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Photography: Academy Photography, Craig Stewart Photograhy, The Border Watch Ne'ws[)Orlef" CBCStaff
Headmaster's Report ................................................................................................................................ 2 Chairman's Report ........................................................................................................ .............................. 4 Edmund Rice Education ........................................................................................................................... 5 Deputy Headmaster - Studies ................................................................................................................... 6 Deputy Headmaster - Students ............ ............................... ..................................................................... .7 Deputy Headmaster - Catholic Leadership ................................. .......................................................... 8 Finance Report .................................................................................................................... .... ................... 9 College Captain's Address ...................... ........................................ .......................................... ,............. 10 Music Parents' Committee Report .......... ...................... .... ..................................................................... 12 Old Boys' .Association ............. ............... ................... .............................................................................. 13
Class of 2007 S'enio;"Bail'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1 Last Day ......................... .... ................................................................................................. 16 Individual Photographs ...... ............................................................................................... 17 Graduation ........................................................................................................................ 21 Awards ............................................................................................................................... 22 Prefects 2008 ........... .. ........................................................ ....... ............... ..................................... ........ .¡....27 Learning Area .R~I?0rt Divinity .................................. ............... .................. .............................................................. 28 Kairos .................................... ..................................... .............................. ........................... 29 Catholic Service and Justice .......................................................................................... 30 Kiwirrkurra ......................................... ..................................... ............................................. 32 Arts ..................................... ............................................................................................. .... 34 Drama ...................................... ................................. ................... ....................................... 36 Visual Arts ........................................................................................................................... 38 English ................................................................................................................................. 42 Languages - Japanese and Italian .................... ......................................... .................... 43 Health and Physical Education ...................................................................................... 44 INSTEP ................... ..... ...................................... ............. ............................. ..... ..................... 46 Library ....................................... ................................ ...................................................... .... 48 Mathematics ...................................................................................................................... 50 Music .................................... ............................ ......... .......................................................... 52 CBC Big Band ................................................. .......................................................... 53 God Band ............... .............................................. ............. ....................................... 53 Jazz Orchestra .... .... ...................................... ......................................................... .... 54 Jazz Combo .............................................................................................................. 54 Junior Jazz Band ...................................................................................................... 55 College Choir .......... ...... ......................... .................................................................. 55 Guitar Ensembles ...... .... ................................ .............. ............................................. 56 Science ........... ................... ............... ................ ........ ........................................................... 58 Society and Environment ...................... .............. .... .............................. .......................... 60 Sport ................................. ........................................ .......................................................... 62 Technology and Enterprise ............................................................................................... 64 Mentor and Year Groups Morgan ................................................................................................................................ 66 Year 8 ................................ ............................... .................................................................. 69 Patrick ............... .. .......... ........................................... ............................................................ 70 Year 9 ...................................... ......... ................... ................................................................ 73 Rice ............................................................ ................. ........................................................ 74 Year 10 ............................................................................................................................... 77 Samson ............................ .......................................... ......................................................... 78 Year 11 ....... .............. ............ .. ................................... ................. ........................... .. .......... .. 81 Sport
~~~!i~~::::::::::::::::::::: :::::.::::::::::::: : : : : ::::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~~ . Events 2007
Opening Mass ........ ............... ................... ..... .......... ... ........................................................ 97 Interhouse Swimming ...................................................................................................... 98 Ash Wednesday and Easter .................................. ........................................................... 99
~orr~~r?s ~~~ ~~:..:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. 18?
Interhouse Athletics ................ ......................................................................................... 102
~?~~~~:~ ~~.:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18~ ~~~?o~~.~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 18~
Orienation Day ... ......................:...................................................................................... 107 Staff 2007 ...... ................... ... ......... ..... ........................ .. ...... ............... .. ................................................. 108 Roll Call 2007 ...... , ..... ..... ............................................................... .. .. .. ..................................................... 114
Mr Robert Henderson Headmaster's Report t has been my absolute privilege to join the CBC community in 2007. As I have mentioned to the boys throughout the year, I have been tremendously impressed with many aspects of life at CBC. In this report, I would like to provide a brief review of aspects of this year alluding to our successes and also to some of our challenges for the future.
The year 2007 is always going to be marked as an impor'tant milestone year in CBC's history. Since our inception in 1901, the College has been governed by the Christian Brothers. That all changed on 1 October this year with the creation of Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA). It recognises that the Brothers are gradually moving into other fields, and governance of CBC and other schools is now largely in the hands of the laity. You and me! I am pleased to report that throughout 2007 the College has c.ontinued to give authentic expression to the values and charism that has served the College for 106 years. Our challenge is not to preserve the past but to ensure CBC continues to evolve as an Edmund Rice College. It is not just governance issues that are impacting on schooling in our state. The educational landscape continues to change in Western Australia. At times as teachers we feel as though we are political pawns as we grapple with the sometimes conflicting demands imposed by State and Federal governments. Education has been constantly in the news in the past few years - often for all the wrong reasons! I marvel at the CBC teachers. I sit back and listen to our dedicated staff at meetings. Their overarching concern at all times is to deliver the best possible educational outcomes. There is healthy debate and discussion (which is important) amongst our teachers about the merits of an outcomes based approach. There is sometimes a divergence of opinion - which is also healthy. At all times the staff want what is best for our boys. Our teachers roll the sleeves up and get on with it! I am pleased that some sanity has now been brought to the educational debate and most teachers report being happier with the development of new Courses of Study. The CBC Passion
et's turn our attention to more positive matters. When we interview prospective teachers, we sometimes ask, "What are you passionate about?"
There is a lot to be passionate about when discussing the students of CBC. The primary purpose of a Catholic school is to bring the story of Jesus into the hearts of our young men, to share a culture of faith. Our programs incorporating Religious Education, Campus Ministry and Christian Service continue to flourish. The statistics concerning very low youth attendance and participation in Parish life again remind us of the prime importance of being first and foremost a Catholic school. I urge our students and families to pray! It was Sr Joan Chittister who said that "prayer is not meant to change the world . It is meant to change us so that we can change the world" . I love the fact that the Kairos Retreat program is proving to be so successful with our Year 12 students. Catholic leadership is our most important strategic initiative. In a year in which we have had some poor examples of leadership provided in Western Australia by some of our sport stars and politicians, it reinforces the absolute necessity of developing quality Catholic leaders of the future. Our other strategic aim relates to developing CBC as a University Preparatory College. Our aim is to create academic programs that are quite unique and distinctive. Academically our results are good; we are striving to make them better. The College received great recognition earlier this year with a National Quality Schooling Award. More and more standardised testing is being introduced and we are responding by developing devices to monitor and track the progress of individual students. Mr Norton's and Mr O'Neill's academic and pastoral tracking of our students is far superior to what I have experienced in other schools. Boys, in particulac need to know where they stand and ho.w they are performing. One of the other aspects of CBC that has impressed me is the quality of our teaching and learning programs. It is significant that we have devoted funds that we won with our national award to the development of a 'centre for teaching excellence' . Quite simply, the q'uality of an education
system cannot exceed the quality of its teachers. At CBC we must continue to harness the talents of our teachers so that the best possible educational outcomes are passed on to the boys. It is interesting to contrast our educational philosophies with other countries. In Japan, when an experienced teacher retires, he passes on his legacy, experience and wisdom to other teachers in the school. We want to create a similar culture at CBC through further evolution of our mentoring programs. It is essential that we create the mechanisms that foster a culture of continual improvement. Although our academic results have been impressive, the message for the boys is that there is no magic formula for academic success. The words of Albert Einstein echo: "It's not that I'm so smart. it's just that I stay with problems longer". Our boys have also enjoyed success in 2007 in sporting and cultural aspects of CBC life. Our musicians, under the guidance of Mr. Mancuso, have performed superbly both locally and interstate. Our drama program continues to evolve and our art ~tudents continue to draw acclaim. In the sporting arenas, the swimmers won the A division carnival; our cross country and athletics teams finished second; our 1sl XVIII footballers won the Belt Up Cup; our rugby players continued to perform well locally and interstate and our rowers competed in national regattas. These results have come about through a combination of talent and sheer hard work. As Catholics we are sometimes apologetic about our success. We shouldn't be! I believe that it is important to acknowledge excellence and strive to always achieve our best possible result. This is a recurring theme at CBC. Persistence is the key. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places . Do we get off that road or do we continue on the journey? Next year we start to prepare for Year 7 boys joining the College in 2009. Those with a long association with CBC will remember that primary schooling has played a big part in the history of our College. In 2009 we will enrol sixty boys at Year 7 level with a further sixty boys joining the cohort in 2010. In the future, Year 7 will be our intake year. To accommodate increased student numbers, the College is embarking upon an ambitious building program with four new classrooms and a music and drama teaching facility being created. In addition, our library facilities are being upgraded to incorporate many of Mrs. Cooper's innovative and creative ideas. The next twelve months will prove to be very exciting if not noisy' with the buildings proceeding. I
There are always challenges to be faced. I love the fact that our boys talk about CBC with pride. I am also keen for that to be extended even further to wearing the uniform well - particularly the summer shorts. Next year we are going to introduce a College bag which we will phase in with Year 8 -10 students. It is about increasing pride in CBC, our heritage and our tradition . I encourage parents to become fully engaged with our school community. Our Friends of Music do a wonderful job and are running a Music Ball in 2008 with full College support; our rugby parents are tremendously dedicated; other parents are generous volunteers through the canteen and uniform shop. When the boys have embarked upon overseas or interstate tours, the response and support by parents has been phenomenal. I am keen to create further interest and involvement from our parents. , Next year, under the leadership of Mr Rob Leicester. we are forming a Parent Council. This group will be an excellent liaison for parents and the wider school community. I am sure that Rob would welcome your expressions of interest. or see one of our Leadership Team for details. I urge you to become fully engaged in your son's schooling. I would also like to recognise Mr Terry Waddell for his untiring efforts with the CBC community. Terry retires as Board Chair at the end of this year but his contribution has been incredible. Terry has done it all : he was a student at CBC, he taught at CBC, he has been a parent at CBC and in more recent years he has been a long serving Board Chair of the College. He has held this latter position during a time of rapid change and with the first two lay Headmasters of the College. He is a magnificently loyal and dedicated servant of the College. In fact the only downside for such a dedicated Fremantle man is that he supports the Eagles! I also warmly welcome and congratulate Mr Murray Alessandrini on his appointment as Board Chair for 2008. Finally, I would like to especially thank all students, staff and parents for welcoming me to the CBC community. It is my pleasure to work with you all. I look forward to journeying in the tradition of Edmund Rice and hopefully plenty of Dockers premierships in the years to come! Mr Robert Henderson Headmaster
Mr Terry Waddell
Chairman's Report
his is my last Chairman's Report. It may have been the custom for me to reflect . on the progress of the College during my tenure, but if you refer to last year's report, I did it then. What I would like to do is speak of three College events I witnessed during the year that speak volumes for how this College has grown, the kind of growth that gives me a strong sense of sustainability of all that we hold dear. The kind of growth that demonstrates the College has a life of its own, not dependent on an individual or individuals. The kind of growth that draws on the contributions of all, regardless how small or insignificant they may seem. (If you think the small or insignificant doesn't count, positive or negative, try sharing your bed with a mosquito). The first event was actually a series of events: the process of obtaining the funding for the next building program. My figures may not be exact, but the CEO had applications totaling something in the vicinity of $60M, but only had available funds of under $30M for schools. The Board met with a panel as did all the other schools, but it was not luck that delivered to us precisely the funding we sought. The one or two hour meeting, attended by the whole Board, was the culmination of all the strategic planning and restructuring that had been carried out over the previous five years. We were not asking for a loan, we were asking for assistance to continue to implement the strategy that had its beginnings in early 2002. The development of this strategy, this dream, this vision had had input from all the College's stakeholders including the Brothers and the CEO. The recognition given to this plan is encouraging in two ways. First, the plan is endorsed by the independent panel as viable and purposeful. And second, it enables the College to take an enormous, concrete step into continued future development of not just the site, but the College body. The second significant event I witnessed was the dinner provided to staff in recognition of the College 's award for improvement earlier this year. It could have been enough that there was a very warm and appreciative 'air' about the place. But then we were entertained by staff members reflecting on their feelings towards the College. One was quite emotional and sincere, coming straight from the heart. The second, however, while carrying a very good message, was done more in the form of a 'roast' of the leadership team. All was delivered and received in excellent taste, but what impressed me and other Board members present was the fact that staff could come together and be so open without fear of retribution or ridicule. It demonstrated the high level of respect between the staff and the leadership team and the leadership team did not hold themselves out as anything better than the team they led. This told me we had a staff that was indeed a team, a team that was capable of taking the daily nuances of teaching in its stride while moving to bigger challenges without taking itself too seriously. The final event occurred just today, December 10. During my tenure as Chairman, I have not had a son at the College. This has been quite advantageous at times as it allowed me to be impartial on many issues. However, my youngest son commences Year Eight in 2008 and today I had the pleasure of attending his orientation day with a huge number of parents and their sons. The script for the day may have taken a bit of a battering by one or two of the participants, but I would be surprised if any parent was left feeling anything but impressed and most comfortable in leaving their sons in the care of such people. The concept is fantastic because it made what could have been a traumatic experience for the boys an enjoyable event and the delivery just connected with and engaged the audience. The whole thing was just so well done. These three events signify for me that the College is moving in the right direction and has the traction to continue doing so. The College is truly in good hands. In conclusion I would like to thank our retiring Board members, Allison Gibson, Rod Cronan and Alec Connell for their valuable contribution over such a progressive stage of the College.
