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Contents Formal Reports Headmaster's Report ....................... 3 Chairman of the Board .................... 4 Province Leader ................................ 5 Deputy Headmaster - Director of Students ........................ 6 Deputy Headmaster - Director of Studies ........................... 7 Parents & Friends' Association ......... 8 Music Parents' Committee .............. 9 Old Boys' Association ............ .. ....... 10 College Staff 2003 ........................... 12 College Staff 2003 ........................... 13

Year 12 College Captain - Valedictory Address .................... 14 Class of 2003 ...................... ............. 15 Year 12 Awards ...... ......................... 16 Year 12 Graduation ....................... 17 Year 12's at the Ball .................. 18-19 Class of 2003 .............................. 20-26 Year 12 2003 ...... ............................. 27 Year 12 .... ... ................................ 28-29

Department Reports Mathematics .................................. 30 Science ...................................... 31-33


English .............................................. 34 Information & Communication Technology ..................................... 35 Practical Arts ............................. 36-37 Languages - Japanese ................. 38 Languages - Italian ........................ 39 Religious Education .. ... ............. 40-41 Society & Environment ............. 42-43 The Arts ...... .. ....... .. .............. ........ 44-45 Senior Art .................................... 46-47 Junior Art .................................... 48-49

Years 8 - 11 Year 11' s at the Ball .................. 52-53 Year 11 Awards ............................... 54 Year 11 .................................... ... 55-56 Year 10 Awards ............................... 57 Year 10 ....................................... 58-59 Year 9 Awards ................................. 60 Year 9 Expedition ...................... 61-62 Year 8 Awards ................................. 63 Year 8 .......................................... 64-65

Sport and Music Groups Interschool Swimming Carnival .... 66 ACC Swimming Team .................. . 67 Interhouse Athletics ....................... 68 ACC Athletics ................................. 69 ACC Cross Country .. ........ .............. 70

Jazz Orchestra ................................ 72 Intermediate Band ........................ 73 Ensembles ....................................... 74 Choir ................................................ 75 Rugby ....... :................................. 78-79 Soccer .................................... .. ....... 80 Tennis, Baseball and Volleyball ..... 81

Groups Morgan House ........................... 84-86 Patrick House ............................. 87-89 Rice House ...... ..... ...................... 90-92 Samson House ........................... 93-95 Roll Call 2003 ............................. 97-99

College Life Edmund Rice Day 2003 ................. 11 Year 11 INSTEP ................................. 50 Year 12 INSTEP ................................. 51 College Awards Night ................... 71 2003 Ski Trip ..................................... 82 Ash Wednesday ............................. 83 Visual & Performing Arts Festival .. 96 Mothers' and Fathers' Day ......... 100 Strange Days in Year 12 ............... 102 Strange Days at CBC Fremantle 103 Acknowledgements .................... 104

Headmaster's Report In February 1882, 121 years ago, the first boys arrived at this school, from Fremantle and its surrounding areas. A mixture of new immigrants and local Australians from well to do and less well to do backgrounds, Catholics and non-Catholics. They came up the high road to what soon became known as CBC Fremantle. In those days it was quite normal for children to walk great distances to school; it would be regarded as something special today. But still they came and for much of its formative years the college had a strong enrolment of students. In these years and up to the 1940s CBC Fremantle equalled and in some years surpassed its great rival school, CBC Perth for the number of students that gained secondary education and university entrance. The second half of the 20 th century saw tougher times for Fremantle and the College, during which CBC failed to achieve a full population of students and its academic achievements declined.

the big picture. They've helped us see God in all things, and all things in God, so that nothing in the universe is merely secular or profane. All Australian schools, ours included, are under tremendous pressure to opt entirely for success in this sense. But what our students want - and deserve includes but also transcends this 'worldly' success based on marketable skills. The real measure of a Christian Brother education lies in who our students become and that is one of the key reasons why parents seek a CBC Fremantle education. A Christian Brother school confronts a neverctobe-resolved contradiction. It must fill the expectancies of those it serves, if it is to survive. It must change those expectancies, if it is to be truly educational. I would like to thank the Christian Brothers for providing an education to our students that confronts that . . contradiction.

will be prepared to both encourage and challenge him during those boisterous teenage years . And this seems to happening in very healthy ways at CBC Fremantle. The final key reason for the increasing demand for CBC Fremantle is the growing recognition in the future growth and vitality of CBC Fremantle. Mr Norton's and Mr O'Neill's pages have highlighted some of the new growth in 2003. These changes set the scene for a new future and new direction for Christian Brothers College Fremantle. Applications for entry into the College now far exceed the number of students we can accept. With our strong dedicated experienced teaching staff I believe these changes to our College will further develop the outstanding boy 's learning environment that now exists at CBC. Mr David McFadden



So after many years , it is good to announce that from the start of 2004 with almost 600 students, CBC Fremantle will once again, have a full population of students. This figure represents an approximate 20"10 increase in student population over a three to four year period. The college has already a full enrolment for 2004 and 2005, with growing waiting lists in both years. It has already a greater number of applications than places in 2006. Does this sudden increase in demanq for CBC Fremantle signify anything? Why have numbers increased? In my conversations with parents of prospective students at enrolment I gauge three main reasons: First is the value of a Christian Brothers' education. If the Christian Brothers and their form of education were to die and cease to be, then something of value would be taken from us, and from our children and our children's children . And what is that something of value? A Perspective in God. The Christian Brothers' Education has always helped us see

The second reason an increasing number of parents are applying for their son to attend CBC Fremantle is that they value the boy's education provided at CBC. Four or five years ago it was often the mothers who had some concerns about their son coming to a boys' school. Now I hear the mothers saying' my son needs to be in a boys' school.' Here there seems to be greater awareness of the challenges and difficulties that men seem to be having in our society. Mothers in particular seem to be saying that their sons need a place where they can learn what it is to be a boy amongst other boys and young men for a few years without all the expectations that our society brings to bear on young people. Parents are looking too for teachers who will enjoy working amongst boys and who understand the need to work with , direct and build on the loads of energy that boys bring with them . They are looking , too , for teachers who will like working with their son and who



Chairman of the Board "This is not the finish line, the future is the finish line. " (from the movie Sea Biscuit) The primary function of any board is governance, A school board is no different, Governance means ensuring the long term sustainability of the organisation, taking into account the needs of all stakeholders, Never an easy task, made all the more onerous when the majority of our future stakeholders don't know who they are yet, CBC Fremantle has been built on over 100 years of tradition, Tradition that not only moulded from within the college walls through its many characters, teachers and students alike, but also the traditions of Fremantle itself, Traditions are wonderful things; we must never forget where we came from and what made us great, But traditions are meant to be the spring boards that help drive us into the future, not weigh us down with apathy, Like Fremantle, the college has found its best in difficult times, Fremantle, now, by all international measures, takes its place in the world as a city of consequence with all the hallmarks of a city that will succeed well into the future, CBC Fremantle needs to face the same challenges if we are to meet our responsibilities for future sustainability, I trust you see and hear evidence about you, indicating we take our role very seriously, The greatest danger I see is the high level of success in the last 2 or 3


years causing us to become complacent. We now have a campus that is arguably as large and as modern as it has ever been, We have more students in the college and on waiting lists than we have had for many years. We have a strategic plan in play that will see us through to 2006, a plan that you have all had the opportunity to be involved in. All this has come about through the hard work of many good people over many years. Now is not the time to stop and rest, but use this platform to leverage us into the future. So what are we dOing about the future? Well first, and most importantly, there is strong agreement between both the board and the management of the school for a common vision. I cannot praise enough the current college leadership, under the guidance of Mr David McFadden , I, and the Board, have enjoyed being able to conduct ourselves as a professional board due to the transparency of the

colleges operations. This has been achieved through clear, accurate and concise communication, requiring no intervention. I congratulate them and thank them. What else are we doing? We asked one half of this years board to focus their thinking on the strategiC future of the college beyond 2006. Quite an ask when you consider the many stakeholders to that future. They were also instructed not to confine their thinking to anyone area of the school's potential. For example, we now know through a completed study that academically we have the potential of entering the top quartile of all schools in the state. A great goal, but what about the many Non TEE students? Do we not count them? How do we succeed in this area and measure it? And what about sports? Many would say we have a rightful place among the best? The arts, where we seemed to have tinkered at the edge for quite some time. What can be achieved in these areas? We say, not-'or' but ' and' to all of these areas of potential. There is a lot to consider, a lot to do, but I believe we have the right people on the job. We do not know for certain what the future holds, but what we do know is, if we say we can or we say we cannot, we are dead right. In closing, I would like to extend my thanks to the CBC Board of 2003. We, along with the management of CBC Fremantle look forward to serving all stakeholders in building a great future for years to come. We also look forward to your support and involvement as we thank you for your confidence to date. Mr Terry Waddell

Province Leader Education For Now Some interesting dilemmas surface as I begin to write this article for the Year Book for each of our Colleges in the Holy Spirit Province of the Christian Brothers. Due to the friendly, but clear and firm requests of some editors my writing has begun in August 2003. Some of you will not read this until February, March or even later in 2004. And that brings me to a second dilemma, or perhaps question. Does anyone actually read this section of a Year Book? My memory of my time as a student is of flicking to the appropriate pages to find the most interesting photographs ... 1 probably thought they were the ones which had me in them! These days, as a Province Leader of the Christian Brothers and Chairman of the Trustee Body, as I turn the pages of a Year Book, or any School newsletter or other publication , I ask myself, " Does this publication actually reflect the priorities of a Catholic School in the Edmund Rice tradition?" So what are the priorities? Unfortunately many students, parents and educators involved in our schools see education only as helping young people "prepare for the future". I know I have also found myself thinking and saying that! It would be stupid of course, not to understand that schools need to consider the future as they help students to learn "in the present". But education when based on the Christian story is essentially about living NOW, TODAY, THIS MOMENT. It is about how to live our life to the full whether we are six years old , ten years, seventeen, or seventy seven. I am sure all of us have had those special moments of "feeling fully alive " in or "deeply touched " by life experiences. These might include the birth of a child , being totally loved and accepted by a spouse or a girlfriend/boyfriend, significant experiences of

silence, or awe while viewing a sunset. alone on a beach or in the bush. You may have also had those experiences in a formal religious celebration. These special experiences are what we as Christians call grace-filled or Spirit-filled moments. It is because our God is present through the spoken Word of creation and has become fully a part of our human experience through the Son of God, Jesus, becoming a man, that we can have these special moments, Strangely, most of us will have seen the face of God in and through painful experiences as well. These might have included the death of a spouse, a child or other loved ones. It may also have included an illness or accident. a loss of employment or one of many other difficult life experiences. With deep openess on our part, these too can speak to us of the human experience of Jesus, his fear, his love and his willingness to face suffering and death as he followed the call of his Father. Our pain can be a grace - filled or Spirit-filled moment. even though we sometimes only realise this when we prayerfully reflect back on the experience. The journey that you and I have taken is similar to the journey of Edmund Rice as he came to understand and express his special gift of the Spirit (charism). He grew up in a place of special beauty, in economic comfort, in a loving and secure family and being taught about and experiencing the love of God. He also experienced the love of a beautiful woman whom he married. But his life was overwhelmed by the tragedy of the loss of that same beautiful wife and the birth of a disabled daughter. Through his life experiences he was able to allow himself to "see", and to grow in deep compassion for the poor, uneducated and wild young people of Waterford and their suffering . This was his special gift, his charism. Edmund Rice came to know the love and call of God through both the wonderful, positive experiences and also the challenging, difficult ones. This is how he came to be "fully alive ", to be the person he was called to be. He was able to see and hear what was happening around him through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Over recent months the thirty-seven schools owned and operated by the Christian Brothers have been exploring a Charter for Edmund Rice Schools. This Charter, which will provide benchmarks against which a school can validly develop and judge itself as an Edmund Rice school, will eventually be approved by the leadership of the Christian Brothers in Australia some time in 2004. I wish to share with you some of the thoughts emerging in the Charter. What is recorded here may well be re-worded over coming months but the underlying thoughts will remain within the Charter: • Each person is called to respond (to life) out of a personal relationship with God ... (and) an Edmund Rice School grows as a faith sharing community through fostering this relationship with the person of Jesus. • An Edmund Rice School, characterised by the quality of its relationships, celebrates as a Eucharistic community through the contribution of each person ... and • The culture formed by these relationships is characterised by respect. connections, hospitality, nurture, care, good humour and right relationships. • Reconciliation is central to the process by whic h conflict is resolved. • An Edmund Rice School actively engages all its members in ongoing reflection about the contemporary world . (The reflection , by the way , is based on the teachings of Jesus) • An Edmund Rice School demonstrates, through its practices and teachings, respect for the environment. These ideals are not about preparing students for the future . They are about seeing the face of God in both the joys and beauty of life and also the sorrows and sufferings. When all of us are doing that we will be experiencing God as Edmund was able to do ... we will be a person who is "fully alive" . Jesus said, "I have come that you may have life, and have it to the full ". (John 10: 10)

