CBC Fremantle College Newsletter Week 10 term 2

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College Newsletter Week 10 Term 2 Friday 4 July 2014

Today’s boys...tomorrow’s gentlemen CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Front page: Zachary Harris competing in the hurdles at the Inter-House Athletics Carnival

From the Principal Lord of the Flies

Ms Rosalba Jeffreys, who produced

During this week audiences have been

the play and spent countless hours

entertained by three recitals of our College production, Lord of the Flies. This complex and enduring drama was presented courtesy of the wonderful talents of a dedicated group of students and staff. The performances of our young thespians (often acting very much out of character) delighted all members of the audience and brought much joy to proud

CBC Fremantle 51 Ellen Street Fremantle WA 6160 T 08 9336 2700 E enquiries@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au

preparing the students. Thank you also to the many other staff and students who assisted with rehearsals, helped in constructing the set or worked backstage at performances. Finally, thank you to all of the members of our community who attended this production in support of our boys.

family members. Our young men have

Athletics Carnival

gifts to share in many areas of endeavour

Our House Athletics Carnival was

and those relating to the Performing Arts

held in perfect conditions at the State

were clearly evident over these three

Athletics Centre last Friday. The style


of our Carnival promotes participation and a focus upon each competitor

Special thanks and congratulations

striving to do their best. Among the

are due to our College Drama teacher,

many outstanding performances, it was


CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Above: Lord of the Flies during rehearsal

pleasing to see so many boys engaged

Principal – Mr Domenic Burgio

in healthy competition and enjoying the

Vice Principal – Ms Marriann O’Neill

day. Congratulations to Morgan House on

Deputy Principal – Mr Brenton Butcher

their victory and to each of the individual

Head of Patrick House – Mr Adrian

award winners. You can read more about


the Carnival in the Newsroom on our website.

I am aware that many families take the opportunity to travel during the school

Semester Break

holidays and we wish each of them a safe

At the conclusion of another very busy

and enjoyable time away from home.

term which has included examinations

I look forward to re-joining you all at

and reports, I hope that all staff

the commencement of Term 4.

and students enjoy a well-deserved and revitalising break. I will be on a

Mr Shaun Kenny

combination of study and long service


leave during next term and the following staff will be assuming new responsibilities as a result:

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

In the Newsroom this week You can keep up to date with CBC Fremantle news by subscribing to the Newsroom RSS feed. Visit the College website at www.cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au and click on the Newsroom under Quick Links on the left hand side.

1 July 2014

AFL Football Grand Final double win In the South Fremantle City Football Championship, CBC Fremantle A and B sides played to victory in their division Grand Finals. Read more...

30 June 2014

House Athletics Carnival CBC Fremantle held its annual Athletics Carnival on Friday, with Morgan House coming out on top for the second year in a row. Read more...

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Calendar Week 1 Term 3 2014

College Information Uniform Shop Opening Hours The Uniform Shop will not be open during the school holidays, and will be open again on Wednesday 23 July at 8.30am to 4.00pm. No appointment is necessary.

Tuesday 22 July Term 3 commences Wednesday 23 July Early finish Year 7-12 P/T/S interviews 2.00pm-6.30pm Thursday 24 July National Chemistry Quiz

CBC City to Surf It’s time to start training for the Chevron City to Surf, which is on 31 August. Join in a training schedule with members of your CBC community to encourage your commitment to this fantastic event and raise your fitness level. Beginners training group: Tuesday and Thursday at 4.40pm All levels: Wednesday 5.30am, Friday 5.15am and Sunday 6.30am Everyone welcome! All enquiries can be directed to Sally Northeast at sallyn@cbcfremantle.wa.edu.au.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Commitment: a challenge for boys (and parents!) Our tag line “Today’s boys…tomorrow’s

would rather not do, or think they have a

things we would rather not do is not good

gentlemen” is much more than a

choice in.

training for adulthood, and certainly not

marketing tool. At CBC Fremantle, it

good practice in adulthood.

encapsulates the journey we wish for all

During the school year, there are

our boys during these important years at

several all-school events where the CBC

These events are very simple to avoid.

our College. This is a time when we hope

Fremantle community comes together.

Headaches, muscle aches, cold symptoms

that the boys’ journey of faith, physical

Some, like the College Opening Mass,

and tiredness are all offered as reasons

growth, intelligence, conscience, values

happen outside school hours, and for

for boys to avoid these occasions. We ask

and hope are built on the common values

others, such as the House Swimming and

that whatever excuse is made by your

we share as parents and teachers.

