CBC Fremantle College newsletter week 3 term 3 2016

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College Newsletter Week 3 Term 3 Friday 5 August 2016

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3 | Page 1

Cover: Ryan (front) and Jason De Gennaro (Year 11). Photo by Rob Frith.

From the Principal Sport at CBC

Those with a minimalist perspective on

With the Olympic Games scheduled to

such things often become preoccupied

commence in Rio de Janeiro this weekend,

with side issues such as commercial

the attention of millions of people around

sponsorship and temporarily increased

the world is drawn to the wonderful

traffic congestion. There is also the

talents of each of the competitors.

spectre of performance enhancing drug use which afflicts so many in sport these

CBC Fremantle

In addition to reminding most adults

days and sometimes serves wrongfully

51 Ellen Street

about how quickly four years can pass,

to diminish the achievements of those

Fremantle WA 6160

the Games also have the capacity to evoke

athletes who are truly gifted and diligent.

T 08 9336 2700

a wide range of opinions in response to

E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

their value and impact upon the host

Many choose to look beyond these


city and the broader world community.

issues and instead embrace the stated

Page 2 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3

Olympic values of respect, excellence and friendship. They then look for expressions of these in the contests and ceremonies that constitute the Games. Those who choose to adopt this latter perspective tend to also understand that this event transcends sport and seeks to provide benefits that extend well beyond the medal count.

“We seek to develop attributes in our young men such as leadership, discipline and teamwork through their participation in sport.”

One of Australia’s great Olympians, middle distance runner Herb Elliott, expressed this broader context when he said:

Only a fortunate few get to participate

Our first Family Mass in May was very

at the elite level but their approach to

well attended and I’m sure the same

It is the inspiration of the Olympic

the contest and the event itself have

will be true for our second and final

Games that drives people not only to

great significance for us all. I hope

mass to be held on Saturday 13 August

compete but to improve, and to bring

everyone enjoys the ongoing spectacle

at 6.00pm at St Patrick’s Basilica.

lasting spiritual and moral benefits to

of the Olympic Games in coming

the athlete and inspiration to those lucky

days as we marvel at the individual

I warmly invite all families and friends

enough to witness their dedication.

talents of the participants and remind

of CBC to this liturgy. I’m sure that

ourselves of the possibilities for a unified,

regular churchgoers will be granted

purposeful and cooperating world.

an exemption from their usual

explains why significant emphasis is placed

CBC Family Mass

are not Catholic or are infrequent

upon it. We seek to develop attributes

Among the many significant liturgies that

churchgoers are also very welcome. As a College which prides itself on being

This belief underpins the attitude of the

parishes on this occasion. Those who

College towards participation in sport and

in our young men such as leadership,

occur at the College each year, the two

discipline and teamwork through their

Family Masses provide the opportunity

inclusive, I would hope that everyone

participation in sport. We also understand

for our community to come together on a

would experience the same sense of

that these attributes are transferable and

voluntary basis to celebrate our common

greeting and belonging at our mass.

best taught in a circumstance where the

sense of purpose. The celebration of the

boys are enjoying themselves. So, once

mass is at the heart of our existence as

developed, these qualities should become

a faith community and provides impetus

All generations of your family are welcome!

apparent in all dimensions of the lives of

to the challenge we face daily to conduct

Mr Shaun Kenny

our young men and benefit them as adults.

our lives according to gospel values.


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3 | Page 3

In the Newsroom


Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

4 August 2016

Experiencing Kiwirrkurra At the end of Term 2, a group of nine students and three teachers travelled to the remote community of Kiwirrkurra for the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture ... Read more... 28 June

Fourth Aths win for Morgan Morgan House once again showed that – at track and field

Congratulations to Harry Golding (Year

at least – red really is faster, taking home the coveted House

11, pictured above), Riley Faulds and

Athletics Championship shield for the fourth year in a row.

Ryan Pace (both Year 12) for being


recognised as elite performers in

23 June

Hockey. The young men were selected to participate in the School Sport

Dancing with Mum

WA Combined Metropolitan Schools

Mums of students in three Rite Journey classes were treated

Hockey to play against HOTSPURS, a

to a special evening of dancing and refreshments as part of the

team consisting of former Olympic

programme’s group challenge component.

and international players. The match


is aimed at developing the younger

23 June

Rowing success at Champion Lakes

players, with HOTSPURS members providing comments and feedback throughout the game.