Br Kevin Ryan



Depury Headmaster - Director of Students The year past was an extremely busy one for all concerned at the College. Significant and positive changes occurred in the areas of curriculum , pastoral care and student leadership. When combined with the wonderful changes to the College buildings and grounds , there is a real sense of being part of a community that is moving forward . The College aims to provide a positive learning en viron me nt that recognises the rights and responsibilities of all its members. Early in the year, the C o llege introduced a new Managing Student Behaviour (MSB) policy, which aimed to guide students toward se lf-co ntrol, self-direction and responsible c hoices. The MSB policy at CBC Fremantle is centred around two themes : • Recognising and affirming those students who model positive e xamples of student behaviour; and • Recognising and correcting those students who model unacceptable behaviour. The C ollege believes that the consistent affirmation and praise of students both at school and at home, has a beneficial effect on their behaviour and progress. The process of student affirmation at our College is ba sed on a system that awards certificates at a Br o nze , Silver and Gold level. The Bronze Certificate s have been well received and many parents have related the positive effect they have had on t heir son 's attitude and application. It was good to see the number of Silver Certificates presented at House assemblies steadily growing through the year a nd a number o f boys managed to earn themselves Gold Certificate s in recognition of their outstanding and consistent effort. They set a wonderful example for their peers. In recognising and correcting unacceptable behaviour, the MSB policy endeavours to bring about early and consistent intervention that occurs at various


levels in the College structure. At all times , regular communication with parents and other significant staff is encouraged so as to establish a network of concemed adults who can help boys to improve their behaviour. As part of our Catholic ethos, and inspired by the Edmund Rice tradition, the development of young men as leaders who are of service to others has continued to emerge as an important aim. It is very much part of the College Mission to "Challenge all to Excellence, Faith, Justice and Service". It is envisaged that leadership roles as team/group captains, House Councillors and College Prefects will be available for students who have displayed positive behaviour, regular involvement in College activities, Christian Service and involvement in leadership training courses such as the Duke of Edinburgh Award. The theme of serving others was very evident in the election of our College Prefects . The successful candidates were allocated specific portfolio areas in which they will work closely with significant staff in order to assist with the management and development of the College while representing and serving the student body. It is hoped that more students will consider nominating for the various leadership opportunities that exist. The Christian Service program has continued to expand. A large number of our boys have successfully completed service at home , at the College and in the wider community. A most pleasing aspect has been the enthusiastic feedback from the boys who have expressed a sincere desire to be involved in various service programs in the future. Many have genuinely enjoyed the experience and gained much from their involvement. They have learned firsthand that 'through serving others we truly receive '. A particular highlight of the service program was the Year 9 expedition to the Murray River-Nanga region near Dwellingup. The boys completed a three-day challenge to hike, canoe and camp as a small group. This expedition was one part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award . The boys will now have to complete a service

component, skill development and commit to a regular form of recreation - all required components of the award . Such challenges require our boys to reflect inwardly, consider others, and commit to achieving set goals. In an effort to further develop the House System at our College, the House Competition was expanded to include all aspects of College life. The competition includes the four categories of Academic , Sport, Arts and Christian Formation. Within each category , predetermined events count toward house points according to student participation and/or student performance. The House that wins the House Competition is awarded the "Wedd Cup" - named after Alan Wedd, former Headmaster of the College who was instrumental in establishing the current House System . Rice House won the Wedd Cup in 2003 and enjoyed an afternoon of food and fun to celebrate their triumph . While the House Competition is meant to be enjoyable for all students, it is hoped the spirit of competition and recognition of participation and performance will lead to a greater sense of House culture at the College. On a personal note, the many hours and long days have been tiring but very rewarding . I have enjoyed the honest and personal approach of the boys and ongoing support of parents for College initiatives. The Mentor Teachers continue to play an important role in the lives of the boys, offering an ongoing link to families while their sons attend the College. I would like to acknowledge and thank the Heads of House and other Pastoral team members for their continued work with the boys . Their energy, enthusiasm and genuine concern for the welfare of the students is exceptional. In reflecting on the year past and looking to the future , it is important that we keep the welfare of our boys in m ind . Through a consistent approach , the College and parents can work in partnership in order to help such a positive development occur. Mr Darren O'Neill

Depury Headmaster - Director of Studies With 2002 being a year of planning, complemented with the launch of the 2002-2006 CBC Fremantle Strategic Plan and the LearningTeaching Review, 2003 was always going to be a challenging year of change. The following lists some of those changes.

- Use of St Patrick 's Hall for Examinations for Years 9-12

-New College Diaries -Move from 20 to 24 Mentor Groups -Introduction of Drama and Music for all Year 8 students

With such change, workloads and expectations increase dramatically and the stress put on the College Community, in particular the teaching staff, cannot be understated. At the same time, it is a delight to be part of a Community that is so committed to improvement in all aspects of College life. Ever growing waiting lists and constant enrolment enquiries reflect growing community interest in our College and all associated with it should be proud of what we have achieved.

-New Buildings and Rooms Two recent functions, the Graduation of our Year

-25 period week with 60/65 minute periods and no doubles - Restructuring of the Year 8 - 12 Curriculum to accommodate the 25 period week -New Term Reporting Format -Year 11 students beginning a 5 subject course structure

-New Assessment Policy -New Awards system including the Student Performance Update (Spud) Forms -Outcomes Reporting for Year 9 and some Year 10 courses -Preparation for the Professional Development Mentor System in 2004 - My Reports for Students -Involvement in ACC and PSA school sports

- Embedding of the Curriculum Council Belief and Values course in our Yr 11 Religious Education Program

-Introduction of College Prefects -Dux Assembly and increased Academic Profile

- Introduction of the New Basics Courses in Years 8 and 9 -Introduction of the Homework Policy and Homework Slips

-Service Learning Program -Duke of Edinburgh Program -Introduction of Yr 11 Physical Science

12 students and the Awards Night were wonderful

occasions. They gave us an opportunity to reflect on the achievements of the fine young men at our College. Those who attended these events would have been impressed by not only the excellent achievements of our boys, but also in the manner they conducted themselves. Personal standards and _ expectations seem to be on the rise and 2004 will see a continued emphasis on the Academic culture of the College. The College has asked much of students, parents and staff over the past 12 months. Amongst all of this, I continue to cherish the ability to know our boys. It is amongst all this change that we must strive to never lose the sense of community we enjoy. While there w ill continue to be some changes in 2004 including a further refinement of the curriculum and school day, introduction of a Homework Centre, new courses including Outdoor Education, employment of a Litera cy Support teacher who will help with learning challenges and introduction of the PD Mentor Program, many of the large structural changes are now in place.

-Introduction of a fifth stream in Years 8 and 9.

-Increased Communication with Parents ie Newsletter etc

Hopefully 2004 will begin to be a time of consolidation. Again, many thanks to all of the Community for your continued support and encouragement.

-House Shield

Mr Frank Norton

- New Lockers - Use of Tertiary Entrance Indicators for TEE students. -Restructure of the Mentor Programs


Parents & Friends¡ Association The P&F ethos "Providing an informal opportunity for parents of all year and mentor groups to get together in a social atmosphere " certainly has been welcomed by parents, particularly our new families . All the activities, well attended as they were, took a great deal of organization and planning and for that I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Committee (John and Gemma Forrest and Linda Minervini) and all the helpers, too numerous to mention individually, for their unlimited energy throughout the year.

Yet another year has come and gone. 2003 has been very positive for the Parents and Friends' Association in mnay ways, but none less than the level of partic ipation of the CBC Fremantle family in our act ivities .


In a year of firsts , a record attendance at our monthly meetings was achieved midway through the year, we almost ran out of food at the Fathers ' Day Breakfast and the inaugural wine raffle was a great success - even though I didn't win! Due to the support of the P&F this year, the boys all received new lockers. This was a very positive achievement for all our students and those coming

through in the future. This level of commitment to our College is great to see - who knows what can be achieved in the future . I have been involved with CBC Fremantle for five years and have seen many changes in that time: staff, buildings, students, improved curriculm eg drama , Cisco etc, all very positive moves and necessary to raise the bar for our boys in the future. It's been a privilege to have been in this role for the last few years and I would like to thank all those who have participated, helped and enjoyed our times together. I wish those who will take over the reins in 2004 all the best for the future. Don't give up - the benefits far outweigh the sacrifices . I would like to wish the CBC family a wonderful 2004. Rob Symonds, President

Music Parents' Committee

2003 has seen a large number of performances by our premier band, the Jazz Orchestra, the Intermediate Band and our various ensembles, The JO started the year by playing for the arrival of a large cruise ship at Fremantle Port. followed by performances at the Fremantle Jazz Society, the Perth Jazz Society, Walk For Want at Kings Park, Kim Beazley School and Our Lady Of Fatima, It was the first time that one school had filled the entire time slot for the Fremantle Jazz Society, CBC did this very successfully with the JO, Intermediate Band

and our Guitar Ensemble , Our JO also competed at the York Jazz Festival and at Kwinana Jazz, winning at the latter and being very competitive at York, At the Catholic Performing Arts Festival CBCwas represented well by our JO, Guitar Ensemble and various soloists,

We finished off the year with a barbeque at the college, which brought together the teachers , boys and their parents, and gave our young musicians the opportunity to show off their talents in a relaxed atmosphere,

The music department conducted a camp at Camp Simons in the latter half of this year. It was very well attended by our boys who gained quite a benefit from Mike Cartwright and the West Australian Youth Jazz Orchestra, who , along with our own music staff, passed on a lot of valuable information, The camp finished with a performance across the road at the Araluen Botanical Gardens,

I would like to close by saying that none of the above would be possible if not for the dedication, care and passion that the music and music loving staff at CBC Fremantle , lead by the amazing Mr. Shane Mancuso , put into what they do, The other thing that helps mdke all this possible is the Music Parents ' Group, Being part of this has given me the opportunity to work more closely with my son and the college staff and I have found this to be a very rewarding experience and would recommend it. so please get involved ,

Following the music camp the entire music and arts programs displayed their amazing talents at the CBC Visual Arts Festival. held at the Fremantle Town Hall. It was our most successful festival and I know that each coming year will see our next most successful event, Probably the most significant undertaking of the year was the recording of the JO'S latest CD, entitled , Jazz Graduates, This was done in a professional studio and was a very long day for all concerned, It was then followed up by only a relatively small amount of over dubbing and editing; an amazing experience for the boys which will never be forgotten,

The Music Parents ' Group would like to wish Mrs, Emma Tandy , who is an integral part of music at CBC, a happy time during her one year secondment to St Jeromes, Finally, I would like to thank my committee and all who have contributed to making the music program at CBC Fremantle what it is, Stephen Head President



Old Boys' Association leadership and his staff for their successful year in academic and sporting results , The Awards Night conducted on 30 November showed what a great school CBC Fremantle truly is, The enrolments at the College are 100"10 complete. The grounds and surrounding buildings have made the College an outstanding educational icon in the Fremantle area , This year, your Committee hosted three reunions, with the Classes of 10,20 and 25 years meeting together. The Old Boys' met at the College for a little fellowship and then off to a meal together to continue reminiscing over their school days and activities since departing ,

George and Pat Ayres Once again , and far too quickly, we come to the end of another year full of success for the Old Boys' Association, Your committee has once again worked tirelessly and have been successful in arranging numerous activities that were all very successful. I would also like to congratulate David McFadden for his outstanding

A very successful Sundowner was held at the College on the first Wednesday in November, which is the same date for the event each year. We were more than happy with the attendance and those that did attend were grateful to be there, We had around 40 attend and apologies from at least a further 15, A golf day was held in May between the Old Boys and the staff, and again , was a great success, and cementing the rapport between the staff and the Old Boys' Association,

The Old Boys vs First XV rugby match was a competitive battle this year, followed by a sausage sizzle and drinks, Many thanks must go to the students, Old Boy players and the organisers of this event. Providing a Bursary for a student, our number one priority for some eight years now, has also been achieved. We also assisted a couple of boys to attend the Edmund Rice camps . It is for these purposes that we use your membership fees , A very warm welcome to our newest committee member, Aiden Casey at last giving us some youth on our committee, We do need more new blood, Whilst at school. your communication channel is the College . When you leave school, your communication channel is the Old Boys ' Association, May I take this opportunity to w ish you one and all from your elected committee a very happy, holy and safe Christmas and New Year 2004, George Ayres President


Class of 1978 Members


Class of 1993 Members

Class of 1978 Members

Edmund Rice Day 2003 Col/ege Captain's Address Good Morning teachers, parents and students. Thankyou for coming to share in this very special day that recognises and celebrates the work of Edmund Rice , and his influence upon us all here today along with millions of others worldwide. It should be a very enjoyable day as we look forward to games, food and a highly anticipated movie. This fortunate position we at C.B .C have found ourselves in is reminiscent of all the joy brought to the most despondent of children as a result of Edmund Rice and those who have continued his cause for over 200 years. Furthermore, on Edmund 's day of recognition , I believe we should try to be as he would have wanted us to be, happy people who are kind to each other and realise it is now our responsibility to help others. So, have a great day, and remember Edmund Rice who has had , and will continue to have, a profound influence on us all . Jason Bourke, College Captain 2003


College Staff 2003


Row 4: Troy Foote, Marius Van Dongen, Tony Pitos, Michaellalacci, Don McNamee, Michael Masterton, Kieran Cranley, Mark Tannock, Fr. John Sherman, Bernard Mervin, Br John Murray, Andrew Murphy, Sylvester Stack. Row 3: John Hortense, Jason Maroudas, Frank Williams, Suncica Beslac-Seinemeier, Jose Cuenca, Gary Holtham, Trevanna Cooper, Craig Preshaw, Ben Grose, Jenny Rawlings, Noeleen McDowelL Christine Dowd. Row 2: Sandro Sandri, Lachlan Byrd, Tanya Connolly, Akiko Danker, Angela Calanni, Shane Mancuso, Joel Moss, Garry Hart, Eoin Thompson,Gay Pulker, Marc Caporn, Rebecca King, Steve Corley, Ian Threlfo, Tom Rees. Front: Nella McCann, Emma Tandy, Kelly O'Mara, Fay Peterson, Naomi Geoghegan, Darren O'NeilL David McFadden (Headmaster), Frank Norton, Adelle Nsair, Jenny Barton, Carmel Linden , Joanne Sivich, Glynis O'Neill.

College Staff 2003 Headmaster

Pastoral Care


Ms Valma GRANICH Mrs Margaret JOHNS

Deputy Headmaster - Dir. of Students Mr Darren O ' NEILL

Deputy Headmaster - Dir. of Studies Mr Frank NORTON

Library Support Ms Glynis O'NEILL Ms Irene THRELFALL

System Administrator Mr Ian THRELFO

Director of Justice & Service Learning

Technical Support

Mr Sandro SANDRI

Mr Lachlan BYRD

Director of Religious Education

Maintenance & Grounds


Mr Ross WENN Mr Michael PASAJLlC

Finance Manager Mr Tony PITOS

Finance Assistant Ms Julie JONES

Development Officer Miss Adelle NSAIR

Administration Staff Mrs Jenny BARTON Ms Noeleen MCDOWELL Mrs Fay PETERSON Miss Julia WILD

Canteen Mrs Gabrielle GLOSSOP

Clothing Store Mrs Falda FORZAnl

Home Liaison Mrs Manuela FARIA

Teaching Staff Mr Ross BARRON Ms Suncica BESLAC-SEINEMEIER



Instrumental Music Teachers Mr Kim ANNING Mrs June CORCORAN Mr Adam HALL Mr Luciano TREBSE Mr Tim WOOLLEY

College Captain Valedictory Address support base of teachers and parents, among others, that lends itself so unselfishly for our benefit.

mainly to do with batteries. However, the outcome is more than worthwhile . Enjoy the presentation.

