CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 5 Term 4 2016

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College Newsletter Week 5 Term 4 Friday 11 November 2016

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 1

Cover: The Rite Journey Year 9 students at Catholic Agricultural College in Bindoon.

From the Principal Today’s boys…tomorrow’s gentlemen

zones. Very importantly, this activity was

During last week all of our Year 9 students

accompanied by many opportunities for

enjoyed a variety of opportunities outside

guided reflection. The boys were invited

of the classroom. All of the activities in

to contemplate their boyhoods to date

which they engaged were designed to

and to make a number of choices and

assist in their growth as young men and

commitments about the type of young

to provide a culmination to their

men they want to be in the future.

experience of the Rite Journey programme.

We are very grateful to our sibling school in Bindoon for generously allowing us

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For three of the days the boys were in

to share their property during this week.

Bindoon engaged in activities designed to

Catholic Agricultural College permitted our

foster resilience and develop leadership

boys to roam its wonderful bush property

capacity. A combination of trekking

and was hospitable in every sense. The

through the bush, undertaking challenging

grand buildings, statues, livestock and

tasks and sleeping in unfamiliar surrounds

historic cemetery certainly provided our

and conditions ensured that they were

boys with a rich resource beyond the

well and truly out of their comfort

programme itself.

The remaining two days of last week were

commemorated all of those who had made

throughout next year in their significant

split between a Rite Journey Challenges

personal sacrifice towards ensuring the

and privileged roles.

programme and a Retreat. These were

preservation of the values which we hold

conducted at a variety of venues and

so dear. During my address at the assembly

the staff involved reported high levels

I spoke about the fact that we should never

these groups is that each assumes

of engagement, enjoyment and benefit

take for granted the freedom we have to

an understanding of the relationship

to the boys. The spiritual dimension

determine our own destinies. This, and

between service and leadership. Anyone

of developing towards manhood is not

similar freedoms which are not available to

called to leadership must understand

The second connection between

underestimated in any sense in the

so many in our world, exist for us because

that this role is only fulfilling when it

work conducted at the College.

of the sacrifices made by so many who

is undertaken with a view to serving

have gone before us.

others. I’m sure that most people have experienced leadership based upon

I would like to thank all of the staff for their selfless contributions to these

The second aspect of the assembly

self-aggrandisement or exercised in an authoritarian manner. Such leadership

undertakings. As I said at our recent

involved the presentation of academic

Awards Evening, I am sure that all of the

awards to Year 11 students. The number

is rarely inspiring and never respected.

parents recognise and appreciate the

and quality of these awards is a credit

The style of leadership which is acclaimed

extra time and effort expended by the

to the endeavour and diligence of the

and should be apparent at our school

staff of this College on behalf of the young

recipients. The assembly concluded

was modelled by Jesus himself. Although

men entrusted to their care. I would like

with the presentation of our College

we are unlikely to ever be called to

to particularly acknowledge Mr Jason

Prefects for next year with each of them

such extremes of self-sacrifice, it is this

Matthews who has spent the entire week

being presented with their badge and

representation of servant leadership to

at Bindoon and each of our Rite Journey

congratulated by their parents as part of

which we should aspire. As previously

teachers for their commitment and

the ceremony.

expressed, it is only in serving others that we discover the truth about our own

personal involvement in conducting the programme at CBC. Their efforts and those

Although each of these activities may

of so many others was critical to ensuring

seem to be quite disparate, they are

that our Year 9 boys were provided with

actually connected in two ways. The first

At CBC Fremantle we acknowledge those

this special experience.

is that they all acknowledge the value of

who have served to preserve the lifestyle

service. Those who have served in conflicts

we enjoy, we applaud the selflessness

Leadership and Service

around the world are remembered for the

inherent in the activity of our current

This morning, the College conducted a

contribution they have provided in past

students and we pray that our incoming

very important assembly which was

years. Those students who received awards

Prefects may exhibit and enjoy leadership

attended by parents, staff and students

were acknowledged for the service they

based upon serving others.

and contained three distinct yet

are currently providing at school.

complementary dimensions. The first

Those students inducted as Prefects

Mr Shaun Kenny

was a Remembrance Day service which

were commissioned to offer service


capacity for happiness.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 3

In the Newsroom Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

College Calendar CBC’s College Calendar can be viewed online by clicking on the Quick Link on the home page of the website. You can also subscribe for the Calendar to synch on your iCal or Outlook by clicking the link

10 November

Basketball heroes Year 10 Basketballers put in a sensational performance in the all-day championships held

at the top right of the Calendar page.

