CBC Fremantle Annual 1990

Page 1


His Grace, The Most Reverend Archbishop Foley

Our Patron

The Principal Brother P. B. Kelly.

Front Row: Second Row:

TIlE SCHOOL BOARD Mr K O'Brien, Mrs C. Morin, Mr G. Irdi, Mrs P. Cattalini, Mr T Bowden Mr MCronin, BI: P. Kelly, Dr B. Lawrence, Br A Shanahan, Mr P. O'Connell 1



Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

Mrs S. Cartel; Miss K Donovan, Miss A Bombara, Mrs J. DeVos, MY G. CulveJ; MY P. Forlin, Br P Kelly; MY R Rose'MeYeJ; MY J. Purcell, Miss M Ivankovich, Mrs S. Brooke, Mrs S. Posnel; Mrs N. Cooney. Miss S. Bana, Mrs J. Barton, Mrs B. Gavin, Mrs 0. Ellis, Miss S. Fowlel; Mr R Innes-Milles, Mrs J. D'Ascanio, MY C. Cole, Miss L. Welbourne, Mrs T Fostel; Mrs M Dimasi, Miss E. Sgro, MY U. Stengel. MY J. McIntyre, MY G. RevelL MY S. Stack, MY A Di Lollo, MY D. McNamee, Mrs T Letizia, Mrs S. Micenko, Br B. Murphy, MY F. Williams, Br G. .Seaman, MY C. Preshaw. MY J. Hortense, MY G. Theseira, Mr C. Barns, MY B. Mulvey, MY K Anning, Mr C. Garratt, MY R Smith

Christian Brothers' College, Fremantle

College Administration:


Principal: Deputy Principal Senior School: Deputy Principal Junior School: Religious Education Co-ordinator: English Department Head: Manual Arts Department Head: Mathematics Department Head: Science Department Head: Social Science Department Head: Music Department Head: Physical Education Department Head:

Patron His Grace, the Most Reverend William Foley; DD.

Christian Brothers' Provincial Executive: Rev. Br G.G. Faulknel; BA, LRS., Provincial Rev. Br A. Shanahan, BA, MPschy., Dip.T. Deputy Provincial Br O'Grady, BA, LRS., MPS Loyola Br J. Baldwin, BA Rev. Br M.P. Me Appion, BA Dip. Ed., Dip. REd., MACE

Teaching Staff MY K Anning, Miss S. Bana, Mr S. Barbel; MY C. Barns, Miss A Bombara, Mrs S. Brooke, Mr A Campana, MY C. Cole, Mrs N. Cooney, MY G. CulveJ; Mrs J. D'Ascanio, Mrs M. Dimasi, Miss K Donovan, Mr B. Doran, Mrs O. Ellis, Mr P. Forlin, Mrs T Foste!; Mrs S. Fowle!; MY C. Garratt, Br A Hackett, Mrs B. Higgins, MY G. Holtham, Mr J. Hortense, MY R Innes-Mills, Miss M Ivankovich, Mrs N. Lovelock, Mrs L. Malievaz, Mrs N. McCann, MY J. McIntyre, Mr D. McNamee, Mr S. Moran, MY B. Mulvey;

College Board Chairman: Vice-Chairman: Secretary: Members:

Mr G. Irdi MrMCronin Mrs P. Cattalini MrKO'Brien MrTBowden Mr B. Lawrence Mr P. O'Connell

Rev. Br PB. Kelly Mr P. Forlin Br A Hackett Mr G. Theseira Mr J. McIntyre MrKOwens Mr C. Cole MrB. Doran Mr C. Garratt Mr U. Stengel MrC.Barns

Mrs C. Morin Br A Shanahan Br P. Kelly 2



Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Mrs B. Higgins, Mrs 1. Jarvis, Br A Hackett, Br P. Kelly, Mrs 1. Smith, Mrs B. Wome.t; Mrs N. McCallIL Mr G. Culve.t; Mrs F. Peterson, Mrs S. Shirvani, Mrs M Faria, Mrs M Bourke, Mrs N. Lovelock, Mrs M Watt, Mrs V. Overton-Low, Mr S. Barbel: Mr A Sta Maria, Mr R hIDes-Mills, Mr G. Holtham, Mr K Anning, Mr M Van Dongen, Mr KEllis, Mr U. Stengel.

Teaching Staff (continued) Maintenance Officer. Ancillary Staff:

Br B. Murphy, Mrs V. Overton-Low, Mr K Owens, Mrs S. Posne.t; Mr C. Preshaw, Mr J. Purcell, Mr G. Revell, Mr A Richardson, Mr R Rose'Meye.t; Br G. Seaman, Miss E. Sgro, Mrs S. Shirvani, Mrs T Smith, Mr R Smith, Mr A Sta Maria, Mr S. Stack, Mr U. Stengel, Mr G. Theseira, Mr M Van Dongen, Mrs K Watt, Mrs B. Wome.t; Mr J. Wynne. Accounts Secretary: Secretarial Staff: Counsellor. Canteen: Laboratory Assistant Librarian: Assistant Librarian: Library Assistant Home Liaison Officer:

Magazine Editor: Student Council: President Parents & Friends: President Secretary Treasurer

MrsB. Gavin Mrs F. Peterson Mrs J. Barton Mr A Di Lollo Mrs S. Carter Mrs 1. Jarvis Mr J. Hortense Mrs T Letizia Mrs 1 Smith MrsJ.DeVos MrsMFaria

MrF. Geers MrK Ellis MrAFoley Mrs T Letizia N. Windebank Mrs C. Morin Mrs M Morgan-Potts MrN.Evans

Chaplains Fr J. Hannah, Fr B. Whitely, Fr J. Mullins, Fr L. Keating, Fr Delahunty.




ASSOCIATION At the end of 1989 I was elected President of the P & F. In 1990 we had a group of dedicated, hard working parents who responded when approached for help, resulting in a very successful year for the P & F. Achievements A very successful Busy Bee was held in May when the maj or work achieved was the painting of the library building and assembling seats for Tuckfield Street We purchased Computers for the Library at Ellen Street, and a computerfor remedial classes at Tuckfield Street Blinds, awnings and a roller door for the Music Room at Tuckfield Street were also provided. A Mini Fete was organised for the Family Day Mass where we sold plants, jams/pickles and hamburgers. Over $2,000 was raised.

Mrs Cassy Morin, President of the P & F.


The two school community Masses held during the year (Opening Mass and Family Day Mass) are initiated by the P & F and during 1990 we played a large part in the organisation of these Masses, particularly Family Day Mass. .Social

Our one social event for the year was a well-attended Quiz Night held in Edmund Hall during Septembe1:

Many Fremantle businesses donated freely the prizes to make the night a great success. On behalf of the Committee and myself I would like

to thank all those parents who supported and participated in P & F activities. A warm welcome is extended to all

The Hoban family think they know this answer at the Quiz Night

1991 parents to attend our meetings which are held on the second Tuesday of the month at Ellen Street CassyMorin President

Mrs N: Hall, Mrs L. Vinci, Mrs J. Hudson and Mrs P.

Mr and Mrs Gowenlock and Mr and Mrs Jansen discussing some of the answers.

Vinci enjoy a cup of tea with Br Mmphy at the Tuckshop Ladies' Luncheon 4



Front Row:

Anthony Pacino, Steven Ferns, Brian MatheI; Nathan Windebank, Damian ZiegelaaI; Malcolm Hart, Adam Fitzgerald Second Row: Mrs Brooke, Nick Jenkins, Wallace Duarte, Dean Hart, Anthony Hilton, Asbley Low, Mark Douglas, Gino Premici, Br Seaman. Third Row: Sean McGunnigle, Kayne Binks, Jason SawyeI; Gavin Rennick, Glen Harding, Leon Pratt I would like to think that the SRe. of 1990 will not be remembered as a body of students who moved mountains, for that was not our purpose. Instead, it would be my intention that the S.Re. be recognized as an effective means of student communication that promoted students' thoughts, and enhanced school spirit If this was to be our yardstick, then I believe that the SRe. of1990 was a very successful one. For throughout the course of the yeaI; through either new initiatives such as the student Notice Board, and extended lunchtime

Library hours, or through continued SRe. activities like the Family Day Fete, student participation was high and of a commendable standard. The degree to which this success was achieved, howeveI; was largely determined by the continued staff support, for which we must thank in particualr Mrs Brooke and Br Seaman. Finally, I would like to voice my personal thanks to all the SRe. members, as well as the students themselves, who worked together and made 1990 a very enjoyable and rewarding year for all of us . Nathan Windebank Head Boy

HEAD BOY'S FAREWEll GRADUATION SPEECH sports. HoweveI; the extent to which this potential is fulfilled, and the successes that we may enjoy are largely attributed to our teachers who have helped us over the years. Tonight's function being yet another example of their effort, for which we must thank Br Kelly, Mr Cole and Mrs Letizia. So I think that I speak for every student here when ) sincerely thank all the staff for not just being good teachers, but also for being good friends, as too have our parents, whose continued support has no doubt been of great help during this hectic time in our lives. To all of these people we owe so much. Similarly I think that we owe each other a lot as well. Forprobablymore importantthan anything are the friends that we have made during our time here at school. I really hope that these bonds of friendship that we have esta blished will not be lost and forgotten after tonight Finally, I'd just like to finish by wishing you the very best of luck in all of your future pursuits, and above all else strive to be happy.

Good evening fellow Graduates, Parents and Teachers. I guess what! have to say is more of a personal comment than a formal speech. If I had my time over again, I wouldn't change a thing, as I have seen a lot of people go through this school, and I couldn't have wished for a better group of guys to be associated with. I also believe that this group had an enormous amount of potential, be it academic, social, or in the area of 5

"at ':\!G CHRISTIA\: STl lDE:'\TS


Front Row:

Joe Canciglia, Gino Auriemma, Ghedino Lomma, Jamie Raffaele, Ric De Castro, John Fernandes, Angelo

Second Row: Third Row:

Miss E. Sgro, Greg Elphick, Frank Pitaro, Giulio Naso, Declan Stack, Sammy Miceli, Mrs S. Brooke. Karsten Gustm; Kristian Robinson, David TaylOl; Chris Morgan.


Young Christian Students meet every Wednesday at 105 pm to 140 pm in room 206. Our group this year discussed personal and environmental problems. We were then asked to consider these problems and seek solutions in a Christ-like way. The whole YC.S. movement is a strong community of people who bond together to help one another and others in need. The YC.S. also provides social events which gives the students time to meet people and also to learn how to feel more confident in themselves. A successful camp event occurred at Eagle's nest in Gidgegannup that looked at the concerns of students, and how we can build the Kingdom of God and change the contradiction between what we believe and reality. Another yC.S. event was the River cruise, which was held in Septembm: The 500 people who attended really enjoyed themselves. I would like to thank the students who attended the meetings and especially Mrs Brooke, Miss Sgro, and Br Kelly who have supported the yC.S. group. I strongly recommend that interested students should attend that meetings, and discover what it's all about James Raffaele President of yC.S.

MISSIONS' CONTRIBUTIONS This year our efforts to support the work of various Church missions have been particularly enthusiastic at both Senior & Junior Campuses. At Ellen St, the term by term causes supported were: TERM 1 Project Compassion $700 TERM 2 The Christian Bros. Mission in the Sudan $1200 TERM 3 The Sisters of Mercy Mission in Pakistan $1000 Assistance to help the Christian Bros. in Liberia repair damage caused by Civil War $350 TERM 4 Catholic Missions $400 Besides the above, the student Council in cooperation with the St Vincent de Paul Society raised $600 to support the Edmund Rice Camp for underprivileged children and Years 10 and 9 collected many hundreds of dollars worth of groceries, toys, etc. for the St Patrick's Care Centre Christmas Hamper Appeal. While most classes contributed well to the year's effort some particular classes in Year 9 and 10 were outstanding in this respect Probably, howeveI; the accolade for consistent generosity must go to the 24 students of Year 11S whose total contribution for the year was a splendid $486! Warm thanks, also, to the Class Teachers without whose enthusiastic encouragement CB.C.'s effort would scarcely have happened and to the many parents whose generosity is reflected in the contributions made.

