Contents Pa Format Reports
PE & Sport
Languages & Communication .. .. .. ...... ...... ......... p54
PE & Sport .... .... .......... .... ............ .. ........ .... ...... .. p80
Principal ......... .... .. ... .. .. ... .. .... .... ... ..... ..... ........ ... ... p3
Italian and Japanese .. .. .......... .. .... .. .... ........ .. .. .. . p56
Interhouse Swimming .... ...... .. ...... .. ......... .. .. .. .. ... p82
Board Chairman .. .... .. .... .... ............ ..... ....... .......... p5
Information & Communication Technology .. ...... p59
ACC Swimming .... ... .. .. .... .... .. ..... ....... ............... . p83
Province Leader .. .. ...... .. ........ ............ .... .... .... ...... p7
INSTEP .. .... .......... .... .... .. ......... .. .. .... .. ........ .. ...... p60
Interhouse Athletics .. ... .. :.. .. ... ... ..... .. ....... ... .. .. .... p84
Head Boy's Valedictory Address .......... .. .. .......... . p8 Director of Studies .... .... .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... ... p1 0
ACC Athletics ... .. .. .. ... .. .... ......... .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. ... .... p85
P&F Association President.. .. .... .. ........ ............ .. p11
Old Boys' Association President .. ...... .. .... .. ...... . P12
Music Committee .. .... ........................ .. ........ .. .... p62 Jazz Orchestra ...... .. .. ........................................ p63
Staff Staff Photo .. .... .... .. .......... ...... ...... .. ... .. .. .. ...... .. ... p13
Ensembles .. .... .......... .. .... .. ........ ..... ....... .. .. .... .. .. p64
Quit Cup .. ... .. ..... ..... ....... .. ... ........... .. ........ .. .. ..... . p86 Channel & Cup ... .. ....... .............. .. ..... ...... .... ... .... p87 Rugby ... .......... ........... ... ..... .. .. ... ..... .. ............ ...... p88 Soccer .. ... ........ ...... ... .... ... ... .... ...... ............. ... ... .. p90 Tennis .. .. ................ ........ .. .. ..... .. .. ...... .. .. ...... .. ..... p92 Cricket ... .. .... ........... .. .. .. .. .... ... .. .......................... p93
Curricutum (continued)
Surfing .. ................... ... ... .. ............. ...... .. ............ . p94
Art .. ..... ....... ............ ... ....... .. ..... .... ........ .......... ... .. p66
Water Polo .. ... ...... ..... ... ..... ....... ... .. .. .......... ........ p95
Mathematics ..... .... ... ... .. ........ ... ........ ..... .. ........ ... p69
Basketball ....... ... ....... .. ....... .. ... .. ..... ..... .. ..... .. ...... p96
Student Representative Council .. ...... .. .... .. ........ p15
Ski Trip .. ...... .... .. ...... .. .. .... .... ...... ...... ...... ........ .... p70
Staff in 2000 ...... .. .......... .. .. .. ................. .. .... ....... p14
Chess .. ....... ...... ........ ...... ........ ..................... .. .... p98
Year 12 .. .. .... ........ .. .. .. .. ........ .... .... .......... .... .. ...... p16 Anzac & Rememberence Day .. .. .. ........ .. .. .... .. ... p33
Pool ... .. .... ..... .. .... ....... ...... ... ..... .. .. ....... .. .. ..... .. .. p100
Year 11 .... .. .......... .... .. .. ...... ............ ...... .............. p34
Curricutum (continued)
Art ... ... .... ... ..... ..... ......... .... ........ ......... ... ....... .. .... . p40
Practical Arts .... .. ...... ........ ...... .. ........ .. .. .. .. .... .. ... p72
Year 10 ................ .... .. .... .. ........ .. .. ........ .. .... ........ p41
Religious Education ...... .. ...... .. .. .. .......... .. ...... .. .. p74
Year 9 ...... .. .. .... .. .... ...... .... ..... .. ... .. ....... .. ... .. ........ p45
Society & Environment.. .... .. ........ .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .... .. p76
Year 8 ...... ...... .. .. .... .............. .... .. .... .... .. ............ .. p50
Science .. ...... .. ..... .. .. ...... ......... .. .. .. .. ... ........... .... . p77
Hockey .. ..... .. ... .... .... ..... ... ... ...... ... ;............... ...... p99 100 Club .. .... ...... ... .. .. ............. .. .. ... ... .. .. .. ...... .. .. p101 Confirmation Candidates ..... ........... .. .. .. ..... .... .. p1 02 Amnesty International .... ...... .. ...... .... ...... ... ...... p1 03 Student Roll Call .... .. ........... .. ......... .. .. .... .. .... .. . p1 04 Acknowledgements .... ... .. .... .... .... .... ........ ..... ... p1 06 Autographs ... .... .. .. .... .. ... .. ..... ......... ...... ......... ... p1 07
PrltlCl ats Re art
our years ago at a seminar I attended, a cartoon strip was used to show the changing emphasis in educational curriculum .
The first window shows a boy standing near a man. A dog is sitting at the man's feet. The boy is looking quizzically at the man. Boy: I've been watching you for a long time. What are you trying to do with your dog? Man: I'm teaching my dog to whistle. Boy: Hmm. I can 't hear anything. Man : Ah! I said I've been teaching him -I didn 't say he 's learnt anything! It sounds like a simple difference, this matter of teaching and learning. In the language which schools use, the man's objective was to teach his dog to whistle. He spent many hours doing this. In the same way, the planning and programming which is part of a teacher's work has been built around the objectives which describe what we set out to teach. Now as the cartoon shows us , many hours can be spent teaching but unless there is an outcome - a result - then all th is effort may not produce anything. So, for teachers, the emphasis is now moving to using ways of planning which identify the outcomes that we expect to be evident amongst our students when learning has taken place. Tasks need to be developed which can demonstrate if these outcomes are evident. Then , finally, the teaching activities and strategies which can lead to these outcomes are planned .
Principals of CBC Fremantle - L to R: Fr Peter 5t John ( 1966- 1970), Br Tony Kelty (1954- 1959), Br Alat1 Wedd.
Over the last two years the teaching staff at CBC have committed time each week to reviewing our current programs for teaching, reflecting on the needs of our particular students and considering the outcomes which indicate that learning has taken place. We will continue to use this time next year too, so that our teaching staff can continue to work, plan and review collaboratively in this process of change. This changing emphasis will become more evident as we look at our ways of reporting back to parents on the progress and achievements of their sons . While a grade or a mark conveys information about the ranking of a student within a group, it does not convey much at all about areas of strengths or weaknesses in an individual's learning . It will be a challenge for schools to develop methods of reporting which provide parents with clear, useful information while trying to avoid the danger of sending home so
many sheets of paper with such a range of indicators of learning that parents are left feeling even more confused and uncertain. Some of these changes have been trialed this year with Year 8 classes as reports on learning in information technology, music and physical education have been forwarded home , and portfolios have been used for science . A greater variety of methods for measuring progress have been used in classrooms as well. Teaching strategies being used in the classroom are also starting to develop greater variety. Demand on the library, or 'information resource centre', has also increased with an increasing requirement for students to find the information which will help them from a range of different sources. 3
PrLrlCL ats Re Students, especially those emerging from primary school classes, are more adept at using the 'learning technologies' for accessing information and for presenting their findings and are more comfortable in working as groups for collaborative activities. Late th is year, CBC has established it's own air watch station which downloads data directly to the learning network for students to access. Next year two related courses will be available for the wider community outside of school hours. The Microsoft-based 'International Computer Driver's Licence' is a certified program allowing for self-paced learning and mastery in seven different modules . The ICDL provides a benchmark in basic IT competency which is recognised worldwide by employers. CBC will also be offering the Cisco Certified Network Associate course in association with Cisco Systems and Central TAFE to two groups of interested students from CBC and other schools, parents, staff and members of the local community. Cisco Systems is a company that specialises in devices that enable communication to • occur between computers, and their hardware is used by Telstra, ISPs and banks, businesses and corporations all over the world . The CCNA course is recognised internationally be various sectors of the IT industry and can lead to recognition for further study at TAFE and tertiary level.
While education seems to be evolving into new forms and offering new possibilities for learning, it is important to recognise that schools such as CBC also offer another aspect of education. Part of this school's focus has always been the religious and spiritual traditions which enhance the sense of purpose and direction for each of us individually as we grapple with the on-going questions of the human heart. Edmund Rice knew that while education 4
and learning is vitally important in providing a foundation for life , of even more importance was a sense of being known and cared for, of being treated with respect and dignity, a sense that every individual mattered . Without th is, we are left with a sense of loss, confusion and anxiety. This insight was one of his great gifts and it is an element which has always been part of this school 's proud tradition. So as we prepare to celebrate eBC's contribution to the education of boys in Fremantle over the last one hundred years, and we recognise that much has changed in education over this time, this insight is one that endures and will continue to underlie all that we do. May God's blessing continue to be with us.
BrAlan Wedd Principal
irrnan.'5 Re art
Left: Artists impression of the upgraded Bill
Hughes Design and Technology building. Below: Dr Brian Lawrence adresses
visitors at the official opening of
the Bob Rose'Meyer Physical Education Centre.
n last year's report I noted that the foundations of the Physical Education Centre were being prepared . This year, I am pleased to report that the Bob Rose'Meyer Physical Education Centre was officially blessed and opened on 29 October 2000. This significant building , already being well used , together with the new fencing and landscaping has given the College a boost. The planned conversion of the Bill Hughes Practical Arts Centre with a Technology
Centre , ex tension of the science laboratories and a chapel will complete the staged redevelopment of the Ellen Street campus making for a f ine educational facility for a fou r stream boys secondary College of approximately 500 students. The College is proceeding confidently into its Centenary Year 2001. The Board maintains its policy of balanced budgets with the judicious levels of borrowing for capital works and other fundrais ing
initiatives . The work of the Board is made easier because of its productive working relationship with the Christian Brothers ' Province ,Leadership Team (PL T) and the Ca t holic Educat ion Office. Having Br Pat Kelly, former Principal of CBC Fremantle , appointed to the Board 5
Chatrman)s Re ort to represent the PLT is serving the College well. The Board's various committees: Finance, Marketing, Planning and Resources and Centenary Celebrations have all provided major input and guidance to the Board and are essential to the well being of the College. I thank all committee members and indeed Board members for their important contributions, as I do members of the Parent and Friends Association and Old Boys' Association for their valued support. At the end of 1999 the Board took the decision to launch a capital fundraising
exercise to coincide with the College's Centenary and with the purpose of raising funds for the final stages of the College's redevelopment. At the time of writing, I expect that the campaign will result in $600 000 being pledged over a four-year period. Again, I thank all supporters of the campaign for their generosity. In regards to the 2001 Centenary, Board member Mr Baden Pratt together with many staff, parents, old boys and students have planned an impressive range of celebrations to occur throughout the year. The variety of events with dates and venues will be published in a wrap around in the local Community Newspaper on
Above: Dr Brian Lawrence with Bob andjoan Rose'Meyer. Left: Procession at the G-ymnasium officia~ opening. January 23 2001. Be on the look out. We hope you will be involved . On 1 November 2000, 60 Year 12 students graduated from the College in an impressive ceremony at the Fremantle Sailing ClUb . Their appearance , demeanour and achievements along with the College'!; emphasis on leadership and service reinforced my belief that CBC 6
Fremantle continues to uphold its green and gold traditions. Tradition, Innovation and Achievement are indeed its hallmarks as it celebrates its Centenary. Dr Brian Lawrence Chairman of the Board
PrOVLnce Lea t
he Province Leader of Holy Spirit Province of the Christian brothers (SA and WA), Br. Tony Shanahan, is currently on an extended break from the frantic pace of his role. That is why this brief message is coming to you from me, as the Acting Province Leader. Last year, Tony wrote to Christian Brothers school communities in a way that challenged all of us to reflect again on the Catholicity of our schools and how this is being expressed. I intend to pick up that theme again in 2000, from a slightly different perspective. Those of us involved, even indirectly, in education over the last few years will know the term "Curriculum Framework" and an associated term, "Educational Outcomes". One recent, and for me at least, understandable definition of outcomes that I read last month in a West Australian Catholic Education Circular, is as follows; "The outcomes describe what students should know, understand, value and be able to do as a result of schooling." I will return to this issue of outcomes for a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice or Christian Brother tradition . I am sure that you are aware that the Olympic Games were held in Australia earlier this year. I read with interest an article written by Shane Gould about the Olympics . For those of a generation younger than me, Shane Gould had a brief but brilliant career as an Australian
In the article that caught my attention, Shane wrote about how the media attempts to create "stars" and "champions". I do not want to repeat all her thoughts here, but I do wish to quote at length from what she wrote about people who she believes are real champions:
first aspect relates to Justice. I hope that our "champions" will be able to look at situations in their families , in their friendship group, in school and in society and to see and judge if those situations are just or unjust. The criteria for making that decision will be the Gospel of Jesus - the story of love and justice itself. The "champions" will have the motivation and skills to do something about the immediate situation, and also to understand what might be the causes . They will join the struggle in our society to address the causes.
"Champions need to add value to people's live to maintain their champion title.
The second aspect relates to the Eucharist.
To be a champion , they have to live in such a way that others have a better life. A champion 's acts and deeds have to cause change in the way others think and act. They then become leaders, and remain gifted , sharing their wisdom and understanding from their experience." (Shane Gould in the Weekend Australian , September 16-17, 2000 , Pg . 18) Those of us in the role of Trustees of the Christian Brothers' Schools in South Australia and WestAustralia, would hope that our schools produce men and women who are "champions" in the way in which Shane Gould speaks of champions. That would be a great educational outcome.
As we are Catholic Schools, we are very fortunate to have the opportunity to learn about the Eucharist (or Mass) which celebrates the despair, loneliness, suffering and death in Jesus' life, as well as his glorious coming to new life. Both of these aspects are in the life of every champion - we only need to look at a few Olympic events to observe that. Part of being a champion is knowing how to handle the agony, as well as the glory. It will be good for our "champions" to know about and participate in celebrations of the Eucharist so that they can bring their life struggles as well as successes to God in an extraordinary way - a sacramental way.
I will apply this to two key aspects of our Vision document, "Christian Brothers' Schools : A Vision for the Future". The
Drawing the issue of striving for Justice and the Eucharist together will be a great step towards creating "champions" in the
swimmer in the 1970's, and then disappeared from public view for over 20 years. She has recently returned to write and speak in the media and, among other things, to swim on the "masters circuit" .
Edmund Rice tradition. What Shane Gould says of a champion, hopefully, we can say of every student leaving our schools, "The (champions) are the ones who cause you to change the way you think and act". The person who will help them to do that, is the person of Jesus Christ - the Jesus Christ they will meet as they struggle to make unjust situations just again, and the same one they will meet in the Eucharist. Br. Kevin P. Ryan, cfc Acting Province Leader Christian Brothers (WAlSA) 7
l-tead Bo
t onight, we the leaving class of 2000, gather to mark a very significant stage of our lives. We are at a stage where decisions must be made. Hopefully, for all of us the hard work we have put in will payoff, and it is finally time to begin the many ambitions and aspirations of which we have dreamt. No longer will we dread coming to CBC to face another test or struggle to finish an assignment; now we will reflect on the past and come to the real isation that our high school days are over, and it has come time to move on . However, as we take these brave steps into the next stages of our lives, we can rest assured that the knowledge and refinement we have received from our time at CBC will serve us well. As we mark the end of our school lives , we leave behind countless memories of sport and swimming carnivals , camps, excursions, and many hard fought lunchtime contests on the basketball court and oval. Some students might also remember sitting in Mr Rose'Meyer's religion class, while he tried to work out what was wrong with the "stupid VCR", unaware that the students were in possession of a remote control. 8
l-iead 130 There were also the many times we had to give the bus a push to help get it started, and were often rewarded with a face-full of soot. Accompanied by these many fine memories are the many achievements of the school and leaving class itself. The year 2000 marks the completion of stage 6 of the school redevelopment, and the opening of the Bob Rose'Meyer Physical Education Centre. This class contains many academic and sporting achievers, accompanied by some unforgettable personalities such as Antonio, one of
CBC's longer serving students and Shagun - alias "The World's Best Driver". These memories and achievements that we all share from our time at CBC Fremantle would not have been possible without the help of numerous people. First of all, I would like to thank the parents of this graduating class. For all the rides to school, the packed lunches, the monotonous task of cleaning our uniforms and ensuring we look presentable. After twelve years of this, though it may often
eech not be said, it is very much appreciated. Your constant support and tender encouragement is an ever-present reminder of your love and desire to see us evolve onto respectable, well-adjusted young men, and I'm sure as you cast your eyes across this group of graduates you will see it has all been worthwhile . Our time at CBC has been made enjoyable and prosperous through the amazing staff employed by the college and their skill and knowledge, The contribution of these people has enabled us to make many difficult decisions about our future . Furthermore, we must recognise the work done by Mr Sandri , ensuring things run smoothly and reprimanding us when we step out of line. As we look back we can now see how through such actions we have been taught valuable life skills and moulded into the men capable of carrying on the good name of CBC Fremantle. Also the fine job of Mr Cole and Mr Simpson guiding us through the maze of different directions that follow year 12. Our Principal, Brother Alan Wedd , for his dedication and commitment, undoubtedly his personal approach to each student assists in creating the family environment we enjoy qt CBC. Mrs Carter and all the tuck shop volunteers for their truly amazing ability to satisfy our fastidious palates day after day. And Mrs ForzaUi and her uniform shop volunteers for helping to ensure we look sartorially refined.
At this stage I believe there are two people who deserve special mention. First of all , Ms Trevanna Cooper, our librarian and trusted friend . And last, but not least, the legendary namesake of the new gym, Mr Bob Rose'Meyer, our Year 12 Coordinator. His never-ending efforts and general conduct make him such a positive role model for this class and the entire school. His ability to maintain his unfailing sense of humour despite the pressure of his position is an achievement in itself. Finally, to the Class of 2000, I thank you all for the experience of spending my school years with each of you, and for the comradeship and affinity we have developed over our time at eBC . I wish you all happiness and success in the years to come and would like to conclude with these words of wisdom from Michael Jordan :
"Obstades don.'t have to stop
you. Ifyou run. a wa~L don.'t turn. aroun.d an.d give up. Figure out how to cUmb it, go through it or work aroun.d it."
Director of Studies
chool education in contemporary times is a complicated process. This year has been no different and provided all involved within the school community many challenges. From time to time, I reflect on my own schooling that culminated in the late 60 's. I remember studying Mathematics II, Mathematics III, Physics, Chemistry, History and English. The majority of students in my cohort had a similar selection. Some chose Geography, Economics, English Literature, Biology and English Literature as alternatives. Overall, the choice was limited and completion of Year 12 was specifically for the purpose of University entrance. In 2000 , CBC offered the following courses to our Years 11 and 12 students.
