CBC Fremantle Annual 2002

Page 1

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Students Of CBC Fremantle Luke




Year 5 - 1995





Contents Page

Form,at 'R.eport; From the Headmaster ..................... 3 Chairman of the Board ................... 5 Province Leader ...... ... .... ... .. ... .......... 7 Deputy Headmaster ...... .... .............. 8 Director of Studies .... .... .... .......... .. .... 9 Parents & Friends Association ..... ... 10 Old Boys' Association ..................... 11 Music Committee ........................... 12

Staff Staff of 2002 ..... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... ... ... .. . 14 Staff Roll Call .................................... 15



Head Boy Address .......................... 16 Graduation Class of 2002 .............. 18 Year 12 Awards ............ .. .................. 21 Year 12 Ball ..................................... · 23 Class of 2002 .................................... 24 2002 Leaders ...... ........ .............. ..... .. 31 Characters of Year 12 .. .................. 32 Year 12 News ........ .. ......................... 33 Year 11 Awards ................................ 36 Year 11 News ...... ........ ...... .... ........... 40 Year 10 Awards ................................ 44 Year 10 News ........... .. .... .... .............. 45 Year 9 News ................ ..................... 50 Year 9 Awards ....... ............ .. .... .... .. ... 52

Year 8 Awards .. .... ............................ 57 Year 8 News ...................... .. ............. 58

HOt«~ tjro~ photo~ Morgan House ................................. 41 Patrick House .. ............. ...... ...... ........ 47 Rice House ....................................... 54 Samson House ...... .. ......................... 60

Art Display ........................................ 39 Mathematics ... .. .. .................... ........ 63 Science ......... .. ... ..... ... ... ................... 64 English ............................................... 67 Practical Arts .. ................ .. .......... .. ... 68 11 & 12 Work Experience ...... ......... 69 Japanese ......................................... 70 Italian ................................................ 71 Instep 2002 ..... ........ .... ... ......... ......... ·72 Religious Education .... .. ................ .. 74 Society & Environment ................... 76 Music ................................................ 78 Art ......... .. ....... ... ..... .... ....................... 79 Information & Communication Technolgy .. ... ....... ........................... 80

Mt«iv From The Maestro ............ ............... 82 Jazz Orchestra .... .... .... ...... .......... ..... 83 Ensembles ..... ...... .. ..... ...... ... ....... ... ... 88 2

PE&Sport Interschool Swimming .. .................. 84 ACC Swimming ............................... 85 Interschool Athletics ...... .... ............. 86 ACC Athletics .................................. 87 Cross Country .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. ... .... ..... .. .. 91 Rugby ............................................... 92 "Belt Up Cup" Football .... .... .... ....... 94 "Smarter Than Smoking Cup" Football .. ................. ............ ...... ...... . 95 Junior Soccer ................................... 96 Senior Soccer .................................. 97 Kayaking ...... ........ ................ ... ... ... ... 98 Surfing ...................... .... ............. .. ..... 98 Senior Basketball ........ ........ ............ 100

speciAt Evena Anzac Day 2002 .............................. 13 Music Festival .. ................ ...... ........... 81 Jazz North West Tour ............ .. ......... 81 Edmund Rice Day .......................... . 99


Strange Days at CBC .................... 2002 Roll Call .................................. Bob Rose ' Meyer Tribute ................ Acknowledgements ... .. .... ....... .... ..

101 103 106 108

From the Headmaster Friends) and Mr Steve Head (Chair of the Music Support Group) for their many years of outstanding service. Recognition should also be given to the College Board, Leadership Team and the administrative staff who are tireless in their efforts to maintain an efficient and smooth running organization. Under the guidance of Mr Frank Norton our boys ' academ ic performance has grown in strength with a greater percentage of students than in recent previous years successfully applying for University Entrance or TAFE. To cater for such a diverse programme the College offers over thirtyfive different courses in years 11 and 12. We have tried to ensure that all boys who are in Year 12 are doing courses that are appropriate to their present abilities and that courses open up possibilities in one or other of the tertiary sectors.

The years ahead The focus in 2002 for CBC Fremantle has moved from the celebration of its past one hundred years in 2001 to one that looks forward and reflects upon its future. If we are to remain faithful to the vision and foresight which established us as a school in the Edmund Rice/Christian Brother tradition, we need to be very conscious of our past story, our present practices and our future opportunities. Much work has gone into articulating our Vision and Mission, with input received from all areas of the community. This has led to the restatement of our Mission and the adoption of our StrategiC Management Plan 2002-2006. To all those involved and especially Dr Liz Patterson, who initiated the process, and the Provincial of the Christian

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The year past

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I am writing this one hundred and first report of the college at the close of the year and at a time when our world leaders are striving to avoid war. Despite this uncertain future, the routine of school life seems but little affected. The pages that follow record what has been another busy school year, with reports from a diverse range of activities including academic study, music, art, liturgies, a variety of sports, work experience programmes, adventure camps, retreats and moments of quiet reflection as well as a whole host of other activities.

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This varied curriculum strives to develop the various talents of the boys who attend the College . It would be impossible to maintain this programme without the dedicated efforts of the staff that give so much of themselves and their time to the boys. They are ably supported by a willing band of parents. I would like to particularly thank Mr Rob Symonds (Chair of the Parents and

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matter how much skill, sweat and even a bit of cheating went into the staff team, the students were too strong in the grand final soccer match.

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Brothers, who assisted in financing the project, we will forever be grateful. In anticipation of the efforts and commitment of all those people, particularly staff, parents and students who will take these words and convert them into reality, may I offer the thanks of the CBC Fremantle community. The StrategiC Plan outlines goals, to which the College is committed, and the strategies to bring these goals into fruition . Each year an annual Development Plan will cover the specific strategies that will be used to implement these goals. Our aim is ensure that the boys of CBC Fremantle receive an education that is relevant to the demands of the new century.


I would like to pay particular tribute to the Christian Brothers. This year celebrated the Bicentennial of Christian Brothers' schools throughout the world. The collective and individual contribution of Christian Brothers, to the welfare and education of generations of Catholic boys, has been very significant. The very existence and success of CBC Fremantle can be largely attributed to the work of the Christian Brothers. This year we were shocked with the news of the passing of the recently retired Bob Rose'Meyer. He was completely dedicated to boy's education and his presence in our community will be greatly missed by present and past community members.



CBC Fremantle is proud of its provision of Catholic Education in the Edmund Rice Tradition over the past 101 years. Our plan aims to ensure the quality of CBC Fremantle's contribution in the future, as it sets out on the next 100 years.

Mr David McFadden Headmaster

Right: Mr McFadden shows his skill on the soccer field.


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Chairman of the oar We now leave behind us a very busy year, with substantial achievements and considerable preparation for the years to come, Let me take you on a quick walk through the year that was 2002, This year saw the college experience its first lay principal, Mr David McFadden who has settled in extremely well. Also, we welcomed four new board members in Peter Tagliaferri, Tracey Bahen, Robyn Richmond and Sharon Micenko, We also invited the college finance administrator, Tony Pitos, to attend the meetings to assist with delivering our financials, Together, they complemented the original members in Roland Sovell, Baden Pratt, Stela Rock, Br Pat Kelly and myself, Unfortunately, during the year, we lost one of our longer serving members in Garry Kelly, It was

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mayor may not have experienced the exhilaration of catching a wave and riding, in it, on it or under it, to the shore, Perhaps, more likely, like me, you had the experience of dropping off the back of a wave, Something of a let down, loss of power, motion, enthusiasm, That probably gives you some idea of how we felt, as a board, as we entered 2002, 2001, with centenary celebra tions of substantial magnitude and the completion of most stages of the building program, not to mention previous strong board and leadership, left us floundering a little in its wake, But, as we all know, the next wave comes, And it did.

agreed that we would not replace Garry during the year, but out of respect for the man, reserve a seat for him at each board meeting for the remainder of 2002, He will long be fondly remembered by this and past boards of CBC Fremantle, The board had two major tasks for the year; to complete the building program and develop a new Strategic Plan for the next 5 years, Both are just now beginning to gain serious traction , If you are passing the college, you will see the work has commenced on the Manual Arts Wing and soon the Science Labs, Also, we w ill be proceeding with the Cloisters project which will give a sense of linking and connectivity to the entire campus, Hopefully, all construction will be complete in the early New Year. This marks the end to the endeavours of our preceding board,

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led by Dr Brian Lawrence who envisaged the work a good number of years ago. This vision was built around the ideal of CBC delivering four streams of high college education. While during the past few years numbers were a little bit tight and there were many times the wisdom of four streams was questioned, it was never doubted. We are now able to boast waiting lists and a strong outlook for future enrolments. The greatest compliment we can pay to the work of past boards is to fill the rooms with students, and we are doing just that. Entering 2002, we could see the end of the ' old ' five-year plan and the need to create another; "(Catch the next wave)". We have captured that in the form of the Strategic Plan, a plan into which many of you have provided input and we thank you most sincerely. The Board's main involvement was in the early stages and will come again at sign-off. We have watched it grow and develop into something that demonstrates a high level of commitment by all involved in its delivery as we head towards 2006. The principal will continue to work with you in bringing the plan to fruition.

Though not always visible in person. but definitely visible in action, has been our Headmaster, David McFadden. He has worked tirelessly and on many occasions courageously, laying the foundations for this next five-year period. I will never grow tired of his relentless 'can do' approach, his high level of respect for our students, staff and families. For this Board he has given us great comfort that the responsibility we carry is honoured. I believe we have seen the management and staff of the college change. Some did not want to take the journey with us and that is okay, but I believe the recruiting process has been successful in bringing together a team of people to take this college to the next level of achievement. And finally to our 'product', the students. These young people who we want to be able to recognise in themselves, their value, and sense the excellence they possess not being afraid to find out who they really are. Have we achieved that? Well. I invite you over the next few years to watch the faces and judge for yourself.



During the year we had an opening prayer written by Martin Luther King . Two of the stanzas thdt caught my attention, do some summing up for me ... "I dream a schooL I dream a school where new and better ways of teaching and learning will be sought aftec and where eac h person's needs will be met. I dream a school where the youngest and weakest will be guided and encouraged and supported by the rest of the schooL and where the gifted and the talented will find scope and challenge .. .1dream a school. " Thank you to all who have assisted in making the tasks and responsibilities o f thi s Bo ard rewarding during 2002. Thank you to the Board members themselves for their wisdom, patienc e and valuable time. Thank you to everyone for your trust. Terry Waddell

Our job as the Board of CBC Fremantle is to be the governors of the college representing all stakeholders, to see that the dreams of this college's past custodians are realised, embraced and made great. All that can sound a bit ' motherhood ', however, we all knew as we entered this year that for this college to achieve what it was capable of in the future, some things had to change . Myself, I will never accept as a truism. the notion that CBC Fremantle is a college in a lower socio economic area, therefore you cannot expect too much. What I will accept is that CBC Fremantle is a college that has a reputation for accepting financially disadvantaged students, but all students must be given every right and opportunity to be the best that they can be. The rest is up to them. All that needed to change was attitude. I believe we have already seen considerable change just in this past year. It starts at the top.

Back Row: Tracey Bohen, Anna McFadden, Baden Pratt; Stela Rock, Robyn Richmond, Br Pat Kelly. Front Row: Tony Pitas, Sharon Micenko, Terry Waddell, David McFadden. 6


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Province Leo er TH E year 2002 has

been a significant one for the Congregation of Christian Brothers. Every six years the Christian Brothers enter into a cycle of deep reflection on the past leading to planning the broad directions for the future. This is done at both an international or Congregation level and at a more local or Province level. This is what is called the Chapter Process, and the Congregation and Province Chapters took place earlier this year. When the Congregation names future directions and priorities at a Chapter, these directions and priorities emerge from a particular experience and context. During the Chapter we: • Told stories about what our lives have been like over the last six years - the successes, the failures, the happiness, the sadness and the learnings. • Examined the state of the Congregation, the Church, and the world - the cities and countries in which we live and work. • Prayerfully reflected on all of this with the story of Jesus (the Gospel) in one hand and the story of Edmund Rice (which is simply one way of living the Gospel) in the other. • Addressed the question, "what needs to be our directions and emphases in the next six years?" In the Gospel of Luke (24:13 - 35) two of the followers of Jesus did much the same while walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus after Jesus was killed. They told the story of the hopes Jesus had given them, but then their disappointment and bewilderment after he died. Someone, a stranger, joined them and explained it all and then sat with them for a meal (the Breaking of the Bread, the

Eucharist). They realise it is the risen Jesus, the Messiah . They then "get into action" and return to Jerusalem to "talk to the others". This story is called the Emmaus story or the Emmaus walk. The Brothers from different countries all over the world have walked the Emmaus story and have emerged stronger and more committed. They have recognised that the "Gift of being Brother" is essentially about a quest for God through deeper relationships with all of creation, with all peoples, and with other Brothers in particular. This is challenging us as Brothers to be more personally prayerful, to share our stories more deeply with each other, and with other people in a prayerful way, and to give greater emphasis to healing or building relationships, especially with those who are the most marginalised or fragile in our society. This is the vision of both our community life and the work we do. You may be feeling quite comfortable as you read this, and perhaps happy that the Brothers have grown in clarity and confidence about their identity and role . Some may even be happy that the Congregation Chapter re-emphasised the seeking of new Brothers, and new expressions of being Brother, even in the so called first world where we have been struggling with respect to gaining new Brothers. May I suggest you do not get too comfortable with this emphasis on Brothers. Let me open up to you some other implications of our Chapter. In a section of the Congregation Chapter Statement (2002) which is entitled " Educating the Minds and Hearts of the Young" there is a call to ensure that Christian Brother schools are communities of learning, and of faith and justice, where students, parents and staff are educated to a practical awareness of social inequity". In another section there is a challenge "to engage with the poor and marginalised at our doorsteps" . It would seem that the phrase "to engage with " challenges all of us in Christian Brother schools to establish relationships with those who are marginalised in our schools and also in our local


towns, cities and states ... and not just "to do things for them". Our schools need to move from "charity" to "justice and relationship". One implication of what has been described above will be explored so that we can all see what might need to be confirmed and further developed, and what might need to change or be challenged in our schools. The enrolment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in our Province (SA and WA) schools has increased significantly over the last six years, but that increase has not been evenly distributed. While abundantly clear that there is much goodwill in this regard across the Province, there is much individual, group and institutional learning to be done both within our schools and in our Province administration in relation to both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the work of the Province. As I write this article, there are to my knowledge, six Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people employed within the Province, two of those being at the Province headquarters. That does not reflect the presence of Indigenous people in the Australian population, who are approximately 2% per cent of the population of Australia. Other similar issues could also have been examined in detail - but one per year is enough! Every school in our Province, and the Province as a whole, has some wonderful stories of success to tell in 2002. But like the followers of Jesus 2000 years ago, and the Brothers in their 2002 Chapter, there are also stories of failure and injustice to be faced . When we do face both parts of our life and story, Jesus will walk with us, and help us into positive action ... just like the follower of Jesus on the way to Emmaus. Thank you to all the students, parents and other family members, staff and leaders who have contributed greatly to the Edmund Rice Network in this school during 2002. Br Kevin P. Ryan Province Leader

eputY [)epm tJ yrHeadmaster in life by providing concrete opportunities to try out their skills as they develop. While CSC Fremantle has an existing strong Pastoral Care Program and has placed a strong emphasis upon individual development, especially making a very determined effort to cater for students with learning and behavioural difficulties, a further holistic development was needed in keeping wit h new educational developments for all students. The need to extend gifted students is incorporated into the new strategy.

Mr Sandri with Year 72 student Justin Majeks


year 2002 was a planning year for the Pastoral Care Team for the future welfare of students and staff. A number of new initiatives were, discussed, introduced and implemented. The planning emerged from within the scope of the College Strategic Plan for 2002 - 2006. The section on Student Formation highlighted three important thrusts for the future. Firstly, student well being, that is students being happy, resilient, motivated and wo rking to wards a high selfesteem and that they engage in and accept a greater level of responsibility for their own learning. Secondly, students develop a healthy respect for school, home, environment and community life. Thirdly, as students pass through the school, they develop greater leadership and accept greater responsibility and awareness of their role in the school and society. In itself, this initiative is not new! So what is the difference? The uniqueness lies in the process and structure that is being laid to enable this transition of young boys to become young men. The focus is on young boys developing skills to sustain them

This year has witnessed the election and inauguration of a Prefect system. Twenty year 11 students were successfully accepted into leadership roles for 2003. Why so many you may ask? This is in accordance with the thrust of the Strategic Plan, to create real and substantial areas of responsibility for students. Year 12 students will now have the option and opportunities to apply their leadership skills within and out of the school setting. While prefects have been selected for some of the more "traditional roles" as College Captain and Deputy Captain and as House Prefects the additional roles of Prefects assisting in Learning Programs; Prefects assisting Sporting programs; Prefects assisting in Community Relations; Prefects to promote Culture in the school; Prefects to promote Leadership throughout the school; Prefects to promote Justice and Service Learning in the school have been created. This wide scope of opportunities is extended to all year 12 students as the normal roles for the Prefects is diversified and the possibility of all Year Twelve students achieving Prefect status if they meet the required criteria by the end of Year Eleven. Induction programs and an achievable structure of student oriented tasks have been conducted during term four 2002. Commencing in 2003 is the new Justice and Service Learning programs that will involve at the


initial stages years 8, 9 and 11 ; other year levels will be encouraged to participate. At the Lower school level students will engage in a Home-based SerVice Program for the period of 12 hours to be completed within a school term . The program will involve home-based tasks for years 8 and 9 during a school term . It requires the help and support of family members. At the senior level of year 10 and above, students are expected to do 30 hours of community service out in society. All community service programs are discussed and ratified with the Director of Justice and Service Learning. The program concentrates on encouraging students to accept responsibility and will require the ability to willingly do service in a variety of settings for others. It is hoped students will learn sufficient skills and develop a caring manner and that they will in future years extend this experience of service into the community after graduating. This program is designed to engender one of the fundamental strengths of an Edmund Rice School; to do as the founder. Blessed Edmund Rice practised in his daily life, to reach out to people and serve them. This structure is planned to encourage students to respect and appreciate the home, school, environment and community spheres and in dOing so being exposed to opportunities to gain new skills to further selfesteem; to accept more responsibility and to appreciate the need to network within our society. This new thrust of learning for students, couples well with the introduction into years 8 and 9 of a new program, nominally called "New Basics". The programs of study skills, social competency, organisational management, thinking and life skills, and resilience programs are designed to increase the competency level for all students. The challenge will be for all students and staff at CBC Fremantle to keep an open mind and a determination to make all students highly valued and skilled contributors to our society. Mr Sandro Sandri

the introduction of the TEl (Tertiary Entrance Indicator). The TEl predicts for our Upper School students a band in w hi ch their Te rtiar y Entrance Score may fall and the associated courses available to them if they continue to work at the level demonstrated in both Semester One and Two. This gives our boys a realistic interpretation of their achievements, an indication of what these achievements may realise and a c lear focus for improvement.

Mr Frank Norton (far left) was one of four members of the College community to participate in the annual Rottnest Swim. Mr Masterton, Matthew Bourke and Jason Bourke raced in their own teams.

2002 has been without doubt the most challenging and exhausting year of my educational career. CBC Fremantle is so ideally placed to provide an outstanding education for boys and I'm delighted to be part of the community responsible for ensuring this occurs. On arriving, together with ensuring the timetable was in place an immediate analysis of our 200 1 results was undertaken. Many of our boys did well in the 2001 TEE examinations but most will agree there is a need to further enhance the academic perspective of the school. An understanding of required standards needed to be achieved, and the processes needed to be undertaken by the boys to achieve their goals is crucial. No doubt many of our Year 12 boys will remember meeting with me early in the year to review their Year 11 performances and plan for 2002. The results of these talks saw a new focus and purpose for many of the boys and I look forward to seeing the results of their efforts. Along with an appraisal of our Year 12 position, a new message was communicated regarding what our boys need to achieve to be competitive in our modern world. A level of Satisfactory, while being acceptable is not competitive. 2002 saw

2002 has seen CBC Fremantle

embark on what promises to be a number of fascinating and rewarding years, The College's Strategic Plan will give us clear direction in terms of whole school initiatives and goals and our curriculum will be greatly impacted by it. 2003 will see us move to 5 period days and 60 minute periods. Both changes will playa part in making our school one specially geared for boys' education. Curriculum time will increase, Arts will be more fully addressed and the pursu it of academic excellence for boys at all levels will continue to be a primary aim,

The structure of courses in each year will change for 2003. All Year 8 students will now undertake a 10 week course in Drama and Music. The Sport program changes across all years with a far greater emphasis on physical education with our specialist staff running all classes. Year 11 's will now undertake 5 courses with over 30 minutes of additional class time in each subject each week. We strongly believe this will lead to improved performance in each subject. With each period being 60 to 65 minutes, classes are more evenly distributed across the week and double periods which are not conducive to students making full use of time in subjects such as English, Society and Environment Science and Mathematics, will be a thing of the past. These initiatives will be complimented by the renovation to the Bill


Hughes Practical Arts Centre and the addition of two new Science Laboratories. Another task in 2002 was to review our teaching and le arni ng . Teaching , I guess like many professions, can be very insular. By having a leader in educational research come into our school and examine our teaching across both years 8 and 9, we gain his valuable insight into what we are doing well and where we can improve . Our Teaching and Learn in g Review sets us clear educational goals by which we can improve the learning of every boy at CBC Fremantle. Both of these documents signal direction for the pursuit of educational excellence at CBC over the com in g years and copies of the Executive Summaries of each will be available early in the new year. Not only has 2002 been a year for analysis and planning, it has also in itself been a year of achievements . Our Awards Night on the 1sf December saw the bar raised in criteria for achieving Certifica tes of Merit and Subject Awards, Despite this, some 128 boys gained Certificates of Merit and/or Subject Prizes, an outstanding effort. In moving to a management position I had initial concerns that I wou ld lose contact with our students. Because of the size and structure of CBC Fremantle, I've found that the opposite has proven to be the case. It has been a delight to work with the boys in relation to their courses and achievements. To this point I believe I've never been in a school community that is so welcoming and supportive. Our boys are fantastic and while my workload has, on occasions, been outrageous, I've never for a minute regretted the move to CBC. I'd like to thank all the boys, parents and staff for making the school such an important part of my life. I congratulate the boys on their efforts this year and look forward to being an integral part of the community for years to come. Mr Frank Norton

You may laugh but being an active member of the P&F provides an opportunity to express your views whilst you meet and enjoy the company of other parents who are at various levels of the CBC Fremantle journey - without the pressure of fund raising! This year, as we ll as enjoying the social interaction the P&F were able to provide the college with additional equipment for the library ($16,300), the new trophy cabinet in the gym ($5,500) and computer equipment for the Art department ($3,200) as well as maintain our recurring commitments. WHILST ma ny c hanges occurred in the day to day operation of CBC Fremantle in 2002, there was also a changing of the guard in the executive of the P&F Committee. Jeanine, Jenny and Karen all moved on after doing a great job for several years. This year of evolution and growth for the college was not without challenge but yet proved -for those parents, st udents and staff who partcipated and enjoyed the P&F activities to be very enjoyable. We hope to build on this success in 2003 and beyond. Required for this continued growth is the injection of new ideas and people - why should the same few have all the fun!