Athletics Carnivals and Edmund Rice Day,

son in avoiding College events is at least

the normal curriculum is suspended.

tested, rather than just accepted. A good

Key attributes of being a gentleman

test would be if your son, given the same

include resilience and commitment. As

The College assumes that each parent

ailment, would still be able to attend

a College, we place in front of the boys

takes on the responsibility of sharing the

his Ball, the AFL Grand Final or a family

a few very small humps to test and build

College’s values and goals, and as a result,

wedding. If the answer is yes, then they

their resilience and commitment. This is

places equal emphasis on all College

should probably get to the day, and show

never tested more than when boys are

events. Swimming and Athletics may

their commitment.

faced with challenges or activities they

not be everyone’s strength, but avoiding

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Above: College Opening Mass 2013

In each of the years I have been at CBC

events may result in any of a number of

we can ensure that he understands

Fremantle, I have witnessed boys in casts,

consequences, including withdrawal of

the importance of commitment,

wheelchairs, on crutches and clearly not

invitations to participate in College tours,

accountability, resilience and making

in optimum health make a special effort

representing the College in sporting

choices in the future that reflect

in getting to school, and helping wherever

teams, the Senior Ball or any other

positively on him, and his development

they can. This kind of commitment is

privilege that is extended over and above

into ‘tomorrow’s gentleman’.

noticed and valued. It is through the

the services covered by College fees.

support of the parents of these boys,

The concept of reciprocity is a key

Your support of the College’s position is

that these young men take a step toward

component in a healthy functioning

greatly appreciated.

the commitment necessary in being a

society. Whether you know it as ‘quid

successful adult.

pro quo’, or ‘I’ll scratch your back if

Mr Domenic Burgio

you scratch mine’, one-way obligations

Vice Principal

The Heads of House will be tracking

are a common feature in unsuccessful

students’ attendance of College events

relationships. As the boys hear regularly,

in the future. A pattern of absenting

when you are faced with a decision about

themselves from events that they don’t

commitment, it’s either ‘all in, or all out’.

see as a priority does not come without

Please use this occasion to emphasise

cost. Continual non-attendance at College

these points to your son, and together

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

CBC boys rocked by 92.9 studios By Paul Jardine-Clarke and Keane Bourke

At 92.9 the students were taken into a

studios were in use at the time, showing

vacant studio, where Ty de-mystified

just how busy the building can be, even

CBC Fremantle’s Literature and Media

radio, explaining that the music is

during non-ratings periods. The group

group was privileged to be shown

scheduled well in advance, and he has

were introduced to newsreader Conrad,

the ropes around one of Perth’s

no say in what music goes to air. He also

who explained how he became involved

most popular radio stations by Old

told the interested group that all callers

with the radio industry, and what he

Boy, Tyrone Thwaites (2008).

are pre-recorded, sometimes days in

does on a daily basis. He stressed to the

advance, and live broadcasting is on a

group the importance of perseverance

Tyrone, or Ty as he is known on air, who

30 second delay, in case there were any

and taking any opportunity in a very

is currently a casual announcer on 92.9,

major slip-ups.

competitive industry.

around the four storey Southern Austereo

The group then had the opportunity

Ty summed up the day with practical

building which houses Mix 94.5 and 92.9,

to watch live broadcasting and

advice, saying, “It’s important to find

and explained the complex world of the

see how everything comes

a career that you’re passionate about

radio studio to the enthralled students.

together in a seamless show.

and you enjoy, and if you can find one

showed the group of eight students

The two stations each occupy their own

that pays well, then that’s a bonus.”

floor of the building, being almost exact

The Mix 94.5 floor houses the newsroom

replicas of the other.

for both 92.9 and 94.5 and most of the

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

We would like to thank Ty and 92.9 for allowing us to visit the station. “It was a really valuable experience and the equipment was very impressive,” said Literature & Media student, Yusef Hourani. Organising teacher Mrs Larrisa Dodsworth stated, “It was invaluable for the boys to understand the importance of a quality social media presence, if they’re looking into this industry and the importance of gaining experience and contacts.” Above left: Literature & Media boys in the studios Right: Tyrone Thwaites explaining how a radio station operates

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

S&E celebrates culture around the world This week CBC Fremantle celebrated

I would like to thank all the S&E staff

Society & Environment Week, enjoying

for all the effort that has been put

fun activities with an educational

into making this a very successful and


interactive week.