This we are very grateful for. I can speak for all the graduates when I say that we are indebted to you for your influence in what we have become. Hopefully we will help others with the commitment and caring that you have shown for us.

It is heartening to know that if we stray in life , we have the prinCiples and knowledge taught to us by CBC to help us through . This College consists of many people, a few whom I'd like to thank personally on behalf of the Year 12 body.

Life at CBC has been filled with events that have shown our individuality , for better or worse. The beginning of year 8 brought with it a daily ritual, the hand tennis competition. I' d like to say our behaviour was the epitome of fair play and sportsmanship, but I'd be lying. Denial, cheating, and refusing to get off the court was inevitable when faced with the threat of being forced to the end of a long line.

Mr McFadden, Mr Norton , Mr O ' Neill , and all the teachers, your passion and dedication can 't help but rub off onto us. Your drive is the core of CBC Fremantle and made it a great place to be.

By year 9, we began to form as a group and developed a sense of unity. We were , however, brought to the brink of d ivision as the result of a craze. It was the wedgie craze . No year 9 was safe. Too worried to notice the looks of contempt of teachers and the rest of the students, we feared for our undies. Some of which became casualties in this era of immaturity. The only safety was in numbers. Alliances were created and divisions formed . Nevertheless, all this came to an end, as the atmosphere was not for us, we liked having trust in our peers. Good e v e ning Mr McFadden , Mr Waddell, Fr Sherman , Ho n o ure d Guests , Staff and Students . Thankyou for coming to Graduation 2003. Today marks the end of our lives at CBC . It has been an unb elievable five years that has seen us take the recurring event of school life and make it our own . We ha ve ha d e xp eriences , made friendships , and gained knowle dge that has made us a community like no othe r. In o ur difference, we can all be proud . We have what many other communities can only dream of; o pportunities that seem endless as we look to th e future; bonds that have been forged in an environment bound to see mateship flourish; and a


These were , of course , only steps on our way to self-discovery and maturity. This was most evident in how proper, mature, and just damn good we looked at the year 12 Ball. Outdone only by our partners. It was an event symbolic of our first, feverish steps into adulthood. The success of the memorable night reflects our success in this difficult transition in life. I would now like to introduce a production by the very talented Donovan DeSouza. Donovan has worked throughout the year to compile a series of shots that commemorate our five years at CBC Fremantle. He's done a terrific job and faced many setbacks,

Fr Sherman , Brother Murray, Ms Cooper and all the spiritually enlightened who have dedicated themselves to de-mystifying religion and introducing us to the importance of faith. The parents, of course, who we love so much and owe everything to . Our most sincere thanks are no limit to how much we are grateful to you . I would also personally like to thank my fellow students who have helped each other, and myself be the best we can be. You will never be forgotten and I wish you all the best in whatever ample talents you wish to unleash upon the world. CBC , you have given us the junior years for eventful occasions such as hand tennis and other forms of activity , and the senior years to help us develop , with occasions such as the Senior Ball. Hopefully, through this development we will enter the world ready to help others as you have helped us. Finally, on behalf of the year 12 Graduating class, I would like to offer a present to Mr McFadden and the rest of the CBC Fremantle community. A picture of us as we hope to be viewed at CBC for years to come . Thankyou.

Jason Bourke

Class of 2003

Row 6: Blake Anthony, Cameron Hardie, Tiho Matulj , Peter Boskovich , Nicholas Silich, Reece Renwick, Michael Galvin, Joshua Musto, Louis Talbot, Alexander Fossilo, Abdul Juma, Edward Connolly, Robert Head, Row 5: Simon Undershultz, Christian Moelands, Ben Meenan, Christopher Keane , Jace Quarrill , Mark Rieger, Shane Landers, Patrick Lindorff, Alan Doig , Timothy Kennelly, Benjamin Mulvey, Michael Williams, Row 4: Azriel Leers, Mathew Symonds, Edward Micenko, Samuel Winfield , Mathew Dawson, Samuel Robertson-Larkin, Michael McCormick, Craig Pride, Paul Ryan, Matthew Hayto, Jason Bourke, Lorenzo Sigon , James Pica , James Bembrick, Row 3: Andrew Mews, Sadolo Soares, James Nolan , Alexander Filipovich , Samuel Ambrogio , Benjamin Fossilo , Kale Fienberg, Gonzalo Authelet, Kayne Harlen, Billy Moran, Jake Do Silva , Brendan Pavich, Christian Liberatore, Ricardo Figueira, Row 2: Christopher McRobert, Simon Radi , Kyle Nunn , Daniel Harris, Timothy Nunn , Timothy McKenna, Richard Partridge, Ben Dryland , Rhys Spencer, Max Henriquez, Martin Kristianto, Brodie Raffaele , Laurence Simpkin, Front: James Vicarey, David Calderon, Byron Vernon , Matthew Hull, Pietro Catalano, Adam Tripi. Mr F Norton, Mr D McFadden (Headmaster) , Levon Kvas Rothwell , Donovan De Souza , Joseph Giovannetti. Jarryd Savage, Martin Taylor, Owen Hoar. Absent: Benjamin Judge , Jeremy Martin , Jake Truscott,


ear 12 Awards Dux Tiho MATULJ Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Calculus Subject Prize in Geography Subject Prize in Physics Subject Prize in Religious Education

Proxime Assessit Robert HEAD Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Applicable Mathematics Subject Prize in Chemistry Subject Prize in Music Subject Prize in Religious Education

Boys with TER's of 90 or more Jason BOURKE Donovan DE SOUZA Alan DOIG Alexander FOSSILO Robert HEAD Tiho MATULJ Guillermo MORAN Laurence SIMPKIN

Certificate of Excellence (80"10 A's or better) Samuel AMBROGIO 'Edward CONNOLLY Robert HEAD Tiho MATULJ Certificate of Distinction (80"10 A's, B's or better) Jason BOURKE Donovan DE SOUZA Alan DOIG Alexander FOSSILO Benjamin FOSSILO Ben MEENAN Edward MICENKO Christian MOELANDS


Jason BOURKE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Economics David CALDERON Subject Prize in Italian Donovan DE SOUZA Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Literature Subject Prize in History Subject Prize in Human Biology Subject Prize in Political & Legal Studies Alan DOIG Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Senior English Subject Prize in Work Studies Alexander FOSSILO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Art Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Furniture DeSign & Technology Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

Martin KRISTIANTO Subject Prize in ESL English Ben MEENAN Certificate of Merit Christian MOELANDS Certificate of Merit Billy MORAN Subject Prize in Accounting Benjamin MULVEY Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Discrete Mathematics Kyle NUNN Subject Prize in Metals Technology Simon RADI Certificate of Merit Reece RENWICK Subject Prize in Senior Science Paul RYAN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Interactive Media Laurence SIMPKIN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Human Biology Subject Prize in Japanese Second Language Rhys SPENCER Subject Prize in Instep Mathew SYMONDS Certificate of Merit

Cameron HARDIE Certificate of Merit

Simon UNDERSHULTZ Certificate of Merit

Matthew HAYTO Subject Prize in Modelling with Mathematics

Byron VERNON Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Biology

Matthew HULL Certificate of Merit Tim KENNELLY Subject Prize in Physical Education Studies

Michael WILLIAMS Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Art & DeSign Subject Prize in Instep

Year 12 Graduation

ear 12·5 at the Ball



Year 12'5 at the Ball

Samuel Ambrogio

Blake Anthony

James Bembrick

Jason Bourke

Edward Connolly

Mathew Dawson

Gonzalo Authelet

Peter Boskovich

Pietro Catalano

Donovan De Souza

Alan Doig

Kale Fienberg


Alexander Filip 0 vich

Alexander Fossilo

Benjamin Fossilo

Michael Galvin

Joseph Giovannetti

Cameron Hardie

Kayne Harlen

Daniel Harris

Matthew Hayto

Robert Head






Max Henriquez

Owen Hoar

Abdul Juma

Christopher Keane

Levon Kvas-Rothwell

Shane Landers

Matthew Hull

Benjamin Judge

Martin Kristianto

Azriel Leers

Christian Liberatore

Patrick Lindorff

Jeremy Martin

Tiho Matulj

Michael McCormick

Timothy McKenna

Christopher McRobert

Ben Meenan

Andrew Mews

Edward Micenko

Christian .Mo elan ds

Billy Moran

Benjamin Mulvey

Joshua Musto

James Nolan

Kyle Nunn

Timothy Nunn

Richard Partridge

Brendan Pavich

James Pica

Craig Pride

Jace Quarrill

Simon Radi

Brodie Raffaele

Reece Renwick


Mark Rieger

Sam Robertson-Larkin

Lorenzo Sigon

Nicholas Silich

Rhys Spencer

Mathew Symonds

Paul Ryan

Laurence Simpkin ,..--.-.,,,.,,,.

Louis Talbot

Sadolo Soares

Martin Taylor

Simon Un derschulfz

Year 12 2003 Year 72 Leadership Camp During the course of the Leadership Camp of 2003, I found myself dreading the second day purely due to the fact that Samson, my house, was rostered to embark on an abseiling adventure. I am not confident with heights, as many can relate to, and I had never been abseiling before, therefore my expectations of this activity were mixed. Upon arrival at the abseiling area we were given a briefing on what equipment we were to use and how to use it sagely. Meanwhile I was struggling to maintain the original colour of my underwear! The guides were very friendly and encouraging, especially to those of us who have never attempted abseiling before. They didn't show any signs of frustration when they had to repeatedly show students how to descend in the proper manner. The first descent was only short and everyone completed that one with ease but the descent that followed was quite daunting, particularly for anyone who has a fear of heights and has never abseiled before! I was hesitant at approaching such a challenge, but once I realised that I was in the hands of professionals and that the number of possible dangers were limited , I changed my mind . I decided to attempt the big whopper! I was securely hooked up by the guide then unleashed onto the face of the quarry, walking vertically backwards in the direction of the earth below. My nerves rattled at the beginning but as I descended further, I grew more confident and once I touched ground I was filled with a sense of selfsatisfaction, learning something new about myself. This kind of experience I believe is one that the camp tries to achieve with the students. Simon Underschultz

ear 12 The Task When I was asked to write this article for the year book, I was given the task of producing a retrospect of the school year as it was for the year 12's: to look back at the important moments which affected us all and distill it down into about 800 words of what was hoped would be pure literary gold. The actual process of writing this article was not as simple nor as straight forward as I originally thought it would be, figuring at first that I could easily write it in a night, but later coming to the conclusion that I had absolutely no idea whatsoever as to what to say. Herein lies my account of some of the most important events and issues of the past year, put together from things I half remember, and generally from my point of view. Please excuse any bending of the truth, or complete fabrications which may be


contained herein , as I assure you that they are completely unintentional.

introspection and reflection, such as writing positive comments about other people.


The Big Day Back

Whether or not the year 12 retreat made many of us into leaders is debatable, and I doubt that any of us could really gauge how much we ' d changed as a direct result of it, but the fact remains that overall it was a good time for all involved.

The actual first day back at school was a bit of a blur for me .. After having gone to "the big day out" the day before, I was reeling from tinnitus, blistered feet, sun burn, sleep deprivation, and mild deafness.

Activities like abseiling showed that we may be all grown up but some of us are still deathly afraid of heights, and the workshop we did where we had to act out scenes with only one word of dialogue showcased some of the worst acting this side of Hollywood (not to say that some real talent didn't shine through though) . The camp also gave us some time for


However, there is no doubt that everyone was glad to be back and welcomed the return to a school uniform , not to mention looking forward to homework, and the rigours of study that lay ahead.

A Failed Attempt at Changing the System It was pretty early on in the year that I decided

Year 12 to launch my well known campaign to rid the school of its pesky rules regarding how much hair we were allowed to have and what color it was supposed to be, or what pieces of metal we wanted to stick through our collective faces, and in the one day that I actually bothered to run my petition, I found that I could actually get just about everyone to agree with me on something. Youthful ambition and general naivety eventually gave way to apathy as the petition soon found its way to my floor and eventually seemed to have slipped out of existence. Throughout the year people kept pestering me and asking when I was going to hand it in, no matter how many times I explained that it was defunct. Looks like it caused more trouble for me than anything else, and so the system once more prevails.

On The Dance Floor To say that most of the year 12' s treated the notion of dancing lessons with at least some scorn is something of an understatement. Given, the College was trying to prepare us for the big night and equip us uncouth youths with at least a little know how for the dance floor, it had merit. But the idea of a bunch of teenage males in dinner suits and their partners in ball dresses doing some kind of strange country-linedancing-partner-swapping-ritual which someone, somewhere along the line tried to pass off as a dance, is one which has to be thought of as just a little silly.

The Night of Nights For the weeks preceding the ball nothing much else was thought of. School work was ignored , and our minds turned instead to this most important evening. By all accounts it was a great night. and

people even did some of the ridiculous dances they learnt at dancing lessons.

The Jumper Debacle The drama surrounding the leavers ' jumpers seemed to go on and on. First they were late, then only half of them arrived, then they had to be recalled for errors in size, not to mention spelling (Oldschool?) but eventually, we got them. I remember the day they first arrived , the same day I was asked to write this actually. As we ripped through the two boxes of jumpers that had arrived, it quickly became apparent that more than a few were missing. Needless to say a lot of us were not happy, but it all worked out in the end when they made us an offer we couldn 't refuse! Ben Mulvey

Mathematics --~----------------~----------------------~

During 2003 gifted Mathematics students took advantage of many opportunities to display their abilities. Mathematics Competitions

Westpac Australian Mathematics Awards During August the Westpac Mathematics Awards were held at the school. From Years 8 to 12 there were 223 students who sat for the test. This year CBC achieved excellent results from the following students. Prize



(Top 0.5% in the State) Year 11 Alex Blair - Jacobs



High Distinction (Top 1% in the State) Year 8 Matthew Johns

Distinctions (Top 15% in the State) Year 8 Rick Guerini, Daniel Germinario, Scott Reid, Gabriel DeGuzman , Chris Moro , Ameer Randhawa, Max Roelofsen, Ben Walker, Daniel Aguiar, Matt Browne, Dennis Osti Year 9 Mark Rinaldi, Joshua Mott, Thomas Paten, Sam Carmody, Pearse Buchanan, Michael Separovich Year 11 Leon Yerkovich Year 10 Aaron Shier, Joel Turco, Brett Hill Year 12 Billy Moran, Tiho Matulj , Jason Bourke

Have Sum Fun Competition Throughout the State the Mathematics Association runs a North and South of the River Mathematics Competition for Lower Secondary students and one for Upper Secondary students. The night consists of a series of puzzles on which students work with each other to solve. In March CBC was placed lOth out of 45 for Lower School and 13th out of 27 for Upper School.