Mr Terry Waddell Board Chair
n October 1 2007. the Christian Brothers throughout Australia. New Zealand and Papua Guinea joined together to form a new Province named Oceania. In addition. a new body. Edmund Rice Education Australia (EREA) was formed. This body is responsible fOr the governance of the thirty-eight Edmund Rice schools throughout Australia.
n November the schools heard from Wayne Tinsey outlining what was to the next step for EREA. Below are some . . extracts from Mr Tinsey's letter.
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
The warmest of greetings from Richmond! EREA has been in existence for just on a month now and already much has happened. We are still in the process of setting up but should be in our offices in a couple of weeks. Our communications facilities aren't fully up and running as yet. Our continuing thanks go to all for their assistance and patience during this phase. The Executive has decided to use much of the time up until Christmas to move around our land, meeting as many members of the Edmund Rice family as possible. I thank all of the people we have encountered for their welcome. The charism of Edmund Rice and its ensuing vision for education is palpably present in the fabric of the school communities we have visited. I personally feel that I have come home! In the main our schools are places of much joy and hope for the future. The Jesus we proclaim described his mission as bringing life in its fullness to the whole of humankind. Recently I shared with our Principals in Queensland that a turning point in my career as a teacher came several years ago when I learned that a former student of mine committed suicide. This girl had been in my religion and home room classes for two years. I remember her as a pretty and intelligent girl but somewhat of a loner who had a troubled home life. Her Dad was very strict and didn't allow her to do many of the things that other 15 year aids at the time did. Simple things by today's standards like attend school discos and have 'sleep-overs' at friends' places. I had had other ex-students die, but the way that this girl ended her own life seemed so tragic. She, at the age of 21, having just graduated from Uni, drove herself to a quiet park in Sydney, locked the doors of her car and incinerated herself. A horrible way for anyone to die! When I heard of this girl's death I asked myself a question that I'm sure all educators ask at some time in their careers: 'What does it matter that we teach young people to read, write and do maths, when we can't teach them vital lessons on life's sacredness, meaning and purpose.? To what avail were my religion lessons when this girl didn't pick up a sense of the beauty of her own personhood? As Yeats once said: "Education is not filling a bucket but lighting a fire." Surely this fire should translate into a passion for life, meaning and purpose! You may have heard the following words before but please listen to them again. They are thoughts attributed to a Jewish school principal addressing her staff on her first day at a new school: I am a survivor of a concentration camp. My eyes have seen what no person should witness. Gas chambers built by learned engineers and children poisoned by educated physicians. Infants killed by trained nurses. Women and babies shot and killed by high school and college graduates. Oh I am suspicious of education. My only request is help your students to be human. Our efforts should never produce learned monsters, skilled psychopaths, educated Eichmanns. Reading, writing and spelling and arithmetic are only important when they serve to make our students human. It seems that we run the risk of teaching everything in the world to our young, except the most essential thing: the essence of full , creative and lived humanity. We assume that young people learn this by osmosis. But when we look around at our fragmented world, it doesn't appear to be working all that well by osmosis. I remind you of these things because Catholic education should surely stress the importance of life and full, creative and lived humanity. Jesus says of his mission: "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." This theme is surely central to our tradition. Christian faith is much more than affirmation of a particular creed or set of truths. It is a commitment to, a stance or posture towards life. From his first appearance in public, Jesus made clear that he intended to teach people how to live for the Reign of God - with love and compassion, peace and justice, holiness and freedom. His ultimate intent was that all might come to fullness of life - here and for eternity. ,. I believe that the guiding intent for all education should be humanisation in the fullest sense of the word. Should we assume that the education we prescribe for our young people prepares them not only for a complex and changing world, but also how to relate to other human beings? What about happiness and enjoyment of living? What about courage and the conquest of fear? What about peace of mind, the ability to give and receive love? What of confidence, self-respect and self discipline? What about hope for the future and contentment in later years? In his book 'Bus 9 to Paradise', American educator Leo Buscaglia asks us to reflect on what constitutes an 'educated person'. He is certain that becoming a truly educated person is not dependent upon years of formal schooling or university study. Buscaglia suggests that we will have been only half educated unless we have acquired a sense of human dignity and worth, an appreciation of life, the ability to give and receive love, the knowledge of how to use our limited time wisely, and the determination to leave the world a better place for our having been in it. Christian mission implies participation in God's offer of salvation for the whole world, and the world, which craves this salvation. If mission is understood in this way, salvation then is as broad and deep as the needs of human existence. "Saved from what?" one of my students once asked. The Gospel teaches that we can be saved from meaninglessness and purposelessness. This is 'Good News' is an age of pessimism and anxiety. It's particularly 'Good News' for our young people, many of whom are perishing due to lack of meaning and purpose. So friends, let's make our Edmund Rice schools temples to human potential, oases in the midst of despair and lack of hope. St Irenaeus proposed that the glory of God can be seen in a human being fully alive. I think he was implying that human life can be a journey into 'divine likeness'. What a possibility! What a challenge and inspiration for Christian education! With every best wish, Wayne Tinsey
Mr Frank
Norton ~
Deputy Headmaster - Studies
007 has been a year of consolidation at CBC Fremantle. The aim
has been to ensure that the initiatives undertaken over the last five years become embedded in the College culture. This is not to say the College has been standing still. Much planning has been undertaken in readiness for two streams of Year 7 students entering the College in 2009 and the next building stage which is to begin in 2008. Further, the Centre for Teaching Excellence facility has been designed and implemented as has the College wireless laptop program and centre. Once again our 2006 Year 12 students procduced pleasing results. The College achieved 100% Graduation and fell inside the top 22% of schools in all the major league table statistics. Amongst the Catholic schools in the State, the Average Median TES Scores 2001 - 2006 College finished fourth on Median TES Year Average Score Position amongst score. Catholic Sch . The table demonstrates the wonderful progress made by the College on this measure over the last five years. While we all know this is only one of many measures that constitute an excellent school, it is none the less a most significant result and one of which the boys, staff and College community can
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
69.35 78.15 79.15 79.35 85.30 86.20
29 th 15th 13 th 17th
6th 4 th
feel justifiably proud.
On 17th November, the College held its Awards Night to celebrate the many achievements of the young men at the College. Over 230 boys received either Certificates of Merit or First in Subject Awards. Given the difficulty in achieving these awards (with only one boy receiving a first in each subject and the need to achieve 80% or greater "Excellent" or "High" ratings in all their reports for the year to gain a Certificate of Merit) this is a fabulous result. It represents 38% of the boys in the College. 50% appears to still be a realistic aim. In February the College was announced as a winner of the Highly Commended Award in the Excellence in School Improvement category for the Australian Government National Awards for Quality Schooling. The funds from the award have been used to improve the quality of teaching being undertaken at the College. State of the art recording and viewing equipment has been installed in a room (Centre for Teaching Excellence) whereby a lesson can be viewed or recorded on DVD. Staff are then able to examine the teaching and learning being undertaken in their classrooms and discuss possible areas of improvement. We believe this is the first such facility in a WA school. We are currently in discussion with the University of Notre Dame, School of Education, seeking to make maximum benefit from this facility. 2008 will see the College continue to implement the Catholic Leadership and University
Preparatory Programs. New Courses of Study in Upper School will be introduced as will the continuing planning for incoming Year 7 students and the building program in 2009 already mentioned. To our wonderful staff who continue to give their all in terms of effort and time, the continuing successes of the College are a testament to your dedication. Finally to our young men who make our efforts at the College so worthwhile, have a great holiday. In 2008 we will ask more of you in all facets of College life. Mr Frank Norton Deputy Headmaster - Studies
Mr Darren O'Neill Deputy Headmaster - Students
n sitting down to write this report, I was relieved to take some time out in order to reflect on the busy year past. All too often, it seems, we can become entrenched in the daily business of school life and miss the opportunities to notice the 'many exciting things that are happening around us. There is a real sense of belonging to a community that is moving forward, and planned developments for the next few years suggest that the journey forward will continue to be an exciting one. The College has continued to increase the standards expected of our boys. By 'raising the bar' we are challenging the boys to raise their sights, strive for excellence and move closer to achieving their full potential. As the Deputy Headmaster, my role requires me to work closely with the boys and their families on a daily basis. In doing so, I am able to closely monitor the progress of the boys and gauge how they are responding to the increased standards expected of them. It is pleasing to see that the vast majority of our boys are meeting such challenges, continually working to improve themselves and getting 'reward for effort' in the process. This is reflected outwardly in higher exam results, continued success in music, art and sport and a greater participation in extra-curricular activities and service programs. Inwardly, this is reflected in the boys' behaviour, work ethic and self pride. In essence, I believe that the boys are developing a real sense of purpose and a willingness to strive for continual improvement - important qualities for young men to possess. The ongoing analysis of all the term reports has allowed the College Pastoral Team to examine the general work ethic and application of each student. Based on the Student Performance Indicators given for each subject, a percentage score of positive indicators ('high" or "excellent") and a percentage score of negative indicators ("inconsistent" or "needs attention ") is calculated for each student. This student report analysis has seen the formation of a comprehensive data base that has proved most useful in motivating the boys to achieve higher standards. An examination of the five year period of this report analysis shows a significant increase in the number of boys performing in a positive way and a corresponding decrease in the number of boys performing in a negative manner. This is shown in the table below which provides a snapshot of the Report Analysis Data for 'Term Two' from 2003 to 2007. Report Analysis Data for Term 2: 2003-2007
Indicator Boys Performing In a 'poslhve manner' (80% Indicators as High or better). Boys performing in a 'negative manner' (20% Indicators as Inconsistent or worse)
+135 (102%)
-59 (69%)
The College continues to offer a diverse range of opportunities for our boys to be involved in many different forms of education and College life. The number of sporting teams continues to grow and the success of our ACC Squads at Swimming (1'1 place), Cross Country (2nd) and Athletics (2nd) is testimony to the hard work of the boys and the coaching staff. A number of academic and homework help clubs continue to flourish and boys are involved in fitness and weights groups both before and after school. The Retreat programs continue to evolve allowing boys to explore aspects of their personal faith journey - the highlight being the extraordinary experience of the Kairos retreat for our senior boys. A significant growth in the number of College Tours has also occurred. This year we have had groups of boys and dedicated staff and parents attend a Music Tour to Mt. Gambier, a Rugby Tour to Queensland and a Tour of Italy. Other tours to Gallipoli and the World youth Day in Sydney are planned for 2008 and initial plans are underway for a literary tour of London in 2009. Such tours provide invaluable experiences for our boys and opportunities -for them to display their knowledge, learn wonderful .' lessons and enjoy the culture of other places. CBC Fremantle offers many opportunities for boys to be involved in a wide range of activities outside of the 'normal' classroom experience; This allows boys to develop important skills, demonstrate responsibility and learn in meaningful ways. Amidst all of the recent developments at the College and exciting plans for the future, a special sense of spirit and community of CBC Fremantle still exists. It is often seen at special College events where staff, parents and students come together. It was very evident in the reverence of our College Opening Mass, in the excitement of the Senior Ball, the warmth of the Mother's Day morning tea, in the gathering of fathers and their sons at the Father's Day breakfast and in the tears and pride of the Graduation Mass and Ceremony. At all such events, and in the genuine way in which the boys approach the everyday tasks of school life, the sense of spirit is very real and must remain as the College moves into the future . I thank the boys for their efforts and the parents for their ongoing support of the College. In closing, I acknowledge the work of the College staff throughout the year. In the community it is widely recognised that the College has a good system of Pastoral Care. Such a system only exists because of the genuine care shown by the staff for the welfare of the boys. All staff members are encouraged to communicate regularly with parents in order to discuss the progress of the boys. The Mentor Teachers in particular, provide an important and consistent link between school and home. Their concern for the boys is an integral part of the Pastoral Care system . The Heads of House, other Pastoral Team members and the Office staff work tirelessly in helping the boys. I would like to thank them all for their invaluable contribution and genuine care for our boys. It is very much part of the spirit of CBC Fremantle that I spoke of earlier. Mr Darren O'Neill Deputy Headmaster - Students
Mr Mark Tannock Deputy Headmaster - Catholic Leadership
007 witnessed the first year of implementation of the College's Catholic Leadership Program.