The World Fair on Tuesday was a

Craig Carter

celebration of culture from around

Head of Society and Environment

the world and provided a deeper understanding of the poverty of a number of countries. There was also a guess-thehat competition, where different cultures and historical figures were matched with teachers sporting various headwear; and a debate between CBC boys and Iona on the controversial topic, ‘men have made a greater contribution to history than women’.

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Mums raising teenage boys The Parent Auxiliary is again running the

in the development of their son’s identity

parenting teenage boys from a more

‘Mums Raising Teenage Boys” seminars

including their ability to be nurturing.

‘solo’ perspective and gives mums useful

which have been very successful for the

This in turn affects how they relate to

and supportive strategies to help them

last two years.

others, particularly to girls and women.

meet challenges more effectively.

Mums Raising Teenage Boys

The cost of each event is $10 with the

Monday 4 August, 6.30pm – 9.00pm

Mums Raising Boys In A Solo Parent Or Fly In, Fly Out Family

Cost: $10.00

Tuesday 5 August, 6.00pm – 8.30pm.

Places are limited to 25 mums per

Cost: $10.00

workshop. To secure your place,

College again supporting both evenings.

book online at the College website

However well-prepared mothers are logically, the emotional response to

When your partner is regularly away or

www.cbcfremantle.com.au. The link is

having a boy is often still, “Wow! This is

when you are a solo parent different

under Quick Links on the left hand side.

unknown territory”. It is true that for

family life challenges can result. Often

many mothers, the idea of raising a son

there are specific emotional and practical

carries its own set of worries.

difficulties to manage such as feeling

Parent Auxiliary

isolated or lonely, or not having a partner As the primary female role model in a

available to deal with discipline and other

boy’s life, mothers play an important role

parenting issues. This seminar explores

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Community Notices It is the policy of CBC Fremantle to distribute information when requested regarding community activities and details about educational programmes. This does not imply that CBC endorses these activities or the information. Please provide information in an unformatted Word document to enquiries@CBCFremantle.wa.edu.au. Submissions will be accepted at the discretion of CBC Fremantle.

What does the Universe Story teach us about community? Explore the Josephite Spiritual Homeland and discover the different pathways that give expression to the call to Religious Life. An invitation to young women and men ‌ A time of reflection, sharing, prayer and companionship. When: 5.00pm to 8.00pm Thursday 10 July 2014 Where: Mary MacKillop Center, 16 York Street, South Perth RSVP: Alma Cabassi rsj: cabassi@gmail.com, 0419 044 136 or Leonie Mayne rsj: 0437 120 337

Embracing Womanhood A day of reflection for women of all ages with Sr Ann Cullinane • A spiritual dimension over a cup of tea Saturday 5 July 9am to 3pm Sts John & Paul Catholic Church Parish Hall, 5 Ingham Court, Willetton For registrations please call Mandy Dunlop 0414 425 560 or Su Goh 0413 560 033 Cost : $10 includes morning tea and light lunch

Tennis coaching @ the Melville Tennis Centre School Holiday Clinics available and Term 3 lessons for kids and adults. Call Glen 0433 340 646 or email glen@poptennis.com.au www.poptennis.com.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

Day immersion to Pinjarra An opportunity to journey with George Walley to hear the indigenous story of Pinjarra This is for people interested in participating in a day immersion to Pinjarra. George Walley will be our storyteller and cultural guide. On this journey you will be invited to be present to the Indigenous story of Pinjarra and be challenged to find connections with your own story. The following days have been negotiated with George: Saturday 23 August or Monday 25 August 2014. In addition you will be required to attend a two hour evening briefing session to prepare for the day and a reflection morning after the immersion. There will be a cost involved to cover transport and speakers fees. If you are interested contact Donella Brown by 30 June 30 Mobile 0488 699 198 or email: dmbrown@edmundrice.org

Do you suffer with atopic dermatitis (eczema)? Rsearchers at Fremantle Dermatology are investigating a new treatment for mild to moderate atopic dermatitis in patients aged between 10 to 70 years. This is a pharmaceutical company sponsored clinical trial which has been approved by Bellberry Human Research Ethics Committee. For more information contact Ron on 9430 4488 or email ron@fremantledermatology.com.au

CBC Fremantle Newsletter | Week 10 Term 2

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