Tuckfield Street Missions' Contributions Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Year8A Year8B Year8C Year8D

Br Seaman

$ 83.98 $135.92 $ 64.83 $135.12 $ 95.63 $ 70.09 $ 48.19 $633.76





Front Row: Second Row:

Anthony Paratore, Ric De Castro, Cambell Buswell, Kristian Robinson (President), Declan Stack, Gino Auriemma, Michael Taranto. Br Seaman, Mark Bianchini, Sanjeev Albuquerque, Adam Noall, Andrew Pittaway (Secretary). Again in 1990 we, in cooperation with the SRG and Year 12, organized a Cake Stall and a Christmas Cake Raffle for the Family Day. The very attractive Christmas Cake was made and donated by Mrs H Miller while the generous contributions from many other mothers ensured the success of the Cake Stall. The almost $500 profit went to support the next Edmund Rice Camp for underprivileged children. Our Society this year depended largely on our Year 12 representatives with some very helpful contributions from the members from year 10 & 9. The group was given a reliable and enthusiastic lead by its President, Kristian Robinson, and Secretary Andrew Pittaway. Br Seaman

Our CB.C Conference Group continued in 1990 the types of activities that have become customary for us in recent years. These included the occasional outing for the patients at Skye Hospital, some gardening jobs, a Clothing Drive and some visits to Skye after school. Probably the most helpful of our efforts were the weekend drives, Saturday or Sunday afternoons, for our friends at Skye. With some kind of help from Mrs Buswell, and Mrs Southern and Mrs Robinson and with the "delicate" sandwiches we ourselves produced we were even able to treat our guests to afternoon tea. Certainly our elderly friends enjoyed the opportunity for a couple of hours drive around the river or to Kings Park or elsewhere. This year's Clothing Drive held in Term 2 was very successful with more than sixty bundles of useful clothing being donated.

Br Seaman, Anthony Paratore and Michael Taranto did some gardening for a pensioner 7

Kevin Gomes conducts the Christmas Cake




Fr Hannah contemplates the congregation.

Matthew O'Hara, Daniel Pema and Nick Perna lead the procession.

Looking angelic, the choir: Paul Schap8l; Philip Gevaux, Anthony Chiovitti, James Broome, Mark Palermo, James Messina, Joseph Catalano, Mark Berry; Henry Mille:!; Daren Savy; Brett Cartel; Luke Caputi, Grant Watton, Jared Brown, Emmanuel Arandiga.

Br Clery gave the homily.

David Anderson reads his Prayer of the Faithful watched by James Guy; Ryan Glamuzina and Sebastian Canciglia.

Everyone knew the 'Edmund Rice' anthem: Robert Ottaviano, Jacob McCallum, Bradley Rose, Gino Premici, Simon Bright. Brett Sanderson and Jason Judge.

Mrs Cooney and her team of chefs: Simon Bright. Bradley

Rose, Jason Judge, Gino Premici, Greg Van Doorn, Ivo Vitlov, 8


Brother Paul facilitated the Staff Conference in Term One.

Phil Matich soliciting support for the Christian Brothers Youth Camp.

Mrs M Bond restored the statue of Lady of Lourdes at Tuckfield Street

Long-serving Canteen Mothers Mrs Epis and Mrs Hackett received a Certificate of Merit too. 9



Front Row: Jeremy Goncalves, James Broome, Mr G. Revell, Daniel DwyeI; Emmanuel Arandiga. Second Row: Joseph Catalano, Christopher CoombeI; Aidan McGlue, Connor McGlue, William DwyeI; Eamon Arandiga. Third Row: Christian Van Der Zanden, Calogero Canciglia, Dominic Bird, Paul SchapeI; Brett Mathanda. At the end of 1989 a group of fourteen boys and later two other boys joined the choir at St Patrick's Church which already had "an adult choir All the boys receive scholarships to CB.G. Fremantle and since the beginning of this yeaI; they have rehearsed on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings before school. As well as this, the boys have been required to attend the full rehearsal on Wednesday evenings with the adults and finally to sing at the 1100 a.Ill. Mass on Sundays. The choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music. The levels of achievement after Probationer are Junior Singing Boy (light blue ribbon), Senior Singing Boy (dark blue ribbon) and Full Chorister (red ribbon).

Every Chorister has now a light blue ribbon and two have reached the red ribbon standard. There are two higher levels known as the St Augustine and St Nicholas Awards which are for exceptional ability and which require special exarnina tion in Musical theory, perception, and practical singing and sight-reading. As well as singing regularly at Mass each Sunday, the choristers have sung on Christmas Eve, a performance of the St Mark Passion on Palm Sunday evening, fo:r the liturgies of Good Friday and the Easter Vigil, and for a concert during the Fremantle Bach Festival. Thanks must go to Mr Revell who has given so much of his time to train the choristers. D¡ arne I Dwyer Head Chorister

LANGUAGES AT TUCKFIELD STREET 1990 was the year in which a second foreign language was introduced at CB.G. at Year 8 level. Due to the growing importance of Japan's relationship with Australia it was decided that students should be given the opportunity to learn Japanese. All students at Year 8 level studied both Italian and Japanese for the whole year Students who are keen to pursue the study of a language have the option of continuing it in Year 9 through TE.E. level. In August, as part of National Languages Week, all students participated in a language quiz One winner and one runner-up from each class was awarded a "prize. In addition, continental cakes were sold through the canteen during the week A display of books, flags and

posters from many nations was presented in the school library. On the 16th of November the Tuckfield Street campus together with the families of the students celebrated International Day: a day of food and friendship. The luncheon was opened by Mike Blake, a well known singer and songwriter who sang his latest composition ''Peace'', an appropriate song for the occasion. A delicious array of food from different countries was provided by the parents and enjoyed by everyone present Mrs N. McCann Mrs R Higgins





Mark Cammilleri as Officer Hoopspab.

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Miss K Donovan, Nathan Potts and Mr J. McIntyre. Mark Cammilleri, Hsien Harpel; Mirella Marlow, Tina Muzzarelli, Narelle Huxtable, David Jones. Andrew Pittaway, Kieran Keams, Brynne Farrell, Nathan Thompson, Michael Lord, Ryan Greenwell, Danny Robertson, Jarrad Brookes.

This year's production was titled "Agatha Christie made me do it': involving three girls from Seton and another from John Curtin Weeks of hard work were rewarded when the play was welcomed with open arms. It ran for three nights.

Producer Jarrad Brookes turning Andrew Pittaway's hair grey.

The three 'girls' enjoying a joke: Miss Donovan, Annie (Nathan Potts) and Tina Muzzarelli. 11



BANQUET An Elizabethan Banquet was also held with an open invitation to everyone. Many teachers and students turned up to enjoy a dinner of roast beet potatoes and gravy. Music was performed by two wandering minstrels (Nathan Potts and David Jones) and a string quartet After dinner many games were enjoyed. Among them were 'Bob the apple', 'Sultana search in cream' and 'Musical Chairs: Eating in true Elizabethan fashion with no manners and their fingers: Danny Robertson, Miss Bombara, Craig Carter, Brynne Farrell, Jarrad Brookes and David Holloway.

Mrs Foste!; Mr Barns and Chris Sproule (submerged in

the bucket) bob for apples while Damian Ziegelaar indulges in a little foul play.

Mr'Friar Tuck' Williams, Chris Sproule and Jarrad Brookes all got cream on their faces.

A string-a-Iong at the end: Mrs Fostm; Miss Bombara, Nathan Potts, Danny Robertson, Damian ZiegelaaI; Chris Sproule, Jarrad Brookes, Kieran Kearns, Hsien Harpel;' David Jones, Mark Cammilleri, David Holloway, Miss Donovan, Brynne Farrell and Ryan Greenwell.

The teachers: Miss Donovan (a witch), Mr Barns (executioner), Mrs Foster (a court lady), Mr Mulvey (Hamlet) and Mrs Mulvey (Ophelia). f 12


The boys of the Theatre Arts class performed a circus for the children of White Gum Valley Primary. Amongst the assortment of tricks were juggling, acrobatics and clown acts. Afterwards drinks and ice cream were served as the clowns played with the children and put makeup on them Later the class received many thank you notes from the impressed children

Jarrad Brookes obviously delighted one young man The other looks a little uncertain

Jarrad Brookes, David Jones, Nathan Potts and Mark Cammilleri celebrate a good performance.

Danny Robertson and Jarrad Brookes directing traffic.

The three year l1's of the 1990 Theatre Arts class spent a morning at White Gum Valley Primary School holding a children's workshop and learning the basics of teaching. The three boys held warm up games and produced a play with the children It worked wonderfully. Nathan Potts and David Jones Year 11 David Jones has a little trouble hearing.

Ryan Greenwell, howevm; has everything under control

Nathan Potts can't seem to get things in ordel:




OF'90 Deputy Brian Mather

1986, Assumption Primary, SRG, Cheer Squad

Head Boy Nathan Windebank 1983, lona Primary, SRG, Quit Cup Football, cross-country, Athletics, State Whitewater Slalom, canoeing champion

Deputy Damian Ziegelaar 1983, St Vincenrs Primary, SRG, athletics, swimming, cross-country, Concert Band, chemistry high distinction and maths distinction.

Gary Abelba 1983, St Patrick's Primary, soccer

Sanjeev Albuquerque 1989, Bahrain, SVP, HockeyUpper School Premiers

IvanAnneli 1985, Cabrini, Italy, debating, SRC mock trial, 1st XV Rugby League, soccer 2nd in State and distinction in Dante AJighieri Examination

Michael Atkinson 1985, Bateman Primary, maths and chemistry distinctions

Genaro Auriemma 1986, St Patrick's Primary, YC.S, SVP, Red Shield Doorknock, chess, Federation Cup Soccer Captain, Concert Band, maths distinction

RyanBacich 1983, lana Primary, Svp, RAJ Challenge Cup, Quit Cup Football, swimming, basketball, football, State Surf Lifesaving Representative

Jarrad Brookes 1986, Christ the King Primary, School Drama Production, Ball Committee, BasketballCoca Cola State Champion, football, SBL Cockburn

Cambell Buswell 1986, Bicton Primary, SVP, School Drama Production, basketball, swimming, crosscountry, football, water polo

Mark CammilIeri 1983, Our Lady of Fatima, School Drama Production

Francis Caputi 1986, Kardinya Primary, Svp, Salvation Army Doorknock, football, athletics, basketball, Captain of Blue Faction

Morris Caputi 1986, St Patrick's Primary, soccer

Craig Carter 1983, St Vincenrs Primary, debating, Quit Cup Football, athletics, cross-country

Martin Cattalini 1983, Corpus Christi, swimming, athletics, waterpolo, Basketball-Coca Cola State Champions

Sasha Danilovich 1984, Southwell Primary, mock trial canoeing

Ricardo De Castro 1986, White Gum Valley Primary, yc.s., SRG, Ball Committee, swimming, rugby, tennis, soccer



Luciano De Sousa 1983. CBC Capetown, Ball Committee. School Drama Production, basketball rugby

Daniel Di 1Wlio 1986. St Jeromes, Red Cross and Salvation Anny Doorknock. Quit Football Cup. basketball. Federation Cup SocceI; rna tbs and chemistry distinctions

Jeremy Dobra 1986. Star of tbe Sea

Tyrone Doddy 1986. Star of the Sea Primary

Paul Dujmovic 1986. St Jeromes Primary, soccer

Craig Fairhall 1985. Sl Thomas Primary, mock trial debating. Ball Committee. football swimming. athletics, cricket captain of Red Faction

BrynneFanell 1983. St Joseph Pignatelli. Jazz Orchestra, School Drama Production,swTInnring. football. water polo

Michael Fanell 1983. Oburtber Primary, football Basketball-Coco Cola State Champions, WA U/l8 Basketball S.Bl. Cockburn

John Fernandes 1986. Christ the King Primary, YC.S, Federation Cup Soccer (Vice Captain)

Michael Fi~rald 1983. Our Lady of Fatima Primary, Jazz Orchestra, Hockey - Upper School Premiers

Peter Gavranich 1985. Richmond Primary. Jazz Orchestra. athletics, crosscountry, swimming. HockeyUpper School Premiers. matbs and chemistry distinctions

Christopher Golding 1983. Star of tbe Sea. Hockey - Upper School Premiers. maths and chemistry distinctions

Kevin Gomes 1986. Christ tbe King Primary, Ball Committee. Quit Cup Football 1st XII Rugby (Captain~ rugby league. athletics, football

Luke Grose 1986. Our Lady of Fatima Primary, Sergeant - Ausl Army Cadet Corps.

Angelo Guida 1986. St Jerome's Primary Ball Committee. Federation Cup Soccer

Karsten Guster 1985. Sl Bendicrs Primary. YC.S, socceI; chemistry distinction

Glen HanIing 1983. Corpus Christi. SRC, football. tennis, athletics

Jason Hart 1986, Assumption Primary, chemistry high distinction

Michael Healy 1986. St Jerome's Primary, YC.S, Quit Cup Football swimming. basketball. Federation Cup Soccer

Anthony Hilton 1988. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Primary, SRC, Jazz Orchestra, Quit Cup Football tennis, chemistry distinction



Todd Jarvis 1983. Our Lady of Fatima

David Holloway

Michael Hubble

Domenico Iacono

Anthony Jackson

1984, Attadale Primary,

1983, St Joseph Pignatelli,

1986, Christ the King Primary,

1986. Assumption Primary,

Lacrosse Stale Representative

cross-couotry, Hockey Upper School Premiers, Intermediate Band

Federation Cup Soccer


Malcolm Jones

Kieran Kearns 1986, St Patrick's Primary,

Heath Kennington

Robert Kostn 1985, Our Lady of Fatima

1986. St Mary's Tarduo cheer


squad athletics

1986, St Jerome's Primary,

Ball Committee, Quit Cup Football, athletics

Ball Committee, School Drama Production, footbalL athletics, cross-couotry

1986. St Jerome's Primary,

Quit Cup Football, swimming (Vice Captain). athletics

Primary, Jazz Orchestra, swinuoing. water polo, basketball. Hockey - Upper School Premiers, State School Boys Water Polo

Adam Lamond

Paul Lockwood¡Hall

Ghedino Lomma


Michael Lon!