The College's Strategic Plan, launched in 2006, defined CBC Fremantle's new mission - that of the formation of young Catholic leaders. Central to this is the focus on the role of the school as a carriage of Catholicism and addressing the needs of the Church to connect with youth . Our vision as a community is young men who have an active faith and who, as Catholic leaders, are agents of change in creating a more just society. While still embryonic, the Catholic Leadership Program has resulted in the extension of existing faith formation initiatives and the establishment of new innovative programs designed to encourage a personal sense of God in each boy's life. An experience of the Eucharist lies at the centre of any truly authentic Catholic lifestyle. Under the leadership of Mr Sandro Sandri, CBC Fremantle boys continue to be provided with regular opportunities for sacramental celebration. Additionally, the College's Retreat program continues to provide boys with an opportunity to temporarily remove themselves from the rigour of school life and to find time for quiet contemplation of Christ and His love for them. The Yr 12 Kairos retreats are the highlight of this program and another fifty one boys had the opportunity to journey on this special experience in 2007. Divinity classes from Yr 8-12 were introduced to new textbooks that allowed for a more structured, relevant and rigorous program of religious education. Under the leadership of Mr Peter Baldry, students in each of these classes have undertaken a deep understanding of the salvific message of the Gospel and the rich tradition of the Catholic Church and its teachings. Additionally, there has been a renewed focus upon Blessed Edmund Rice, his ministry and his relevance to lives of all students in Edmund Rice schools such as CBC Fremantle. All students in Yrs 8-12 are required to be involved in our Catholic Service & Justice program. Head of Catholic Service & Justice, Mr Mark Walawski and Br Warwick Bryant have ensured that all students are experiencing the rich rewards that come from serving one's fellow man. Our service programs have seen continued involvement with home-community organisation, charities and parishes. For the second successive year CBC Fremantle continued its partnership with the Kiwirrkurra Aboriginal community in the Western Desert region of the eastern Pilbara. A group of CBC boys travelled to Kiwirrkurra for a week in Edmund Term (2) and gained a deep understanding of the experience of those living in traditional and remote communities such as this. Our commitment to Indigenous education was also evidenced when a young man from the Pumnu Aboriginal community joined the CBC community for six months. Kerwin Miller proved himself as a young man of great intellect and charisma whom we hope to see returning to the College in the near future . Life Skills classes in Yrs 8-10 provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to navigate through the often perilous adolescent years. An emphasis upon resilience and the capacity for boys to make wise decisions make this program - taught by Mr Mark Clayden and the PE & Health Learning Area - a vital component of the College's Catholic Leadership focus. The development of leadership through the recognition and celebration of student achievement saw the system of Colours and Honours further refined in 2007. 114 students in Years 8-11 received honours and colours for performance in 2006 and 41 students in Yr 12 in 2007. Additionally, the College's end of year awards were modified to recognise a wider variety of student pursuits. The College's preeminent awards - the Edmund Rice Awards for Catholic Leadership - were given to six Yr 12 students: Enrico D'Annunzio, Jamie D'Abreu, Daniel Germinario, Scott Reid, Jordan Tirli and Sam Zeigelaar. Congratulations to these boys. We look forward to further development of the Catholic Leadership Program in 2008. This will include the provision of a Catholic Manhood Program for all boys in Years 11 and 12. Perhaps the most exciting event for the Church in Australia for some generations, World youth Day, will be hosted in Sydney in July and CBC Fremantle will be sending a group of boys as pilgrims. Additionally, the College will be hosting the World youth Day Cross and Icon on Wednesday May 21. This will be an opportunity for the College to provide a powerful example of Christian witness within the local Fremantle community. Mr Mark Tannock Deputy Headmaster - Catholic Leadership
Mr Tony Pifos Business and Administration Manager
college budget is completed for CBC Fremantle each year and this provides a template to guide and control the financial activities of the College for the school year. .
Detail of budgeted income and expenditure for 2007 is provided herewith from the Business and Administration Manager as information to the CBC Fremantle community. Income and expenditure are matched in the budget formulation with no surplus or deficit identified. The budget identifies all College expenditure ranging from the expenses fundamental to the operations of the College such as utilities and maintenance to the more variable expenses for staff development such as Professional cac FREMANTLE 2007 BUDGET Development to the most identifiable expense being teacher RECURRENT INCOME $6.6 MILLION salaries. College spending allocation provides capacity to Facitities provide the funding necessary for the sound educational, 3% Fees cultural and personal development of our boys. Generally 2007 fee increases have been kept to the minimum recommended level with year level and subject fees showing very little increase from 2006. CBC fees remain significantly lower than all other metropolitan boys' schools. Tuition fees have been increased the minimum recommended amount 7% . Levies such as the ICT Levy introduced in 2006 and the Building Levy remain unchanged for 2007. The continuation of the capital works program in the College allows for the provision of the Laptop Booking Room.
Additionally the upgrade of one classroom, PE2, which will become a Teaching Observation Room providing capacity for w~s teachers to view themselves teaching or for the observation '---_ _ _----"''''--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ of teaching practice as part of a teacher mentoring role and as part of a wider mentoring role proposed by the College through Notre Dame University and ECU. A refurbishment of the LOTE and Music Rooms in Edmund Hall will provide an area for the Catholic Leadership Program in the College. Other small projects have also been completed during 2007. All financial endeavours in the College are directed to the provision of the optimum educational opportunities for our boys, utilising to the maximum scarce financial resources provided in part from a tight financial control though the budgeting process. Mr Tony Pitos Business & Administration Manager
Scott Reid College Captain Good Evening Father Sherman, Mr Henderson, Staff, Family, distinguished guests and the graduating class of 2007. Tonight is a significant moment in the lives of the young men of the 2007 graduating class. It marks the end of our schooling education, but more importantly the beginning of our journey into a bigger, more unforgiving world where we no longer have the nurturing care of our school to look over our shoulder. It marks the end of one journey and the beginning of another, it is an exciting and nervous time as we eagerly await the next phase in our lives, but it's also a time to reflect on where we have come from and the people who have been such an important part of the journey so far. Of course our time began here five years ago when so many faces were unknown, the gym seemed so much bigger and the teachers so much scarier. It 's hard to believe that was five years ago and even more remarkable to witness how much we have all developed and grown since that time into the fine young men ready to graduate before you today. While tonight is such a special occasion for the graduating class, it is also of great significance for our parents. Firstly I would like to thank each and every parent for allowing me to get to know your sons. I must say it has been an honour and a privilege and you should all be very proud of them. On behalf of the graduating class I would like to say thankyou for the devotion, care and unconditional love that you have provided - not to mention the cost in excursions, uniforms, petrol, school fees, lunches and the list goes on, but I'm sure that every cent was worth it and I hope that you know that your sons are forever grateful. Of course, being young men together over five years, there have been countless unforgettable memories. Over time we have developed great relationships with each other, leading to many great memories and many great laughs. Something that will always stick in my mind was on a trip to the beach in Year 11, with Dave Hodgkin leading the entire back of the bus in a great rendition of "I will survive". This would have looked very strange to anybody passing by but we were all enjoying ourselves. We also marvelled at the dance floor talents of Sean Perer at the Ball, and I will never forget Denver Forsdike's ability to argue, especially when it comes to talking about his beloved Eagles on a Monday morning, or a Tuesday morning for that matter, in fact any day of the week. Perhaps most of all, we will miss just the simplicity of day to day school life, being with our friends each day, meeting in the same spot, sitting under the same tree and following the simple traditions that only we understand. Hopefully tonight will spark many more of these great memories and I hope that in years to come we will be able to get together and say, "Remember when this happened?" These are the memories that will last in my mind, long after the memory of what osmosis is or what grades we got in Year 11. We will remember the relationships and bonds that we have formed with each other and the great moments that we shared. This graduating class with its varying personalities and faces also has a great array of talents that will no doubt serve them in later life: Rick Guerini with his freakish sporting ability, Peter Dawson with his talents in art as well as his devotion to the Aboriginal cause and Jordan Mulroney with his constant compassion and desire to help others less fortunate than himself to name a few. These talents have been reflected in the past year and will continue to be reflected in the upcoming TEE. Tonight we have already seen some our music talents and throughout the year the group has consistently achieved on the sporting field. This year saw our swimming team win the ACC carnival, along with seconds at the cross country and athletics carnivals. We were also successful in winning both football and basketball competitions and various other events.
While these are important it is the calibre of good people that is a true representation of this group, with each and every member holding his own talents and personality that they have brought to our lives. Our five years here would not be possible without the support of the wonderful staff. Not only have they provided us with an education, they have set us up to be great young men. Tonight is yet another example of their commitment and devotion to their job. With their constant support and care, they have ensured that our time here was not only beneficial but also highly enjoyable. Thank yous must go to the leadership team of Mr Henderson, Mr O'Neill, Mr Norton and Mr Tannock, as well as Mr McFadden for his work in our first four years . Thank you also to Father Sherman for his devoted work in developing our Christian faith. I would also like to thank all the staff, all of whom deserve to be individually recognised for their continued support and guidance and I hope that the graduating class takes the time to individually thank their teachers and all those who have contributed to their time here. As I said earlier, today marks the end of our schooling and the beginning of our step into the open world. Our journey has brought us together to this point, now we will separate and go our different ways. Next year some will go to various Universities, some will go to TAFE, some will travel, some will get apprenticeships and some will get jobs in the workforce. Inevitably these will lead to many careers in different industries. I know that you will all become good at whatever you do. More importantly I know that you will all become good fathers, good brothers, good sons, uncles, husbands and generally just good men. This will be the legacy of your time at CBC Fremantle. Gentlemen, I must say it has been an absolute honour to know and work with you . I wish you and your families all the best in your future endeavours. As you live fu ll and rich lives never forget where you came from, never forget your school and most importantly never forget your mates. In closing, on behalf of the graduating class of 2007, I would now like to present a gift to the College, and I'd ask Father Sherman to accept it on the College 's behalf. Thank you Scott Reid College Captain
Mrs Elaine Everett President Music Parents' Committee he CBC Music Parents' Group is the framework of support for the busy music program at CBC Fremantle. .
The highlight of this year's program has been the Mt Gambier Tour, in which the Big Bands and Jazz Orchestra had the opportunity to perform at a national level. The standard of this competition was very high and exposed our boys to performances of their peers that they could aspire to. Other performances included the "Jazz on the Swan", held for the first time at the Swan Yacht Club, and the Visual & Performing Arts Festival at the Fremantle Town Hall. Both events were successful in their own right and are a credit to the organisational support of the Music Parents' Group. The year gone would not have been as successful without the continuing guidance and support of Mr Shane Mancuso. He, as always, is crucial in the development of the boys' musical careers and for this we offer our heartfelt thanks and appreciation. We also would like to offer our appreciation to the school for their support of our program, especially the tour to Mt Gambier. The Music Program and CBC are well known throughout the community and we are grateful to the staff and school for its continuing support of such an important part of our boys' lives. Thankyou to all the wonderful parents, who offer their time and efforts for all events and necessary tasks to ensure the smooth running of this program. We look forward to new and old parents contributions throughout 2008.