The representatives are listed below. Year 12 Robert Head, Tiho Matulj, Jason Bourke Year 11 Bradley McLaughlin, Ryan Lee, Alex Blair-Jacobs Year 10 Joel Turco , Aaron Shier Year 9 Aaron Ang, Ben Thompson Year 8 Dennis Osti , Michael Pirozzi

Mathematics Courses During the first and second terms, a Year 9 boy was invited to attend 12 weeks of Mathematics Enrichment at University. Michael Separovich took part in the course and showed enthusiasm for his work. After School Classes During the year O'Mara and Ms Natalwala took after school Mathematics classes for those students needing extra help. Many students took advantage of their support.

Science "Give me a place to stand, and I will move the Earth" - Archimedes Many times during the year it felt as though the whole science department was being lifted, tilted and levered into a new position. We began the year sharing the library between two classes and teaching in the existing labs surrounded by all of our equipment. The teachers shared an office warmly termed 'the trailer'. But the end result of all the levering, drilling, jack-hammering and sawing is that we now have four excellent science labs and a well equipped science office. "The scientific method," Thomas Henry Huxley once wrote, "is nothing but the normal working of the human mind. " That is to say, when the mind is working; that is to say further, when it is engaged in correcting its mistakes". Our aims in science are to produce pupils whom are able to think scientifically, investigate using the scientific method and be critical thinkers that are able to make conscientious decisions. To this end we have introduced the following new measures this year; • We have introduced new textbooks this year in Years 8, 9, and 10. • We have re-modelled the year 8, 9 and 10 programs to make them more rigorous. • Our assessment structure has changed to include common assessment tasks. • We have continued to develop the outcomes based nature of teaching and learning in the junior school. • We have introduced a new course in year 11Physical Science to cater for student needs. Every year we enter the National Science Competition. This year we had some of the best results ever. The following year 8 pupils all finished in the top 11% of pupils in Western Australia; Daniel Germinario, Ben Walker, Eric Poore , Scott Reid and Peter Dawson . The following year 9 pupils also finished in the top 11 %

of pupils in Western Australia; Aaron Ang , Sam Carmody, Mark Rinaldi. Michael Separovich, Thomas Paten, Chris Maher, Tim Geaney and Cooper Smart. The following year 10 pupils also finished in the top 11 % of pupils in Western Australia; Roberto Del Cid Aviles, Brett Thompson , Adamo Valentino, Ethan Savage, Riordan O ' Brien and Ben Pearson . Congratulations to these boys and their families for these outstanding achievements. As usual in science we have made an effort to make science more exciting than it already is! The year 8' s were entertained by the Scitech Roadshow ' s Super Cool show . The Year 12 Biology and Human Biology classes went on an excursion to Murdoch University to extract DNA from pea plants. The Year 12 Biology class also used the electron microscope at Murdoch University. They also went on a two day camp to Rottnest Island to complete essential fieldwork. The year 8's also had a visit from the people of AQIS to learn about the importance of quarantine for Australia 's flora and fauna. The year lO ' s were involved in a series of excursions to learn about their local environments and habitats. In senior science the boys were involved in the TL3 small craft proficiency assessment. Both year 11 and 12 classes undertook a day trek to test their skippering and navigation skills. Congratulations to Reece Renwick , Christian Moelands and

Science Matt hew Hull of Year 12 senior science for being nominated for a subject award. The effort of these boys was o utstanding and they fully deserve their nomination. National Science Week saw the teachers of science making ic ecream. It happened to be the coldest day of the year and production was a little on the slow side. However we received many favourable comments from students and staff alike and have since been head hunted by Simmo himself!


Mr Michael Masterton Head of Deportment


I ,

Senior Science Sea Trek Since d ay one this year, our Senior Science class has been g oing to the Marine Education Boatshed to learn how to drive small power craft. To cap it off, we went on a day trek to Carnac Island in the last week of second term . We arrived at the boatshed at 8.00am and started o ur b riefing. We then rigged our boats - , outboard m otors, oars, maps, compass , etc. We also packed t he essentials, like chips , lollies, coca-cola, cakes etc . After ensuring that all the boats were rigged , we had another briefing on what we were expected to c omplete throughout the day. We took a bearing of the boatshed , so we knew our starting p oint. Then we set off. Our boat was the lead boat, so we went first. As we went under the old Traffic Bridge, the right hand side was closed for repai rs, so we had to go through the left side. When w e entered the harbour, there was a ship coming in so w e had to wait for about 15 minutes. As we were t ravell ing th rough the harbour, we passed the Superstar Virgo, which was in port.

After leaving the harbour, we all met at an isolated danger marker just off south mole, where we took a bearing. We swapped drivers and proceeded down the coast to Woodman Point. We took another bearing , swapped drivers , and headed out towards Carnac Island. When we landed at Carnac Island, there was a couple having lunch. As we walked around the island, we discovered that the seagulls didn 't like our presence. They squawked at us, and many of us, for lack of a better phrase, received a calling card! There were a lot of seals as well . Most were just lying around doing nothing , but some were fighting in the shallows, and others were grunting loudly. Maybe they also didn 't like our presence. We stayed on the island for about an hour, then started our journey home. It was rough on the way back, but because our boat only had 3 people, we took less of a beating than the other boats, which had 4. We all got soaked , and by the time we entered the harbour, we were all freezing cold. We were all cold , wet, tired and hungry (me anyway) , and it was a relief to get home and have a hot shower.


.' 1HE Ell


English --------------------------------~----------------~-------------~~--------------------~----~


A year of change and challenge best describes the year 2003 as far as the English Department is concerned, with three teachers on leave, four new teachers joining the department and a change of department head. We began our round of interesting and exciting theatre visits very early in the year with the excellent Grads production of The Taming of the Shrew at the New Fortune Theatre at UWA. This was soon followed by The Bacchae and later Macbeth, The Merry Go Round in the Sea and X-Stacy. A talented group of year twelve literature students decided to enter The Ancient Greek and Roman Drama Festival for which they are to be congratulated for competing in a highly drama-oriented competition. The boys acquitted themselves well , receiving some very positive and encouraging feedback from the judges. Several of our year eight groups visited the Fremantle Children's Literature Centre for workshops during the year. As well as this three year ten students, Paul Forrest, Joel Turco and Paul Winter were selected to attend the Literature Centre's youth Literature Days four times over the year, meeting with and participating in workshops with some of the authors they have studied this year, The


Literature Centre has extended this offer to these boys to continue next year. In May the extension groups in years 8 -10 entered The Australasian Schools Writing Competition with some excellent results, especially in the year ten group. Following on this success later in the year the year eight and ten students performed in the ESB competitions. Four of the year eight group received distinctions and the very talented year ten group managed a record eleven distinctions in the competition. In July the year twelve TEE cohort had the privilege of attending Curtin University's English and Literature Conferences gaining some valuable insight into some aspects of their course. More recently, the year ten group has been involved in the IGCSE examinations for which we have not yet received the results we so eagerly await. The year twelve group completed their TEE examinations in November. We look forward to these results and wish them success in the future as they leave and make their way into the world. Plans, changes and challenges for 2004 are already under way. Mr Tom Rees Head of Department

Information & Communication Technology

L -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _

2003 began on a positive note with Ryan Shand becoming the seventh CBC Fremantle ICT student since 1997 to receive a Curriculum Council Certificate of Distinction award for (Yr12) Interactive Multi Media. During the course of the year our year nine students made Epal friendships with students from The People ' s Republic of China as well as investigating the cultural differences that exist between our countries. SARS made this project a lengthy one but also gave our boys a closer insight to the epidemic through the eyes of their Chinese friends. I was fortunate to be able to visit the school in Louang , Heenan province during the July break and witnessed first hand the very long Chinese school day as well as students that stood and --~ bowed before talking! During this year our year ten students have been working towards completing the Australian Computer Society sponsored and internationally recognised certification of International Computer Drivers Licence as well as working towards the National Certificate 1 in ICT. Our year twelve students are , at the time of writing , completing their Interactive Multi Media studies and CBC Fremantle has again nominated two students to the Curriculum Council, as being worthy of consideration for Certificates of Excellence. We will now have to endure again the long wait before results are published in February of next year. Mr Harry Clements-Shepherd, Head of Department

Practical Arts


Practical Arts


Japanese A group of students who are studying Japanese at CBC Fremantle and Mr Brendan Mulvey came back from Japan safely after two weeks stay in May. They visited Torei Gakuen Fujisawa High School. Kanagawa Prefecture Japan with which we have been on an exchange


programme since 1996. The students and Mr Mulvey stayed in each host family's home during their stay and they received wonderful hospitality. The group experienced various cultural exchanges and went to three full day excursions there. The exchange programme has been a tremendous experience for the students!

Akiko Danker (Japanese Teacher)

Languages Italian ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

During August, the College celebrated Languages Week with different activities every day. We had a variety of foods including gelati, French pastries, sushi and the ever-popular chocolate stall. The highlight was a mobile pizza van that visited during recess on Wednesday. Fast and Furious Pizzas lived up to their name by cooking more than 50 pizzas in 30 minutes in their wood fired oven. The pizzas need to be cooked individually as they are continually turned in front of a burning log to acquire the distinctive taste of a wood fired oven so it was a challenge to do a large number in a short time. DELIZIOSE!! Two quizzes were organised by Ms Trevanna Cooper and Mr John Hortense. The general knowledge quiz was won by Matthew Francis (9R4) while Dennis Osti (8R3) came second. The Tour de France quiz was won by Tiho Matulj (12R3) followed by Grant Vink (9S4) . Winner of the Pasta Sculpture Competition was Roberto

Lo Presti (9P3) for his excellent entry of the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the runner up was Michael Separovich (9P5) for his miniature Colosseum and Basilica in Pisa. The ' staff vs student soccer match was once again won by the students, the undefeated champions. Our thanks go to the staff who supported the events enthusiastically, in particular to those who helped in one way or another. Special thanks go to the students for their involvement in the : • quizzes • sculpture competition • soccer games • classroom activities • bocce • eating • food production. origami workshop We look forward to the next one in 2004.

Religious Education -------------~


Religious Education Visit to St Patrick's Basilica All Year 8 Religious Education Classes visited St Patrick's Basilica as part of their program. On Wednesday our class went to St Patrick 's Basilica to learn about the different clothing and when it is worn by the priest, Fr Sherman. He showed us the different vestments including the stole and the cord. Dennis Osti wore the robes and other accessories to go with it. Many questions were answered for the two RE classes , including why the colours were worn on different religious seasons. We were also taught about the reasons for doing things in the church such as the genuflection to the tabernacle. Overall, the session was very worthwhile.


Socie9t & Environment ------------------------------------------------------------------------------~

It has been a busy, but exciting year for teachers and students of Society & Environment. The department mission is to encourage students to invest igate the world around them and in dOing so gain a greater understanding of who they are and how they can be a meaningful contributor to their community. As such, students construct a positive view of themselves as responsible citizens, capable of devising and acting on solutions that add to the development of our SOCiety and our environment. 2003 w itnessed a change in staff members as we welcomed Mrs Christine Dowd, Ms Suncica BeslacSeinemeie r and Mr Mark Tannock into the department and welco med back Mr Gary Holtham from Long Service Leave. Far reaching changes have occurred in the lower school cu rri c ulum for Society & Environment in an attempt to implement the Curriculum Framework and to make the content of our classes more meaningful and re leva nt to the lives of the students of CBC Fremantle . Staff members have invested much time in updating both the curriculum itself and the means by which students will be assessed in 2004. As a result our new lower school curriculum next year will follow the following path:

Year 8: Term 1- My C ulture , My History, Term 1/- Earth & People Term 11/- Ancie nt Cultures, Term IV - WA: Past & Place


Year 9: Term 1- Crime & Punishment, Term 1/- Australian Identity Term 11/- Enterprise & the Consumer, Term IV -Indonesia Year 10: Term 1- Economics & Commerce, Term 1/- Government: Australia & Beyond, Term 11/- Environmental Issues, Term IV - Islam & the Middle East This year has seen each year of SOCiety & Environment students involved in a number of projects designed to improve their learning and promote issues relating to Society & Environment. Our Year 8 students put on a World Fair in Term II that involved them preparing a display of a nation of their choice . The boys created some fantastic presentations and prepared authentic cuisine from all corners of the globe. Year 8 students Maximillian Roelofsen and Carlo Basso were finalists in this year's John Forrest Geography Competition . This prestigious competition is run by the Geography Association of Western Australia and requires entrants to submit a field sketch and written account of a specific geographic area. In Term IV our Year 8 classes visited the Forest Hill Recreational Park as a part of their studies of traditional indigenous culture in Australia. These excursions were part of a broad push to have our students encounter indigenous issues throughout lower school Society & Environment and in doing so further the cause of Reconciliation within the community.