Nathan Mansfield

1986, Buogaree Primary,

1986, St Patrick's, YC.S, chess,

1986, East Fremantle Primary

1990. Mazenod College.

1983. Melville Primary,


cricket, soccer

hockey, School Drama Production

swimming. water polo

Sean McGunnigle 1986, St Jerome's Primary,

Salvatore Miceli

Christopher Mol'!lilll

1986, St Jerome's Primary,

1986. Orana Primary, athletics

SRC, Quit Cup Football, basketball, Fremantle Districts All Star Side (Captain) Toyota Cup

YC.S, socce~ cross-couotry


David Mort North Parmelia Primary, swimming. athletics, Hockey ¡ Upper School Premiers, ACC combined Schools Hockey Tour Malaysia - Bruoei

Matthew Muir 1985. Newton Primary,

debating. mock triaL cricket, cross-couotry (Vice Captain). athletics


Richard Mundy

Giulio Naso


Matthew O'Brien

Teo Pacella

1986, Sl Jerome's Primary,

1983, St Brigid's Primary,

1986, John Curtin SHS, YC.S,

1983, Corpus Christi, Jazz

1986, St Patrick's Primary,

athletics, cross-country, SFF.C. Col Is

YC.S, music, soccer

Svp, swimming, cross-country, Hockey-Upper School Premiers, Basketball - Coca Cola State Champions, State Hockey Tour - Malaysia and Brunei

Orchestra, football, tennis, athletics, cross-country


Blake Palmer

Michael Perna

'frevor Phillips

Francesco Pitaro

Andrew Pittaway

1989, Rockingham SHS, debating,

1986, Sl Jerome's Primary,

1988, Esperance SHS,

1986, St Pa trick's Primary,

1983, Altadale Primary, SVP

mock trial, rugby league, 1st XV Rugby Union Team, Rugby Palmyra Singapore Touring team, Best Speaker on all appearances in mock trial and debating

SVP doorknock, football premiers

chemistry distinction

YC.S, soccer

School Drama Production

Jamie Raffaele

Gavin Rennick

Daniel Robertson

Jason Robertson

Kristian Robinson

1986, Christ the King Primary,

1987, Bunbury, SRG, YC.S,

1989, St Joseph's Albany, Jazz

1985, Warnbro Primary, YC.S,

YC.S. Leade~ swimming, soccer

debating, mock trial, Rostrum, Basketball - Coca Cola State Champion, Sir Richard William Scholarship

Orchestra, School Drama Production

1986, Assumption Primary, 3rd place Yellow Belt Div-

Jason Ryan

Marc Schaper 1983, Corpus Christi Primary,

Dale Ross 1986, Our Lady of Fatima

1986, St Jerome's Primary,


mock trial, chess

Ball Committee, athletics, rna ths and chemistry distinctions


ision Taekwondo South West Games

SVP President Rockingham Antioch Deputy Leade~ chemistry distinction

Christopher Scharf

Shane Spina

1986, Assumption Primary,

1986, Star of the Sea Primary,

YC.S, swimming

debating, mock trial, Ball Committee, Jazz Orchestra, athletics


Christopher Sproule 1985, Attadale Primary, Mock Trial, Ball Committee, SRC, Cross Country Athletics, Squash, Cycling State Represen ta tive, Chemistry distinction

Angelo Vincenti 1986, St Jerome's Primary, Football, Swimming, Toyota Cup Football, All Star Representative

Declan Stack 1986, East Fremantle Primary, YC.S, SVP, Socce~ Swimming, Athletics Captain, Cross Country Captain, Tennis

TonySticca 1986, St Jerome's Primary, Socce~ Dante Alighieri Examination distinction

David Thylor 1983, lona Primary, YC.S. Mock Trial, Maths and Chemistry distinctions

Nathan Thompson 1985, Star of the Sea Primary, Ball Committee, School Draroa Production, Athletics, Hockey - Upper School Premiers, AFS Exchange Student 1991

The scene in the hall as the boys filed up to individually receive their Graduation Certificates from Br Kelly.


Mock Trial Awards: Jason Ryan, Craig Fairhall, Chris Sproule, Sasha Danilovich, Shane Spina, David Taylm; Gavin Rennick, Matthew Muir and Blake Palmer

Left Br Kelly congratulates Brian Mathe!; Dux of the College.

Br Kelly and Head Boy, Nathan Windebank cut the Graduation Cake.



YEAR 12 AWARDS Dux of Year 12: Brian Mather

Ivan Anneli: 2nd in the State in Dante Alighieri Examination.

Brian Mather receives his Institute of Engineers Award from Mrs Brooke followed by co-winner Gavin Rennick


1st Place

2nd Place

Accounting Applied Business Studies Applied Computing Art Biology Chemistry Computing Economics English Literature Furniture Woodwork Geography

Cambell Buswell Francesco Pitaro Cambell Buswell Jason Ryan Michael Lord Brian Mather David Taylor Anthony Hilton Anthony Hilton Adam Lamond Brian Mather

History Human Biology Italian Mathematics I Mathematics II Mathematics ill Mathematics IV Physical Education Studies Physics Senior English Technical Drawing

Jason Ryan Luke Grose Ivan Anneli Michael Atkinson Brian Mather Brian Mather Francesco Pitaro Anthony Hilton Brian Mather Jamie Raffaele Giulio Naso

Kristian Robinson Morris Caputi Michael Farrell Michael Atkinson Nathan Mansfield Gavin Rennick Trevor Phillips Sean McGunnigle Gavin Rennick Giulio Naso Damian Ziegelaar Luke Grose Ivan Armeli Kristian Robinson Anthony Hilton Gavin Rennick David Taylor Glen Harding Damian Ziegelaar

Service Awards Nathan Windebank (Head Boy) Andrew Pitlaway

Anthony Hilton Declan Stack

Angelo Guida Kristian Robinson

Dante Alighieri Italian Examination Distinctions Ivan Armeli (2nd in WA)

Tony Sticca

Institute of Engineers Awards for Outstanding Achievement (in Mathematics n, ill, Physics and Chemistry) Brian Ma ther

Gavin Rennick

Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Michael Atkinson Christopher Golding

Daniel Di Tullio Marc Schaper

Peter Gavranich Damian Ziegelaar 19


WORKSHOP AT WOODMAN'S POINT The Year 12 Workshop took place at Woodman's Point Campsite from the 9th to the 12th April. It was the first year that it wasn't a live-in camp and at first it felt a little strange, but students found it an advantage to go home every afternoon, though Gavin Rennick did get off the bus at the wrong stop - 2 km up the road. The theme of the workshop was self-awareness and personal development and students worked hard at their listening and communication skills. Although some found it difficult, the boys were to be congratulated on their hard work and perseverance. Mrs T Letizia

The Year 12's waiting for the priest to arrive for Mass.

SENIOR BAI,I. For the third year running the Senior Ball was held at the Langley Plaza Hotel in Perth. This year's Ball was enlivened by a punk band (never again), a parking ticket for Mrs Letizia, and the Head Boy literally coming apart at the seams. Despite all these setbacks the dance floor was full and most people had an enjoyable time. The Belle and Beau were Daniela Proiti and Year 12 James Raffaele. Once again thanks must go to Mrs Brooke and Mrs Letizia who kept the ball committe on the right track

~ Belle and Beau of the Ball: Daniela Pruiti and Jamie Raffaele.

David Mort gets his tie straightened by his attractive partner

Craig Fairhall Year 12

After an energetic bout of dancing: Angelo Guida, Angelo Vincenti and Daniel Di Tullio with their glamourous companions.

Behind the scenes even the mothers got in on the act


Paul Dujmovic, Marc Schaper and his partneI; Sasha DanilQvich, and Ryan Greenwell matching their elegant surroundings. 20

Waiting for a photo: Peter Gavranich and Michael Hubble look pleased to be in the midst of a bevy of beauties.


MATRIMONY: JESUS INVITES US ill LOVE The Year 12 Matrimony course was held over 8 weeks at various homes in Munst8I; Medina and Beaconsfield. The course was amalgamated with girls from lona and Seton Colleges and involved married couples from the three homes, discussing and giving the groups of students a better guide and attitude toward marriage. Some of the topics discussed were Romance, Verbal Communication, Listening, Love of SelÂŁ Hurt, Trust, Feelings, Love is a Decision, Non-verbal Communication, Sex, Trained for Marriage, Forgiveness, Gods Plan for Marriage and Sacrament in the Church. At the end of the 8 weeks a Mass was held at each home which ended the course and brought everyone together for the last time. Special thanks to Mrs Letizia for orgainizing the course and Mr & Mrs Geers, Mr & Mrs Ziegelaar and Mr & Mrs Banovich who gave up their homes and times to teach us the value of Marriage. Matthew Muir Year 12

Malcolm Jones (centre) makes his point during a discussion at the Geers'.

Mr and Mrs Banovich's home group.


Cake-making to raise money for the Christian Brothers Youth Camp: Matt O'Brien, Mr McIntyre, Heath Kennington, Jarrad Brookes and Glen Harding.

Red Cross collectors Frank Caputi and Michael Perna count the money.


Caught with their mouths too full to protest Danny Di Tullio, Angelo Guida, Anthony Hilton and Nathan Windebank. 21

Angelo Vincenti thought the food at Paesano's was finger-licking good.





James Croft, Steven McGuire, Clint Carte.t; Evan Duxbury, Matthew Papaphotis, Richard Billing, Derek Mountain, Shayne O'Neill, Nathan Potts. SECOND ROW: Mrs S. Brooke, Simon Nicholson, Andrew Williams, Phillip Del Casale, Nicholas Lindsay, Richard Bailey, Andrew Mayhew, David Tolj, David Gill. THIRD ROW: Nicholas Sloan, Jason Sawye.t; Kurt Shepherd, Paul Mille.t; Sandra Ricciardi. ABSENTEES: Justin Evans.

YEAR 11" Angelo Turtrn; Paul Stevenson, Jason Mahe.t; Mark Waters, Nathan Johansen, Callum White, William Blah SECOND ROW: Mr G. Theseira, Nathan Piesse, Colin Fern, David Reis, Warren Dunn, Justin Rae, Robert Selman, Nick Jenkins. THIRD ROW: John Gray, Robert Bavcevich, Philip Hudson, Clinton Micale, John De Jesus. ABSENTEES: Damien Legg. FRONT ROW:



YEAR 11M Justin Grey; Anthony Sgro, Jeremy Durack, Matthew Stirling, Marco Piscicelli, Mitchell Capelli, Giuseppi Muscara, Anthony Bosco, Scott Panizza. SECOND ROW: Mr B. Mulvey; Giuseppe Galati, Mark King, Christopher Anderson, Leon Pratt, David Thompson, Marc Avidov, Tyren Edwards. TI-llRD ROW: Ivan Jerkovic, Ryan Greenwell, Marco DeBoni, Michael ODwyeJ; Emidio Ranalli, Anthony Milbourne.



John Catalano, Joseph Canciglia, Michael McCallum, David Jones, Alex Farfan, David Pensabene, Rajeev Albuquerque. SECOND ROW: Br G. Seaman, Alex Morin, Ben Gould, Todd MacPherson, Anthony Nocciolino, Matthew Hilderbrandt, Anthony Ciampini, Jeremy Day. TIflRD ROW: Cono Paratore, Kayne Binks, Scott TaylOI; Antony Schillaci, Douglas McRae, Robert Ottaviano. ABSENTEES: Colin Db<, Gregory DwyeI; Michael WilSOIL FRONT ROW:



YEAR 11 AWARDS Dux of Year 11: Mark Pensabene


1st Place

2nd Place

Accounting Business Studies Applied Computing Art Biology Chemistry Computing

Gareth Iriks John Gray Marco Piscicelli Evan Duxbury Nicholas Sloan David Tolj Colin Ferns Derek Mountain David Tolj David Tolj Mark Pensabene Alex Farfan Matthew Hildebrandt

Emidio Ranalli Michael Wilson Robert Selman Nathan Piesse Tyren Edwards Mark Pensabene

Economics English English Literature FurnitureIWoodwork Geography Practical Geography History Human Biology Italian Mathematics I Mathematics II Mathematics III Mathematics IV Motors Music Physical Education Studies Physics Technical Drawing Theatre Arts

Emidio Ranalli Leon Pratt Emidio Ranalli Gareth !riks Mark Pensabene Mark Pensabene Anthony Ciampini John Gray Leon Pratt Michael McCallurn Mark Pensabene Phillip Del Casale David Jones Nathan Potts

Mark Pensa bene John Gray Ben Gould Peter Threlfall Michael McCallum William Blair Mathew Stirling Michael McCallum Antony Schillaci Matthew Papaphotis Ben Gould Emidio Ranalli Giuseppe Galati Douglas McRae Todd Mac Pherson David Tolj Nathan Piesse

Service Awards Kayne Binks

Nicholas Jenkins

Dante Alighieri Italian Examination Distinctions Emidio Ranalli

Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Richard Billing Alex Morin Andrew Williams

Colin Ferns Mark Pensabene

Benjamin Gould David Tolj

Br Kelly presents Nathan Potts and David Jones with their equal firsts in Theatre Arts.