Mrs Elaine Everett President
Mr George Ayres President Old Boys' Association WOUld first like to thank our whole Old Boys' Committee for a wonderful job done during the last twelve months. A very special thank you goes to our new co-coordinator Fiona Williams. This lady has a real appetite for work. I would also like to congratulate 'and thank the new headmaster, Mr Robert Henderson, who has stepped into some very big shoes and he is showing everyone that he knows how to wear them. We thought that when David McFadden and Claire left us last year that we were in for a torrid time, but the transition has been absolutely magnificent.
Rob was the instigator of the new Old Boys' tie and we are now happy to announce that at least forty boys are the proud owners of our tie. We should all be very proud to be known as Old Boys of CBC Fremantle, a title that is steeped in real history. We have produced many talented academics as well as a host of top sportsmen and some very good musicians. We enjoyed a terrific over-65s morning tea and this function was filled to capacity. There was not one person to attend this function who came away feeling he had not truly enjoyed his effort to attend. The food was absolutely great and no-one left there feeling hungry. Some have suggested that we should have it every year instead of every second year. This result was the sole effort of Fiona Williams. We had successful ten and twenty-five year reunions and the people who did not make the effort were the losers. A five year reunion was tried but we did not receive enough people to make it viabl~.
We also had a very good golf day with the staff; unfortunately this was not well attended by our Old Boys. I am sure that we have numerous Old Boys who are golfers or even capable of playing a good social game of golf. We did have a few of our Old Boys come down and join us and make this a memorable day. We may even look at having this event twice a year, if we have the numbers. A final thank you goes to the Board Chairman, Mr Terry Waddell, as he completes six years Of real hard labour. When you look at what he and his team have achieved he has done a magnificent job and leaves the school in a far better state than when he took over. Our big commitment each year is the funding of the James McGowan Bursary, which is now costing around $3000. Another group that we support is the Edmund Rice Camps. Our list of deceased members also seems to be growing and it is with deep regret that we mourn the passing of Mr Brian Lawrence, Mr Con Regan, Mr Claude LoPresti, Mr George Grljusich, Mr Les Buckley and Mr Donald Heap. One final request is to hopefully co-opt some of the younger brigade onto our committee. If you feel that you could assist us to organise all the above and you only spend a couple of hours every two months we would love to hear from you. Have a happy, holy and healthy Christmas and New Year 2008 Mr George Ayres President
Richard Acquado
Marcel La Macchia
Michael Pirozzi
Ameer Randhawa
Jordan Mulroney
Daniel Aguiar
Matthew Blom
Matthew Browne
Daniel Germinario
James Hughes
Mel O'Neill-King
Christopher Pink
Ryan Taylor
Richard Anderson
Paul Bonavia
Kurt Funnekotter
Umberto Gargaro
Peter Hyde
Philip Orescanin
Christopher Pietroniro
Daviq Bremer
Enrico D' Annunzio
Adam Faria
Denver Forsdike
Peter Gibson
Adam Guagliardo
Michael Lapedota
Edward Suryawinata
Jonathon Symonds
Matthew McConnell
Nicholas Atturo
Manfredo Boni
Matthew Cammarano
John-Paul Bourke
Luke Canicais
Wolfe Connor
Jamie De Abreu
Michael De Luca
Mitchell Lewis
Jack McNulty
Stuart Moore
Ronan Murphy
Phillip Riddler
Sam Tunnicliff
Rowan Broadbent
Andrew Boyle
Owen Connolly
Brent Featherby
David Hodgkin
Rhys Cook
Alec Dixon
Matthew Johns
Nicholas Kilburn
Anthony Maher
Ryan Martin
Christopher Moro
Ryan Oliver
Sean Perer
Benjamin Pink
Daniel Preston
Scott Reid
Gabriele Lanzora
Adrian Lomma
Kristian Pommer
Adrian Ricciardi
f( . . tJ....
Benjamin Shugg
Liam Stevenson
Joel Thornton
I¡.-. ~ . . . ..
Mitchell Tolman
Samuel Ziegelaor
Michael LAPEDOTA Anthony MAHER Stuart MOORE Christopher MORO Ronan MURPHY Ryan OLIVER Dennis OSTI Sean ,PERER Benjamin PINK Christopher PINK Michael PIROZZI Ameer RANDHAWA Scott REID Brendan SHUGG Edward SURYAWINATA Sam TUNNICLIFF Luke ZAGAMI Samuel ZlEGELAAR
Subject Award in Engineering 2A/2B Subject Award in Technical Graphics Subject Award in Economics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Interactive Media .Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in History Subject Award in Art Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English 2A/2B Subject Award in Senior Science Subject Award in Modelling with Maths Subject Award in Outdoor Education Subject Award in Work Studies Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Art & Design Subject Award in Geography Subject Award in INSTEP Subject Award in Applicable Mathematics Subject Award in Calculus Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English Literature Subject Award in Accounting Subject Award in Biology Subject Award in Chemistry Subject Award in Furniture Design & Tech Subject Award in Economics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Human Biology Subject Award in Japanese Subject Award in English 3A/3B Subject Award in Physics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Discrete Mathematics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Physical Education Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Beliefs and Values Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit
Proxime Accessit for Vocational Studies - Peter Gibson Dux for Vocational Studies - Ryan Frost Proxime Accessit for University Studies - Matthew Johns Dux for University Studies - Sean Perer
Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Applied Info Tech 2A/2B Certificate of Merit Subject Award in History Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Technical Graphics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Human Biology Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Engineering lAll B Subject Award in Mathematics in Practice Subject Award in Physical Education Studies 1All B Subject Award in INSTEP Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Art Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Beliefs and Values Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Japanese Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English Literature Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Geometry & Trigonometry Subject Award in Introductory Calculus Subject Award in Chemistry Subject Award in Physics Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Foundations of Mathematics Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Accounting Subject Award in Economics Subject Award in Political & Legal Studies Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Art & Design Subject Award in Geography Subject Award in Biology Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English 1All B Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English 1C/lD Subject Award in Applied Info Tech lAll B Subject Award in Furniture Design & Tech Subject Award in.Outdoor Education Subject Award in Senior Science Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English 2A/2B
Proxime Accessit for Vocational Studies - Damien Gill Dux for Vocational Studies - Mitchell Vickridge Proxime Accessit for University Studies - Joel Nibali Dux for University Studies - Alesio Lanzara
Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Italian Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Visual Art Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Divinity Subject Award in Metal Technology Subject Award in Technical Graphics Subject Award in Woodwork Technology Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Physical Education Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Japanese Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Electronics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Outdoor Education Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Music Subject Award in Mathematics Subject Award in Science Subject Award in Society & Environment Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in sports Science Subject Award in Drama Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in English Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Info. & Comm. Technology Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Divinity Subject Award in Food Technology Subject Award in Life Skills Certificate of Merit
Proxime Accessit - Jake·Thornton Dux - Jeremy Peris
Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Engineering Certificate of Merit Robert BEAVER Subject Award in Drama Certificate of Merit Thomas BERNARDI Certificate of Merit Joshua BOARDMAN Certificate of Merit Gian BOTTOLI Subject Award in Italian Certificate of Merit Luke BOWDEN Certificate of Merit Stephen BUNCE Certificate of Merit Jacob CHANCE Subject Award in Sport Science Subject Award in Info. & Peter CHRISTIE Comm. Technology Certificate of Merit Joshua CICANESE Certificate of Merit Callam COX Certificate of Merit Jack CRANSWICK Subject Award in Music Certificate of Merit Joseph CUCCOVIA Certificate of Merit Jordan CULLY Certificate of Merit Patrick DA ROZA Certificate of Merit Jake D'ASCANIO Certificate of Merit Brendan D'CRUZ Certificate of Merit Cameron DE FARIA Certificate of Merit Brandon DE FLORENCAS Certificate of Merit Anthony DODOS Certificate of Merit Linton DOOHAN Certificate of Merit Michael DURKAN Certificate of Merit Ryan EDWARDS Certificate of Merit Jayson FERNANDES Subject Award in Divinity Subject Award in Science Subject Award in Japanese Certificate of Merit Jean-Paul FOO James FOSDICK-MCGRATH Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Adam GARCES Certificate of Merit Matthew GEORGE Certificate of Merit William GRANT Subject Award in Physical Education Certificate of Merit Timothy GREEN Certificate of Merit !Janiel HALL Certificate of Merit Joseph HAYDEN Certificate of Merit Isaac HUEY Certificate of Merit Stefano IUSTINI Subject Award in English Subject Award in Society & Environment Certificate of Merit Michael JOHNS Certificate of Merit Jake LEICESTER Certificate of Merit Alessandro LEREDE Certificate of Merit Louis LlTVINS-SALTER Certificate of Merit Adelmo MANCINI Certificate of Merit John MARIANI Subject Award in Technical Graphics
Matthew MCGARRY Russell MCGAW Samuel MCLEOD
Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Food Technology Subject Award in Visual Art Subject Award in Wood Technology . Ct?rtificate of Merit Subject Award in Outdoor Education Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Life Skills Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Electronics Subject Award in Mathematics Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit
Proxime Accessit . Jayson Fernandes Dux . Stefano lustini
Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Mathematics Certificate of Merit Lachlan CAMPBELL Certificate of Merit Harrison COLLIER Certificate of Merit Jake COLLINS Subject Award in English Subject Award in Design & Tech (Electronics) Certificate of Merit Peter CRAIG Subject Award in Music Mitchell CRANSWICK Certificate of Merit Nicholas D'ANDREA Certificate of Merit Joshua DART Certificate of Merit Jordi DAVIESON Certificate of Merit Corey DREWE Certificate of Merit Blake ELLIS Certificate of Merit Jordie FIENBERG Subject Award in Design & Tech (Engineering) Subject Award in Visual Art Michael FLANAGAN Certificate of Merit Luke GADD Certificate of Merit Jeremy GILL Subject Award in Drama Subject Award in Japanese Subject Award in Design & Tech (Computing) Certificate of Merit Nicholas GRANT Certificate of Merit Christopher HANRATIY Certificate of Merit Dillon HELLMRICH Subject Award in Science Certificate of Merit James HUGHES Ryder KENNINGTON-BIRCH Certificate of Merit Subject Award in Food Technology Certificate of Merit Morgan KEYTE Subject Award in Design & Tech (Woodwork) Samual LOWRIE RODDA Certificate of Merit Giacomo LUCIVERO Certificate of Merit . Richard MARTINELLI Certificate of Merit Kaiden MATERA Subject Award in Physical Education Taylor MERRUTIA Certificate of Merit James MORGAN Subject Award in Reading Program Adam OLSZEWSKI Certificate of Merit Thomas O'SULLIVAN Certificate of Merit Daniel PARISH Certificate of Merit Alex PERERA Certificate of Merit David RYAN Certificate of Merit Matthew RYDER Subject Award in Italian Roberto SCAFIDI Certificate of Merit Martti SIITONEN Certificate of Merit Ashley SKINNER Certificate of Merit Jake SPITERI Certificate of Merit Glen STRUGNELL Certificate of Merit Jack STURGEON Certificate of Merit Blake THOMPSON Certificate of Merit Hamish TURNER Certificate of Merit Joel TURNER Certificate of Merit Jackson WIERINGA Certificate of Merit Gabriel WRIGHT Subject Award in Divinity Subject Award in Life Skills Subject Award in Society & Environment Declan ALLEN Jack BOWRA Anthony BRENNAN Jamie BRIGGS Lance BROCKWAY
Proxime Accessit . Lance Brockway Dux . Corey Drewe
ur Immersion Program to Kiwirrkurra this year was a program of acceptance, camaraderie and greater immersion into the culture of the Pintubi people of the Gibson Desert, and I commend our boys (Jordan Mulroney, Chris Atturo, Lewis Sinclair, Toby Hill, Deaglan Harney, Bryce Wilson and Simon Crofts) for their fantastic commitment and effort towards the our reconciliation initiative.