Thankyou very much for your contributions in cash, time and support which directly provided these additional resources to present staff and students and for those to come. I would like to express my personal thanks to our committee members Linda, Gemma and John who planned and prepared the activities and all those members w ho assisted on the day with functions. Nothing would have happened without you guys - Thanks. Plans are underway for 2003 already. Don't miss out on family fun days, the dinner dance, Mothers Day, the quiz night Fathers Day.

Please accept this invitation to attend our annual general meeting in February to hear more and-join in the fun. Wishing you a happy and Holy Christmas and we look forward to meeting with you in 2003. Rob Symonds President

Old Boys' Association M

AY I firstly congratulate your elected committee for their unselfish hard work throughout 2002. This year was not as difficult as our Centenary Year of 2001, but we were still able to achieve a very good result for our members. I would like to compliment Mr David McFadden for his efforts in his first year as Headmaster. It has been a pleasure to work with him and a large number of initiatives have been introduced as a result. Your committee would like to pass onto Joan and the Rose'Meyer family our sincere condolences with the passing of Bob, one of the College's icons for 36 years. We achieved many of our goals in 2002. We were able to assist in the running of three class reunions. The class of 1969, who were celebrating their 50 th birthdays this year decided to meet with old classmates. Thanks to the hard work of John O' Brien from that class, it was our most successful reunion . Reunions for the classes of 1977 and 1992 were also held and were quite successful. The Old Boys vs First XV Rugby match was held early in the year and was followed by a sausage sizzle and drinks. It was a great success and looks like being a regular event.

Our other major activity was the Sundowner, which was not well attended, but those that did come really enjoyed the night. I would like to thank Frank Williams and his son for doing what they always do so well, serving food fit for a king. The Old Boys ' Association also provides a bursary for a boy who may not normally be able to attend the College. We have done this for many years now and rely on our past students to support this financially. Our other ongoing duty is to up date the College memorabilia, which seems to be the number one attraction when ever there is a function at the College. It would be remiss of me to not ask for assistance to keep your Old Boys' Association active. We always need new members, as well as people prepared to assist on the committee for a few hours every three months. I wish all of our students best wishes and especially the Year 12 students, good luck with your future endeavours and our committee look forward to seeing them at the Year 13 Breakfast early in 2003.

George Ayres President

Old Boys Vs First XV The highly anticipated match between the CBC Old , Boys and the present first XV reached the high expectations with a close, hard fought game. The old boys were larger with weight they have gained over the years and the fitness between the two teams was the difference at the end of the day. Victory to the first XV 12-5. Jason Bourke, Year 11 Back Row Left to Right : Unidentified, Wayne Evans, Rhys Robinso n, Mark Winter, John Sibon, Ben Arnold, Graham Antczak, Jamen Carey, Shane Lewis, Adam Hall. Front: Greg Dowse, Evan Bowater, Val Do Souza, Gavin Carter, Unidentified.


Top: Monsignor McCrann, Noel McMahon, John Katnic and Des Baccini. Middle: George Ayres (President), Pat Rogan and Peter Gabbedy. Above: Dot Cant, Jimmy & Lorraine Matison

THIS year has been one of change, for both the Music Parents Group and the Jazz Orchestra. With the commencement of 2002, a large number of positions in the Jazz Orchestra were vacated as the previous year twelves moved on, and the music group also began the year with a number of new faces.

As he has done before, Mr Uwe Stengel, with the help of many talented young musicians soon had the band representing the college, at its customary high level, at functions such as, Community Aid Abroad's Walk Against Want, Fremantle Sardine Festival, and York Jazz Festival, to name but a few. In July the Jazz Orchestra toured the North West of our state. This trip served to give the boys an opportunity to bond, develop their talents a little more, and for some, to perform in front of an audience for the first time. On their return they were a tighter, more professional group which stood them in good stead for the Music Festiyal at the Fremantle Town Hall. Our year culminated in the Music Festival which provided a showcase of not only our Jazz Orchestra, but of all the wonderful musical talent that exists at CBC Fremantle. The boys did themselves, their teachers, the College, and their families proud. The Music Parents Group has taken great pleasure and pride in supporting our sons in their pursuit of music, and also in supporting the Music Department and the College. On a final note, it is with sadness we farewelled our most dedicated "Roadie" Mr Rose'Meyer during 2002. Even though he professed to not completely appreCiating jazz music, he supported us strongly over many years and joined us on our north-west tour earlier in the year. He will be greatly missed among the students and parents. Mr Stephen Head President

Left: Edward Micenko, Robert Hobson and Troy Morley posing for the local newspaper. Top: Peter Harvey plays the Last Post. Above: Year 12 students quietly contemplate. Right: Daniel Roberts and Ms O 'Neil/lay the wreath at the flagpole. 13

Sfaff of 2002

BACK ROW: Troy Foote, Michael Masterton, Andrew Murphy, Barry Tognolini, Brendan Mulvey, Michael la/acci, Marius Van Dongen, Frank Williams, Jenny Rawlings. FOURTH ROW: Ross Wenn, Ross Barron, Harry Clements-Shepherd, Gary Holtham, John Murray, Tony Pitos, Valery Niyazov, Joel Moss, Don McNamee, Peter Magaraggia. THIRD ROW: Adelle Nsair, Bill Cuthbert, Wayne McGillivray, Marc Caporn, Ian Threlfo, Lachlan Byrd, Sylvester Stac k, Bob Rose 'Meye r, Gay Pulker, Carmel Linden, Naomi Pearson. SECOND ROW: Naina Natalwala, Trevanna Cooper, Robyn Whitcombe, Samantha Emslie, Bruce Emslie, Akiko Danker, Uwe Stengel, Tom Rees, John Hortense, Glynis O 'Neill, Falda Forzatti, Jenny Barton, Anne Glaskin, Joe Purcell. FRONT ROW: Gay Glossop, Eo in Thompson, Gerry Simpson, Steve Corley, Manuela de Faria, Sandro Sandri, David McFadden, Frank Norton, Emma Tandy, Rose Lenzo, Jenn y D'Asc anio, Fay Peterson, Nella McCann .

Staff Roll Call Headmaster Mr David McFadden

Deputy Mr Sandro Sandri

Director of Studies Mr Frank Norton

Director of Administration & Staff Mr Ross Barron

Finance Manager Mr Tony Pitos

House Coordinators Mrs Samantha Emslie Mr Troy Foote Mr Bob Rose'Meyer Mr Gerry Simpson

Teaching Staff Ms Angela Calanni Mr Marc Caporn Mr Nicholas Carellos Mr Harry Clements-Shepherd Ms Trevanna Cooper Mr Steve Corley Mrs Akiko Danker Mrs Jenny D' Ascanio Mrs Lidia Di Giuseppe Mr Bruce Emslie Mrs Annette Flexman Mr Barry Granger Mr Ben Grose Br Tony Hackett Mr Garry Hart

Mr Gary Holtham Mr John Hortense Mr Michaellalacci Ms Rose Lenzo Mrs Carmel Linden Mr Peter Magaraggia Mr Michael Masterton Mrs Nella McCann Mr Wayne McGillivray Mr Don McNamee Mr Joel Moss Mr Brendan Mulvey Mr Andrew Murphy Br John Murray Miss Naina Natalwala Ms Kelly O'Mara Ms Naomi Pearson Mr Craig Preshaw Mrs Gay Pulker Mr Joseph Purcell Mrs Jenny Rawlings Mr Tom Rees Mrs Joanne Sivich Mr Sylvester Stack Mr Uwe Stengel Mrs Emma Tandy Mr Eoin Thompson Mr Barry Tognolini Mr Marius Van Dongen Mrs Robyn Whitcombe Mr Frank Williams

Religious Education Coordinator Mr Gerry Simpson

Pastoral Care Ms Valma Granich Mrs Margaret Johns

Finance Assistant Mr Colin Francis

Administration Staff Mrs Jenny Barton Ms Noeleen McDowell Mrs Fay Peterson

Canteen Mrs Gay Glossop

Clothing Shop Mrs Falda Forzatti

Library Support Ms Glynis O ' Neill

System Administrator Mr Ian Threlfo

Maintenance & Grounds Mr Ross Wenn Mr Michael Pasajlic

Instrumental Music Teachers Mr Kim Anning Mrs June Corcoran Mr Valery Niyazov Mr Tim Woolley

Development Officer Miss Adelle Nsair

Home Liaison Mrs Manuela de Faria

- Matthew Bourke GOOD evening Mr McFadden, Father Sherman, special guests, staff. parents and students. As we are gathered here for the last time I would like to reflect upon some of the experiences we have had at CBC Fremantle. School has been a large part of our lives for as long as we can remember. Experiences of CBC Fremantle began in year five for a few, but for most the beginning of high school marked our introduction to CBC Fremantle. The beginning of our school life sporked a series of unforgettable experiences. We were not only educated, but developed friendships that we will embrace forever. The beginning of high school was the orientation day at the end of 1997. We were still at our various primary schools, and wore those uniforms throughout that day. After a tour of the school we all went to the beach in the old school buses, played a few beach games then returned to school to indulge in a barbecue lunch with a few new friends . In our minds we couldn' t perceive the long five years ahead. How short and precious they turned out to be. Since our first day in year eight a very special event took place, it was the birth of a daily ritual : the hand tennis competition . Some very intense tournaments took place over the next three years. The Year 9 Camp was one of many memorable events. At the camp we were introduced to numerous activities: Flying fox, abseiling , marroning, camping, bushwalking and the pampa p o le which tested our courage. Brother Murray's RE classes were very popular and by far the most entertaining. Brother knew how to make us laugh, and had an extraordinary talent of keeping a straight face in the funniest of times.

I d ¡ t Va ed S'ctory Spe~ va e IC ory ¡ peeci I

\ I There were many excursions and retreats to various places, the Fremantle prison, Maritime Museum, Jarrahdale and, in particular, the geography camp, which went off with a bang. Our year was competent in all fields of sport. We consistently won our division at interschool carnivals, and individually many boys excelled in a wide range of sports among other activities. I'd like to finish by thanking, on behalf of the year 12s all the teachers/staff who have helped in our development in a variety of ways. The help, support and effort that you have invested in us is greatly appreciated . Thankyou parents for your support and encouragement. especially in this last year. The support and guidance you have given us has

Matthew Bourke Head Boy What have you enjoyed about 2002?

This year I have been enjoying the c hallenge of Head Boy amongst other activities like swimming, rugby and surfing.

been wonderful. A special thanks t o Mr Rose ' Meyer, our year twelve coordinator, also to Mrs Cooper and Mr Sandri who do a lot of the organising, that we take for granted. Thanks to the grounds people, especially Mr Wenn who is always in good humour! Thankyou Father Sherman for the energy and spiritual development you bring to the College. Our new Director of Studies, Mr Norton, has done a great job wi th subject selections a nd guidance. Thankyou . Mr McFadden has continued the high standards set by our former Principal. Brother Wedd. The

future of the College looks exc iting with the innovation and developments taking place. This Graduation marks the end of our school life and the beginning of a new journey into th e outside world. I wish everyone the best for the future; we are a ll joined with the old boys, so we will keep in touch. Not only will we walk away from CBC Fremantle with an educa ti on, but with friends and experiences a ll of us will cherish. In finishing then; on behalf of the leaving c lass I would like to present a photo of our year to the school. Thank you. Matthew Bourke

Daniel Roberts Deputy Head Boy How long have you been at CBC Fremantle?

I have been at CBC Fremantle since Year 5 and have been able to see the development of the college over those eight years.

During the year. I took part in the City to Surf Fun Run, along with some other CBC lads (Mr Barron tagged along as well) .

What are you looking forward to doing at the end of the year?

What are you looking forward to doing at the end of the year?

I look forward to TEE as it signifies the end of school and the beginning of a summer in the sun a t the beach ...

I'm looking forward to a great time at the the end of the year when I can relax at the beach.

Graduation Class of 2002

II BACK ROW: Michael Pais, John Galvin, Peter Smedley, Nicholas Casey, Phillip Oates-Boardman, Justin Majeks, Chris Tomich, Ryan Shand, Chris Swallow. FIFTH ROW: Ross Douglas, James Neri, Mark Winter, Haydn Roberts, Robert Binczyk, Luke Howell, Andrew Shepherd, Isaac Cook, Jarrad Bradbury, Lynton Bolio. FOURTH ROW: Fabio La Pegna, Patrick Davis, David Newlan, Christian Evas, Nick Stingemore, Dean Burnby, Michael Packer, Joshua Flynn, Michael Durkin, Aidan Dreghorn, Paul Ryan. THIRD ROW: Andrew ~atterson, Turei Haronga, Clynton Antonio, Bradley Vinci, Lewis Trotter, Alex Riemer, Joseph Clifford, Alastair Crookes, Michael Roberts, Cole McCulloch, Daniel Glalster, Kevin Pereira, Murray Bembnck, Ben Antony. SECOND ROW: Rafael Del Cid Aviles, Tim Pearse, Robert Hobson, Ryan Threlfo, Ian Vaughan, Rodrigo Quintanilla, Rory Pettigrew, Trista~ Lavalette, Troy Morley, Luke Burwood, Gaetano Tassone, Franky Srinaga, Elliot Lanfear, Habibullah Rezayee, Toby Wright Justin Manganaro, Eduardo Fernandes. FRONT ROW: Xavier Tuohey, Allan QUinney, Adam Spashett, Lance Ward, Peter Harvey, Joshua Nicholson, Matthew Bourke, Daniel Roberts, Tomislav Ukalovic, Hasib Sidiqi, Peter Walsh, Ross James, Luke Moelands. ABSENT: Garry Burch, Derek Douglas, Cole Smith, James Stallard, Peter Thompson.


12t~ar 12 2002

Year 12 Leadership Camp On Friday the 1sl of February, the up and coming year 12's for 2002 gathered together for the first time in several weeks for the commencement of the annual year 12 Leadership Camp, The event was held at Serpentine Baptist Camp, and as year 12 students we would be given the chance to explore our own capabilities for leadership, Many students seemed bemused as we travelled in luxury to the campsite, uncertain of what we were about to experience, Expectations of the weekend varied, although the general feeling among the boys was that the three days away would be beneficial to us as young adults, However, any uncertainty was soon put to rest as, after arriving at the campsite, eating lunch and settling into respective cabins, a brainstorming session kicked off proceedings, Subjects for discussion included the expectations students had regarding activities throughout the weekend, many of which never eventuated, The weekend consisted of numerous exercises, some of which would test our physical capability and others our mental prowess, Physical activities included abseiling and orienteering, with discussion groups allowing all of us to get to know each other at a deeper level. The majority of the events involved working in faction groups, and later in smaller groups in order to define our strengths, our weaknesses and our ability to lead, The main focus was for us to look within ourselves, searching for ways not only to enhance our performance in year twelve, but also to concentrate on how best we can serve the school and our fellow students, The importance of true leadership by all students was clearly stressed, allowing for a good example to be set for all with whom we associate, A vast range of leisure activities at the campsite

made sure that all the free time we had during the camp was well spent, with activities including basketball, tennis, ping-pong, swimming and mini golf, The accommodation at the campsite was more than adequate, and nobody went hungry thanks to the competent kitchen staff and the organization of staff members, One staff member in particular, namely "Captain" Rose' Meyer, took charge of the PA system and provided all the boys with a friendly wake up call at the ungodly hour of 6:30am, Needless to say many of us were less than amused, however we all persevered and managed to get ourselves up and ready for the start of another day, Sunday soon arrived which spelt the end of the weekend's proceedings, While some students seemed to initially have had reservations about the camp, it was clear by the end of the weekend that we had walked away with some degree of enlightenment, On behalf of all the students in year twelve, I would like to thank the staff members who attended the weekend, along with Brother Wedd who took the time to show his interest in his former charges, Finally, a big thank you to Mr, Rose'Meyer for organising the weekend, and providing all of us in Year 12 with the opportunity to go forward as leaders of CBC Fremantle in 2002,

\/year 12 Awar Year 12 AwarCI~ ds DUX PeferWALSH Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Literature Subject Prize in Japanese Subject Prize in Chemistry Subject Prize in Physics Subject Prize in Applicable Mathematics

PROXIME ASSESSIT Hasib SIDIQI Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Economics Subject Prize in Calculus

Boys with TER's 90 or more Matthew Bourke, Peter Harvey, Justin Manganaro, Daniel Roberts, Hasib Sidiqi (2 nd 98.65), Peter Smedley, Tomislav Ukalovic, Peter Walsh (l 't 99.65).

Caltex Best All Rounder Peter Harvey Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education Uwe Stengel Music Award Patrick Davis Peter Harvey Sporting Awards Service Award - Joshua Nicholson Sportsman of the Year - Luke Burwood Instep Awards Luke Moelands - Year 12 Edmund Rice Service Award Matthew Bourke Justin Manganaro Hasib Sidiqi Joshua Nicholson Lance Ward Clynton ANTONIO Certificate of Merit

Subject Prize in Senior English Subject Prize in Work Studies

Murray BEMBRICK Certificate of Merit Matthew BOURKE Certificate of Merit Garry BURCH Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education Studies Dean BURN BY Subject Prize in English

Habibullah REZAYEE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in ESL English Alex RIEMER Certificate of Merit Haydn ROBERTS Subject Prize in Senior Science Subject Prize in Metals Technology Ryan SHAND Subject Prize in Interactive Media

Isaac COOK Subject Prize in Discrete Mathematics

Adam SPASHETT Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Political & Legal Studies

Alastair CROOKES Certificate of Merit

James STALLARD Subject Prize in Modelling with Mathematics

Eduardo FERNANDES Certificate of Merit

Nicholas STINGEMORE Subject Prize in Geography Subject Prize in Biology

Daniel GLAISTER Certificate of Merit Robert HOBSON Certificate of Merit Luke HOWELL Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Furniture Design & Technology Subject Prize in Technical Graphics Ross JAMES Certificate of Merit

Justin MANGANARO Certificate of Merit Luke MOELANDS Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Instep Joshua NICHOLSON Certificate of Merit Timothy PEARCE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Art & DeSign Rory PETTIGREW Subject Prize in History 21

Tomislav UKALOVIC Certificate of Merit Lance WARD Certificate of Merit Mark WINTER Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Human Biology

Certificate of Excellence (80% or more A's) Peter Walsh

Certificate of Distinction (80% or more A's or 8's) Clynton Antonio, Murray Bembrick, Isaac Cook, Alastair Crookes, Patrick Davis, Eduardo Fernandes, Daniel Glaister, Robert Hobson, Luke Howell, Luke Moelands, Joshua Nicholson, Timothy Pearce, Kevin Pereira, Rory Pettigrew, Allan Quinney, Daniel Roberts, Haydn Roberts, Peter Smedley, Tomislav Ukalovic, Mark Winter.




o~l~ ss of 2002

Clynton Antonio

Ben Antony

Lynton Bolio

Murray Bembrick

Robert Binczyk

Matthew Bourke

Jorrod Bradbury

Gorry Burch

Dean Burnby

Luke Burwood

Nicholas Casey

Joseph Clifford

Isaac Cook

Alastair Crookes

Patrick Davis

Rafael Del Cid Aviles

Aaron De Rozario

Derek Douglas

Ross Douglas

Aidan Dreghorn

Michael Durkin

Christian Evas

Eduardo Fernandes

Joshua Flynn

John Galvin

Daniel Glaister

Turei Haronga

Peter Harvey

Robert Hobson

Luke Howell

Ross James

Elliot Lanfear


Fabio La Pegna

Tristan Lavalette

Justin Majeks

Justin Manganaro

Luke Moelands

Troy Morley

James Neri

Joshua Nicholson

Philip Oates-Boardman

Michael Packer

Michael Pais

Andrew Patterson

Timothy Pearce

Kevin Pereira

Rory Pettigrew

Allan Quinney

Rodrigo Quintanilla

Habibullah Rezayee

Alex Riemer

Daniel Roberts

Haydn Roberts

Michael Roberts

Paul Ryan

Ryan Shand

Andrew Shepherd

Hasib Sidiqi

Peter Smedley

Coie Smith

Adam Spashett

Franky Srinaga

James Stallard

Nicholas Stingemore

Christopher Swallow

Guy Tassone

Peter Thompson

Xavier Tuohey

Bradley Vinci

Tomislav Ukalovic

Peter Walsh

Lewis Trotter

Christopher Tomich

Ryan Threlfo

Ian Vaughan


Lance Ward

Andrew White

Mark Winter

Left to Right: Lance Ward (Patrick), Tomislav Ukalovic (Morgan), Peter Harvey (Patrick), Hasib Sidiqi (Samson), Peter Walsh (Morgan), Josh Nicholson (Rice), Adam Spashett (Samson).