Dux Mark Pensabene (centre) shows his certificate to Jeremy Durack and Alex Morin. 24



lU THE USA I will never forget my experience! My stay in the United States will have a great impact on my future. If everyone could experience going to another country and seeing how others live, the world would be better because one learns to accept changes and differences in people and their lifestyles. Living in Glastonbury, Connecticut has given me a new meaning; I belive I have matured tremendously, thanks to many people. I am really glad that I went to the United States and urge everyone to at least consider experiencing another culture. I made so many life time friends and learned so much about that country. I think the time spent with friends and host family activities were some of the best events of my life. One of the most memorable things thatoccurred while living in Glastonbury was being a member of the Glastonbury High School State Championships Football Team - a lot of fun (American Football). Peter Threlfall addressing the assembly.

Peter Threlfall Year 11

YEAR 11 REIJGIOUS EDUCATION WORKSHOP The Year 11 Workshop was held at the Noalimba Recreational Centre in Bateman. The Workshop was divided into two sections. The teachers of C.B.C organized activities for the first two days. These activities provided the students with the opportunity to learn to accept and affirm their peers. There was time for activities, recreation and group discussions. The NET team arrived in the latter two days of the Workshop.

They provided a variety of stimulating and energetic sessions that involved everyone totally. The NE.T team taught us song, reflected upon our lives and then shared the impact that Jesus had on their lives. It was an exciting and different experience to see young people administering their faith to other students.

Year 11 Graduation: In the foreground Andrew Williams, NathanPiesse,Emidio Rinalli,Anthony Milbourne,Jeremy Durack, Mark Pensabene, Alex Morin.

Fundraising for the Basketball Team: Br Murphy, Scott TaylOl; Jeremy Day, Jason Sawyel; Steven McGuire, Simon Nicholson, Antony Schillaci

By Paul Stevenson Year 11




YEARI0B Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Daniele Gentile, Peter Sgro, Grant O'Brien, Andrew Taylm; Jeremy Damonse, Cannelo Bosco, Nicholas Bass, Luke Moore, Chad Roberts. Miss S. Bana, Ryan Donnelly, Ben Bowden, Damien Pratt, Ashley Peel, James Rodrigues, Steven Garces, Brett Watson, Tyree Jackiewicz, Damian Creedon, Mrs S. Micenko. Ashley Low, David Sammut, Stewart Ward, Jeremy Powell, Sefton Payze, Adam Calginari, Darren Van Tuyl, Adam Flockhart, Anthony Di Giacomo.

YEARI0E Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absentees:

Ian Faulkne.I; Sean Flynn, Nathaniel O'Hara, Gregory Elphick, Adam Laycock, Fernando Mattioli, Paul Bedola, Darren Janczyk Mrs 0. Ellis, Mark Douglas, Michael Pearson, Paul Smith, Michael-Jez Garces, Gerald Croll, Mathew Day, Daniel Di'Nunzio. Peter Callaghan, Campbell Gibson, Mark Appleby, Nathan Sharkey, Steven Maclean. Damian Morgan, Massimo Vicoli. 26


Front Row. Second Row. Third Row.

YEARl0G Daniel Conroy, John Nguyen, Frank Seman, Anthony Paratore, Jason Pinzone, Dominic Lee, Luke Richardson, Shawn D'Cruz, Nicholas Amato. Miss E. Sgro, Michael Taranto, Bradley Edwards, Bradley Marshall, Russell Butle!; Mark Bianchini, Kamil Gacia, Salvatore Basile, Dean Hart, Brett Salt Christopher Van Tuyl, Steven Smith, Liam Irlks, Stephen Hide, Daniel De Florenca, John Kirkwood.



YEAR10R Front Row. Second Row. Third Row. Fourth Row.

John Auriemma, Frank Mosca, Sergio De Ceglie, Julian Simpson, Michael Spanbroek, David Tunnard, Robert Gauci, Ben Carrigg, Aubrey Green. Mr R Rose'Meye!; Fred Rodriguez, Steven Prynne, Richard Albuquerque, Steven Savy, Matthew Hine, Michael Lazzara, Justin Maloney, Darren Beresford, Daniel Perna. Carl Broome, Luke Sicree, David Weldon, Matthew O'Hara, Michael Forzatti, Walace Duarte. Brent Jarvis, Michael McMullen, Ryan CuceL Peter Fenton 27



Front Row:

Frank Paratore, Raymond Mangano, Beau Brown, Simon Dickey, Matthew Steptoe, Conrad Murphy, Robert Barkla, Steven Ferns, Fernando Valenzuela. Second Row: Mr S. Stack, Marco Ricciardi, Stephen Newport, Nickolas Perna, Nathan Hanrnm; Domenic D'Allessandro, Peter Betz, Jeremy Hvala, Tomislav Vukovac, Kenneth Gavranich. Third Row: Martin Ross, Kevin Kennedy, Scott Scharf, Scott Leahy, Benjamin Wynne, Nunzio Foti, Todd Allen, Johnathon Dobson.

WORK EXPERIENCE The 1990 Work Experience Programme was again a great success for both students and employers alike, judging from the employers' reports received by the school. The boys did a great job in finding some interesting and different placements; ranging from Law offices, Accounting Firms, Aircraft Maintenance Companies, to Marine Biology areas and trade positions.

Russell Butler did his work experience with a vet The reports received from the employers carried on the high standards set by previous year's CBC students and on those grounds the boys are to be congratulated. I would like to thank all parents for their help in finding placements and the offers of positions for the future and staff for their time in visiting the boys whilst on placement

Mr A Di Lollo, Counsellor and organiser of the Work Experience Programme.

MrADiLollo 28


YEAR 10 AWARDS Dux of Year 10: Richard Albuquerque

Br Kelly congratulates Richard Albuquerque, Dux of Year 10.

Service Award winners: Ken Gavranich, Steven Ferns, Daniel Perna, Anthony Paratore, Mark Bianchini, Michael Taranto, Steven MacLean, Mark Douglas and Gregory Elphick


1st Place

2nd Place

Advanced Computing Art Business Studies Computing Craft Drama English Italian Mathematics Metalwork Music Physical Education Public Speaking Science Science Enrichment Social Studies TecbrrricalDrawing Woodwork

Richard Albuquerque Nicholas Amato Michael FOIzatti Russell Butler Matthew O'Hara Ben Carrigg Michael Taranto Michael Lazzara Richard Albuquerque Jeremy Powell Ken Gavranich Steven Hide Gerald. Croll Richard Albuquerque Michael Taranto Andrew Taylor Fernando Mattioli Dean Hart

Gerald Croll Sergio De Ceglie Peter Sgro Christopher Van Tuyl Steven Hide Peter Fenton Brett Salt Shawn D'Cruz Mark Appleby Carl Broome Ken Gavranich Robert Gauci Mark Douglas Brett Salt Scott Leahy Shawn D'Cruz

Service Awards Mark Bianchini Steven Ferns Anthony Paratore

Greg Elphick Steven MacLean Michael Taranto

Mark Douglas Ken Gavranich Daniel Perna

Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Todd Allen

Damian Creedon

Mark Douglas



YEAR 10 CAMP AT ROTTNEST Despite the inclement weather conditions marking the beginning of the Year Ten camp at Rottnest, on the 26th of March 1990, enthusiasm amongst the students was far from dampened. After the forty-five minute boat ride in heavily swelling seas, we arrived at Thomson Bay jetty all willing and eager to get the camp of 1990 underway. Once settled in our designated huts, we were all anxious to begin the first of many planned activities. Alas, the very mention of community service (our first 'fun' activity) set our imaginations into a whirl. We were quickly brought down to earth with the announcement that the task before us was collecting rubbish at Jubilee Park, and to partner this exciting event was a shower or two of rain to dampen our spirits even more. Fifteen year old boys don't need chores to stimulate the appetite, but of course if one is obliged to carry out manual duties then we can expect rumblings, not only of the lamentable variety, but those of the undernourished - FOOD! Though knowing we had to cook our own meals, we were suddenly undaunted by this prospect, and set about testing our culinary skills. That evening after a much enjoyed game of mini golf, we visited the local museum and learnt much of the history of the local island. Once our physical needs were satisfied, we proceeded to nurture our souls with a visit to the beautiful island church making the stations of the cross togethe:c Bright and early next morning the sea air enticed us for a vigorous run, prompted strongly by Mr Rose'Meye:c Later that morning saw us trekking to the west end of the island where we enjoyed many activities such as fishing, snorkling, swimming or just simply relaxing in the sun. Tiredness did not deter us from an inquisitive walk to the Guns of Rottnest Needless to say that night we all slept well! All good things come to an end, and the end of a camp means cleaning up, all done with maximum effieciency and minimum fuss. After a quick tour through Kingston Barracks it was down to the jetty where there was much ado over the greeting of the second half of the Year Tens. Greetings and farewells done we were off on our way home on the Sea Raide:c Many thanks to the teachers for their organization and preparation of the camp, thus ensuring an enjoyable time for all.

"It moved! fm sure I saw it move!" Jason Pinzone at the Rottnest Museum.

''My solo has just gone flat!" Michael Spanbroek fixing a tyre.



Michael Taranto Year 10

"The fish was about as concious as he was!" Daniel Perna rushed to get up early to catch fish 30


When Mr Stack speaks almost everyone listens.

"SHAAAAARRK!!!" (West End Swimming)

"This must be a big one!" (West End Fishing)



Graduation Mass, Prayers of the faithful by Robert Barkla, Chris Van-Tyle, Jeremy Hvala, Gerald Croll, Jason Martinovich, Karnil Garcia, Christmas Hamper in background.

Sergio De Ceglie received a certificate for corning in the top 20% of the Australian Schools Science Competition. Year 10 Graduation: Waiting for speeches.

Fund-raising for the Blind from lOS.

Steven MacLean wins trophy for most improved dancer 32




Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Joseph Turtw; James Guy, Steven Forzatti, Bradley Rose, Simon Bizzaca, Stuart Norman, Marco Cozza, Brett Sanderson, Damien Hawkins. Mrs N. Cooney, Jacob McCallum, Gregory Davies, Gino Prernici, Helder Rocha, Anthony Brewe!; Chad Micale, Jason Mansfield, William Carrigan, David Moore. Gregory Van Doom, Carlos Dos Santos, Jason Judge, Christian Carvajal, Ryan Murphy, Simon Bright, David Anderson, Kane Parsons, Ivo Vitlov.


Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Absentees:

Joseph Cuccovia, Adam Dudek, Giuseppe Fusari, Tim Hamid, Peter Bonavita, Stuart Annakin, Joseph Silva, Brendan McGuinness, Antonio Procino. Miss S. Fowle!; Adrian Petrache, Jorge De Jesus, Stuart Morgan, Ianto Evans, Alvaro Rocha, Umberto Valerini, Daniel Lane, Giovanni Ruocco, Ryan Voitkevich. Ryan Jansen, Brendan Srnutney, Mark Mille!; Aidan Casey, Stephen Jurica, Paul Yates, Darren Nattrass, Alexander Marinovich. Maxwell Briggs. 33







Front Row:

Klinton Moullin, Brent Dunlop, Lucas Russell, Adam Bull, Luke Van Der Zanden, Simon Cattalini, Peter BarkeI; Michael Lim, Hugh O'Neill. Second Row: Miss M Ivankovich, Nathan Williams, Adam Jenkins, Malcolm Hart, Kenneth Lee, Eraldo Deluca, Robert Rogato, Phillip Tolj, Brendan Wall, Roberto Boni. Joel Cucel, Scott Fellows, Gavin Neesham, Ryan Poole, Neil Pye, Marcel Maron, Nelson Goncalves. Third Row: Absentees: Michael Fishbourne, Ryan Glamuzina.








Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Luke Godwin, Gulio Rosa, Adam MuiI; Antoni adak, Adrian Vitali, Aldo Cortopassi, Ben Jobey, Scott PoweI; Paul Leonard. Mr J. Purcell, Adam Fitzgerald, Mark Bosnich, Ben Woollard, Pasquale D'Ortona, Daniel Ng, Ben De Pedro, Neil Kingsbury, Alex Eddie, Sebastian Canciglia. Brendan White, Patrick McNamara, Paul Gumina, Nathan Bruijnzeel, Travis Bienkowski, Steven Ricetti, Stewart M~rtincic, Dale Sainsbury. 34


YEAR 9 AWARDS Dux of Year 9: Mark Bosnich


1st Place

2nd Place

Advanced Computing Art Art Graphics Business Studies Computing Craft Drama English Italian Mathematics

Mark Bosnich Travis Bienkowski Ryan Jansen Kenneth Lee Neil Kingsbury Brendan Smutney Klinton Moullin Mark Bosnich Eraldo De Luca Kenneth Lee

Metalwork Music Physical Education Public Speaking Science Science Enrichment Social Studies Technical Drawing Woodwork

Philip Tolj Adam Fitzgerald Daniel Lane Brendan Wall Mark Bosnich Mark Bosnich Mark Bosnich Nelson Goncalves ¡ Nathan Bruijnzeel

Kenneth Lee Brendan McGuinness Tim Hamid Antonio Procino Stephen Jurica Maxell Briggs Jacob McCallum Jason Judge Jason Judge Mark Bosnich and David Anderson Bradley Rose Kenneth Lee Aidan Casey Kenneth Lee David Anderson Jason Judge Ryan Jansen Nelson Goncalves

Jason Judge Gino Premici

David Moore Antonio Procino

Service Awards Ryan Jansen Adam Muir Brendan Smutney

Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions David Anderson Darren Nattrass

Kenneth Lee

Mark Bosnich

Italian Award winners: Steven Forzatti, Sebastian Canciglia. Marco Cozza. Joseph Cuccovia. Giovanni Ruocco. Joseph Turtw; Gregory Van Doorn, Jorge De Jesus. David Moore, Ben Woollard and Christian Carvajal.

Deputy-Head Mr Fortin with Mark Bosnich, Dux of Year 9.



FAIRBRIDGE CAMP On the 26th of March 9F and 91 left for Fairbridge camp, near Pinjarra. We were all very excited and there was a great stampede because everyone wanted to get a good bed. That afternoon, 91 went horseriding and 9F did kitemaking. Many of us had doubts about the kitemaking, but it turned out to be an entertaining activity. That night we had a quiz night, with Brother Kelly looking on and making up some of the questions. On Tuesday morning, 9F went horse-riding and 91 did kitemaking. Afterwards we went to a goat farm, which in my opinion was one of the best activities. We had a lot of fun feeding the goats, patting the dogs and even got squirted with goats milk by the welcoming owners. After arriving back at camp, Mr McNamee organised a round robin basketball competition between 9F and 91, which was great fun. That night we played spotlight it was pitch black, a perfect night for spotlight Finally the da y came for us to pIa y sport against Pinj arra High. Our 3 volleyball teams won convincingly, our

basketball players and softball players were also victorious, and our cricketers unfortunately lost by 4 runs. We all enjoyed it and made new friends. That afternoon we went on an interesting tour of Alcoa. In the evening we had free time for swimming before going to Pizza Hut for tea. Thursday was the best day of the camp, as everyone thoroughly enjoyed canoeing. We were all splashing each other as we chased other boats to make an attack On Friday we packed up and cleaned our huts before making the journey home. We would like to thank Miss Fowler for organising such an enjoyable camp, Mr McNamee for helping out during the week and for driving the bus, Miss Ivankovich and Mrs De Vos for helping to make it a successful and worthwhile camp.

Breakfast for Lucas Russell.

The delighted audience.

Ryan Jansen Year 9

YEAR 9 CAMP FOREST EDGE WAROONA The Year 9 camp at Forest Edge, Waroona was great though exhausting. There was an inc en tive course which included climbing walls, building ÂŁlying foxes, rafting across a dam, not to mention 5 kilometres of walking through the bush. Other exciting exercises included a Big Fox (tha t crossed a gully and offered a beautiful view), archery, waterskiing, canoeing, and making some delicious damper over a fire. There was also orienteering, horseriding and a confidence course, which all produced some amusing scenes and embarrassing moments. Our three objectives at the camp were: 1 To contribute to the development of confidence through challenging situations. 2. To contribute to the social delvelopment and se1ÂŁawareness of all students, and;

Joe Rocha, William Carrigan, Mr Preshaw, Jacob McCallum, Stuart Norman, Gino Premici, Ryan Murphy (below). 36



To foster environmental awareness. We feel that all these were achieved. The students would like to thank the staff who came to Forest Edge, Mrs Cooney, Mr Purcell, Mr Smith, Mr Preshaw and Mr Geers. We would also like to thank the camp coordinator Mr Hewton. This was undoubtedly the most interesting and adventure filled camp we have been on. David Anderson Year 9

James Guy, Jason Judge and Bradley Rose practise their archery skills.

IONA AND SANTA MARIA SOCIALS Over this yeaI; the Year 9's had the opportunity of participating in two socials. One with IONA, and one with our sister-school, SANTA MARIA. Our social with lana was early in second term at East Fremantle Parish Hall, and we had a "Black and White" theme. The hall was decorated by the class mothers. There were mixed feelings at the beginning of the night It seemed to last forev8I: AB the D.J. explained how he was stopped for RB.T., and excused his lateness, it all seemed to break the ice. Groups of girls and boys began to group up, and dance the night away. AB the night progressed, so did the music and action, and before too long, everyone was dancing. During the social, there were competitions and door prizes. Three hours passed, and before we knew it, it was time to be picked up and taken home. The night was enjoyed by everyone. The second social was just as great, and it wasn't long before we all began to mix. Santa Maria made the night really worthwhile. The nJ. from 'Cloud Nine' wasn't late this time, so he got straight into the music. The night progressed, and the music and dancefloor were hatting up. Around the danceflooI; were groups of girls and boys dancing until their legs could take no more. Again the night went really fast, and everyone was upset Three hours was just not enough. The venue for this social was at Santa Maria's own hall, which was a large basketball court, and provided plenty of room. The general reaction from all who participated was fantastic. Just ask anyone! We would all like to thank the staff from CB.C., lana and Santa Maria. Special thanks goes to Mrs Cooney and Year Nine Form teachers for organising and making both socials possible. Thanks too to the other staff members who volunteered their time to help with supervision.

The dancers. It didn't take long to get most people onto the flam:


Front Row: Stuart Morgan, Michael Lim, Ryan Jansen, James Guy, Stephen Jurica. Back Row: Nathan Williams, Marcel Maron, Gino Premici, Iva Vitlov, David Anderson, Antonio Procino. This year, the year 9 Science Enrichment class undertook an experiment in growing crystals. The best crystals were selected and sent to a Crystal Growing Competition organised by the Royal Australian Chemical Institute. All CBC entries reached the finals. This was quite an achievement as it was the first time that our college had entered the competition which is open to all schools in WA MoreoveI; the group comprising of Stephen Jurica, Nathan Williams and David Anderson received the prize for the second best crystal Well done boys! Mr J. Hortense

Gino Premici James Guy Year 9



THE BIRTH OF JESUS CHRIST IF IT HAPPENED lODAY The Year 9's were asked to write the Christmas story in a modem context This is one boy's version: following the AMP sign on their way to Saint Georges Terrace. Five kilometres away on the Mitchell Freeway three advertising agents from the Eastern States noticed the AMP sign shining very brightly, which they thought very interesting. They followed it and arrived at the bus stop where Mary and Joseph were. They found the three garbage collectors also. Then the Angel came to them and said, "Behold the Son of God." With these words everyone knelt down before Jesus. The advertising. agents gave Jesus a gold bracelet and a torch, symbols of light and Kingship. Then they left calling at the nearest police station. The police came and took Mary and Jesus with them to the station. Mary then went to sleep at the police station with Jesus in her arms, and Joseph slept on the floor next to hel: During the night the Angel of God came to him and said, "Tomorrow the media will come trying to commercialize this event with a sensational story. Take Mary and Jesus and leave immediately for your home in Northam, where you will live in peace." Joseph woke up and did what the Angel of God had told him. They left the station, caught a coach with their return ticket and left Perth.

It was a dark moonlit night and Mary and Joseph were on their way to Perth from Northam. They came to Perth monthly to go to pay bills and shop for 'specials'. Mary was pregnant at that stage, and she knew that the son of God whom they would name '1esus" was soon to be born. Joseph went to find a room and to his dismay he discovered he forgot his American Express card, and he didn't have any cash on him. He pleaded with several Hotel Managers to give them lodgings on credit but they refused to believe his story about a pregnant wife. Meanwhile, Mary rested under a bus stop shelter and it was there that Jesus Christ was bom. They had no clothes so they wrapped him in the Saturday edition of the West Australian' newspaper and laid him in an empty milk crate. At that moment a kilometre away three garbage collectors were making their way collecting rubbish when the angel of God came to them and said "To the Southeast at a bus stop on Saint George's Terrace you will find a baby boy wrapped in the West Australian' in a milk crate, He is the Son of God. If you look you will see the AMP building with the lights. Follow the sign and you won't make a mistake. It's shining brighter than ever" With these words the Angel p.isappeared. The three garbage collectors were terrified but they still went

Ivo Vitlov Year 9


The ravioli wasn't bad, what's next?: Eraldo De Luca, Joseph Fusari, Giovanni Ruocco, Roberto Rogato, Roberto Boni, Brendan McGuinness, Joseph Turtw; Miss M. Ivankovich and Miss E. Sgro.

Photographed with the cook: Joseph Fusari and Giovanni Ruocca with Mrs M Dimasi. 38



Front Row: Second Row:

Peter Bonavita, Adam Bull, Billy Carrigan, Br G. Seaman, Stuart Norman, Simon Cattalini, Nick Amato. Brendan Wall, Ryan Murphy, Matthew Hine, Jason Judge, Umberto Valerini, Anthony BreweI; Ken Gavranich.


Front Row: Second Row:

Chris Bowden, Matthew Anderson, Dominic Macri, Matthew Neesham, Matthew Seaman. William DwyeI; Adrian Strk, Michael Cartel: 39




Front Row:

David Serrao, Steven Hoban, Damian Fletch81; Daniel Dwy81; Mr S. Barbe:r; Geoff Carcione, Matthew Neesham, John O'Conn01; Mark Antonio. Second Row: Daniel Allegretta, Ronnie Elhaj, John Blab; Glen Bailey, Tony Ruocco, Troy Mills, Luke Dickey, Jeremy Gray. Third Row: Matthew Real; Daniel Lardi, Simon John. Aidan McGlue, Stuart Cattanach, David Congdon, Craig Browne, Peter Della-Bona. Fourth Row: Warren Pearson, Jason Mahel; Ivan Spanjich, Jilnmy Vadal, Ben Pratt


Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:

Dean De Petra, Duaine Brown, Mark Robinson, Redford Easton, Antonio Catarro, Bruno Da Conceicao, Marco Di Lucia, Trent Cox, Fletcher Passmore. Christian Scala, Grant Jarvis, Adrian Strk, David Neale, Ryan Gowenlock, Nelson Galvao, Steve Da Luz, Andrew Mayberry, Mrs M. Watt Vinnie :Wpari, John Gangemi, Stephen Mahel; lain Ward, James Mille!; Claudio Arrneli, Andrew O'Connell, Travis Callaghan, Matthew Piggott 40




Front Row:

David Waldock, Bradley Annakin, Timothy Cronin, Nathan Commins, Mrs S. Shirvani, Kevin McMullen, Troy MUITay, Simon Fox, Christian Van Der ZandeIL Second Row: Franco Ranallo, Shane Meyers, Allistair Green, Ryan Callaghan, Michael Carte.!; Paul Iuliano, Bradley Santos, Antony Rybak Third Row: Benjamin Paganoni, Christopher Wicks, Steven Brimblecome, Edward Bastow, Stuart Marlborough, Matthew O'Brien, Raymond Ward. Fourth Row: Glen Laycock, Aniello D'Angelo, Taygen Dray, Domenic Macri, Rodrigo Gonzalez, Bradley Smith, David Kingsbury


Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row: Absentees:

Mitchell Buswell, David Gevaux, Matthew Anderson, Christopher Coombe.!; Mr M Van Dongen, 1Tavis Hurley, Joseph Smythe, Jason Dye.!; Matthew Armarego. Culum Carrigg, Glen Smith, Sebastian Di Lello,John Vincenti, Benjamin Morgan, Sebastian Foti, Lukasz Kurdziel, Michael Coelho. Matthew Bass, Anthony Mardesich, Daniel Lomma, Conor McGlue, Roberto Fernandes, Dina Pacella, Paul Taylm; Craig Ramm. Michael Spiccia, Todd Blinco, Christopher Reeves, Frank Perna, Paul De Boni, Joe Ceglie. Andre Neri. 41


YEAR 8 AWARDS Dux: Daniel Dwyer

Head Boy Domenic Macri, Dux Daniel DwyeI; Sports Star Grant Jarvis and Peer Award David Anderson.