Our project was to erect shade areas within the community and the men's lore area, with this simple task promoting reconciliation and respect for the boys of our CBC Fremantle. No one can fully appreciate the bond that occurred between the men of Kiwirrkurra and the boys of our College. We can never appreciate the privilege of being allowed into the 'sacred space' of the Pintubi men of Kiwirrkurra; however, our boys can. In brief, the Immersion Project involving a select number of dedicated CBC students not only maintained but further established elements of friendship, bonding, Christian service and cultural exchange. These are only a selection of the 'riches' that the students and Pintubi people share and
boys' testimonials indicate the ho 9 iRvited to be a part of the more sa(:red people - something not
~he outreach of the project is
sharing of experiences and the pMicipants prqvide to peers, family school and I J community ,,-~o. and meanifIJig of reconciliation wider and broader.
~~ Kiwirrkurra Immersion project certainly defines reconciliation as a two way process of acceptance, respect and sharing. I
CBC fremantle has once again attained rd this year based on our strong commitment 'lto the Kiwirrkurra community which has nstrated the College's continuance t01"efurn ,. . . .........,w.I''\:, the community annually so as to not only strengthen the bonds initially developed, give significance to the existence and place our Indigenous brothers play in the develo ur Aus!Ialian culture. In a sense, our KiwifrkurrEllmmersion Project is starting to lose its project and embody more what and how can be actioned in the true sense of the
CBC Fremantle Annual 2007
I found it difficult to sit still in the classroom to getting out into the worfd'orce and allowed me to go out one day a week in the Garbin's plumbing and gas firm. I did a lot of digging. many other skills. Tony was very happy with my work ethic and at the end of the ".:..,....,.",+...,.:. offered me an apprenticeship. I thought a1l my Christmases had come once. I'm now out in the workplace fulltime and enjoying every minute of it. I have happy memories of CBC.
JACK TIMEWELL In Year 10 I went for an interview to get into the College's Instep program to start a placement at the beginning of Year ll. f was keen to be an electrician and I was placed with Pearman Electrical for the first semester. I really enjoyed the experience of workirlg with other people in the world of work. I did not just observe what was going on in the workplace. I was taught and became very competent in many skills in¡the industry. It was good to be part of a team. I'm grateful for the opportunity that Instep gave me. I will work with an electrician during the school holidays to gain further experience.
JAMES HUGHES Year 12 I wanted to be a construction electrician and Br Murray placed me with Bradley Poore Electrical. Brad is the proprietor of the business. and was also a former Instep student of Br Murray's at CBC Fremantle. I've certainly gained a lot of experience in the industry and stayed with Brad in the second semester. as he asked me if I would become an apprentice to his firm. As soon as the school year finishes I will take up the offer of the apprenticeship. I am very grateful to Br Murray and the Instep program for helping me make my dream come true .
... CBC Fremantle Annual 2007
CBC Fremantle Annual 2007
Starting at Front Left hand side: Conor Hussein, Joshua Keyte, James McNaught, Alessandro Lerede, Anthony Dodos, Massimo lustini, Cion Noonan, Dylan Walker, Mark Coates, Jack Cranswick, Andreas Biddiscombe, Mitchell Lewis, Jeremy Peris, Felix Mackenzie-Rae, Mitchell Cranswick, Luke Walker, Vincent Buchanan- Simpson, Callum Laird , Brett Becker, John Mariani, Jamie Beros, Michael Durkan, Niall Sinott, Laurence Do Luz, Joseph Hanratty, Jake Suriano Conductor:
Shane Mancuso
Andreas Biddiscombe, Vincent Buchanan-Simpson, John Mariani
Seated :
Brett Becker, James McNaught, Alex Macadie
Shane Mancuso
CDC JAZZThirdORCH£STRA Row: Peter Allen, Tim Everett, Michael De Luca , Jonathon Symonds, Alex Macadie, Alex Van Der List Second Row:
Jack Palmer, Jack Cranswick, Gabriel Godson , Jake Lipman, Jake Galiano, Brett Becker
Front Row:
Ryan Doig, Adrian, Vinci. Dylan Walker, Anthony Dodos, Andrew Reid
Shane Mancuso
Tim Everett, Alex Macadie, Michael De Luca, Vincent Buchanan-Simpson
Front Row:
Peter Alian, Laurance Da Luz, Jake Galiano, Jake Suiano
Shane Manc uso
Antonia Muco, Louis Trouchet, Raif Douthwaite, Hamish Turner, Russell McGaw, Cameron Dunn
Second Row:
Conor Hussein, Cameron Schier, James McNaught, Matthew Ryder, Declan Allen, Blake Thompson
Front Row:
Mitchell Cranswick, Joel Turner, Joshua Clarke, Alessandro Lerede, Mark Coates
Simon Styles
CDC COll£G£ CHD1R Second Row:
Massimo lustini, Jeremy Peris, Joseph Hanratty, Dylan Walker, Alex Van Der List, Jayson Fernandes
Front Row:
Mitchell Cranswick, Alex Perera, Christopher Hanratty, Blake Thompson, James McNaught, Anthony Dodos, Jack Cranswick, Jake Lipman, James Potter-Brown
Kate Young
CDC GV1TAR £NS£MDl£ 1 Third Row:
Nicholas Minuta, Nicholas Gardner, Christopher McDonald
Second Row:
Louis Litvins- Salter, Andrew Reid, Thomas Bernardi
Front Row:
Lachlan Shaw, Lachlan Mc Donald, Jarrad Rigo
Kim Anning
CDC GV1TAR £NS£MDl£ 2 Second Row:
Joel Turner, William Bockman, Lachlan McDonald, Lachlan Shaw
Front Row:
Dillon Hellmrich, Luke Walter, Mac O'Donnell
Kim Anning
CBC Fremantle Annual 2007 65
Third Row: Absent:
Peter Craig, Timothy Green, Harrison Russell. David Ryan, Ashley Ganley, Samual Lowrie-Rodda, Martti Siitonen Patrick Johnston, Liam Windsor, Luke Misic, Joshua Surjan, Domenic Chiellini. Richard Acquado, Cameron De Faria Christopher Pink, Michael Pirozzi. Peter Allan, Nicolas Minuta, Luke De Sousa, Adam Jolly Oliver Alessandrini. Matthew McGarry, Blaine Watson, John Winter
Vanessa Newton
Second Row:
Brandon Garces, Max Armstrong, Jacob Hill. George Curnow, James Allison, Lyle Slaney, Adam Hill. Declan Allen Declan Spencer, Matthew Jensen , Nicholas Gardner, Blade Winmar, Samuel Monaco, Daniel Hall. Thomas Jobson Joshua Prince, Adrian Vinci, Reuben Cranny, Liam Allen, Jordan Mcintosh, Alex Consolati, Jordan Mulroney Daniel Aguiar, Gabriel De Guzman
Ben Grose
Second Row: Third Row:
Seated Row:
Giacomo Lucivero, Sam Kagis, Anthony Dodos, Mitchell Mudie, Ryan Doig, Leon Abrusci, Matthew Bowman, Sergio Garcia Cruz Ashley Skinner, James Scott, Max McCann, Matthew Blom, Ameer Randhawa, Thomas Rowe, Daniel McLaughlin, Luca Altieri Aaron Elms, Sam Menegola, Nicholas Minutillo, Christopher Johnson, Mel O'Neill-King, Benjamin Harding, Blake Ellis Christopher Elms
Jason Matthews
Second Row: Third Row:
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Nicholas Grant, Corey Frost, Joshua Gard, Sam Perry, Marcel La Macchia , William Grant, Mitchell Donaldson, Nicholas D'Andrea, Jordie Fienberg, Jeremy Smith Zacc AmarantL Michele Baccala, Adam Harken, Gianluca Pezzino, Ryan Frost, Timothy Everett, Daniel Negri, Jeremy Peris, Carl La Macchia Jesse Maguire, Matt Masters, Troy Slaven, Darcy Sharpe, Joshua Murray, Nedo Koncurat, Craig Dunne, Steven Polgar Claudia Feldman
Michael Rotondella, Richard Martinelli. Ryan Edwards, Benjamin Stewart, Kieran Thompson, Jake Spiteri. Aidan Lewis, Christopher Lane, Linton Doohan Bradley Taylor, Niall Sinnott, James Hughes, Ryan Taylor, Ryan Mauricio, Cameron Edwards, Jordan Tirli, Joseph Hayden, Stuart Harper Jed Anderson, Luke Benoit-Spargo, Barton Thompson, James Fannon, Daniel Germinario, Matthew Browne, Matthew Glaskin, Calogero Paparella Gerard Barth, Mason Tate
Julian Smith
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Third Row: Absent:
Morgan Keyte, Jack Bowra, Joshua Keyte, James Brodie, Benjamin Smith, Harrison McClelland , Joshua Dart, Patrick Mirosevich Quinlan Marwick, Robert Azzollini. Raif Douthwaite, Ryan Boekeman, Sebastian Virtyo, Nicholas Tarquinio, Jake Leicester, Sheahan Gilday Daniel Hart, Sam King , Beau Binning, Toby Spence, Tyrone Thwaites, Andrew Fisher, Benjamin Spence Daniel Mclaughlin
Angela Calanni
Seated Row: Second Row:
Jordi Davieson, Kaiden Matera, Jake Sacco, Kurt Funnekotter, Louis Cronan, Oliver Goss, Sean Arnell-Smith, Matthew Tanian Michael Dundon, David Taylor, Jacob Whiteford, Julian Hirst, Cian Noonan, Callum Cox, Joshua McConnell Jack Palmer, Lewis Sinclair. Robert Beaver, Sebastian Hoskins, Matthew McConnell. Vincent Buchanan-Simpson, Samuel Coggin Antonio Muco
Donna Tracey
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Jacob McDonald, James McNaught, Cameron Schier, Jordan Peek, Luke Bowden, Jake Lipman, Blair Mcintosh, Blake Thompson, Harry O'Brien Matthew Bowater, Alexander Kuster, Louis Litvins-Salter, Jake Suriano, Peyton Foley, Alex Suriano, Rhys Mcintosh, Enrico D'Annunzio Bradley O'Brien, Richard Anderson, Kyle Supper, Jonathon Symonds, John Bowden, Robert Green, Julian Sherrington, Umberto Gargaro Matthew Bluett. Cameron Dunn
Andre Leicester
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Seated Row:
Michael Hyde, Cooper Sol lis, Callum Thurston, Michael Durkan, Ashley Fraser, Carlo Monaco, Mitchell Grose, Joshua Boardman Peter Hyde, Aaron Minervini. Conor Mertens, Philip Orescanin, James Jordan, Eamon O'Neil-DanieL Brett Jorgensen, Paul Bonavia Jake Gianoli, Adam Faria , Callum Knowles, Mladen Zaneta, Nicholas Ruljancich-King, Mario Lo Presti. Alexander Roelofsen Derek Brennan, Michael Dennis, Ben McKee, Nicholas Short
Geoff Buss
Seated Row:
Sam Monaghan, Thomas Boschman, Alessandro Pittorino, Conor Hussein, Jason Maskos, Lachlan Shaw, Callum MacAdie, Billy Timewell, Alessandro Lerede Peter Pais, Brendan Crew, Oliver Tinley, Adam Guagliardo, Jack Timewell. Peter Dawson , Denver Forsdike, Milad Keihanirad, Michael Ellul Anthony Boschman, Jack Di Nunzio, Jonathan Egan, Samuel King, Caine Bristow, Steven Ruggiero, Alexander MacAdie, Alexander Pearson
Second Row: Third Row:
Second Row: Third Row: Teacher:
Steve Corley
Michael Carcione, James Morgan, William Nolan, Joseph Hanratty, Jake Walker, Jordan Torquato, Christopher Hanratty, Matthew Torquato William Gannon, Fionn Breen, Alex Larsson, Batsirai Mutatiri. Andrew Emsavana, Michael Lapedota,Thomas Bernardi Edward Suryawinata, Peter Gibson, Jean-Michel Lagesse, Michael Sandford, Cian Breen, Jake Bernardi Corey Burke, Gabriel Esposito, Thomas Gannon, James Morey, Jarrad Rigo, Hamish Turner
Kathryne Baragwanath-Smith
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Matthew Wilkinson, Marc Robinson, Mitchell Brindley, Michael Pietroniro, Hugo MacKenzie-Rae, Ryan O'Dea, Christopher Carlson, Isaac Huey Josiah Worth, Christopher Pietroniro, Paul Regan, Robert Gorham, Luke Righetti, Brian Lawlor, Liam Downey, Jayson Fernandes Jordan Cully, Felix MacKenzie-Rae, Nicholas Carlson, David Bremer. Andrew Hardie, James Trimble, Daniel Carroll Patrick Prunty
Brent Butcher
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Courtney Smart, Harley Van der Wielen, Joshua Naylor, Alexander Massara, Jacob Martin, Dillon Hellmrich, Jamie Briggs, Gabriel Wright. Corey Drewe Luke Walker, Benjamin Walker, Seamus Pegum, Rick GuerinL Nicholas Rodriguez, John Fernandes, Seamus Firns, Jacob Chance Andrew Richards, Wolfe Connor, Toryn Burgess, Stuart Moore, Michael De Luca, Callum Martin, Daniel Bahbah Callum Hardie, Joseph Senzio
Don McNamee
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Jeremy Gill, Peter Christie, Toby Beeson, Selvatore Foti, Glen Strugnell, Denholm Fleming, Kieran Duggan, Lachlan Campbell, Mac O'Donnell Jordan Ricciardo, Garrett Murphy, Tony Raphael, Matthew Bunce, Alexander Thompson, Damien Gill, Stephen Bunce, Harley Balding, Mitchell Sutton Brandon De Florencas, Gabriel Godson, John-Paul Bourke, Ronan Murphy, Nicholas Atturo, Christopher Atturo, Andreas Biddiscombe, Dean Van Schalkwyk Christian Di Menna
Lisa Nagle
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Seated Row:
Second Row: Third Row:
Adam Olszewski. Jake Vinci, Jamie Tagliaferri. Brendan Reid, Alessandro Alberti. William Bockman, William Fountain, Jean-Paul Foo, Samuel Everett Kyle Hodson, Samuel Toncich, Maurice Cecora, Dennis Osti. Jack McNulty, Mitchell Vickridge, Andrew Carlson, Kaluba Chibale Travis Power, Michael Wade, Caiden Wigham, Samuel Quinn, Manfredo Boni. Tomislav Osti. Christopher McDonald, Rhys Frewin
Ray Maddison
Seated Row: Second Row:
Byron Hudson, Alex Cecchi, Kerwin Miller, Thomas Wilcox, William Clark, Tate Wall, Jordan McKay Callum Laird, Kristofer Ferguson, Gian Bottoli, Elliott Greaney, Rowan Broadbent. Phillip Riddler, Thomas O'Sullivan Luke Biondillo, Joshua Biondillo, James Fosdick-McGrath, Patrick Murtagh, Kieran Broadbent. Daniel Manganaro Niall Hogan, Craig Pyburne
Trevanna Cooper
Third Row:
Mark Coates, Erick Mclean, Luke Walter, Alexander Fico, Jordan Cicchini, Russell McGaw, Anthony Sciano, Michael Sciano, Adrian Quintiliani Luke Hussey, Daniel Wernlein, Daniel Daccache, James Potter-Brown, Jamie De Abreu, Julian Sorgiovanni, Julian Collie, Mathew Cammarano, Joel Nibali Robert Sabinasz, Nathan De Abreu, Mitchell Lewis, Luke Canicais, Robert Balint, Sheldon Mott, Andrew Cammarano, Richard Francisco David Lowry, Daniel Parish
Marius Van Dongen
Seated Row:
Alex Perera, Lachlan McDonald, Marc Zagami, Jacob Yensch, Harrison Collier, Antonino Galati-Formaggio, Matthew Crofts, Matthew PetruzZQ, Matthew Waters Cameron Eardley, David Waters, Simon Crofts, Jayden McDonald, Christopher Malone, Tyson Thornton, Kiefer Hevron, Luke Zagami William Ramsay, Joseph Tunnicliff, Jack Collier, Sam Tunnic liff, Jimmy Collier, Keanu Brennan, Taylor Merrutia Robert Storey
Zoe Francis
Seated Row:
Second Row: Third Row:
Second Row: Third Row:
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Joshua Clarke, Anthony Brennan, Christian D'Alesio, Gavin Hotz, Michael Flanagan, Carlos De Oliveira, Jacob Cook, Jack Cranswick, Brent Johnston, Mitchell Cranswick Jordan Pittorini, Brendan D'Cruz, Blake Poletti, Andrew Reid, Andrew Galloway, Christopher Moro, James D'Alesio, Brendan Shugg, Nigel Smith Scott Reid, Isaac Lake, Aidan Shugg, Ryan Oliver, Michael Panizza, Emmet Sheil, Adam Wilmot, Rhys Cook
Margaret Crommy
Seated Row:
Sam Wheatley, Jacob Hill, Richard Page, Thomas Speziali, John Mariani, Stefano lustini, Joseph Cuccovia, Jack Young, Aston Brothers Laurence Do Luz, Matthew Valsecchi, Matthew Johns, Brett Becker, Samuel Mcleod, Anthony Maher, Mark Taylor, Liam Phipps Massimo lustini, Matthew Stephen, Samuel McSevich, Jackson Gwynne, Jesse Brothers, Daniel Preston, Jake Foster
Second Row: Third Row:
Craig Carter
Seated Row:
Oliver Dixon, Nelson Rowe, Christopher Webster, Thomas Kilburn, Patrick Da Luz, Jake Ziegelaar, Connor Keane, Jack Sturgeon Brent Featherby, Alec Dixon, Adrian Daluz, Bryce Wilson, Samuel Ziegelaar, Adam Garces, Jake Galiano, Jordan Jones Adrian Ricciardi. Matthew Brennan, Adam Galiano, Andrew Boyle, Nicholas Kilburn, Jamie Sturgeon, Liam Mitchell Daniel Beros, Jamie Beros, Steven Vo, Jackson Wieringa
Joel Moss
Seated Row:
Alexander Gamba, Joseph Waters, Matthew Ryder, Stuart McKenzie, Simon Capozzi, James Stafford, Gabriele Lanzara, Braydon Ricetti. Luke Gadd James Gaudieri. John Marevich, Kristian Pammer, Ryan Calusinski. Alexander van der List, Owen Connolly, Deaglan Hamey, Patrick Da Roza Adelmo Mancini. Kevin McKenzie, Alesio Lanzara, Liam Stevenson, Igor Nujic, David Baltasar, Angus McKercher, Ryder Kennington-Birch
Second Row: Third Row:
Second Row: Third Row:
Clinton Testa
Seated Row: Second Row: Third Row:
Roberto Scafidi, Joel Turner, Daniel Lavery, Dirk Black, Luigi Celani, Matthew George, Michael Lomrna, Jake D'Ascanio, Dillon Best Cory Panizza, Ross Madaffari, Adrian Lomma, Peter Della-Bona , Patrick Hay, David Hodgkin, Mason Tolman, Sam Barber Luke Turner, Oliver Black, Toby Hill, Mitchell Tolman, Sean Perer, Hayden Perer, Jack Barber, Jordon Beacroft
Craig Jones
Seated Row:
Mitchell Dux, Benjamin Pink, Rory Gibbs, Coen Rodgers, Thomas Pether, Winton Huck, Mitchell Wake, Julian Micalizzi, Jacob De Abreu Jordan Harvie, Jake Collins, Lance Brockway, Garron Derrington, Lochran Huck, Joel Thornton, Dane McMahon, Paton White Dylan Walker, Isaac Towne, Jake Thornton, Ryan Martin, Glen Hallissy, Nicholas Iannello, Daniel Murphy, Louis Trouchet
Second Row: Third Row:
Ben Foley
Second Row:
Tryrone Thwaites, Ronan Murphy, Manfredo Boni, James Jordan, Nicholas Ruljancich-King,
Front Row:
Rick Guerini, Denver Forsdike, Christopher Johnson
Brent Butcher
Second Row:
Toryn Burgess, Samuel Ziegelaar, Sam Tunnicliff, Michael Sandford, Luke Canicais, Wolf Connor
Front Row:
Brian Lawlor, Brett Jorgensen, Rowan Broadbent, Patrick Hay
Peter Baldry
Front Row: Second Row: Third Row: Back Row:
Coaches: Absent :
Louis Cronan, Christopher Pietroniro (VC) , Scott Reid (C) , Brendan Shugg (VC) , Brett Jorgensen Beau Binning, Adrian Ricciardi, Daniel Preston, Elliott Greaney, Rick Guerini, Garron Derrington, Nicholas Tarquinio, Joshua Surjan, Jordan Mcintosh, Barton Thompson, Toryn Burgess, Patrick Hay, Ryan Mauricio, Jack Timewell Tyrone Thwaites, Michael Sandford, Ryan Martin, James Boni, Mitchell Tolman, Sam King James Fannon Brent Butcher, Jason Matthews Reuben Cranny
Front Row:
Nicholas Short, Christopher Atturo, Lewis Sinclair, Louis Cronan
Second Row:
Sam Coggin, Simon Crofts, Liam Mitc hell, Adrian Cammarano
Third Row:
Cameron De Faria , Ben Mc Kee, James Fannon, Sebastian Hoskins, Elliott Greaney
Coac h:
Jason Matthews
Fourth Row:
Jamie De Abreu, Michael Panizza, Umberto Gargaro, Rhys Mcintosh, Alesio Lanzara ,
Third Row:
Michael Pirozzi, Daniel Bahbah, Adam Guagliardo, Ross Madaffari, Adrian Cammarano,
Second Row
Patrick Do Luz, Marcel La Macchia, James Hughes, Matthew Torquato, Jack Di Nunzio
Seated Row:
Jean-Michel Lagesse, Daniel Manganaro, Mladen Zaneta
Ray Maddison
SAS Fourth Row:
John Bowden, Matthew Jensen, Dennis Osti,
Third Row:
Ameer Randhawa, Michael Wade, Jonathon Syr:nonds, Gabriel Dodson, Bryce Wilson , Nicholas Kilbum '
Second Row:
Darcy Sharpe, Adam Puca, Tomislav Osti, Ryan Doig, Matthew Bowater, Kurt Funnekotter
Front Row
Peter Gibson, Declan Spencer, Mel O'Neill-King, Benjamin Walker
Jayson Fernandes, Sam Wheatley, Callum Thurston , Jordan Torquato (Captain) Kalube Chibale, Nathan De Abreu, Marc Zagami, Jordan Cicchini
Front Row
Joshua Cicanese, Alex Perera, Thomas Spezali, Jacob Hill, Harry O 'Brien, Ryan Edwards, Byron Hudson, Hugo Mackenie-Rae
Mr Darren O'Neill
H£RB£RT £DWARDS T£NN1S T£AM Second Ro w:
Kyle Ho d son, Samuel Toncich, M aurice Cecora,
Fro nt Row:
Travis Power, Michael Wade,
Coach :
Joel Moss
90 CBC Fremantle Annua12007
he rugby season started in February with the First XV contesting the Welborn Cup. The team acquitted themselves well and after being exposed to Subiaco as a venue were very proud of themselves. In the WAJRU Competition of a Saturday morning during Terms Two and Three we fielded an U15 and an U14 team.
Thanks to the players and parents for the effort they made to turn up whether it was rain, hail or shine. Success can be measured in various ways; strength of character, I think, is a great asset gained from school rugby! "Combined Schools and Colleges Competition" was played in Term Two by the 1st XV and Year 9s. Term Three saw the Year lOs and Year 8s participate all with various levels of success. This year we embarked on a three game tour of Queensland, which although unsuccessful in the pitch was still a tremendous success. My thanks on behalf of the squad goes ~o "supper-rapper", Mr McGrath and "finer", Miss Tracey for their hard work and support during the season. We hope to field four teams in the WAJRU Competition on Saturday next year. An U13 Yr 8 and an U14 Yr 9 our established U15 Yr1 0 and going into their fourth year U16s. A final thank you to all the parents for their continued support of rugby at CSC and looking forward to a great season in 2008 Mr Don McNamee Rugby Coordinator.