Tertiary Entrance Scoring Subjects List I List II Art Accounting Economics Biology English Literature Chemistry Human Biology Geography Foundations of Mathematics* History Geometry & Trigonometry* _ Italian Japanese Introductory Calculus* Music Physics Political & Legal Studies * Year 11 Subjects Unlisted English Other Accredited Subjects offered at CBC Fremantle Art and Design Mathematics in Practice Yr 11 Metal Technology Modelling with Mathematics Yr 12 Digital Media Yr 11 Physical Education Studies ESL English Senior English Senior Science INSTEP Technical Graphics Interactive Media Yr 12 Work Studies Law Furniture Design & Technology 10
Clearly, students now have a comprehensive choice and are able to select a course of study according to future study and vocational aspirations. CBC has in particular been able to provide for students with pathways forTAFE Study and direct entry to the work force. Statistical feedback on the movement of our past students supports this statement. INSTEP (Innovative Skills Training and Education Program) has become very popular with nearly thirty students in Years 11 and 12 involved. INSTEP is a structured work-based learning program that provides students with the opportunity to develop work skills while continuing with school education. This joint venture between Schools and Industry allows students to be placed in the workforce one day a week. Students can obtain results that contribute to their graduation. Some of our Year 12 students have taken advantage of the INSTEP PLUS Program , which allows them to complete units of study at TAFE while still at school. The trend in education would suggest that INSTEP style programs would play an even bigger role in the education of our CBC boys in future as Vocational Education takes on greater significance. The College prepares students to cope with this scope of subjects in Upper School by allowing them to experience a wide variety of electives mixed with the core subjects, in Junior School (Yrs 8, 9 and 10). Students are offered a selection that includes Metal Technology, Wood Technology, Computing, Business Studies , Art and Design , Music, Catering, Technical Graphics and Physical Education . Western Australian schools can expect continual changes over the next five to ten years. The Curriculum Framework will see a swing to student-centred learning to facilitate outcomes. The present review of Post-Compulsory (Yrs 11 and 12)
Education may produce dramatic changes in Upper School Courses and Public Exams. Parents can be assured that the ongoing Professional Development that CSC Staff undergoes is preparing them well to meet the changes. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the Department Heads for their continued contribution to the Curriculum and for ensuring that programs are productive for our students.
Mr Christopher Cole Director of Studies
P &F ASSOcLatLOYl What an amazing year this has been for the Parents & Friends Association. We experienced such a wonderful response to our Mother's Day Lunch and Dinner and the Dinner Dance. Not quite the numbers we'd anticipated for the Movie Evening and the Golf Day, but the important issue is, that all who participated in these social events enjoyed themselves. We're really looking forward to an extremely successful Centenary Year, so persevere in obtaining your newsletters from your sons - this is our main contact with you . We thank each and every parent who, with their sons, other family members and friends, have enabled us to begin to fulfil the object of this P&F Committee - to encourage a spirit of fellowship among the parents. The above four functions will again be hosted in 2001. Please continue your valued support throughout your son's years at CBC Fremantle and encourage other parents to participate in these functions. Our best wishes to all CBC families for a happy and healthy 2001 . Jeanine Dowse President
Right:)eanine and Barry Dowse. Below: Parents at the P&F Dinner Dance
o[d Bo s Association Congratulations to the school on its achievements over this school year and we hope that all students sitting for their TEE examinations achieve their goals. Also to students who are leaving to venture out into the workforce it should be borne in mind that even though you have left the College, you can network back to your school days by means of the Old Boys' Association . We would like to keep you informed of what is happening at the College. The College is approaching its Centenary next year and its hundred years has made a mark on the community by being the oldest school in Fremantle. The College has produced many Academics , Professionals , Politicians , Business leaders and Trades people. Our students come from all walks of life and this is
attributable to the training and ethos of the College. In the majority of cases they are proud to be associated with a College that has so much tradition . The new building program undertaken by the College should be commended as a major project, making available to the students the latest technological equipment to meet the demands of an ever changing environment. During the year the association funded a bursary for a Year 11 student to continue studies at the College as well as conduct reunions for the classes of 1995, 1990 and 1975 which were very successful. We have also given support to various projects in the College and have been in the process of updating the database of addresses of ex students who receive our tri yearly Palma publication .
Membership of our association is required to support the various aspects of the needs at the College and with the tradition associated with the College we find third and fourth generation pupils are attending this great College. Centenary In the approaching celebrations a lot of stories are coming to the surface, such as the only sports catered for were Australian Rules football, cricket, tennis, athletics and swimming. There was no Olympic pool for swimmers atthe inter faction swimming competition . This was held in the river at the Claremont Baths and the interschool was held at Crawley. Training was at Bathers Beach in Fremantle near the Round House. Athletic carnivals were held on Fremantle oval and the interschool sports at the WACA
grounds in Perth. Transport was the use of public transport and on occasions a bus was hired , not like todays students who enjoy the lUxury of 3 College buses. I would like to thank Brother Alan Wedd and his staff for their assistance during the year and a special thanks to Miss Adelle Nsair for her help and efforts and to my committee of Kevin O'Brien , Kevin Cant, George Ayres , Graham Taylor and Jerry Gerovich . Thank you for a job well done. We are looking forward to your support in our big year 2001 and if you can support us in any way, please contact the College or the committee. Mr Jim McGowan President
Left- Right:
old boys' at various
reun.ion.s an.d the Mass an.d
BACK ROW: Mr Andrew Murphy, Mr Frank Williams, Mr Michael Masterton, Mr Troy Foote, Mr Brendan Mulvey, Mr Barry Tognolini, Mr Michaellalacci, Mr Ross Barron, Mr Peter Magaraggia. FOURTH ROW: Mr Robert Searle, Mr Maurice Van Dongen, Mr Declan Masterson, Mr Eoin Thompson, Br John Murray, Mr Steve Corley, Mr Donald McNamee, Mr Uwe Stengel, Mr Craig Preshaw, Mr Gary Holtham. THIRD ROW: Mr John Hortense, Mr William Cuthbert, Mrs Akiko Danker, Mrs Kerrie Williams, Ms Sally Marchant, Ms Judith Holmes, Mr Thomas Rees, Mr Joseph Purcell, Br Peter Toomey, Mr Ross Wenn. SECOND ROW: Mrs Falda Forzatti, Mrs Shirley Carter, Mrs Manuela De Faria, Ms Naomi Pearson, Ms Glynnis O'Neill, Ms Valma Granich, Ms Rose Lenzo, Ms Annette Cole, Mrs Jeanette Barton, Mrs Bernice Gavin, Ms Rita Basilio. FRONT ROW: Ms Trevanna Cooper, Mr Gerald Simpson, Mr Robert Rose'Meyer, Mr Henry Shepherd, Mr Sandro Sandri (Deputy Principal), Br Alan Wedd (Principal), Mr Christopher Cole (Director of Studies), Mrs Fay Peterson, Mrs Jennifer D'Ascanio, Mrs Annette Flexman, Ms Adelle Nsair. ABSENT: Mr Kim Anning, Mr Nicholas Carellos, Mrs Marianna Dimasi, Mrs Samantha Emslie, Mr Luke Gabbedy, Mr Barry Granger, Br Anthony Hackett, Mrs Margaret Johns, Mrs Nella McCann, Mr Valery Niyazov, Mr Sylvester Stack, Mrs Emma Tandy, Mr Ian Threlfo, Mr Tim Woolley.
2000 13
Mr Sandro Sandri TEACH:INy: STAFF
Mr Kim Anning Mr Ross Barron Ms Rita Basilio Mr Nicholas Carellos Ms Trevanna Cooper Mr Steve Corley Mr William Cuthbert Mrs Jennifer D'Ascanio Mrs Akiko Danker Mrs Marianna Dimasi
Mrs Samantha Emslie Mrs Annette Flexman Mr Troy Foote Mr Luke Gabbedy Mr Barry Granger Br Anthony Hackett Ms Judith Holmes Mr Gary Holtham Mr John Hortense Mr Michael lalacci Mrs Margaret Johns Ms Rose Lenzo Mr Peter Magaraggia Ms Sally Marchant Mr Declan Masterson Mr Michael Masterton Mrs Nella McCann Mr Donald McNamee Mr Brendan Mulvey Mr Andrew Murphy Br John Murray Ms Naomi Pearson Mr Craig Preshaw Mr Joseph Purcell Mr Thomas Rees Mr Robert Rose'Meyer Mr Robert Searle Mr Sylvester Stack Mr Uwe Stengel Mrs Emma Tandy Mr Eoin Thompson Mr Barry Tognolini Mr Maurice Van Dongen
Mr Frank Williams Mrs Kerrie Williams
Mr Valery Niyazov Mr Tim Woolley
Mr Christopher Cole
Ms Adelle Nsair
Mr Gerald Simpson
Ms Valma Granich Br Peter Toomey
Mr Henry Shepherd
Mr Ian Threlfo
Mr Ross Wenn Mr Milorad Pasajilic Mr Anthony Crundal
Mrs Shirley Carter H:OME LIAISON
Mrs Manuela De Faria CLOTH:INy: SH:OP
Mrs Jeanette Barton Mrs Fay Peterson Ms Annette Cole BURSAR
Mrs June Corcoran
Staff •
,' ,
Studerlt Re reserltat[ve COUrlc[t
Back Row: Christian Liberatore, Nicholas Stingemore, Matthew Bourke, Tomislav Ukalovic, Stephen Pratt, Albert Santoro, Nicholas De'Ceglie, Middle Row: James Bembrick, Adam Waddell , Justin Zanetic, Greg Pride, Sergio Galvao, Jason Bourke , Joshua Renner, Rafael Del Cid Aviles. Front Row: Jared Newhill, Ashley Verinder, Jason Burton , Mr Bob Rose'Meyer, John Giovannetti , Nelson Serrao, Bradley McLaughlin . Absent: Chris Burton . 15
Year 12
o (")
Immediately after kick off there was a dispute about rules , with Mr Foote arguing that the goalkeeper, Glenn Sheldon, couldn 't use his hands. From there onwards it got very physical with Mr Murphy grunting and ramming like a rhinoceros and Mr Foote using his footy skills in order to psych out the opposition. This was all in vain as the better team was always going to come out on top.
I would like to congratulate Dustin de Souza and Mr Van Dongen for demonstrating class and good sportsmanship. Mr Simpson, the referee , also needs to be congratulated for trying to throw the match to the teacher's advantage. The final score however was a victorious win of 9-6 in the student's favour. A big thanks to Mr Hortense for organising the game and to all those who participated. The teams were as follows: L-R: Shagun Thakw; jod Fernandez andjohn Giovannetti pose For a Community Newspaper Feature on brain Food.
s a chance for some Year 12 students to experience the newly built Bob Rose'Meyer Physical Education Centre, an indoor soccer match was arranged between a team of highly fit teachers and some skilful Year 12 students.
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Students (Winners!): Glenn Sheldon (GK), Dustan De Souza, Nelson Serrao, Greg Day, Luca Lucioli, Simon Tranchita, Joseph Princi, Liam Darby, Nelson Serrao.
Teachers: Mr Magaraggia , Mr Simpson , Mr Foote , Mr Van Dongen, Mr Murphy, Mr Cuthbert, Mr Gabbedy, Mr Thompson , Mr Masterton .
Looking back now, over the last 8 years, I have noticed how fast time really passes us by. It feels like only yesterday when we were playing cricket in class, mini soccer during Italian lessons and sitting there listening attentively to the wise Mr Sta Maria.
esc Fremantle Old Timers 1993-2000 Back Row: Daniel Goncalves, Sergio Galvao,jason Burton, Liam Darby. Front Row: Davide RaFFa, Nelson Serrao, Adam Harvey, Liam Parkinson. Absent: Luca Ludoli
Although the building no longer remains, the memories shared at the Tuckfield Street campus will never be forgotten . From a close knit class of 21 , there are only 9 left. We are all who remain from the original class. Nelson Serrao
BACK ROW: Marcus Maher, Geordie Thuijs, And rew Oreb, Zerubabel Yesus, Kris Douglas, Daniel Howell, Matthew Kelly, Erik Surjan , Sergio Galvao. FIFTH ROW: Cail Griffiths, Anthony Moore, Martyn Davison , Luke Pedroli , Joel Woolerson , James Mulvey, Glenn Sheldon, Bruno Pracas, Rod rigo Funes, Luca Lucioli. FOURTH ROW: Jesse Correia , Benjamin Cameron , Christopher Honeybun, Simon Tranchita , Daniel Goncalves, Jonathon Chong, Ryan Etchells, Paolo Serafini , Antonio Garces, Gregory Day, Caslin Gabriels, THIRD ROW: Ryan O'Meara, Adam Harvey, Dustin De Souza , Davide Raffa, Stephen Deane, Jamie Kershaw, Brian Backshell , Giuseppe Princi , Daniel Massara, Russell Bell , Simon Cameron-Brown, Jacob Koch . SECOND ROW: Liam Darby, Tony Law, Jason Notaro, Brodie McCulloch , Aston Ladzinski , Mathew De Brito , Borislav Kovacevic, Joel Fernandez. FRONT ROW: Paulo Rocha, Shagun Thakur, Neil Tennant, Ashley Verinder, Nelson Serrao, John Giovannetti , Gregory Pride, Jason Burton , Liam Parkinson , Danilo La Pegna , Zane Reghenzani. ABSENT: Luke Cockram , Michal Napora.
Year 12 CoordiYlator's Re ort roles that the students would be expected to take on during the year and what this would involve. We tried to develop their sense of leadership and also tried to give them the communications skills necessary to work with and relate to others. This was done through group work and some very unusual activities. Undoubtedly, in the minds of the students the highlight of the year was the Senior Ball. Once again this involved a refresher course in Ballroom dancing - this was useful not only in improving their dancing skills but also in building new relationships and friendships .
few days before the start of Term 1 the year 12's returned to school for their leadership camp to be held at the Serpentine Baptist Camp site . At the beg inning there was a fair amount of reluctance on their part as their holidays had been brought to an abrupt end . However after the introductory session when they learnt what the purpose of the camp was and that this would not include school work the mood changed and they decided to make the best of the situation . Nine staff members together with a team from the Edmund Rice Group ran a number of sessions on the leadership 18
There was a number of meetings arranging all the odds and ends that go with the Ball. Ms Cooper's expose on "etiquette" for the occasion worked wonders. It was great to observe that on the evening the boys, sorry, young men , were perfect gentlemen. They were impeccably behaved . A more suave and debonair group of young men one couldn't wish for, suitably partnered by elegant attractive young women who looked sophisticated beyond their years. Again this year we conducted four Year 12 Retreats at Dadirri on the theme of forgiveness . Despite the usual teenage
Above Left: Mr Rose'Meyer. Above Right: Year 125 at the Athletics. Below Right: Relaxing at the Leadership Camp.
resistance to the dreaded word RELIGION the boys all participated really well as they worked their way through discussion groups, personal reflection, guided meditation and various hands-on-activities, which they rated as the best sessions. They focussed so well on the need for forgiveness that just about everyone went to reconciliation - even the non-Catholics! The boys were extremely kind to the participating teachers, but rumour has it that this was the result of the sweetening effects of the enormous scrumptious scones served at morning tea. Mr Sandri claimed that "the lads were wonderful to be with" . This graduating Year 12 class has been unique. They have provided us with a most enjoyable two years. They have shared their humour, friendship and honesty - all very positive virtues to carry into the real world. They have been argumentative at times but have always been ready to accept that the teacher is always right. Occasionally some of them may have pushed the boundaries but never so far as to create an untenable situation. There have been numerous situations this year when anyone of them , when asked to assist or contribute in some way, has responded with a mature and honest attempt.
If I had to find a "flaw" in this group, it would be their seemingly unshakeable faith in the belief that "it will turn out all right in the end" so why bother pushing themselves with too much burdensome school work. After all , it does so interfere with their social life. This group has been the first to embrace the mobile phone mania . I'm positive that the use intended by parents was not the use which they actually received . This particular group, too, seem to have adopted a "kamikaze" attitude to their driving skills. Rumour has it that they've already run up a damage's bill well over $50000. The insurance industry is very pleased and is contemplating a sizeable donation. There are many individual "personalities" in this group - the likes of which we will probably not see again . However, collectively these young men have shown great character and a "specialness" that we will miss. It has been a pleasure working with them and we wish them every success in their examinations and their future employment. Mr Bob Rose'Meyer & Mrs Jenny D'Ascanio
Tor from Left to Right: Martyn Davison and Partner; Daniel /-ioweH and Partner; Daniel Croncalves and Partner. Right Tor : Ru.ssell Bell and Partner. Right Bottom : john Criovannetti and Partner. 19
The annual CBC Fremantle Senior Ball was held on the 12 May at the wonderful venue of the Fremantle Sailing Club. Many Year 11 and Year 12 students participated in this spectacular and "posh" event together with their stunning and immaculately dressed partners. For the Year 11 's this senior ball was a first and a night to remember for all. For the Year 12's the ball was a second chance to experience life in a more sophisticated and mature setting. Limousines dominated the carpark in front of the venue and the excitement began . For many the hardship of picking up their partner and making a good impression on her and her parents was over. The night kicked off with a OJ playing some old and relaxing music to fit the romantic mood whilst having a beautiful dinner. The constant practising and effort of learning to dance paid off as each couple danced on the floor as if they were getting married. All couples danced wonderfully to the music and such dancing prevailed throughout the night. For some, the heat and pressure of acting like "Mr Cool" all night was a bit too much and a break and a breath of fresh air was needed . Yet, who can complain about the beautiful scenery of the ocean and jetty itself as cOl{ples stood outside for a break. Three quarters of the way through the night, the music picked up a few beats and some real bass started kicking as more people flocked to the dance floor to see some Year 12's (Dustin de Souza and Michal Napora) strut their B-Boy break dancing talents. The guests watched with joy and excitement as the CBC Fremantle boys showed their partners their own type of dancing. Yet, the mature and immaculate atmosphere of the night remained. Thank you to Mr Rose'Meyer and the Ball Committee for organising the evening, the night will not be forgotten by anyone. Davide Raffa (12R) 20
Year 12 Leadershi Cam On Thursday, 27 January, the Year 12 class met as a whole for the first time in eight weeks. There were teary reunions and loving embraces. However, we quickly settled down and prepared ourselves for Mr Rose'Meyer's welcoming/organising speech. After our beloved coordinator's speech we trekked to the buses and began the long, hot ride to Serpentine Baptist Camp. Upon arrival at camp we ate our assorted foodstuffs and were greeted by the radiant camp-coordinator, Eileen. We were allocated dorms, informed of the regulations and sent to unpack in preparation for our first lesson in leadership. On the first night we performed a few ice breaker activities and then were sent to our discussion groups with whom we were to remain for the entire period of the camp. Although nothing solid was learned or achieved on our first night, we toddled over to our beds full of curiosity as to what was to come. If anything can wake a 16 year old at 6.45am after eight weeks of late nights and even later mornings, Mr
littered with many hours of free time during which
1j~1i[jj.1 students made good use of the swimming pool ,
basketball courts and the twin table-tennis tables. Once again we retired to bed, tired but well-fed with good food -provided by the ever-friendly kitchen staff. Unfortunately the teachers did not experience the lUxury of sleep , forced instead, to patrol outside diligently, on the alert for undesirable students performing unpleasantries.