As a part of their investigation of Australian identity, the Year 9 students were asked to create 'Family Scrapbooks' in Term II. The boys investigated their own family's past and culture and in doing so analysed their unique cultural identities. In Term III the Year 9 students investigated the West Australian legal system and in doing so we.re asked to create their own legal code for a new society. Emphasis was placed upon the need to identify the core values of this new society in order to have their legal cOGe reflect these values. The Year 10 curriculum continued rotating students through 4 different subjects over 4 terms . The boys were given the opportunity to encounter History, Geography, Economics and Political & Legal Studies so that they might gauge the curriculum that would best suit them during Year 11 and 12. Mr Moss ' Geography classes were fortunate enough to conduct geographic surveys of Fremantle while Mr lalocci's Economics classes travelled to the Swan Brewery and Peters Ice Cream factory to analyse production methods and marketing strategies. Mr Tannock ' s History class in term IV entered 3 students in the Simpson Prize Essay Competition for 2003. In Year 11 & 12 the Department of Society & Environment offers 6 subjects for both TEE and non-TEE students. Accounting , Economics, Geography, History, Political & Legal Studies and Wo rk-Studies are all offered. Each subject offers students the opportunity to investigate a particular body of knowledge , to


Sociery & Environment

become skilled in its practical application and in doing so engender them with skills that can be utilised for both functional and transformational purposes. The current review and re-writing of post-compulsory curriculum will change the nature of these causes in the next few years as they are consolidated and become outcomesfocussed . Mr Michael lalacci departs after many years of service within the Department. We wish him well in his future endeavours and thank him for his efforts. Mrs Jenny D' Ascanio leaves us for 6 months of long-service leave. We wish her a safe and restful sabbatical. We look forward to 2004 as we fully implement the Curriculum Framework and strive to make our students constructive and conscientious contributors to the world around them. Mr Mark Tannock Head of Department


ifhe Arts It ga v e me great pleasure and pride to be appointed to the position of Head of Arts at CBC Fremantle. Our Arts Department has had a very busy year and I w ould like to thank Mrs Emma Tandy, Mrs Jenny Ra wlings and Ms Rebecca King for their hard work and dedication to promoting the Arts at CBC. 2003 has been a year of change. The first being of course, the retirement of Mr Uwe Stengel. Thankyou Uwe for what you done for CBC and me personally. Your dedicat ion to promoting Jazz at CBC and the state of Western Australia has been truly amazing. I hope will you c ontinue to visit our ensemble rehearsals on a regular basis. Secon dly, Drama has been reintroduced to the College. Th is has enabled all of our Yr 8 boys to have a taste of each Arts area. When they move into Yr 9, students are then able to select from the Arts for a whole year. Our department held it's inaugural Visual and Performing Arts Festival in Term 3 at the Fremantle Town Hall. The nig ht was a great success ( even though the Dockers lost to Essendon in their first finals appearance). We had students art displays in the foyer, the very . first performance by some of our most talented Yr 9 Drama students and of course all of the talent of our music department, including the JO, Intermediate Band, College Choir and Guitar ensembles. Special mention m ust go to the Yr12 performance. They really raised the roof and had everyone tapping their feet. Mrs Tandy also presented a very moving tribute to Uwe from the Music Parents ' Group and Music Department. Term 3 a lso saw the introduction of a music camp. This was held at Camp Simons in Araluen. All boys invo lved in inst rumental ensembles attended. The suc cess of t he camp was due to the boys actively participating in all scheduled rehearsals. Special thanks to Mr Sandri, Mr Anning , Mrs Tandy, Mr Steve Head (President of Music Parents' Group) and Mrs Gina


Thomson (Secretary of Music Parents' Group) for supporting this important and worthwhile event.

the new Yr 8's joining in 2004 we are in an excellent position not seen for at least 3 years.

The CBC Fremantle Jazz Orchestra has had a very busy year. The boys have performed at many and varied places this year . Along with the usual performances at the Cruise Ships, OXFAM Walk Against Want, Catholic Performing Arts Festival , Kwinana Eisteddfod and the York Jazz Festival they have played for the students of Kim Beazley School for Special Children, Bindoon Open Day, Araluen Botanic Gardens, Jazz Fremantle, Perth Jazz Society, Education Week and the children at Our Lady of Fatima primary school.

Our Junior and Seriior Guitar ensembles have been kept busy by their director, Mr Kim Anning. All of the music they perform has been written or arranged by Mr Anning. This gives our guitar ensembles a unique edge to other ensembles in other schools. They have performed for the school Open Evening, Jazz Fremantle, Catholic Performing Arts Festival and the CBC Awards Evening . All guitar students are eligible to participate so I encourage them to d iscuss this with Mr Anning during their lessons.

There were two main highlights for the JO of 2003. The first being the recording of the 2nd JO CD and secondly, being featured on a DVD of school ensembles from all around the state. What an experience! Having the opportunity to take the boys into a real recording studio does not happen every year so thankyou to the Music Parents' Group for organising this special venture.

As music co ordinator I would like to thank my hard working music staff: Mrs Emma Tandy - Class Music, Director of the CBC College Choir and Brass Ensemble; Mr Kim Anning - Director of Guitar Ensembles , Guitar Teacher; Mr Adam Hall - Brass Teacher; Mr Tim Woolley - Drum Teacher and Mr Luciano Trebse - Piano Teacher.

The CBC Intermediate Band has once again showed why our JO is still achieving high acclaim. This is our breeding ground and all boys in the band have worked hard to become the best sounding Intermediate Band CBC has ever produced. Performances this year have been at Government House Open Day, Jazz Fremantle, CBC Visual and Performing Arts Festival, Rockingham Spring Festival, St Simon Peter Primary School and most importantly the Remembrance Day Ceremony where the band accompanied the East Fremantle Primary School Choir. It was very rewarding partnership and I would like to thank Mr Chris Grisewood for inviting us to be a part of this special day. The CBC College Choir has made significant improvement over the year thanks to the hard work of Mrs Tandy and the dedication of students. We have a strong core group of Year 10' s leading the way. They have been a great example for our Yr 8' sand 9' s. With

Lastly, I would like to thank Mr David McFadden. Your energy and enthusiasm in supporting music at CBC Fremantle is greatly appreciated and crucial to its continued growth. Mr Shane Mancuso Head of Department

Visual Arts A great start to Semester one was had by all with the Rottnest Art camp. Some beautiful watercolours were p roduced by Matthew Rowett, Alex Fossilo and Peter Baskovich. Senior students also enjoyed excursions to Fremantle and to Centenary Hill that produced some great sketching of the surrounds of Fremantle. The theme this year was youth and Life. Some interesting sculptures evolved from this theme , and Michael Williams produced outstanding pieces in clay, sandstone and polyurathened foam . A special highlight was a visit and workshop held by Richard

The Arts McKenna, a professional photographer and illustrator and as a result some interesting work was produced in air brush pen and ink. The CBC Visual and Performing Arts Festival and Awards Evening were a great opportunity to exhibit works by all year levels. We look forward to 2004 to stage more exciting exhibitions. Mrs Jenny Rawlings Visual Arts Teacher

Drama The school introduced Drama in 2003 as a subject for year 8 and 9. Every year 8 did an introductory term briefly covering aspects of drama such as: body language, character, setting , voice work , stage awareness, improvisation and playbuilding. The year 9 students were introduced to these topics also for the first time in Term 1. In Term 2 they e xplored Greek Theatre and heroic myths through choral mask work , and in Term 3 they st udied the slapstick humour of Com media Dell' Arte culminating in a public performance of Laughs On Us, for the CBC Visual and Performing Arts Fest ival. The Term 4 Playbuilding Un it covered research , script writing and storyboarding and each class devised a pirate play with programmes, props and sound effects to production level. The Arts Department judged the plays awarding certificates. Best Actor to Corey Nicholson, Excellent Actor to Matthew Winfield and Tim Geaney, Best Design to Michael Separovich , and Best Direction to Toby Prunty - well done to all the cast & crew. Ms Rebecca King Drama Teacher

~ear II



Year 12 INSTEP James Bembrick at Lexus of Perth



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11·5 at the Ball


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Year 11·5 at the Ball


ear II Awards Dux Alexander BLAIR-JACOBS Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Chemistry Subject Prize in English Literature Subject Prize in Geometry & Trigonometry Subject Prize in Introductory Calculus Subject Prize in Physics

Proxime Accessit Samuel CARTON Certificate of Merit Certificate of Excellence (80% A's or better) Alexander BLAIR-JACOBS Samuel CARTON Certificate of Distinction (80% A 's, S's or better) Michael DRAPER Peter KLAUZ Rory KOCH-CALLAGHAN Bradley MILES Andrew PEARSE Kyle SHAND CaleSWIFT

Sam BENTHIEN Subject Prize In Food Production Christopher BURTON Subject Prize in Accounting


Arron CANICAIS Subject Prize in Economics Ian DIXEY Subject Prize in Instep Michael DRAPER Subject Prize in Foundations of Mathematics Subject Prize in Japanese James DOLAN Certificate of Merit Hajime KOIKE Subject Prize in Furniture Design & Technology Peter KLAUZ Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Geography Gaetano LA MACCHIA Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in History Bradley MCLAUGHLIN Certificate of Merit Bradley MILES Subject Prize in Physical Science Andrew PEARSE Subject Prize in Mathematics in Practice

Robert PERRINO Subject Prize in Digital Media Subject Prize in Work Studies Jason PHILLIPS Subject-Prize in Political & Legal Studies Subject Prize in Religious Education 'I

Marlon RAMIREZ Subject Prize in Senior English Matthew ROWETT Subject Prize in Art Subject Prize in English Kyle SHAND Certificate of Merit Vincent SMYTHE Subject Prize in Art & Design Craig STEWART Subject Prize in Physical Education Studies Christopher STONE Subject Prize in Senior Science Subject Prize in Metals Technology CaleSWIFT Subject Prize in Human Biology Paul TAYLOR Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

ear II - 2004 Prefects







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Back Row: Sam Carton, Haemish Hallion, Cameron Etchells, Ferdinando Bianchini, Tyson Russell, Matthew Rowett, Raymond Shanks, Fr John Sherman, Mr David McFadden, Mr Darren O'Neil" Peter Klauz, Tim Staker-Gunn, Ben Vickridge. Middle Row: Cole Swift, Alex Blair-Jacobs, Bradley McLaughlin, Drew James, Roberto Guerini, Josh Cain, Adrian Acquado, Adrian Dujmovic, Ryan Lee, Tom Francis, Gaetano La Macchia, Ian Dixey. Front Row: Sam Kelly, Arron Canicais, Paul Heath, Greg BeresCCooper Minciullo, Rory Koch-Callaghan, Marco Warmt-Murray, Devon Bell, Jason Phillips.


Year 10 Awards Dux Joel TURCO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Italian Subject Prize in Mathematics Subject Prize in Music Subject Prize in Religious Education Subject Prize in Science Subject Prize in Society & Environment

Proxime Accessit Paul WINTER Certificate of Merit Certificate of Excellence (80% A's or better) Joel TURCO Certificate of Distinction (80% A's, B's or better) Andrew BRENNAN Daniel D' ASCANIO Thomas DE LUCA Roberto DEL CID AVILES Paul FORREST Gareth FORSDIKE Antrim GEARY Matthew HEWITT Brett HILL Jackson JONES Scott LOCKHART Michael LYNDON-JAMES John MEENAN David MICENKO Peter MIKOWIEC Michael MONTGOMERY Matthew MOORE Liam PEAK Matthew PEREIRA


David MICENKO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Japanese

Rafael CARTAGENA Certificate of Merit

Matthew MOORE Certificate of Merit

Daniel D' ASCANIO Certificate of Merit

Matthew O'SULLIVAN Subject Prize in Art & Design

Roberto DEL CID AVILES Certificate of Merit

Benjamin PEARSON Subject Prize in Information and Communication Technology

Thomas DE LUCA Subject Prize in Food Technology

Connor LlDDELOW Certificate of Merit Scott LOCKHART Certificate of Merit

Paul FORREST Certificate of Merit

Christopher PERRY Certificate of Merit Subject Prize In Metals Technology Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

Bryn FUNNEKOTTER Certificate of Merit

Luke RADAICH Certificate of Merit

Antrim GEARY Certificate of Merit

Suresh SUBAWICKRAMA Subject Prize in Electronics

Matthew HEWITT Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education Michael JOLLY Certificate of Merit Jackson JONES Subject Prize in Physical Recreation

lain SINCLAIR Subject Prize in Wood Technology AdamSURJAN Certificate of Merit Rhys SUTTON Certificate of Merit Adamo VALENTINO Certificate of Merit

ear 10 Dancing

Year 10 Once a jolly swagman dined at the Novotel Under the shade of the marble stone roof And he sung as he watched and waited for his caviar You'll come a waltzing Matilda with me Chorus: Waltzing Matilda, who really killed her? Please mourn over Matilda with me And he sang as he watched and waited for his caviar Please mourn over Matilda with me! Down came a rich man to help him at his dreadful state Up jumped the swagman and grabbed him with glee! And he sang as he shoved the rich mans wallet in his swag You'll come and mourn old Matilda with me! Up came a squatter, wearing his old trackydacks, Down came security, one, two, three Who's wallet have you pinched in your musty old black tattered swag You'll come and mourn Matilda with me Up jumped the swagman, sprang outside the large front door "You'll never catch me alive" said he And his ghost may be heard as you wander by that flash hotel "Who'll come and mourn old Matilda with me?"

Robert Browne

Destined for Greatness, Heading for Commonness Like ants a-marching, we walk to our fate. Like rats behind the piper unaware. With gift to lead but idleness to not, We live our lives without changing a thing. The poor man says, "Give me the chance, I'm sure I will succeed." The rich man says, "Don't irk Me so have not time to waste daftly." The poor man presents always a good smile While rich man with his face so barren quotes, "Out of my way I'm in a hurry. Move!" But who does waste their time I ask you now? For one man bears a smile, one man frowns. One man is pleased with his eased peaceful life, The other covets always more to seize. From acorns the smallest of all the nuts Sprout oak trees greater than all others like. All needed is a little time and care Till forth will spring new acorns of its own. For every single being great or small Encapsulates potential to let roar. For even stately lions were once cubs And likewise, we must grow into our skin. Yes, everyone can stand out from the crowd But you must choose to do so, no one else. For life's a trial to which we're all born. A head start is given to some, not all, And others may receive training some don't. But in each man governs a spirit strong And how he uses it decides his fate. Unto each man is born potential great, But only he who heeds it will be so. No longer ants a-marching to our fate, Nor rats behind the piper unaware, But great people who change the world for good. For valiant is he who helps the poor And splendid rewards come his way in time. Joel Turco

ear 9 Awards Dux Zachary WONG Certificate of Merit

Proxime Accessit AaronANG Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Mathematics Subject Prize in Religious Education Subject Prize in Science


Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Information and Communication Technology Kade BROAD

Certificate of Merit Certificate of Excellence (80% A's or better)

Aaron ANG Thomas PATEN Zachary WONG Certificate of Distinction (80% A's, B's or better)



Subject Prize in Visual Art Samuel CARMODY

Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Information and Communication Technology Michael DUTTON

Certificate of Merit Justin GALVIN

Certificate of Merit Tim GEANEY

Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Society & Environment Graham GLYNN-BUCKNELL

Certificate of Merit

Stephen HOWELL

Subject Prize in Metals Technology Subject Prize in Physical Education David LIN DORFF Subject Prize in Technical Graphics Subject Prize in Wood Technology Joshua MOTT

Certificate of Merit Francesco NATANNI

Certificate of Merit Brenton NOGA

Certificate of Merit Thomas NOLAN

Certificate of Merit Thomas PATEN

Certificate of Merit Christopher PIGGOTT

Subject Prize in Food Technology Mark RINALDI

Subject Prize in Italian Johnny RONCEVIC

Subject Prize In Drama Cooper SMART

Certificate of Merit Subject Prize In Electronics


Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Music

Nicholas TAYLOR

Subject Prize in Japanese

Year 9 Expedition I felt our expedition was one of the most enjoyable things I have ever done. The thing that I enjoyed most was the canoeing. I preferred this form of travelling from one point to another because it was quite easy going and relaxing. There was much time to look at the scenery and to create and laugh at jokes. Besides, we did not need to carry a heavy bag on our backs. I also enjoyed how the guides and teachers were very friendly and understanding. The teachers were very different to when they are in school. They managed to lighten up and not keep telling us what we should and should not do. I also learned quite a lot in that few days like communicating properly with each other is important, working as a team, the tracks to choose during bushwalking, the symptoms of dehydration and to contribute as much as I could to the group. Finally if I were to do this expedition again, I would do lots of physical preparation so that I would be able to carry a backpack as well as travel for I of

time before taking a break. Aaron Ang When I think about the camp I think about the time lied my group. I felt really proud of my efforts and it gave me a sense of achievement. I also enjoyed the canoeing and paddling down the rapids . I would like to try that again. What I found difficult was the lack of comforts; the idea of sleeping on the ground is definitely not my idea of comfort. Getting up early was another aspect I didn't enjoy. I learnt how to canoe properly and use camp equipment and how to survive in the bush. I learnt that cooperation in a big group is important for this type of activity. If people don't obey rules or learn skills they could endanger other people ' s lives. If I were to go on another expedition like this , I would remember to bring more water.