92 CBC Fremantle Annual 2007
CBC Fremantle Annual 2007 9S
CBC Fremantle .n.&LIL&~L~
R09E;rt Henderson
Frank Norton
Deputy Headmaster <
Darren ~eillDe u-t-y i"leadmaster
~a~r:lGek-="" ~uty H~admaster
Tony Pitos Business & Administration Manager
Josephine Andrew
Peter Baldry
Finance officer
Head of Patrick Science
Head of Divinity
Kathryne .---
Scott Barron
Br Warwick Bryant
Network Administrator
Geoff Buss
Brent Butcher
Angela Co Ianni
Technology & Enterprise
Physical Education & Health
English LOTE
Craig Carter
Mark Clayden
Society & Environment English
& Health
Stephen Coggin
Trevanna Cooper
Head of Technology & Enterprise
Margaret Crommy
Akiko Danker
Jenny D'Ascanio
Society & Environment
Marc Co porn
Richard Dind>d
Larissa Dodsworth
Technology & Enterprise sem~-nwo _
English Semester Two
Head Physical Education
English Semester One
Troy Foote
Zoe Francis
Violet Gohr
Head of Rice Mathematics
Student Services
Valma Granich
Ben Grose
Kelly Grose
Physical Education & Health Duke of Edinbu'jlh )
Mathe . elks
Peter Hawke Head of Society & Environment
Jody Hook Director of ICT Technology & Enterprise
Craig Jones
Andre Leicester
Rose Lenzo
Shane Mancuso
Michael Masterton
Head of Arts Music
Head of Science
Jason Matthews
Brendan McGrath
Physical Education & Health
Head of Sport
Don McNamee
Joel Moss
Technology & Enterprise
Br John Murray
Society & Environment! Careers Counsellor
'R Vj \..:J vJA (
~+ Coovd I vu:c-kv
Tom Rees English / Semester Two
Fr John Sherman College Chaplain
Vanessa Richardson-Newton
Sandro Sandri Head of Faith Formation Science
Drama English
Julian Smitih
Karen Spence
Clint Testa English
Christian Thompson Library Technician
Eoin Thompson
Barry Tognolini
Head of Samson Science
Head of Mathematics
/ Marius Van Don eJ:l-'
Mark Walawski
Head of Catholic Service & Justice
Fiona Williams
Frank Williams
Jenny Wilson
Director of Community Relations & Development
Technology & Enterprise
Canteen Manager
Lachlan Byrd Network Assistant. Mafalda Forzatti Uniform Shop. John Hortense Science/Technology & Enterprise. Bob Kestel Technology & Enterprise Technician. Milorad Pasajlic Maintenance. Ross Wenn Property Manager
Abrusci Acquado Aguiar Alberti Alessandrini Allan Allen Allison Altieri Amaranti Anderson Anderson Armstrong Atturo Atturo Azzollini Baccala Bahbah Balding Balint Baltasar Barber Barber Barth Beacroft Beaver Becker Beeson Benoit-Spargo Bernardi ~ Bernardi <J~Beros
Biddiscombe Binning Biondillo Biondillo
dg d ~ <J
Boekeman Bonavia Boni
~ Boschman
Leon Richard Daniel Alessandro Oliver Peter Declan James Luca Zacc Jed Richard Max Christopher Nicholas Robert Michele Daniel Harley Robert David Sam Jack Gerard Jordon Robert Brett Toby Luke Thomas Jake Daniel Jamie Dillon Andreas Beau Luke Joshua Oliver Dirk Matthew Matthew Joshua William Ryan Paul Manfredo Thomas Anthony Gian John-Paul Matthew Luke John
Y10 Y12 Y12 Y10 YOg Y11 YOB YOg YOg YOg YOg Y12 YOg Y11 Y12 Y10 Y11 Y11 Y12 Y10 Y10 YOg Y10 Y11 Y10 YOg Y10 Y10 Y10 YOg Y10 YOg Y11 Y10 Y10 Y11 YOB Y10 YOg Y10 Y12 YOg YOg
YOB Y11 Y12 Y12 YOB Y10 YOg Y12 Y11 YOg Y11
M3 M1 M2 R3 M1 M1 M2 M2 M3 M4 M5
P2 M2 R2 R2 M6
M4 R1 R2 R5 S4 S5 S5 M5
S5 P1
S2 R2 M5 P5 P5
S3 S3 S5 R2 M6
R4 R4 S5 S5 M3 P2 P3
R3 M6
R3 P4 P4 R4 R2 P2 P2 P2
Matthew Bowman Jack Bowra Andrew Boyle Cian Breen Fionn Breen David Bremer Anthony Brennan Keanu Brennan Matthew Brennan Jamie Briggs Mitchell Brindley Caine Bristow Kieran Broadbent Rowan Broadbent Lance Brockway James Brodie Aston Brothers Jesse Brothers Matthew Browne Buchanan-Simpson Vincent Bunce Stephen Matthew Bunce Toryn Burgess Ryan Calusinski Andrew Cammarano Mathew Cammarano Lachlan Campbell Luke Canicais Simon Capozzi Michael Carcione Christopher Carlson Andrew Carlson Nicholas Carlson Daniel Carroll Alex Cecchi Cecora Maurice Luigi Celani Jacob Chance Chibale Kaluba Domenic Chiellini Christie Peter Cicanese Joshua Cicchini Jordan Clark William Clarke Joshua Mark Coates Collie Julian Collier Harrison Collier Jack Collier Jimmy Collins Jake Connolly Owen Connor Wolfe Consolati Alex
YOB YOB Y12 Y11 Y11 Y12 YOB Y10 Y11 YOB YOB Y11 Y10 Y12 YOB Y10 YOB Y10 Y12 Y10 YOg Y10 Y11 Y10 Y11 Y12 YOB Y12 Y10 YOg YOB Y10 Y10 YOg YOB Y11 Y10 YOg YOg Y12 YOg YOg
YOB YOg YOB YOg Y10 YOB Y10 Y12 YOB Y12 Y12 Y10
M3 M6
S3 P5 P5 P6 S1
R6 S3
R1 P6
P4 R4 R4 S6 M6
S2 S2 M5 P1
R2 R2 R1 S4 R5 R5 R2 R5 S4 P5 P6
R3 P6 P6
R4 R3 S5 R1 R3 M1 R2 R3 R5 R4 S1 R5 R5 R6 R6 R6 S6
S4 R1 M2
Cook Cook Cox Craig Cranny Cranswick Cranswick Crew Crofts Crofts Cronan Cuccovia Cully Curnow Da Luz Da Luz Daluz Da Roza Daccache D'Alesio D'Alesio D'Andrea D'Annunzio Dart D'Ascanio Davieson Dawson D'Cruz De Abreu De Abreu De Abreu De Faria De Florencas De Guzman De Luca De Oliveira De Sousa Della-Bona Dennis Derrington Di Nunzio Dixon Dixon Dodos Doig Donaldson Doohan Douthwaite Downey Drewe Duggan Dundon Dunn Dunne
Jacob Rhys Callam Peter Reuben Mitchell Jack Brendan Matthew Simon Louis Joseph Jordan George Laurence Patrick Adrian Patrick Daniel Christian James Nicholas Enrico Joshua Jake Jordi Peter Brendan Nathan Jacob Jamie Cameron Brandon Gabriel Michael Carlos Luke Peter Michael Garron Jack Oliver Alec Anthony Ryan Mitchell Linton Raif Liam Corey Kieran Michael Cameron Craig
Y10 Y12 YOg
S1 S1
Y11 Y11 YOg YOg Y10 Y11 Y11 Y10 YOg Y10 YOg Y10 YOB Y12 YOB YOg
YOB Y12 YOg YOB YOg Y12 YOg YOg Y12 Y12 Y10 Y11 Y11 YOB Y11 Y11 Y10 Y12 YOg Y11 YOg YOg YOg
P1 M2
S1 S1 P4 R6 R6 P1
S2 P6 M2
S2 S3 S3 S4 R5 S1 S1 M4 P2 M6
S5 P1
P4 S1 R5 S6
R5 M1 R2 M2
R1 S1 M1 S5 P3 S6
P4 S3 S3 M3 M3 M4 M5 M6 P6
R1 R2 P1 P2
Eardley Edwards
Edwards Egan Ellis Ellul Elms Emsavana Esposito Everett Everett Fannon Faria Featherby Ferguson Fernandes
Ryan Cameron Jonathan Blake Michael Christopher Andrew Gabriel Samuel Timothy James Adam Brent Kristofer Jayson
Fernandes Fico
John Alexander
Fienberg Firns
Jordie Seamus Andrew
Fisher Flanagan Fleming Foley
Michael Denholm Peyton Jean-Paul
Foo Denver Forsdike James Fosdick-McGrath Jake Foster Selvatore Foti William Fountain Francisco Fraser Frewin Frost Frost Funnekotter
Richard Ashley Rhys Corey Ryan Kurt
Luke Gadd Galati-Formaggio Antonino Galiano
Galiano Galloway
Jake Andrew Alexander Ashley
Gamba Ganley Gannon Gannon Garces
William Thomas Brandon
Garces Garcia Cruz
Adam Sergio
Gard Gardner
Joshua Nicholas
YOg Y08 YOg YOg Y10 YOg Y08 Y10 Y10 Y10 YOg Y08 Y11 Y11 Y12 Y12 Y08 YOg YOg Y08 Y08 Y10 111 Y08 YOg Y11 YOg Y12 YOg Y08 Y10 Y08 YOg Y11 Y10 Y08 Y12 Y12 Y08 YOg YOg Y11 YOg YOg Y08 YOg Y10 Y08 YOg Y08 Y08 Y10 Y12
P3 S6 R6 M5 M5 P4 M3 P4 M3 P5 P5 R3 M4 M5 P3 S3 R4 P6 R1 R5 M4 R1 M6 S1 R2 P2 R3 P4 R4 S2 R2 R3 R5 P3 R3 M4 M4 P1 S4 R6 S3 S3 S1 S4 M1 P5 P5 M2 S3 M3 M4 M2 P2
Gaudieri George Germinario
James Matthew Daniel
Gibbs Gibson Gilday
Rory Peter Sheahan
Gill Gill Glaskin
Jeremy Damien Matthew
Gleeson Godson Gorham
Jacob Gabriel
Goss Grant Grant Greaney Green Green Grose Guagliardo Guerini Gwynne Hall Hallissy Hanratty Hanratty
Robert Oliver Nicholas William Elliott Timothy Robert Mitchell Adam Rick Jackson Daniel Glen Christopher Joseph
Hardie Hardie Harding
Callum Andrew Benjamin
Harken Harney
Adam Deaglan
Harper Hart
Stuart Daniel
Harvie Hay Hayden
Jordan Patrick
Hellmrich Hevron Hill Hill Hill Hirst Hodgkin Hodson Hogan Hoskins Hotz Huck Huck Hudson Huey Hughes
Joseph Dillon Kiefer Jacob Jacob Adam Julian David Kyle Niall Sebastian Gavin Winton Lochran Byron Isaac James
YOg YOg Y12 Y10 YOg Y12 Y08 Y08 Y11 Y10 Y11 Y11 Y10 Y08 Y08 YOg Y11 YOg Y10 Y08 Y12 Y12 Y11 YOg Y10 Y08 Y10 Y10 Y12 YOg YOg Y11 Y10 YOg Y08 Y11 YOg Y08 Y08 Y08 Y08 YOg YOg Y12 Y10 Y10 Y11 YOg Y08 Y11 Y08 YOg Y08
S4 S5 M5 P3 S6 P5 M6 R2 R2 M5 R5 R2 P6 P1 M4 M4 R4 M1 P2 P3 P4 R1 S2 M2 S6 P5 P5 R1 P6 M3 M4 S4 M5 M6 S6 S5 M5 R1 R6 M2 S2 M2 P1 S5 R3 R4 P1 S1 S6 S6 R4 P6 S2
Hughes Hussein Hussey Hyde Hyde Iannello lustini lustini
