, Ken Gavranich, Gregory Elphick, Mr Innes-Mills, Damian Creedon, Gavin Neesham, AIdo Cortopassi, Adam Fitzgerald. Second row: Mathew Stirling, AIex Morin, Gino Auriemma, Brent Jarvis, Danny Ro bertson, Steven Jurica, Steven Mac Lean, Carl Broome, Ryan Murphy. Third Row: Aidan Casey, Peter Gavranich, Craig Dunkerton, Robert Bavcevich, Philip Hudson, Ivan Spanjich, Ryan Greenwell, Jonathon Dobson, Douglas McRae.
}UNlORBAND First Row: Jonathon Broome, Steven Hoban, Paul Valente, Tim Cronin, Mr K Anning, James Fan; Kierin LawlO1; Damian Fletche.r; John O'ConneI: Second Row: Bradley Santos, Paul Iuliano, Anthony Chillino, Stuart Marlborough, David Neale, Joseph Terribile, David White, Anthony Rybak Third Row: Justin Golding, Mark Ritchie, Grant Jarvis, Ryan Gowenlock, Dino Pacella, Andrew Mayberry, Glen Smith, John Casey. Fourth Row: AIex Kelly, Domenic Macri, Ivan Spanjich, Adrian Strk, Owen Walsh.
A.C.C. CROSS COUNTRY Front Row: John Thffnell, Peter BarkeI; Sergio De Ceglie, Travis Bienkowski, Paul Stevenson, ShaUll Cowman, Laurie Richards, Ken Gavranich, Robert Gauci, Adam Jenkins, Luke Van DerZanden. Second Row: Br Seaman, Roberto Boni, Michael Hubble, Steven MacLean, Declan Stack, Michael O'DwyeI;Matthew MuiI;Evan Duxbury, Peter Gavranich, Gavin Neesham, Mr Stack, Mr Preshaw. Third Row: PeterHall, NathanJohansen,Richard Bailey, Anthony Congdon, Tom WheeleI; Gavin Strack, Nathan Fitzgerald, Dean O'Brien, Matthew O'Brien, Michael Mc Callum. Fourth Row: Mathew Stirling, Aidan Casey, Daniel De Florenca, Michael Orlin, John Foley, Antony Schillaci, Neil Foti, Robert Payne, Marc DeLima.
A.e.e. SWIMMING Front Row: Peter BarkeI; Sebastian Cancigiia, Gavin Neesham, Luke Richardson, Travis Bienkowski, Ken Gavranich, Chad Micale, Adam Fitzgerald Second Row: Peter Gavranich, Marcus Hickey, Anthony Ciampini, Richard Bailey, Robert Selman, Robert Vinci, Paul Williams, Steven MacLean, Gareth !riks, Michael Fitzgerald, Laurie Richards. Third Row: Mr Barns, Ryan Hawke, Brynne Farrell, Nathan Mansfield, Craig Fairhall, Travis Edwards, Chris ScharÂŁ Adam Noall, Kayne Binks, Cambell Buswell, Daniel Rinaldi, Mark Waters, Mr Preshaw. Fourth Row: Nick Jenkins, Mark Appleby, Doug McRae, Nathan Fitzgerald, Todd Jarvis,Matthew Migro, Robert Ringvall, Daniel PrimmeI; Jason Baines, Declan Stack, Campbell Gibson. Fifth Row: Aidan Casey, Brent Jarvis, Clinton Micale, ShaUll Gibson, Frank Hobbs, Paul Lockwood-Hall, Gavin Strack, Craig Dunkerton, Dean Romaniello, Scott ScharÂŁ John Kirkwood.