The Seekers and Mr Rose'Meyer woke us again ...~. and we once more staggered off to breakfast. Our ~~!lI exciting activities on this day included writing Rose'Meyer combined with the soothing melodies of the "affirmations" and watching another presentation by the "Seekers" is sure to do the trick. The much-hated PA five Edmund Rice Camp leaders. Shortly after however, system worked wonders and we emerged from the dorms we moved back to the buses and left for home. tired and hungry from our much loved beds, to a We emerged from the camp new people , with new ideas wholesome and nutritious breakfast prepared by the and new found skills. In that sense, the camp was a lovely kitchen staff. success and thanks must go to Mr Rose'Meyer and the More activities followed, including reflecting on our major other camp organisers for a fine and noble effort. life experiences, meditation and a seminar by five young Ashley Verinder Edmund Rice Camp organisers (including the daughter of our much loved Mrs O'Ascanio). The day was also
eClat MlYllsters
pecial Ministers of the Eucharist have been part of school life for several years now. It is an opportunity for Year 12 students to be of serv ice to their school community. All Year 11 students are invited to consider this role and after consultation, a small group is commissioned. In 2000 four students acted as Special Ministers of the Eucharist. Two training sessions are given to the students prior to the beginning of the school year mass at which they are inaugurated . Student Special Ministers are involved in the distribution of communion at this first mass as well as those masses on Edmund Rice Day and Family Day. On Ash Wednesday the Special Ministers are also involved in the distribution of ashes at year level paraliturgies. In past years students who acted as Special Ministers of the Eucharist at CBC have gone on to be involved in this particular role within their own parish community. Br P A Hackett, cfc
Special Ministers Left to Right: PaLllSeraFini, Ryan Etchells, Adam Harvey Jnd)oel Fernandez. 23
Now is the Moment from Jekyll & Hyde Performed by Ben Cameron recelve.>'a
Special MUSlC Award from
Mr Stengel
This is the moment, this is the day. This is the moment when I know I'm on my way. Ev'ry endeavour, I have made ever is coming into play, is here and now today. This is the moment, this is the time When the momentum and the moment are in rhyme. Give me this moment, this momentous moment; I'll gather up my past, and make some sense at last. This is the moment when all I've done, All of the dreaming, scheming and screaming becomes one! This is the day, just see it shine, When all I lived for becomes mine! This is the moment, this is the hour, When I can open up tomorrow like a flow'r. And put my hand to, ev'rything I planned to ; Fulfil my grand design, see all my stars align . This is the moment, my final test. Destiny beckoned, I never reckoned second best. I won't look down , I must not fall. This is the moment the sweetest moment of them all! This is the moment. Damn all the odds. This day or never, I sit forever with the gods When I look back, I will recall , Moment for moment, This was the moment, The greatest moment of them all ...
,' ,
Year 12 Awards Dux of the College
English Literature
Religious Education
James Mulvey
1st James Mulvey 2nd Joel Woolerson CE Davide Raffa
1st John Giovannetti 2nd Davide Raffa CE Liam Darby
1st Glenn Sheldon 2nd Martyn Davison CE Stephen Deane
Furniture Design and
1st John Giovannetti 2nd Davide Raffa CE Daniel Massara CE Bruno Pracas
Proxime Accessit Joel Woolerson
Australian Institute of
Engineers Award James Mulvey Joel Woolerson
Music Awards Adam Harvey Caslin Gabriels
1st James Mulvey 2nd Joel Woolerson CE John Giovannetti
christian Service Ryan Etchells Joel Fernandez John Giovannetti Adam Harvey Glenn Sheldon Paulo Serafini
Discrete Mathematics Caltex Best AU-Rounder Adam Harvey
1st Antonio Garces 2nd Ryan O'Meara CE Bruno Pracas
Economics Accounting 1st Shagun Thakur 2nd Antonio Garces
Applicable Mathematics 1st James Mulvey 2nd Joel Woolerson CE Davide Raffa
1st Ashley Verinder 2nd Adam Harvey CE Antonio Garces
English 1st Aston Ladzinski 2nd Tony Law CE Liam Parkinson
INSTEP Art CE Dustin De Souza
Daniel Massara Anthony Moore
Technolo~ 1st Paulo Rocha 2nd Daniel Massara CE Jacob Koch
Geography 1st Davide Raffa 2nd Jason Burton CE Russell Bell
History 1st Ryan O'Meara 2nd Liam Parkinson CE Brodie McCulloch
Human Blology 1st Liam Darby 2nd Luca Lucioli CE Paulo Serafini
Interactive Multi-Media 1st Bruno Pracas 2nd Dustin De Souza CE Martyn Davison
Japanese 1st Aston Ladzinski 2nd Joel Woolerson
Metal T echnolo~ 1st Gregory Day 2nd Paulo Rocha CE Jamie Kershaw
Modelling with Mathematics 1st Sergio Galvao 2nd Matthew Kelly CE Jacob Koch
physical Education Studies 1st Geordie Thuijs 2nd Erik Surjan CE Andrew Oreb
physics 1st James Mulvey Equal 2nd Joel Woolerson Equal 2nd John Giovannetti
Practical Arts
School Leadership Russell Bell Jason Burton Liam Darby Joel Fernandez Caslin Gabriels John Giovannetti Adam Harvey James Mulvey Gregory Pride Nelson Serrao Joel Woolerson
Senior English 1st Glenn Sheldon 2nd Daniel Massara CE Jacob Koch
Senior Sdence 1st Daniel Massara 2nd Glenn Sheldon CE Matthew Kelly
1st Paulo Rocha
Technical Graphics
Political & Legal Studies
1st Glenn Sheldon
1st Shagun Thakur 2nd Liam Darby CE Erik Surjan
CE = Consistent Effort 25
Brian BackshdL
RusselL BeLL
'ason Burton
Beniamln Cameron
Slmon Cameron- Brown
Brian was part of the Junior & Senior choir and received the Music Award in Year 9 & 10. He also received the Year 11 2nd Senior Science Award.
Russel was the Year 7 & 8 swimming champion and Year 12 runner up. He played in the First XV Rugby team and Quit Cup. He played in the Junior Concert Band and the Jazz Orchestra.
Jason was the Channel 7 Cup Captain, and Quit Cup Year 11 & 12 Captain. He was a member of the SRC in Year 6,9, 10 & 12 received a Peer Award.
Ben received a St Patrick's Basilica Choir Scholarship and participated in the Festival of Music Concerts. He was part of the Junior and Senior Choirs and Interschool swimming carnivals .
Simon was a member of the Cricket team and Interschool Athletics team.
. Brian comments, "who wants to go to town with a guy in a row boat anyway... like der.. ,"
Russell 's aim is to become a great, highly paid civil engineer, and be able to live his whole life on "easy
Jason's ambtition is to play footy his whole life and be earning lots of money.
Ben 's ambition is to live life to the fullest, enjoying even the bad times knowing that something great may be just around the corner.
Simon aims to live life to the fullest. Simon comments , "Don't worry, be happy".
the c[ass of 2000 II
,ohnathon Chong
'esse Correia
Uam Darbv ,
Johnathon's ambition is to be a very successful businessman in the world! Which is mainly in ~Computer sciences and business administration".
Jesse participated in Christian Service and made blood donations at the Red Cross.
Liam was the Senior Soccer Captain in 2000 and a member of the Interschool Athletics team. He was also a member of the SRC.
"Everything happens for a reason! Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck".
In the future Jesse hopes to be successful and well off and to hold the speed record on and off the road.
Jesse comments, 12mph".
was not supposed to exceed
Liam 's ambition is to remain happy throughout life by enjoying every moment as it happens. To be financially comfortable and raise a family of his own, being the coo lest dad, and then the coolest grandfather.
Martyn Davlson Martyn was a member of the guitar ensemble.
G-regory Day Greg was a member of the ACC swimm ing squad and won the Best Back nugby p layer in 2000.
Martyn aspires to own a brewery and the white house. Martyn comments, "If you don't stand for something, you 'll fall for anything".
His ambition is to travel the world with a group of friends from England , get a good job and stay relaxed. Greg comments , "you only get out w hat you put in".
Matthew De Brito
Dustin De Souza
Stephen Deane
Matthew took part in Christian Service. He was part of the senior basketball team and was the Vice Captain of Samson in 1997.
Dustin was a member of the SRC and took part in the Christian Service program. He was also a member of the soccer team in 1999 and 2000.
Matthew's ambition is to be successful in life and live life to the full - play SBL and get a good job.
Dustin comments, "If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you , it's yours, if it doesn't .. it never was",
"I am not smarter or shewder than enyone else, I just work harder."
Stephen won a school Service Awa rd in 1999. Stephen aims to be the Overlord of a small faceless continent and to acheive the best he can in everything he does. He comments, "In waking the tiger, use a big stick".
KrLS Douglas
R,van EtcheHs
Kris participated in Amnesty International and Christian Service.
Ryan was a member of the rugby team as well as the board riders club. He was also part of the kayaking team for four years.
Kris hopes to be the best nightclub OJ in the world.
Ryan's ambition is to go surfing .
"Go hard or go home."
Ryan comments, "Tomorrow is promised to no man".
the c[ass of 2000
loel Fernandez
Rodrigo Funes
Caslin Gabriels
Serglo Galvao
Antonlo Garces
Joel was a Special Minister in 2000, a member of Amnesty International and collector for Red Cross. He received the Westpac maths awards for five years in a row and was a member of the Annual Committee.
Rodrigo participated in the INSTEP program and also earned his TL3 Powerboat Licence. He was also a member of the basketball team.
Cas lin was a member of the Jazz Orchestra, Improvisation Band, Guitar Ensemble and Intenmediate Band . He also regularly donated blood to the Red Cross and was a member of the ACC swimming and athletics team.
Sergio was our Deputy Head Boy in 2000. He has also been a member of our basketball , football and soccer teams. He was a member of the ACC athletics team.
Antonio was a member of the junior and senior soccer teams as well as the ACC athletics team . He participated in Christian Service.
Sergio's ambition is to be king of the world and then find Elvis.
Antonio's ambition is to out live, out work and out play.
Joel hopes to further his education in computer science and become a master of the world's 8-commerce and IT industry. "The young know not enough to be prudent yet they attempt the impossible and accomplish it."
Rodrigo aims to get the best out of life. He comments, "Never let yesterday's disappointments overshadow tomorrow's dream and know your limits, then break through them".
Caslin comments, "If you always do what you've always done, you 'll always get what you 've always got".
Sergio comments, uTime sure fli es when you're young and ...".
Antonio comments, "Practice makes perfecf. Year 12 class in 1999 and 2000. "It's always better the second time around".
lohn G-iovannetti
Daniel G-oncalves
Call G-riffiths
Adam /-tarvey
John was our Head Boys in 2000. He was Dux from 1996-1998 and received a Dis1inction in the Australian Maths Competition four years in a row. John has been
Daniel was a member of both the junior and senior
Cail was a member of Amnesty International for two
Adam was a member of the Jazz Orchestra from 19962000. He was a member of the saxaphone ensemble and received a Stengel Award. He played in the soccer team and was a Special Minister in 2000.
a member of the soccer team and Amnesty
International. He aims to be successful at whatever he does and be content with what he gets and make a difference in society. John comments, "Your talent is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift back to God".
basketball teams as well as the coach for the junior team in 2000. He has been a member of the ACC Athletics team and football team. He was also a part of the guitar ensemble. Daniel's ambition is to live in the simple times of
years. Cail's ambition is to battle it out with a friend with blunt swords, full body armour and shields, "Now that's living!"
whatever he aims to achieve.
Cail's favourite quote is "Past, present and future
Daniel comments, "Live and learn, baby! Life is a
should not be mistaken from your own destiny. I have endeavoured to separate these",
Adam aims to live life to the full and be successful in
"Half the things that people do not succeed in, are through fear of making the attempt."
Christopher Honeybun Chris has been a member of the athletics team for three years. Chris' ambition is to have fun no matter where he ends up. "The cokes are on me" or "Why oh why didn't I take the blue pill" - The Matrix
the ctass of 2000
Daniel /-toweH Daniel was a member of the kayaking team and a member of the chess team. Daniel looks forward to becoming a rock-climbing instructor and climb mountains in his free time.
Matthew KeHy
Jamie was a member of the football team .
Matthew's ambition is "To put it simply, to make a lot of
Jamie's ambition is to do well in life.
lacob Koch
Boris Kovacevic
Jacob was a member of the boardriders dub and Assistant Coach for football in 2000. He also received his bronze medallion.
Boris was a member of the ACC Athletics team and
money ~ .
He comments, "Everytime I learn something new it
Matthew comments, WWe are but a whisper in the wind". "Got ya suckers" - Bowfinger
lamie Kershaw
Matthew was a member of the chess team.
pushes some of the old stuff out of my head".
Jacob's aims to be happy and successful in everything he does. No matter how high the hurdle is, he is bound to jump it. "Hard work has never killed anyone but I am not willing to take that risk".
participated in Christian Service.
Boris looks forward to owning a 100ft yacht and travelling the world. "Not the hair!"
Vanito La Pegna
Aston Ladzinski
Tony Law
Luca Ludoli
Marcus Maher
Oanilo was a member of the junior and senior soccer teams and participated in INSTEP Plus.
Aston won the WA State Japanese Speech Contest in 2000. He also took part in the Japanese Homestay program . He was a member of theACCAthletics team
Tony was a member of Amnesty Internationa l and
collected for the Salvation Army Appeal. He also received awards for the ESB and the Westpac Maths
Luca was a member of the senior soccer team and the senior basketball team. He participated in Spectrum and debating.
and won awards in the Westpac Maths Competition
Marcus was a member of the ACC swimming and athletics teams as well as the football team. He was also a regular blood donor for the Red Cross.
His ambition is to achieve inner peace and fruitful heart, and not let the petty problems of life worry him .
His ambition is to be the best at whatever he does in life.
"Life is a paradox. Pensa al tuo futuro Adelante"
Marcus comments, "Real ity is an illusion created by alcohol deficiency".
Danilo's ambition is to be liked by everyone and to do everything possible in life so he can be remembered by the world.
He comments, "Live life now, dream of the future, learn from the pasf.
and the University of NSW Science Awards.
His ambition is to enjoy life, and be happy in whatever
His ambition is to go to Tokyo University in 2001 . To own a Skyline GT-R43. To do the best he can and become what he wants to become. "I am not paranoid, people just keep on following me".
he does in the futu re.
Tony quotes Barbara Sher, "When you play it too safe, you're taking the biggest risk of your life ... time is the only wealth we're given".
the c[ass of 2000
Vanid Massara Daniel was a member of the senior soccer team and
athletics team. He partiCipated in Christian Service.
His ambition is to be one of the big names in the fishing industry. ~ Live
one day at a time. That's all.. meow... meow".
Anthony Moore
lames Mulvev ,
Michal Napora
Brodie was a member of the hockey team for two years.
Anthony has represented CBC Fremantle at the ACC swimming for four years.
Michal was a member of the junior and senior soccer teams. He was a member of Amnesty International.
Brodie's ambition is to travel the world and live a long and happy life.
James believes he has already succeeded. So long as that success can be maintained, anything else is a bonus.
Anthony's ambition is to travel this world and surf the most exotic locations on earth .
"I want to die in my sleep like my grandfather... not yelling and screaming like the passengers in his car!"
"I love cats. They taste like chicken."
'Brodie McCuLloch
"l ance won a three legged race all by myself."
James quotes C Mcintyre, "Concrete and marzipan".
/ason Notaro
Rvan O'Meara "
Jason was a member of Amnesty International and participated in Christian Service.
Ryan was a member of the ACC swimming, football and cricket teams.
His ambition is to one day become a succ8ssful lawyer and do the best he can at everything he does.
Ryan hopes to make a difference and enjoy life.
"There are two rules to success, 1. Never tell anybody everything you know .. ."
Ryan quotes John Lennon, "If you are not part of the answer you must be part of th e problem".
Luke Pedroli
Liam Parkinson
Andrew was a member of the junior and senior football teams, the senior cricket team and the ACC athletics team. He also participated in Christian Service.
Liam was a member of the CBC Fremantle concert band .
Luke has been a member of the athletics and swim team and received his Bronze Medallion .
His ambition is to play in the Dockers first premiership
His ambition is to count the grains of sand on 80 mile beach.
Luke 's ambition is to become a successful officer and member of the Australian Army.
Liam comments, "The ri ght to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
"Our drinking team has a football problem ."
Andrew comments, ''Tough times fade away, tough people never do".
the c[ass of 2000
Bruno Pracas Bruno's ambition is to one day own a Porsche 959. Bruno commen ts, "Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder.. .".
Gregory Pride
Giuseppe Prind
Davide Raffa
Zane Reghenzani
Greg was a member of the SRC and Vice President for Amnesty International.
Giuseppe has played in the junior and senior soccer teams and played in the junior band.
Davide received the Dux award in 1999 and Proxime Accessit in 1998 and 1996. He participated in Amnesty International and athletics.
Zane participated in Christian Service and was a member of the junior soccer team .
Greg quotes Ouy Osborne, "Of all the things I have lost, I miss my mind the most".
His ambition is to do well and succeed in all he does. He hopes he is able to choose the path for his future and be content with it. Also to go to Euro 2004.
His ambition is to live life to the full and try his hardest in all he does. He hopes to marry the woman of his dreams (Jennifer Love-Hewitt or Claire Forlani) and be rich and successful and own a house overlooking the ocean.
His ambition is to get into the Olympics for sailing 18 ft skiffs.
"Well then ... what ca n you do."
"Look back with thanks and forward with confidence."
Zane comments , "It is only fun if you can get into trouble".
Pauto Rocha
Paut Seraf[n[
Ndson Serrao
Gtenn Shddon
Paulo was a member of the senior soccer team and a member of the rugby team. He participated in Christian Service and kayaking.
Paul was a member of the ACC Athletics team, the senior basketball team , senior cricket team and guitar ensemble.
Nelson was a member of the SRC in 2000. He also played in the senior soccer team , junior basketball and the football team.
Glenn received his TL3 boating licence while at CBC Fremantle. He was a member of the senior soccer team and the ACC athletics team.
Paulo believes "life is like a drag strip. The faster you move along, the quicker you leave your past behind. That's why I am getting my SUR Torana - so I can live my life sideways".
He hopes to make a difference.
His ambition is to be the best peron he can be and to succeed in all he attempts while having fun at the same time.
Glenn's ambition is to turn his dream into reality and defeat Tiger Woods in a playoff at the US Masters .
Nelson comments, ~ Li fe is a game, so don't forget to have fun",
"Don't worry Mr Penguin, I'm one of the good guys. I'm gonna send you back to the zoo, they'll treat you rea l respectable like."
Paul comments, "You can watch th ings happen or you can make things happen".
"Top of da range!"
Ed k Surian "
Erik has been a member of the ACC athletics team for five years , the ACe swimming team , the senior soccer team, foolball team and rugby team. He received his bronze medallion and distinctions for his ESB exams. His ambition is to work hard, succeed, make lots of
money and do what makes him happy... hopefully be an Olympic champion.
Erik quotes one of Mr Rose 'Meyers favourite sayings, "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you will land among the stars".
the ctass of 2000
Nett Tennant
Shagun Thakur
Geord[e ThuHs
S[mon Tranch[ta
Ashtey Ved nder
Neil's aim is to always look on the bright side of any situation during life.
Shagun was a member of Amnesty International, the ACC swimming and ACC athletics teams.
Geordie has conSistently been in the top three places in the biathalon.
Simon was a member of the junior and senior soccer team . He participated in Christian Service and was a member of the Senior Ball Committee.
Ash ley was a member of the SRC and the Amnesty International President.
"You couldn 't fool your mother on the foolingest day with an electrified fooling machine."
His ambition is to be successful in everything he does and to try and be modest about it.
His ambition is to take 2001 off and enjoy going out and surfing before going to university the year after.
Shagun comments, "Don't take life too seriously. You 'll never escape it alive anyway... "
Geordie comments, "He who laughs last thinks slowest"
He aims to "not marry a nagging wife ... but then again, they are all like thar. He comments , ~ If it smell s funny, don't eat it".
His ambition is to retire at 40 with immeasurable wealth and travel the world . Ashley comments, "Hard work never killed anyone.. but I'm not going to ri sk it".
Memories of Year
Year 12. It has flown by in the blink of an eye. It seems like only yesterday we were at the Leadership Camp, held at the start of the year. We've finally come to the end of our schooling , something we've been wishing for, for 12 years only to realise that we don't in fact want it to end just yet.