Toby Wright

2002 Leaders

T~ Fabib Award Fabio La Pegna


Cole McCulloch

Michael Pais

T~ Tlwy~ Award Matthew Bourke

T~ TyfU!; 8~ Al«sie-

Award Luke Burwood Isaac Cook

Isaac Cook

Fabio La Pegna

T~BMX B~ Award Cole McCulloch

Rodrigo Quintanilla

T~ Best Hair Award

Lynton Balia

Lynton Bolio

T~ MDbi,Le; NUWfJyk

Award Luke Burwood

Michael Pais Rodrigo Quintanilla

Compiled by the Year 72 Annual Committee


Matthew Bourke


Year 12

Above: The CBC Fremantie, Tuckfield St Year 7 Class. From left to right: Fabio La Pegna, Eduardo Fernandes, Paul Ryan, Christopher Tomich, Ian Vaughan Peter Harvey, Headmaster Mr Terry Pass, Daniel Roberts, Michael Pais, Ben Antony, Luke Burwood, Rory Pettigrew.

Above: The legacy of the final primary class. Each student made their own square to make this col/age.


lYear 1 1 Awards DUX

TihoMATULJ Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Literature Subject Prize in Geography Subject Prize in Geometry & Trigonometry Subject Prize in Introductory Calculus

Alexander FOSSILO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Furniture Design & Technology Subject Prize in Technical Graphics Subject Prize in Art Joseph GIOVANNETTI Certificate of Merit


Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Chemistry Subject Prize in Physics Subject Prize in Music

Cameron HARDIE Certificate of Merit Matthew HAYTO Certificate of Merit Owen HOAR Certificate of Merit

Jason BOURKE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Economics David CALDERON Subject Prize in Italian

Benjamin JUDGE Certificate of Merit Martin KRISTIANTO Certificate of Merit

Jake DA SILVA Subject Prize in Work Studies

Patrick LlNDORFF Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education Studies

Mathew DAWSON Certificate of Merit

Ben MEENAN Certificate of Merit

Donovan DE SOUZA Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in History Subject Prize in Political & Legal Studies Subject Prize in Human Biology

Edward MICENKO Certificate of Merit

Alan DOIG Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Senior Science Luke DRYLAND Subject Prize in Senior English

Kyle NUNN Subject Prize in Metals Technology Robbie O'SULLIVAN Subject Prize in Instep Simon RADI Certificate of Merit Laurence SIMPKIN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Japanese Mathew SYMONDS Certificate of Merit Simon UNDERSHULTZ Subject Prize in Mathematics in Practice Byron VERNON Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Digital Media Subject Prize in Biology Joong-kyung WANG Subject Prize in ESL English Michael WILLIAMS Subject Prize in Art & Design

Certificate of Excellence (80% or more A's) Donovan De Souza, Robert Head, Tiho Matulj

Guillermo MORAN Subject Prize in Accounting

Certificate of Distinction (80% or more A's or 8's)

Benjamin MULVEY Subject Prize in Foundations of Mathematics

Jason Bourke, Alan DOig, Alexander Fossilo, Cameron Hardie, Benjamin Judge, Ben Meenan, Edward Micenko Benjamin Mulvey, James Nolan, Kyle Nunn, Laurence Simpkin, Simon Undershultz, Byron Vernon.

James NOLAN Certificate of Merit



11 Year

Scuba Adventure During term one, a hand full of students began the scary but rewarding journey on our quest to become Scuba Divers. We started off in the pool learning all the basic training needed in order to become open water divers. Before we could go on our much awaited Rottnest dives, we had to complete lots of basic skills, like how to prepare our gear and also pass an exam (which a few unnamed students took three times in order to pass). When everyone finally completed the exam we were then allowed to go on our Rottnest dives, where we experienced the true exhilaration of under water exploration. On 7 April, we all gathered at the Perth Diving Academy at Rouse Head at 8.45 am, got our gear together before venturing into the unknown at 9.30 am. At about 10.15 am we stopped at a reef called 'Jackson's Rock' . When we hit the bottom we were all amazed at how magnificent it was down there with almost perfect visibility. We were down there for around 40 minutes and when we came up, to our surprise, Mr Barron had made friends with one of the local divers and gone off for crays. When we boarded the boat again we were delighted to find that they had cooked a gourmet lunch for us, which we all ate in a hurry.



The following day we all gathered at the same place, but this time we were not as lucky with the teacher allocation . This time we were landed with Mr Wenn whose one goal was to look for crays and tell us how he ONCE was a good/excellent boxer! With slightly cloudy conditions we were not in a hurry to get in the water but once we were in it was fantastic. We had a couple of encounters with some sharks and stingrays which Brendan Pavich had disturbed. Overall, the rest of the group and myself really enjoyed this wonderful experience and look forward to continuing our adventures in future diving expeditions. On behalf of everyone I would like to thank Mr Barron for making this possible and to Mr Wenn for coming along . Adam De long

Our Trip To Cicere//o's During September, Ms Pearson ' s Senior Science closs went on a trip to Cicerello's in Fremantle. We began our trip by having fish and chips for lunch. The main reason the Senior Science Class went to Cicerello's, was to look at different water environments and observe how the organisms in them behave. After lunch, we were taken to the fish farm that is on the South Mole, and were shown all the different fish they breed such as sea horses and fish fly (baby fish) and the different characteristics they have. When we had identified different organisms and learned how their environment works, we headed back to Cicerello's to see the tanks in the shop. The tanks were filled with many different types of fish that have been found in Cockburn Sound and Fremantle Harbour. It included Port Jackson Sharks, sea horses, lobsters and sea cucumbers. Thank you to Miss Pearson for organising the excursion and for taking us on the day. Michael Galvin and Ben Judge


Morgan House MDYJ/Ut/ 1 BACK ROW: Adrian Dujmovic, Rory Koch-Callaghan, Rhys Clark, Andrew Queiros, Luke Dryland, Terrence Wicks, Paul Winter. MIDDLE ROW: Mr Emslie, Marlon Ramirez, Alastair Crookes, Luke Howell, Mark Winter, Ben Antony, Samuel Ambrogio, Stephen Howell. FRONT ROW: Matthew Addis, Steven McGarry, Michael Jolly, Adrian Acquado, Richard Onoforo, Robert Browne, Ben Barrett, Adam Surjan, Andrew Ambrogio.

MDYJ/Ut/2 BACK ROW: Rhys Spencer, Peter Evas, Robert Evas, Paul Juricev, Alex Blair-Jacobs, Blake Anthony, Justin Gavin, Simon Radi. MIDDLE ROW: Dane Gaspar, Shane Dean, David Juricev, Haydn Roberts, Ryan Threlfo, Christian Evas, Miguel De Guzman, Jason Fiddes, Mrs N McCann. FRONT ROW: Michael Mangano, Liam Spencer, Callum Adcock, Aaron Fleury, Matthew Blair-Jacobs, Anthony Mangano, Steven Garces, Francesco Natanni.



Morgan House BACK ROW: Menno Luitjens, Levon Kvas-Rothwell, Robert Lowry, Peter Baskovich, Adam De Jong, Joshua Renner, Michael Lowry. MIDDLE ROW: Peter Mickowiec, Simon Dionisio, Daniel Smith, Cale McCulloch, Tomislav Ukalovic, Samuel Holland, Bradley McLaughlin, James Glendenning . FRONT ROW: Luke Walsh, Andrew Glendenning, Adam Perry, Graham Glynn-Bucknell, Mr lalacci, Ivan Gavranic, Luke Annese, Christopher Piggott Samuel Rowe. ABSENT: Sione Tai.

BACK ROW: Luke Otwinowski, Brendan Pavich, Timothy Marshall, Joseph Clifford, Paul Ryan, Bradley Vinci, Christopher Stone, Robbie O'Sullivan, Timothy McKenna. MIDDLE ROW: Matthew Dodd, Brodie Raffaele, Christopher Perry, Kale Fienberg, Samuel Carton, Mark Rieger, Brodie Dixon, Antrim Geary, Matthew Azzollini, Jackson Bromley. FRONT ROW: Joel Fienberg, Paul Neff, Christopher Carcione, Tim Geaney, Mr Caporn, Richard Stone, Benjamin McKenna, Matthew O'Sullivan, Lloyd Donohoe.

MorQon Hous

M organ House

- - - --,----=

MDYJIUt/S BACK ROW: Matthew Hay to, Warwick Goulson, Robert Hobson, James Neri, Justin Majeks, Peter Walsh, Ryan Shand, Timothy Pearce, Benjamin Mulvey, Jace Quarrill. MIDDLE ROW: Andrew Speirs, Paul Forrest, Benjamin Quarrill, Kim Glisenti, Delwin Carvalho, Duane Carvalho, Kyle Nunn, Jake Da Silva, Brett Thompson, William Proudfoot. FRONT ROW: Carl Harper, James O'Neill, Nicholas Tirli, Dylan Tate, Mrs Pulker, Leslie Hornung, James Walsh, Kyle Shand, Andrew Pearce.


Year 10 Awards DUX

Alexander BLAIR-JACOBS Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Electronics Subject Prize in Mathematics Subject Prize in Metals Technology Subject Prize in Wood Technology


Drew JAMES Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education Subject Prize in Sport Extension

Samuel KELLY Certificate of Merit

Gaetano LA MACCHIA Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Merit Robert PERRONI Subject Prize in Computing Adrian ACQUADO Certificate of Merit

Andrew ANTONIO Subject Prize in Society & Environment

David CALUSINSKI Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

Jason PHILLIPS Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education

Matthew ROWETT Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Japanese

Samuel CARTON Subject Prize in Science

Hartoyo SANTOSO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Art & Design

Thomas FRANCIS Certificate of Merit

Raymond SHANKS Subject Prize in Italian Subject Prize in Catering


Timothy STAKER-GUNN Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Excellence (80% or more A's) Alexander Blair-Jacobs, Bradley Mclaughlin, Jason Phillips

Certificate of Distinction (80% or more A's or 8's) Christopher Burton, Arron Canicais, Samuel Carton, Roberto GuerinL Drew James, Peter Klauz, Michael Mews, Matthew Rowett, Cale Swift.

Year 10 Social

The Year 10 Social was held on a Friday night in April. It was organised by a small group of Year 10 students and supeNised by a team of parents and teachers co-ordinated by Mr Foote and Mr Sandri. It was a great success.

lOYear 10


The Classroom The sound of work, Papers rustling, pens tappings, The sound of boredom, Quiet whispers, heavy sighs, The sound of life, Distant cars, chirping birds, The classroom hears it all. The sight of effort. People writing, hunched over desks, The sight of wonder, Staring into space, lost in thought. The sight of discipline, A wandering teacher, marks on the board, The classroom sees it all. The feeling of nature, A cool wind, chilling the skin, The feeling of humanity, Clothes on the body, keeping it warm, The feeling of school, A pen in the hand, tie round the neck, The classroom feels it all.

Sam Carton

During April, three of our Year 10 students, Alex Blair-Jacobs, Andrew Portelli and Justin Zanetic represented the College on It 's Academic. The competition was tough against Rossmoyne SHS and Narembeen HS and the boys did great credit to themselves and the College in coming a close second. The episode aired in June on Channel? Congratulations to the boys and the reserve team members, Bradley McLaughlin, Dean Gibbs and Devon Bell on their fine effort. Also, to the group of enthusiastic Year lO's (and a couple of Year 9's) who made up the studio audience, well done on participation.

Mrs Jenny 0' Ascanio and Mr Gerry Simpson


H6use patrick 1

BACK ROW: Stephen Hudson, Jeremy Martin, Clynton Antonio, Daniel Glaister, Lance Ward, Rodrigo Quintanilla, Peter Klauz, Gonzalo Authelet. MIDDLE ROW: Andrew Antonio, Zachary Garcia, Rhys Radaich, Joseph Paratore, Sadolo Soares, Ricardo Figueira, Timothy Staker-Gunn, Joshua Hearn, Mrs R Whitcombe. FRONT ROW: David Addis, Hamish Humphreys, Daniel Beaver, Nicholas Taylor, Drew James, Lewis Wesley, Nicholas Johnston, Adriano Soares. ABSENT: Ashley Meakins, Garry Burch, Christopher Colson .

Pab'ick2 BACK ROW: Vincent Smythe, Matthew Sweetman, ,Mathew Symonds, Robert Head, Royce Hunter, Troy Burmas, Peter Symonds, Mitchell Pedroli. MIDDLE ROW: Christian Gangemi, Hajime Koike, Domenico Gargaro, Troy Morley, Lynton Balia, Daniel Roberts, Steven Campbell, Jamie Quinlan, Mr Murphy. FRONT ROW: Arvi Mamesah, Toby Prunty, Johnny Roncevic, Nicholas Sweetman, Bryce Meredith, Daniel Lazzaro, Matthew Kernaghan, Dylan Jones. ABSENT: Ruben Martins.

parrick3 BACK ROW: Luke Valente, Bradley Richards, Shane Landers, Tristan Merrick, Matthew Rowett, James Pica, Chris McRobert Joseph Giovannetti. MIDDLE ROW: Christian Dalmas, Jonathon Gianoli, Patrick Davis, Michael Pais, Nick Casey, Andrew Shepherd, Peter Harvey, Michael Collova, James Vicarey. FRONT ROW: Sam Kerr, Robert Lo Presti, Ben Vicarey, Michael Montgomery, Mr Tognolini, Maurice Minervini, Thomas Longley, Ben Calalesina, Chris Lees.

Pab'ick4 BACK ROW: Christian Moelands, Anthony Casotti, Mathew Dawson, Jason Powell, Jonathon Gorham, Cameron Hardie, Jacob Bourke, Joong-Kyung Wang, Christian Liberatore. MIDDLE ROW: Jarrad Tucker, Raymond Shanks, Jackson Blake, John Reece, Paul Heath, Manuel Moreira, Gareth Forsdike, Paul Di Nunzio, Sean Bray. FRONT ROW: Mark Rinaldi, Mitchell Lynn, Luke Moelands, Robert Binczyk, Mr Corley, Aidan Dreghorn, Kevin Pereira, Brendan Sardelic, Thomas Rigg. ABSENT: Riordan O'Brien.

Patrick House BACK ROW: James Nolan, Kayne Harlen, Brock Dwyer, Patrick Lindorff, Lorenzo Sigon, Ryan Wight-Hales. MIDDLE ROW: Sam Harvey, Laine Stammers, Fabio La Pegna, Matthew Bourke, Allan Quinney, James Nevill, Mr Purcell. FRONT ROW: Kade Broad, Ben Thompson, Cory Da Luz, Josh Harvey, David Lindorff, Thomas Nolan, Jaye Shippard, Michael Separovich . ABSENT: George Wyatt, Ben Stailey, Ben Harvey.


Year 9 Camp

Camp was fun. Watch out for mud and sharp trees on the bike ride - Steven Cull Abseiling was fun after you took your first steps and thanks to the instructor; I overcame my fear of heights (they almost had to push me off) - Tim McKenna Some tips for year nines next year would be to pack a bit of extra clothing and prepare to go to the limit - Paul Neff I gained confidence in myself and ate food I hadn /t eaten for a long time. The food was great and very well presented Rafael Cartegena I would like to thank Mr

Foote for putting this camp together in such a great way/' the other teachers and Mr Simpson / for always being there with his whistle in the morning to wake us up in his cheerful manner - Liam Peak We had archery which was wicked and rafting where we were knocking the teachers out of their canoes - Sam Paino I participated in activities such as canoeing which gave me my biggest laugh because we kept capsizing. Abseiling gave me a bit of a thrill and archery gave me pin point accuracy Michael Montgomery 50

Did I mention the hike? It/s not that long. Only 75000 KMS/ but other than that the hike was fun - Matthew Moore We had early morning exercise which was a good way to say "Wake UpH/ We had lots of fun on each activity and we learned a lot about our mates/ some of whom we hardly knew - Delwin Carvalho I think the best thing about the camp was being able to overcome challenges/ spending time with your friends and of course being away from home Daniel Paino

Year 9 Awards DUX Joel TURCO

Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Italian Subject Prize in Society & Environment Subject Prize in Science Subject Prize in Class Music Subject Prize in Mathematics


Bryce MEREDITH Certificate of Merit

David MICENKO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Japanese

Joseph MICHELI Certificate of Merit

lain SINCLAIR Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Wood Technology

Suresh SUBAWICKRAMA Certificate of Merit

AdamSURJAN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Metals Technology

Roberto DEL CID AVILES Subject Prize in Electronics

Matthew MOORE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Computing

Brett THOMPSON Certificate of Merit

Antrim GEARY Certificate of Merit

Riordan O'BRIEN Certificate of Merit

Adamo VALENTINO Certificate of Merit

Matthew HEWITT Certificate of Merit

Matthew O'SULLIVAN Subject Prize in Art & Design

Paul WINTER Certificate of Merit

Brett HILL Certificate of Merit

Daniel PAINO Certificate of Merit

Certificate of Excellence (80% or more A's)

Michael JOLLY Certificate of Merit

Benjamin PEARSON Certificate of Merit

Jackson JONES Certificate of Merit

Matthew PEREIRA Subject Prize in Physical Education Subject Prize in Sport Extension

Joel Turco


Scott LOCKHART Certificate of Merit

Connor McHUGH Subject Prize in Catering

Christopher PERRY Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

Benjamin QUARRILL Certificate of Merit


Certificate of Distinction (80% or more A's or 8's) Andrew Brennan, Corey Da Luz, Roberto Del Cid Aviles, Paul Forrest, Antrim Geary, Matthew Hewitt, Brett Hill, Jackson Jones, Samuel Kerr, Connor Liddelow, Scott Lockhart, David Micenko, Peter Mikowiec, Michael Montgomery, Matthew Moore, Paul Neff, Daniel Paino, Liam Peak, Benjamin Pearson, Christopher Perry, Benjamin Quarrill, Bradley Reynolds, lain Sinclair, Suresh Subawickrama, Adam Surjan, Rhys Sutton Brett Thompson, Adamo Valentino, Lewis Wesley, Paul Winter.

Year 9 ScluJbt U Sb bbY~ School is so boring, The rustling of paper, The movement of chairs, I even hear people snoring. School is so boring, The clicking of pens, I wish I was soaring. Not stuck in here moaning. Out above the town, Sailing through the clouds, Flying under and over the showers, Flying up high then soaring down. Sc hool is so boring, When it is pouring, And then the siren goes, Everyone throws up their hats, And the school is deserted like that! Rhys Sutton

The simple room Stands still and tall Scribbling of my pencil eliminates the quietness Dusty smell of chalk fills the room Empty desks blend into the wall Time 's up, I've got to go My friends outside the window call Rob White

EveÂĽUu~ Suuer Calming sounds of the breeze, passing through the crevices in the windowsill. Suddenly interrupted by noises from the outside, carried through the high-rise-built canyons, with the wind howling. The continuous smell of dust, ever present in the stirred up air. Great beams of sunlight on the walls, occasionally broken by the shadow of a flying bird, like a spear being driven through the flesh of an animal. Each visit to the classroom refreshes our memories of the eternal senses that alert us to nature 's existence. Ben Pearson

S Days at


Pens rolling like ball bearings on a clean marble floor in a silent room. The walls and poster; vacant, lifeless, sterile, boring; stifling my spirit. Watches counting minuscule units of time like grains of sand in a digital hourglass. Machinery booming like prehistoric monsters heralding destruction and new life. Cars croaking and whirring in the distance like herds of ill water buffalo. Pens clicking like a cricket in a still and silent meadow. A breeze enters the room; cooling all it touches and swirling the air like sediment at the bottom of a stagnant river. Students fidgeting and writing, scratching and staring. Waiting impatiently for the end of their incarceration. Roberto del Cid Aviles


~1 BACK ROW: Thomas De Luca, Dean Gibb, Devon Bell, Christopher Keane, Joseph Crowe, Benjamin Pearson, Luke Manton. MIDDLE ROW: Jonathan Weekes, Daniel Harris, Toby Wright, Isaac Cook, Alex Riemer, Eduardo Fernandes, Donovan de Souza, Pearse Buchanan . FRONT ROW: Cooper Smart, Nathan McDonald, Connor Liddelow, Malcolm Apathy, Mr F Williams, Daniel BruccianL Michael dos Ramos, Samuel Stanley, Christopher Massaro. ABSENT: Roberto Guerini.

BACK ROW: Wayne Balding, Suresh Subawickrama, Bradley Miles, James Ellis, Jason Bourke, Robert White, Max Henriquez, Tae-Young Yun. MIDDLE ROW: Mr McNamee, Cale Swift, Dominic White, Owen Hoar, Nick Silich, David Calderon, Adam Tripi, Kale Gilbert, Mr Hart. FRONT ROW: Samuel Carmody, Jordan Blagaich, Jason Beste, Josh Flynn, Rafael Del Cid Aviles, Michael Roberts, Daniel Paino, Kale Taylor, Jaike Mitchell. ABSENT: Peter Thompson, Roberto Del Cid Aviles, Connor McHugh, Michael Merrutia.

Rice House BACK ROW: Cameron Etchells, Scott O'NeilL Lewis Trotter, Michael Packer, Tiho Matulj, Jarrad Bradbury, David Newlon, Robert Perroni, Alex Filipovich. MIDDLE ROW: Benjamin Vickridge, Joke Truscott, Lucas O'DelL Matthew Hewitt, Evon Hurle, Billy Moron, Karl Bodenstedt, Michael Lyndon-James, Matthew Moore. FRONT ROW: Chris Carson, Daniel Symons-Clomp, Daniel D' Ascanio, Joel Vickridge, Mr Masterton, Rafael Cartagena, Millon Filipovich, Jaxon Correia, David Tagliaferri. ABSENT: Derek Douglas.