1st Place

English Mathematics Science Social Studies

Michael Carter Daniel Dwyer Danial Dwyer Daniel Dwyer

Westpac Australian Mathematics Competition Distinctions Daniel Dwyer Aidan McGlue Raymond Ward

Sebastian Foti Christopher Reeves

David Gevaux Christian Scala

English Speaking Board Assessment Distinctions Ryan Callaghan Ryan Gowenlock Steven Ravlich

Luke Dickey Domenic Macri Antony Rybak

Daniel Dwyer Ben Paganoni Ivan Spanjich

Top Students in Year 8: Luke Dickey, Daniel DwyeI; Ryan Gowenlock, Domenic Macri, Ben Paganoni, Steven Da Luz, Tony Rybak and Ivan Spanjich, with Br Kelly and Br Hackett 42



Setting Out - We didn't realise just how sore we'd be by the time we got back: Steven Hoban, Paul DeBoni, Mark Robinson, Tony Ruocco and John Vincent When we got to camp I was really impressed. I had never seen such a clean camp. We went to Penguin Island and that night we had a 'Quiz Night'. The next day we got up early, since no one could wait for the horseriding. When we got there I was expecting the horse to be big but when I saw them my legs started to shake as I had never seen animals of that size. I finally got on one of the horses and started moving, but in the wrong direction. After a while I became more at ease on the horse and could control it better so it would go where I wanted it to go, but that didn't last long as the horse got fed up with my commands and since I was scared, I let it go wherever it wanted to go. I had been riding on the horse for about three hours in the hot sun when we got back and when I got off, like most of boys I found it hard to walk properly. As soon as we got to camp we had to get dressed to go to the beach. A lot

of my friends and I were tired, but it got hotter after a while so our group did go to Wambro beach. That night at camp there was a Talent Night and the people who were brave enough to do an act went in front of all the teachers and boys and made complete fools of themselves but everyone enjoyed it The last day of the camp had finally come and I couldn't wait to go back home. We had packed our bags and were heading for Cable Water Ski Park There I went on the slides and some people went knee boarding. I thought it was really a great camp and I'd like to thank Mrs Watt, Mr Barbel; Mr Van Dongen, Mrs Shirvani, Mrs Lovelock, Mrs Faria and all the parents who came and made the 1990 Year 8 camp most enjoyable. Claudio Armeli Year 8

It's hard to make horses move when there's nice, green grass in the way, Craig Ramm, Warren Pearson and Troy Mills. 43


YEAR 7 Bradley Hall, Marco D'(llisse, Mark Palermo, Kieran LawlOI; Mrs B. WorneI; Paul Valente, Calogero Canciglia, Chris Bowden, Michael Binetti. Second Row: Joseph Catalano, David White, David Turtw;Niall McCloskey,Jason Faria, Michael Vinci, Steven Maisano, Jonathan Broome. Dennis Maciel, Joseph Terribile, John Casey, Justin Golding, Shawn Robinson, Cyprian Molicki, Nigel Third Row: Bridgeman, Anthony Chillino, James Fan; Alexander Kelly. Fourth Row: Sean Richardson, Alexander Fostm; Nelson Garces, Fernando De Florenca, Cameron Perna, Owen Walsh. Absentees: Joseph O'Hara, Luke Cammilleri.

Front Row:

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

YEAR 6 Gary Faria, Jeremy Piesse, Greg BarkeI; Richard Rank, Mr G. Holtham, Cosmin Ticos, Phillip Norman, Sean Geaney, Robert Vinci. Ken Lai, Mario Peca, Richard Cavilli, Gavin Williams, Dominic Bird, Paul Pitaro, Lyle BaueI; Ryan Morgan. Matthew Cybula, Barry ODriscoll, David Cocciolone, Daren Savy, Michael Sammut, Eamonn Arandiga, Grant Watton, Bradley Masters. Jamie Paganoni, Jeffrey Ryan, James Jobey, William DwyeI; Salvatore Fazzino, Brett CarteI; James FarraI; Paul Spiccia.



YEAR 7 AWARDS Religion:

Dux: Owen Walsh Joseph Terribile and Christopher Bowden

Final Assembly: Owen Walsh, Joseph Terribile, Christopher Bowden, Jason Faria, Alex FosteJ; David White and Paul Valente with Brother Kelly.

SMAll GROUP READING AT TUCKFlELD STREET We are indeed fortunate at CB.C. to have the support of parents in all aspects of the school curriculum. This is especially evident at Tuckfield Street where thirty parents and grandparents assisted with the Reading Groups during Tenns 2 and 3. The boys from Year 5, 6, 7 and 8 greatly appreciated their weekly reading sessions with their parents or grandparent leader At the conclusion of Term 3 the School held a Thanksgiving Mass for the group leaders. After the Mass all leaders were presented with flowers and "thank you" cards. Gavin Williams presents flowers and cards to his grandfa ther Mr McBirnie.

Mrs N. Lovelock 45


YEAR 6 AWARDS Dux: William Dwyer Phillip Norman Religion: William Dwyer Primary School Maths Competition Distinctions: Mario Peca '

William Dwye.r; Phillip Norman, Greg Barke.r; Richard Rank, Paul Pitaro, Bradley Masters and David Cocciolone receive awards from Brother Kelly.


POINT PERON CAMP On Wednesday we went to Camp. As soon as we unpacked some people were anxious to go fishing while other people made use of their spare time and played cricket On Wednesday the Year 7's went to the Deer Farm. They said it was good. On Thursday the Year 6's went to the Deer Farm. We were allowed to get out of the bus and feed the deers. We also saw kangaroos, emus and all sorts of birds. That night for tea we had shepherd's pie, after that we stayed in our dorms. In the morning, most people woke up at 6.00 a.m. and went fishing. Then we cleaned up our dorms and packed our bags. Altogether the Camp was a good one.

On Wednesday the 20th of June, the Year Sixes went to "Fast Eddy's" and "Dinamation". Our meal consisted of a hamburger or hot-dog and drink After that we could buy something extra with our own money, choosing from a wide variety of ice-cream, drinks, sundaes and eats. We were also given a free badge, sticker and a fast Eddy's scroll as a souvenier When everyone had finished eating their food, we hopped on the bus and went to Dinamation. There were ten Dinosaurs on display, two of them were babies and one was a new-born hatchling. Some of the Dinosaurs were the Tyrannousaurus Rex, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Allosaurus. Passports were given out with stamping activities and crossword puzzles in them. At the end of the display there was a dinosaur that you could control using the joysticks to move the different joints, and a souvenir shop. The souvenirs they sold were very expensive, but I guess it should be that way since you don't see many of these places around. P. Norman Year 6

Sean Geaney Year 6




Front Row:

Edilson Redondo, Adam Hall, Marc Berry; Bradley Poore, Mr A Sta Maria, Philip Gevaux, James Broome, Emmanuel Arandiga, Heath Cockram Second Row: Jared Brown, Marcim Dziemis, Jeremy Goncalves, Luke Caputi, Mark Grljusich, Gregory TaylO1; Liam Murrell, Ryan Foster Third Row: Brett Mathanda, Robert Sheehan, Matthew Seeney; Paul Schapel; Anthony Chioviti, Graeme Antczak, Joel Duckworth, Wayne Cartel; Henry Millel; Arnold Millel; Arnold Villegas, Jamie Mezzina.

YEAR 5 AWARDS Dux: Religion:

Henry Miller Matthew Seeney

MANJEDAL CAMP On Wednesday the 15th of August, Year 5 held their camp at Manjedal. It took just under an hour to get there. When we got there we unloaded the bus and settled into our dormitories. Then Mr Sta Maria took us on a camp toU!: We had free time and Diary writing next Then we had showers followed by tea cooked by Mrs Faria. The next day we woke up at 6.30 a.m and went on an early morning hike. We all went out in different directions. Two groups saw two kangaroos. When we got back we had breakfast We returned to our dorms and had some free time and Diary writing. While having lunch it started to rain. But then it stopped so we could go to the Commando Course. The Commando Course had lots of different obstacles in it Later in the evening we had Mass in the bush around a cosy fire. The bush Mass was the highlight of our camp and an experience never to be forgotten The camp was a great success and a big thanks goes to Mrs Faria and the parents who gave of their time to help run the camp. Heath Cockram, Marcin Dzienis, James Broome, Liam Murrell and Paul Schaper relax after hand tennis.

Jamie Mezzina Year 5 47



Mr J. Caputi preparing the camp fire, while the Year 5's wait for Mass to begin.

Snack time: the boys enjoy biscuits, fruit and drinks. 48


MUSICALLY SPEAKING 1990 has once again been a successful year both musically and socially. Traditionally; we hold 4 functions a year - 3 of which are fundraising, and although we are only a very small group within the school, these 3 functions have raised a total of $4,288.00. The Musical Luncheon was once again deemed very successful. New mothers were introduced to the program and were entertained by the Junior Band, Music Masters and for the first time, the Junior School Choir under the direction of Mr Greg Culver The Music Festival was held at the Fremantie Town Hall in June. This particular evening is our biggest fund raiser and as parents, I'm sure we all take great pride in seeing our young sons up on stage. It is also a wonderful way to "show off' the CB.C. Music Program in its entirety. The Interlude, held in the Marquee has just seen its 8th yeal; all those present thoroughly enjoyed the talented performers and their music. This yeal; Carols in the Courtyard was held at the Senior Campus. The program commenced with a bracket of carols performed by the Junior Band. This was followed by the combined Concert Band/Jazz Orchestra, ably supported by the Junior School Choir and enthusiastic families. A total of $810.00 in donations was forwarded onto the school in appreciation of band performances, and this has been handed over to the committee for use. Our sincere thanks must go to Br Kelly for this consideration, and of course a big "thank you" to all the band boys. This yeal; instead of the usual Music Camp, we opted for "after school" workshops, and managed to procure the services of Mr Phil Wilson, a trombonist who is a leading American Jazz Arranger and Performel; and more recently; the Marcus Plattner Trio from Switzerland. The music students have gained enormous experience from International artists of this calibre, and we hope to partake of similar worshops in 1991. There has been $4,035.00 spent on instruments this year and what does not show on the financial statement is a further $1,400 - $750.00 for a 5 in 1 Compact Audio System and $750.00 towards the new piano at Tuckfield Street With tongue in cheek we say a hearty thank you to Br Kelly for subsidising tile remainder - his contribution was fal; far greater than ours - to the "tune" of $3,000. Sadly; we are losing two valued members who over the past 8 years have donated enormous time and talent to the Music Program. To Jan O'Brien and Cassy Morin a sincere thank you - they will be sorely missed.

Mr Phil Wilson conducting a workshop.

Leon Pratt and Phillip Del Casale playing on the street at Toodyay.

Mrs YBroome



C.B.C. BAND PERFORMANCES FOR 1990 Jazz Orchestra Conducted by Mr Uwe Stengel (21 boys from Years 8 to 12) 'Beginning of Year Mass' at St Patricks. Apprentice Awards Night at TransPerth. Opening of the Music Shell in Manning Park. Mercedes Fete. Toodyay Festival. Dinner Dance for W:xolla RS.L. Fremantle. Catholic Education Week, Forrest Chase. The CE.C. Music Festival in the Fremantle Town Hall. Fundraising performance in Peppermint Grove in aid of PMH Hospital. Fremantle Italian Festival. Christmas Carols in the Courtyard.

The Jazz Orchestra playing at the Toodyay Festival.

Concert Band Conducted by Mr Rex Innes-Mills (34 boys from Years 8 to 10) The CE.C. Music Festival in the Fremantle Town Hall. Family Day at the Senior Campus. Applecross Primary School Fete. Christmas Carols in the Courtyard.

An excited Brass Ensemble waiting to go on stage at the CE.C. Music Festival.

Junior Band Conducted by Mr Kim Anning (30 boys from Years 5 to 7)

The crowd at the Musical Interlude enjoyed the singalong.

Catholic Education Week at Forrest Chase. The Fremantle Festival in St Johns Square. The CE.C. Music Festival in the Fremantle Town Hall. Equal billing with 'Boots & All' at the Jurtior Campus. Universal Childrens Day in St John's Square. Concert at lana. Our Lady of Fatima Fete. Orientation Day at the Junior Campus. Christmas Carols in the Courtyard.

The Junior Band playing in St John's Square for the opening of Children's Week

The 'professionals' show how it's done at the Musical Interlude. 50


Front Row: Second Row: Back Row:

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Fourth Row:

JAZZ ORCHFSTRA Daniel DwyeI; Adam Fitzgerald, Carl Broome, Michael Fitzgerald, Mr U. Stengel, Anthony Hilton, Matthew O'Brien, Peter Gavranich, Ken Gavranich. Doug McRae, Callum Flynn, Leon Pratt, Brynne Farrell, Daniel Robertson, Phillip Del Casale, Mark Waters, Mr R Innes-Mills. Shane Spina, Ryan Greenwell, Robert Bavcevich, Marco De Boni.

CONCERT BAND Steven Hoban, Travis Hurley, Andrew Mayberry, Paul Iuliano, Adrian Strk, Bradley Santos, John O'ConnoI; Fletcher Passmore, Damian Fletcher . Mr R Innes-Mills, Stewart Marlborough, Aldo Cortopassi, Adam Fitzgerald, John Auriemma, Brent Dunlop, Ryan Gowenlock, Simon Bizzaca, David Neale, Glen Smith. Anthony Rybak, Damian Creedon, Kane Parsons, Eraldo De Luca, Ianto Evans, William Carrigan, Daniel Lane. Johnathon Dobson, Ivan Spanjich, Carl Broome, Gavin Neesham.