A.C.C. CROSS COUNTRY -The 30th May was the date for the event, and CB.C. Fremantle was represented by 40 very determined and enthusiastic runners. The students performed excellently, finishing well within each age group. The results were: U/14 - 4th, U/15 - 8th, UI16 - 1st and Open - 12th. In the combined boys aggregate, e.B.e. Fremantle finished 3rd, and combined with Santa Maria, we finished 3rd overall, missing out 2nd place by only 1 point The best individual efforts for C.B.e. consisted of: U/14 A Jenkins - 21st U/15 N. Foti - 24th U/16 D. Stack - 4th R Bailey - 6th M Stirling - 14th Open S. Cowman - 6th Mr e. Preshaw
A.C.C. SWIMMING CARNIVAL The final placings for the day showed that the team had represented the school well, finishing 5th in the Junior boys, 3rd in the senior boys and 5th in the combined boys aggregate. Combining with our sister school, Santa Maria, we finished a very creditable 3rd. Special mention should go to those boys who finished well within the age champion listings. They are: Chad Micale 4th - U/13 Scott Scarf 7th - U/14 Nick Jenkins 7th - U15 Clinton Micale 9th - UI15 Nathan Mansfield 5th - U16 Robert Vinci 3rd - Open Mr C. Preshaw
A.C.C. ATHLETICS Front Row: Peter BarkeI; Paul Stevenson, William Blail; Mark MilleI; Paul Smith, Colin Fieldsend, Mark Douglas, David Anderson, Adam Jenkins, Nathaniel O'Hara, Ken Gavranich, Peter Bonavita. Second Row: Mr C. Barns, Mathew Sitrling, Evan Duxbury, Jansen Hawley, Steven MacLean, Carl Broome, Stuart Ward, Maxwell Briggs, Jason Lang, Neil Foti, Matthew O'Hara, Ashley TayloI; Heath Kennington, Mr C. Preshaw. Third Row: Scott Leahy, Aaron Strack, Dean Romaniello, Ryan Poole, Aidan Casey, Steven Garces, Richard Bailey, Warren Dunn, Philip Gee, Mark Skelton, Cono Paratore, Justin Rae. Fourth Row: Arrin BarkeI; Glen Harding, Nick Langley, John Foley, Nick Caputi, Simon Gallacher, Frank Caputi, Luke Dullard, Paul MilleI; Daryl Smith, Antony Schillaci Fifth Row: Phillip Del Casale,Kieran Keams, Declan Stack, Damian ZiegelaaI; Chris Morgan, Shaun Cowman, Michael Ortin, Marc SchapeI; Craig CarteI; Malcolm Jones, Clinton Micale, Nathan Fitzgerald.
A.C.C. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL The outstanding performances of the day belong to Aidan Casey (\T 8) and Declan Stack (\T 11) who each won their respective age championship. c.B.c. Fremantle best age championship results were: 1st - U/14 Aidan Casey Warren Dunn 18th - U/15 Darnien Ziegelaar 13th - U/16 Declan Stack 1st - Open Nick Caputi 8th - Open Athletics at CE.C. Fremantle is going to require a lot more commitment from the student body in 1990 to bring it up to the standard it is capable of setting. There appears to be a lot of untapped talent within the school, and hopefully 1990 will see this talent come to the fore. Mr C. Preshaw
Front Row:
Steven Garces (Rugby League), Gavin Maher (Hockey), David Walker (Surf LifeSaving). Second Row: Robert Ottaviano (Bocce), David Weldon (Rugby Union) Simon Gallacher (High Jump), Frank Hobbs (Water Polo), Shaun Gibson (Cricket), Kayne Binks (Sailing). Absent Liam Cosgriff (Water Polo), Nathan Mansfield (Water Polo).
MI: C. Preshaw, Travis Edwards, Scott Scharf, Ian O'DriscolL Absent Nicholas Jenkins.
SURFING COMPEl'fI'ION Surfing is one of the most recent competitive sports to enter the CE.C. Fremantle fold. After last year's trial contest, 1989 shaped up to be a fiercely fought affai1: The contest was conducted by holding 'man-on-man' heats, with four competitors in each heat Heats were held for both senior (\T 11/12) and Junior (\T 9/10). At the conclusion of each heat, two competitors were eliminated from the event Once only four competitors were left, the final heat was held, and a winner was determined on points. Judging for the contest saw a unique situation of students judging students, and at the end of the day all competitors were happy with the results. WINNERS WERE: Junior Div; 1st Scott Scharf 2nd Danny Conroy Senior Div; 1st Ian ODriscoll 2nd Trnvis Edwards Special thanks must go to Mr Phil Usher from Surfrider Pty Ltd who once again donated prizes to the winners. Mr C. Preshaw
UNDER 16 FOOTBALL Front Row: Alex Farfan, Nicholas Sloan, CraigCarte:I;Anthony Hilton,Mr D. Kennington, Frank Caputi, Kieran Keams, Michael Perna, Heath Kennington. Second Row: Mark Carnmilleri, Rick Mundy, Michael Healy, Martin Cattalini, Daniel Di Tullio, Glen Harding, Malcolm Jones, Jarrad Brookes. Third Row: Ryan Bacich, Sean McGunnigle, Kevin Gomes, Kurt Shepherd, Daniel Primme:I; Angelo Vincenti, Beau Collins.