BACK ROW: Christopher Burton, Ross James, Josh Nicholson, Dean Burnby, Michael Durkin, Justin Manganaro, James Dole. MIDDLE ROW: Steven Cull, Ben Fossilo, Matthew Wilson, Timothy Kennelly, Sam Robertson-Larkin, Thomas Quigley, Thomas Francis, Benjamin Toomey. FRONT ROW: Shone Tranchita, Matthew Francis, Liam Riddler, Gaetano La Macchio, Mr W McGillivray, Corey Nicholson, Sam Paino, Anthony Vinci, Joshua Morris.

"Ri,ce"s BACK ROW: Matthew Westwood, Ben Meenan, Arron Canicais, Michael Galvin, Louis Talbot, Michael Williams, Steven Hecker, Keiran Galvin. MIDDLE ROW: Damian Sabinasz, Nicholas CappeliutL Jarryd Savage, Andrew Patterson, John Galvin, Luke Burwood, Luka Vuckovic, Ethan Savage, Mr Van Dongen. FRONT ROW: Aaron De Abreu, Edward Daccache, Rhys Sutton, John Meenan, Michael De Bruin, Leonardo Suharsono, Luke Whelan, Joshua Mott. ABSENT: Ryan Lee.

Year 8 Awards DUX TimGEANEY Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Science

Andrew GLENDENNING Certificate of Merit

Matthew SCHUMACHER Subject Prize in Metals Technology

Graham GLYNN-BUCKNELL Certificate of Merit

Cooper SMART Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

PROXIME ACCESS IT (Equal) AaronANG Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education Subject Prize in Catering Zachary WONG Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Mathematics

Matthew AZZOLLINI Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Computing

Daniel BEAVER Certificate of Merit

Carl HARPER Subject Prize in Class Music

Stephen HOWELL Subject Prize in Wood Technology

David LlNDORFF Subject Prize in Art & Design

James WALSH Certificate of Merit

Luke WHELAN Certificate of Merit

Christopher MASSARA Certificate of Merit

Brenton NOGA Certificate of Merit

Thomas NOLAN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education

Kade BROAD Certificate of Merit Richard ONOFORO Certificate of Merit Michael DUTTON Certificate of Merit Thomas PATEN Certificate of Merit Frank FAZIO Subject Prize in Italian

Matthew FRANCIS Subject Prize in Japanese

Samuel STANLEY Certificate of Merit

Johnny RONCEVIC Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Society & Environment


Certificate of Excellence (80% or more A's) Aaron-Ang, Matthew Azzollini, Cooper Smart, James Walsh, Luke Whelan, Zachary Wong

Certificate of Distinction (80% or more A's or 8's) Andrew Ambrogio, Jonathan Barnes, Daniel Beaver, Jordan Blagaich, Matthew Blair-Jacobs, Kade Broad, Daniel Brucciani, Pearse Buchanan, Samuel Carmody, Michael Dutton, Justin Gavin, Tim Geaney, Graham GlynnBucknell, Carl Harper, Nathan McDonald, Francesco Natanni, Brenton Noga, Thomas Nolan, Richard Onoforo, Thomas Paten, Christopher Piggott, Bradley Richards, Mark Rinaldi, Samuel Stanley, Jonathan Weekes.


Year 8

9th April was one of the most enjoyable days for the Year 8' s who went to Mandurah to watch "Lockie Leonard Human Torpedo ". All thanks to the college, Mr Purcell. Mr Rees and Mr Van Dongen for making it possible. Both the trip to Mandurah and back to the school were full of excitement except for the time when we had to stop due to the bus overheating. The play was about a twelve year old city boy who just moved into a town away from the city together with his parents and his six year old brother. Lockie experiences trouble, worry and embarrassment on the very first day of school. But the best part of his life was when he met the smartest prettiest richest girl in the class. The next few weeks went very well for Lockie when he started to walk hand in hand with Vicki Streeton (the girl of his dreams). Soon, Lockie and Vicki became top students. But their relationship soon ended because of people spreading rumours about them . Everything went wrong for Lockie until his brother solved his problem by helping him to look on the bright side of things. For most of us this was our first experience of theatre and a very memorable one it was. Aaron Ang and Clive lane


Year 8 •



These photos are from the Leisure Education Day, Study Skills, Swimming Carnival, Welcome 8bq and Year 8 Social.

Samson House BACK ROW: Mark De Oliveira, Mitchell Lake, Gareth Lane, Patrick Baker, Abdul Juma, Alan Doig, Scott Lockhart, Craig Smith. MIDDLE ROW: Sam Benthien, Adamo Valentino, Jay Dymock, Franky Srinaga, Philip Oates-Boardman, Xavier Tuohey, David Micenko, Edward Micenko, Mr Thompson. FRONT ROW: Cory Dell'Olio, Dean Oliver, Yang Chee Lai, Tom Cullen, Martin Kristianto, Daniel Wilmot, Clive Lane, Fraser White.

BACK ROW: Jackson Jones, Azriel Leers, Scott Van Ryt James Bembrick, Blair Cunningham, Ben Dryland, Daniel Stephen. MIDDLE ROW: Aaron Ang, Shay Roberts, William Stephen, Tim Nunn, Ferdinando Bianchini, Aidan Freight, Chris Dawe, Mr G Holtham. FRONT ROW: Chris Maher, Jake Den Heijer, Chris McCready, Murray Bembrick, Ian Vaughan, Allen Musulin, Zach Wong, Joseph Micheli. ABSENT: Luke Gibson, Scott MacGregor.

Samson House BACK ROW: Richard Partridge, Pietro Catalano, Nicholas Stingemore, Hasib Sidiqi, Ross Douglas, Rory Pettigrew, Matthew Moreschi, Byron Vernon. MIDDLE ROW: Martin Taylor, Paul Taylor, Paul Maloney-Robotham, Tim Meager, Alexander Fossilo, Ian Dixey, Christopher Sebastian, Thomas Paten, Mr Moss. FRONT ROW: Shayne Driscoll, Frank Fazio, Marc Moreschi, Adrian Fadich, Brenton Noga, Kyle Brannen, Andrew Brennan, Alexander Drury. ABSENT: Liam Peak, James Stallard.

BACK ROW: Craig Pride, James Dolan, David Calusinski, Edward Connolly, Joel Turco, Matthew Pereira, Joel Stammers, Samuel Winfield . MIDDLE ROW: Dylan Pierre-Humbert Jason Dux, Jonathan Barnes, Michael Draper, Matthew Winfield, Hartoyo Santoso, Michael Mews, Matthew Hull, Grant Vink. FRONT ROW: Michael Dutton, Daniel Kotzem, Habibullah Rezayee, Peter Smedley, Mr Mulvey, Elliot Lanfear, Guy Tassone, Craig Gavin, lain Sinclair. ABSENT: Mark Swindells, Andrew Mews, Michael McCormick.

Samson House BACK ROW: Laurence Simpkin, Markus Eichenberger, Bradley Reynolds, Reece Renwick, Simon Undershultz, Ben Judge, Brett Hill, Luke Radaich. MIDDLE ROW: James Cassells, Thomas Kelly, Tristan Lavalette, Adam Spashett, Chris Tomich, Chris Swallow, Turei Haronga, Samuel Kelly, Jason Phillips. FRONT ROW: Ben Bailey-Smith, Oscar Reyes, Trent Teague, Leon Yerkovich, Ms Pearson, Matthew Schumacher, Danley Potts, Daniel Pietroniro, Anthony Fardella.

DURING 2002 gifted Mathematics students took advantage of many opportunities to display their abilities.

M~Co~M AMtr~M~Awartk During August the Australian Mathematics Awards were held at the school. From Years 8 to 12 there were 201 students who sat for the test. This year CBC Fremantle achieved excellent results from the following students.

Year 11 Tiho Matulj Robert Head Joong-kyung Wang Levon Kvas-Rothwell

Have-Sum" FUH/ Cb~ff/ Throughout the State the Mathematics Association runs a North and South of the River Mathematics Competition for Lower Secondary students. The night consists of a series of puules which students work with each other to solve. In March CBC was placed 12th out of 43.

High Distinction (Top 1% in the State) Thomas Francis (Year 10)

The following is a list of representatives. Year 8 Michael Separovich Joshua Mott

Distinctions (Top 15% in the State)

YearS Michael Separovich Zachary Wong Aaron Ang Johnny Roncevic Matthew Azzollini Samuel Carmody Cooper Smart Justin Gavin

Year 9 Andrew Brennan

Year 10 Michael Mews Alex Blair-Jacobs Arron Canicais Samuel Carton Dean Gibb Devon Bell

Year 9 Joel Turco Brett Thompson John Meenan Year 10 Ryan Lee During the first and second terms, a Year 10 boy was invited to attend 12 weeks of Mathematics Enrichment at UWA. Ryan Lee took part in the course and showed enthusiasm for his work. Mr Barry Tognolini Head of Department


implementation of the Curriculum Framework continued to be a major focus for the Science Department this year. We are now using an outcomes focussed approach for the teaching, learning, assessing and reporting in Year's 8,9 and 10, Our aim is to continue to refine our programs whilst shifting our focus to the teaching and learning that takes place, The Science department continues to value educational excursions and visits, We believe they add interest and variety as well as supporting the theory components of our courses, Some of the more interesting events in the Science area this year inciude; • A visit by the Quarantine Service to give talks to Year 8, 11 and 12 students • Year 10 pupils visiting the Kwinana Power Station as part of the Physics course • Camp at Rottnest Island for Year 12 Biology students • Visit to Murdoch University to view their Electron microscopes • Year 11 Biology students visiting the Zoo to study primates • Year 12 Senior Science students sailing at South Perth and power boating at the Boatshed • Year 11 Senior Science students snorkelling at the Boatshed and learning about buoyancy at the Fremantle pool

• Day trip for all of the Year 11 Senior Science students to Rottnest Island to complete an assessed piece of work • Year 11 Physics students visiting Murdoch University to conduct practical activities • Year 8 students visiting the World of Energy in Fremantle Our students' good behaviour and interest encourage us to continue organising these events, Thanks to the staff who organised these and other . events,

Cb~ytUuiAml'U ' TL3 Cer~ As part of the Senior Science program the students regularly visit the Boatshed in East Fremantle, They are taught various manoeuvring procedures which they need to master. They are assessed on these procedures at the end of the course, The students also sit a multiple-cho ice test, Those students who pass both the practical and theoretical tests are awarded the TL3 Certificate, The TL3 is a small boat proficiency licence that is recognised nationally, Congratulations to the following boys who were awarded a TL3 certificate; Haydn Roberts, Ryan Threlfo, Eduardo Fernandes, Alastair Crookes, Luke Burwood, Luke Moelands, Rodrigo Quintanilla, Jarrad Bradbury, Michael Durkin, Lance Ward, David Newlan, Daniel Glaister, James Stallard, Ross Douglas, Joseph Clifford and Patrick Davis, The

following boys received a Boatsmart Licence for completing the practical component of the course;Bradley Vinci, Tim Pearce, Turei Haronga, Franky Srinaga, Andrew Patterson, Derek Douglas, Fabio La Pegna, and Guy Tassone ,

AudY~ScJw()U S~

Cb~ff; Samuel Carmody, Zachary Wong, Aaron Ang, Luke Whelan (Year 8) and Josh Hearn and Paul Winter (Year 9) received Distinction Awards in the Australian Schools Science Competition, Their results placed them both in the top 8% of students in Western Australia, All students in Year 8 sat this test and were awarded a certificate, The test is offered to students in other years as a voluntary exercise, Congratulations to all of these boys on their excellent achievements,

StaffN~ We farewelled Mr Bill Cuthbert this year after 11 years of excellent service, Thanks to Mr Simpson and Mr Sandri for taking over Mr Cuthbert 's classes, Thanks also to Mr McFadden, Mr Hortense and Mrs Sivich who contributed to the teaching of science this year. Finally I would like to express thanks to Mr Thompson, Ms Pearson and Mrs Whitcombe for their efforts this year. Mr Michael Masterton Head of Science

'Tr,E Year

12 Senior Science Group went on its epic boating day trip at the beginning of June. The day started out with grey clouds looming but soon changed to black clouds looming . There were 6 boats that went out, each one about 12 foot in length. They were sturdy vessels to say the least. We started from the Fremantle Boat Shed and headed up the river towards Perth. We were a bit disappointed when we were told we had no water proof containers, so we had to put our bags in the bottom of the boats. We stopped for a bearing measurement and did our first beach landing procedure. The three point bearing from a compass and map caused some problems for some but most were fine. As we travelled up river we saw great mansions that towered high over the river, atop

Preparing the boats for the journey ahead,

great cliffs. They were definitely a sight to see! The water began to get choppy as we headed further up the river, the waves got large and at some points the boat was actually surfing them! We could not steer while the boat "surfed" the waves. This was a little scary but fun at the same time! We all docked at a nice peaceful beach where we experienced a brief period of sunshine, then as we began to take off. the rain came down. We got wet and the waves began crashing over the bow. Some smart people brought wet weather gear, these people were the envy of those who forgot. We headed back home down the river, everyone cold, wet and longing for a hot shower. The trip was uneventful except for the racing going on between boats and people flicking water at each other and this started all sorts of challenges. When the sound of a ferry coming was heard, everyone quickly stopped and moved well clear. Everyone docked beautifully and we were very pleased to be back on land and everyone was ready for a long hot shower. The day was great and everyone had fun in a wet sort of way. Lance Ward, Year 12

HIS year for Senior Science, our class grew and cared for yabbies. Yabbies are freshwater crayfish often mistaken as marron but actually much smaller. The difference between yabbies and marron apart from size is that marron are generally darker and the joints between their claws are red, unlike yabbies jOints which are white. During the last three terms this year we have measured, fed, weighed, kept the water clean and observed the water temperature of the yabbies. We also did a lot of research into the setup of tanks, diet and breeding cycle of the yabbie so that we could successfully give them a friendly and healthy lifestyle. Every Monday, we take our yabbies out of the tanks to weigh and measure them and we found that in first term, the summer, they grew a lot faster than they did in third term because the water temperature is colder so their growing is halted. September to October for yabbies is mating season. Lately we changed the tank setup by putting males and females together to try and breed them . This year has been a really great experience. We successfully bred our yabbies and learnt a great deal over the year. I recommend Senior Science in Year 11 .


MaHhew Hayto, Year 11

English THIS year's activities have been made possible by the hard work and dedication of several people working in the department. There were minimal staff changeovers during the year. Mrs Sasche's replacement, Mrs Pulker. came to us from Aquinas College. She worked with the English as a Second Language Students. lower-school classes in years Eight and Nine and with special needs students in year eight.

In our teaching and programming for students we have sought to aid those students with particular need s. The support teacher arrangement continued to allow for the teachers to negotiate what best suited a class 's needs. Sometimes this meant that the support teacher would begin a unit of work for the whole class; at other times the class was separated into different groups whilst one of the teachers reviewed a particular concept with those who needed it. Another advantage was that students were exposed to different teaching styles. This was an interesting experience for the teachers involved. too; and the positive energy that results will be d isplayed in their own future teaching practices.

with which they continue to look forward to the future . I am sure that it will be a bright one because of their continuing professionalism and enthusiasm.

Senior English students visited Fremantle Prison as part of their studies. At the prison students toured the facility and wrote a report about the experience. Year Ten groups visited the Children's Literature Centre to enhance their understanding of Gary Crew 's novel Strange Objects. Other excursions included cinema visits and theatre performances. As might be expected. Literature students in particular found the opportunity to attend performances very useful in the development of their understandings of what their course had to offer. They attended performances as diverse as Taking Sides and Mavis Goes to Timor. This experience is crucial to the syllabus and made the outings well worthwhile.

EItjLU~s~ BDard

Outside of the classroom. too. people have been working hard to take a leading role in the changes that are coming in educational philosophy and technology. Staff have already done much work in this area and made themselves familiar through in-service work with the requirements.

During terms three and four. students from years Eight and Ten participated in English Speaking Board Assessments and this year the results were excellent.

I would therefore like to express my thanks for the generous spirit with which all staff members have approached the challenges of this year and

Approximately 50% of the students receiveo an assessment of Credit Pass or Distinction. Nine boys performed exceptionally well to gain an overall

Distinction and two students were outstanding. There are four categories of assessment, these being; Prepared Talk. Memorisation of a Poem. a Prepared Reading and Open Exchange of Ideas. For each category it is possible to achieve Distinction. Credit. Highly Satisfactory and Satisfactory. The following boys gained an overall Distinction by ac.hieving three Distinctions and a Credit: Tim Geaney. Matthew Azzollini . Johnny Roncevic. Ben Thomson. Matthew Francis. Edward Daccache and Brenton Noga. Exceptional achievement in gaining fo ur Distinctions goes to Nicholas Taylor and Hamish Humphreys. In Year 10. 41 % of students did very well to receive a Credit. Four boys did really well and received a Distinction: Alex Blair-Jacobs. Kale Gilbert. Leon Yerkovich and Adrian Aquado . The teachers involved in preparing for this activity did a very thorough job. Certainly. the response to their performances from th e examiners was very positive and indic ated that there is plenty of talent in this group of students.


My thanks go to Mr Caporn. Mrs McCann. Mrs Pulker. Mr Purcell. Mr Rees. and Mr Stac k for the ir work in ensuring that the event ran smoothly and successfully. Mr Brendan Mulvey Head of Languages and Communications

abcdefghijklmnopqrstu 67



year we have been busier than ever. Classes have been full to overflowing, and the boys have created some very good proJects. During Term three we saw a major shift in more ways thon one with Mr Magaraggia taking up a position at the Catholic Education Office for a year and the evacuation of the Practical Arts building to aliow the builders access for refurbishment of the facility. We have established a woodwork room and a metalwork room undemeath the Gym and it seems to be working well under the circumstances. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the Practical Arts Staff in these trying times. We are realiy looking forward to moving into the new facility early next year as Mr McFadden assures us will be the case.

Mr Don McNamee Head of Practical Arts

11 & 12 War





GROUP of Japanese exchange students (14 boys and 1 teacher) visited CBC Fremantle for two weeks during Term 1. The group was from our sister school, Torei Gakuen Fujisawa High School in Kanagawa-pref. During their stay, they attended English conversation classes, and occasionally joined our lessons. They had a few excursions like a city tour, a farm visit and a day at Rottnest Island. The Japanese students stayed with their host families who kindly offered hospitality to the boys. We had a wonderful time in exchanging both cultures. It will be CBC Fremantle 's turn to visit Torei Gakuen Fujisawa High School next April. Mrs Akiko Danker Japanese Teacher

Clockwise from right: Billy Moran with his host brother Naoki Suzuki. Students with their host brothers. Mr McFadden receiving a gift from Torei Gakuen teachers. Exchange students /",-..",-..""",,,, banana muffins.

Italian I

T WAS a busy year for the Italian classes this year. We were once again fortunate to host an Italian student Angelo Scotto, from Foggia in Southern Italy. He was kindly hosted by the Casotti family for two months. On the 28th November, David Calderon left to spend two months as an exchange student in Italy. David won a scholarship funded by the Cassamarca(TREVISO) through the WA Association of Teachers of Italian. We hope David has a very successful exchange. During Carnevale in February the Year 9 and 10 students made masks, while the Year 10 students went to Rossinis for lunch and saw an exhibition of elaborate Carnevale costumes and masks. Language week activities included reading Italian and Japanese prayers at assembly, making different foods in the classroom, the chocolate stall, quizzes and games such as bocce. The Italian students were able to meet a guest speaker from Italy who talked about her work as a journalist and presenter on a N station. The Year 10 students went to see a movie at Cinema Paradiso and then had lunch in Northbridge. Four students sat for the Dante Alighieri exam. The Year 10 students sat for the National ACER exam . Nella McCann Italian Teacher

Clockwise from top: Mrs McCann working with a student on his mask. Painting up a Carnevale Mask. Playing bocce. Focaccia making - is there a better way to spend time in class than eating? Painting a mask moulded from the face .


Instep 2002


Andreir. Sh~phera at Palmyra Primary

Clockwise from left: Jeremy Martin at City of Melville as a mechanic. Sione Tai at the Main Roads Department Restaurant, Perth. Robbie 0 'Sullivan at Perth Metalwork Company. Ben Dryland at Southside Engines. Patrick Baker at Legend Boat Builders. Andrew Queiros at City Toyota. Paul Juricev Landrover.



Religious Education


Society & Environment ~IS year has seen SOciety and Environment try

to unravel Curriculum Framework by trying to teach itto the Year 8's for the first time. It has given us teachers more time to concentrate on more exciting aspects of the subject.

For example, students participated in group projects on natural disasters a pretext for studying plate tectonics, volcanoes, climate and weather. Later in Term 4, students worked on models of castles and manor houses to get them interested in History. The whole idea was to replace the old "chalk and talk" that most parents would have experienced as students a long time ago with more modern teaching methods. The Year 9 Society and Environment students enjoyed relevant excursions. For example, during Term L students had the opportunity to visit the Fremantle Maritime Museum to learn about the early explorers of Western Australia. This also included looking at Aboriginal Studies in some detail because it is now a very important part of the curriculum.