JUNlORBAND Robert Vinci, James Broome, Michael Binetti, Matthew Seeney, Mr K Anning, Jeremy Goncalves, Jeremy Piesse, Phillip Norman, Richard Rank Matthew Cybula, Barry O'Driscoll, Paul Valente, David Cocciolone,Michael Sammut, G~ant Watton, Wayne Carte~ Paul Spiccia. David White, Joseph Terri bile, Owen Walsh, Anthony Chilli no, William Dwyel; James Farl; Jonathan Broome, Kieron Lawlor Justin Golding, Fernando De Florenca, Cameron Perna, Sean Richardson.

Front Row: Second Row: Third Row:


CHOIR Marc Berry, Emmanuel Arandiga,Bradley Poore, Luke Caputi, Mr G. Culve~ Sean Geaney, Philip Gevaux, James Broome, Heath Cockram. Greg Barkel; Matthew Seeney, Brett Mathanda, Mark Palermo, Paul Pitaro, Jared Brown, Jamie Messina, Jeremy Goncalves. Paul SchapeI; Joseph Catalano, Brett Carter, Daren Savy, Graeme Antczak, Anthony Chioviti, Grant Watton, Henry Miller


DEBKITNG Front Row: Second Row:

Ben CaITigg, Mark Pensabene, David Gill, Mr J. McIntyre, Matthew Muil; Ivan Armeli, Jacob McCallum. Robert Gauci, Douglas McRae, Craig Cartel; Gavin Rennick, Shane Spina, Martin Ross, Blake Palme:r:


YEAR 8 CHESS Luke Dickey, Mrs N. Lovelock, Steven Hoban, Trent Cox, Daniel Lardi.


Richard Corvilli, William Dwyel; Mrs N. Lovelock, Eamonn Arandiga, Robert Sheehan.

Front Row: Second Row:


John Nguyen, Mr B. Mulvey, Daniel Dwye:r: Gerald Croll, Tyree Jaciewicz



Father Conlon tells the story of a beggar who gave a grain of rice to a King.

The O'Brien family take up the offertory gifts.


Todd Jarvis reads a Prayer of the Faithful watched by Michael Farrell, Anthony Hilton, Nathan Mansfield and Declan Stack All of these boys are leaders in the sporting field.

Head Boy Nathan Windebank spins the chocolate wheel for Mr Mondello.

Mr Bizzaca and Mr Potts are efficient chefs at the hamburger assembly line.

Mrs Womer purchases a cake from Declan Stack at the SVP Cake Stall.






BASKETBAll. CLASSIC CBC Fremantle was represented in this competition by the team of Michael Farrel (Captain), Jarrad Brookes, Martin Cattalini, Scott TaylOI;Adam NoaH, Gavin Rennick, Daniel De Florenca, Antony Schillaci and Jason Sawyer We played strongly in our early games, winning many by 20 point margins. Our wins took us through to the final rounds when we beatMandurah Senior High School 90-61 in tlle quarter final game. The semi-final game was against Applecross Senior High School. With some good crowd support, and good games from Martin Cattalini and Michael Farrell, we won a tight game 80-69. The final saw us meet Willetton Senior High School, the top seed for the Classic, and hot favourites. This, howeveI; only served to "fire up" our team and motivate us to throw everything into the game. With a huge turnout of support from the students and staff of CBC, plus the added atrnoshpere created by the CBC Band members, we were determined not to lose. The game was everything

Michael Farrell and Martin Cattalini with ilie trophies.

Antony Schillaci slides through the defense for¡a quick, fast break

iliat you'd expect a final to be; a very high level of skill, a great atmosphere, and very, very close! Scores were tied 48-48 at half time and, through a heart-stopping final 3 minutes, CBC came from nowhere to lead by 2 points with 3 seconds to play. Willetton, howeveI; hit a shot on the buzzer to tie the scores and send the game into overtime. The team responded to this challenge and outplayed Willetton in the 5 min period to win by 7 points, 113106. Mike Farrell scored 39 points and was voted MVP of ilie finals. He was well supported by Martin Cattalini (25 points),Jarrad Brookes and Antony Schillaci (16 points each), Jason Sawyer (15 points). Daniel De Florenca, who had to play ilie overtime period after Jarrad fouled out, and did a great job. Credit must also go to the efforts of Adam No all, Scott Taylor and Gavin Rennick, who played their supporting roles extremely well.

Jarrad Brookes shows his ability, speed and strengili to score two points.

Antony Schillaci Year 12 54



Front Row: Second Row:

AT TIlE AIRPORT Adam Noall, Jason Sawye.t; Antony Schillaci and Scott Taylm: Mr C. Barns, Michael Farrell, Martin Cattalini, Gavin Rennick, Daniel De Florenca and Mr A Di Lalla.

We arrived in Melbourne at 5.15 am on Saturday, 1st DecembeI; 1990 after a pleasant but cramped flight that left Perth at 11.00 pm on Friday night We made the trip with the team from Mercedes College, who were representing WA in the Girls competition. We were picked up at the airport by Br Sheahan in the bus that was our transport for the week and was kindly made available to us by St Joseph's College. When we arrived at the first game against Figtree High School, NSW, most of the guys wanted to get back on the bus and go home ... these Figtree guys were huge! Unfortunately, this attitude continued into the first 10 minutes of the game, by which time we were 18 points down. Howeve.t; 2-3 pointers from Jason Sawye.t; and the success of our wne-press started to pull us back into the game. We were still 15 points down at half time, but in the second half, Martin Ca ttalini and Jarrad Brookes started to dominate and all of a sudden we were closing the gap. Mike Farrell then found his range and scored 3-3 pointers to put us in front for the first time in the game. Howeve.t; with about 6 mins to go, Martin, our only tall playe.t; fouled out and, despite gallant efforts by Gavin Rennick and Daniel De Florenca, the size of the Figtree team took its toll on the boards and we ended up going down 82-72. (Mike Farrell top scored with 31 points).

Despite losing - it was probably the best we had played since coming together at the start of term 2, 1990. Game two was against Seton College from South Australia. Seton had some really good players but great gamesfromMartinCattalini{21 points) andJarrad Brookes (19 points) got us through a tight one 66-65. We learnt a lot from our previous two games and going into game 3 we felt we were starting to play pretty well. Game 3 was against St Virgil's College from Tasmania. They had one really good player who was scoring about 25 points per game. We knew we'd need to shut him down to win the game. Jarrad Brookes had that defensive assignment and he could not have done a better job. Jarrad kept his man to 11 points for the entire game, while scoring 11 points himself in an inspired first half and Martin Cattalini dominated inside at both ends, scoring 17 first half points. By half time we'd built a 19 point lead. In the second half Antony Schillaci took oveI; scoring 11 points and he, along with Adam Noall, Scott Taylor and Jason Sawyer kept on extending our lead to the final 82-49 scoreline. That victory took us into the semi-final against the home team, Marcellin College, from Melbourne. Marcellin had won all their previous games by over 30 points and were favourites for the tournament No one in Melbourne gave us much of a chance, but we were pleased with 55


the way we were playing, and the guys all knew what they had to do. The team started brilliantly, playing our press from the start, we opened up an early lead. Our defence was really hurting Marcellin and in offence, Martin was scoring inside almost at will. At half time we led 48-40 due to a fightback from Marcellin that saw them score the last six points of the half. In the second half, spurred on by a large and vocal crowd, Marcellin continued to pull back our lead. We held them out until the 5 min mark when they hit the front by 2 points. Howevm; this was the signal for Mike Farrell, Jason Sawyer and Jarrad Brookes to go to work Over the next 3 minutes, Jarrad had 2 steals and two big defensive rebounds and these were converted into points by great shooting from Jason and Mike. This put us back in front and Mike Farrell made sure we stayed there through his great ball control and accurate shooting. Top scorers were Mike Farrell with 37 points (25 in the second half); Martin Cattalini and Jason Sawyer with 20 each and Jarrad Brookes with 10 points. Everyone was really hyped-up after the game and there was a real feeling that we'd just played our best game ever, since coming together as a team. In contrast to the semi-final, the Grand Final was a disappointment As is sometimes the case in sports we had played our "Grand Final" the day before - and the team was a little "flat': Everyone tried really hard, no one more so than Martin, who was quite sick with a bad dose of the flu. Despite our best efforts, though, we were beaten for the second time in the week by the NSW team from Figtree High School. They were an excellent team and were well deserving of the title of Champion School of Australia for 1990. After our initial disappointment, the team realised that, coming second in an Australian Championship was an incredible achievement and one of which they could all be proud. We had certainly come a long way from our initial training sessions at the start of Term 2, 1990. Our sincere thanks must go, firstly to Br Kelly for his support, both morally and financially and for giving us

Michael Farrell winner of the Scott Fenton Memorial Scholarship for being the best junior in WA the opportunity to go and to the P & F for their financial help in getting us to Melbourne. Many thanks too must go to the school community for all the interest and support that you gave to us throughout the course of the year A special mention must be made of the fantastic efforts of the Christian Brothers' Community at the Treacy Centre, Melbourne, especially Br Sheahan and Br Grant Mr A Di Lalla Coach



40 students frodm CB.C. participated. Some of the best performances came from the year 8 boys, where several students ran in age groups up to two years older than themselves. Notable results: G. Bailey 5th and T. Hurley 18th in the U/14 event D. Hart 10th in the UI16 event R Mundy 13th, M Stirling 16th and R Bailey 20th in the open event The final results saw CB.C. 4th in the UI14 event, 6th in the UI15 event, 10th in the U/16 event, and 23nd in the Open event We came 3rd overall.

Best perfonnances: T. Callaghan 2nd in U /13 age championship S. Scharf 5th in U/15 age championship N. Jenkins 5th in UI16 age championship N. Mansfield 4th in Open age championship Final results for CB.C. were: 5th in Junior Boys 3rd in Senior Boys 5th in Aggregate Boys 3rd combined with Santa Maria Mr C. Preshaw 56


HEAD BOY WINS AVON DESCENT The Head Boy, Nathan Windebank, is the first e.B.e. boy to paddle the Avon Descent After months of hard training, Nathan completed the 133 k:rn two day event and won the Junior (Under 18) division. There were 160 paddlers in the senior single kayak division and Nathan paddled into 38th place, a powerful effort On Saturday, 4th August when the descenders were paddling trom Northam to Toodyay, a group of 10's and 12's took to the Avon at Walyunga National Park Several boys had been on whitewater before but for some it was the fastest they'd experienced. The river was powerful and very cold as some of them found when they went for a swim. They all mastered the skills required to ride the waves and had an enjoyable and sometimes chilly day.

Nathan Windebank negotiates the dangerous rapids of the River Avon.

Mr S. Stack

BOYS REPRESENTING AUSTRAliA Left William Blair made the Australian Schoolboys Rugby Team. Here he has just received a tie as a badge of office.


Front Row:

Mario Peca, Adam Hall, Bradeley Hall, Justin Golding, Kieran LawlOI; Grant Watton, Robert Vinci. Second Row: Bradley Masters, Brett Mathanda, Jonathon Broome, Jamie Messina, Luke Cammilleri, Nelson Garces, Mr M. Watton (Coach), Michael Vinci. 57

John O'Connor and Kayne Binks will represent their country in the World Sailing Championships in Holland in 1991



REPRESENTATIVFS Front Row: Nick Jenkins (Rugby and Water Polo), Nathan Windebank (Canoeing), Steven Garces (Rugby), Michael Farrell (Basketball), Robert Selman (Rugby League), Ken Gavranich (Music), William Blair (Aust Rugby Union). Second Row: David Weldon (Rugby), Kayne Binks (Sailing), Clint Micale (Water Polo), Br Kelly (Statitician WA State Team), Todd Jarvis (Water Polo), Aidan Casey (Athletics), Robert Ottaviano (Bocce).

QUIT CUP FOarBAll. First Row: William Blail; Nathan Johansen, Nathan Windebank, Sean McGunnigle, Anthony Hilton, Ashley Low, Heath Kennington, Daniel Perna, Ryan Donnelly. Second Row; Mr C. Barns, Ryan Bacich, Mark Cammilleri, Angelo Vincenti, Cambell Buswell, Malcolm Jones, Craig Cartel; Michael Perna, Craig Fairhall, Mr M Carter Third Row: Glen Harding, Kevin Gomes, Frank Caputi, Daniel Di Tullio, Michael Healy, Adam Calginari, Kieran Kearns.


Front Row: Ric De Castro, Sam Miceli, John Fernandes, Gino Auriemma, Ivan Armeli, Jamie Raffaele, Domenico Iacono. Second Row: Miss Bombara, Teo Pacella, Angelo Guida, David Reece, Declan Stack, Anthony Bosco, Mr Hortense. Third Row: Paul Dujmovic, Ghedina Lomma, Michael Healy, Cono Paratore, Frank Pitaro.