Important dates coming up – check the Calendar for details.

at All Saints College on Tuesday. Read more... 10 November

Art Exhibition

Thursday 17 Nov The Rite Journey The Homecoming Wednesday 7 Dec Years 7 to 10 final day 2016

Showcasing the best work from students in Years 7 to 12, the annual CBC Fremantle Visual Art Exhibition included a range of ... Read more...Read more... 26 October

Farewell to Class of 2016 In a ceremony on Friday night, the students in the Class of 2016 officially bid their College farewell as they prepare for their final exams. Read more... 26 October

An evening of excellence CBC Fremantle’s community applauded the achievement of students from Years 7 to 12 on Sunday night at the annual Awards Evening. Read more...

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School photos Formal Music, Sport, Awards Evening and Graduation Ceremony photos are now available to purchase from Photo Hendriks. 1. Go to www.photohendriksgalleries.com 2. Click on the CBC Fremantle logo. 3. Enter password: pham72.

CBC Snippets...

Year 10 boys en

joying a bit of

down time on Fre

mantle Oval.

Basketball heroes Year 10 Basketballers put in a sensational performance in the allday championships held at All Saints College on Tuesday. The CBC A team were extremely strong, remaining undefeated at the end of the competition against eight different schools. The B team went through to the finals, only losing against their brothers in the CBC A and were knocked out of the competition. All boys displayed great sportsmanship and put in their best, with Michael Palmiotti and Sean Henley gaining a special mention from Mr Hunter for their performances. ool students visiting the

For more photos, go to the CBC Newsroom.

St Patrick’s Primary Sch

CBC Art Exhibition.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 5

College Prefects 2017 Congratulations to the following student leaders who were inaugurated as College Prefects for 2017 at a special assembly on Friday morning.

Nicholas Watson College Captain

Henry Scurry College Vice Captain

Andrew Armstrong

Nathaniel Bond-Williams

Anthony Cammarano

Luke Carbonaro

Nicholas Caruso

Austin Cawley

Jacob Cicirello

Brodie Clark

Jason De Gennaro

Ryan De Gennaro

Christian Edwards

Benjamin Elsbury

Jacob Fitzpatrick

Thomas Gleeson

Jayden Goncalves

Joshua Lacey

Ned Marshall

Finlay Martin

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Thomas McKell

Nicholas McMahon

Jack Meakins

Daniele Monaco

Tom Monaghan

Julian Nardi

Gabriel Newman

David Oliveri

Joel Pangiarella

Julian Phillips

Henry Rogerson

Samuel Sheridan

Millen Sjerp

Alexander Stapleton

Brodie Telling

Ryan Thuys

Toby Tomlinson

Luke Turley

Darcy Sunter

Leon Viti

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 7

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

Master Mind Australia January Preparation Programme The January Preparation Programme aims to prepare students for Term 1 (2017) before the academic year begins. The classes will revise those important components from the 2016 syllabus that are vital for success in the new-year. The programme will also preview what students can expect in their courses in 2017. Courses will be conducted at Leeming Senior High School from 18 to 25 January, 2017. Early Bird enrolment discount of 10% before Friday 19 December, 2016. Contact Dr Robert Hallam at Master Mind Australia on 9486 1377, www.mastermindaustralia.com.au.

Italian Assistant Host Families for 2017 Hosting an Italian assistant provides students with the opportunity to widen their knowledge of the Italian language, culture and traditions. The Italian assistant is a university student from Italy, and the minimum duration for their stay is 11 weeks, which can be shared between two families. Host families provide free accommodation, collect and return the assistant to the airport; assist in locating and accessing day-to-day services and show the assistant some of the sights of Perth and its surroundings. The assistant is expected to help around the home for four hours a week with duties such as babysitting, cooking, tutoring of the host families’ children, gardening, etc. If you are interested in being a host, please contact silviar@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

East Fremantle Junior Tennis Classic The East Fremantle Tennis tournament will take place on Friday 16 December to Monday 19 December This is the 39th year of the tournament and we have consolation events in most draws so both serious tournament players and novice players, who are competing for the fun, can enjoy the experience. Visit the website for more information and to enter online.

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CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 5 Term 4 | Page 9

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