In Year 10, a program that was started last year was continued this year. That is, all students were exposed to different disciplines of Society and Environment. Experiencing such subjects as economics, geography, history and politics prepared them to make appropriate decisions for their S&E subjects next year in Year 11 . This also included two weeks completing the Decisions Booklet which involved making students look at their interests and abilities followed by a series of activities such as going through the Commonwealth Government supplied Job Guide. The idea was to help students think about their future whether it be academically inclined towards university or vocational such as TAFE or a job. CBC Fremantle endeavours to cater for all of our students not just a select few. I believe that once again this program was successful in helping students to make difficult decisions about their future while only 15 years of age. Staff changes in the department saw the departure of Miss Paratore but her position was

taken over by Mrs Flexman, back from maternity leave on a part time basis. Sadly Mrs Flexman has left the College to carryon with her career of being a mother. I warmly thank her for her efforts and her support of me. We will miss her presence in the Department. Also Mr Holtham had long service leave during Term four and we thank Mrs Di Giuseppe for helping out during that time . We also thank Mr McGillivray for working with us during the year and wish him well in 2003. Finally my thanks to Mrs D' Ascanio and Mr Moss for their efforts this year. Without their help, it would have been difficult coming back from leave with the demands and stresses of the job. I believe I speak on behalf of the Department that we all look forward to the challenges of 2003 with interest. Mr Michael lalacci Head od Department

Society & Environmenf ~E Year 11 Geography and Biology classes

recently went for a two day camp at Wellington Mill (30km east of Bunbury) to study the Jarrah forests in the area.

During the long drive to Wellington Mill, we visited the ALCOA Bauxite mine site at Huntley. Here we learnt interesting facts about ALCOA's efforts to preserve and rehabilitate past mine sites. We arrived at the camp site in the early afternoon and were surrounded by lots of kangaroos. Our activities in the afternoon consisted of unpacking and completing our notes on the Huntley mine site visit. The following day we had to do a fair amount of work, however we also managed to participate in some fun octivities including a bushwalk, night trail, afternooon sports and movies. Our bushwalk

was with local CALM officers, learning about the plants and animals in the forest. Even though we had work to complete, we still managed to have fun . On behalf of the students, thankyou to Mr Moss, Ms Pearson and Mr Stack for organising the camp and sacrifi cing their own time to go away w ith us. Tiho Matulj, Year 11

Clockwise from below: The kangaroos were a distraction for this group photo! Michael Galvin and Ricardo Figueira mapping out vegetation in a section of the jarrah forest. John Reece, Christian Moelands and Andrew Mews working through the activity write ups. Trekking through the spectacular jarrah forests.

What they came to see: Jarrah forests and kangaroos with toast!



2002 has been an exceptional year in the Class Music program. We welcomed into the college a strong group of year eight music students on a variety of instruments and with an enthusiasm for the subject. They started the year becoming acquainted with the different instruments of the orchestra, moving on to a task where they invented and created their own original instruments. In term two we looked at the various elements of music which combine to create an overall effect. Activities included improvising movements, drawing pictures and writing stories inspired by pieces of orchestral music. Semester two has seen the groups working very hard to put together a musical production of "Snow White", adapted from One of Roald Dahl's Revolting Rhymes. This is Snow White with a difference - the Seven Dwarves are actually exhorserace jockeys in debt! Snow White goes back to the castle to steal the Magic Mirror so that they can predict the winner of the big race... The students have been responsible for all aspects of the production from staging to costumes to acting, singing and tech crews. This has been a lot of fun and talent has been revealed which shows promise for the drama program in the coming years! Year Nine Class Music has been an interesting year, with the students showing strength in musicianship both in class and instrumentally. Semester One saw us looking at the development of Rock music and experimenting with writing compositions based on chord patterns from the 1950 's . Semester Two has been a time of developing aural skills and our knowledge of music theory. These have been a good grounding for another attempt at composition for the students' own instruments. We have worked at integrating technology into the teaching program, using programs such as 8and-/n-A-80x to create backing tracks for our

compositions, Sibe/ius to print out our compositions, and Auralia and Musition to build our aural and theory skills independently. There are two year 11 students studying TEE music this year. They have been working diligently on aspects of performance, history and literature, composition and music perception skills. All year 11 and 12 music students have shown great leadership and creativity this year (as witnessed at the Music Festival with the musical item Gilligan and the Von- Trapps!) Their leadership example looks to continue in 2003. The instrumental music staff have worked very hard this year to bring the best out of the boys. Their willingness to give of their spare time to feed the boys' interest in music is commendable. The music staff for 2002 have been: Mr Uwe Stengel. Director of Bands, woodwind teacher, Mr Kim Anning, Director of Guitar Ensembles, guitar teacher, Mr Adam Hall. brass teacher, Mr Tim Woolley, drum teacher, Mr Valery Niyazov, piano teacher terms 1-3, Mr Luciano Trebse, piano teacher term 4. After a break, the new College Choir was formed at the beginning of this year. There have been quite a number of year eight and nine

students who have shown ongoing commitment to the choir throughout the year. The choir's first task was to prepare to be part of the Massed Schools Choir for the Mass held at the Entertainment Centre early in term two, celebrating the Bicentenary of the first Edmund Rice school. After learning quite a challenging score we became immersed in a demanding rehearsal schedule, combining with students from Trinity and Aquinas. CBC Fremantle also provided two instrumentalists for the orchestra - Adamo Valentino (yr 9) and Patrick Davis (Yr 12). For the remainder of the year the choir has lead the singing at various College Masses : the St Patrick's Sunday evening Masses hosted by CBC, our Founder's Day College Mass and the Yr 12 Graduation Mass. The choir also performed at our annual Music Festival. and is set to perform at the College Awards Night. With the developing vocal skills and strength of commitment shown by current choir members, and with new members anticipated from amongst the 2003 Yr 8 music students, the future of our College Choir looks promising. Mrs Emma Tandy Head of Music

COLLEGE CHOIR Back Row: Michael Lyndon-

James, Ben Quarril/, Tom Quigley, Joel Turco , Matthew Hewitt, Stephen Hudson, David Micenko. Middle Row: Ben McKenna, Matthew BlairJacobs, Peter Mikowiec, James Walsh, Sam Holland, Brenton Noga, Adamo Valentino, Anthony Mangano. Front Row: Francesco Natanni, Hamish Humphreys, Tom Longley, Mrs E. Tandy, Ashley Meakins, Daniel SymonS-Clamp, Roberto Lo Presti. Absent: Connor McHugh.

Art I

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ttItUlfrudolH/) Dr ~~aLon,e, -Mary Ward The focus this year is precisiely that, to approach the creating and making of artworks with passion and freedom of thought. The courses for this year have provided for the individual to achieve something worthwhile from their arts experience, to feel - "good " about themselves and their achievements. Another strong emphasis was to develop in the individual a way to expolore an idea. They learn to work through an idea and approach their drawing from the perspective of all their own

experiences. With the diverse range of options available, the students this year have produced some fantastic work.

as a sequential building of skills development as well as providing an enriching experience in which the student can express personal views of life.

Strong artworks have evolved from Year 8 ink calligraphy, Year 9 design elements and principles painting project, Year 9 environment and colour, Year 10 surreal experience and "self portrait", Year 11 sandstone cultural forms and drawing, Year 12 stained glass and glass fusing and Year 12 "school life ".

They are also designed to integrate with other areas of curriculum in areas of enhancing graphic design, computer generated design development and in supporting other faculties. We look forward to merging with performing arts, music and media next year, and to providing a strong c reative experience for our students.

The emphasis on Exper ien ces, Energ y. Exploration, Encouragement and Excellence are amongst the many words discussed in the arts and many students have developed their confidence and motivation and to see a happy student working on their artwork is the key to success. The art courses at CBC Fremantle are designed

I would like to congratulate our students for their creative energy shown this year and for their achievements. Mrs Jenny Rawlings

"The Idiot Box " by Ben Mulvey (Yr 7 7), Silkscreened and digitally produced.

By Fienberg (Yr 7 7), Charcoal.


ogy .

Information &Communication Technolgy THE year commenced with the momentous news that three of our boys - Brenton Bulmer, Andrew Micenko and John Sibon had been recognised as among the top 0.05% of students studying Interactive Media in WA. Of the six Certificates of Distinction awarded in WA by the Curriculum Council CBC boys gained half. This is an unprecedented result and reflects a history that stretches back to the first award for this subject in 1997. CBC has had an award every year bar one and in 1998 also gained the only subject exhibition. Again in 2002 we are putting forward two students for consideration and whilst being quietly confident of their merit we will all have to await the announcements made in January of next year. However regardless of the final result Xavier Tuohey and Ryan Shand are to be congratulated as - 'A' students and for being deemed to be at a level to warrant such meritorious consideration. Classes in ICDL as well as CCNA have been held throughout the year and many students are now

Cisco71CDC ~ANKS

mainly to its students, the CBC Network Academy established a few landmarks in 2002. Firstly, we saw the introduction of two instructors to help with the rising number of students doing the course. Secondly, we witnessed the successful attempts of two dedicated students, Stewart and Ross Wood, at obtaining the CCNA certification. Thirdly, we welcomed two "babies" in year ten who have not only shown that they can handle the pace of the course but in so doing, have encouraged a number of year nine students to choose to become Cisco kids next year. This year too will conclude the two-year program for our second year students. They are now at the stage of completing all the practical components of the course and will be getting ready for the CCNA certification. This will surely be a fitting end to their commitment and dedication throughout the four semesters.

reaping the rewards of their hard work with graduation results. Two of our recent students that completed their CCNA accreditation were visitors to WA from Scotland and a recent enquiry from USA regarding ICDL shows the truly global capabilities of electronic learning. Boys studying electronics with Mr John Hortense have also branched out to Robotics and both built and programmed their own robotic vehicles. They have adapted these to play Robo Soccer and have competed in state level games with great success for first time entrants. Year ten general computing students have also had a terms exposure to writing code for robotic programming using KAREL. In 2003 we will be incorporating the syllabus of the globally recognised International Computer Drivers License (lCDL) to all year ten boys as a part of their time tabled year ten computing. Boys in both years eleven and twelve can also Due to the growing demand for industry certification, the CBC Academy is looking at offering other courses to complement the computer-networking curriculum. These include Unix Operating System, Java Programming, and a hardware-software upgrade course. These supplementary courses will ensure that the CBC Academy students get exposed to a wider variety of problems encountered in the industry and so gain a competitive edge in the workforce. I would like to thank Mr Mc Fadden, who has supported and encouraged the growth of the Academy and Mr. Williams who has given his help cheerfully whenever a sausage sizzle was organised. Mr Bryan Smith of Dimention Data has enthusiastically given his expertise to the Academy on numerous occasions and he too deserves my deepest thanks as do our two dedicated instructors - Mr Mojas and Mr Sheppy who at times must have found teaching year 11 boys a challenging task. Finally, I would like to extend my gratitude to the Cisco kids, who make a regular three-hour


partiCipate but will need to study in their own time from an interactive student centred instructional CD .. Those boys that wish to be accredited will need to take tests set by an external testing house and if successful can finish year ten with both the ICDL qualification and also the National Certificate in ICT Level- 1, which will gain RPO for TAFE enrolments. The year has been extremely busy and as parents, boys and staff are aware considerable changes have been planned for and programmed for 2003. This department has been busy refining our syllabi and planning towards our next years offerings. In term four of the year there have been staff changes that have enabled me to take study leave. Mrs Samantha Emslie has acted as HOD and Ms Kelly O'Mara helped with taking classes in my absence, my thanks go to both. Mr Harry Clements-Shepherd Director of ICT

commitment every week, and their parents without whose support, the Academy would not be a reality .

Back L-R: Mr Clements-Shepherd, Ms Lightfoot, Mr Williams. Middle: Ms Sgro, Ms O 'Neill, Habib Rezayee. Front: Mark Reiger; Edward Micenko.

Jazz North West Tour DURING the July school holidays, the CBC Fremantle Jazz Orchestra set off for what was to be the longest bus ride of our life. Travelling for about twenty hours by coach long through the night and into the day, we reached our destination of Exmouth, our home for the next four nights. We performed at the Potshot Hotel at night and explored amazing Sights during the day. The management staff at the Potshot, were extremely kind to us, allowing us to board in their backpacker quarters as well as providing the band with scrumptious meals after every performance. Whilst in Exmouth, we travelled to many beautiful gorges, canyons and beaches. Some of these places included Turquoise Bay, a magnificent beach with unbelievable snorkelling; Pothole Canyon and the Mandu Mandu Gorge. On the Monday morning we packed up and began our voyage south to Denham . The accommodation in Denham was more " up


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market" allowing us all to have a N set in each room! We performed in Monkey Mia, over the next two nights, at their newly refurbished visitor centre stage. The audience at our first performance was rather lack lustre and our playing was more appreciated by the dolphins that inhabit Monkey Mia. However the second nights' performance brought a larger crowd as the band started to play really well. Once again the band was able to roam around Denham with a bit of free time. Some tried their hand at fishing whilst others just enjoyed the sunshine. Some of us were lucky enough to see the "Denham Crew', a term given to a group of locals that were doing "bog laps" around the main street at lO:30pm. In Kalbarri, the band finally put all of their musical knowledge and ability together to play our two best performances of the tour. Both nights were

played without a PA system and even then, I thought we sounded magnificent. The band received many positive comments about the quality of the music played. The confidence of the younger members of the band grew enormously throughout the tour with every band member playing a solo over the last two nights. This takes a lot of courage and determination. Many thanks must go to Mr Sandri and the Music Committee for the organization of the tour and the endless hours they put into it so that the band could have an enjoyable time; Mr Rose' Meyer for his help on the tour and the wonderful way he has his socks up all day. Finally, to Mr Stengel our bandmaster and friend who, without his inspiration and driving force behind the organization and running of the tour, we may never have been able to have such a fantastic time over the whole duration of the tour. Year 12

om T

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From The Maestro

The CBC Fremantle Jazz Orchestra is much talked about these days, as they have established themselves over the years as undisputed leaders in their field and I'm sure you will read more about them in this annual. An orchestra with such a reputation does not just happen. It is the result of a lot of ground work and a long hard working leadup. Most of this major work and preparation is mainly being done in our Intermediate College Band . This band currently has twenty three members, with some exceptional talent coming out of Year 8. Although these boys have to live in the shadow of the success of the Jazz Orchestra, this is the real breeding ground for all the young talents that eventually end up as members of the JO, where they will reap the benefits of all that hard ground work. As part of this training the Intermediate Band goes out and performs in the community. They quite successfully hold their own and are very popular at school fetes, nursing homes and other public performances. One major aspect of the music that we specialize in at CBC is very rarely mentioned. Since we are running a Jazz Program, "improvisation" is one of the major components of this highly sophisticated style of music. Contrary to public belief, you don't just make things up "as you go" when you playa Jazz solo. To be able to play an improvised solo on any given tune, you have to have explicit knowledge of scales, harmony and c hord progressions (plus some degree of command of your instrument), more so than in any other type of music. It is instant composing, knowing in minute detail what you are doing. This knowledge and the teaching of improvisation are the main ingredients in our music program, that put us ahead of most other schools in this state. "Our music students can improvise". Earlier this year I started a voluntary improvisation course, one day a week .after school, in addition to what the students do In the

classroom or their instrumental lessons. This was designed for those who wanted to take this one step further. I was hoping to attract perhaps five or six interested students. I ended up with twenty and the number is growing. Sounds too good to be true? Well, come and see for yourself. Another regular after hours activity, that was borne out of student inte rest, is the Wednesday afternoon Rhythm-Section Workout. We call it the Engine Room, because these guys are really the driving force that propels the Jazz Orchestra. At the time of writing this has become so effective and successful, that there is now interest shown by the brass and saxophone sections to have similar regular workouts. More and more this scene around the music department is starting to bear the hallmarks of a small conservatorium. I wonder if anyone has given any thought to just how many hours in the day are available to accommodate these activities? What a pleasure it is to teach, when you have students who want to be there. SPECIAL THANKS The 2002 Yr 12 graduation ceremony marked the closure of a major chapter in the CBC Fremantle band program. The dedication of the two Harvey boys (Adam 1993-2000 and his younger brother Peter 1995-2002 whose graduation I'm referring to) to their music and to the CBC Fremantle Jazz Orchestra in particular has been unique. Between them they have won numerous awards and honorable mentions, both as individuals and members of CBC's musical flagship the Jazz Orchestra. Their parents, Gerry and Maria, have been actively involved with our music support group, the Music Parents Committee, from day one as committee members, secretary, vice-president and Gerry, eventually ending up as the longest serving president in the history of the Music Committee.

Their untiring support made many things possible; ranging from the acquisition of musical instruments and band arrangements, to


organizing festivals, state and overseas tours. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank the whole Harvey family for their dedication and' commitment to the welfare of music at this college and most of all for the endless hours they gave so generously in support of the CBC Fremantle music program. The Harveys have left their distinctive mark on the CBC Fremantle music scene over the lost nine years, and this will not easily be forgotten. Let me assure you that this note of thanks does not mean goodbye, as the family connection and friendship will continue for many years to come. There are many other dedicated parents involved with the Music Committee, who give their continuous support to our music program. Their help creates many opportu nities for our students, which without them would remain only dreams. Mr Uwe Stengel Director of Bands

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Jazz Orchestra

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Jazz Orchestra (Right) Back Row: Michael Draper; Sam Winfield, Robert Head, Peter Harvey, Rhys Sutton. Middle Row: Cameron Hardie, Daniel Harris, Kale Fienberg, David Calusinski, Daniel Symons-Clamp, Carl Harper, George Wyatt. Front Row: Byron Vernon, Patrick Davis, Matthew Rowett, Mathew Symonds, Ben Thomson, Mr Uwe Stengel.

INTERMEDIATE BAND (LEFT) Back Row: Karl Bodenstedt, Stephen Hudso n, Matthew Hewitt, David Calusinski, Ben Quarril/, Michael Lyndon-James, Robert Browne. Middle Row: Mr U Stengel, Michael Draper; Rh ys Sutton, Ben Barrett, Connor Liddelow, Steven McGarry, Michael Dutton, Daniel Harris. Front Row: James Walsh, Jason Phillips, Carl Harper, Miguel De Guzman, Ben Thomson, George Wyatt, Daniel Symons-Clamp, Adamo Valentino.

Interschool Swimming The indoor pool at Challenge Stadium once again provided a perfect venue for the CBC Fremantle House Swimming Carnival. The most pleasing aspect of the day was the enthusiastic effort from all levels of swimmers, from elite "superfish" to the 50m body board racers. Matthew Bourke continued his record breaking spree with two new records: 50m Butterfly 28.46 50m Breaststroke 33.93 The water displacement heats were also a highlight of the day: although Josh Musto's pool emptying jump did saturate our new Headmaster - not a great career move Josh! Thanks to all the staff for their diligent work on the day and congratulations to all the students for their efforts throughout the day. Mr Ross Barron (Previous Head of Department)

ACC Swimming 2 002 saw a return to A Division for the College. We had many successful B Grade carnivals and a brief A Grade appearance in 1999 but the task was in front of our cap t ain, Matthew Bourke and his deputy Daniel Roberts and the other 47 swimmers to rise to this new challenge. The preparation had been sound. For many boys training twice a week for a period of time leading up to the carnival helped maintain their fitness. The records will show a sensational 4th place in A Grade, only some 11 paints off 3rd , unquestionably our best result in recent history. Our Junior boys finished 5th and our Senior boys 2nd . Each and every boy is to be commended on their determination and drive, a reflection of their training and school spirit. Together with our fabulous swimmers, Mr Simpson and Mr Norton would like to thank their support staff, Mr Preshaw, Mr Barron and Mr Sandri for their many hours at training and meet preparation.

OVERALL BOYS RESULTS Corpus Christi Newman John XXIII CBC Fremantle Sacred Heart Mazenod All Saints

465 426 412 401 386 379 330

Back Row: Ben Antony, Warwick Goulson, Peter Harve y, Rhys Clark, Alex Fossilo, Matthew Hewitt Alan Doig, Luke Burwood. 3rd Row: Mr Gerry Simpson, Ian Vaughan, Brett Thompson, Robbie O 'Sullivan, Roberto Guerini, Jason Bourke, Jackson Jones, Matthew Azzollini, Adamo Valentino Mr Frank Norton. 2'd Row: Ma tthew Kernaghan, Jarrad Tucker; Owen Hoar; Matthew Bourke (Capt), Mr Craig Preshaw, Daniel Roberts (Vice Capt), Matthew Hull, Tob y Prunty, Daniel Wilmo t. Front Row: Nathan Mc Donald, Joel Fienberg, Mitchell Lynn, Dylan Jones, Th om as Nolan. Nic holas Taylor.