,od WooLersotl
Zerubabd Yesus
Joel was a member 01 Amnesty International and the senior soccer team. He also received three consecutive distinctions in the Westpac Maths competition .
Zerubabel was a member 01 the senior basketball team for two years.
He hopes to earn money through work he enjoys.
His ambition is to succeed in every thing he does in lile.
Joel comments, "Blame th e guy who doesn't speak english".
Zerubabel comments, "8e ca refu l my friend , good th ings always come to an end".
the c[ass of 2000
The years we've spent at this school will probably end up being the best and most memorable years of our life. Actually missing school is an idea that would have produced strains of uncontrolled laughter not too long ago but the realisation that we will soon be leaving this comfort zone is fast becoming a real ity. Some of the friends we have made here will be our friends for life and to think that we can 't be seeing each other as often as we do is scary and is going to take some getting used to. Next year is definitely something to look forward to but there is a great deal of uncertainty associated with it whereas school is something we've grown used to and are comfortable with . During the course of the year we've been through some big events as a class. Some have been bad , but they are outweighed by far by the good ones. We kicked off the year with the Leadership Camp , aimed at transforming us into College leaders for the year that was to follow. Needless to say, Mr Rose 'Meyer may disagree when we claim that the camp was successful in grooming us to be outstanding leaders. The next big event of the year was the Senior Ball. It gave the students a chance to dress up and show off their partners. The majority of the students were hardly recognisable according to the teachers in attendance.
The various sports carnivals and special days like Edmund Rice Day gave the students a chance to show off their sporting abilities and be College leaders . Then there were the numerous other little incidents during the year .that made school life a lot more interesting and enjoyable. Another Significant part of Year 12 life is where students get their licences and get to show people how responsible and reliable they are. Unfortunately, the vast majority of these reliable and responsible drivers were involved in a variety of "incidents", some more serious than others. All the "incidents" were the other person 's fault of course. And who can forget the teachers of CBC Fremantle and the numerous skirmishes that erupted between them and the students, particularly from what I was witness to or involved in, in the library, Mrs D'Ascanio and Mr Rose'Meyer's class. Class suddenly became a lot more enjoyable and interesting. Years down the track, these are the things that we will reminisce over and smile about. All in all , Year 12 has been great. New friendships have blossomed throughout the year and old ones have been strengthened. The Leavers Tops, shirts filled with personalised comments and most importantly the memories, will ensure that no student forgets their time at CBC . I would like to thank all the staff at CBC for putting up with us as long as they have and trying to ensure that we have the necessary tools to survive out there in the real world. I would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Year 12's success in whatever they may undertake. Shagun Thakur 32
Year 11
I was placed at Rocky Bay for INSTEP and I enjoyed working with the physically challenged. I also enjoyed cable skiing and scuba diving as part of the sports programme. Rodney Encarnacao
Year 11
We are treated like adults (most of the time). The demands of the workload are heavy. Staff and Students supported my football aspirations, especially Mr Preshaw who has helped me to improve various areas of my game. Ben Caputi
I enjoyed Work Experience. I'm looking forward to doing INSTEP next year. Great crowd of students in Year 11. AdamJeffrey
Love playing the drums in the Jazz Orchestra. It's great, you can choose your own sport subjects; heavy workload - do not like chemistry. David FoLey
The new gym is a fantastic asset. I enjoy playing indoor soccer. Lunchtime is too short. The teachers are always willing to help . There have been more family functions.
G-regDowse 34
More Gold Forms should be given-out to encourage students .. . Stephen Pratt I developed a passion for music (I play the bass saxaphone in the jazz orchestra). I received a good education ' " Stefano Santacaterina I made a lot of new friends in Year 11 .. . Leigh Martin
I had a really good year. We had a good Phys. Ed and Sports programme. The teachers helped me to achieve good academic results. Luke CoHins
I experienced a lot of stress ... too much work. Adrian Pounder
You get more freedom in Year 11 and the teachers ensure you get a good education. Mat Savy
Extensive IT facilities have been a great asset for the students. Not having girls at the school enabled me to focus on my work.
Evan Bowater
I had a good year although at the beginning of the year I struggled with the workload. I was disappointed no one appreciated my yellow hair on the first day. Ryan HaLl More fun in class; too much homework; too much responsibility... Michael Stone Heavy workload; some annoying teachers ... Dt.Ymovic Year 11, as my first year at eBC, was overall a good one. Most of the students were friendly. I have had some "interesting" teachers and made a few friends. Some good things for me have been playing in the CBC Jazz Orchestra, the long bus trips to the various venues for performances. Another good memory is playing rugby for the school in the First Xv. It has been a good year at school with excellent activities, interesting classes and good teachers. My first year at CBC has been a good one. Ben Dempsey When I first started Year 11 I was shocked and still am by the amount of work we are required to do, though throughout the year I must say that this school has helped me in many ways. I have also developed a much closer relationship with my friends and we sometimes work together to achieve our goals. Also, I found that this school accommodated my need to travel to Japan for competitive dancing, as well as supporting my sport. Overall, it's a great school and hopefully next year will be just as good as the past 6 years have been. I thoroughly enjoyed the Year 12 Ball as did all the Year 11 s who attended . Albert Santoro
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eteven morgan BACK ROW: Luke Dujmovic, Wayne Evans, Nicholas Gilmour, Ben Caputi, Benjamin Dempsey, Gregory Dowse, Bruno Aboim, Zeljko Kljajic. MIDDLE ROW: Bryan Reghenzani, Stephen Neri, Matthew Heale, Albert Santoro, Rodney Encarnacao, Christopher Patroni, Michael Stone, Adam Jeffery, Luke Collins. FRONT ROW: Cheuk Yu Chow, Ryan Hall, Nuno Leiria, Br. John Murray, Martin Nugroho, Shane Lewis, David Foley.
eteven patrick BACK ROW: Stephen Pratt, James Smythe, Sebastian Della Maddalena , Andrew Bass, Timothy Cumming , Bosko Kalal. MIDDLE ROW: Evan Bowater, Kieran Cranny, Peter Oliver, Leigh Martin, Stefano Santacaterina, Andrew Karumbi, John Sibon . FRONT ROW: Stephen Minutillo, Eka Taniputra , Frank Vilches, Mr C. Preshaw, Adrian Pounder, Daniel Williams, Esa Mamesah . ABSENT: Mathew Savy, Daniel Fallows.
eteven rlce BACK ROW: Nathan Ross, Gavin Carter, Bryant Steel, Duncan Rock, Shannon Harbron, Benjamin Travia . MIDDLE ROW: Jose Martinez, Mason Lee, Brenton Bulmer, Hyatt Moser, Jong Hyuk Kim, Chun Pong Lee, Adam Waddell, Yuya Ueda. FRONT ROW: Stephen Paino, Yung Chi Teng, Mario Da Costa, Mr F. Williams, Miguel Correia, Nicholas Galipo, Shikhar Thakur.
eteven samson BACK ROW: Daniel Gavin , Daniel Turco, Peter Connolly, Andrew Cummins, Justin Macarlino, Aaron Williams. MIDDLE ROW: Paul Mendes, Nicholas De'Ceglie, Beau Judge, Rhys Robinson, Fabio Ribeiro, James Eggleston, Shawn Lynch. FRONT ROW: John Pringle, Paul Johnston, Andrew Micenko, Mr G. Simpson, Terry Aguiar, Gian Jaramillo, Andreas Muliorahardjo . ABSENT: Rory O'Grady, Kieren Dadley.
Year 10
Year 10 in 2000 This year the year 10 group has been in the words of Mr Searle and I quote "the best year 10 class in my term of coordination". Some of the year 10 teachers agree. During the course of this year, the year 10's have been involved in many activities . Some ofthe main activities include the excursion to the Kwinana power station for the topic of physics in science and the Remembrance Day service. The excursion to Kwinana power station was the first main excursion the year 1O's went on. Although 10M didn't go because of the mathematics tests. During this excursion, we went on a tour of the plant, learnt how it works and also learnt some history of it. One of the main things we learnt was how the power is generated. The tour guide showed us the basic model on how it works. Another main feature of this year was the ESB exams. The students who participated presented some interesting material. At least 20 students got at least 1 distinction, while around 10 got distinctions in all 4 criteria. Another important event in which the year group participated was the Remembrance Day service at the army museum in Fremantle. A group of five year 10's, Robert Hobson,Peter Harvey, Adam Spashett, Lance Ward and Paul Ryan were involved in the organisation and the presentation of readings. I would like to thank Mr Searle for the major preparation work at the last minute. All the year 10's made an appearance, along , with other schools like Aquinas College, lona College, Hamilton Hill High and John Curtin High. This year for year 10 has been very good indeed. It has also been a very hard time for decision making for next year. All of us have to choose all our subjects for year 11 . This year has truly been one of the main crossroads of life. Adam Spashett 41
ten morgan
BACK ROW: Mark Winter, Christian Evas, Todd MacLou , Peter Walsh, Tomislav Ukalovic, David Donnelly, Thomas Bond , Alastair Crookes, Jacob Surjan. MIDDLE ROW: Bradley Vinci, Paul Ryan , Luke Musulin, Haydn Roberts, James Neri , Luke Howell, Shane Coyne, Daniel Geary, Joseph Clifford, Ryan Jermolajew, Ross Rowlands. FRONT ROW: Timothy Pearce, Robert Hobson, Ryan Threlfo, Benjamin Antony, Mr H. Clements-Shepherd, Mauricio Reyes, Harrison Ball, Joe Francisco,Cale McCulloch. ABSENT: Ryan Shand.
ten patrick BACK ROW: Kevin Shih , Peter Harvey, Joseph Eichorn , Nicholas Casey, Ben Harris, Miguel Pais, Matthew Bourke, Andrew Shepherd , Robert Binczyk, Lance Ward. MIDDLE ROW: Troy Morley, Trent Barrington , Kevin Pereira, Daniel Glaister, Chevy Atkins , Lynton Balia, Sarbaland Babakarkhil , Christian Salerno, Clynton Antonio , Patrick Davis, Fabio La Pegna . FRONT ROW: Rodrigo Quintanilla, Allan Quinney, Aidan Dreghorn , Cole Smith , Mr A. Murphy, Garry Burch , Cameron James, Daniel Roberts, Luke Moelands. 42
ten rlce BACK ROW: Joshua Flynn , Isaac Cook, Tevita Gukilau , John Galvin , Dean Burnby, Joshua Nicholson , Lewis Trotter, And rew Patterson . MIDDLE ROW: Callum McNeill , Justin Manganaro, Luke Burwood , Mitchell Rose, Jarrad Bradbury, Brenton Evans, Philip Bain, Peter Thompson, Shane Bell . FRONT ROW: Rafael Del Cid Aviles, Alcino Madeira , Toby Wright, Ross James, Ms S. Marchant, Alex Riemer, Michael Durkin, Eduardo Fernandes, David Newlan. ABSENT: Derek Douglas.
ten samson BACK ROW: Luke Koster, Craig Roberts , Ross Douglas, Ch ristopher Tomich, Philip Oates-Boardman , Peter Smedley, Adam Spashett, David Flint. MIDDLE ROW: Michael Holmes, Vincent Arwan , Jae Peterson , James Stallard , Nicholas Stingemore, Hasib Sidiqi , Jason Kenny, Franky Srinaga , Tristan Lavalette. FRONT ROW: Xavier Tuohey, Guy Tassone, Timothy Carcione, Mr E. Thompson , Rory Pettigrew, Ian Vaughan , Christopher Sanders. ABSENT: Murray Bembrick, Turei Haronga , Allan Saunders, Kieran Hoban. 43
Year 10 Very often perceived as the most challenging year group in a secondary school, Year Ten students frequently provide teachers and administrators with any number of dilemmas to sort out, sometimes on a daily basis! Too many adults, though, forget their own earlier experience of the difficulties facing students at this stage in their lives in making the complicated transition through adolescence to adulthood . Much has to be learned, or adapted to, expectations have to be accepted and met, while responsibilities begin to weigh down on young shoulders. At CBC this year the tens have shown themselves to be an exceptionally promising group of young men. The keyword to their successes has been, perhaps, co-operation which, in itself, is one of the first steps along the road to maturity and personal fulfillment. I am confident of their ability, both as a group and individually, to continue this line of positive development during the remainder of their time here at school. I take this opportunity to thank you all for a satisfying indeed rewarding time as Yearlevel co-ordinator - an experience I will always remember fondly.
- On The Road I Have TakenOn the road I have taken, one day, walking, I awaken, amazed to see where I have come, where I'm going, where I'm from . This is not the path I thought. This is not the path I sought. This is not the dream I bought, just a fever of fate I've caught. I'll change highways in a while, at the crossroads, one more mile. My path is lit by my own fire. I'm going only where I desire. On the road I have taken , one day, walking, I awaken . One day, walking , I awaken, on the road I have taken . Anonymous
Year 9
he year 2000 saw CBC's year nine students involved in two main school events. The first of these events was the annual year nine camp, which was held in term one week four. One hundred and seven boys, and eleven staff left school on the Tuesday morning, all very excited at what lay ahead . We travelled by bus down to Logue Brook Uust out of Harvey) where we would stay for the next four days.
viewing (supposedly) a movie, but as the movie ended, and the lights were turned on only 3 boys were actually awake. All the others had to be woken and sent to bed. The return bus trip to school the next day was a similar scene.
Prior to our arrival I don't think any of our boys realised just how demanding the camp was going to be, but it immediately became apparent to all the moment we arrived at the camp site. Whilst on camp boys worked in small groups, with many of the activities requiring them to work as a team, and just about all activities testing boys physically.
The other significant event for the year nine boys this year was dancing lessons which were held during term 2. Every Friday afternoon boys would be bused to lona, where they would be lead through approximately 1 hour of formal lessons by Gilkison's Dance Studio . Students, over the course of the term, were taught a combination of: Modern (SlOW Rhythm, Quick Step, Waltz); Latin American (Cha-cha-cha, Jive, Progressive Jive); Old Time (Barn Dance, Pride of Erin , Pat-a-cake Polka) as well as some Novelty Dances (Zorba, Hucklebuck, Mexican Shuffle).
The specific activities boys got to try whilst on camp were: Abseiling, Archery, Bush Hiking, Horse Riding , Skiing , Canoeing, Mountain Bike Riding , Orienteering, Ropes Courses, Marroning and Fishing. In the evening there were additional events such as a Para liturgy, Games night, Night Adventure and Videos.
Although during the first few weeks it was quite difficult to get boys and girls to socialise, and actually dance together (hand in hand), as the weeks went on both the boys and girls approached each lesson more favourably than the previous. The nine weeks of lessons concluded with a Social, where students could strut their newly acquired dance steps. I am sure this was enjoyed by all.
As the camp drew to a close it was obvious it had really taken its toll on our boys. An example of this was on the last night. A group of 67 students were
Mr Troy Foote
ntne morgan BACK ROW: Luke Dryland, Robert Evas, Blake Anthony, Brad Brennan-Drummond , Joshua Musto, James Shiosaki, Benjamin Mulvey, Paul Juricev, Christopher Marsh. MIDDLE ROW: Levon Kvas-Rothwell, Joshua Renner, Kale Fienberg, Sam Coates, Robbie O'Sullivan , Peter Evas, Eka Putra Kartawijaya, Mark Rieger, Matthew Hayto, Kyle Nunn, Brendan Pavich . FRONT ROW: Jake Da Silva, Jace Quarrill, Sione Tai, Adrian Rowlands, Mr M. Van Dongen , Rhys Spencer, Samuel Ambrogio, Simon Radi, Timothy McKenna . ABSENT: Peter Baskovich.
nine patrick BACK ROW: Gonzalo Angulo-Ortiz, Christian Liberatore, Leon Flynn , Jeremy Martin , Robert Head, Mathew Dawson , James Pica, Hajime Koike, Cameron Hardie. MIDDLE ROW: Christian Moelands, Joseph Giovannetti , Sadolo Soares, Anton Dopheide, Troy Burmas, Lorenzo Sigon, Mathew Symonds, Kayne Harlen, Shane Landers, James Nolan, James Vicarey. FRONT ROW: James Watson , John Reece, Joseph Paratore, Ruben Martins, Mr J. Purcell , Patrick Lindorff, Joong-Kyung Wang , Christopher McRobert, Daniel Bussanich. ABSENT: Ricardo Figueira , Tyrone Butt. 46
nLne rLCe BACK ROW: Timothy Kennelly, Tiho Matulj, Louis Talbot, Anthony Lazzarich , Michael Galvin, Michael Williams, Guy Parke, Nicholas Silich. MIDDLE ROW: Kevin Salim , David Calderon , Donovan De Souza, Kered Becker, Billy Moran , Jason Bourke, Harry Thompson , Owen Hoar, Daniel Harris. FRONT ROW: Kodey Southam , Adam Tripi , Jake Truscott, Kyle Southam , Mr M. Masterton , Ben Meenan , Robert Dose, Alex Filipovich , Rory Muco . ABSENT: Daniel Cull, Benjamin Fossilo, Matthew Cutts, Joshua Magee.
nLne samson BACK ROW: Alan Doig , Christopher Sebastian , Samuel Winfield , Tobin Winfield, Patrick Baker, Reece Renwick, Michael McCormick, James Bembrick, Benjamin Judge. MIDDLE ROW: Daniel Major, Timothy Nunn , Azriel Leers, Martin Kristianto, Ben Dryland , Laurence Simpkin , Martin Taylor, Alexander D'Cruz, Andrew Mews. FRONT ROW: Richard Partridge, Benjamin Sanders , Vincent Salim, Craig Pride, Mr G. Holtham , Pietro Catalano, Edward Micenko, Matthew Hull , Byron Vernon. ABSENT: Alexander Fossilo, Simon Undershultz, Edward Connolly, Jarrod Salmon . 47
Year 9 Cam On Monday 21 February there was a lot of excitement around the Year 9 corridors because we all knew that the next day was a very big day. We were all off to camp. It was now Tuesday. The buses were packed and so were we. We were off to Logue Brook Dam . Our bus ride was around 2 hours. We arrived at the campsite around 11.30am. The owner gave us a briefing and we were all assigned chalets that fit 10 people. The activities began after lunch . There were many to choose from. The ones we enjoyed most were biscuiting, abseiling, archery, mountain bike riding and marron fishing. We were forced to do early morning exercise some of us staggering out of the dorms half-asleep. We were not a pretty sight.
mischievous we were either fined $1 or at night we would have to stand on the basketball court for a while. I was caught stealing pillows so of course, I had to pay up. By the end of the week all the excitement of the Year 9's had gone because we were either tired or knew we had to go back to school. I think I speak for everyone when I say the camp was very enjoyable and I recommend all Year 8's to attend next year. On behalf of all the Year 9's, we would like to thank all the teachers for having to put up with us for a week and we would especially like to thank Mr Foote for organising everyth ing. THANKYOU. Christian Liberatore and Pietro Catalano
The teachers would patrol the chalet areas every night and if we were caught doing something
Year 9 Cam
Fresh Water Spray The engines on the boat roared and I was pulled away from the shore at great speed. Straight away the boat swerved and pulled me into its wash and I went up the wave and then down again. When we were at our furthest point away from the shore, the boat started going in circles while the fresh water spray flew straight into my laughing face. All of a sudden the boat cut into its own wash pulling me through the choppiest area. "SMACK". I flew into the air. Then again, but this time into a larger wave. I flew straight into the air and did a back flip. I held on as long as I could but then I was thrown into the water headfirst. Anton Dopheide 49
Year 8 Deep down in the forest, There is a rushing stream. Such a beautiful, breathtaking sight, ~ Has never before been seen .