CBC Fremantle rowers competed at the Schools Rowing Regatta at Champion Lakes on Saturday, with some stand-out

The match is on Tuesday 23 August

performances from ...

at 4pm at Hale Hockey Turf.


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College Information

College Calendar

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the

The Uniform Shop will be closed during the holidays

Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe

and will resume for normal business when school

for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link

returns in Term 3.

at the top right of the Calendar page.

Student drop off and pick up

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for details.

Students can be dropped off and collected from Ellen

Friday 2 Sept

or Stirling Streets. For safety reasons, please do not

Father’s Day breakfast

use High Street for this purpose.

CBC Jazz perform at CBC Family Mass the Ellington You and your family are invited to join us in a celebration of the warmth and

CBC will be performing at Perth’s premier jazz club, the

friendship of the CBC community.

Ellington, on Tuesday 20 September.

Saturday 13 August at 6pm

The Jazz Orchestra, Jazz Combo, Guitar Ensemble 1

at St Patrick’s Basilica, Fremantle.

and Saxophone Ensemble will be playing Jazz Standards,

We look forward to seeing you there.

Classic Big Band Swing and Funk numbers. The gentlemen of CBC will be joined by exceptional voices from Iona Presentation College, providing an evening of entertainment. The venue is not very large with only 60 seated and 60 standing tickets available so get in quick. Tickets are available at the Ellington Jazz Club’s website www.ellingtonjazz.com.au/event/cbc-fremantle-jazz-2/.

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Page 6 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3

Experiencing Kiwirrkurra At the end of Term 2, a group of nine

The drive from Telfer to Kiwirrkurra took

Our week in Kiwirrkurra involved a number

students and three teachers travelled to

one and a half days and along the way

of activities and learning opportunities.

the remote community of Kiwirrkurra for

we stopped to take in the sights, chase

The boys were spread among the three

the opportunity to immerse themselves

camels, fuel up in Kunawarritji, and sleep

classes, primary, middle and secondary,

in the culture of the local Aboriginal

out in the desert. The overnight camping

and they worked with staff and students on

people and work within the school and

was one of the highlights of the trip,

curriculum based activities. This allowed

community. Kiwirrkurra is described as

setting up a campfire, cooking ham,

them to form strong relationships, get a

the most remote community in Australia

cheese, and baked bean jaffles, and

real understanding of what schooling is like

and is located in the Gibson Desert to the

spending our first night in the swags.

in a remote community, and learn some of the rich culture and dialect of the Pintupi

south-west of Lake McKay, approximately 1,200km east of Port Hedland and 850km

When we arrived at Kiwirrkurra, we

west of Alice Springs.

discovered that most of the community

speaking people.

were at a local football carnival, which

Mr Jason Matthews

With no experience in remote

meant that it was pretty quiet around

Indigenous Education Coordinator

communities, the students all boarded

the place. It provided the opportunity

the flight in Perth and flew into Telfer with

to meet the school Principal, Mr Van

You can read more about the

open hearts and open minds, excited about

Poelgeest, and the staff, and we set up

Kiwirrkurra immersion and view

what the next week had in store for them.

our camp in the Home Economics room.

the photo gallery in the Newsroom.

Their willingness to come to Kiwirrkurra

However, it didn’t take long for word to

with a genuine desire to learn, and to

spread that we had arrived, with some

immerse themselves in the experience,

shy but very interested students coming

allowed each student to make the most of

to say hello.

their time away. CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3 | Page 7

Integrated Science the natural way Year 12 Integrated Science students participated in a masterclass in traditional methods of producing cosmetics at Clean Slate Skin Care in the Perth CBD. Kat, the creator of Clean Slate, shared her insight into the world of manufacturing natural cosmetics using vegan and cruelty-free certified ingredients, and how to market and manage a small business. Kat taught the boys how to make her newest, and yet to be released product, a lotion that she spent six months researching and perfecting. The students followed Kat’s secret recipe and were lucky enough to take home the lotion that they made. Mrs Petrina Brewer Integrated Science Teacher Page 8 | CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3

Mums raising teenage boys The Parent Auxiliary is again running the

As the primary female role model in a

there are specific emotional and practical

Mums Raising Teenage Boys seminars

boy’s life, mothers play an important role

difficulties to manage such as feeling

which have been very successful for the

in the development of their son’s identity

isolated or lonely, or not having a partner

last two years.