Lakes Stadium came alive as students put their athletic prowess on the line to showcase the speed and power of each House group within the College. With conditions adding to the difficulties of all athletic pursuits throughout the day, the students taking part displayed enormous strength of character to participate in excess of 1100 individual athletic performances. Results of the 2002 House Athletics Carnival: Year 9 Year 8

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Morgan Patrick Samson Rice

5624 5154 4538 4054

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Morgan Samson Rice Patrick

4718 4576 3812 3734

Year 10 1st Morgan 2nd Patrick 3rd Samson 4th Rice

4976 4806 4110 3456

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Year 11 Patrick Morgan Rice Samson

4310 4170 3954 3464

Year 12 1st Patrick 2nd Morgan 3rd Rice 4th Samson

4854 4126 3062 2060

Mr Craig Preshaw Head of PE & Sport

ACC Athletics M ON DAY, 23rd Septembe r saw C BC Fremantle send 50 o f our f inest ath letes t o compet e in the ' A ' Division A CC Interschool Ath letics Carnival, at Perry Lakes Stadium . Training had been on Tuesday and Thursday mornings for the previous four weeks, and there was an excellent turn out to every session . The athletic talent within the College once again had to show that C BC Fremantle truly deserves its place amongst the top seven schools in an Association made up of over 40 schools. The whole of Year 8 attended the Carnival to cheer on our Athletes. Thanks to Mr Foote a nd Mr G rose for preparing the boys for their events, and to Mrs Glossop for feeding the hungry mob after each training session. Overall, CBC Fremantle finished sixth. It was a fantastic effort by our boys and we look forward to being in the top ranks again next year. Mr Craig Preshaw Head of PE & Sport

ATHLETICS TEAM (ABOVE) Back Row: Matthew Hewitt, Joel Turco, Tiho Matulj, Patrick Baker; John Galvin, Mathe w Dawson, Peter Klauz, Joel Stammers. Middle Row: Ryan Wight -Hales, Robbie O 'Sullivan, David Calderon, Joseph Giovannetti, Chris Stone, Ben Pearson, Matthew Pereira, Peter: Walsh (Captain), Adam Surjan (Standing Front). Front Row: Garry Burc h, Paul Neff, Jackson Jones, Matthew O 'Sullivan, Tim Staker-Gunn, Greg Beresi, Andrew Antonio. On Floor: David Lindorff, Thomas Nolan. ATHLETICS MEDAL W,NNERS (LEFT) Back L-R: Ma thew Dawson, John Galvin, Pa trick Baker; Peter Walsh. Middle L-R: Jarrad Tucker; Jackson Jones, Joel Stammers, Andrew Antonio, Tim Staker-Gun, Rob bie O'Sullivan. Front L-R: Tim Geaney, Ma tthew Pereira, Ma tthew Dodd, Thomas Nolan. Absent: Adrian Dujmovic.


sem ~E Senior Guitar Ensemble has continued it's

strong development this year, The Ensemble consists of Rafael Del Cid Aviles (Year 12), Cameron Hardie (Year11), Bradley Mclaughlin (Year 10), Devon Bell (Year 10), Cale Swift (year 10), Joel Turco (Year 9), Menno Luitjens (Year 9) and new this year, Matt Blair-Jacobs (Year 8). The year started off with rehearsals on Thursdays after school, with the boys working hard to build a repertoire, As well as practising some old standards from the previous year, I had written some very challenging pieces for the Ensemble, and was quite surprised at the level of determination the boys showed to perfect them, All credit must go to the boys mentioned above for their dedication and in particular to Joel, Bradley and Cameron for their strong playing skills and leadership, The Ensemble performs without a conductor so it is important to have strong leaders to provide count ins, cut offs and other directions during the performances,

Mention in the solo section of the Performing Arts Festival. The Junior Guitar Ensemble was formed part the way through Term 3 and consists of Andrew Glendenning (Year 8) , Thomas Longley (Year 8), Matt Blair Jacobs (Year 8), Cooper Smart (Year 8), Dean Oliver (Year 8), Nicholas Taylor (Year 8), Delwin Carvalho (Year 9) and Ashley Meakins (Year 9), All these boys seem keen to make this ensemble work and I appreciate their enthusiasm, We have only had a handful of rehearsals and already the Junior Ensemble is showing much promise,

Mr Kim Anning Ensemble Director

Our first performance was for the Cathol rc Schools Performing Arts Festival in August, The boys rose to the occasion with a great performance at St Norberts College in Queens Park, The Adjudicator, Ruth Lenz provided very favourable remarks with many ticks in the Excellent box and a couple in the Outstanding!

SENIOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE (ABOVE) Back Row: Menno Luitjens, Rafael del cid

Aviles, Bradley McLaughlin, Devon Bel/. Seated: Cameron Hardie, Matthew BlairJacobs. Absent: Joel Turco.

The next performance was for our own college assembly where the boys performed admirably in front of their peers, Then came the CBC Fremantle Music Festival where once again they acquitted themselves well.

JUNIOR GUITAR ENSEMBLE (LEFT) Standing L-R: Thomas Longley, Nicholas

The Senior Guitar Ensemble has developed into a strong music-making group and I look forward to next year which should be even stronger with the members we have now,

Taylor, Ashley Meakins, Delwin Carvalho, Matthew Blair-Jacobs. Seated: Cooper Smart, Dean Oliver.

Congratulations must also go to Joel Turco (pictured right) for achieving an Honourable



Left - Right: Leonardo Suharsono, Kale Fienberg, David Calusinski, Brock Dwyer; Duane Carvalho, Tom Cullen, Christopher McCready, Jaxon Correia, Stephen McGarry.


Left - Right: Peter Mikowiec, Adam Spashett, David Calusinski, David Calderon, Thomas Quigley, Jake Den Heijer.


Ensembles THE ENGINE ROOM THE JAZZ ORCHESTRA RHYTHM SECTION Left to Right: Daniel Harris, Kale Fienberg, David Calusinski, Cameron Hardie.


James, Karl Bodenstedt, David Calusinski, Robert Head, Ben Quarrill, Daniel Harris. Middle Row: Michael Draper; Kale Fienberg, Robert Browne, Adamo Valentino, Byron Vernon, Rhys Sutton, Mr Uwe Stengel. Front Row: George Wyatt, Daniel Symons-Clamp, Carl Harper; Ben Thomson, James Walsh, Mathew Symonds, Matthew Rowett.

Cross Country ltE

first and second weeks of Term 3 heralded the start of winter sports as well as the school crosscountry races. The 4 km course runs from Cottesloe Surf C lub to The Surf Club Cafe at Port Beach, along the cycle path . There were some strong performances by talented runners including the setting of a new record by Yeor 12 student. Joshua Nicholson. The new time was 15.09 eclipsing the previous record set by Chris Sheridan in 1999 of 15.40. The most pleasing aspect was the effort put in by the g reat majority of students irrespective of their ability. A fter a few years absence from the ACC Carnival, the school once again fielded a team to compete amongst 32 other schools at the 4 km Perry Lakes course . Mr Emslie and Mr Corley held sessions over the course to both select the team and help the students gain an edge over other competitors with a thorough knowledge of the run. Each race (year level) had between 250 and 300 runners and we had three top ten finishes. Peter Klauz - Year 10 came 9th, Joshua Nicholson - Year 12 came 5th, Luke Burwood - Year 12 came 10th . Well done to a ll the students who competed on the day and cong ratulations on finishing 9th in Back Row: Ben Antony Robert Guerini, Luke Burwood, Joshua Nicholson. Alan Doig, Adrian Dujmovic, Garry Burc h. Middle Row: Greg Beresi, Justin Gavin. Keiran Galvin. Malc olm Apath y, James Ellis, Tim Staker-Gunn. the boys ' division out of 33 schools.

Mr Ross Barron Head of PE & Sport

Jason Beste. Front Row: Andrew Ambrogio, Danley Potts, Mark Rina ldi, Ma tthew O 'Sullivan, Marlon Ramirez, A dam Surjan. Matthew Kernaghan. Dylan Jones.

Rugby 8

YEAR WALLABIES (LEFT) Back Row: Mr Garry Hart, Mark Swindells, Pearse

Buchanan Dylan Tate, Joel Vickridge, Shay Roberts, Daniel Brucciani, Richard Stone, Andrew Carson Mrs Nella McCann. Middle Row: Jarrad Tucker, Matthew Azzolini, Nicholas Taylor, David Lindort( Stephen Howe'" Danley Potts, Joel Fienberg. Front Row: Dylan Jones, Toby Prunty, Jacob Bourke, Benjamin McKenna Matthew Addis Absent: Jackson Bradley, Sean Bray. YEAR 9 RUGBY (BELOW) Back Row: Murray Bembrick (CoachJ Peter Symonds,

Jason Powen Ben Stolley, Bradley Reynolds, Tim Marshan Matthew Pereira, Andrew Shepherd (Coach). Middle Row: Kaleb Watts, Liam Peak, Robert Brown Mr Caporn (ManagerJ Mauro MinervinL Paul Net( Rhys Radaich , Front Row: John Meenan, Anthony Mangano, Ben Barrett, eBC Fremantle entered four teams in the Combined Schools and Colleges Rugby Union Competition, run by the W.A.R.U. The year 8's did very well under the guidance of Mr Hart and Mr Buchanan. They won 6 and lost 3 finishing 3,d in their division. Everything is in place for a very strong 2003.


The Year 9 team were a little disorganised and didn't have a very good season but I am sure they will do a lot better next year. Year 10 Rugby did exceptionally well losing only two games and winning the seco nd division grand final. Congratulations to Wayne Balding on State selection. The First 15's had a very good season finishing 3rd and playing in the semi-finals where they lost to a very strong All Saints outfit. Congratulations to Jason Bourke U16 State Player. Also to Ross James who represented WA Schools in Hobart and then went onto represent the combined States Team in Sydney. Don McNamee Master of Rugby



Rugby YEAR 10 RUGBY (LEFT) Back Row: Scott O 'Neill, Royce Hunter; Tim Meager; Evan Hurle, Paul Heath, Warwick Goulson. Middle Row: GrahamMiles, James Glendenning, Christopher Stone, Mr Marc Caporn (Manager), Vincent Smythe, Luke Gibson, Mark Quan (Coach) . Front Row: James Quan, Nick Tir/i, Michael Dos Ramos, Christopher McCready, Manuel Moreira, Matthew Dodd. Absent: Bradley Miles.

First xv Rugby (Right) Back Row: Peter Walsh, Ross Douglas, Alex Fossilo, Louis Talbot, Chris Tomich, Adam De Jong, Ben Judge. Middle Row: Jason Bourke, Ben Meenan, James Bembrick, Murra y Bembrick, Matthew Bourke, Andrew Shepherd, Michael Durkin, Christopher Sebastian. Front Row: Martin Taylor; Ben Fossilo, Shane Landers, Mr Michael Masterton, Timothy Nunn, Kyle Nunn, Levon Kvas - Rothwell. Absent: Mathew Dawson.

It Up Belt Up

Cup Football


BC Fremantle was well represented in 2002 by its junior footballers who competed in the Belt Up Cup during term 2. The Belt Up Cup (formerly the Channel Seven Cup) is the largest high school sporting competition in Western Australia with over 130 schools participating across the state. The competition is played in WAFL metropolitan zones and country regions. CBC Fremantle played in the South Fremantle metropolitan zone which involved 7 other schools. After a narrow loss against Hamilton Hill SHS in the first round the boys bounced back to win all remoining games and finish 3rd on ladder as follows



Hamilton Hill Lakelands SHS cae Fremantle Emmanuel CC RolevstoneDHS Seton CC John Curtin John Wollaston

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Back Row: Mr Murphy (Coach), Malcom Apathy, Brett Thompson, Matthew Winfield, Joel Turco, Matthew Hewitt, Matthew Azzollini, Bradley Richards, Michael Pais (Assistant Coach). Middle Row: Cory Delf'Olio, Mitchell Lynn, Paul Forrest, Ms Glynis O'Neill (Manager), David Undorff, Matthew Kernaghan, Roberto Lo Presti. Front Row: Dylan Jones, Sam Kerr, Ben Vicarey, Toby Prunty, Jonathon Weekes. Absent: Paul Winter, Kaleb Watts, Kim Glisenti, Keiran Galvin, Jackson Jones, Edward Daccache, Fraser White, Jason Dux.

This meant CBC Fremantle earned a place in the Semi Final against Lakelands SHS. Not having played Lakelands in the round robin, the team was apprehensive but determined as the game approached. The determination won on the day with CBC starting strongly and never waning throughout the game. The South Fremantle metropolitan final was upon us and a win would mean a country match that would involve a day off school. This time the opponents were familiar, Hamilton Hill SHS and the boys were slightly confident some even discussing

which day they would prefer to miss for the country match. The pre-match mood was in complete contrast to the week before. Unfortunately so too was the post- match mood as the boys were facing a full week of school. Thanks must go to the boys for their commitment to training, the parents for their support at the games, Michael Pais for his assistance in coaching


and Ms Glynis O'Neill for her assistance in managing the team and the half time refreshments. Considering that the younger year eight players made up the majority of the team and played important roles in the games, CBC Fremantle can look forward to a promising season in 2003. Mr Andrew Murphy Coach

Smarter Than Smoking THE

2002 Smarter Than Smoking Cup (STSC) once again saw CBC Fremantle participating in the "Graham Farmer" division. The STSC is comprised of two parts. It starts with a series of round robin

fixtures between schools in the local region who are in the same division. From there the ' Regional Champions' progress to a cut throat finals series. This year there was five other schools in this region: Wesley College, Lynwood SHS, Willetton SHS, Rossmoyne SHS and Hamilton SHS. Having five round robin matches and five other teams in our region meant we got to play each team just once. Losing just one game to Willetton we finished an outright second to Willetton who won all their matches and were therefore regional champio ns. This was particularly disappointing as on the day we played Willetton we could not field anywhere near our strongest side due to a number of students opting not to turn up for the game (which was a home game). We had a similar problem with a few other games also. Getting boys to attend the once a week training sessions was even more disappointing. This is something I expect to improve next year.

Top Row: Luke Burwood, Alastair Crookes, Peter Walsh, Justin Majeks, Michael Galvin. Philip Oates-Boardman, Jonathan Gorham, Joshua Nicholson, John Galvin. Middle Row: Mr Troy Foote (Coach), James Vicarey, Samuel Robertson-Larkin. Mark Winter; Michael Pais, Isaac Cooke, Robert Binczyk, Christian Evas, Mr Ross Wenn (Manager). Front Row: Rory Pettigrew, Clynton Antonio, Gregory Beresi, Luke Gibson. Rory Koch-Callaghan. Timothy Staker-Gunn. Murray Bembrick, Ian Vaughan ..

The results of each match in 2002 are below: Match 1 CBC Fremantle 7-4 (46) def Wesley 2-2 (14) Best Players: Peter Thompson, Jonathan Gorham, Craig Roberts. Match 2 CBC Fremantle 5-9 (39) def Lynwood 4-4 (28) Best Players: John Galvin, Joshua Nicholson, Peter Thompson . Match 3 def CBC Fremantle 5-3 (33) Willetton 7-4 (46)

Best Players: Joshua Nicholson, Peter Thompson, Gregory Beresi. Match 4 CBC Fremantle 8-4 (52) def Rossmoyne 5-4 (34) Best Players: Peter Thompson, Gregory Beresi. James Vicarey. Match 5 def Hamilton Hill (Forfeit) CBC Fremantle

Thanks must go to all the students who helped out with goal umpiring, running boundary and running water. Thanks must also go to the manager and assistant coach of the side, Mr Ross Wenn.

A special congratulations to Peter Thompson (Year 12) who was selected in this years STSC All

Mr Troy Foote Coach


Stars Team .

Finally to this year's year 12 boys, best wishes for your football futures.

nior S



Junior Soccer


2002 junior soccer season started off very promisingly. The first training session saw 37 players attend and to choose a squad of 16 from this was always going to be a difficult task. After three or four training sessions the squad was chosen for the season proper and we got downto some serious training. However it soon became clear that a lot of the students who showed an initial interest really weren't up to the task of training once a week and playing a game every two weeks. This lack of commitment really did hinder our ability to perform on the pitch as it is well known that a team that trains together plays well together. Nonetheless our first match was a home game against Melville which we won to the tune of 9-0. With some good performances from players such as Ivan Gavranic and Luke Walsh and a captain's performance from Paul Neff we were perhaps over-confident going into our away game against a very tough Corpus Christi. The game against Corpus saw a dramatic turn around from last year's result when we beat them 3-0. The game did not start well as we only had 10 players turn up and in the first ten minutes it became clear that Corpus were far too strong and organised for us. As a result we were 4-0 down at half time and things were not looking good for the second half. At half time I asked the boys to forget the score and see if they could win the second half. With another brilliant performance from Paul Neff and a fantastically taken goal by Luke Annese we won the second half 1-0 but alas lost the game 4-1. Corpus were a good side that played some really attractive soccer and it gave our boys some idea of what to expect from our next away game against John Curtin. Training sessions continued to be a problem as only half the squad were attending on a regular basis. Therefore when we fronted up for the match against John Curtin on a wet and windy afternoon with only 11 players and no recognised

Back Row: Paul Neff, Ivan Gavranic, Matthew Pereira, Jamie Quinlan, Michael Montgomery, Daniel Paino. Front Row: Luke Walsh, Luke Annese, Grant Vink, Josh Harvey, Mark Rinaldi. goalkeeper we were very under prepared. On the same day that Brazil beat England 2-1 in the quarter finals of the World Cup in Japan, John Curtin beat CBC Fremantle 7-0 in Fremantle. The only shining light from this game was the attitude and effort from Michael Montgomery, Josh Harvey and Mark Rinaldi.

or skill. From this team I saw some year 8 students with some fantastic skills and ability and this has given me some hope for next year. However if we expect to mix it with the likes of John Curtin and Corpus Christi then a greater commitment and effort is needed from all those who put their hand up to play junior soccer for the College.

Our final two games saw the other teams forfeit and this was to be the end of the season for CBC Fremantle. I firmly believe we did not advance due to lack of commitment and not lack of ability

Mr Eoin Thompson Coach


Senior Soccer THE

senior team may not have won a lot of matches this seaso n bu t it was decidedly made up of some I --..I-.....,,.;-J....:;:: of the friendliest and cooperative students I have ever managed for many years. What the players lacked in experience they more than made up with their good cheer, camaraderie and tenacity. It was particularly uplifting to see Ed dy Fernandes and Tom Ukalovich impose their presence in midfield. I must applaud Michael Robert 's leadership of the team. Through his dedication and commitment, he showed the qualities of a good captain and role model. I was proud too to see that our team did not suffer from "curtinitis" th is year - the debili tatin g disease that normally takes hold of players about to play against the John Curtin team. Our squad may have lost against a semiprofessional outfit but I believe we outshone them in character and spirit.




Back Row: Tomislav Ukalovic, Andrew Shepherd, Michael Roberts (Captain), Mr Frank Williams, Chris Swallow, Peter Harvey, Ross Douglas. Front Row: Leonardo Suharsono, Eduardo Fernandes, Fabio La Pegna, Joseph Clifford, Jason Bourke, Michael Draper, Guy Tassone , Absent: Mr John Hortense (Coach), Abdul Juma, Hasib Sidiqi, Rafael Del Cid Aviles.

Well done to all the lads who wore the new uniform this year! I hope that your effort will inspire and encourage other students who are obviously very talented in soccer, to come out of their shell and make a resolute commitment to the Senior Soccer team next year.

I would like to thank Mr Barron who granted the funds to buy new uniforms this year and Mr Williams who has saved me an enormous amount of time cleaning them. My thanks to Mr Thompson who gave a hand with coaching whenever I could not do so . Last but not least, a special thank you to


Liam Darby who played for the Senior Soccer team in 2000 and came regularly this season to help during training sessions . Mr John Hortense Coach

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2002 saw fourteen boys join the Swan Canoe Club to avail themselves of the wide variety of kayaks for the after school training sessions. The first term camp had all fourteen come to Stringers on the Murray River near Dwellingup. Some parents and staff also attended. The gentle flow was enjoyed by aiL and the long trips, races, rapids and camp fires meant that some tired boys boys returned to the College on Sunday afternoon. The slalom races began in the flat water of the Canning River where we were given some race techniques by some of WA's young international paddlers. When the rains came, the slalom races were transported to the Swan River at Walyunga, real white water and VERY cold. Those not up to the race standard still enjoyed the fast and wet ride down The Chute. A highlight of the year was our performance in the Avon Junior Challenge with the juniors winning their division and the seniors taking second place. The third term camp was held at Walyunga on the weekend of the State Slalom Championships. Our camping skills were tested on the first night with a wild storm and much rain. It fined up for the long trip on Saturday and the races on Sunday. Well done to all the boys who partiCipated in our activities this year. Mr Sylvester Stack Coach

Surfing UNPREDICTABLE conditions were once again the order of the day at the Inter school surfing competition in 2002. Wave selection was crucial, and the opportunity to showcase quality surfing never really revealed itself.



Back Row: David Juricev, Michael Col/ova, Matthew Rowett, Tim Nunn, Kyle Nunn, Paul Juricev, Mr Stack. Front Row: Kale Gilbert, Uam Spencer, Sam Hal/and, Adamo Valentino, Ben Barrett, David Micenko, Edward Micenko. Absent Row: Hamish Humphreys. CBC Fremantle again entered a junior and senior team, both of whom only managed to survive the first round of heats. The closest heat of the morning involved the junior CBC Fremantle team, who with 40 seconds to go were tied on the judges scorecards. Unfortunately. one of the surfers from the opposition school decided that the time had come to catch the only high scoring wave of the heat. thus ensuring them the win . Congratulations to Luke, Alex, Drew and Mitchell for giving their best in the trying conditions. Maybe next year.

Left to Right: Mitchel/ Lake, Luke Burwood, Alex Fossilo, Mr Craig Preshaw. Absent: Drew James.

Mr Preshaw Coach


Edmund Rice Day EDMUND Rice was about sharing, making the most of opportunities at school. Individually, we can be part of the Edmund Rice Challenge and there are numerous ways we can do this. We can help the less fortunate . CBC Fremantle has an ideal opportunity to help the lesss fortunate with the St Patrick's Care Centre down the road. Earlier this year, an Easter Appeal was held where Easter eggs were collected and delivered to the c entre. Currently the St Vincent De Paul appeal is on . The box in the library is only half full. it would be nice to fill the box by the end of the term. Another way we could be part of the Edmund Rice Challenge is to enjoy every opportunity by taking part and having a go . For example, you could try activities you would never consider doing. The Interschool athletics carnival is approaching. You could take part as a competitor by going to training, or a spectator to support the team on the day. The biathalon is also coming up, and making an active effort in the event could deliver surprising results. Those who don't enjoy sport all that much may want to work at school work and the end of term tests to improve their grade. Edmund Rice gave opportunities to boys who were neglected, and for some reason had limited direction. Year 12' s have a perfect opportunity to be part of the Edmund Rice Challenge by being a leader at the Edmund Rice Camps in January. On these camps leaders work, and help younger children . Like everything you do, you get more out of it if you put more in. Later today everyone will be taking part in activities to celebrate Founder's Day . Be sure to enjoy the day and give encouragement to each other, especially the Year 8's. MaHhew Bourke Head Boy



sen70r Basketball

The Year That Was ... (or wasn't depending on your perspective) Commitment - GOOD (the numbers turning up to trials, and then the subsequent attendance at training are testimony to that). Ability - VARIES (considerable for some). Fitness - POOR (lack of competitive match practice or something else?). The Squad - six year twelves, one year eleven and three year ten students.