....... ~
The crystal clear water, Flowing with the breeze. Moving slowly through the forest, Weaving through the trees .
The tranquillity of the forest , The birds singing away. The music of these woods, Are calling you to stay.
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But it is disappearing, This very special place. It was a place of harmony, Full of all its grace. The land in all its splendour, In this forest near the sea . With all of natures animals, Roaming wild and free.
Everything is peaceful , In this untouched land . From high above the tree tops, Right down to the sand .
The forest was all happy, Till the day machines arrived . And now our dying forest, Is fighting for its life.
The forest is calling out for help, But no one seems to hear, The plea that been called out to us, For many, many years. The first people of the world , Lived right off the land. If we could just do all the same, Then we'd give the world a hand. All of what I've just been saying, Just happens to be true. And the only one to save the forest, May be none other than you.
Year 8
Trials & Tributes
My name is Arran Canlcais. I am a new stu.dent in Year 8 at CBC Fremantle. After my first term I feel very relieved, very enthusiastic but also very proud. Some of the problems I have had are keeping my diary up to date and staying focused on all tasks I am given. I have dealt with these by writing positive notes to remember and disciplining myself to stay on track with all tasks given. The great things though are really great. It was easy to make friends and I have teachers that do not bore the pants off me. rv rv rv
My name is Dean G-ibb. I am a new stu.dent in Year 8 at CBC Fremantle. Some of the problems I've encountered are the amount of homework, the subject times and some subjects, but I dealt with these by making a set homework time each night to make it easy to finish it all. I study the harder subjects more to make it easier. The great things though are that I am able to continue my Italian and the chance to do hands on things like wood work and technical drawing. The teachers are great and only strict when they have to be. So I think CSC Fremantle is a great College full of great people. rv rv rv
Hello, my name is Evan Hu.rle. I am 13 years old and I am a new student at CBC Fremantle. After my first term here I am feeling quite good about myself. I have made lots of new friends and learnt a lot. Some of the problems I have had are finding the books for each period and remembering my locker number. I have dealt with these problems by being more organised. One of the great things in this College would have to be the library.
e[ght morgan BACK ROW: Marlon Ramirez, Luke Otwinowski , Frank Camarda , Alexander Blair-Jacobs, Warwick Goulson , Christopher Stone, Adrian Dujmovic, Robert Lowry. MIDDLE ROW: Bradley McLaughlin , Rory Koch-Callaghan, Brodie Dixon , Haemish Hallion, Terrence Wicks, Adrian Acquado, Gregory Beresi , Simon Dionisio, James Glendenning. FRONT ROW: Aaron Fleury, Kyle Shand, Shane Dean , Mr D. Masterson , Daniel Smith , Nicholas Tirli , Andrew Pearce. ABSENT: Matthew Dodd , Miguel De Guzman , Christopher Carcione.
e[ght patr[ck BACK ROW: Matthew Sweetman, Brock Dwyer, Paul Heath , Jonathan Gorham, Alexander Loxley, Justin Zanetic, Matthew Rowett, Manuel Moreira. MIDDLE ROW: Andrew Portelli, Tristan Merrick, Domenico Gargaro, Levi Atkins, Luke Paans, Timothy Staker-Gunn , Ryan Wight-Hales , James Nevill , Vincent Smythe. FRONT ROW: Jonathan Gianoli , Michael Collova , Paul Di Nunzio, Steven Campbell , Mrs A. Flexman, Drew James, Luke Valente, Raymond Shanks, Andrew Antonio.
eight rice BACK ROW: Aaron Galvin , Dean Gibb, Arron Canicais, Evan Hurle, Devon Bell, James Ellis, Robert Perroni, Kyle Small. MIDDLE ROW: Matthew Wilson , Thomas Francis, Ryan lee, Bradley Miles, Gaetano la Macchia, Karl Bodenstedt, Benjamin Vickridge , Damian Sabinasz, luke Manton . FRONT ROW: Michael dos Ramos, Cale Swift, Kale Gilbert, Ms N. Pearson, Cameron Etchells, Jason Beste, James Quan . ABSENT: Christopher Burton .
eight samson BACK ROW: Ferdinando Bianchini, Gareth lane, Aaron Cantle , David Calusinski, Daniel Jovevski , luke Gibson, Timothy Meager, Ian Dixey. MIDDLE ROW: Samuel Kelly, Craig Smith , Daniel Stephen , Paul Taylor, Markus Eichenberger, Ross Telfer, Mitchell lake, Tom Cullen , Thomas Kelly. FRONT ROW: Michael Mews, Aidan Freight, Kyle Brannan, Jason Phillips, Sam Benthien , Michael Draper, Jared Newhill, leon Yerkovich , Christopher Dawe. ABSENT: Mrs N. McCann . 52
Year 8 ((
Would you like to be the year eight co-ordinator for the year 20007" My first reaction was "What a ridiculous idea." However now almost a year down the track I would have to say I have changed my opinion on this question. As Year Eight Co-ordinator for the year 2000 I have found working with this particular group of boys most rewarding, challenging and on very few occasions frustrating . Right from the start of the year with Welcome Day and a memorable BBQ lunch and afternoon of beach activities this group was very co-operative. They quickly settled into secondary school life making the transition from primary school smoothly and with apparent ease. The boys soon adapted to the secondary school routine and began to take responsibility for their movement around the school and generally being organised for each day. The four year eight form teachers have had a large part to play in the day to day organisation and establishing a daily routine within their form classes. Over the year this group of students has enthusiastically taken part in a wide variety of activities, educational, cultural, sporting, leisure and civic. We pegan early in Term One with the Study Skills Programme introduced by Mr John Willetts, to get the boys on track. The programme was continued through form period by Ms Granich and followed in Term Two by one on Bullying . Currently a programme on Drug Awareness is being delivered to all year eight boys.
Successful excursions have been undertaken to Perth Zoo and to Various venues around Fremantle, including the Francis Burt Law centre and the Fremantle Prison as well as a little light leisure at Pot Black and Superbowl. We have had many sporting successes over the year in carnivals and team sports which are reported elsewhere in this annual. One of the highlights that involved all of the year eight boys in quite a rigorous programme of preparation, was the English Speaking Board Examinations in which the they participated enthusiastically and with pleasing results. In every situation where the year eight group has come in contact with members of the public or with organisers and guides at the various venues we have attended the reports on behaviour, manners and courtesy have been exemplary. Th is is one of the nicest and most rewarding features of being a year co-ordinator and for this I would like to thank the year eight boys and also their form teachers who have worked diligently with them this year. In addition I would like thank the year eight parents, with whom I have had to work on several occasions, for their support. Finally to the year eight boys I will say as you go into year nine in the year 2001 there will be changes and perhaps more or at least different expectations placed upon you . I feel confident that you will not disappoint yourself, your parents or your year coordinator. I wish you well for 2001 and the remaining years you have at CBC.
MrTom Rees
es & Contmunications
much of 2000, we in the Languages and Communications Department worked to improve our understanding and application of the Curriculum Framework to our classrooms. We also continued with the support teacher system for each class in the lower-school. Both efforts gave us great flexibility in our teaching and programming for students. Classroom programs are being designed to aid those students with particular needs. The support teacher arrangement continued to allow for the teachers to negotiate what best suited a class's needs.
Sometimes this meant that the support teacher would begin a unit of work for the whole class; at other times the class was separated into different groups whilst one of the teachers reviewed a particular concept with those who needed it. Another advantage was that students were exposed to different teaching styles. This was an interesting experience for the teachers involved, too; and the positive energy that results will probably be displayed in their own future teaching practices. Students continue to seek courses that are relevant to their career choices and
options. Whilst University entrance course remain popular, many students are looking towards employment and TAFE. and we have had a growth in the number of students choosing to do non-tertiary English courses. This year we had two classes enrolled in the Common Assessment Framework Senior English Course in Year 11 and one in Year 12. It appears now that an extra class in this subject will run in 2001.
SCHOOL VISITS Guest speakers were invited to classes in English , Literature and Senior English. Each of these speakers was worthwhile and well-received . The famous West Australian writer, Elizabeth Jolley, came and spoke to our Year Twelve Literature students in April. She thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of discussing her novel , The Well with the boys and felt that they had achieved a very good understanding of its themes and concerns.
YEAR TWELVE TEE PREPARATION VISIT TO CURTIN UNIVERSITY At the end of Term 2 the Year Twelve students attended the Curtin University English and Literature Seminar. They 54
experienced excellent lectures and materials to help them prepare for their TEE exams and were oriented to some aspects of tertiary life and study.
ENGLISH SPEAKING BOARD EXAMS During terms three and four, students from years eight and ten participated in English Speaking Board Examinations and this year the results were excellent. Students demonstrated that, given encouragement and the freedom to choose and speak on topics of real interest to them, they can be outstanding speakers and reveal sides to the their characters that were unknown to us before. The range of experience revealed by this activity was extraordinary and the boys enjoyed being able to display their skills to an .appreciative audience.
THEATRE The teachers involved in preparing for this activity did a very thorough job. Certainly, the response to their performances from the examiners was very positive and indicated that there is plenty of talent in this group of students. My thanks go to Mrs Holmes, Mr Searle, Mr Rees, Mr Purcell, Mr Masterson and Mrs McCann for their work in ensuring that the event ran smoothly and successfully. Year eight students experienced readers' theatre as part of their program. Earlier
Lan. this year the literature classes went to see Sean O'Casey's play Juno and the Paycock . They also saw a production of The Summer of the Seventeenth Doll at UWA. My thanks to Mr Purcell and Mr Rees for their encouragement of students in these undertakings.
STAFF This year's activities have been made possible by the hard work and dedication
es & COmrnUYllcatlOYlS
of several people working in the department. There were some staff changeovers during the year. Owing to Mr Stack's absence in the lead-up to the Olympics in term three, we were joined by Mrs Judith Holmes . Mrs Holmes stayed with us in term four because of the unexpected ill-health of Mr Declan Masterson . She was joined in managing his classes by Miss Elizabeth Andrews. Both ladies enjoyed the atmosphere that exists here at CBC. They expressed satisfaction with
their role in the school and enjoyed teamteaching the year eight class.
assessment methods fo r year nin e in 2001 .
Outside of the classroom , too , these people have been working hard to take a lead ing role in the changes that are coming in educational philosophy and technology. Staff have already done much work in this area and made themselves familiar through in-service work with the requirements. Our communal planning and implementation of Curriculum Framework programs for year eight classes this year was particularly successful and is being used as the basis for planning new programs and
I would therefore like to e xpres s my thanks for the generous spirit with which all of them have ap proache d the challenges of th is year and w ith which they continue to look forward to the future . I am sure that it will be a bri ght one because of their co ntinuing professionalism and en thusiasm .
Mr Brendan Mulvey - Head of Department
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Bravo Stefano! Congratulation~ to Stefano Santacaterina (Year 11) for being selected as a finalist in the Italian Speaking competition held recently.
The competition was part of the annual Italian Festival Week held in Perth and was sponsored by the Italo-Australian Welfare and Cultural Centre and the Italian Teachers' Association . The six finalists (three from Year 11 and three from Year 12) had to present their talks to a live audience at the WA Italian Club. It was really inspiring to hear how these young people had progressed with the Italian language . My thanks to Br Wedd and Br Murray for attending the evening to support Stefano even though they didn't understand the speeches. Mrs Nella McCann Language Department 56
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BC Fremantle has had a close relationship with Torei Gakuen Fujisawa High School since 1996. CBC and Torei Gakuen visit each other regularly and exchange cultures and friendships.
This year, a group of two teachers and fifteen boys from Torei Gakuen came to CBC from 21 s l March to 2 nd April. They participated in our classes to experience Australian school life and also had additional lessons to improve their English.
The group went on several excursions to places such as Perth City, Fremantle, Rottnest Island , Tumbulgum Farm and Marapana Wildlife Park.
All the students were billeted to host families related to CBC. The host families welcomed the Japanese boys with warm hospitality and gave them the opportunity to experience the Australian home life style. A very big thank you must be given to Mrs Akiko Danker for organising the exchange.
The following story is written by Yasuhito Kawanishi, one of the Japanese students who wrote about his visit:
I was very nervous and worried about the visit before coming to Australia, because this was my first trip overseas and first experience of home stay.
On the first day in Australia , I met my host family. When I said "How do you doT to them softly, they replied "Hello!" to me so cheerfully and shook hands with me! I was not nervous any more after that. They were very kind and pleasant. I had a wonderful stay with them and the time passed very quickly.
I got the impression that Australia is a marvellous country full of beautiful nature and the people here enjoy their lives very much. I learned from this trip that we understand each other through our hearts even if we are not able to communicate well through languages. I would like to thank everyone at CBC because I will not forget this experience for the rest of my life. 57
Nations Week MORE THAN
WAS A GREAT WAY TO CELEBRATE THIS RICH MIXTURE OF CULTURES. Organised by the Language Department, the aim of All Nations¡Week was to promote an awareness and appreciation of other cultures and languages. The Year 8 students made presentations to their classes discussing or demonstrating some aspect of their own cultural background. Many interesting talks were given and of course some wonderful food tasted . During the language lessons, some of the students watched foreign films . Quizzes were given daily in administration , maths and science periods. A Mass was held for the Year 8 students and kept to the theme of All Nations Week with Father Hughes speaking about the teachings of Jesus where He asks us to love our neighbour. During the prayers of the faithful, some of the students presented prayers in another language. One of the best ways of experiencing another culture is through the stomach and so in keeping with this idea the school canteen provided some wonderful culinary delights in honour of All Nations week. The language teachers also helped with this by selling wonderful European chocolates and sushi. Needless to say the boys indulged themselves and thoroughly enjoyed the change . The Year 8 and Year 9 students were able to experience the wonderful art of pasta making. Students were able to have hands on experience at making and most importantly, eating the pasta. There was a focus throughout the week on looking at how people from other cultures have contributed to the lifestyle we now lead. All in all a great week was enjoyed by all. Mrs Marianna Dimasi Languages Department 58
I nformatLon
he highlight of the year 2000 was not coming into the new millenium without bugs or glitches to our network but centred on educational excellence . Three accomplishments stood out:
This year is the third successive year that a CBC student has been awarded a Certificate of Excellence by the Curriculum Council of Western Australia for their work in Interactive Multimedia. Malcolm Rock was this years recipient and also was presented with an NEC lap top computer kindly donated by NEC in
Our team comprising Brendan Bulmer, Andrew Micenko (Year 11) Paul Ryan (Year 10) and Luke
& CommunLcatLon T echnoto
Dryland (Year 9) were State Winners in a web page competiton that attracted over nine hundred entries from around Australia.
Exclusive to CBC , was a one day staff workshop conducted by Dr Jearinette Voss, world famous author of the book "The Learning Revolution" and an internationally acclaimed educational motivator.
opportunity afforded to me by the CBC Board and Principal to take an extended study leave, point to the educational excellence that is part of the total CBC experience for both students and staff. Mr H.J. Clements-Shepherd - Head of Department
I was fortunate to be able to entice Dr Voss into agreeing to come to Western Australia and later (during my study leave in term four of 1999) to be able to visit and stay with her in San Diego, while completing contractual arrangements. Events such as these mentioned , as well as the
Left: Researching t he Fremantle Prison for the Webpage Competition. TO p: Year 8's in Computer Studies class. Above: Primary students visit eBC Fremantle 59
INSTEP 2000 3. THE PLACEMENT: THE JOB Student (ST): Do I have to ring the Employer? INSTEP Coordinator (IC): Yes! ST: What do I say? IC: Tell him/ her your name and ask him/her when he/she wants to interview you ST: What, another interview? More nerves, more panic. IC: Have you made the phone call yet? ST: No!
4. THE JOB ST: I don't like getting-up at 5.00am and being at work at 6.30am. Alii do is sweep the floor and make coffee for everyone. IC: Are you using your initiative? ST: I'm being overworked and I am not being paid. IC: Think of the experience you are getting!
1. THE INTERVIEW: HOW TO GET INTO THE INSTEP PROGRAMME. Resume, References, Folio , Awards, Certificates, Nerves, Prayers , What will I wear? Dad 's ties are antiques!
5. THE LOG BOOK ST: Keeping records of the tasks I have performed during the day, entering them into the Log Book and matching them to the Skills List, is the most exciting part of the job. I would rather dig-up potatoes!
Student: Did I get into the INSTEP Programme? I didn't ask any questions at the interview. Wait. Wait. Wait. I received a letter from the INSTEP Office -I'M IN! YEAH! Four days a week at school and one day a week in the Workforce.
IC: Have you achieved competent, in all the skills? What is your Skills List? ST: Plumbing . IC: Sorry, you cannot pass until you achieve competent, in all the skills on the Skills List for Plumbing . I recommend you talk to your trainer.
lNSTEP 2000 7. ASSESSMENT: THE PERFORMANCE PROFILE IC: Did you get an A , S, C or D? How many High , Very High , or Satisfactory, did you get? What! An unsatisfactory for organised? An untidy workbench , Daniel , this is not good!
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8. INSTEP PLUS IC: What are you doing at TAFE, Anthony? ST: On a Wednesday, I will be doing the Certificate of Hospitality and Tourism. It takes a full semester to achieve the Certificate. In the second semester, I will work with Star Travel putting into practice all that I have learnt at TAFE.
MUSLC CommLttee
t only seems like yesterday that I was preparing the report for 1999. How quickly this year has passed . A great deal has transpired since January 31 51 and I guess it's fair to say, despite the hard work, we have had a lot of fun along the way. The Music Department's year commenced early with a Jazz Orchestra performance in Kings Park for "Walk Against Want", and the demand for the band's services accelerated from there with a number of engagements throughout the year. Traditionally August - October are the busiest months on the music calendar. This year was no exception. Students from the Jazz Orchestra and or other
ensemble groups participated in over 23 separate performances during this short time . Such performances included: Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival, where, along with the Sax Ensemble, three students were also awarded honourable mentions for outstanding performance in their respective soloist categories. Star Search 2000, where the Jazz Orchestra won its category. York Jazz Festival, where the JO this year won first place for the second time in four years. Two JO performances for the Red Cross, two JO performances at Jazz Fremantle, an ensemble group formed to play for the Saint Patrick's production of "Joseph And His Technicolor Dream Coat", JO performances at Sorrento Quay Jazz Festival, JO performance in Forrest Place for Catholic Education Week, Silver Jubilee performance for the Arch Diocese of Perth at Sandalford Wineries, and the list goes on. The Music Parents Group hosted the annual Music Festival at the Fremantle Town hall on August 181h â&#x20AC;˘ This was a highly successful evening of entertainment, with an audience in excess of 200 people . The format this year was based largely on highly the
successful "Variety Performances", whereby it was necessary for the students to audition for a position on the programme. It was indeed pleasing to witness the level of willing participation among the students. With twenty-two acts officially on the programme, and a few unofficial performances as well , the audience was treated to a magnificent evening of entertainment. It has been said that this was the best Music Festival in the fifteenyear history of the event. I can vouch for eight of those years. Congratulations must go to all those students who have participated in the bands and ensembles this year representing their school with pride and professionalism.