James Conor
Y12 YOg
M5 P4
Luke Michael
Y08 YO? Y12 Y11 YOg Y10 Y11 Y10 YOg
R5 P3 P3 S6 S2 S2 M2 M2 S2 S2 M3 S1 M1 M1 S3 P3 P3 M3 S3 P4 S4 M6 M6 S3 S3 M6 P4 P3 M4 P2 M4 M4 P5 R4 S1 M5 S4 S4 P5 P5 S5 M6 P4 M5 R5 P2 P2 P3 S5 S5 M1
Peter "
Nicholas Stefano Massimo Matthew
Jobson Johns Johns Johnson
Thomas Michael
Johnston Johnston
Brent Patrick Adam
Jolly Jones Jordan Jorgensen Kagis
Matthew Christopher
Jordan James Brett Sam
Connor Keane Milad Keihanirad Ryder Kennington-Birch Morgan Keyte Joshua Keyte Kilburn Kilburn
Thomas Nicholas
King King Knowles
Sam Samuel Callum
Koncurat Kuster
Nedo Alexander Carl
La Macchia La Macchia Lagesse Laird Lake Lane Lanzara Lanzara Lapedota Larsson Lavery Leicester Lerede Lewis Lewis Lipman Litvins-Salter Lo Presti Lomma Lomma Lowrie-Rodda
Marcel Jean-Michel Callum Isaac Christopher Alesio Gabriele Michael Alex Daniel Jake Alessandro Aidan Mitchell Jake Louis Mario Michael Adrian Samual
Y12 Y11 Y08 Y10 Y11 Y08 Y12 Y11 Y10 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y08 YOg Y10 Y12 YOg Y11 Y11 Y10 YOg Y10 Y12 Y11 YOg Y10 Y10 Y11 Y12 Y12 Y11 Y08 YOg YOg Y08 Y12 Y10 YOg Y10 Y08 Y12 Y08
Lowry Lucivero MacAdie MacAdie MacKenzie-Rae MacKenzie-Rae Madaffari Maguire Maher Malone Mancini Manganaro Marevich Mariani Martin Martin Martin Martinelli Marwick Maskos Massara Masters Matera Mauricio McCann McClelland McConnell McConnell McDonald McDonald McDonald McDonald McGarry McGaw Mcintosh Mcintosh McKay McKenzie McKenzie McKercher McLaughlin McLaughlin McLean McLeod McMahon McNaught McNulty McSevich Menegola Merrutia Mertens Micalizzi Miller
David Giacomo Callum Alexander Hugo Felix Ross Jesse Anthony Christopher Adelmo Daniel John John Callum Jacob Ryan Richard Quinlan Jason Alexander Matt Kaiden Ryan Max Harrison Joshua Matthew Jacob Lachlan Christopher Jayden Matthew Russell Blair Rhys Jordan Kevin Stuart Angus Daniel Daniel Erick Samuel Dane James Jack Samuel Sam Taylor Conor Julian Kerwin
YOg Y08 Y08 Y10 Y08 Y10 Y11 Y08 Y12 YOg YOg Y11 YOg YOg YOg Y10 Y12 Y08 Y08 YOg YOg Y11 Y08 Y11 Y11 YOg Y10 Y12 Y08 YOg Y10 Y11 YOg YOg Y08 Y11 Y10 Y10 Y10 Y11 YOg Y10 Y10 YOg Y11 YOg Y12 Y10 Y10 Y08 YOg YOg YOg
R5 M3 P4 P4 P6 P6 S5 M4 S2 R6 S4 R4 S4 S2 R1 R1 S6 M5 M6 P4 R1 M4 P1 M5 M3 M6 P1 P1 P2 R6 R3 R6 M1 R5 P2 P2 R4 S4 S4 S4 M3 M6 R5 S2 S6 P2 R3 S2 M3 R6 P3 S6 R4
Minervini Minuta Minutillo Mirosevich Mitchell Monaco Monaco Monaghan Moore Morey Morgan Moro Mott Muco Mudie Mulroney Murphy Murphy Murphy Murray Murtagh Mutatiri Naylor Negri Nibali Nolan Noonan Nujic O'Brien O'Brien O'Dea O'Donnell Oliver Olszewski O'Neil-Daniel O'Neill-King Orescanin Osti Osti O'Sullivan Page Pais Palmer Pammer Panizza Panizza Paparella Parish Pearson Peek Pegum Perer Perer
Aaron Nicolas Nicholas Patrick Liam Carlo Samuel Sam Stuart James James Christopher Sheldon Antonio Mitchell Jordan Garrett Daniel Ronan Joshua Patrick Batsirai Joshua Daniel Joel William Cian Igor Harry Bradley Ryan Mac Ryan Adam Eamon Mel Philip Tomislav Dennis Thomas Richard Peter Jack Kristian Cory Michael Calogero Daniel Alexander Jordan Seamus Hayden Sean
Y10 YOg YOg YOg Y11 Y08 Y10 Y08 Y12 Y08 Y08 Y12 YOg Y08 Y10 Y12 YOg Y11 Y12 Y10 Y10 YOg Y08 Y11 Y11 Y10 Y10 Y11 Y08 Y10 YOg Y08 Y12 Y08 YOg Y12 Y12 Y11 Y12 Y08 Y11 Y10 Y10 Y12 Y10 Y11 Y08 Y08 Y10 Y10 Y11 YOg Y12
P3 M1 M3 M6 S3 P3 M2 P4 R1 P5 P5 S1 R5 P1 M3 M2 R2 S6 R2 M4 R4 P5 R1 M4 R5 P5 P1 S4 P2 P2 P6 R2 S1 R3 P3 M3 P3 R3 R3 R4 S2 P4 P1 S4 S5 S1 M5 R5 P4 P2 R1 S5 S5
Perera Peris Perry Pether Petruzzo Pezzino Phipps Pietroniro Pietroniro Pink Pink Pirozzi Pittorini Poletti Polgar Poston Potter-Brown Power Preston Prince Prunty Puca Pyburne Quinn Quintiliani Ramsay Randhawa Raphael Regan Reid Reid Reid Ricciardi Ricciardo Ricetti Richards Riddler Righetti Rigo Robinson Rodgers Rodriguez Roelofsen Rotondella Rowe Rowe Ruggiero Ruljancich-King Russell Ryan Ryder Sabinasz Sacco
Alex Jeremy Sam Thomas Matthew Gianluca Liam Michael Christopher Benjamin Christopher Michael Jordan Blake Steven Sean James Travis Daniel Joshua Patrick Adam Craig Samuel Adrian William Ameer Tony Paul Brendan Andrew Scott Adrian Jordan Braydon Andrew Phillip Luke Jarrad Marc Coen Nicholas Alexander Michael Nelson Thomas Steven Nicholas Harrison David Matthew Robert Jake
Y08 R6 Y10 M4 YOg M4 Y10 S6 Y08 R6 Y10 M4 Y10 S2 Y08 P6 Y12 P6 Y12 S6 Y12 M1 Y12 M1 Y08 81 Y10 81 Y10 M4 YOg P1 Y10 R5 YOg R3 Y12 S2 YOg M2 YOg P6 Y11 R3 Y10 R4 Y10 R3 YOg R5 YOg R6 Y12 . M3 Y11 R2 Y11 P6 Y08 R3 Y10 S1 Y12 S1 Y12 S3 Y10 R2 YOg S4 Y10 R1 Y12 R4 Y10 P6 Y10 P5 Y11 P6 YOg S6 Y11 R1 Y10 P3 Y08 M5 Y08 S3 Y12 M3 Y11 P4 Y11 P3 YOg M1 Y08 M1 Y08 S4 Y10 R5 Y10 P1
Sandford Saunders Scafidi Schier Sciano Sciano Scott Senzio Sharpe Shaw Sheil Sherrington Short Shugg Shugg Siitonen Sinclair Sinnott Skinner Slaney Slaven Smart Smith Smith Smith Soli is Sorgiovanni Spence Spence Spencer Speziali Spiteri Stafford Stephen Stevenson Stewart Storey Strugnell Sturgeon Sturgeon Supper Suriano Suriano Suryawinata Sutton Symonds Tanian Tarquinio Tate Taylor Taylor Taylor Taylor
Michael Edward Roberto Cameron Michael Anthony James Joseph Darcy Lachlan Emmet Julian Nicholas Aidan Brendan Martti Lewis Niall Ashley Lyle Troy Courtney Jeremy Benjamin Nigel Cooper Julian Benjamin Toby Declan Thomas Jake James Matthew Liam Benjamin Robert Glen Jack Jamie Kyle Alex Jake Edward Mitchell Jonathon Matthew Nicholas Mason Bradley Mark David Ryan
Y11 Y11 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y11 YOg Y10 Y11 YOg Y10 YOg Y11 YOg Y12 Y08 Y11 Y11 Y08 Y10 Y10 "Y08 Y08 Y10 Y11 YOg YOg YOg Y11 Y08 YOg Y08 YOg Y11 Y12 Y10 YOg Y08 Y08 Y10 Y10 YOg Y11 Y12 YOg Y12 Y08 Y11 YOg Y08 Y10 Y11 Y12
P5 R4 S5 P2 R5 R5 M3 R1 M4 P4 S1 P2 P3 S1 S1 M1 P1 M5 M3 M2 M4 R1 M4 M6 S1 P3 R5 M6 M6 M2 S2 M5 S4 S2 S4 M5 R6 R2 S3 S3 P2 P2 P2 P5 R2 P2 P1 M6 M5 M5 S2 P1 M5
Thompson Thompson Thompson Thompson Thornton Thornton Thornton Thurston Thwaites Timewell Timewell Tinley Tirli Tolman Tolman Toncich Torquato Torquato Towne Trimble Trouchet Tunnicliff Tunnicliff Turner Turner Turner Valsecchi van der List Van der Wielen Van Schalkwyk Vickridge Vinci Vinci Virtyo Vo Wade Wake Walker Walker Walker Walker Wall Walter Waters Waters Waters Watson Webster Wernlein Wheatley White Whiteford Wieringa
Blake Kieran Alexander Barton Jake Tyson Joel Callum Tyrone Billy Jack Oliver Jordan Mason Mitchell Samuel Jordan Matthew Isaac James Louis Joseph Sam Hamish Joel Luke Matthew Alexander Harley Dean Mitchell Jake Adrian S.ebastian Steven Michael Mitchell Luke Dylan Jake Benjamin Tate Luke Joseph Matthew David Blaine Christopher Daniel Sam Paton Jacob Jackson
Y08 Y08 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y10 Y12 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y12 YOg Y12 Y10 YOg Y11 Y10 Y12 Y08 Y08 Y12 Y08 Y08 Y10 Y11 Y10 Y08 Y08 Y11 Y08 Y10 YOg YOg Y12 YOg YOg Y10 Y10 Y12 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y08 Y11 Y11 Y10 Y11 Y08 Y10 Y11 Y08
P2 M5 R2 M5 S6 R6 S6 P3 M6 P4 P4 P4 M5 S5 S5 R3 P5 P5 S6 P6 S6 R6 R6 P5 S5 S5 S2 S4 R1 R2 R3 R3 M2 M6 S3 R3 S6 R1 S6 P5 R1 R4 R5 S4 R6 R6 M1 S3 R5 S2 S6 P1 S3
Wigham Wilcox Wilkinson Wilmot Wilson Windsor Winmar Winter Wright Yensch Young Zagami Zagami Zaneta Ziegelaar Ziegelaar
Caiden Thomas Matthew Adam Bryce Liam Blade John Gabriel Jacob Jack Marc Luke Mladen Jake Samuel
Y11 YOg YOg Y11 Y11 YOg Y11 Y10 Y08 Y08 YOg YOg Y12 Y11 Y10 Y12
R3 R4 P6 S1 S3 M1 M2 M1 R1 R6 S2 R6 R6 P3 S3 S3
Patrick - Enrico D' Annunzio Rice - Stuart Moore Samson - Benjamin Pink
Arts Awards Uwe Stengel Music Award - Michael Da Luca Fremantle Arts Centre Visual Art Award - Peter Dawson College Drama Award - Stuart Harper Arts Service Award - Dylan Walker
sport Awards sports Service Award - Stuart Moore Swimming Award - James Fannon Athletics Award - Andrew Emsavana