Preliminary practice games: - v's Hamilton Hill Senior High School (we won). Ball handling skills and court coverage a delight to watch. - v's Seton College (we lost) . Their height advantage and physical strength on the boards was intimidating. We tried too hard to make things happen, we did not stick to the basics, we ran out of legs. - Two games against the staff fizzled away to nothing with both sides using different excuses on different days for not turning up. First round of the knockout stage of the competition: - v' s Swan Christian College (we lost by 23 points after trailing by 4 at halftime). Our undoing - Lack of height in the quay way and running out of legs. Special thanks to Chris Swallow for taking on the main coaching role with the team. Special mentions to: Dean Burnby - hidden depths of talent. Rob Guerini, - smooth and cool; ball handling skills / positional sense excellent.

Back Row: Chris Swallow, Dean Bumby, Michael Pais, Justin Majeks, Mr Simpson (Manager). Front Row: Matthew Hayto, Ryan Wight-Hales, Adrian Dujmovic, Rob Guerini. Absent: Elliot Lanfear; Alex Riemer.

Mr Gerry Simpson Coach


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cae Fremontle students, a smile. 102


I ACQUADO Adrian ....... .......... ... ........................... Y10 ADCOCK Callum .......... ............ ...... .. .................... Y08 ADDIS David .......... .. .. .... .. ......... ..................... ........ Y08 ADDIS Matthew .............. ..................... .. .............. Y08 ALLART Justin .................. ..... .......... ... .. ................ .. . Y1 0 AMBROGIO Andrew ............ ......... .. ..................... Y08 AMBROGIO Samuel ............................ ................. Y11 ANG Aaron .................. .. ...... ........... ........ .............. Y08 ANNESE Luke ...... .. ............ ...... ............ ..... ....... .. .... . Y08 ANTHONY Blake ............................................. ....... Y11 ANTONIO Andrew .......... .. .. .. ............... .. ............... Y10 ANTONIO Clynton .......... .......... ............................ Y12 ANTONYBenjamin .. ........ ........ .............................. Y12 APATHY Malcolm ...... ...... ...... .... ............................ Y09 AUTHELET Gonzalo ....................................... ........ Y11 AZZO LLINI Matthew ...................... ........................ Y08 BAILEY-SMITH Ben ............................. .................... Y08 BAKER Patrick ...... .... .. ...... .. ...... .............................. Y11 BALDING Wayne .. .... .. ........................................... YlO BAllA Lynton ......................................................... Y12 BARNES Jonathan .................... .................. .. .. ...... Y08 BARRED Benjamin ................... ....... .. .. .................. Y09 BASKOVICH Peter ...... .......................... ................. Y11 BEAVER Daniel ...................................................... Y08 BELL Devon ................ .. ................ .......................... Y10 BEMBRICK James .... .... ................. .. ....................... Y11 BEMBRICK Murray ...... .. ................................. ........ Y12 BENTHIEN Sam ......................................... .. .. .......... YlO BERESI G regory .......................................... ........... YlO BESTE Jason ........................................................... Y1 0 BIANCHINI Ferdinando .... .... ................................ YlO BINCZVK Robert ............................. ...................... . Y12 BLAGAICH Jordan ................................. .. .... ......... Y08 BLAIR-JACOBS Alexander ................................... Y10 BLAIR-JACOBS Matthew ............ ......................... Y08 BLAKE Jackson ................................................. .. ... Y09 BODENSTEDT Karl.... .. ..................................... YlO BOURKE Jacob... .. ...... .. .... ................................ Y08 BOURKE Jason ................ .. ............... .. .......... .......... Y11 BOURKE Matthew .......... .... .............. .. ................... Y12 BRADBURY Jarrad ................................ ................. Y12 BRATOVIC Daniel .................................................. Y09 BRAY Sean ......................................................... .... Y08 BRENNAN And rew ................................................ Y09 BROAD Kade .... ............................ ........................ Y08 BROMLEY Jackson .. .. .......................... .. .... ...... ...... Y08 BROWNE Robert .......... ..... .................................... Y09 BRUCCIAN Daniel ............................ ..................... Y08 BUCHANAN Pearse ............................. ... Y08 BU RC H Garry ................................. ........................ Y12 BURMAS Troy .... ....... ............................................ Y11 BURNBY Dean .......... .. .... .............................. .. ....... Y12 BURTON Christopher ............ .. .... ......... ........ .... ..... Y10 BURWOOD Luke ............................ ........ ............... Y12 CAIN Joshua .................................................... ..... Y10 CALALESINA Benjamin ........ .. ...... ........... .. ............ Y09 CALDERON David .......... .... .......................... ........ Y1 1 CALUSINSKI David ............................................... Y10

M1 M2 P1 M1 S3 M1 M1 S2 M3 M2 P1 P1 M1 R1 P1 M4 S5 Sl R2 P2 S4 M1 M3 P1 R1 S2 S2 Sl M2 R2 S2 P4 R2 M2 M2 P4 R3 P4 R2 P5 R3 P3 P4 S3 P5 M4 M1 R1 R1 P1 P2 R4 R4 R5 M1 P3 R2 S4

CAMPBELL Steven .. .... .............................. .... ...... . Y10 CANICAIS Arron .. .... ....... .. ... Y10 CAPPELLUTI Nicholas ... ...... ............. .. ... Y 10 CARCIONE Christoph er ....... .............................. Y 10 CARMODY Samuel........ ................. .. . Y08 CARSON Andrew........ .. .... .... .. .. ... ... .. .. .... Y08 CARTAGENA Rafael .. .... .......... ....... .. ..... .. ..... Y09 CARTON Samuel ...... . ............ .. ...... .................... Y10 CARVALHO Delwin ....... .. Y09 CARVALHO Duane ............................................ YlO CASEY Nicholas ............. .. ...... Y12 CASODI Anthony .... .. .. ............................... ........ Y1 1 CASSELLS James .......... ......................................... Y09 CATALANO Pietro ................................................. Y11 CLARK Rhys ........................................................... Y09 CLIFFORD Joseph ......................... .. ..... ............ .. ... Y 12 COLLOVA Michael ............... .......... ..... .... . .......... YlO COLSON Christopher .................... .. ... ................ Y09 CONNOLLY Edward ..... .. ......... Y11 COOK Isaac ........................................................ Y12 CORREIA Jaxon .. ...... ............... .. ........................ Y08 CROOKES Alastair .... ...... ..... .............................. Y12 CROWE Joseph.. .. ...... .... ......................... Y09 CU LL Steven ............ .......... .... ........ .. .. ........ Y09 CULLEN Tom ......................................................... YlO CUNNINGHAM Blair ............................ ....... .... ....... Y09 D' ASCANIO Daniel .............................. ................. Y09 DA LUZ Corey ........................................................ Y09 DA SILVA Jake ....................................................... Y1 1 DACCACHE Edward ........ .... .. .......... .... .. .............. Y08 DALMAS Christian .................................... ............. Y09 DAVIS Patrick .... .......... .......... ............ .. .. Y12 DAWE Christopher ................................ . .. YlO DAWSON Mathew ................................ .. ...... .. ...... Y11 DE ABREU Aaron........ .. .. .............. .. .. .......... Y08 DE BRUIN M ichael ........ .............. .. .. Y08 DE GUZMAN Miguel.................... .. ...... Y10 DE JONG Adam .............................. ..................... Y11 DE LUCA Thomas .................... .. ......... ........ ...... ..... Y09 DE OLIVEIRA Mark .......... ...................................... Y08 DE ROZARIO Aaron ............................. ................. Y12 DE SOUZA Donovan ...... .... ............................. ...... Y11 DEAN Shane ............................. ............... .. .......... Y10 DEL CID AVI LES Rafael .......... ............................... Y12 DEL CID AVILES Roberto .... .. ........................ ........ YOg DELL'OLlO Cory .................................................... Y08 DEN HEIJER Jake .......... ......... .................. ............ Y08 DI NUNZIO Paul ........ ...... .. .... YlO DIONISIO Simon ........ ....... ........ .. .. ... .. ... Y10 DIXEY Ian ................ .. ........................ .. ... Y10 DIXON Brodie ............... ..................... .. Y1 0 DODD Matthew.. .................................... ... Y10 DOIG Alan ............ .... .. ... .... .. ........ .... .................. .. .. Y11 DOLAN James ...................................................... Y10 DONOHOE Lloyd ...... .. .......................... .. ............. Y08 DOS RAMOS Michael ........ ...... .... ....................... . YlO DOUGLAS Derek .. .. ............................................... Y12 DOUGLAS Ross ..................... ............................... Y 12


P2 R5 R5 M4 R2 R3 R3 M4 M5 M5 P3 P4 S5 S3 M1 M4 P3 P1 S4 R1 R3 M1 R1 R4 Sl S2 R3 P5 M5 R5 P3 P3 S2 P4 R5 R5 M2 M3 R1 Sl S2 R1 M2 R2 R2 Sl S2 P4 M3 S3 M4 M4 Sl S4 M4 R1 R3 S3

DRAPER Michael ................................................. YlO DREG HORN Aidan ......... .. ......... ............... Y12 DRISCOLL Shayne.... ....... .. .... .... .................. Y08 DRURY Alexander .......... ........ ............ ... Y08 DRYLAND Ben. .. ...... .................... Y1 1 DRYLAND Luke.. .. .............. ......... Y1 1 DUJMOVIC Adrian... .. .. ...................... Y10 DURKIN Mic hael ......................... ....................... Y12 DUDON Michael . .. ...................... Y08 DUX Jason .................. ... ...... .. ....................... ...... Y08 DWYER Brock ... :............. .. ......... .. ......... ............ .. Y10 DYM OCKJay. .. .............. .. .. ,............. .. .. .......... Y09 EICHENBERGER Markus ........ .. ........... ................... YlO ELLIS James ......... .. ......................................... YlO ETC HELLS Cameron ...... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ . .. ...... Y1 0 EVAS Christian ...... .. .............. .. ...... ..................... Y12 EVAS Peter .... .. .......... .. .... Y11 EVAS Robert .................... .. .... ............................. Y11 FADIC H Adrian ......... Y09 FARDELLA Anthony ........................... Y08 FAZIO Frank .. .......... .. . Y08 FERNANDES Eduardo ...................... ,... .. .. Y12 FIDDES Jason .............................................. Y09 FIENBERG Joel ........................ ......... .... ,................. Y08 FIENBERG Kale .................... .. ............. .... ,.. ,......... Y11 FIGUEIRA Ricardo.. ........................... ............ . Y1 1 FILIPOVICH Alexander .............. .... ....................... Y11 FILIPOVICH Millan ...................................... .......... . Y08 FLEURY Aaron ......... .. .................. .......... .. .. .. .. Y1 0 FLYNN Joshua ........ .... .. .. .................... . Y12 FORREST Paul ............ .. ................ .. ......... Y09 FORSDIKE Gareth ............ ........... .. ....... Y09 FOSSILO Alexander ....... .. ...... Y11 FOSSILO Benjamin .. Y11 FRANCIS Matthew ............ ........ .. ... Y08 FRAN CIS Thomas .. .. .. .. ......... Y1 0 FREIGHT Aidan .. .............. Y10 GALVIN John ............ ,..... ,............ .. .... .... .... Y12 GALVIN Kei ra n .... ............... .. ............. ,.............. .. . Y09 GALVIN Michael ....................... ........................... Y11 GANGEMI Christian .............................................. Y09 GARCES Steven ............................. ............ .... ....... Y08 GARCIA Zachary .................... ............................. . YlO GARGARO Domenico ..... ...... ............................. Y1 0 GASPAR Dane ........................ .... .. .. Y09 GAVIN Craig .. ........................................................ Y09 GAVIN Justin.. .. ............... ......... ....... ............. Y08 GAVRANIC Ivan .. .. ......... ......... ... ........................ Y08 G EANEY Tim .... ..... .. .... ..................... ... . Y08 G EARY Antrim ................ .......... .. ............. ,........... Y09 GIANOLI Jonathan ........ ..... ...... ...... .. .... Y1 0 GIBB Dean .......... .. ...... ................. .. .... ............ .. Y10 GIBSON Luke ...... .. ..................... YlO GI LBE RT Kale ............................................... ....... YlO GIOVANNETII Joseph .... .. ................................... Y1 1 GLAISTER Daniel ...................... .... .......... .. ............. Y12 GLENDENNING Andrew ....................... ............ .. . Y08 GLENDENNING James .................. .. ..................... YlO

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GLiSENTI Kim .... .... "".............. ... "" " .. ...... ... Y09 GLYNN-BUCKNELL Graham .... ". Y08 G O RHAM Jonathan .... " ...... ..... .. .... .. .... . Y10 GOULSON Warw ick ......... .. ."" ........ . " ." " . YlO GUERINI Roberto " "". YlO HALLION Haemish .. """"" .. .. ,, ....... .. " .. " Y10 HARDIE Cameron .. .. .. Y11 HARLEN Kayne ".. ....... """"" " "" .. .. .. " Y11 HARONGA Turei .. " ......... .. .... Y12 HARPER Carl .... .... ....... ".... ...... "" . Y08 HARRIS Daniel .. " .. "" .. " ..... " .......... "" .. """ ..... " .,, Y11 HARVEY Benjamin ................... " . Y09 HA RVEY Jo shua .... .. ... .. .......................... " ............. Y09 HA RVEY Peter " .. """ ... .... .... .. ... ...... ,,. " .. . Y12 HAYTO Matthew ... " ""." ........ .. ... .............. " ... " ..... Y11 HEAD Ro bert .. " .. " ...... ". " ....... ................ .. "" .. " " . Y11 HEA RN Joshua .. " .. ,, " " .... .. .... " ...... .. " ............. " .. . Y09 HEATH Paul... "" "" .. " ..... .. " .. ." .. " .. ........... ,, . . YlO HECKER Steven .. ". Y09 HENRIQUEZ Max .. " .. .. ...... ......... . ..". Y11 HEWITI Matthew .. """ .. " .... ........ "" " " .. "" ,, .. ... ,, .. Y09 HILL Brett """" .. ".. ..... " .. ... ,, " Y09 HO AR Ow en .... .. " .. " Y11 HOBSON Robert .. . " " .. """ .. .. .. " .. " .. ",,. """ .. " " .... Y12 HOLLAND Samuel . " ...... .. .. Y09 HO RNUNG Leslie " ........... .... " ... " .. """ .. " " """,, .. ,,. Y08 HOWELL Luke .. " .. " .......... .......... """ ............ " ...... ,, Y12 HOWELL Stephen "" ........ " ........ .. " " " " .. " " " .. " ,, ... Y08 HUDSON Stephen .. "" .. " ..... .. ... .......... " ...... " ...... ... Y08 HULL Matthew .... " .. """" .... ,, .... """ ..... " . "" ........ Y11 HUMPHREYS Hamish .... " ........ " ................... """ .. " Y08 HUNTER Royce .. ".. .. .. " .. .. """ ............ " ... YlO HURLE Evan "" " .... " "" .. ,,... .. "" .......... ...... YlO JAMES Drew. """"" ....... .. ,," YlO JAMES Ross " .. ". " .. """",, .... .... " " """ ." " ........ ".,,. Y12 JOHNSTON Nicholas ... " .. " .... " .. . Y08 JOLLY Michael ".. . " ...... "",, .... "" .. .. ". Y09 JO NES Dylan .... .". " . " .. " .". Y08 JO NES Jac kson ." ... "" ...... ... ...... " "." ."" ,, .. .......... Y09 JUDG E Benjamin .. " .... .. .. " .. ... " .. .. .... .. .... Y11 JUMA Abdul .. " .. " .. " ........... .. .... " .... " ..... ... ........... Y11 JURIC EV David " .. .... " .. " ....... ".. . Y09 KATOS Alexande r ............. ....... " .. " ............ .. .. .. ". Y09 KEA NE Christo pher ...... " ...... ...... " ........ " Y11 KELLY Samuel .. .... " .. .... ..". Y10 KELLY Tho mas .. .... ".. .... "" """ .. " YlO KENNELLY Timothy . Y11 KERNAGHAN Matthew .. .. .. ... " .. . " .... " .. .... " . . Y08 KERR Samuel " .. " .... " ". Y09 KLAUZ Peter " " " "" " " " " '" "" Y10 KOCH-CALLAGHAN Ro ry ..... Y10 KOIKE Hajime ...... ". "Y11 KO TZEM Daniel " .. ...... .. "" .. " .... ....... "" ...... .. " .... " ... Y09 KRI STIANTO Martin "" .. "" ...... ... ...... "" .. ,.............. " Y11 KVAS-ROTHWELL Levon .. ...... .. ... ... ............. "." .... .. Y11 LA MACCHIA Gaetano .. ......... .. ...... .. ............... ". Y10 LA PEG NA Fabio .... .. ..... " ............ ........ ............... .. . Y12 LAI Yong C hee .. ........ .. .. " .... ... .... " " """ " ......... " .. ,, Y09

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LAKE Mitchell ......... " .. " ... """" .... "" .... .. .. . Y10 LANDERS Sha ne .. .... " .... .. . """""" .. ..... Y11 LANE Clive " .. " .............. """""" "' " '''' " .. " .. " .... " .. Y08 LANE Gareth " .... ".... .... .. " .......... "" .. " ...... "Y10 LANFEAR Elliot ... " " ........ ... .. ....... " ...... " Y12 LAVALETIE Tristan """ .... .. ..... "" .. . Y12 LAZZARO Daniel.. . """ ..... " .. """ "" ,, ....... Y08 LEE Ryan .. " .. ". " ....... YlO LEERS Azriel "" ............ ".. " ... ....... " .. "" ,, .. .. .... Y11 LEES Christophe r ." " ""."" .. """" " "" .. .. .. ... Y08 LIBERATORE Christian ............................... " .. " " .. .. Y11 LlDDELOW Co nnor ................. .. .... .. .. " .. .. .. " .. " .... .. Y09 LIN DORFF David .. " ........ "" .. " ............ "" .. " .......... . Y08 LlNDORFF Patrick .. " .... ..... "" .. " ............ " " ,, ........... Y11 LO PRESTI Ro berto " .... .... " ........ " ...... .. "" Y08 LO CKHART Scott ........ .......... .......... .... .... " .......... ... Y09 LO NGLEY Thomas .. .... .... ........... .. ............ ...... ." ..... Y08 LOWRY Michael .. . " .... ........................ ......... " .. "". Y09 LOWRY Robert " .............. "" .......... .. " ......... " " ....... YlO LUITJENS Menno ...... " .. " .... " .. .......... " ....... """" .... Y09 LYNDON-JAMES Mic hael .. " .... .... "" .. " ..... Y09 LYNN Mitchell " ... "" .. ...... " ." . " .... .... . " ....." " " ,, ..... Y08 MACGREGOR Scott ....... "" ........ ..... ... .. " .. .......... Y08 MAHER Christo pher .. .. .. ........ " " " .. .... " .... " """" .... Y08 MAJEKS Justin ... " .. .... " .. " .. " .. " ... " .............. " .. " .. ... Y12 MALONEY-ROBOTHAM Paul .. .. ..... " .. """ " "" "" .. Y09 MA MESA H Arvi " .... ".... ..... . " .. " .. " ........ Y09 MANGANARO Jonathan " ............ " .... "" .. " " .. " .. Y09 MA NGANARO Justin .......... .... " .. .. .......... " .. " ...... .. Y12 MA NGANO Antho ny .... """"" .............. .... " ... " "" Y09 MANGANO Michael """ .. .... ",, " "" ""." "" Y08 MANTO N Luke " "" " " " .. " ... """" .. ... .. """" ,, .. ",, " YlO MARSHALL Timothy .. ". .." ..... "" ". Y09 MARTIN Jeremy "" "" " .. " .. " " .. " "" .......... " .... """" Y11 MASSARA Christopher "" " ....... " ... .. ...... . " .... """" Y08 MATULJ Tiho .. " .. "" .... " .. ." """ ...... .... .. .......... " "" ,,. Y11 MCCORMICK Mic hael ..... ." ...... " " .......... ". ,,""" Y11 MC CREADY Christ o phe r ". " ....... " "" ...... ",,. """ YlO MC CULLOCH Cole ... ".""""" " .... ... " ... " .. " .. .,, ... .. Y12 MC DONALD Nathan ...... """"" .. ..... "" """ " "" ". Y08 MCG A RRY Steven "" " """""""" .. " .... .. " .. " .. " ...... Y08 MC HUGH Co nno r .. .............. .... .. " .... " ............ " .. ... Y09 MCKENNA Benja min .. .. .................. .. .. "" """"" .. ,, Y08 MC KENNA Timothy" .. """"""" .. ....... """"" .. "" "" Y11 MC LAUGHLIN Bradley .. "" .. """" .. .. .. "" .. " """" .. . YlO MC ROBERT Christ o phe r """ .. " .. " .. .. .. " """" " .. "". Y11 MEAGER Timothy " """ "" ........ .. "" ... """ " .. " " " .. Y10 MEAKINS Ashley" " """ ... " "" "" .... " """" .. ,, ... Y09 MEENAN Ben "" " "" ... " .. "". " " " """"""". Y11 MEENAN John .... " .... "" .... """ .... " .. " ... .. """ ,.. " ..... Y09 MEREDITH Bryc e " ... " .. .. .... """ .. ..... ................. " "". Y09 MERRIC K Tristan " ...... .... .... " ....... " ............ .... " " .... . YlO MERRUTIA Michael " ...... .......... ..... .... " ........ " .... .... Y08 MEWS Andrew ....... " .. ..... ....... " ...... .. ... ....... .. .. ." .... Y11 MEWS Mic hael ........................... ... ....... .. .. .. " .. " .. " . YlO MIC ENKO David .. " ........ ...... .............. .... .. " .. " .. .... . Y09 MIC ENKO Edward " .. .. ............ .... ...... " .... .. " .. " .. .. .. Y11 MIC HELI Joseph .... """ .... .... .. .. ........ " " ...... Y09