This year the Jazz Orchestra will travel to Singapore. The Jazz Orchestra has not travelled beyond Australian shores for seven years and during this time the band has maintained it's position as one of Western Australia 's top rated school bands. It has completed several successful interstate and intrastate tours, won it's fair share of prestigious competitions, and more recently released its popular recording "Jazz Goes To College". We think it's time this orchestra once again represented CSC Fremantle internationally. This tour would follow in the footsteps of the very successful 1993 tour, however on this occasion it will be the eve of CSC Fremantle's centenary celebrations. The following members of the music program, having completed Yr 12, depart
Jazz orchestra Back Rq,w: Giam lJamarillo, Caslin Gabriels, !S>f'6id Foley, Duncan Rock, Robert Head, Peter Harvey, Craig Roberts, Brenton Bulmer, Andrew Micenko, Ben Dempsey. Front Row: Mr U Stengel, Patrick Davis, Adam Harvey, Adrian Pounder, Yuya Ueda, Stefano Santacaterina. I
this year, and we extend our best wishes to them for their future: Caslin Gabriels, Adam Harvey. Paolo Serafini , James Mulvey. The Music Parents Group expresses its sincere thanks to Mr Sandri and Mr Stengel for their tireless support of the Music Programme and our small group of parents. They have devoted countless hours, regularly out of school time, supporting the activities of the Jazz Orchestra and other ensembles. Also to Brother Wedd and the School Board our thanks for their support of our activities, in particular, the Singapore Tour. Mr Ross Wenn for assisting when needed and Mrs Fay Peterson for her continuing support. A very special thankyou to Adam Hall, who, as an Old Boy and former member of the band , has been an inspiration to the boys as relief bandmaster in Mr Stengel's absence during the first semester, for the numerous occasions he has helped out by participating in band performances.
In closing I especially wish to thank the members of the Music Committee, who have again this year, been a source of strength , inspiration and support. Often working behind the scenes, their contribution is invaluable to the success of so many projects. Executive Vice President Laurie Foley Secretary Maria Harvey Treasurer Sharon Micenko Committee Janice Pounder, Ian Pounder, Nancy Jaramillo, Mr. Sandro Sandri, Mr. Uwe Stengel. Mr Gerry Harvey President - Music Parents Group 63
~","<II:?- ;[~â&#x20AC;¢
GrULtar En.sembte ~
Back Row: Devon Bell, David Donnelly, Cameron Hardie, Vincent Salim. Seated: Rafael Del Cid, Bradley McLaughlin . Absent: Mr Kim Anning . If( j
Pipes and Drums Left to Right: Mason Lee, Joseph Giovannetti, Mrs J Corcoran, Ryan Lee, Duncan Rock.
I n.ter&
d[arre 13an.d ~~
Back Row: Brenton Bulmer, Da~id Foley, Daniel Harris, Robert Head, Mich ~I Dr.aper, Sam Winfield, Mr U Stengel. ) Front Row: Jason Phillips, Matthew Rowett, Mathew Symonds, Byron Vernon, Karl Bodenstedt, t~Wuya Ueda.
Sax:apl1one En5ems~e Left to Right: Patrick Davis, Adrian Pounder, YuYa Ueda, Stefa 0 Santacaterina .
Art pieces were produced as a result of these worthwhile excursions. The Year 11 students completed drawings of the school environment and various transport items including a motorbike. These sketches provided enough inspiration for some very successful analytical drawings and semiabstract compositions. The Year 10 students produced many fantastic artworks during the year including Mambo styled posters, CD covers,
etchings and paintings. The Year 9 students drew animals for their sculpture project, " mythical creatures". Other works produced included some collograph prints and landscape paintings. There is definitely a lot of artistic talent in this year group.
The Year 8 classes worked solidly in the areas of drawing, painting and sculpture. They produced some masks that were particularly successful.
the year began with the Year 12 excursion to the Fremantle Prison. The students explored the architectural structure of the prison and its contents and produced a number of successful drawings which were used as inspiration for the development of a book cover design based on the theme of Crime and Punishment. The Year 12 students also went to the Fremantle Fishing Harbour to complete a number of studies. From this visual inquiry, they were able to design a corporate image and promotional materials for a seafood restaurant. Some excellent studio 68
Many students from all year groups assisted in the production of five banners to commemorate Edmund Rice Feast Day. These banners were a meaningful and successful collaborative effort. This year CBC Fremantle was represented in the Angelico Art Exhibition during Term 3. It was run by
the Catholic Education Office and held in the foyer of the Bankwest Building. Dustin De Souza , Martin Nugruho, Ben Mulvey, Matthew Rowett and Drew James had work on display. The Bob Rose'Meyer Physical Education Centre Official Opening finished off the year on a high note reflecting the exceptional talent of CBC Fremantle students. Special thanks must go to the students for their work.
Ms Rita Basilio - Practical Arts Department Far Left: Self Portrait - Shane Bell Year 10. Middle: Self Portrait - Alex Riemer - Year 10. Above: Charcoal Fish Drawing - Dustin De Souza - Year 12
Mathematics De artmetlt The night consists of a series of puzzles on which students work with each other to solve. In March CSC was placed 20th out of 40 in the Lower Secondary and 32nd out of 38 in Upper Secondary.
dUring 2000 gifted Mathematics students took advantage of many opportunities to display their abilities.
The following is a list of representatives.
Austratiatl Mathematics Awards During August the Australian Mathematics Awards were held at the school. From Years 8 to 12 there were 175 students who sat for the test. There were some excellent results attained from the following students. This year CSC achieved its best ever results.
Mathematics Have Sum
Competitiorl Throughout the State the Mathematics Association runs a North and South of the River Mathematics Competition for Upper Secondary and Lower Secondary students.
Courses During the first and second terms, two Year 9 boys were invited to attend 12 weeks of Mathematics Enrichment at Curtin University. Anton Dopheide and Peter Catalano took part in the course and both showed enthusiasm for their work. Mr Tognolini Head of Department 69
SKIING Did you know that New Zealand had 24 hour coverage of their Olympic Bronze Medal win? I did , as did sixteen other CBC Fremantle students, Mr Barron, Mr Simpson and Mr Foote accompanied by his lovely wife Roslyn . 70
It was the first (and hopefully not the last) CBC Fremantle Ski Trip to New Zealand. There had been countless hours of organising this event and to everyone involved I thank you because it paid off. Everyone enjoyed themselves either by skiing, snowboarding or rolling down the slopes. After being blackmailed to attend school on Thursday, I rushed home threw some clothes into a suitcase, ate a big meal (because people tell me airline food is terrible) and drove to the airport. There I met and greeted my fellow travelling companions and farewelled my girlfriend and parents. Our journey was from Perth to Melbourne and from Melbourne to Christchurch, the largest city in New Zealand's southern island . We flew QANTAS and contrary to popular belief airline food is delicious so, don't always believe what you hear. It was on Friday (after a lengthy stop at customs because of a dodgy bag) that we checked into our first taste of New Zealand hospitality appropriately titled Abisko
Lodge. This cosy place was our home for two nights and Gavin and his wife were the couple who ran the lodge, did a wonderful job providing a lovely breakfast and dinner each day and they were very friendly as well. Now on to the skiing, the very thing that caused me to have many sleepless nights and pent up excitement. Our first day skiing was on Saturday 22 September and this is what happened ... The snow was angry that day my friends! The sky was mad and the wind was furious . While experts Mr Barron , Mr Simpson and Mr Greg Dowse waved goodbye to the beginners, the rest of us were left in the careful eye of Dave and his assistant. They took us through practice tests to decide who would ski on to become shadows lurking behind Mr Barron and Mr Simpson's every turn . Dave took on the more adventurous, dangerous and apparently more skilled skiers. Each day for three hours or so , Dave took Luke Collins, Gavin Carter, Rory O'Grady, Turei Haronga , Brad Brennan-Drummond ,
Junior and Ion the courses that Mt Hutt provided.
The day out in Christchurch on Thursday was welcomed by all who wished to rest and relax. When all the shopping and sightseeing was over we all again yearned for the snow.
Over the course of five-day successive days, our instructor Dave said that he had never before witnesses such rapid development and improvement by anyone Friday arrived and a quiet mood had settled over the group he had ever taught. On the basis of this he took us on the most difficult run the mountain could offer, a group. Today would be the day that we would fly out near vertical wall of ice and snow and there was only back to Perth, away from the snow. First we visited the one way to go, and that was down. So we did it, and did . Rakia Gorge where we were treated to a jet boat ride and beautiful scenery. We revisited Christchurch to it with style. savour the lasting memory of New Zealand before we Wednesday was our last day of skiing, sadly. However, flew out. Mr Barron decided it was best to serenade the mountain Perhaps it was weariness or over indulgence, but there with a jumping photo . While not everyone attempted the jump, the ones who did certainly have no brains and are was a solemn tone on the return trip to Perth. But, we all bound for glory. Ryan Hall was impressive with his Matrix knew that we would return one day to N~w Zealand. style jump, as was Cole with his bunny hop . Aaron Williams - Year 11 We were fortunate to have it snow in Methven (the name of the town) for the first time in a long time. It snowed nearly 50cm, which was the best snow for the season. Perfect to ski on and ideal for snowfights.
~~ ....~~
PractLcat Arts De artment V.ctical Arts has had a very industrious year with big classes in most areas and a lot of making and baking . We have this year the added tool of the Internet. Installed in most areas, twelve stations in the Technical Drawing room, one in the Art room and three in the Catering room. The students are starting to use this facility as an aid in their research of topics involved and by most accounts, students are getting used to this concept. We welcomed Mr Corley this year and his considerable experience at TAFE has been beneficial to the students. Ms Basilio also joined us this year. Her kind and positive attitude coupled with her enthusiasm has encouraged the boys to produce some very impressive pieces of artwork. Unfortunately she is leaving us and we wish her well in her new position. The teachers within the Practical Arts department are moving cautiously through the change in curriculum and are selecting the things that would benefit our students. In some cases, they have introduced those changes and re-evaluated the methods we are using. Hopefully these changes will improve the overall education of our students. Don McNamee Head of Department
Pract[cat Arts De artmen.t
Re[i ious Education
where the students are at and with the students' own experiences . We begin by looking at the potential for human beings and humanity before looking at the need for 'Christian Salvation' to fulfil this potential. In year 8 students look at the traditions of CBC Fremantle, Edmund Rice, the Church and the Bible.
In year 9 the emphasis is on some of the characteristics common to all individuals (their spiritual, intellectual, sexual and emotional sides).
In year 10 topics associated with conscience, justice, vocations and morality are studied.
the RE program at CBC follows the Perth Archd iocesan Religious Education Guidelines . The purpose of the RE program is to help students understand what Catholics believe and why. The teaching program for each module of work begins
Upper school studies in RE expand upon the concepts and ideas developed in the lower school program.
RETREATS he retreat program this year has t followed the same format as other years. With visits to Dadirri Biospiritual Centre and the Centre for Social Action, coupled with visits from the Disciples Youth Mission Team, Powerhouse and various relig ious the school has hopefully provided the students with a sense of something special that cannot be obtained in the classroom.
s Lenzo has again done a sterling job in providing significant and 74
meaningful liturgical experiences for the CBC community. From the opening mass through Ash Wednesday and Founders' Day to the Advent season there has been a celebration for every occasion. There was an attempt made in 2000 to increase the frequency of class Eucharistic celebrations, and this will continue into 2001. A big thank you to the Eucharistic Ministers Paul Serafini , Adam Harvey and Joel Fernandez for their work throughout the year.
s in previous years the opportunity for reconciliation was made available to all students and staff at CBC. The confirmation preparation program, retreat and ceremony were again well patronised; this year 15 CBC students received the third sacrament of initiation.
o Ms's Basilio, Cooper & Lenzo and Messrs Cole, Holtham, Purcell, Rose 'Meyer & Thompson and Brothers' Hackett & Murray thank you all for your efforts and contributions this year to the RE program.
tradition calls Jubilee "the repair of the world". The central spiritual theme of Jubilee 2000 is reconciliation. It is a time when we are supposed to acknowledge God as the source of our life and of everything in our lives . By combining these ideas in essence we are to repair the world by returning to our roots and reconciling ourselves to God. We have the choice whether or not to do this thanks to the gift of free will. It is important to realise that the path towards reconciliation with others includes reconciliation within our own families and reconciliation within the Church as well as reconciliation in the wider sense of mutual respect and love.
Mr Gerry Simpson Head of Department
t CBC it was decided that the path we would use to approach the year of Jubilee was the one that allowed ¡ us to journey with others. Using reconciliation and celebration as the main themes we set about continuing and improving upon strategies that were already prominent in the daily life of CBC. The activities centred on reconciliation , encouraging people to look at their relationships and to think more closely about social justice issues. Two ideas on Jubilee & Reconciliation by year 11 students (taken from essays written during the course of the year): Jubilee began as an Old Testament idea, and one Jewish 75 - -------- ~
SOCle IN UPPER SCHOOL, subjects such as Law and Politics and Legal Studies have become well established. Students have enjoyed visits to the Supreme Court, the Fremantle Magistrates Court, the Francis Burt Law Centre and Parliament House. They also had an opportunity to conduct mock trials dressed in period costume and legal paraphernalia. By all accounts, it was a great success. My thanks to Mr Gary Holtham and Mrs Jenny D'Ascanio for their efforts in organising and taking their students to these establishments. Excursions involve a lot of work before students can even begin to reap the benefit of such visits.
& the Envlronment
Year 12 Geography students also had two excursions. During Term 1 they visited a market garden at Baldivis to see how it operated and then in Term 3 they had a conducted tour of the City of Perth to see the different characteristics of the city.
CBC Fremantle, more opportunities will become available for students to see what Society and Environment is all about outside the classroom.
My THANKS IN LOWER SCHOOL, most of the Year 8 students had an opportunity to visit Samson Park to study the local native flora and fauna. With Curriculum framework being implemented here at
teachers in lower school in particular Mrs Marianna Dimasi and Mr Maurice Van Dongen for their efforts throughout the year. Also special thanks to Mrs Linda Gangemi for looking after my classes while I was away on long service leave. While I was away, Mrs Jenny D'Ascanio did a wonderful job as acting Head of Department.
A SPECIAL GEOGRAPHY students also had opportunities to learn their subject outside the classroom. Year 11 Students visited Point Peron in Term 1 to study the coastal environment and then had an opportunity to visit a Jarrah Forest ecosystem on a cold and wet day in Term 3.
MENTION to Mrs Annette Flexman who will be away on maternity leave next year. Mrs Flexman has been a wonderful asset to the Department and we here all wish her the very best in her new endeavours of motherhood.
Michael lalacci Head of Department
ScLen.ce De artmen.t
fun wlth SClence The following is an extract of a speech given by Year 10 student Paul Ryan at a Rotary Function, to thank them for financially supporting him and Robert Hobson to attend the Siemens Science Experience at University of Western Australia and Curtin University respectively Ladies and gentleman of Rotary. I would like to start by thanking you for a good experience, a chance to meet new friends and a taste of university science.
school when in fact it is just the beginning of a tertiary education. At the university, I realised there were more subjects and careers out there. I also realised a wide range of subjects should be chosen in year 10 to not limit my options later on. Thank you once again for a great time and a wonderful Science Experience. The three days at the University of Western Australia has enabled me to think about my future with greater clarity and encouraged me to put more effort into my school work over the next three years.
Most people believe that science is only physics , chemistry and biology. But science is much more. If you go back to the word 's Latin roots, science is "scientia" or knowledge. So science is knowledge, the knowledge to question , to ask why things are the way they are. By enabling me to attend the Siemens Science Experience you allowed me to increase my knowledge, and to realise that there is more to science than lab work. Over the three days I came to realise not all scientists wear white coats. A scientist's wardrobe may in fact include a diving suit and a sailing jacket. Each day we visited various science departments. During th is time we performed tasks such as extracting DNA and learnt how to test for CO 2 â&#x20AC;˘ The visit to the Science Experience was not just about science. There was the social aspect as well. It was a chance to meet new people , and to find out that there were other students who liked science. Before I went to the university, I thought I knew what I wanted to do after year 12. I thought I wanted to join the Royal Australian Navy. After going to the university I realised there were more opportunities that interested me. I also thought that year 12 was the end of secondary 77 --------I
Science De artment Year 8 and the CurrlcuJum Framework In the science department this year we have started to introduce Curriculum framework which will be compulsory in all schools in 2004. In Year 8 we have concentrated on teaching the boys skills so they can work and solve problems in a scientific way. In Term 1 they designed a shelter which could sustain life with no food or substances coming from the outside world Most boys demonstrated their understanding by making wonderful models of their shelters . In Term 2 the boys chose a member of their family or a friend, their "Chemical Freak" and kept a diary on all of the
chemicals that person used. The boys then went on to research these chemicals and inform and advise their chemical freak about the good or harm the chemicals can do. This term the boys have carried out a practical investigation into which microbes are around in our school environment by growing colonies of the microbes. After looking at their colonies some of the boys were not too keen on touching some of the bacteria hotspots! With this information they made recommendations to the College on how to keep the school clean. The Year 8 students have approached this new curriculum with enthusiasm and have improved not only their science skills but also those of research, problem solving, group work and use of computers.
Year 12 senlor SClence: Marlne Stuciles Year 8 students are not the only students making models . In Year 12 senior science, the students had to make a prototype of a marine product they could sell. Year 12 also did an extensive study in Term 3 of the water quality of the Swan River. They investigated how fertilisers and
salinity effect the growth of algae, and how algal blooms can form and cause river closure as they did at the beginning of the year. This project took up most of term 3 with water sample collection, research and giving the algae plenty of time to grow. The results were very good. The students found fertilisers really promoted algae growth but salinity really stopped it!
Staff News We said goodbye to Mrs. Leanne Davy this year. Leanne has made an outstanding contribution to our science department for 2 years. We wish her well on her maternity leave. Thank you to all science department teachers for their commitment, innovative ideas and hard work with the introduction of new curriculum. Congratulations to the following boys who successfully passed theirTL3 power
boating certificate: Daniel Massara, Paulo Rocha, Danilo LaPegna, Rodrigo Funes, Ryan Etchells, Jamie Kershaw, Bruno Pracas, Zane Reghenzani , Jacob Koch, Matthew Kelly, Simon Tranchita, Neil Tennant, Joseph Princi , Jason Notaro , Simon Cameron-Brown . Well done to Glenn Sheldon and Matthew De Brito for completing the practical component of the course.
Ms Sally Marchant Head of Department
SClence De artment
enior Science Year 12 2000 has been an enjoyable year. We have done many things such as the physics of sailing and a practical at South Perth Funcats. We went to Underwater World to study the marine life and Cicerellos to look at and feed the fish (from fish caught in the harbour). We got a chance to touch a Port Jackson Shark from the tank (as well as eating fish and chips),We visited the submarine at Fremantle and grew algae in water samples collected from the river to study the algal bloom problem in the swan river. It wasn 't all fun and easy learning. Part of the course is to study boating and we had to get our TL3 Powerboat licence. We learnt how to drive a dinghy and all about the equipment used for boating. We had to sink a boat and right it again . We also had to learn the theory about weather for safe boating and all about the safety markers and safe driving on the river.
On the way we had to make notes on what we observed in the environment such as safe markers, pollution and the effect these have on the environment. The weather on Saturday was pretty poor and that group got very wet and cold in the rough weather but on Sunday it was much better and we had a really good trip . Two good days were had by all. We worked well in groups and experienced the theory and used the skills we had spent so much time learning. The best bit was just cruising along as well as racing each other (until we got busted). Many thanks to Mr Masterton and the Marine Education Boatshed staff for taking us on this excursion.