Year 9 Expedition


Year 8 Awards Dux


Maximillian ROELOFSEN Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in English Subject Prize in Japanese Subject Prize in Society & Environment

James BONI Certificate of Merit

Proxime Accessit

Mathew CAMMARANO Certificate of Merit

Daniel GERMINARIO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Religious Education

Reuben CRANNY Subject Prize in Metals Technology

Certificate of Excellence (80% A's or beHer) Maximillian ROELOFSEN , Dennis OSTI, Christopher PINK, Ameer RANDHAWA Certificate of Distinction (80% A's, B's or beHer) Daniel GERMINARIO Daniel AGUIAR Richard ANDERSON Paul BONAVIA Mathew CAMMARANO Enrico D' ANNUNZIO Jamie DE ABREU Gabriel DE GUZMAN Michael DE LUCA Denver FORSDIKE Adam GUAGLIARDO Rick GUERINI Andrew HARDIE Matthew JOHNS James JORDAN Nicholas KILBURN Gabriele LANZARA Anthony MAHER Jaiden MANGANO Stuart MOORE Jordan MULRONEY Ryan OLIVER Mattia PAGANI Sean PERER Benjamin PINK

Enrico D'ANNUNZIO Certificate of Merit Jamie DE ABREU Certificate of Merit Michael DE LUCA Certificate of Merit Kurt FUNNEKOTTER Certificate of Merit Nason HEATLEY Certificate of Merit David HODGKIN Subject Prize In Drama MaHhew JOHNS Certificate of Merit Gabriele LANZARA Certificate of Merit Subject Prize In Electronics Subject Prize in Music Subject Prize in Science Anthony MAHER Certificate of Merit Stuart MOORE Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Physical Education

Christopher MORO Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Italian Jordan MULRONEY Certificate of Merit Mel O'NEILL-KING Subject Prize in Visual Art Subject Prize in Food Technology Dennis OSTI Certificate of Merit Subject Prize In Digital Media MaHia PAGANI Certificate of Merit Sean PERER Certificate of Merit Christopher PINK Certificate of Merit Benjamin PINK Certificate of Merit Michael PIROZZI Certificate of Merit Ameer RANDHAWA Certificate of Merit Mitchell TOLMAN Certificate of Merit Sam TUNNICLIFF Certificate of Merit Michael WADE Certificate of Merit Benjamin WALKER Certificate of Merit Subject Prize in Mathematics LukeZAGAMI Subject Prize in Technical Graphics

ear 8

10 Euro

Newspaper sample by Jordan Mulroney

11 October 1941




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Year 8

Interschool Swimming Carnival 2003 Overall Results: Rice House 5475, Patrick House 4745, Samson House 4705, Morgan House 3805


ACC Swimming Team "A " Division Results: 1 Corpus Christi 482, 2 CSC Fremantle 426, 3 John XXIII 416, 4 St Mark's 415, 5 Sacred Heart 410,6 Newman 404, 7 Mazenod 378












Back Row: Michael Lyndon-James, Jackson Jones, Rhys Clark, Matthew Hewitt, Scott Van Ryt, lain Sinclair, Jonathan Gorham, Paul Forrest, Peter Klauz, Justin Allart, Matthew Rowett, Robert Guerini, Jimmy Collier, Paul Di Nunzio, Arran Canicais, John Whelan , Ryan Oliver, Nathan McDonald, Matthew Azzollini, Rick Guerini, Daniel Wilmot, Chris Massaro, James Naughton , Dylan Jones, David Bremer, Mitchell Verdonk, Cooper Smart, Luke Canicais, Umberto Gargaro. Middle: Adamo Valentino, Ben Meenan, Alex Fossilo, Mathew Dawson, Paul Neff, James Ellis, Tom Nolan. Front: Mr Craig Preshaw, James Nolan, Michael Williams, Matthew Hull, Owen Hoar, Mr Frank Norton. Absent: Jason Bourke.

Interhouse Athletics Overall Results: Patrick 30417, Morgan 28169, Rice 27959, Samson 25792

ACC Athletics ACC Results: Junior Boys 7th, Senior Boys 3rd, Aggregate Boys 7th.

Back Row: Jacob Bourke, Joseph Giovannetti, Jason Bourke, Tiho Matulj, Peter Klauz, Tim Staker-Gunn. Row 5: Ronan Murphy, Joel Stammers, Paul Winter, Ben Pearson, Matthew Hewitt, Rob Guerini, Mathew Dawson, Owen Hoar, David Calderon. Row 4: Mark Swindel/s, Jackson Jones, Richard Stone, Wayne Balding, Matthew Pereira, Laine Stammers, Cameron Pallister, Matthew O 'Sullivan, Adam Surjan. Row 3: Daniel Paino, Dylan Jones, Sean Perer, Chris Carson, Dylan Whiffler, Tim Geaney, Leslie Hornung, Tom Nolan. Row 2: Adam Perry, Alan Walsh , Ben Millington, James Boni, Max Roelofsen, James Hughes, Ryan Martin, Mr Craig Preshaw. Row 1: James Naughton , Peter Dawson: Jaymie O 'Sullivan, Chris Pietroniro, Anthony Gouveia , Nic

Atturo, Daniel Aguiar, Blake Pine, Sam Browne. "Year Group Standout Performers"

Year 8 - Ronan Murphy, Year 9 - Tim Geaney, Year 70 - Matthew Pereira, Year 77 - Peter Klauz, Year 72 - Mathew Dawson.


Cross Country

From top of stairs: Andrew Mews, Ben Pink, Tim McKenna, Ryan Frost, Mark Rinaldi, Luke Annese, Ben Millington, Danley Potts, Rick Guerini, Connor Liddelow, Michael Martella, Daniel Agiuar, James Nolan. On ground: Mr Steve Corley, Michael Galvin, Alex Fossilo, Christian Liberatore, David Calderon, Jason Bourke, Miss Kelly O'Mara, Ricardo Figueira, Rhys Spencer, Chris Pink, Chris Pietroniro. Absent: Kyle Shand, Adrian Dujmovic, Matthew O'Sullivan, Matthew Pereira, Adam Surjan, Jackson Jones, Dylan Jones, Tim Geaney, Leslie Hornung, Daniel Aguiar.

College Awards Night Music Service Award

Instep Awards

Caltex Best All Rounder

Kale Fienberg Daniel Harris Cameron Hardie Adamo Valentino

Ian Dixey - Year 11 Michael Williams & Rhys Spencer- Year 12

Robert Head

Institute of Engineers Award Robert Head

Uwe Stengel Music Award Robert Head

College Academic Award for Yr 12 Vocational Studies

Sporting Awards SeNice Award - Adrian Acquado Athlete of the Year - Tim Geaney Swimmer of the Year - James Ellis Sportsman of the Year - Jason Bourke

Alan Doig

Edmund Rice Service Award Jason Bourke Pietro Catalano Donovan deSouza Alexander Fossilo Robert Head Shane Landers Byron Vernon

College Academic Award for Yr 12 University Studies

Tiho Matulj

Michael Williams, Fremantle Mayor Peter Tagliaferri, Ian Dixey and Attorney General Jim McGinty

Alan Doig and his parents


Jazz Orchestra

Back Row: Kale Fienberg, David Calusinski, George Wyatt. Middle Row: Mr Shane Mancuso, Cameron Hardie, Mathew Symonds, Robert Head, Michael Draper, Daniel Harris. Front Row: Byron Vernon, Carl Harper, Ben Barrett, Rhys Sutton, Ben Thomson, Daniel Symons-Clamp.


Intermediate Band

Back Row: Brenton Noga, Menno Luitjens, Matthew Hewitt, Stephen Hudson, Peter Boskovich, Joel Turco, Karl Bodenstedt, Ben Quarrill, David Micenko. Middle Row: Francesco Natanni, Steven McGarry, Connor Uddelow, Carl Harper, Michael Lyndon-James, Miguel De Guzman, Adamo Valentino, Ben Barrett, Daniel Symons-Clamp. Front Row: Michael Dutton, Michael Separovich, Gabriele Lanzara, Mr Shane Mancuso, Jonathon Symonds, Ben De Guzman, Ben Walker. Absent: Robert Browne.

Ensembles Senior Guitar Ensemble Mr Kim Anning, Bradley McLaughlin (Seated), Cameron Hardie, Menno Luitjens, Joel Turco. Absent: Matthew Blair-Jacobs.

Year 70 Saxophone Ensemble Back Row: Adamo Valentino, Ben Barrett, Connor Uddelow. Front Row: David Micenko, Robert Browne, Mr Shane Mancuso.

Junior Guitar Ensemble Dean Oliver (Seated), Thomas Longley, Mr Kim Anning, Andrew Glendenning (Seated), Nicholas Taylor, Matthew Blair-Jacobs (Seated).


Back Row: Phillip Orescanin, Anthony Mangano, David Bremer, James Jordan, James Walsh, Tom

Quigley, Sam Holland, Michael Lyndon-James, Damien Hotz, Adamo Valentino, Daniel SymonsClamp. Middle Row: Alec Dixon, Connor McHugh, Matthew Blom, James Boni, Mel O 'Neill-King, Jamie de Abreu, Michael Wade, Eric Poore, Nicholas Kilburn, Michael de Luca, Gabriele Lanzara, Jonathan Symonds, Andrew Laird, Joseph Ricciardi, Dylan Whiffler, Jarrad Favazzo. Front Row: Ben Walker, Nathan Viney, Dale Johnson , Jaiden Mangano, Daniel Preston, Mrs Emma Tandy, Peter Hyde, Chris Moro, Paul Bonavia, Kurt Funnekotter, Marcel La Macchia.



Rugby First XV Back Row: Shane Landers, Louis Talbot, Michael Galvin, Josh Musto. Middle Row: Mr Don McNamee, Tim Nunn, Jason Bourke, Levon Kvas-Rothwell, Ben Meenan, Mathew Dawson, Ben Judge, Alex Fossilo. Front Row: Michael Dos Ramos, Matthew Hull, Wayne Balding, Matthew Dodd, Dirk Funnekotter, Drew James. Absent: Ben Fossilo, James Bembrick.




2nd XV Back Row: Mr Garry Hart, Thomas De Luca, Paul Heath, Kyle Nunn, Peter Symonds, Robert Head, Chris Stone, Evan Hurle, Bradley Reynolds, Tim Marshall, James Bembrick, Ben Fossilo, Bradley Miles, Mr Graham Miles. Front Row: Manuel Moreira, Duane Carvalho, James Cassel/s, Jason Beste, Justin AI/art, James Glendenning, Bryn Funnekotter, John Meenan, Richard Stone.

Rugby Year 9 Back Row: Mr Garry Hart, Joel Vickridge, Dylan Tate, David Lindorff, Mark Swindells, Matthew Azzollini, Jacob Bourke, Jackson Bromley, Jamie Quinlan, Dylan Pierre-Humbert, Daniel Brucciani, Danley Potts. Front Row: Christopher Piggot, Nicholas Taylor, Toby Prunty, Luke Wheelan, Joel Fienberg, Matthew Kernaghan, Dylan Jones, Thomas Nolan. Absent: Richard Stone.

Year 8 Back Row: Mr Don McNamee, Jordan Tirli, Aidan Collins, Matthew Hallissy, Ronan Murphy, Maximillian Roelofsen, Mitchell Tolman, Thomas Griffin. Front Row: Kurt Funnekotter, Lachlan Alexander, Owen Connolly, Harley Balding, Benjamin Millington, Reuben Cranny, Phillip Riddler, Denver Forsdike.



Senior Soccer Back Row: Samuel Ambrogio, Shane Landers, Peter Boskovich, Christian Liberatore, Lorenzo Sigon, Domenico Gargaro. Front Row: Ricardo Figueira, Levon Kvas-Rothwel/, David Calderon, Mr John Hortense, Mr David McFadden, Adam Tripi, Leonardo Suharsono, Pietro Catalano.

Junior Soccer Back Row: Andrew Carson, Frank Fazio, Jake Den Heijer, Ivan Gavranic, Michael Pirozzi, Mark Rinaldi, Andrew Ambrogio. Front Row: Ben Pink, Aaron De Abreu, Daniel Aguiar, Mr foin Thompson, Luke Walsh, Sam Bromwich, Chris Pink.


Tennis, Baseball and Volleyball 2003 All Schools Baseball Champions Back Row: Mr Frank Williams, Tim Kennelly, Peter Boskovich, Robert Head, Matthew Winfield, Samuel Winfield. Front Row: Andrew Hardie, Mel O'Neill-King, Cameron Hardie, James Vicarey, Ben Vicarey, Luke Ellis. Absent: Dylan Jones, Alex Blair-Jacobs, Blake Pine, Matthew Blair-Jacobs, Mitchell Lynn.