Sl P3 Sl Sl S4 S5 P2 R5 S2 P3 P4 R1 P5 P5 P3 Sl P3 M3 M3 M3 R3 P4 S2 S2 M5 S3 P2 R4 R4 M2 M2 R1 M4 P1 R1 R3 S4 S2 M3 R1 M1 R2 M4 M4 M3 P3 S3 P1 R5 R5 P2 P3 R2 S4 S4 Sl Sl S2

MIKOWIEC Peter .... ........................... ..... ......... .. .. .. Y09 MILES Bradley .... ............ ..... ." .. ........... .. ............ . " .. Y 10 MINERVINI Mauro .... " .. " ....... " ............. .. ............ ... Y09 MITCHELL Jaike ... ..... ...... " ............ ............... ..... ,," Y08 MOELANDS Christian .. " .. " .... " .... " .... ............ " .. ". Y11 MOE LANDS Luke .... ...... .. " .. " .. " ...... ........ ,," ". Y12 MONTGOMERY Michael .. .. " ...... " .. ....... .. """"" .. . Y09 MOORE Matthew ........ " .. " ...... " .. " .. ... .... .. .. " .. " .. . Y09 MORAN Guillermo .. .:.. .. .. .. "" .... ............. .... .... .... .. . Y11 MOREIRA Manuel ........ "" ........ .. .... .......... .. .. .. " .. .. . Y lO MORESCHI Marc .......... ...... ..... .............................. Y09 MORESCHI Matthew .. ............... ............ ... ... .. .... ... Y08 MORLEY Troy .. " ........ " .. " ...... " .. " ........... ........... .. ... Y12 MOTI Joshua ...... ................ .... " .... ......................... Y08 MULVEY Benjamin .. .. .. ........... .. ...... ... .. .... .. ........ ..... Y 11 MUSRAM Dhanny .......... ........... .. " .. ...... .. ......... .... . YlO MUSTO Joshua ........ ...... .. ." ........ .. " .. ... .................. Y 11 MUSULIN Allen .... .. .. " ................ ,...... .. .... ............ .. Y08 NATANNI Francesco ......... .... ....... ...... .. ........ " .. .. .. Y08 NEFF Paul.. .. .. .. .... " .. .... .. ......... ........... " .. ... Y09 NERI James .... .. .. .. ...... .. .. " .. .. "" .. .... ......... .. .. " .. .... ... Y12 NEVILL James .. .. .. ...... .. .... " ........ ............................ Y10 NEWLAN David .. ... .. ... . " ......................... .... ........... Y12 NICHOLSON Corey ........ ... .. .. ...... ......... .. .... .. .. .. .... Y08 NICHOLSON Joshua ...... ................ ....................... Y12 NOGA Brenton .... .. .. .... .............. .. ........... .............. Y08 NO LAN James ... ............... ............................ ........ Y 11 NOLAN Thomas .. ... ...... .. .... ....................... ......... .. . Y08 NUNN Kyle ...... .... .. ....... " ................................. " ..... Y11 NUNN Timothy .. ............ .. .. ..... .. .... .. ....... ...... .... " .... . Y 11 O ' BRIEN Riordan ...... .. ...... ........ .... ,.. .... .. .. .............. Y09 O'DELL Lucas .. .. ... .. .. .. .. . " ........ .. .......... .... .............. Y09 O'NEILL James .. ... .. ......... ........... .. ...... .. ... ........ ...... Y08 O ' NEILL Scott ''''''' ' '' ''' ''' '''' '' ''''''''''''' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' ''''''' Y1 0 O 'SULLIVAN Matthew .. " .. ... " .. " ....... " ....... " ...... ... Y09 O'SULLIVAN Robbie .......... .. .... .................... "" .... .. Y11 OATES-BOARDMAN Philip .. ...................... ............ Y12 OLIVER Dean ......... ......... ..... .. ...... .......... ...... .. .. .. .. .. Y08 ONOFORO Ric hard .. .... ........ .. .. ....... .. .... .. ..... ........ Y08 OTWINOWSKI Luke .... .. ....................................... .. YlO PACKER Michael .................. ... .... ....... .... ... .. .... ...... Y12 PAINO Daniel .. ...... .. .... .. ......... .. .................. ........... Y09 PAINO Sam " .. " ........... ................... .................. ...... Y09 PAIS Michael .. .... .. ........ ........................ .... ........ ..... Y12 PALLISTER Camero n ... .. .................. .... .. ......... .. .. ... Y09 PARATORE Joseph .. ...... .................. .......... ........ .. .. Y11 PARTRIDGE Richard ....... " .......... .. .... ...... ..... ...... " .. Y11 PATEN Thomas ......... ...... .. ........... .. ..... ....... .. ........... Y08 PATIERSON Andrew .. .... ..... ........ :....... ......... . " " .. .. . Y12 PAVICH Brendan ...... ... ...... " .......... ........ ... ............. Y11 PEAK Liam ... ......... .. ... .. .. .... ... " ...... ............. .... " .. .. ... Y09 PEARCE Andrew .. .. .. .. ............. ....... .. " ......... ... .... .. . YlO PEARCE Timothy .. ........... " ...... .. ..... .. ..... ... .. .. ......... Y12 PEARSON Benjamin ........ .. .................... .. .............. Y09 PEREIRA Kevin ................... " ....... .. ...... .... ............... Y12 PEREIRA Matthew ..... ......................... ... .. ............ .. Y09 PERRON I Robert ...... .. .......... .. ............ ... .... ... ........ .. Y10 PERRY Adam ...... ;....................................... ........... Y08

M3 R2 P3 R2 P4 P4 P3 R3 R3 P4 S3 S3 P2 R5 M5 S3 M1 S2 M2 M4 M5 P5 R3 R4 R4 S3 P5 P5 M5 S2 P4 R3 M5 R3 M4 M4 Sl Sl M1 M4 R3 R2 R4 P3 S3 P1 S3 S3 R5 M4 S3 M5 M5 R1 P4 S4 R3 M3

PERRY Christopher ."" ..". " .. .......... "" ... " ...... """" Y09 PEDIGREW Rory """"""" " " ......... "" ..... """ .. "",,. Y12 PHILLIPS Jason " " " """"""" "" ........ "" ...... " ... ,,""" Y10 PICA James """""""""""" """""."" " ...... ...... " "" Y11 PIERRE-HUMBERT Dylan """"" "" .. "" " .......... " " " .. Y08 PIETRONIRO Daniel .. "" .. " .. " .......... .. .. .......... ......... Y08 PIGGOD Christopher .. .. " ...... "" ...... " " ....... " .. "". Y08 PODS Danley" .... " .... " .... .... .. .. .. "" .. "" .. " .. " .... " " .. Y08 POWELL Jason .. " ...... " .. .... """ .. " .. .. .. " .... ,, .. ,,"""" Y09 PRIDE Craig ............ " .. " .... """" .. " .... "" .. " " .. ,, ....... Y11 PROUDFOOT William ...... " .. """"" " .... "" .... ,, ........ Y09 PRUNTY Toby .......... """ ............ " .... ,, .. ...... .... ...... ... Y08 QUAN James ........ " " .... " .. """" .... .... .... .... .. ,, .... .. .. YlO QUARRILL Benjamin .. .... " ...... .... .......... """" .. ,,",,. Y09 QUARRILL Jace " .. """ .... "" .... """"" .... " .. ,, .... "",,. Y11 QUEIROS Andrew""" .... "" .. ........ "" .... """ ... """" Y11 QUIGLEY Thomas """" ... """""""" ........ " .... """". Y09 QUINLAN Jamie " .. "" .. """ ............. "" ........ """",,. Y08 QUINNEY Allan .. " .. """""" ................... ,,"",, ...... .. . Y12 QUINTANILLA Rodrigo .. "" .............. " .. .. " .... .. .. ,,"" Y12 RADAICH Luke " .... .. ...... .. " ......... " .. " " .. "" .. " .. " ..... Y09 RADAICH Rhys " .. " ...... " .. " ........ "" .... """"" .. "" .. ,, Y09 RADI Simon .... "" .. "" .. " .. .. "" .. " .... " ... """"" .. ,,",, ... Y11 RAFFAELE Brodie .......... " ....................................... Y11 RAMIREZ Marlon ................................. " ................ YlO REECE John ........................................................... Y11 RENNER Joshua .............................. .......... ........... Y11 RENWICK Reece .. .. ................ .. ...... " ........... " ........ Y11 REYES Oscar ............................ ........ " .. .................. Y09 REYNOLDS Bradley .... " .. .. .............. " ..................... Y09 REZAYEE Habibullah .. " .......... " ..... " .... " .. " .. " ........ Y12 RIC HARDS Bradley ............................ .. ...... " ......... Y08 RIDDLER Liam .... " ................. " ......... "" ................ Y09 RIEGER Mark ...... " ...... ............ " ....... " .. " ................. Y11 RIEMER Alex"" .... " ... ..... " .... " ............ " .................. . Y12 RIGG Thomas .. .. .. .. .. ............ .............. """ .. " .. "" .. " Y08 RINALDI Mark ............ " ...... "" .......... " .. "",,. " ....... Y08 ROBERTS Daniel " .............................. " " .. .... .......... Y12 ROBERTS Haydn .. "",, ........... ..... " .......................... Y12 ROBERTS Michael """ .. " .... " .... "" ........ """ .. ,,,, .... . Y12 ROBERTS Shay"""""" .. """" .. "" .. " .... " .. " ...... " .. . . Y08 ROBERTSON-LARKIN Samuel ...... " ....... " .. " .. .. .... " Y11 RONCEVIC Johnny .... " .. "" .. " .. .... " ..... "" .. " .. " .... " Y08 ROWE Samuel " ........ "" ........... "" .. " .... " .............. " Y09 ROWED Matthew .. " .. " .......... " ............................. YlO RYAN Paul .... " .. "" .................. "" ......... """,, ........... Y12 SABINASZ Damian " .... " ......... "" .... " .... """ .. " .. " ... YlO SANTOSO Hartoyo """" ........ "" ...... .... " .... " .. " .. ,, " YlO SARDELIC Brendan .. """ ...... ,," ........ ,,.. .. ..... Y08 SAVAGE Ethan .. .. .. " .. .. .. """ .. .. """" .... " .. " .... ,, .. .. ,,. Y09 SAVAGE Jarryd "" .......... " .............. " ........ " .......... " Y11 SCHUMACHER Matthew .. " ........ " .... " .. "" ........... Y08 SEBASTIAN Christopher .. """ ........ " .. " .. " " ........ ,, .. Y11 SEPAROVICH Michael " .. " .......... " .... .. "" .. " .... ...... Y08 SHAND Kyle .. "." .. "" .. "" .. " .. """" .. ... .. "" .. " .. " .,,. Y10 SHAND Ryan " .. """" .. """ ...... """" ..... ,,,, .......... ,, .. Y12 SHANKS Raymond .. ,,""" ............ " .. .. ....... " .. " ..... YlO SHEPHERD Andrew" .. " .. "" .. """" .. " ..... " .......... " .. Y12

M4 S3 S5 P3 S4 S5 M3 S5 P4 54 M5 P2 R4 M5 M5 M1 R4 P2 P5 P1 S5 P1 M2 M4 M1 P4 M3 S5 S5 S5 S4 P3 R4 M4 R1 P4 P4 P2 M2 R2 S2 R4 P2 M3 P3 M4 R5 S4 P4 R5 R5 S5 S3 P5 M5 M5 P4 P3

SHIPARD Jaye .. .. .. .. " .... " ........... "".. ..... .. ... YOB . SIDIQI Hasib """"......... .. .. ,,""......... . Y12 SIGON Lorenzo .......... " .. ... ...... " .. "......... . Y1 1 SILICH Nicholas " .. "" .. " .. ,,.. " .. " .. "" .. Y1 1 SIMPKIN Laurence .......... ..................... " .. Y1 1 SINCLAIR lain ........ "" .. " .. """ .. ,, .. Y09 SMART Cooper "" .. ................ " ...... "........ .. ...... YOB SMEDLEY Peter ..... " .. " " .. " ........ " .. "" " ... .. ,, .......... Y12 SMITH Cole ............... .. .. ,," " .. " " "" .. ,, ....... ". Y12 SMITH Craig ........ "...... .. ...... . .. ........ Y10 SMITH Daniel ...... " ...... .. ................. " .. ... "" ....... ". Y10 SMYTHE Vincent.. ........ " . .. ..... Y10 SOARES Adriano ............ .. .. " .. YOB SOARES Sadolo .... "" .. ,,.. .. .. " ... .. " ......... Y11 SPASHEDAdam. .. ........ " .. " ..... Y12 SPEIRS Andrew"................ .. .... .. ...... " .... "",, .. Y09 SPENCER Liam ...... "............ " ................ . Y09 SPENCER Rhys ............ "..... .."" ............... Y1 1 SRINAGA Franky ...................... "............... .. ... Y12 STAKER-GUNN Timothy ...... ...... .. ....... Y10 STALLARD James .. "...................... .. .... ". Y12 STALLEY Benjamin .... "...................... .. ........ .. "" Y09 STAMMERS Joel .... """ .... "" ........ "... """" Y09 STAMMERS Laine "" .... ... . """"" .... "" .... " ..... " .. ,," Y09 STANLEY Samuel .............. """" .. """",, ........ " ..... YOB STEPHEN Daniel .......... ".... ... Y1 0 STEPHEN William .............. .. """" ............ . Y09 STEWART Craig "" .. " .. """ .. .............. .. ...... " ..... "",,. Y10 STINGEMORE Nicholas ....................... " ... .. " .. " ... Y12 STONE Christopher ........ "" ...... .. " .. " ...... ,," ....... ,," YlO STONE Richard "" .. "...... """ .. " .. " .. . " .... YOB SUBAWICKRAMA Suresh " ...... .. " ...... ... Y09 SUHARSONO Leonardo ". "" .......... Y10 SURJAN Adam .... " .. " ...... ....... ..... " .... "". .. .. Y09 SUDON Rhys .. .. " ...... " ..... " .............. " .... Y09 SWALLOW Christopher "" .. """ .. ,,"",, ... Y12 SWEETMAN Matthew .. " "".............. "". YlO SWEETMAN Nicholas ...... "........... ... """. Y09 SWIFT Cale " .. .. .. .. ............ ............ .. " ...... " ...... " """ Y1 0 SWINDELLS Mark .. .. " ...... ........... " .. " .... " .... " .. " .... " YOB SYMONDS Mathew .... " ...... .... .. " .......... " ...... .. .... Y11 SYMONDS Peter """ .................. " ........ " .... " .... " .... Y09 SYMONS-CLAMP Daniel . "" .. " ........... """" """" YOB TAGLIAFERRI Daniel "" ...... """" .. ......... "" .. "" .. ". YOB TAl Sione "" .. " ...... " .. " ...... .. """" .. ,, ........... ,,""""" Y11· TALBOT Louis .. " ........... " """ .. " .. " ..... " .. .. ...... Y1 1 TASSONE Guy""" ........ ... ..... " .... " ........ ... " " .......... Y12 TATE Dy lan .. " .... "" .. ..... " .. ". """. Y08 TAYLOR Kale " .... "............ . " ..... YOB TAYLOR Martin .. "" ........... ". .. .. .. ... Y1 1 TAYLOR Nicholas """ .. .... .... " ........ " ...... " ..... ........ YOB TAYLOR Paul ..... .. .. " .. " .... ........ " .... " .. .. .. " ...... """ Y10 TEAGUE Trent .......... " ......... .. ". ..". YOB THOMPSON Brett "........... .. .. " .. """ .. " "" ,, ......... Y09 THOMPSON Peter "" .......... " ............ "" .. " .. " .... "". Y12 THOMSON Benjamin .. " ...... "" ..... """"" ...... " .. " ... Y08 THRELFO Ryan .... " .. " .... .. ..... " ............. "" .............. Y12 TIRLI Nicholas ...... " .... "............... .... . "". YlO


P5 S3 P5 R2 S5 S4 R1 S4 P5 Sl M3 P2 P1 P1 S5 M5 M2 M2 Sl P1 S3 P5 S4 P5 R1 S2 S2 M3 S3 M4 M4 R2 R5 M1 R5 S5 P2 P2 R2 S4 P2 P2 R3 R3 M3 R5 S4 M5 R2 S3 P1 S3 S5 M5 R2 P5 M2 M5

TOMICH Christopher . " .... "" ........ ". Y12 TRANCH ITA Shane "" .. ""....... ". YOB TRI PI Adam " .. " .. " .. Y11 TROD ER Lewis "" .. " .. """ ........ ,,. " .......... " .. Y12 TRUSCOTT Jake .. Y11 TUCKER Jarrad """ ........... ". .. ...... "",, .. Y08 TUO HEY Xavier.. . .."" ........ .. ". Y12 TU RCO Joel .......... .. " ...... "" ..... . Y09 UKALOVIC Tomislav ............ " " .. " .. " .. "" .. " .... " .. " .. Y12 UNDERSHULTZ Simon " .... .. " .. " " ...... " .............. " ..... Y11 VALENTE Luke .. " .. """ ....... "",,. "YlO VALE NTINO Adamo """" ......... """"" .. """,, .. ,, ..... Y09 VAN RYT Scott .... .. "" .... " ..... ...... " ...... """" ........ ,, .. Y09 VAUGHAN Ian ". " .. " ..... .... ,,"" .. " .. " .... ". Y12 VERDONK Mitchell " .. " Y08 VERNON Byron "" .. " ........ "" .. .. .. " ...... .." ... Y1 1 VICAREY Benjamin "..... " .. "" ...... "" ... Y08 VI CAREY James .. ". """ ...... ,," Y11 VICKRIDGE Benjamin.. .. .. " .. " .. ". YlO VICKRIDGE Joel ". .. " .. " Y08 VINCI Anthony" "" .. """""",,.... .. .. " ... Y08 VINC I Bradley""" .. "" .... " .. " .......... ... . " ... Y12 VINK Grant " ...... " ....... .......... .. .. " .. Y08 VUCKOVIC Luka " .. """""""" .... "". ..... " .. " Y08 WALSH James .. "" .................... ... " ......... " ....... .. ". Y08 WALSH Luke ........ "" .. .. .......... ....... " ..... " ........... Y08 WALSH Peter . " .. """,, .... Y12 WANG Joong-kyung ". Y11 WARD Lance ........ ..... " ............ "" ......... " Y12 WATTS Kaleb ...... " .. " ........ ". .. . .. .. " .. Y09 WEEKES Jonat han "" .. "" .. " .... " .. " .. .. "" ...... " " .. " .. Y08 WESLEY Lewis .. """ " " .,, ........ . .. .... ". Y09 WESTWOOD Matthew " .. """ .. ,,. Y09 W HELAN Luke ....... " .. " .. " .... " ... """". Y08 WHITE Andrew .. ".""" """ .. " Y12 WH ITE Domin ic "" .. ,,".......... .. " ... Y08 W HITE Fraser .. " .. " .. """ ... ,,........... ... Y08 WHITE Robert """ ... ". """" .. "" .. ". " ... Y09 WICKS Terrence " ........ " .. " .. "" ."."" .. ,,"" "" .... " ... Y10 WIGHT-HALES Ryan .... " .... " .... ... ". " ..... Y10 WILLIAMS Michael "" ........ ".... ... ". Y11 WI LMOT Daniel .... ". "." ... "......... "" .... Y08 WILSON Matthew..... """ ......... "". ". YlO WINFIELD Matthew . .. " .... . "" .. " ....................... "" Y09 WINFIELD Samuel .. ". .. ...... ............ Y11 WINTER Mark "......... .. .......... " ...... " ... Y12 WINTER Paul " ... ........ ... " ... " ........ "" ....... Y09 WONG Koon Chye " .......... " .. .. ... " .. " .............. "" Y08 WRIGHTToby... .. ...................... " .. " .. Y12 WYAD George . .. " .. " ............................... "" ... Y09 YERKOVICH Leon .......... ............ "" .... Y10 YUN Toe-young .... ". .. ............... ....... " .. " Y09

S5 R4 R2 R3 R3 P4 Sl S4 M3 S5 P3 Sl S2 S2 R4 S3 P3 P3 R3 R3 R4 M4 S4 R5 M5 M3 M5 P4 P1 M2 R1 P1 R5 R5 Sl R2 Sl R2 M1 P5 R5 Sl R4 S4 S4 M1 M1 S2 R1 P5 S5 R2

Farewell Sir 107

I d t r\c"now e gemen s


d I~men

THE school year is always packed with so many activities and it is amazing how quickly time passes. I hope we have captured the essence of the College in these pages and I would like to extend my thanks to the following people. Thank you to Mr Marius Van Dongen for taking photos, and to the other staff who dutifully took shots on their excursions and camps. Once again, Mrs Jenny D' Ascanio did a fabulous job of proof reading throughout the year. Mr Bob Rose'Meyer was a continual support for annual contributions and I could always count on him for support. Future years just won't be the same without him. He will be greatly missed by students and staff. And finally, I would like to thank the Year 12 Annual Committee (pictured below) for their efforts this year. I wish all our Year 12's well for the future and hope they come back and visit us often.

Left to Right:Eduardo Fernandes, Peter Harvey, Patrick Davis, Tomislav Ukalovic, Daniel Roberts, Matthew Bourke, Justin Manganaro, Stephen Neri. 108

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