Authors - Joe Princi, Glenn Sheldon , Zane Reghenzani, Jason Notaro
To demonstrate our new skills we went on a day excursion up the Swan river. Two groups went over Saturday and Sunday. We had to be at the Marine education Boatshed at 8.30 am on a weekend day! Using our navigation skills we located and reached different destinations up the river. This meant we had to use a compass and chart to fix our position on the river. We stopped twice during the day. Once at Chid ley point to get our bearings and the second to go to the Cafe and have lunch at Crawley Bay. We also had to use our knowledge of the rules of the river to safely make our way to each destination. 79
PE&5 art
his year has seen a huge change for the PE and Sport Department. The most visible and obvious was moving into the Bob Rose'Meyer Physicai Education Centre. The building is state of the art and will service the College for many years. It has been wonderful to see the students so enthusiastic about all the activities undertaken in the centre and to witness the pride they exude when talking to each other and other school students about their new gym. The most common comment I continually hear from visiting old boys is "I wish this was here when I went to school - it's unbelievable". Congratulations to Mr Rose'Meyer in having the building dedicated to his long and tireless contribution to CBC Fremantle.
Special thanks to Brother Wedd who has presided over the College during a remarkable period of transformation of the physical environment of the College. It has been almost completely renovated with the classrooms, offices and the building of the Physical Education Centre. The transformed College and particularly the PE department are indebted to your endless pushing and striving to attain the best facilities for our students. The year has seen the normal hectic planning, training and competing of
PE&S ort numerous sports in house and community competitions. On behalf of the students and parents I would like to thank all the staff who give of their time freely for our students in providing competitive and recreational opportunities. This informal environment remains one of the unique and positive aspects of CSC, one I hope will continue in the future. Lastly I would like to thank and congratulate our students who have strived and participated , at all levels in PE and sport this year. The willingness to "have a go" and growing respect and recogn ition from your peers is one of the most important aspects of the department and indeed sport in general. I hope this culture of a positive competitive environment will continue to grow and provide great memories for our students when they look back at their time at CSC Fremantle. Mr Ross Barron Head of Department
lrtterhouse SWLmrnL
he 2000 Swimming Season began at the world class Challenge Stadium venue for the CBC Fremantle House Swimming Carnival on 17 February. Students and Staff enjoyed a day packed full of cheering, record breaking achievements and friendly rivalry.
teachers vs old boys' race . The old boys' team of Glenn Nicholson , Matthew and John Neesham (all Australian Water Polo Squad Members) and Br Alan Wedd our Principal, cruised to an easy victory with the two staff teams fighting the students for minor places.
Our strong swimmers broke seven College records , four by Year 10 student Matthew Bourke . The overall committment and participation from students was of an extremely high level and each hard earned point contributed to the overall scores for each house.
Morgan was the day's clear overall winner with a lead over Patrick of nearly 600 points. Patrick, Rice and Samson Houses were only separated by 220 points.
The highlight for the afternoon was the lively students vs
Congratulations to all students who participated in both events. Hard work and participation made each Carnival a success. Thank you to Mr Craig Preshaw, the squad
coach . A fantastic effort. Mr Ross Barron Head of Department
ACC SWLmmLn. Carn.Lvat training, determination and hard work clinched a victory by the CBC swim team at the Interschool ACC Swimming Carnival in B Division at Beatty Park on March 8. The day included stunning results in the Year level relays , with three first and two third placings, a result which reflects the depth of swimmers in the squad . CBC Fremantle won the Overall Male and the Senior Male categories. A great result for our College. Get in training for 2001! Mr Ross Barron Head of Department
tea rn
Back Row: Michael Williams, Aaron Williams, Leigh Martin , Ben Caputi , Greg Dowse, Marcus Maher, Matthew Bourke , Lewis Trotter. Middle Row: Mr R Barron, Paul Johnston , Hohnathon Gorham , Nic Stingemore, Kieran Cranny, Matthew Dawson , Ryan O'Meara , Jason Bourke, Mr C Preshaw. Front Row: Anton Dopheide, Rory Koch-Callaghan , Warwick Coulson , Russell Bell , Shagun Thakur, Daniel Roberts , Owen Hoar, Paul Di Nunzio.
lnterhouse AthtetLcs CarnLvat there was perfect weather conditions for the Annual House Athletics Carnival held at Perry Lakes early in Term 3. The carnival ran smoothly with some excellent performances by students at all levels of the athletic spectrum. Once again, the staff relay was a disappointment with the teachers coming 3 rd in the traditional race. Br Wedd is looking at employing some speed in the future! Well done to all students for their participation and thanks to the staff who did a great job at each station .
Mr Ross Barron Head of Department
ACC Ath~et[cs Carrl[va~
the Associated & Catholic Colleges Athletics Carnival CBC Fremantle was elevated into A Grade competition in 2000 after our success in B Grade last year. After a wet day in 1999, we were blessed with fine sunny conditions for competition on Monday 18 September at Perry Lakes. We had some strong performances across the year levels, although a special mention should be made of two senior students. Eric Surjan and John Pringle led by example in all their events finishing with numerous first places. Eric was a chance of eclipsing John Bagley's (an Old Boy of CBC) long jump record from 1957 of 7m 5cm, but injured his back in his first jump and won the event but was unable to complete further jumps. The encouraging aspect of the carnival was the competitive performances by the students in the particularly strong A Grade level. Well done to the whole squad. A special thanks goes to Mrs Carter for the preparation of breakfast after early morning training sessions. Also thank you to Mr Cole, Mr Foote, Ms Marchant and Mr Preshaw for their time coaching the team. Mr Ross Barron Head of Department
Sacred Heart Newman Corpus Christi CSC Fremantle All Saints John XXIII Mater Dei
SENIOR BOYS 388 352 345
330 326 299 292
Sacred Heart Corpus Christi Mater Dei All Saints Newman CBC Fremantle John XXIII
415 354 351 348 317
296 289
Sacred Heart Corpus Cbristi All Saints Newman Mater Dei CBC Fremantle John XXIII
776 699 674 669 641
626 588 85
u[t Cu
iI I
After a very solid season of Quit Cup football last year, the CBC Fremantle team set about replicating similar success in, the now "Smarter Than Smoking Cup (STSC)", 2000 competition. As was the case last year we found ourself in the "Graham Farmer" division of the STSC. The STSC is comprised of two parts. Firstly, a series of round robin fixtures between schools in the local region - who are in the same division. CBC is in the South West region, but despite last year this region fielding five other schools, this year only sees two other schools Hamilton High (last years Graham Farmer division winners) and Willetton High School. Having only three teams competing saw the unfortunate situation of each team having to have a bye every second week. The end result of this was that only four matches were played to determine our regional champions. [That honour going to Willetton High School with four wins out of four]. This years CBC team, which comprised of students from years 9 to 12, was well lead by its three most senior players from last year: Jason Burton, Marcus Maher, and Andrew Oreb. The results of each match are below: Match Match Match Match
1 2
3 4
Willetton 8-4 (52) def CBC 1-1 (7) CBC 6-6 (42) def Hamilton 2-4 (16) Willetton 5-7 (37) def CBC 3-5 (23) CBC def Hamilton Forfeit
When we arrived at Hamilton Hill's ground for our last fixture Hamilton Hill could not field a full side. However, rather than leave without playing a game we gave them a few players, formed two teams, and we all proceeded to play in what was one of the best matches of the season. The game was played in high spirits and typified what the STSC was all about. .. a bunch of young men enjoying a game of football. Special congratulations to Marcus Maher (Yr 12) who was selected in this year's STSC All Stars Team . Thanks must go to all the students who helped out with goal umpiring, running boundary and running water as well as the parents and extended CBC supporters who assisted and encouraged the boys at the matches. Thanks must also go to the manager and assistant coach of the side Mr Ross Wenn. 86
Back Row: Bosko Kalat, Beau Judge, Marcus Maher, Rhys Robinson, Daniel Turco, Stephen Pratt, Peter Walsh. Middle Row: Russell Bell, Jacob Koch, Craig Roberts, Mr Ross Wenn, Peter Oliver, Geordie Thuijs, Simon Cameron-Brown . Front Row: Paul Johnston, Leigh Martin, Andrew Oreb, Mr Troy Foote (Coach), Jason Burton, Kieran Cranny, Ross Rowlands. Kneeling: Jacob Surjan, Ryan O'Meara, Evan Bowater, Ryan Hall.
Finally to th is years year 12 boys, thankyou for your contributions this year and best wishes for your football futures . I look forward to seeing you back in the years to come as members of the college old boy's team. Mr Troy Foote Coach
channet 7 Cu C BC could not have had a better start to the 2000 football season in the Channel Seven Cup competition . The first fixtured game was against local rivals, Hamilton Hill Senior High School, who had knocked CBC out of the 1999 Channel Seven Cup competition in a pool final . This game was not only a matter of a score to settle between schools. With the competition involving both year eight and nine students , some of the year nine members were year eight members last year and for them , the score was more personal. The game was played hard and these year nine students set a
courageous example to follow and led the team to a very sweet victory. Confidence was high as the team approached the next game against Lakelands Senior High School. This team, however, appeared to be big, very big, it was hard to believe that they were in year nine . A few enquires revealed that they were older than the competition permitted. Lakelands, even though given opportunity early in the game, failed to remove the players. CBC continued to play the game but struggled to overcome
the unfair advantage and were defeated but by a respectable margin considering. The result was later over turned due to the clear breach of rules by Lakelands SHS. After easily defeating Seton Catholic College in the third game, CBC finished first on the local pool ladder. This earned us a bye while the alternate second and third of the two pools in the South Fremantle region played each other in the first round of knockout style finals . Seton Catholic College survived this to play us again, but this time they were more determined and confident. A close first half meant that our boys had to find something extra, which they did. They dominated the second half to clinch another convincing victory. The South Fremantle metropolitan regional final was upon us and a win would mean a country match and a day off school. CBC was up against a strong Kelmscott Senior High School but we had an impressive run in the first quarter, which put CBC in front. Unfortunately the lead was short lived and Kelmscott were too good on the day and the boys were facing a full week of school. Thanks must go to the boys for their commitment to training, the parents for their support at the games, Andrew Oreb and Mr Ross Wenn for their assistance in coaching and managing the team . Mr Andrew Murphy Coach
Back Row: Harry Thompson , Alex Blair-Jacobs, Brad Brennan-Drummond, Michael Galvin , Jonathon Gorham, Luke Givson, Billy Moran . Middle Row: Andrew Oreb (Assistant Coach) Bradley McLaughlin , Patrick Lindorff, Ben Meenan , Ben Judge, James Nolan , Rory Koch-Callaghan , Mr Ross Wenn (Manager) . Front Row: James Vicary Robbie O'Sullivan , Timothy Kennelly, Mr Andrew Murphy (Coach), Jake Truscott, Mitchell Lake, Michael Draper. 87
Unlon A
fter looking at the displays of historical pictures in the library, it was discovered that rugby union was played by CBC way back in the fifties. The tradition continues. This year we fielded four teams with different levels of success. The First XV mainly Yr 11 's had a rather fragmented season with injuries hampering us on many occasions and we lost more than we won. The Yr 1O's lost only one game during the season and went on to beat that team 13: 12 in the grand final.
Back Row: Paul Taylor, Paul Heath, Gareth Lane, Warwick Goulson. Middle Row: Nicholas Tirli, James Quan, Mr Don McNamee, Daniel Smith, Jason Beste. Front Row: Ryan Lee, Christopher Stone, Luke Manton, Kyle Brannan. Absent: Mrs Nella McCann (Manager)
The Yr 9 team lost only one game during the home and away season but lost narrowly to All Saints College 10:7 in the semi-final. The Yr 8's played a very good season and finished second in their competition. Many thanks to all the coaches, managers, bus drivers and supporters who made this successful season possible with CBC winning the champion school within the combined high schools competition forthe second successive year. Last but not least, the players themselves who always conducted themselves well and played in a sportsman like manner. Don McNamee Rugby Coordinator
Back Row: Lason Bourke, Brad Brennan-Drummond, Michael Galvin, Robert Head, Luke Dryland, Mr Michael Masterton (Manager). Middle Row: Jace Quarrill, Timothy Nunn, James Bembrick, Kyle Nunn, Shane Landers, Matthew Hull. Front Row: Levon Kvas-Rothwell.
Back Row: Ross Douglas, Peter Walsh , John Galvin, Thomas Bond , Robert Head, Christopher Tomich, Andrew Shepherd. Middle Row: David Flint, Ryan Jermolajew, Luke Koster, Ms Adelle Nsair (Manager) , Ben Harris, Matthew Burke, Jason Bourke . Front Row: Levon Kvas-Rothwell , Ross James, Matthew Dawson , Toby Wright, Michael Durkin .
Back Row: Justin Macarlino, Peter Oliver, Bruno Aboim , Benjamin Dempsey, Gegory Dowse, Wayne Eans, Andrew Bass, Andrew Sheperd. Middle Row: Evan Bowater, Ben Harris, Greg Day, Ms Glynnis O'Neill (Manager) , Andrew Karumbi, Aaron Williams, Luke Koster, Matthew Bourke. Front Row: Ross James, Jason Bourke, Gavin Carter, Esa Mamesah , Nicholas Galipo, Matthew Dawson , David Flint. 89
unior Soccer t
!. '
his year the CBC junior soccer team had its best year ever in reaching the second phase of competition for the first time . The first training session was mayhem however some players showed a lot of talent while others showed plenty of spirit and enthusiasm . We were drawn away in our first game to none other than the John Curtin girl's team . The boys showed a lot of guts in losing 4-1 however the girls were subsequently disqualified for fielding a number of senior players. Our second game saw us travel to Melville SHS and at half time behind 3O. Switching Lorenzo Sigon to a centre forward role in the second half was the catalyst for a memorable comeback and our boys almost stole the game in the last minute when Lorenzo crashed a volley against the woodwork. The game ended in a draw and really boosted the team's spirit for the next games. There was no stopping us now and with the home ground advantage we crushed Warnbro and Kolbe 5-1 and 5-2 respectively. Both wins were inspired by players such as our captain Joe Paratore, Lorenzo Sigon, Ricardo Figueria, Marlon Ramirez and James Glendenning. We were through to the knockout phase, however a tough fixture against Forrestfield SHS (last year's finalists) loomed. We lost some important players through injury and on the day were soundly beaten 51 by a very good Forrestfield team. 90
Back Row: Mr Eoin Thompson (Coach), Joseph Paratore, Samuel Ambrogio, James Pica, Lorenzo Sigon, Christopher Sebastion, Shane Landers, Marlon Ramirez. Front Row: Ruben Martins, Christian Liberatore, Alex Filipovich, Karl Bodensteot, James Glendenning, Ben Meenan, Domenico Gargaro.
Throughout all the games the boys played with courage and tenacity. Their pride in their school was on display for all to see and every so often the voice of our captain could be heard shouting, "Come on CBC". The College can look forward to a
bright future in soccer judging by the ability of the junior team. Mr Eoin Thompson Coach
SenLor Soccer t
he senior soccer team had a modest season this year. With only one win under our belt, it is hard to boast great achievements. However, given the quality of our opposition (John Curtin , South Fremantle, Seton College) I believe we played above our ability to get close results on a couple of occasions. I was particularly impressed with Liam Darby who always gave a good account of himself and Nelson Serrao, the tireless utility player who shone in defence , midfield and even in the forward line - all in one game! Thanks also to Greg Day who stabilised the defence and helped with the training. A big thankyou and farewell to all the year 12 students who participated in the senior team. They stuck together through hard times and set a good example for the upand-coming players. Notable new players were Peter Harvey (always uncompromising in defence) and Fabio La Pegna - who created potential scoring chances with his crosses. I am also looking forward to next year. Now that the gym is in operation, we can train well before the start of the season rain or shine.
Back Row: Mr John Hortense, Peter Harvey, Luca Lucioli, Dustin De Sousa, Gregory Day, Tomislav Uklovich , Joel Woolerston , Glenn Sheldon, Paulo Rocha, Fabio La Pegna, Simon Tranchita. Front Row: John Giovannetti, Daniel Massara, Nelson Serrao, Joe Princi, Liam Darby (Captain), Danilo La Pegna , Adam Harvey. competition has proven to be immensely popular among students and staff.
In fact , the gym has added a new dimension to students' interest in soccer. .. ... Indoor Soccer Competition
18 teams started the competition, and with names such as The Wog Boys, The J is silent and Multicultural Mongrels, students got involved with great enthusiasm and in the right spirit.
Already in full swing at the time this article is being written , the indoor soccer
Teams to watch out for are Imparla, FC Hina and the only year 8 team to make it
to the second round, the All Stars and hum hum of course, let's not forget the staff team who always manage a good game despite (or perhaps because of) dubious referee decisions! I am predicting a final between Imparla and the staff team . No matter who wins , I'd like to thank all the players who took part in the competition . Their participation
has prompted a fund raising scheme to increase our gym equipment, which would in turn be beneficial to all gym users. See you again next year for another indoor comp! Mr. Hortense Coach
TennlS during Term 1 CBC Fremantle was involved in a State Interschool Competition run by School Sport. CBC entered two teams; a Murcell Shield team of Upper school students and the Herbert Edwards Cup of Lower school students. The Murcell Shield team performed very well in defeating the previous year's runnerup team Craigie High School 4 rubbers to 2. The next round CBC lost to the eventual winners Applecross in a tough affair. The Herbert Edwards Cup team were outstanding in defeating Kent Street 5/1 and John Forrest 6/0 before losing the final 4/2 to Warwick High School in a very hard fought match. Murcell Shield Team: Shikar Thakur (11), Adam Waddell (11), Sebastian Della Maddalena (11), Tomislav Ukalovic (10). Herbert Edwards Cup: Tiho Matuly (9), Anton Dopheide (9), Jonathon Gorham (8), Drew James (8).
( AEi V E) Left to Right: Johnathon GO~, An o~heide, Drew James, Mr Barry Tognolini :-'Ab'sent: Tihe Matulj.
(~ \
"\-('RIGH1F:\, ~~' 1 ~
Back Row: Sebastion Della Madellena, Tomislav Ukalovic, Mr Barry Tognolini. Stephen Neri, Shikhar Thakur, Adam Waddell. 92
Cricket A t our first training session this year we had 20 students turning out. This group later increased to 25. There was great potential there if we were to judge from reports of the great achievements on the weekends in the local Club Cricket. I anticipated having a really great season . Many were eager to come for training some even twice a week on Wednesdays and Thursdays . The enthusiasm was certainly present as was the expectation to excel in batting and fielding.
Back Row: Stephen Munutillo, Beau Judge, Marcus Maher, Gregory Dowse, Ryan O'Meara, Simon Cameron-Brown. Front Row: Shikhar Thakur, Leigh Martin , Andrew Oreb, Rhys Robinson , Evan Bowater.