Tennis Mr Barry Tognolini, Reece Renwick, Tiho Matulj, Karl Bodenstedt, Blake Anthony, Leonardo Suharsono.

ACC Interzone Volleyball Champions Back Row: Ben Judge, Ben Meenan, Patrick Lindorff, James Nolan, Matthew Hayto, Sam Winfield. Seated: Sam Robertson-Larkin, Edward Connolly. Absent: Mathew Dawson.

2003 Ski Trip After months of waiting , the last day of term 3 arrived a nd it was time for our ski trip to Mount Hutt, New Zealand. Befo re the trip everyone was required to go to meetings where we received information regarding the ski trip and on the last meeting we were told to be at the ai rport at 11 .OOpm on the dot. Mr Foote was very definite about the time to be there and to make sure not to be late. Guess who was the last one to arrive at the airport? Once we arrived at our destination our mission was to get hold of the AFL Grand Final, which the local pub kindly taped , for us. The next morning is when I, and many others saw snow for the first time and we loved it . I' m proud to say the first snowball that I' ve ever thrown was at Mr Moss, got him a bewdy too! Our first day of skiing was great as we had lessons and got the basics of going downhill without falling. The next morning we woke up, checked the snow report, which didn 't tell us what we wanted to hear, Mt Hutt was closed . Our bus driver/hostel bloke did some sweet-talking and we managed to get a days skiing at Porter Heights. This is where many highlights good and bad were made. One of the funny highlights is about a b o y , I won 't mention any names (Mathew) ,

went to the very top of the mountain which is rather steep, and skied for a little bit and then decided it was too hard falling over all the time , so he said that he had hurt his ankle and a little later a man, snowmobile and a stretcher came to escort Matt down the hill. We had two more days of skiing and then it was our last day. That morning we all got up early to check the ski report to find that the mountain was closed, so what a perfect time to go shopping for 5 hours in Christchurch , just to make sure that we chose mum and dad the perfect present. Then we went back for a sleep before heading home. I' d like to thank on behalf of all the boys who went on the ski trip , Mr Foote, Mr Simpson and Mr Barron for their efforts towards the ski trip . Without them it wouldn 't have been possible. So a huge thank you and just some advice for the youngsters , if you get the opportunity to go take it, because it's the best experience! Thanks once again . Tom Deluca, Year 10


Ash Wednesday

Morgan 1 Row 3: Joshua Cain, Paul Ryan, Rory KochCallaghan, Joshua Musto, Paul Winter, Samuel Ambrogio, Richard Onoforo. Row 2: Matthew Addis, Adam Surjan, Michael Jolly, Stephen Howell, Robert Browne, Marlon Ramirez, Adrian Acquado, Nason Heatley. Front: Christopher Pink, Steven McGarry, Benjamin Barrett ( Domenic Chiellini, Michael Pirozzi, Andrew Ambrogio, Richard Acquado. Mentor Teacher: Mr Mark Tannock.

Morgan House Morgan 2 Row 3: Matthew Blair-Jacobs, Rhys Spencer, Kaleb Watts, Blake Anthony, David Juricev, Simon Radi, Miguel De Guzman, Greg Beresi. Row 2: Michael Mangano, Liam Spencer, Jason Fiddes, Aaron Fleury, Callum Adcock, Anthony Mangano, Francesco Natanni, Alex Blair-Jacobs. Front: Ruben Cranny, Jordan Mulroney, Levi Watts, Steven Garces, Steven Juricev, Gabriel De Guzman, Daniel Aguiar. Mentor Teachers: Mrs Nella 'M cCann, Mrs Christine Dowd.

Morgan 3 Row 3: Craig Stewart, Menno Luitjens, Robert

Lowry, Peter Boskovich, Samuel Holland, Michael Lowry, Levon Kvas-Rothwell. Row 2: Andrew Glendenning, Luke Ellis, Ivan Gavranic, Peter Mikowiec, James Glendenning, Simon Dionisio, Luke Annese, Samuel Rowe. Front: Dale Johnson, Mel O'Neill-King, Ameer Randhawa, Adam Perry, Luke Walsh, Thomas Rowe, Matthew Blom. Mentor Teacher: Mr Michael lalacci.

Morgan House Morgan 4 Row 3: Brendan Pavich, Christopher Perry,

Samuel Carton, Mark Rieger, Timothy Marshall, Antrim Geary, Kale Fienberg. Row 2: Jaymie O'Sullivan, Bradley Brahim, Lu Otwinowski, Chrisotpher Stone, Brodie Dixon, Tim Geaney, Matthew O'Sullivan, Joel Fienberg, Marcel La Macchia. Front: Ryan Frost, Richard Stone, Benjamin McKenna, Timothy McKenna, Christopher Carcione, Paul Neff, Lloyd Donohoe. Mentor Teacher: Mr Marc Caporn.

MorganS Row 3: Ben QuarrilL Jace QuarrilL Warwick Goulson, Benjamin Mulvey, Duane Carvalho, Jake Da Silva, Kim Glisenti. Row 2: Ryan Taylor, James O'Neill, Leslie Hornung, Brett Thompson, Paul Forrest, James Walsh, Dylan Tate, Kyle Shand. Front: Cosmo Paparella, Matthew Browne, Daniel Germinario, Jordan Tirli, James Hughes, Carl Harper, Andrew Pearce. Mentor Teacher: Mrs Gay Pulker

Morgan House Morgan 6 Row 3: Brodie Raffaele, Matthew Azzollini, Delwin Carvalho, Rhys Clark, Justin Gavin, Matthew Hayto. Row 2: Haemish Hallion, Dane Gaspar, Jackson Bromley, Adrian Dujmovic, Andrew Speirs, Matthew Dodd. "'-r1I'-"T", Taylor Phillips, Christopher Piggot, Bradley McLaughlin, Kyle Nunn, Graham GlynnBucknell, Nathan Greenway, Rhys Warren. Absent: Aaron Mancini. Mentor Teacher: Ms Angela Calanni

Patrick 1 Row 3: Timothy Staker-Gunn, Jeremy Martin,

Stephen Hudson, Andrew Mears, Rhys Radaich, Ricardo Figueira, Drew James. Row 2: Christopher Gardula, Lewis Wesley, Daniel Beaver, Nicholas Taylor, Dirk Funnekotter, Zachary Garcia, Ashley Meakins, Nicholas Johnston. Front: Nathan Viney, Adriano Soares, Matthew McConnelL Bryn Funnekotter, Mariano Torchia, Hamish Humphreys, Kurt Funnekotter. Absent: Aidan Collins, Sadolo Soares. Mentor Teacher: Mr Jason Maroudas.

Patrick House Patrick 2 Row 3: Vincent Smythe, Aaron Schier, Peter

Symonds, Robert Head, Mathew Symonds, Royce Hunter, Domenico Garg.aro. Row 2: Arvi Mamesah, Daniel Lazzaro, Hajime Koike, Jamie Quinlan, Matthew Sweetman, Christian Gangemi, Jonathon Symonds, Enrico D' Annunzio. Front: Adam Lazzaro, Umberto Gargaro, Johnny Roncevic, Nicholas Sweetman, Matthew Kernaghan, Richard Anderson, Dylan Jones. Mentor Teacher: Mr Andrew Murphy

Patrick 3 Row 3: Jonathan Gianoli, Bradley Richards, Shane Landers, Matthew Rowett, Tristan Merrick, James Pica, Michael Collova, Christian Dalmas. Row 2: Mauro Minervini, Joseph Giovanetti, Dylan Whiffler, Maximillian Roelofsen, James ordan, Michael Montgomery, James Vicarey, Thomas Longley. Front: Paul Bonavia, Roberto Lo Presti, Christopher Lees, Christopher McRobert, Philip Orescanin, Adam Faria, Sam Kerr. Absent: Peter Hyde. Mentor Teacher: Mr Garry Hart.

Patrick House Patrick 4 Row 3: Riordan O'Brien, Mathew Dawson, Jacob Bourke, Christian Moelands, Alexander Katos. Row 2: Mitchell Lynn, Mark Sinclair, Jackson Blake, Gareth Forsdike, Raymond Shanks, Adam Guagliardo. Front: Thomas Rigg, Brendan Sardelic, Peter Dawson, Paul Di Nunzio, Tyler Mortimer, Mark Rinaldi, Denver Forsdike. Absent: Thomas Griffin, Paul Heath, Manuel Moreira, Anthony Casotti. Mentor Teacher: Mr Steve Corley.

Patrick 5 Row 3: James Nolan, Ryan Wight-Hales, Lorenzo Sigon, Patrick Lindorff, James Nevill, Kayne Harlen. Row 2: Michael Separovich, Benjamin Harvey, Corey Da Luz, Laine Stammers, Benjamin Millington, Samuel Brown. Front: Peter Gibson, Jaye Shipard, Thomas Nolan, David Lindorff, Tyson Russell, Benjamin Thomson, Ned Vaughan. Absent: Joshua Harvey. Mentor Teacher: Ms Tanya Connolly

Patrick House Patrick 6 Row 3: Andrew Antonio, Steven Campbell, Gonzalo Authelet, Peter Klauz, Jonathan Gorham, Cameron Hardie, George Wyatt, Luke Valente. Row 2: David Addis, James Trimble, Jarrad Tucker, Richard Gorham, David Bremer, Lachlan Yates, Toby Prunty, Christopher Pietroniro. Front: Jaiden Mangano, Kade Broad, Andrew Hardie, Christian Liberatore, Bryce Meredith, Benjamin Vicarey, Edward Wyatt. Mentor Teacher: Mrs Suncica Beslac-Seinemeier

Rice 1 Row 3: Marco Warmt-Murray, Roberto Guerini, Thomas De Luca, Luke Manton, Dean Gibb, Benjamin Pearson, Joseph Crowe, Malcolm Apathy. Row 2: Stuart Moore, Pearse Buchanan, Daniel Harris, Devon Bell, Michael Dos Ramos, Donovan De Souza, Connor Liddelow, Jonathan Weekes. Front: Benjamin Walker, Cooper Smart, Christopher Massaro, Cnristopher Keane, Rick Guerini, Michael De Luca, Nicholas Rogers. Absent: Wolfe Connor, Samuel Stanley. Mentor Teacher: Mr Frank Williams.

Rice House Rice 2 Row 3: Robert White, Ronan Murphy, Nicholas Silich, Jason Bourke, Bradley Miles, Dominic White . Row 2: Daniel Paino, Jason Beste, Adam Tripi, Max Henriquez, Roberto Del Cid Aviles, Jordan Blagaich. Front: Samuel Carmody, Jaike Mitchell, Wais Malikzai, Cole Swift, Harley Balding, John-Paul Bourke. Absent: Nicholas Atturo, Wayne Balding. Mentor Teacher: Mr Don McNamee.

• I

Rice 3 Row 3: Alex Filipovich, Matthew Hewitt, Scott O'Neill, Tiho Matulj, Cameron Etchells, Karl Bodenstedt, Guillermo Moran. Row 2: James Kempthorne, Jaxon Correia, Joel Vickridge, Lucas O'Dell, Robert Perroni, Benjamin Vickridge, Daniel D'Ascanio, Millan Filipovich, Daniel Tagliaferri. Front: Jarrad Favazzo, Leigh Reid, James Boni, Dennis Osti, Rafael Cartagena, Daniel Symon Clamp, Michael Wade. Mentor Teacher: Mr Michael Masterton

Rice House Rice 4 Row 3: Mitchell Verdonk, Thomas Quigley, Samuel Robertson-Larkin, Timothy Kennelly, Benjamin Fossilo, Thomas Francis, Matthew Wilson. Row 2: Liam Riddler, Sam Paino, Corey Nicholson, Steven Cull, Gaetano La Macchia, Jonathan Manganaro, Andrew Laird. Front: Phillip Riddler, Peter Gavranic, Mattia Pagani, Rowan Broadbent, Anthony Vinci, Matthew Francis, Shane Tranchita. Absent: Jarrad Smith. Mentor Teacher: Ms Trevanna Cooper.

Rice 5 Row 3: Keiran Galvin, Ben Meenan, Steven Hecker, Arron Canicais, Jarryd Savage, Ethan Savage. 2: Luke Whelan, Nicholas Cappelluti, John Meenan, Michael Galvin, Michael De Bruin, Ryan Lee, Mathew Cammarano. Front: Aaron De Abreu, Liam Pegum, Damon Gleeson, Damian Sabinasz, Edward Daccache, Joshua Mott. Absent: Luke Canicais, Jamie De Abreu, Mitchell Lewis, Leonardo Suharsono, Rhys Sutton. Mentor Teacher: Mr Marius Van Dongen

Rice House Rice 6 Row 3: Christopher Burton, Matthew Westwood, Michael Williams, Lewis Talbot, Evan Hurle, James Ellis. Row 2: Matthew Moore, Michael Lyndonmes, David Calderon, Luka Vuckovic, Owen Hoar, Connor McHugh, Michael Merrutia. Front: Blake Pine, Chris Carson, Sam Tunnicliff, Daniel Brucciani, Nathan McDonald, Jimmy Collier, Luke Zagami. Mentor Teacher: Mrs Jenny Rawlings.

Samson 1 Row 3: Mark De Oliviera, Mitchell Lake, David Micenko, Abdul Juma, Edward Micenko, Gareth Lane, Scott Lockhart, Sam Benthien. Row 2: John Abbott, Chee Lai, Clive Lane, Ryan Oliver, Craig Smith, Damien Hotz, Daniel Wilmot, Rhys Cook. Front: Chris Moro, Cory Dell'Olio, Scott Reid, Martin Kristianto, Dean Oliver, Adamo Valentino, Eric Poore. Mentor Teacher: Mr Bernie Mervin.

Samson House Samson 2 Row 3: William Stephen, Daniel Stephen, Azriel Leers, Timothy Nunn, Luke Gibson, Jackson Jones. Row 2: Anthony Maher, James Naughton, Christopher Dawe, Shay Roberts, Jake Den Heijer, Joseph Micheli. Front: Daniel Preston, Carlo Basso, Aaron Ang, Ferdinando Bianchini, Allen Musulin, Zach Wong, Matthew Johns. Absent: Conor Doran, Scott Van Ryt, Aidan Freight, James Bembrick. Mentor Teacher: Mr Gary Holtham.