including their ability to be nurturing. This

available to deal with discipline and other

in turn affects how they relate to others,

parenting issues. This seminar explores

particularly to girls and women.

parenting teenage boys from a more ‘solo’

Mums Raising Teenage Boys Monday 15 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm Cost: $10.00

perspective and gives mums useful and

Mums Raising Boys In A Solo Parent Or Fly In, Fly Out Family

However well-prepared mothers are

Tuesday 16 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm.

logically, the emotional response to having

Cost: $10.00

supportive strategies to help them meet challenges more effectively. The cost of each event is $10 with the College again supporting both evenings.

a boy is often still, “Wow! This is unknown territory.” It is true that for many mothers,

When your partner is regularly away or

Places are limited to 25 mums per

the idea of raising a son carries its own set

when you are a solo parent different

workshop. To secure your place,

of worries.

family life challenges can result. Often

book online at the College website.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 3 Term 3 | Page 9

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle. wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Community Expo

W IR E D f o r S c ie n c e … get in touch with science and sustainability!! Investigate the technology and connections in science with hands on activities, workshops, presentations and displays for the whole community!

10am - 3pm SUNDAY

21 AUgUSt 2016


Canning River Eco Education Centre Kent Street, Wilson P l 9461 7160 WhAt’S ON?

Robotics, rock band, solar toys, Scitech shows, recycled art, Captain Cleanup, university presentations, native animal encounters, prominent Aboriginal presenters, bug science, recycled wood workshops, Great Gardens workshop, free native plant give aways, Castledare Miniature Railway rides, sausage sizzle and much more… Something guaranteed for all ages - kids, teens and adults. This is a low waste event - please bring a bag to carry your goodies.








the 2016 Community Expo is sponsored by: CANN

Further information: www.aaeewa.org.au or www.scienceweek.net.au

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Relationships Australia Making Stepfamilies Work | 10 August to 14 September Couples with children from previous relationships often benefit from strategies on communication, agreement on discipline and handling competing demands. Find out how to build the enduring, resilient stepfamily you both want. DATE:

10 August to 14 September DAY:



6.30pm to 9.00pm

$80pp/$130 couple


Rock and Water Programme for 8 to 12 year olds | 13 August This activity-based programme builds on the complementary strengths of ‘rock’ and ‘water’. One is firm and assertive whilst the other is flexible and willing to cooperate. We encourage fathers, mothers, daughters and sons to spend a Saturday morning together examining their emotional connections with each other whilst learning new skills to strengthening family ties. Due to the nature of activities there is only room for one child per adult. DATE:

13 August




8.30am to 12.30pm


$70 per pair

Mums Raising Boys up to the age of 12 years | 17 August Mothers, who are usually their son’s primary female role model, play a vital part in developing their son’s identity, including their ability to be nurturing. DATE:

17 August




10am to12.30pm


$30 per person

Parent-Child Connection | 29 August to 19 September Being a parent can be tough. People with primary school children are invited to this four week course to learn new skills, feel better about their parenting and gain confidence. DATE:

29 August to 19 September DAY:



6.30pm to 9.00pm

$50 pp/$75 per couple


All programmes are in West Leederville. For further information and to enrol please phone 6164 0200.

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first in practical parenting • 123 Magic™ & Emotion Coaching To help parents manage difficult behaviour in children 2-12 yr olds 7-9pm Wed 3rd, 10th & 17th Aug (for parents of 2 to 12 yr olds) Thurs 18th , 25th Aug & 1st Sept (for parents of 2 to 5 yr olds) Check the website for more dates NB : (Also available on a one to one basis ie 3 x 1.5 hr sessions)

• Engaging Adolescents

• Protective Behaviours

Parenting skills for resolving teenage behaviour problems in 11 - 16 yo. Includes how to hold difficult conversations, working out how NOT to respond to tricky emotional encounters, building your relationship with your teenager. Wed 31st Aug & 7th Sept, 6.45 to 9.30pm.

Teach your child a range of skills and strategies to help protect themselves from physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Parents will be taught how to raise the issue of personal safety in such a way that doesn’t leave the child feeling scared, anxious or worried. It is also done in a non threatening and non sexual way. Tue 6th Sept, 6.30 to 9.30pm.

• Parenting Information Sessions (including 10 take home tips) These 2 hr seminars are designed to improve your knowledge and confidence as a parent.

• Private consults and courses available. All Wembley location. Also available In House. behaviourtonics.com.au 9382 1182 info@behaviourtonics.com.au

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