Our first game was against Hamilton High on the Fremantle Oval. We were all bowled out for 94 runs in the 27th over. Top scorer was Leigh Martin (23) followed by Paul Serafini (14) and Ryan O'Meara (13) . Hamilton High scored these runs with relative east and achieved a total of 97 runs for the loss of 4 wickets with 15 overs. Unfortunately our bowlers did not live up to their expectations: too short and too wide . There were no awards for fielding. ONE down. Our second game was against Leeming. This time our "batsmen" struggled to reach 69 runs for the fall of 9 wickets from our allotted 25 overs. Top scorer was Marcus l:;;o...;i.!Ii.!ii.:I~~ Maher (24) followed by Simon Cameron- on the field and brought up his Century in Brown (15). Once again our bowlers met quick time. Melville amassed a total of 188 with little success. Leeming scored the runs off their allotted 25 overs. The innings required 70 runs without any loss of was marked by a number (a minimum of 10) of dropped catches - simple "dollies". wickets within 10.2 overs. TWO down . However, Rhys Robinson snapped up Our third game was against Melville . three good catches behind the stumps, while Tim Cumming took a screamer on Opening for Melville was our own Ben Mears (last years Year 11). Well , Ben the boundary. Captain And rew tried 9 bowlers w ith lim ited success . Andrew thrashed our bowlers to every direction
mentioned that 188 was an easy total to achieve and we'd have no problems. Well , CBC went in to bat and was skittled out for the sum total of 42 runs . Equal top scorers were Andrew Oreb (14) and Extras (14). Three Down. Despite three disastrous results , the games were played in good spirit and the boys showed themselves to be good losers. I still hear of the wonderful deeds
on the weekends. I've not witnessed any of these yet. No doubt there is some latent talent - hidden in the deep, dark and mysterious recesses of the su bconscious. Great promises for the next season. Wait and see! In the mean time manager Ross Barron has dumped Coach Bob Rose'Meyer. Mr Ross Barron Manager 93
SURFING REPRESENTATIVES Right: Tevita Gukilau, Ross James. Right Top: Ross James riding a wave. Right Below: Tevita Gukilau shows his style.
each year, Term 2 and 3 signal the return of winter, and also the return of swell to Perth beaches. CSC Fremantle sent a junior team to the interschool surfing competition at Trigg beach, and easily won the division. This win led us to the state finals round a few weeks later. Full of confidence we entered the water aiming for a spot in the finals. However, fate stepped in and a very technical interference call against one of our surfers sounded the loss of one waves score, thus leaving CSC in second place - and only 94
first from each heat goes to the final. Congratulations to Tevita Gukilau and Ross James for competing so well in both competitions . An extra congratulations to Tevita who several weeks later won the State "All Star" Competition. Mr Craig Preshaw Coach
Water Poto 2000
saw a change to the water polo interschool format. Instead of a week to week competition , a lightning carnival format was trialed. This meant playing three twenty-five minute games within a three hour period . After two wins and one loss , CBC Fremantle was ranked third out of seven boys teams. The afternoon brought about the finals and eBC was drawn against John XXIII to defend our 3rd place ranking. A hard fought game ended in a six all final score. With the additional three minutes "sudden death" extra time , it took less than a minute for John XXIII to score what was the winning goal. The result meant that we were relegated to fourth place at the end of the day. Well done to all the boys who played so hard for so long . Mr Craig Pres haw Coach
Back Row: John Sibon , Kieran Cranny, Paul Johnston , David Flint, Peter Oliver, Matthew Bourke, Greg Dowse, Nick Stingemore. Front Row: Evan Bowater, Murray Bembrick, Gavin Carter, Ben Antony. 95 ---------
unLor 13asketba[[ Matthew l-tayto sinks
five big ones in a historicat win!
he highlight of the High School Classic Basketball season was our first game in the new Physical Education Centre. Matthew Hayto (9M) brilliantly scored five 3 pointers in his personal contribution of 38 points in our 54 - 29 defeat of Sciuth Fremantle Senior High School. In a short season, we had wins against Kolbe College and South Fremantle but were unsuccessful against Rockingham Senior High School and Seton College. Our efforts were very competitive and this augurs well for next year.
Congratulations to Ryan Wight-Hales who was selected in the combined All Stars Team as a result of his consistent performances. Other players who contributed to the team included Justin Zanetic (8P) , Anthony Lazzarich (9R) , Adrian Dujmovic (8M) and Alex Filipovich (8R) . Special thanks to Year 12 Students: Zerubabel Yesus, Paul Serafini and Daniel Goncalves who assisted with coaching . Mr Chris Cole Team Manager 96
Back Row: Zerubabel Yesus (Coach), Anthony Lazzarich , David Calusinski, Daniel Goncalves (Assistant Coach), Mr Chris Cole (Manager) . Front Row: Adrian Dujmovic, Matthew Hayto, Ryan Wight-Hales, Justin Zanetic. Absent: Alexander Filipovich, David Calderon .
SenLor Basketbatt ,
I were to use one word to describe this year's senior basketball team it would be "entertaining." After a preseason build up of about three 20 minute training sessions which were attended by about 40% of our squad our team was thrown into our first competition game against Warn bro. The long bus ride to our first game proved very entertaining as egos flared and stories of outstanding personal accomplishments were told as we all spoke of how badly we were going to "beat the living #%$?" out of our opposition. I watched in awe as an excited Paul Serafini tried to explain game plans to a bunch of know it all "young Michael Jordans" (with Rodney constantly interrupting with his "expertise"). But alas, all the ego expansion and perhaps misguided confidence were all squashed when we found ourselves in a tough battle with the team we were supposed to murder. But, in true cinematic style , after some inspirational words from Mr Foote (come on boys, 'ave a go son , was probably the extent of it) we managed to pull away and get a good win. (Of course on the way back to school we spoke of how well we all played and who scored the most points.) The following games were conducted in a similar manner with results ranging from severe defeats to some really ' good wins. Our fragile egos were able to survive some severe beatings at the hands of Rockingham and South Fremantle and were also able to flourish after a big win over Kolbe. In the end our season was cut short at the hands of some school that I have never heard of before and can 't remember the name of. There is hope for the future with all-star selections to current year elevens Bruno Aboim and myself and impressive performances by Fabio Ribeirio and Rodney Encarnacao. I'm looking forward to another entertaining season next year with hopefully a better result to back up all the talk
Back Row: Zerubabel Yesus, Paul Serafini, Mr Gerry Simpson (Coach), Luca Lucioli , Rodney Encarnacao. Front Row: Daniel Goncalves, Fabio Ribeiro, Bruno Abohim , Duncan Rock. we do. I hope that, with the completion of the new gymnasium , people will show much more support for basketball than they have in previous
years (everybody, get those banners drawn up and start making up some chants.) Duncan Rock 97
chess t
his year CBC Fremantle had a small but dedicated group of chess players. The shortened lunch break made practice difficult and times and the distance to schools such as Guildford Grammar School and Mazenod College meant that often players were spending more time travelling to a venue than actually playing the game. However, Andrew Micenko (Team Captain), Paul Ryan , Robert Burbzinski and Aaron Fleury all had opportunities to represent the College and did so very well at all times. They were dependable players who would often put their chess playing ahead of other activities. Unfortunately, CBC did not make the finals this year. However, the players all enjoyed the games they did play and on occasions played some very strong chess against older and more experienced opponents. They were very loyal and keen in their endeavours. Their only regret was probably that there were not enough games in the season. Nevertheless, I am sure that they look forward to next year's chess competition to pick up and go on from where they ended this year. Mr Brendan Mulvey
Back Row: Paul Ryan, Mr Brendan Mulvey, Andrew Micenko. Front Row: Aaron Fleury, Jason Phillips. Absent: Robert Burbryski.
Back Row: Alex D'Cruz, Anton Dopheide, Devon Bell , Michael Williams, Michael McCormick, Owen Hoar, Rhys Spencer. Front Row: Christian Moelands, Samuel Winfield , James Vicary, Mr Ross Barron , Matthew Rowett, Edward Micenko, Patrick Lindorff. 99
- - - - - -=- -
Back Row: Mr Eoin Thompson, Jason Kenny, Evan Bowater, Paul Mendes, Zeljko Kljajic, Adam Jeffrey, Sam Winfield, Andreas Muliorahardjo, Mr Decian Masterson. Front Row: Yung Chi Teng, Harry Thompson, Tim Kennelly, Frank Camarda, Jake Truscott, Brock Dwyer, Chris Sanders. 100
Standing: Mr Troy Foote, Mr Ross Barron , Shawn Lynch , Mr Craig Preshaw, Yuya Ueda, Mr Gerry Simpson , Mr Andrew Murphy. Seated: Jason Bourke, Robbie O'Sullivan . 101
Confirnlation Candidates
Back Row: Ms Rose Lenzo, Leon Yerkovich , Alexander D'Cruz, Robert Lowry, Justin Manganaro, Gavin Carter, Troy Burmas, Adrian Dujmovic, Michael Collova, Mr Gerry Simpson. Front Row: Drew James, Simon Dionisio, Michael dos Ramos, Cale Swift, Luke Valente, Adrian Acquado, Aaron Galvin , Jason Phillips. 102
Back Row: John Giovannetti , Ben Cameron , Greg Pride, Joel Woolerson, Cail Griffiths, Joel Fernandez. Front Row: Tony Law, Shagun Thakur, Mr Joe Purcell , Ashley Verinder, Jason Notaro . 103
Student Rott Catt ABOIM, Bruno ACQUADO, Adrian AGUIAR, Terry AMBROGIO, Samuel ANGU LO-ORTIZ, Gonzalo ANTHONY, Blake ANTON IO, Andrew ANTONIO, Clynton ANTONY, Benjamin ARWAN, Vincent ATKINS, Chevy ATKINS, Levi BABAKARKHIL, Sarbaland BACKSHELL, Brian BAIN, Philip BAKER, Patrick BAllA, Lynton BALL, Harrison BARRINGTON , Trent BASKOVICH, Peter BASS, Andrew BECKER, Kered BELL, Devon BELL, Russell BELL, Shane BEMBRICK, James BEMBRICK, Murray BENTHIEN, Sam BERESI, Gregory BESTE, Jason BIANCHINI, Ferdinando BINCZYK, Robert BLAIR-JACOBS, Alexander BODENSTEDT, Karl BOND, Thomas BOURKE, Jason BOURKE, Matthew BOWATER, Evan BRADBURY, Jarrad BRANNAN, Kyle BRENNAN-DRUMMOND, Brad BULMER, Brenton BURCH, Garry BURMAS, Troy BURNBY, Dean BURTON, Christopher
BURTON, Jason DAWE, Christopher BURWOOD , Luke DAWSON, Mathew BUSSANICH , Daniel DAY, Gregory BUTT, Tyrone D'CRUZ, Alexander DE BRITO , Mathew '" CALDERON, David CALUSINSKI , David DE GUZMAN-:-MiguelCAMARDA, Frank DE JONG, Adam' CAMERON , Benjamin de SOUZA, Donovan CAMERON-BROWN, Simon DE SOUZA, Dus in CAMPBELL, Steven DEAN, Shane CANICAIS, Arron ISlEANE, Stephen CANTLE , Aaron , DE'CEGLlE, Nicholas CAPPELLUTI, Nicholas DEL G;ID AVILES , Rafael DELLA MADDALENA, Sebastian CAPUTI, Ben CARCIONE , Christopher DEMF!SEY; Benjamin CARCIONE, Timothy DI NUNZIO, Raul CARTER, Gavin DIONISIO, Simon CARVALHO, Duane DIXEY, Ian CASEY, Nicholas DIXON, Brodi~ CATALANO, Pietro DODD , Matthe,w DOIG, Alan CHONG, Johnathon CHOW, Cheuk Yu DONNELLY, David CLIFFORD, Joseph DOPHEIDE, Anton COATES, Sam dos RAMOS, Michael COCKRAM, Luke DOSE, Robert COLLINS, Luke DOUGLAS, Derek COLLOVA, Michael DOUGLAS, Kris CONNOLLY, Edward DOt,JGt AS, Ross CONNOLLY, Peter . DOWSE, Greg ry COOK, Isaac DRAPER, MiCHael CORREIA, Jesse REGJ:!Oy(I)I, Aidan CORREIA, Miguel DRYLA~D , Ben COYNE, Shane DRYLAND, Luke CRANNY, Kieran DUJMOVIC, Adrian CROOKES, Alastair/ \ DUJMOVIC, Luke GIBSON, LUke\ CULL, Daniel DURKIN, Michael GILBERT, Ka)e DWYER, Brock GILM9flR;"" Nicholr s CULLEN , Tom GIOVANNETTI, J0seph CUMMING, Timoth \ EGGLESTON, James CUMMINS , Andrew ___SICHENB'ERGER, M~_GlgVANNE"T~ }~hn CUTTS, Matthew ). EICHORN , Joseph GI::AlSTER, Darnel DA COSTA, Mario /' ELLIS, James "... GLENDENNING ~mes DA SILVA, Jake I ENCARNACAO, Rodney â&#x20AC;¢ , GONCALV~S, Dan'el DADLEY, Kieren ~ ~ 1 EJ:C.HELLS;-Ca~ -<?<?R~AM, Jo~nan DARBY, Liam , ~...,.-/ 'ETCH ELLS, Ryan ~ULSON, Wa, ick DAVIS , Patrick \ /........-EVANS, Brenton GOKILAU, Tevita DAVISON, Martyn ~ EVANS, Wayne GRIFFITHS C II
HALL, Ryan HALLlON, Haemish HARBRON, Shannon HARDIE, Cameron HARLEN, Kayne HARONGA, Turei HARRIS, Ben HARRIS, Daniel HARVEY, Adam HARVEY, Peter HARVEY, Samuel HAYTO, Matthew HEAD, Robert HEALE, Matthew HEATH, Paul HOAR, Owen HOBAN, Kieron HOBSON, Robert HOLMES, Michael HONEYBUN, Christopher HOWELL, Daniel HOWELL, Luke HULL, Matthew HURLE, Evan JAMES, Cameron JAMES, Drew JAMES, Nathan JAMES, Ross JARAMILLO, Gian JEFFERY, Adam JERMOLAJEW, Ryan JOHNSTON, Paul JOVEVSKI, Daniel JUDGE, Beau JUDGE, Benjamin JUMA,Abdul JURICEV, Paul KALAT, Bosko KARUMBI , Andrew KEANE, Christopher KELLY, Matthew KELLY, Samuel KELLY, Thomas KENNELLY, Timothy KENNY, Jason KERSHAW, Jamie
KIM , Jong Hyuk KLJAJIC, Zeljko KOCH, Jacob KOCH-CALLAGHAN , Rory KOIKE , Hajime KOSTER, Luke KOVACEVIC, Borislav KRISTIANTO, Martin KVAS-ROTHWELL, Levon LA MACCHIA, Gaetano LA PEGNA, Danilo LA PEGNA, Fabio LADZINSKI , Aston LAKE, Mitchell LANDERS, Shane LANE , Gareth LANFEAR, Elliot LAVALETIE, Tristan LAW YUI WAN , Tony LAZZARICH , Anthony LEE, Chun Pong LEE, Mason LEE, Ryan LEERS, Azriel LEIRIA, Nuno LEWIS, Shane LIBERATORE, Christian L1NDORFF, Patrick LOWRY, Robert LOXLEY, Alexander LUCIOLl, Luca LYNCH , Shawn MACARLlNO, Justin MACLOU , Todd MADEIRA, Alcino MAGEE, Joshua MAHER, Marcus MAJEKS, Justin MAJOR, Daniel MAMESAH, Esa MANGANARO, Justin MANTON , Luke MARSH , Christopher MARTIN , Jeremy MARTIN , Leigh MARTINEZ, Jose MARTINS, Ruben MASSARA, Daniel MATULJ , Tiho MCCORMICK, Michael MCCULLOCH , Brodie MCCULLOCH , Cale MCKENNA, Timothy
MCLAUGHLIN , Bradley MCNEILL, Callum MCROBERT, Christopher MEAGER, Timothy MEENAN, Ben MENDES, Paul MERRICK, Tristan MEWS, Andrew MEWS, Michael MICENKO, Andrew MICENKO, Edward MILES, Bradley MINUTILLO, Stephen MOELANDS, Christian MOELANDS, Luke MOORE , Anthony MORAN , Billy MOREIRA, Manuel MORLEY, Troy MOSER, Hyatt MUCO, Rory MULIORAHARDJO, Andreas MULVEY, Benjam in MULVEY, James MUSTO, Joshua MUSULlN , Luke NAPORA, Michal NERI , James NERI , Stephen NEVILL, James NEWHILL, Jared NEWLAN , David NICHOLSON, Joshua NOLAN , James NOTARO, Jason NUGROHO, Martin NUNN , Kyle NUNN , Timothy OATES-BOARDMAN , Phi Ii O'GRADY, Rory OLIVER, Peter O'MEARA, Ryan OREB, Andrew O'SULLIVAN , Robbie OTWINOWSKI , Lu e PAANS, Luke PAINO, Stephen PAIS , Miguel PARATORE, Joseph PARKE, Guy PARKINSON , Liam PARTRIDGE, Richard PATRONI , Christophe
PATIERSON, Andrew PAVICH , Brendan PEARCE, Andrew PEARCE, Timothy PEDROLl, Luke PEDROLl , Mitchell PEREIRA, Kevin PERRON I, Robert PETERSON , Jae PETTIGREW, Rory PHILLIPS , Jason PICA, James PORTELLI, Andrew POUNDER, Adrian PRACAS, Bruno PRATT, Stephen PRIDE, Craig R IDE, Gregory __.;;a..-.,." PRI CI , Giuseppe ~ , R INGLE, John QUAN , James QUARRILL, Jace QUEIROS , Andrew QUINNEY, Allan QUINTANilLA, ichael QUINTANILLA:, Rodrigo RADI , ~)'mol'l RAFFA, aviae RAMIREZ, MarloFl REECE, John REGHENZANI , Bryan REGHENZANI, Zane RENNER, Joshua RENWICK, Reece RE'?ES , Mauricio REZAYEE , Habibullah RIBEIRO, Fabio ~lcGER , Mark RIEMER, Alex ROBERTS, Craig ROBERTS, Daniel ROBERTS, Haydn ROBERTS, Michael ROBINSON, Rhys ROCHA,,:...P.:: a.:; ul.:,: o _ _ _ _ __ eeK;Duncan ROSE, Mitchell ROSS, Nat an â&#x20AC;¢ RE>WETI, Matthew ~ RO bANElS , -arian OWLANDS, Ross RYAN , Paul SABINASZ, Damian
. ~ t
TANIPUTRA, Eka TASSONE , Guy TAYLOR, Martin TAYLOR, Paul TELFER, Ross TENG , Yung Chi TENNANT, Neil THAKUR, Shag un THAKUR, Shikhar THOMPSON , Harry THOMPSON , Peter THRELFO, Ryan THUIJS , Geordie TIRLI , Nicholas TOMICH , Christopher TRANCHITA, Simon TRAVIA, Benjamin TRIPI , Adam TROTIER , Lewis TRUSCOTI, Jake TUOHEY, Xavier TURCO, Daniel UEDA, Yuya UKALOVIC, Tomislav UNDERSHULTZ, Simon VALENTE , Luke VAUGHAN , Ian VERINDER, Ashley VERNON , Byron VICAREY, James VICKRIDGE , Benjamin VILCHES, Frank VINCI , Bradley WADDELL, Adam WALSH , Peter WANG , Yoon-Kyung WARD , Lance WATSON , James WICKS, Terrence WIGHT-HALES, Ryan WILLIAMS , Aaron WILLIAMS , Daniel WILLIAMS , Michael WILSON , Matthew WINFIELD , Samuel WINFIELD , Tobin WINTER, Mark WOOLERSON , Joel WRIGHT, Toby YERKOVICH , Leon YESUS , Zerubabel ZANETIC, Justin
I would like to thank my Year 12 Annual Committee for their input and ideas, and especially Joel Fernandez for, the front cover design. To the staff, thank you for your contributions and taking photos throughout the year. A special thank you to Ian Threlfo, our IT & Network Support gerson who assisted me whenever I was seeKing professional advice. I would be lost without your l(leas . This publication has involved man~ long and tiresome days, often burning the midnight oil but has been a tremendous learning experience with m;;lnY r-ewards. I would like to give my sincerest thanks to those who have assisted me along the way. I would like to wish all our students whether continuing on or embracing the wide world at the completion of their secondary scnooling the very best for 2001.
Marius Van Dongen Brendan Mulvey
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