For the first time since the inception of the Quit Cup (a Years 11 & 12 schools competition), CB.e. Fremantle entered a team in the competition. The Quit Cup is run by the Football Development Trust and was established in 1987. The competition was designed to re-establish football into all Secondary Schools. This has been done with a good degree of success and the Quit Cup has a reasonably high profile with some fixtures being played as curtain raisers to Eagles games. CB.e. were placed in the South West Region of the competition, with Applecross, Hamilton and Rossmoyne. The small number of schools meant for a very short season which was further diminished by the forfeit of Applecross in the last round. CB.e. acquitted itself very well with good wins over Rossmoyne and Applecross in both rounds, and an excellent and competitive effort aginst Hamilton in Round 5. CB.e. finished second in

their region and were possibly unfortunate not to have tied with Hamilton for the top position. I would like to compliment Anthony Hilton on his positive approach to, and the mature manner in which he plays his football. Sean McGunnigle also proved himself a leader amongst his peers with steady performances on all encounters. Year 11, Nick Sloan, displayed a great deal of potential and, Year 10's A Calginari and R Donnelly gave a good indication of a positive future for "Aussie Rules" at Fremantle. Finally, I would like to thank all those who were involved with the team: Mr Carter (drinks and jumpers); Mr Sloan (goal umpire, runnel; other); Mr Geers (bus driver); Dave Gill (boundary umpire) and Daniel Perna (goal umpire). Thanks also to all those parents, staff and students who supported the team at various times during the season. Mre. Barns



The Ae.e. Athletics Carnival was a disappointing day for CB.e. Fremantle as far as the results were concerned. The biggest disappointment howevel; was that there were so many top athletes who were either back at school or attended the carnival as spectators because they were not prepared to be part of this school event With such a sizeable group of good athletes, being unavailable, it is very difficult to be competitive. From a more positive aspect, those who were in the team competed admirably. In fact, a good number of athletes performed personal bests at the carnival. Noone can ask more than this. Our captain, Declan Stack, especially had a successful day finishing with a 1st, two 2nds, a 3rd and finishing 2nd overall in his age division. Another good performer for CB.e. was Aidan Casey, who won two events and finished 2nd in another to place him 2nd overall in his age group. These two performances highlight the fact that we do have some very good athletes at the school, and it is simply a matter of getting all our athletes to compete. Thankyou to all staff who were involved in the coaching of the team Your efforts were very much appreciated and I hope that you are available again next yeru:

SWIMMING Blue faction again demonstrated its dominance in the pool in 1990. They were comfortable winners with 770 points from Green faction on 733 points. A close third were Gold with 726 points from Red with 648. The Age Champions for the day included: Year 8: T Callaghan (36 points) M Buswell (30 points)

e. Micale P. Barker

(40 points) (30 points)

Year 10:

S. Scharf L. Richardson

(40 points) (30 points)

Year 11:

MJenkins e. Micale

(42 points) (34 points)

Year 12:

N. Mansfield S.Scharf

(48 points) (24 points)

Year 9:

C.B.C. BIATHLON Forty six individuals and 108 teams tackled the 3 km: 300m: 3 km course. 1st place: Br Seaman, Mr Barns, Mr Preshaw. 2nd place: Jansen Hawley, Luke Richardson, Danny Conroy. 3rd place: Nick Jenkins, David Thompson, Callum White. 1st individual: Ric Mundy in 22nd place.

'Blue' factions spectators at the Intra-School Swimming Carnival. 59


TUCKF'IELD STREET SPORTING RESUlTS State Hockey Championships Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Finals:

CB.e. 2

e.B.e. 1 CB.e. 2 e.B.e. 0 eB.e. 1

Trinity 1 Holy Spirit 0 St Hilda's 0 South Perth 0 Margaret River 0

I.S.H.A.A. Hockey lightning Carnival Game 1: Game 2: Game 3: Game 4: Finals:

Scotch College 2 eB.e. 1 eB.e 2 eB.e. 2 Trinity 1

eB.e 0 Hale 0 John XXIII 2 Christ Church 0 e.B.e 0


Front Row: Second Row:

I.S.H.A.A. Inter-School Athletics Placings Open Discus 800m


William Dwyer (Chess), Henry Miller (Swimming), Daniel Dwyer (Chess). Dina Pacella (Soccer),Luke Dickey (BMX), Travis Callaghan (Surf Life Saving).

Nelson Garces 2nd place Mario Peca 3rd place Henry Miller 3rd place, Bradley Masters 4th place

I.S.H.A.A. Primary Inter-School Cross Country Placings Year 7

Year 6

B. Hall


A Foster

G. Watton G. Faria J. Farrar WDwyer

J. Faria K Lawlor J. Casey

Year 5 H Miller (3rd in overall competition) J. Broome A Hall G. Taylor E. Arandiga

J.S.H.AA SWIMMING Front Row: James Broome, Arnold Villegas, Greg TaylOl; Henry MilleJ; Mr G. Holtham, Luke Caputi, Liam Murrell, Richard Rank, Adam Hall Second Row: Jeremy Piesse, Gavin Williams, Jeffrey Ryan, Brett Cartel; James Farra!; Bradley Masters, Mario Peca, Greg Barker Third Row: Kieron Lawlol; William Dwye!;John Casey, Nigel Bridgeman, Sean Richardson, Owen Walsh, James FarJ; Jonathan Broome.

I.S.H.A.A. Soccer lightning Carnival Game 1: eB.e. 2 Aquinas 1 Game 2: Carmel 3 CB.e. 1 Game 3: eB.e. 2 Newman 9 Game 4: e.B.e. 1 Trinity 0 Game 5: eB.e. 6 Guildford Grammar 0 eB.e. scored 3rd place overall.

I.S.H.A.A. Inter-School Swimming Carnival Henry MilleI; Year 5 broke three records: 50m Butterfly, recording 37.50 seconds against 39.26 seconds 50m Breaststroke, recording 43.30 seconds against 46.13 seconds 50m Freestyle, recording 34.09 seconds against 34.41 seconds

JS.H.AA ATIll.ETICS Front Row: Mark Grljusich, Marc Berry, James Broome, Greg Taylol; Heath Cockram, Joel Duckworth, Arnold Villegas, Emmanuel Arandiga. Second Row: Grant Watton, Jeff Ryan, Gavin Williams, Mario Peca, Bradley Masters, Richard Cavilli, Richard Rank, Sean Geaney, Gary Faria. Third Row: Jason Faria, Alex FosteJ; Anthony Chillino, Nelson Garces, Cyprian Malicki, John Casey, Joseph O'Hara. Fourth Row: Bradeley Hall, Christopher Bowden, Paul Valente, Neil McCloskey, Alex Kelly, Dennis Maciel, Graeme Antczak, James FarraJ; Mr G. Holtham. Fifth Row: Ryan Fostel; Paul Schapel; Barry O'DriscolL Brett Cartel; William DwyeJ; David Cocciolone, Brett Mathanda, Henry Miller

C.B.C. Primary Intra-School Swimming Carnival Champion Boy Year 5

Henry Miller

Year 6

Brett Carter and Bradley Master

Year 5 Sean Richardson 60


HOCKEY SENIOR A Fron tRow: Jason Maher, Michael Fitzgerald, Peter Gavranich,AdamNoall, Sanjeev Albuquerque, David Mort, Michael Hubble. Second Row: Br P. Kelly; Todd Jarvis, Nathan Thompson, Chris Golding.


Front Row: Rajeev Albuquerque, Nathan Piesse, Kayne Binks, Warren Dunn, Douglas McRae, Matthew Stirling, Matthew Papaphotis. Second Row: Mr G. Theseira, Todd MacPherson, Michael Lord, Ryan Greenwell.


Front Row: Ian Faulkner, Tyree Jaciewcz, Martin Ross, Mathew Hine, Dean Hart, Johnathon Dobson, Ken Gavranich. Second Row: Mr R Rose'Meye:!; Steven McLean, Mark Appleby; Scott Leahy; Brent Jarvis, Campbell Gibson



HOCKEY YEAR 9 Front Row: Luke Godwin, Bradley Rose, Daniel Lane, Ianto Evans, Adam Fitzgerald, Peter Bonavita, Tim

Hamid Second Row: AIdo Cortopassi, Daniel Ng, Simon Bright, Gavin Neesham, Joel CuceL Billy Carrigan, Miss S. Fowle!:

RUGBY YEAR 9-10 Front Row: Ryan Voitkevich, Daniel Perna, Brendan Smutney, David Weldon, Gavin Neesham, Jacob McCallum, Chad Micale. Second Row: Mr D. McNamee, Domenic Lee, Nathan Hanmer, Nicholas Perna, Adam Calginari, Nathan Bruijnzeel, Bradley Marshall, Daniel Conroy, Miss S. Fowle!: Third Row: Alvaro Rocha,Joe Rocha, David Sammut, Kane Parsons, Pasquale D'Ortona. Fourth Row: Ashley Low, Brent Jarvis, Kamil Gacia.

RUGBY 1st XV Front Row: William Blab:; Mark Waters, Matthew Hildebrandt, Kevin Gomes, Antonio Nocciolino, Robert Selman, Michael McCallum. Second Row: Blake PalmeI; Alex Morin, Ivan Armeli, John Dejesus, Anthony Ciampini, Andrew Williams, Steven Garces. Third Row: Nick Jenkins, David Thompson, Paul MilleI; Marc Avidov, Mark Weldon.



Front Row. Second Row.

Fron t Row. Second Row.

YEAR 8 HOCKEY Damian Fletche:t; Benjamin Morgan, Grant Jarvis, David Waldock, Antony Rybak, Marco De Lucia, Steven Hoban. Mr S. Barbe:t; Bradley Annakin, Glenn Smith, Matthew Bass, Simon John, Stewart Marlborough, Stephen Mahe:t; Michael Coelho, Simon Fox, Mr A MaheI

COCA COLA SQUASH Sean D'Cruz, Simon Dickey, Damian Pratt Miss K Donovan, Brendan White, Tyree Jacowiecz

Front Row. Second Row.

C.B.C. BASKETBAlL Adam Laycock, Daniel De Florenca, Matthew Day. John Kirkwood, Brad Marshall.

PRIMARY HOCKEY B Front Row. Edison Redondo, Jamie Mezzina, Mario Peca, Mrs B. Worner (coach), Matthew Cybula, James Broome, Emmanuel Arandiga. Second Row: Brett Mathanda, Jamie Paganoni, Eamonn Arandiga, Salvatore Fazzino, Henry Mille:t; Lyle Baue:t; Paul SchapeI



A.C.C. CROSS COUNfRY Front Row; M Buswell, C. Coombe!; G. Bailey,MMuiJ;D. Stack,AEddie, THurley, M CoehIo, C. Van Der Zanden Second Row: Mr S. Stack. 1: Callaghan, J. Rocha, D. Lane, C. McGlue, P. Stevenson, A McGlue, K Gavranich, R Barkla, S. Mahe!; Br G. Seaman Third Row: Mr C. Preshaw, P. Gavranich, R Bailey, N. Windebank, G. Neesham, M O'Brien, M Stirling, E. Duxbury. Fourth Row: D. Hart, K Keams, R Mundy, S. McLean, T Allen

A.C.c. ATHLETICS Front Row: D. Neale,M Coehlo,J. Vincenti, M O'Brien, D. Stack, G. Bailey, T Cronin, MAnderson, M Buswell, G. Smith. Second Row: Br Seaman, Mr Stack, W Blaire, R Gonzales, R Fernandes, D. Macri, D. Lane, C. McGlue, A McGlue, D. Congdon, R Elhaj, Mr Cole, Br Kelly, Mr Purcell. Third Row:MrBams,D. Creedon,A Rocha, A Laycock, A Jenkins, A Paratore, M Douglas, A O'Connell, R Barkla,l Evans, K Gavranich, D. Nattrass, N. Perna, Mr Preshaw. Fourth Row: S. Garces, B. Smutney, M Stirling, N. Johansen, C. Paratore, W Dunn, P. Gavranich, J. Rae, R Bailey, D. Tolj, M Mille!; S. MacLean, S. Spina, D. ZiegelaaJ; C. Fairhall, A Low, M O'Brien Fifth Row: M Briggs, S. Ward, N. Thompson, S. Leahy, S. Hide, F. Caputi, P. Threlfall, ACalginari,P.Gee,D. Van Tuyl,MSchapeJ:


Front Row: M Buswell, M Neesham, G. Smith, N. Amato, S. Marlborough, P. Gavranich, N. Mansfield, H. Kennington, T Callaghan, G. Bailey, J. Gray, G. Carcione, D. FletcheJ: Second Row: P. Barke!; J. McCallum, 1 Evans, K Gavranich, L. Richardson, B. Smutney, A Farfan, J. RaHaele, M Waters, R DeCastro, J. Mansfield, D. Lane, A Fitzgerald. Third Row: Mr Preshaw, B. Watson, B. Marshall, R Bailey, D. McRae, R Selman, D. Stack, N. Jenkins, G. Neesham, M Stirling, A Williams, D. Gill. Fourth Row: S. Savy, N. Sloan, C. Fairhall, S. Scharf, A Noall, S. Hide, T Jarvis, L. Pratt, D. Hart, P. Yates, J. Rae.


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