BASKETBALL - COCA COLA CLASSIC Front Row: Shaun Gibson, Jarrad Brookes, Mr Barns, Michael Farrell, Antony Schillaci. Back Row: Anthony Johnson, Matthew Migro, Simon Gallachel; Martin Cattalini.
YEAR 9¡10 RUGBY Front Row: Chad Roberts, John De Jesus, Andrew Williams, David Weldon, Bruno Cristovao, Dominic Lee. Second Row: Nathan Hanmel; Wayne Rayfield, Brad Marshall, Adam Calginari, Marc Avidov, Jansen Hawley, Mark Waters. Third Row: Arnold McGuinness, John Kirkwood,Salvatore Martelli, Daniel Rinaldi, James Rodrigues.
Front Row: Mathew Stirling, Robert Payne, Kayne Binks, Daniel Orthman. Second Row: Haig O'Dea, Daniel Primmer; Kurt Shepherd, Emidio Ranalli, Paul Miller; Colin Dix. Absent Derek Mountain.
Front Row: Andrew Williams, Martin Egan, Roger Cristovao, Mark Handyside, Ian ODriscoll, Bruno Cristovao, Lachlan Daniels, Triston Ovel1llars. Second Row: Mr C. Garra tt Luciano De Sousa, Darough Grim; Kevin Gomes, Martin Cattalini, Liam Cosgriff, David Coton, Ric De Castro, Geoff Stanley. ThP'd Row: Nick Jenkins, Darren Clifton, Neil Flanders, Anthony Hogan, Paul Millet
UNDER 16 BASKETBAlL Front Row: Matthew Da y,Adam Laycock, Daniel Perna. Second Row: Jeremy Day, Paul Miller; Brad Marshall.
UPPER SCHOOL HOCKEY 'A' Front RoW: Chris Golding, Adrian Mahel; Adam Noall, Br Kelly, Gavin Maher (capt), Greg Norton, Tim Forster Second Row. Todd Jarvis, David Mort Daryl Smith, Robert Ringvall, Sanjeev Albuquerque, Michael Ivandich.
UPPER SCHOOL HOCKEY 'B' Front Row: Peter Gavranich, Matthew O'Brien, Jonathon Sloan, Mr Hackett, Michael Reynolds, Michael Hubble, Michael Fitzgerald Second Row: Daniel Robertson, Anthony Congdon, Jonathon Foley, Craig Dunkerton, Nathan Fitzgerald.
YEAR 9 HOCKEY Front Row: Ian Faulknel; Martin Ross,Matthew Hine, Johnathon Dobson, Ken Gavranich. Second Row: Ms Dutton, Brent Jarvis, Mark Appleby, Scott Leahy, Campbell Gibson, Steven MacLean, Tyree Jackewicz. Absent Simon Dickey.
PRIMARY HOCKEY First Row: Kieron Lawlol; Steven Hoban, Nelson Garces, Mr Rossiter, Michael Vinci, Jonathan Broome, Damian Fletcher Second Row: Grant Watton, Justin Golding, Matthew Bass, Luke Cammilleri, Behan French, Mark Ritchie, Glenn Smith
YEAR 8 HOCKEY Front Row: Lee Durant Simon John, AIdo Cortopassi, Mr Barbel; Adam FitZgerald, Stuart Marlborough, Peter Bonavita. Second Row: David Moore, Mark Ritchie, Stephen Mahel; Ianto Evans, Gavin Neesham, Daniel Ng, Grant Jarvis, Tony Rybak.
HALF FIELD HOCKEY Front Row: Matthew Cybulla, Gavin Williams, Br Harnett Bradley Masters, Robert Vinci Second Row: Mr Holtham,Jeffrey Ryan,Bruno Osdredecki, Ryan Morgan.