Samson 3 Row 3: Byron Vernon, Thomas Paten, Alexander Fossilo, Timothy Meager, Ian Dixey, Pietro Catalano, Liam Peak, Martin Taylor. Row 2: Alec Dixon, Frank Fazio, Cameron Pallister, Brenton Noga, Paul Taylor, Andrew Boyle, Adrian Ricciardi, Joseph Ricciardi. Front: Nicholas Kilburn, Brent Featherby, Paul Malor1ey-Robothqm, Marc Moreschi, Matthew Moreschi, Shayne Driscoll, Andrew Brennan . Mentor Teacher:. Mr Joel Moss

Samson House Samson 4 Row 3: Andrew Mews, Matthew Winfield, Michael McCormick, David Calusinski, James Dolan, Edward Connolly, Joel Stammers, Craig Pride. Row 2: Kristian Pommer, Dylan Pierre-Humbert, Jonathan Barnes, Liam Stevenson, Samuel Winfield, Matthew Pereira, Michael Mews, Craig Gavin, Owen Connolly. Front: Samuel Bromwich, Ian Sinclair, Mark Swindells, Grant Vink, Daniel Kotzem, Gabriele Lanzara, Michael Dutton. Mentor Teacher: Mr Jose Cuenca.

Samson 5 Row 3: Thomas Kelly, Brett Hill, Bradley Reynolds, Reece Renwick, Simon Underschu Luke Radaich, Samuel Kelly, James Cassells. Row 2: Oscar Reyes, Matthew Schumacher, Mitchell Tolman, Sean Perer, Adrian Lomma, Jason Phillips, Trent Teague, Danley Potts. Front: Anthony Gouveia, Anthony Fardella, Alan Walsh, Laurence Simpkin, Leon Yerkovich David Hodgkin, Ben Bailey-Smith. Absent: Benjamin Judge. Mentor Teacher: Mrs Naomi Geoghegan.

Samson House Samson 6 Row 3: Justin Allart, Matthew Hallissy, Alan Doig, Joel Turco, Ryan Martin. Row 2: Benjamin Pink, Joel Thornton, Adrian Fadich, Daniel Pietroniro, Christopher Maher, Fraser White. Front: Scott MacGregory, Michael Draper, Ben Dryland, Richard Partridge, Matthew Hull, Jason Dux, Kyren Sequeira. Absent: Alex Drury, Cooper Minciullo, Tom Cullen, Blair Cunningham. Mentor Teacher: Miss Kelly O'Mara.


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Roll Call 2003 GORHAM Jonathan GORHAM Richard GOULSON Warwick GOUVEIA Anthony GREENWAY Nathan GRIFFIN Thomas GUAGLIARDO Adam GUERINI Rick GUERIN I Roberto HALLION Haemish HALLISSY Matthew HARDIE Andrew HARDIE Cameron HARLEN Kayne HARPER Carl HARRIS Daniel HARVEY Benjamin HARVEY Joshua HAYTO Matthew HEAD Robert HEATH Paul HEATLEY Nason HECKER Steven HENRIQUEZ Max HEWITT Matthew HILL Brett HILTON Hayden HOAR Owen HODGKIN David HOLLAND Samuel HORNUNG Leslie HOTZ Damien HOWELL Stephen HUDSON Stephen HUGHES James HULL Matthew HUMPHREYS Hamish HYDE Peter JAMES Drew JOHNSON Dale JOHNS Matthew JOHNSTON Nicholas JOLLY Michael JONES Dylan JONES Jackson


Y11 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y08 Yll Yll Y08 Y08 Y12 Y12 Y09 Y12 YlO YlO Y12 Y12 Y11 Y08 YlO Y12 YlO YlO Y08 Y12 Y08 YlO Y09 Y08 Y09 Y09 Y08 Y12 Y09 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y08 Y09 YlO Y09 YlO

P6 P6 M5 S5 M6 P4 P4 R1 R1 M6 S6 P6 P6 P5 M5 R1 P5 P5 M6 P2 P4 M1 R5 R2 R3 S5 P1 R6 S5 M3 M5 Sl M1 P1 M5 S6 P1 P3 P1 M3 S2 P1 M1 P2 52

JORDAN James JUDGE Benjamin JUMA Abdul JURICEV David JURICEV Steven KATOS Alexander KEANE Christopher KELLY Samuel KELLY Thomas KEMPTHORNE James KENNELLY Timothy KERNAGHAN Matthew KERR Samuel KILBURN Nicholas KINSMAN Brett KLAUZ Peter KOCH-CALLAGHAN Rory KOIKE Hajime KRISTIANTO Martin KVAS-ROTHWELL Levon LAIRD Andrew LAI Yong Chee LAKE Mitchell LA MACCHIA Gaetano LA MACCHIA Marcel LANDERS Shane LANE Clive LANE Gareth LANZARA Gabriele LAPEDOTA Michael LAZZARO Adam LAZZARO Daniel LEE Ryan LEERS Azriel LEES Christopher LEWIS Mitchell LIBERATORE Christian LlDDELOW Connor LlNDORFF David LlNDORFF Patrick LOCKHART Scott LOMMA Adrian LONGLEY Thomas LO PRESTI Roberto LOWRY Michael

Y08 Y12 Y12 YlO Y08 Y10 Y12 Y11 Y11 Y08 Y12 Y09 YlO Y08 Y09 Y11 Y11 Y11 Y12 Y12 Y08 YlO Y11 Y11 Y08 Y12 Y09 Y11 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y09 Y11 Y12 Y09 Y08 Y12 YlO Y09 Y12 YlO Y08 Y09 Y09 YlO

P3 S5 Sl M2 M2 P4 R1 S5 S5 R3 R4 P2 P3 S3 R4 P6 M1 P2 Sl M3 R4 Sl Sl R4 M4 P3 Sl Sl S4 P5 P2 P2 R5 S2 P3 R5 P6 R1 P5 P5 Sl S5 P3 P3 M3

LOWRY Robert Y11 LUITJENS Menno Y10 LYNDON-JAMES Michael YlO LYNN Mitchell Y09 MACGREGOR Scott Y09 MAHER Anthony Y08 MAHER Christopher Y09 MALlKZAI Wais YlO MALONEY-ROBOTHAM PaulYlO MAMESAH Arvi YlO MANCINI Aaron Y08 MANGANO Anthony Y10 MANGANARO Jonathan YlO MANGANO Jaiden Y08 MANGANO Michael Y09 MANTON Luke Yll MARSHALL Timothy YlO MARTIN Jeremy Y12 MARTELLA Michael Y08 MARTIN Ryan Y08 MASSARA Christopher Y09 MATULJ Tiho Y12 MCCONNELL Matthew Y08 MCCORMICK Michael Y12 MCDONALD Nathan Y09 MCGARRY Steven Y09 MCHUGH Aodh YlO MCHUGH Connor YlO MCKENNA Benjamin Y09 MCKENNA Timothy Y12 MCLAUGHLIN Bradley Y11 MCROBERT Christopher Y12 MEAKINS Ashley YlO MEARS Andrew Y11 MEENAN Ben Y12 MEENAN John Y10 MEREDITH Bryce YlO MERRICK Tristan Y11 MERRUTIA Michael Y09 MEWS Andrew Y12 MEWS Michael Y11 MICENKO David YlO MICENKO Edward Y12 MICHELI Joseph YlO MIKOWIEC Peter YlO

M3 M3 R6 P4 S6 S2 S6 R2 S3 P2 M6 M2 R4 P6 M2 R1 M4 P1 R6 S6 R1 R3 P1 S4 R6 M1 R6 R6 M4 M4 M6 P3 P1 P1 R5 R5 P6 P3 R6 S4 S4 Sl Sl S2 M3


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Roll Call 2003 PAINO Sam PALLISTER Cameron PAMMER Kristian PAPARELLA Cosmo PARTRIDGE Richard PATEN Thomas PAVICH Brendan PEAK Liam PEARCE Andrew PEARSON Benjamin PEGUM Liam PEREIRA Matthew PERER Sean PERRONI Robert PERRV Adam PERRV Christopher PHILLIPS Jason PICA James PIERRE-HUMBERT Dylan PIETRONIRO Christopher PIETRONIRO Daniel PIGGOD Christopher PINE Blake PINK Benjamin PINK Christopher PIROZZI Michael POORE Eric pons Danley PRESTON Daniel PRIDE Craig PRUNTY Toby QUARRILL Benjamin QUARRILL Jace QUIGLEY Thomas QUINLAN Jamie RADAICH Luke RADAICH Rhys RADI Simon RAFFAELE Brodie RAMIREZ Marlon RANDHAWA Ameer REID Leigh REID Scott RENWICK Reece REVES Oscar

VlO VlO V08 V08 Y12 V09 V12 VlO V11 V10 V08 V10 V08 V11 V09 VlO V11 V12 V09 V08 V09 V09 V08 V08 V08 V08 V08 V09 V08 V12 V09 V10 V12 VlO V09 VlO VlO V12 V12 V11 V08 V08 V08 V12 VlO

R4 S3

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REVNOLDS Bradley VlO RICCIARDI Adrian V08 RICCIARDI Joseph V08 RICHARDS Bradley V09 RIDDLER Liam VlO RIDDLER Phillip V08 RIEGER Mark V12 RIGG Thomas V09 RINALDI Mark V09 ROBERTSON-LARKIN SamuelV 12 ROELOFSEN Maximillian V08 ROGERS Nicholas V08 RONCEVIC Johnny V09 ROWELL Liam V08 ROWE Samuel VlO ROWE Thomas V08 ROWEn Matthew V11 RUSSELL Tyson V11 RYAN Paul V12 SABINASZ Damian V11 SARDELIC Brendan V09 SAVAGE Ethan YlO SAVAGE Jarryd V12 SCHIER Aaron VlO SCHUMACHER Matthew V09 Y09 SEPAROVICH Michael Y09 SEQUEIRA Kyren SHAND Kyle V11 V11 SHANKS Raymond V09 SHIPARD Jaye V12 SIGON Lorenzo V12 SILICH Nicholas V12 SIMPKIN Laurence VlO SINCLAIR lain VlO SINCLAIR Mark V09 SMART Cooper V11 SMITH Craig V08 SMITH Jarrad V11 SMYTHE Vincent V09 SOARES Adriano V12 SOARES Sadolo VlO SPEIRS Andrew VlO SPENCER Liam V12 SPENCER Rhys V11 STAKER-GUNN Timothy

S5 S3 S3 P3 R4 R4 M4 P4 P4 R4 P3 R1 P2 M6 M3 M3 P3 P5 M1 R5 P4 R5 R5 P2 S5 P5 S6 M5 P4 P5 P5 R2 S5 S4 P4 R1 Sl R4 P2 P1 P1 M6 M2 M2 P1


V10 VlO V09 V11 VlO V08 V11 V11 V09 VlO V11 VlO VlO V11 VlO V11 V09 V09 V08 V12 VlO V09 V12 V09 V12 V09 V11 V08 VlO V09 Y08 V08 V08 V08 V09 V08 V12 V09 V08 VlO V08 YlO Y12 YlO V11

S4 P5 R1 S2 S2 S4 M3 M4 M4 R6 R5 M1 R5 P2 P2 R2 S4 R3 P2 P2 P2 R3 R6 M5 S3 P1 S3 M5 M5 P5 S6 M5 S5 P1 R4 P6 R2 P6 R6 S6 M6 M6 S5 Sl P6


VlO V08 V09 Y12 Y09 Y12 Y11 Y09 Y09 Y08 Y09 Y09 Y08 Y08 Y09 Y08 Y09 Y09 Y11 Y08 Y11 YlO Y08 Y09 YlO YlO Y09 Y08 Y09 Y09 VlO Y11 Y12 Y09 Y11 YlO Y12 VlO Y09 Y08 YlO V08 V11 Y08

S2 P5 R4 S3 P6 P3 R3 R3 R4 P1 S4 R6 R3 R1 S6 S5 M5 M3 R1 M6 R2 M2 M2 R1 P1 R6 R5 P3 R2 S6 R2 P5 R6 Sl R4 S4 S4 M1 S2 P6 P6 P6 S5 R6


Mothers'and Fathers' Day

Children, it is your Christian dury to

obey your parents,

for this is

the right thing to do. "Respect your father and mother" is the first commandment that has a promise added: "so that you

may live a

long time in the land." Parents, do not treat your children in such a way as to make them angry. Instead, raise them with Christian Discipline and instruction. Ephesians 6, 1-4


Alright!! I promise not to stink out the room again!

plane to depart is so boring-but showing this much violence and underwear

These two prove 80's hair is alive and well.

Take that! For bagging out football team

V\cknowledgements The Annual for 2003 will be my final publication at CBC Fremantle. After four years as Development Officer at CBC Fremantle , I have learnt more than I ever could have imagined. The people I have met, the events I have accomplished and the friends I have made has been fantastic . The boys of CBC, both current and past, have been an absolute pleaure to work with. There is a spirit among them which I believe is nurtured during their time with us. I would like to say some special thanks to Alan Wedd for employing me, and giving me tremendous support as a graduate. His knowledge of CBC and the Fremantle community made life so much easier. David McFadden has taken on the task of leading the College forward exceptionally well. It has been a pleasure to work with professionals such as him and the Leadership Team.



Turning to this current publication, I wish to thank Ian Threlfo for his endless technical support and Jenny D' Ascanio for another brilliant proof reading job on the Annual as well as the newsletters throughout the year. Thank you to Emma Tandy for her photo for the front cover. A fantastic picture - I'm sure you would agree. On this page, you can see some interesting photos of Tom Quigley and myself. The Brisbane Lions decided to lose to Collingwood the week I made a silly bet with Tom. The consequence (which I NEVER thought would occur) of their dismal loss, meant I had to wear Tom's Collingwood jumper around the College for the entire day. I was ridiculed mercilessly by students and staff alike, but could never be accused of not living up to a bet. Of course, I had the last laugh and thanks to Brisbane 's third win in a row, Tom wore my beanie around the College all day after the grand final. I know

who suffered the most! It is this kind of friendship and fun that has inspired me over the past four years. I am proud to have been associated with CBC Fremantle, and am positive it will continue to develop in leaps and bounds. Adelle Nsair Development Officer

Main Photographers

Adelle Nsair Marius Van Dongen Design, Layout and Production

Adelle Nsair Printing House

Scott Print

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